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关于棋盘k-L形覆盖一个猜想的研究 被引量:2
作者 陈景林 董会英 《河北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2002年第1期18-20,共3页
对棋盘 k L形覆盖的一个猜想进行了分析与讨论 ,证明了其在限定条件下的正确性 ;举出取消限定条件后的反例 ;同时就这个问题提出了新的猜想 .
关键词 棋盘覆盖 k-L覆盖 猜想 组合数学 完全覆盖 覆盖形
作者 罗玉 钟珞 《武汉理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期117-119,145,共4页
提出了一种求解破损平面k-L形覆盖问题的剪枝搜索算法。该算法先将k-L形分解为顶格和底格的组合,并将整个平面做相应分解构成候选集合,再利用剪枝搜索算法对平面进行搜索,找到相匹配的组合,通过逐步求精的方法以得到接近于最优解的覆盖... 提出了一种求解破损平面k-L形覆盖问题的剪枝搜索算法。该算法先将k-L形分解为顶格和底格的组合,并将整个平面做相应分解构成候选集合,再利用剪枝搜索算法对平面进行搜索,找到相匹配的组合,通过逐步求精的方法以得到接近于最优解的覆盖方案。实验结果表明,该算法在处理小规模破损平面k-L形的覆盖问题上是有效的。 展开更多
关键词 破损平面 k-L覆盖形 剪枝法 搜索算法
基于GS理论与神经网络的汽车覆盖件成形优化 被引量:8
作者 熊文韬 刘泓滨 +1 位作者 孙元贵 邓利君 《兵器材料科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期84-89,共6页
利用GS理论和神经网络遗传算法函数寻优法,搭乘非线性有限元分析软件Dynaform,对轻型卡车左后侧围外板拉延成形过程工艺参数寻优,以解决该零件在成形过程中出现的破裂和过度减薄质量缺陷。将GS理论和正交试验设计相结合,获得各工艺参数... 利用GS理论和神经网络遗传算法函数寻优法,搭乘非线性有限元分析软件Dynaform,对轻型卡车左后侧围外板拉延成形过程工艺参数寻优,以解决该零件在成形过程中出现的破裂和过度减薄质量缺陷。将GS理论和正交试验设计相结合,获得各工艺参数组合下的最大减薄率,并对获取的数据进行灰色关联度分析,找出影响减薄率的两个主要因素,即冲压速度和压边力;基于神经网络遗传算法函数寻优模型,借助拉丁超立方抽样对选出的两个主要因素进行随机抽样,将冲压速度和压边力作为输入,最大减薄率作为输出,获得输入与输出之间的非线性映射关系,并获得BP神经网络预测结果。最后,将预测结果进行个体适应度值计算,得到全局最优解和对应输入值。对比优化前后的数值模拟结果以及实验结果可知,采用此方法所得的工艺参数组合可有效提高板料成形的性能和质量。 展开更多
关键词 汽车覆盖件拉延成 灰色关联分析 拉丁超立方抽样 神经网络遗传算法 参数优化
新辅助放疗低位前切除术大网膜成形袖套覆盖吻合口治疗低位直肠癌的疗效观察 被引量:1
作者 唐毓林 叶海洪 +6 位作者 李振洪 张涌泉 甘雨 许景洪 李立志 黄文文 黄正锋 《广西医学》 CAS 2009年第1期52-53,共2页
目的探讨低位直肠癌新辅助放疗低位前切除术大网膜成形袖套覆盖吻合口预防术后吻合口漏的作用。方法将低位直肠癌121例,行新辅助放疗低位前切除术,其中60例(治疗组)术中常规吻合后用大网膜成形袖套覆盖吻合口,61例(对照组)术中仅常规吻... 目的探讨低位直肠癌新辅助放疗低位前切除术大网膜成形袖套覆盖吻合口预防术后吻合口漏的作用。方法将低位直肠癌121例,行新辅助放疗低位前切除术,其中60例(治疗组)术中常规吻合后用大网膜成形袖套覆盖吻合口,61例(对照组)术中仅常规吻合,观察两组患者术后的临床疗效。结果治疗组60例均无吻合口漏发生,对照组61例中有6例(9.8%)出现吻合口漏,治疗组吻合口漏发生率低于对照组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论大网膜成形袖套覆盖吻合口是预防低位直肠癌新辅助放疗低位前切除术后吻合口漏的有效方法之一。 展开更多
关键词 低位直肠癌 新辅助放疗 大网膜成袖套覆盖吻合口 低位前切除术
作者 郑超 毕见强 +2 位作者 宋立彬 赵国群 张存生 《实验科学与技术》 2021年第3期99-105,共7页
针对汽车覆盖件成形实验教学存在的突出问题,山东大学材料成型及控制工程专业基于面向学生成长要求、面向产业发展需求、面向科技创新前沿、面向全程实践育人“四个面向”开展了实验教学改革探索。提出了通过高校与企业、虚拟与现实、... 针对汽车覆盖件成形实验教学存在的突出问题,山东大学材料成型及控制工程专业基于面向学生成长要求、面向产业发展需求、面向科技创新前沿、面向全程实践育人“四个面向”开展了实验教学改革探索。提出了通过高校与企业、虚拟与现实、科研与教学的“三融合”构建实验教学平台的思路,形成了高校教师、企业工程师、研究生、本科生“四位一体”的实验教学培养模式。汽车覆盖件成形实验教学平台由专业实验、课程实验、综合实验和创新实验4个模块构成,通过层次化、渐进式的实验项目,实现了实验内容难度逐步提升、学生工程能力渐次培养。连续多年教学实践表明,该平台的建设与应用提高了学生开展实验教学的认同感、获得感和成就感,促进了学生工程能力和创新能力的提升。 展开更多
关键词 材料成型及控制工程 汽车覆盖件成 汽车覆盖件模具 实验教学改革
作者 鄢敏 刘良瑞 《黄冈职业技术学院学报》 2008年第1期92-94,共3页
关键词 U覆盖 数值分析 建模
作者 周琳 陈飚 《西部素质教育》 2020年第21期179-180,共2页
关键词 “以学生为中心” 课堂教学 “汽车覆盖件冲压成工艺与产品检验”课程
板材成形缺陷及其数值仿真 被引量:13
作者 胡平 柳玉起 李运兴 《应用基础与工程科学学报》 EI CSCD 1999年第1期45-60,共16页
以典型冲压件及冲压过程为例,介绍自行研制的覆盖件成形与模具设计CAE软件系统对板材成形缺陷,即鼓动、起皱、破裂与回弹的数值仿真结果及与实验结果的比较.旨在检验金属塑性成形屈服准则、塑性流动本构理论以及动边界摩擦约束处... 以典型冲压件及冲压过程为例,介绍自行研制的覆盖件成形与模具设计CAE软件系统对板材成形缺陷,即鼓动、起皱、破裂与回弹的数值仿真结果及与实验结果的比较.旨在检验金属塑性成形屈服准则、塑性流动本构理论以及动边界摩擦约束处理方法的有效性,进而为解决金属覆盖件塑性加工成形与模具制造工业面临的关键力学问题提供有效的数学工具. 展开更多
关键词 覆盖件成 板材成缺陷 CAE软件系统
多步逆成形有限元法中间构型初始解预示算法 被引量:4
作者 张向奎 王峰 +2 位作者 刘伟杰 董亚亚 王甜驹 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第24期118-125,共8页
在逆成形有限元法中,为考虑加载路径的影响,针对不同成形类型阶段引入中间构型,整个过程被划分为多阶段成形过程,即多步逆成形有限元法,一个好的中间构型初始解的构造是其中的关键问题之一。针对中间构型初始解的构造,提出一种基于滑移... 在逆成形有限元法中,为考虑加载路径的影响,针对不同成形类型阶段引入中间构型,整个过程被划分为多阶段成形过程,即多步逆成形有限元法,一个好的中间构型初始解的构造是其中的关键问题之一。针对中间构型初始解的构造,提出一种基于滑移约束曲面的节点反向映射法:利用板材的纯几何弯曲效应构造出弯曲构型,经过伪最小面积法优化后生成空间滑移约束曲面;投影展平的最终构型网格面到展平滑移约束曲面网格中,利用面积坐标计算出所有投影节点的坐标;投影节点反向映射回到空间滑移约束曲面上,构造出对应中间构型的初始解。另外,针对中间构型初始解构造中可能出现部分节点无投影区域的问题,给出一种扩展空间滑移约束曲面轮廓的解决方法。零件的数值算例验证相应算法的可行性与有效性。 展开更多
关键词 覆盖件成 多步逆成 滑移约束曲面 初始解 轮廓扩展
谷子旱地渗水地膜全覆盖精密穴播高产技术研究 被引量:11
作者 姚建民 李文刚 +3 位作者 杨瑞平 卫一超 翟义英 毕昕媛 《山西农业科学》 2014年第11期1183-1185,1196,共4页
20世纪80年代初到90年代中期,山西普通地膜旱地谷子产量不断降低,渗水地膜由此发明并运用于旱地谷子种植。渗水地膜和2MB-1/4型铺膜穴播机组装配套形成的渗水地膜波浪形全覆盖精密穴播技术,是旱地谷子高产示范模式。连续2 a在山西省神... 20世纪80年代初到90年代中期,山西普通地膜旱地谷子产量不断降低,渗水地膜由此发明并运用于旱地谷子种植。渗水地膜和2MB-1/4型铺膜穴播机组装配套形成的渗水地膜波浪形全覆盖精密穴播技术,是旱地谷子高产示范模式。连续2 a在山西省神池县红崖子村进行了渗水模式和普通模式对比试验。结果表明,渗水地膜波浪形全覆盖精密穴播技术模式增产效果明显,水分利用率、地积温、土壤养分、微生物活性等综合微生态环境得到改善和合理的非均衡群体结构是其增产的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 谷子 渗水地膜 旱地 波浪覆盖 渗水模式 普通模式 2MB-1/4铺膜播种机
生物降解渗水地膜覆盖旱地谷子试验 被引量:13
作者 姚建民 毕昕媛 +2 位作者 尚武平 李文婷 李瑞珍 《山西农业科学》 2020年第2期198-202,259,共6页
生物降解渗水地膜覆盖技术是协调解决农田白色污染问题和高效利用天然降水资源、提高旱地农作物产量的重要途径。对研制成的1 300 mm×0.007 mm PPC基生物降解渗水地膜覆盖旱地谷子进行试验。结果表明,在谷子生育前期有较好的增温... 生物降解渗水地膜覆盖技术是协调解决农田白色污染问题和高效利用天然降水资源、提高旱地农作物产量的重要途径。对研制成的1 300 mm×0.007 mm PPC基生物降解渗水地膜覆盖旱地谷子进行试验。结果表明,在谷子生育前期有较好的增温、保墒功能;在谷子生育后期,地膜降解效果良好;与2MB-1/3铺膜穴播机结合集成的技术模式,有延长膜的安全期和促进作物增产的作用。测试表明,45 d内0~60 cm土壤含水率比PE地膜的高0.56百分点;65 d内5 cm地温的增温作用与PE地膜的基本一致;膜面出现裂解时间50 d左右,180 d后地面膜的质量残留率为36.8%,土壤中膜的质量残留率为28.8%。 展开更多
关键词 生物降解 渗水地膜 谷子 穴播机 波浪覆盖 旱地
Sheet Metal Forming Simulation and Its Application in Stamping Process of Automobile Panels 被引量:4
作者 张扬 张连洪 +1 位作者 李双义 王洪志 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2002年第4期269-272,共4页
The paper starts with a brief overview to the necessity of sheet metal forming simulation and the complexity of automobile panel forming, then leads to finite element analysis (FEA) which is a powerful simulation too... The paper starts with a brief overview to the necessity of sheet metal forming simulation and the complexity of automobile panel forming, then leads to finite element analysis (FEA) which is a powerful simulation tool for analyzing complex three-dimensional sheet metal forming problems. The theory and features of the dynamic explicit finite element methods are introduced and the available various commercial finite element method codes used for sheet metal forming simulation in the world are discussed,and the civil and international status quo of automobile panel simulation as well. The front door outer panel of one certain new automobile is regarded as one example that the dynamic explicit FEM code Dynaform is used for the simulation of the front door outer panel forming process. Process defects such as ruptures are predicted. The improving methods can be given according to the simulation results. Foreground of sheet metal forming simulation is outlined. 展开更多
关键词 finite element analysis dynamic explicit methods sheet metal forming finite element method codes automobile panel computer simulation APPLICATION
金属塑性加工在汽车工业中的应用 被引量:6
作者 许言午 《锻压装备与制造技术》 北大核心 2003年第1期13-19,共7页
通过分析塑性加工在汽车制造业的应用,系统地阐述了金属塑性加工生产、工程、研发现状和发展趋势;对塑性加工的发展领域和研发项目进行了详细的论证、预测;结合中国汽车工业的现状和发展,明确提出了塑性加工和汽车覆盖件模具制造业的发... 通过分析塑性加工在汽车制造业的应用,系统地阐述了金属塑性加工生产、工程、研发现状和发展趋势;对塑性加工的发展领域和研发项目进行了详细的论证、预测;结合中国汽车工业的现状和发展,明确提出了塑性加工和汽车覆盖件模具制造业的发展方向和相关项目,对中国汽车业金属塑性加工技术升级和新产品、新技术开发提出了建议。 展开更多
关键词 汽车工业 塑性加工 汽车制造 覆盖件成性工程 发展方向
A generalized cover renewal strategy for multiple crack propagation in two-dimensional numerical manifold method 被引量:1
作者 YU Chang-yi ZHENG Fei +1 位作者 GUO Bing-chuan LIU Qin-ya 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第8期2367-2381,共15页
Partition of unity based numerical manifold method can solve continuous and discontinuous problems in a unified framework with a two-cover system,i.e.,the mathematical cover and physical cover.However,renewal of the t... Partition of unity based numerical manifold method can solve continuous and discontinuous problems in a unified framework with a two-cover system,i.e.,the mathematical cover and physical cover.However,renewal of the topology of the two-cover system poses a challenge for multiple crack propagation problems and there are few references.In this study,a robust and efficient strategy is proposed to update the cover system of the numerical manifold method in simulation of multiple crack propagation problems.The proposed algorithm updates the cover system with a bottom-up process:1)identification of fractured manifold elements according to the previous and latest crack tip position;and 2)local topological update of the manifold elements,physical patches,block boundary loops,and non-persistent joint loops according to the scenario classification of the propagating crack.The proposed crack tracking strategy and classification of the renewal cases promote a robust and efficient cover renewal algorithm for multiple crack propagation analysis.Three crack propagation examples show that the proposed algorithm performs well in updating the cover system.This cover renewal methodology can be extended for numerical manifold method with polygonal mathematical covers. 展开更多
关键词 numerical manifold method multiple crack propagation physical cover renewal polygonal mathematical cover
Accuracy assessment of ICESat-2 ATL 08 terrain estimates:A case study in Spain 被引量:5
作者 ZHU Jun YANG Pan-feng +2 位作者 LI Yi XIE Yan-zhou FU Hai-qiang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期226-238,共13页
The Ice,Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite-2(ICESat-2),a new spaceborne light detection and ranging(LiDAR)system,was successfully launched on September 15,2018.The ICESat-2 data increase the types of spaceborne LiDAR ... The Ice,Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite-2(ICESat-2),a new spaceborne light detection and ranging(LiDAR)system,was successfully launched on September 15,2018.The ICESat-2 data increase the types of spaceborne LiDAR data archive and provide new control point data for large-scale topographic mapping and geodetic surveying.However,the accuracy of the ATL 08 terrain estimates has not been fully evaluated on a large scale and in complex terrain conditions.This article aims to quantitatively assess the accuracy of ICESat-2 ATL 08 terrain estimates.Firstly,the ICESat-2 ATL 08 terrain estimates were compared with the high-precision airborne LiDAR digital terrain model(DTM),and impacts of acquisition time,vegetation cover type,terrain slope,and season change on the terrain estimation accuracy were analyzed.We get the following conclusions from the analysis:1)the mean and RMSE of the terrain estimates of day acquisitions are 0.22 m and 0.59 m higher than that of night acquisitions;2)the accuracy of the ATL 08 terrain estimates acquired in vegetated areas is lower than those in non-vegetated areas;3)the accuracy of the ATL 08 terrain estimates is inversely proportional to the slope,and the elevation error increases significantly when the terrain slope is larger than 30°;4)in the non-vegetation covered area,the accuracy of the ATL 08 terrain estimates of summer and winter acquisitions has no obvious discrepancy,but in vegetated area,the accuracy of winter acquisitions is significantly better than that of summer acquisitions.This research provides references for the selection and application of ICESat-2 data. 展开更多
关键词 ICESat-2 ATL 08 terrain estimates accuracy assessment complex terrain vegetation cover type
作者 张秋翀 柳玉起 章志兵 《汽车工艺与材料》 2016年第6期51-54,共4页
面向工业4.0提出了拉深筋等效模型与几何模型集成优化方法。该方法基于有限元数值模拟,首先快速优化拉深筋等效模型,然后基于CATIA平台自动生成拉深筋几何模型,并自动优化拉深筋几何模型参数,快速得到拉深筋的合理分布结果,极大地提高... 面向工业4.0提出了拉深筋等效模型与几何模型集成优化方法。该方法基于有限元数值模拟,首先快速优化拉深筋等效模型,然后基于CATIA平台自动生成拉深筋几何模型,并自动优化拉深筋几何模型参数,快速得到拉深筋的合理分布结果,极大地提高了拉深筋设计效率。 展开更多
关键词 拉深筋 优化 覆盖件成
Spatial Distribution of Land Cover and Vegetation Activity along Topographic Gradient in an Arid River Valley, SW China 被引量:2
作者 LIU Wen XU Xianli +2 位作者 LUO Jiancheng SHEN Zhanfeng ZHONG Qiuhai 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第3期274-285,共12页
Anthropogenic activities have become more and more important in characterizing the landscape, but their impacts are still restricted by natural environments. This paper discusses the interactions of anthropogenic acti... Anthropogenic activities have become more and more important in characterizing the landscape, but their impacts are still restricted by natural environments. This paper discusses the interactions of anthropogenic activity, vegetation activity and topography through describing the spatial distribution of land cover and vegetation activity (represented by Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI) along topographic gradient in a mountainous area of southwestern China. Our results indicate that the existing landscape pattern is controlled by anthropogenic activities as well as topographic factors. Intensive anthropogenic activities mainly occur in areas with relatively low elevation, gentle and concave slopes, as these areas are easy and convenient to attain for human. Because of the destruction by human, some land cover types (mainly grassland and shrub) are only found in relatively harsher environments. This study also finds that topographic wetness index (W) used in other places only reflects runoff generation capacity, but not indicate the real spatial pattern of soil water content in this area. The relationships between NDVI and W, and NDVI and length slope factor (LSF) show that runoff and erosion have complex effects on vegetation activity. Greater values of W and LSF will lead to stronger capacity to produce runoff and transport sediment, and thereby increase soil water content and soil deposition, whereas beyond a certain threshold runoff and erosion are so strong that they would destruct vegetation growth. This study provides information needed to successfully restore native vegetation, improve land management, and promote sustainable development in mountainous areas, especially for developing regions. 展开更多
关键词 Vertical distribution of land cover Anthropogenic activity Vegetation activity Environmental variability China
Covering Theorems on Two Classes of Quasi-conformal Mappings
作者 LIAO Mao-xi GAO Chun-yi WANG Zhi-gang 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期629-632,共4页
In this paper we define two classes of quasiconformal mappings, and study theircovering properties by methods of module. We obtain some new results. In the meantime,we give new methods to prove Koebe 1/2 covering theo... In this paper we define two classes of quasiconformal mappings, and study theircovering properties by methods of module. We obtain some new results. In the meantime,we give new methods to prove Koebe 1/2 covering theorem on convex conformal mappings. 展开更多
关键词 doubly connected domains convex quasiconformal mappings covering theorem
Water Wave Scattering by a Nearly Circular Cylinder Submerged Beneath an Ice-cover
作者 Rumpa Chakraborty Birendra Nath Mandal 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第1期69-75,共7页
Assuming linear theory, the two-dimensional problem of water wave scattering by a horizontal nearly circular cylinder submerged in infinitely deep water with an ice cover modeled as a thin-elastic plate floating on wa... Assuming linear theory, the two-dimensional problem of water wave scattering by a horizontal nearly circular cylinder submerged in infinitely deep water with an ice cover modeled as a thin-elastic plate floating on water, is investigated here. The cross-section of the nearly circular cylinder is taken as r=a(1+δC(θ)), where a is the radius of the corresponding circular cross-section of the cylinder, δ is a measure of small departure of the cross-section of the cylinder from its circularity and C(θ) is the shape function. Using a simplified perturbation technique the problem is reduced to two independent boundary value problems up to first order in δ. The first one corresponds to water wave scattering by a circular cylinder submerged in water with an ice-cover, while the second problem describes wave radiation by a submerged circular cylinder and involves first order correction to the reflection and transmission coefficients. The corrections are obtained in terms of integrals involving the shape function. Assuming a general Fourier expansion of the shape function, these corrections are evaluated approximately. It is well known that normally incident wave trains experience no reflection by a circular cylinder submerged in infinitely deep water with an ice cover. It is shown here that the reflection coefficient also vanishes up to first order for some particular choice of the shape function representing a nearly circular cylinder. For these cases, full transmission occurs, only change is in its phase which is depicted graphically against the wave number in a number of figures and appropriate conclusions are drawn. 展开更多
关键词 water wave scattering ICE-COVER nearly circular cylinder shape function reflection coefficient transmission coefficient
Impacts of changes in land cover and topography on a heavy precipitation event in Central Asia
作者 Shuwen Li Shuai Yang Lingkun Ran 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2022年第4期44-51,共8页
Future variations in precipitation due to the effects of topography and possible trends in land-use change in Central Asia are evaluated by utilizing numerical experiments based on a case study.Considering possible ch... Future variations in precipitation due to the effects of topography and possible trends in land-use change in Central Asia are evaluated by utilizing numerical experiments based on a case study.Considering possible changes in land cover,oasification leads to a 0.23 mm increase in regional-averaged precipitation,accounting for 3.0%of the total.Meanwhile,desertification and urbanization decrease precipitation,by about−5.3%and−4.7%proportionally,mainly through changing the near-surface humidity and thermal environment and related upward transport of heat fluxes in the boundary layer.Relatively,varied terrain height produces a more prominent impact on precipitation(up to−13.1%and−24.9%in the 1/2 and 1/4 original terrain height runs),mainly via varying the wind field and microphysical processes(low-level jet and cloud).Furthermore,the heavier rainfall happens over the mountains,while the more sensitive response of precipitation to varied topography and land use occurs over the plains.As the main microphysical conversion pathways of the rainwater budget,the greater peaks of PSMLT(snow melting into raindrops)and PGMLT(graupel melting into raindrops)present over the mountains but not the plains are responsible for the difference in precipitation between the mountains and plains.However,the more sensitive response of plain rainfall might be related to the rapid transit of rainfall over the plains but prolonged mountainous precipitation lasting together with relatively slowly varying microphysical conversion processes when airflows climb the mountains.The findings of this study have important strategic significance for improving the environment of ecosystems and strengthening the capacity for disaster prevention. 展开更多
关键词 TOPOGRAPHY Land cover Central Asia Heavy precipitation
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