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作者 杜泽逊 《图书馆工作与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期40-40,共1页
关键词 《四库提要·西野遗稿》 《四库全书总目》 古籍书目 书评
作者 沈艽 《艺苑》 2013年第5期76-78,共3页
关键词 西野康造 西方文化 禅宗 日本传统文化
作者 王梅 《中国食品》 2015年第11期39-39,共1页
青海省十二届人大常委会第十九次会议审查批准了《海西蒙古族藏族自治州野生枸杞保护条例》。新出台的《海西蒙古族藏族自治州野生枸杞保护条例》规定,每年的6月1日-7月31日为野生枸杞叶的采集期,8月1日-10月31日为野生枸杞果的采集期,... 青海省十二届人大常委会第十九次会议审查批准了《海西蒙古族藏族自治州野生枸杞保护条例》。新出台的《海西蒙古族藏族自治州野生枸杞保护条例》规定,每年的6月1日-7月31日为野生枸杞叶的采集期,8月1日-10月31日为野生枸杞果的采集期,其余时间为禁采期。 展开更多
关键词 集期 会议审查 枸杞果 西野 枸杞叶 草原植被 黑枸杞 违法所得 优良乡土树种 价值原
作者 西野 《诗刊》 北大核心 2005年第8期29-29,共1页
关键词 春天 西野
作者 向才银 《中国林业》 2008年第11期30-31,共2页
她曾经是不幸的,战火纷飞的年代让她背井离乡流落中国;她又是幸运的,宽厚博爱的中国土家人温暖了她受伤的心灵。西野文子,一个80多岁的日本老人,在土家山寨生活了60多年,她对中国、对土家山寨那份浓浓的情和爱感动着我们。这个有着传奇... 她曾经是不幸的,战火纷飞的年代让她背井离乡流落中国;她又是幸运的,宽厚博爱的中国土家人温暖了她受伤的心灵。西野文子,一个80多岁的日本老人,在土家山寨生活了60多年,她对中国、对土家山寨那份浓浓的情和爱感动着我们。这个有着传奇色彩的女人,用半个世纪的风雨人生,书写了一段不了的中国情缘。 展开更多
关键词 土家山寨 西野文子 柑橘 环境保护
作者 杨建虎 《六盘山》 2010年第4期80-80,共1页
关键词 西野 唐诗宋词 九十年代 霜痕 里尔克 聂鲁达 西部山区 一叶扁舟 特曼 组织工作
作者 王西野 《苏州杂志》 2017年第4期F0002-F0002,I0001-I0004,F0003,共6页
关键词 西野 水墨
Genetic Diversity of Gli-1,Gli-2 and Glu-1 Alleles Among Chinese Endemic Wheats 被引量:16
作者 魏育明 郑有良 +4 位作者 周永红 刘登才 兰秀锦 颜泽洪 张志清 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第8期834-839,共6页
Genetic diversity at Gli_1, Gli_2 and Glu_1 loci was investigated in 32 accessions of Chinese endemic wheat by using acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (APAGE) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)_PAGE. There were 8 ... Genetic diversity at Gli_1, Gli_2 and Glu_1 loci was investigated in 32 accessions of Chinese endemic wheat by using acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (APAGE) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)_PAGE. There were 8 gliadin and 3 high_molecular_weight (HMW)_glutenin patterns in 14 Yunnan hulled wheat ( Triticum aestivum ssp. yunnanese King) accessions, 9 gliadin and 4 HMW_glutenin patterns in 9 Tibetan weedrace ( T. aestivum ssp. tibetanum Shao ) accessions, and 9 gliadin and 5 HMW_glutenin patterns in 9 Xinjiang rice wheat ( T. petropavlovskyi Udacz. et Migusch.) accessions. One accession (i.e. Daomai 2) carried new subunits 2.1+10.1 encoded by Glu_D1. Among the three Chinese endemic wheat groups, a total of 10, 14 and 11 alleles at Gli_1 locus; 11, 14 and 12 alleles at Gli_2 locus; and 5, 6 and 8 alleles at Glu_1 locus were identified, respectively. Among Yunnan hulled wheat, Tibetan weedrace and Xinjiang rice wheat, the Nei's genetic variation indexes were 0.3798, 0.5625 and 0.5693, respectively. These results suggested that Tibetan weedrace and Xinjiang rice wheat had higher genetic diversity than Yunnan hulled wheat. 展开更多
关键词 Yunnan hulled wheat Tibetan weedrace Xinjiang rice wheat genetic diversity gliadin alleles high_molecular_weight (HMW)_glutenin alleles
Study on the Flowering,Fruiting and Seed Setting Characteristic of Wild Watermelon 被引量:1
作者 何雪娇 饶贵珍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第11期133-136,共4页
[Objective] The flowering,fruiting and seed setting characteristic of wild watermelon were discussed in our paper.[Method] The flowering and fruiting habit of wild watermelon were observed,and the effect of different ... [Objective] The flowering,fruiting and seed setting characteristic of wild watermelon were discussed in our paper.[Method] The flowering and fruiting habit of wild watermelon were observed,and the effect of different pollination methods(mixed pollination,single flower pollination and natural pollination)on fruit set percentage,weight per fruit,seeds per fruit and thousand-seed weight of wild watermelon were studied in our paper.[Result] Wild watermelon had few female flowers and low fruit set percentage;artificial pollination could not increase the fruit set percentage of wild watermelon obviously,but it could improve weight per fruit,seed yield and quality significantly,and mixed pollination was the best.[Conclusion] Our study could provide reference for the improvement of hybrid seed yield and quality of wild watermelon. 展开更多
关键词 Wild watermelon Flowering and fruiting habit Pollination method
作者 韩延明 《考试(高考文科版)》 2015年第13期94-94,共1页
"烟霞满纸"是一个使用频率较低的成语,因此,不少人在使用时往往不求甚解,极容易望文生义,造成误用,纵使一些媒体、"大家"也不例外。著名文化学者余秋雨曾为南京市钟山景区写了一篇碑文,最后一句话是:"主事者... "烟霞满纸"是一个使用频率较低的成语,因此,不少人在使用时往往不求甚解,极容易望文生义,造成误用,纵使一些媒体、"大家"也不例外。著名文化学者余秋雨曾为南京市钟山景区写了一篇碑文,最后一句话是:"主事者命余作文,方落数语,已烟霞满纸,心旷神怡。"把这半文半白的话翻译成口语就是"负责人请我写碑文,我刚写了几句,满纸就全是精彩的文字,感觉真是爽极了。"最早用"烟霞满纸"来赞誉别人佳作的是元代刘敏中。 展开更多
关键词 主事者 余秋雨 文化学者 刘敏中 清平乐 西野 朱中楣 敬谦 佳篇 黄山谷
《百科探秘(海底世界)》 2016年第5期48-48,共1页
标本中的模范生。长得一模一样的标本。专家解惑模式标本,即作为规定的典型标本。以鱼类为例,鱼的种类繁多,各地的叫法也千差万别。为了让这些称呼与其所指的物种之间有固定的查核依据,每确立一个新鱼种时,除了用必要的文字描述及图表... 标本中的模范生。长得一模一样的标本。专家解惑模式标本,即作为规定的典型标本。以鱼类为例,鱼的种类繁多,各地的叫法也千差万别。为了让这些称呼与其所指的物种之间有固定的查核依据,每确立一个新鱼种时,除了用必要的文字描述及图表解释外,还需将确定鱼种学名时所使用的标本特别收藏,作为今后稽考的关键资料,这种鱼类标本就是模式标本。 展开更多
关键词 模式标本 文字描述 名时 棱皮龟 拯物 策棱 西野 物波 濒临灭绝
作者 西野 《少年电脑世界》 2011年第11期58-59,共2页
淀粉们好。西野又出现了!和以往一样,西野每期会出现两次。不过这一次和以往稍有不同,因为西野本期并没有带来《摩尔勇士》的攻略。八爪鱼阅读了几期的淀粉反馈。从中得知淀粉们对《摩尔勇士》并不感冒,所以我俩经过商议对“赛尔异... 淀粉们好。西野又出现了!和以往一样,西野每期会出现两次。不过这一次和以往稍有不同,因为西野本期并没有带来《摩尔勇士》的攻略。八爪鱼阅读了几期的淀粉反馈。从中得知淀粉们对《摩尔勇士》并不感冒,所以我俩经过商议对“赛尔异族”栏目进行了调整。 展开更多
关键词 《赛尔号2》 西野 《摩尔勇士》 游戏介绍
《中国供销商情(村官)》 2003年第12期22-22,共1页
一、南京市民日啖板栗百余吨 国庆期间,南京市民每天消费板栗100多吨。华东地区最大的板栗市场——南京农贸中心干货市场国庆期间日销售200多吨,除50%向浙、皖及苏北辐射外,其余的均为南京市民消费。
关键词 市民消费 华东地区 山栗 四成 市民生活水平 专营店 长江以南 期日 西野 开花坐果期
《农村天地》 2005年第2期53-53,共1页
小柳编 大效益 随着人们生活水平和消费水平的提高, 柳制工艺品越来越受人们的青睐。山东省莒 南县道口乡西野埠村村民在村支部书记汲长 坤的带领下,依靠当地丰富的柳条资源,靠 柳编走上了致富路。 "冬闲人不闲"。西野埠村村... 小柳编 大效益 随着人们生活水平和消费水平的提高, 柳制工艺品越来越受人们的青睐。山东省莒 南县道口乡西野埠村村民在村支部书记汲长 坤的带领下,依靠当地丰富的柳条资源,靠 柳编走上了致富路。 "冬闲人不闲"。西野埠村村民忙的不亦 乐乎,他们利用冬闲,编出了各式各样的柳 制工艺品。为了方便村民销售,汲长坤书记 自己办起了工艺品厂。把产品汇总后,一起 交到临沐、郯城等工艺品厂出口国外。小小 柳编厂,在"编"出大效益的同时,也带动 了当地经济发展。 展开更多
关键词 市场信息 道口乡 埠村 西野 经济发展 消费水平 生活水平 生态农业 华星集团 制管机
作者 荒也 《电影世界》 2016年第8期124-125,共2页
已过花甲之年的黑泽清保持着旺盛的创作力,今年内连续推出《毛骨悚然》和《底片上的女人》。《底片上的女子》作为首次执导的外语片,由法国出资,在法国拍摄,法国本土演员出演。这显然是恐怖电影大师在世界得到认可的又一次佐证。不过在... 已过花甲之年的黑泽清保持着旺盛的创作力,今年内连续推出《毛骨悚然》和《底片上的女人》。《底片上的女子》作为首次执导的外语片,由法国出资,在法国拍摄,法国本土演员出演。这显然是恐怖电影大师在世界得到认可的又一次佐证。不过在法国这片不相信幽灵的土地上,黑泽恐怖美学也要经受不小的考验。 展开更多
关键词 电影大师 柏林电影节 创作力 香川照之 竹内结子 西野 自由奔放 现在进行时 推理小说 室内设计
Perception and Attitudes of Local Communities Towards Wild Elephant-related Problems and Conservation in Xishuangbanna,Southwestern China 被引量:8
作者 HE Qingcheng WU Zhaolu +1 位作者 ZHOU Wai DONG Rui 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期629-636,共8页
The problem of wild elephants, or human-elephant conflict (HEC), influences the daily life of local communities and hinders the conservation of wild elephants.The perception and attitudes of local communities who inha... The problem of wild elephants, or human-elephant conflict (HEC), influences the daily life of local communities and hinders the conservation of wild elephants.The perception and attitudes of local communities who inhabited the frontiers between human activities and wild elephant movement are important to the mitigation of the HEC and conservation of wild elephants. To analyze the perception and attitudes of local communities, the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) was used in the investigation of 423 interviewees from 22 villages in Xishuangbanna from July 2009 to February 2010. The results indicated that local communities had their views on the elephant-related problems. In field survey, we found that 66.5% of interviewees were willing to support, participate in, and assist in the conservation of wild elephants;33.5% of interviewees were opposed or indifferent to such conservation, because their livelihoods and even their lives were endangered by wild elephants. These views and attitudes were influenced by local communities′perception of HEC, education level, gender and self-interest. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the diverse views among local communities and balance profits and costs in addressing HEC. 展开更多
关键词 human-elephant conflict (HEC) local community participatory rural appraisal (PRA) XISHUANGBANNA
The List of Wild Mammals of Illegal Trade in China
作者 殷西林 余经裕 彭建军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第1期149-151,共3页
This paper illustrates the illegal trade of wild animals in China from 1996 to 2014 by referring to previously reported references and data. There have been83 species(22 families, 8 orders) of wild mammals illegally... This paper illustrates the illegal trade of wild animals in China from 1996 to 2014 by referring to previously reported references and data. There have been83 species(22 families, 8 orders) of wild mammals illegally traded and smuggled in China, mainly found in the southwest border, especially in Yunnan and Guangxi.Smuggling has seriously affected the ecological security of China, so it is necessary to intensify efforts to fight such crime, and enhance the people’s awareness of wildlife protection. 展开更多
关键词 Wild animal TRADE Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Yunnan Province
Maison du Bresil: A Student Residence for the Brazilian Elite in Paris
作者 Ceres Karam Brum 《Sociology Study》 2011年第1期31-48,共18页
This paper presents some thoughts about the Maison du Bresil. The objective is to research this temporary residency for researchers through the meanings that characterize it as a Brazilian territory in Paris and throu... This paper presents some thoughts about the Maison du Bresil. The objective is to research this temporary residency for researchers through the meanings that characterize it as a Brazilian territory in Paris and through the very belonging to the category elite as a peculiarity of its residents. The author wish to analyze the international circulation of students and researchers that live there and have an educational experience of multiple dimensions as experiences of deterritorialization of identities and its consequences in a housing space which is at the same time in public and private. Based on documental analysis and ethnographic fieldwork, the paper presents some aspects of the history and the everyday life of the Maison du Bresil and Paris' Cite Internationale Universitaire. Also, it intends to show how the meanings of Brazilianness are used as support for the identity crisis lived by the members of a supposed Brazilian elite in Paris, as it analyzes the particularities of the mediations established by the residents of the Maison du Bresil, in the formation and international insertion of some researchers. 展开更多
关键词 ELITE TERRITORY student residence Brazilianness educational experiences
The Drive to Develop China's West: An Inclusive Perspective
作者 魏后凯 谢先树 《China Economist》 2011年第4期16-25,共10页
Since the launching of the western regional development program in 1999, the Chinese government has implemented a series of policy measures related to finance, taxation, investment, banking, and other related fields. ... Since the launching of the western regional development program in 1999, the Chinese government has implemented a series of policy measures related to finance, taxation, investment, banking, and other related fields. This combination of policies has stimulated socioeconomic growth and ecological improvement in China's western regions and has effectively curbed the runaway gap between the east and west, even causing the gap to begin shrinking gradually. However, it should be noted that the development gap between China's eastern and western regions remains significant, as demonstrated by the west's low level of industrial^commercial development, local governments' limited capacity to provide public services, and endemic rural poverty. Thus, achieving the targets outlined in the western regional development program remains a challenging task. In the future, China's western development program should emphasize a higher standard of living and coordinated, inclusive growth across regions. 展开更多
关键词 China western regional development program regional coordinateddevelopment inclusive growth
作者 舟桥和郞 钱塘人 文玉 《中国电视》 北大核心 1989年第2期34-35,37-46,共12页
关键词 水泥森林 绿子 西野 打字室 电梯门 摇摇头 子一 我的女儿 回过头 相信你
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