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庄子之天钧观世与两行处世 被引量:3
作者 刘光顺 《理论月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第8期41-47,74,共8页
庄子用天道如钧,不断循环流转来解释世界的生成发展,用道通为一来揭示事物万殊背后的统一,从而提出在坚持自身本真认识的基础上而对其他观点不谴是非、并行不悖作为处事的生活原则。道的不断循环往复使得任何事物都会随着天的循环而呈... 庄子用天道如钧,不断循环流转来解释世界的生成发展,用道通为一来揭示事物万殊背后的统一,从而提出在坚持自身本真认识的基础上而对其他观点不谴是非、并行不悖作为处事的生活原则。道的不断循环往复使得任何事物都会随着天的循环而呈现出具有时空特点的非绝对意义,事物的自化又提醒人们不可以人灭天,只能对之加以顺应,告诫人们在道德选择上不应固择一端,在追求理想的进程中不应偏于一时一地,心虽有定见,但形却与之俱化,天钧和两行由此呈现为一体两面的关系。 展开更多
关键词 庄子 天钧 两行 观世
作者 成玮 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期32-41,共10页
鲁迅《中国小说史略》包含三大演进节点:唐、宋两处众所周知,明代中期一处,留意者殊少。在他笔下,唐代至明中叶小说以娱乐为主,此后改以摹写世态为主。环顾清季民国各家论述,这点堪称鲁迅最独特的看法。他描绘这一转型,参照了18世纪至1... 鲁迅《中国小说史略》包含三大演进节点:唐、宋两处众所周知,明代中期一处,留意者殊少。在他笔下,唐代至明中叶小说以娱乐为主,此后改以摹写世态为主。环顾清季民国各家论述,这点堪称鲁迅最独特的看法。他描绘这一转型,参照了18世纪至19世纪后期西方文学的嬗变轨迹。但从其知识结构看,对西方文学史的理解,本不应如此简化。由是观之,他有其一贯的思考框架,参考西学资源时,不无选择、重塑。在《中国小说史略》中,西学观念与小说史迹的凑泊,情形颇为复杂,非“以西律中”一语所能尽括。 展开更多
关键词 《中国小说史略》 娱乐 观世 西方文学史
《观世音应验记三种》疑难词句试释 被引量:1
作者 范崇高 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期86-90,共5页
关键词 观世音应验记三种》 词句 校勘 考释
乌托邦、末世论与西方历史进步哲学观念批判 被引量:5
作者 刘怀玉 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第5期19-25,共7页
从归根结底的意义上可以说,近代以来西方一切历史进步现都来自于希腊的乌托邦思想和希伯莱的末世论观念两大文化传统。受法国大革命决定性影响而确立起来的绝对理性主义历史进步现承袭了基督教一神教对其他历史观和文化价值观的绝对不... 从归根结底的意义上可以说,近代以来西方一切历史进步现都来自于希腊的乌托邦思想和希伯莱的末世论观念两大文化传统。受法国大革命决定性影响而确立起来的绝对理性主义历史进步现承袭了基督教一神教对其他历史观和文化价值观的绝对不宽容的独断立场,造就了统治现代世界的“西方中心论”历史观。现实要求我们通过批判、反思乌托邦与末世论入手,来重释一种能平等、宽容地对待异质文化的,回归生活的底限理性的淑世主义历史进步观念。 展开更多
关键词 乌托邦 主义的历史进步
作者 王捷梅 姚启俊 《江淮》 2010年第8期43-43,共1页
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《徽风皖韵观世博》
作者 孙寅兵 田然 《长治学院学报》 2020年第1期18-21,共4页
拜占庭帝国的西欧观经历了一个不断发展演变的过程。拜占庭立国之后沿用“罗马普世帝国”观,将西欧看作是罗马帝国的一个行省。476年,西罗马帝国灭亡之后,拜占庭帝国将西欧看作是与拜占庭帝国暂时分离的部分,因此,恢复统一的罗马帝国成... 拜占庭帝国的西欧观经历了一个不断发展演变的过程。拜占庭立国之后沿用“罗马普世帝国”观,将西欧看作是罗马帝国的一个行省。476年,西罗马帝国灭亡之后,拜占庭帝国将西欧看作是与拜占庭帝国暂时分离的部分,因此,恢复统一的罗马帝国成为之后历代拜占庭皇帝的重要目标。800年,查理曼加冕,962年,奥托一世称帝,这些事件严重冲击着拜占庭帝国作为罗马帝国唯一继承者的地位,同时突显了西欧的独立地位。11世纪之后直到1453年灭亡,拜占庭帝国的西欧观混杂着亲近西方与仇视西方这一相矛盾的观点。拜占庭帝国西欧观的发展演变体现了拜占庭帝国与西欧地位此消彼长的历史过程。 展开更多
关键词 拜占庭 罗马普帝国 查理曼 神圣罗马帝国
作者 张沙沙 丁功谊 《甘肃社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期52-54,共3页
作为明末复社的著名领袖,张采的文学思想表现出浓厚的道学气息。他认为辞章与功名均包含于理学之中,主张诗本性情,而正性情之途径在于学道,从而纳其诗学观念于理学之中。张采继承了"文以载道"的传统思想,重视文章的实用功能,... 作为明末复社的著名领袖,张采的文学思想表现出浓厚的道学气息。他认为辞章与功名均包含于理学之中,主张诗本性情,而正性情之途径在于学道,从而纳其诗学观念于理学之中。张采继承了"文以载道"的传统思想,重视文章的实用功能,而诗歌多抒写清幽淡雅的情怀。 展开更多
关键词 张采 理学 文辞观世 诗本性情
中日“解难题”型龙女故事比较——以格雷马斯矩阵分析为中心 被引量:2
作者 徐磊 《文化遗产》 CSSCI 2015年第2期71-77,共7页
中日"解难题"型龙女故事的故事情节极其相似,但其故事母题又存在着细微的差异。从282则中日解难题型龙女故事的母题差异入手,通过格雷马斯符号矩阵分析法比较分析可知,中国该类型故事体现了"爱与美女神"的功利化以... 中日"解难题"型龙女故事的故事情节极其相似,但其故事母题又存在着细微的差异。从282则中日解难题型龙女故事的母题差异入手,通过格雷马斯符号矩阵分析法比较分析可知,中国该类型故事体现了"爱与美女神"的功利化以及独特的龙女信仰;而日本该类型故事则折射出源于"原彼世观"思想的追求"整体性"的女性意识。 展开更多
关键词 龙女故事 符号矩阵 龙女信仰 爱与美女神 原彼
柳宗元好佛论析 被引量:1
作者 杨文榜 《牡丹江师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第2期36-38,共3页
关键词 柳宗元 好佛 统合儒释
Discovery of Enteromophites in the Chengjiang Biota and Its Ecological Significance 被引量:4
作者 徐兆良 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第8期863-867,共5页
The paper deals with a new species of megaalgal fossil-Enteromophites intestinalis sp. nov. found in Chenejiang Biota in the early Cambrian. A morphological comparison of the living Enteromorpha and fossil Enteromophi... The paper deals with a new species of megaalgal fossil-Enteromophites intestinalis sp. nov. found in Chenejiang Biota in the early Cambrian. A morphological comparison of the living Enteromorpha and fossil Enteromophites indicates that there probably is a close relationship between these two genera. Based on a study on the surroundings of living Enteromorpha, Enteromophites intestinalis sp. nov. might have lived in the environment of sea or salt water. 展开更多
关键词 Chengjiang Biota early Cambrian megaalgae
New Macroalgal Fossils from Middle Cambrian Kaili Biota in Guizhou Province, China 被引量:5
作者 杨瑞东 毛家仁 赵元龙 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第7期742-749,共8页
Abundant and well-preserved remains of noncalcareous algae and soft-bodied metazoans were collected from Middle Cambrian Kaili biota in Taijiang county, Guizhou Province, China. These remains provide further evidence ... Abundant and well-preserved remains of noncalcareous algae and soft-bodied metazoans were collected from Middle Cambrian Kaili biota in Taijiang county, Guizhou Province, China. These remains provide further evidence for the wide geographic distribution of many Burgess Shale taxa. Among the algae, 5 genera (including two new genera) and 5 species are described. They are Marpolia spissa Walcott, Acinocricus stichus Conway Morris and Robison, Udotealga erecta Yang, Eosargassum sawata Yang, and Rhizophyton zhaoyuanlongii Yang. Contrasting the macroalgal fossil assemblage in the Kaili biota with one in the Burgess Shale biota, it is clear that similarity of the Kaili biota and the Burgess Shale biota is reflected by the same content of not only the soft-bodied metazoans, but also the noncalcareous algae. 展开更多
关键词 Guizhou Province Middel Cambrian Kail biota MACROALGAE
作者 周志雄 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期123-128,共6页
优秀网络小说家与学历、专业没有必然关系,热爱文学才是根本。阅读与观世是网络小说家的基本修为。优秀网络作家大致经历了从兴趣写作到为金钱写作,到文学情怀与经济效益兼顾,到自觉追求更高境界写作的历程。成为优秀网络作家需要勤奋,... 优秀网络小说家与学历、专业没有必然关系,热爱文学才是根本。阅读与观世是网络小说家的基本修为。优秀网络作家大致经历了从兴趣写作到为金钱写作,到文学情怀与经济效益兼顾,到自觉追求更高境界写作的历程。成为优秀网络作家需要勤奋,也需要因性炼才,寻找自己擅长的题材类型及风格。 展开更多
关键词 网络小说家 阅读 观世 融合创新
试论罗泽南的心路历程 被引量:1
作者 靳环宇 《湖南第一师范学报》 2006年第1期13-15,23,共4页
在为学、授馆的过程中,罗泽南形成了他的经世致用的儒家济世观。这是他观照社会的基本准则。罗泽南个人内在思想理路的形成明显地与当时外在社会文化形态有一互动的生发过程。罗泽南的心路历程在当时的湖南乃至中国社会,都有其独特性,... 在为学、授馆的过程中,罗泽南形成了他的经世致用的儒家济世观。这是他观照社会的基本准则。罗泽南个人内在思想理路的形成明显地与当时外在社会文化形态有一互动的生发过程。罗泽南的心路历程在当时的湖南乃至中国社会,都有其独特性,也有其共通性。 展开更多
关键词 罗泽南 儒家济 心路历程
Petersburg's religious myths in Dostoevsky's Crime and punishment
作者 吴倩 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第1期55-59,共5页
Many Russian scholars have expounded Dostoevsky's religious outlooks, which are embodied in Petersburg's religious myths. Dostoevsky describes the fantasy of Petersburg in the hands of the devil, and he also adds a ... Many Russian scholars have expounded Dostoevsky's religious outlooks, which are embodied in Petersburg's religious myths. Dostoevsky describes the fantasy of Petersburg in the hands of the devil, and he also adds a lot of mythological colors in his diction. This article expounds the above idea from the angles of both mythological atmosnhere and mythological poetics. 展开更多
关键词 religious outlook mythological atmosphere mythological poetics
Anemia after gastrectomy for early gastric cancer:Long-term follow-up observational study 被引量:19
作者 Chul-Hyun Lim Sang Woo Kim +8 位作者 Won Chul Kim Jin Soo Kim Yu Kyung Cho Jae Myung Park In Seok Lee Myung-Gyu Choi Kyo-Young Song Hae Myung Jeon Cho-Hyun Park 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第42期6114-6119,共6页
AIM:To identify the incidence and etiology of anemia after gastrectomy in patients with long-term follow-up after gastrectomy for early gastric cancer.METHODS:The medical records of those patients with early gastric a... AIM:To identify the incidence and etiology of anemia after gastrectomy in patients with long-term follow-up after gastrectomy for early gastric cancer.METHODS:The medical records of those patients with early gastric adenocarcinoma who underwent curative gastrectomy between January 2006 and October 2007 were reviewed.Patients with anemia in the preoperative workup,cancer recurrence,undergoing systemic chemotherapy,with other medical conditions that can cause anemia,or treated during follow up with red cell transfusions or supplements for anemia were excluded.Anemia was defined by World Health Organization criteria(Hb < 12 g/dL in women and < 13 g/dL in men).Iron deficiency was defined as serum ferritin < 20 g/dL.Vitamin B12 deficiency was defined as serum vitamin B 12 < 200 pg/mL.Iron deficiency anemia was defined as anemia with concomitant iron deficiency.Anemia from vitamin B 12 deficiency was defined as megaloblastic anemia(mean cell volume > 100 fL) with vitamin B 12 deficiency.The profile of anemia over 48 mo of follow-up was analyzed.RESULTS:One hundred sixty-one patients with gastrectomy for early gastric cancer were analyzed.The incidence of anemia was 24.5% at 3 mo after surgery and increased up to 37.1% at 48 mo after surgery.The incidence of iron deficiency anemia increased during the follow up and became the major cause of anemia at 48 mo after surgery.Anemia of chronic disease and megaloblastic anemia were uncommon.The incidence of anemia in female patients was significantly higher than in male patients at 12(40.0% vs 22.0%,P = 0.033),24(45.0% vs 25.0%,P = 0.023),36(55.0% vs 28.0%,P = 0.004),and 48 mo(52.0% vs 31.0%,P = 0.022) after surgery.Patients with total gastrectomy showed significantly higher incidence of anemia than patients with subtotal gastrectomy at 48 mo after surgery(60.7% vs 31.3%,P = 0.008).The incidence of iron deficiency was significantly higher in female patients than in male patients at 6(35.4% vs 13.3%,P = 0.002),12(45.8% vs 16.8%,P < 0.001),18(52.1% vs 22.3%,P < 0.001),24(60.4% vs 20.9%,P < 0.001),36(62.5% vs 29.2%,P < 0.001),and 48 mo(66.7% vs 34.7%,P = 0.001) after surgery.CONCLUSION:Anemia was frequent after gastrectomy for early gastric cancer,with iron deficiency being the major cause.Evaluation for anemia including iron status should be performed after gastrectomy and appropriate iron replacement should be considered. 展开更多
关键词 GASTRECTOMY Stomach neoplasms ANEMIA Iron deficiency Vitamin B 12 deficiency
Dark Matter and Other Phenomena in the Framework of Banded Speed Cosmology 被引量:2
作者 Giuseppe Fazio Mauro Giaconi Davide Quatrini 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2012年第10期454-458,共5页
The descriptive capabilities of the banded speed cosmological model are shown. In particular, an in-depth analysis related to the actual physical meaning of Planck's unit is given in the framework of the banded distr... The descriptive capabilities of the banded speed cosmological model are shown. In particular, an in-depth analysis related to the actual physical meaning of Planck's unit is given in the framework of the banded distribution of physical quantities. From this analysis the richness and flexibility of the model's description capabilities is derived, with particular attention devoted to the ability of using the same relationships for describing both microcosm and macrocosm and also young and old universe. Finally the cited descriptive capabilities are used for deriving a very simple and intuitive explanation of the "darkness" of dark matter. 展开更多
关键词 Planck's units banded speed cosmology maximum density dark matter.
佛教“三世”观对中国传统价值观的影响简析 被引量:1
作者 姚力硕 熊丹丹 《郑州师范教育》 2017年第3期93-96,共4页
佛教自传入中国起,就与中国本土的宗教、伦理及文化传统逐渐糜合、互相影响,其中佛教的"三世"观对于中国传统文化产生了不小的影响。通过对佛教"三世"观与中国传统文化中的"报应"观进行梳理和对比分析,... 佛教自传入中国起,就与中国本土的宗教、伦理及文化传统逐渐糜合、互相影响,其中佛教的"三世"观对于中国传统文化产生了不小的影响。通过对佛教"三世"观与中国传统文化中的"报应"观进行梳理和对比分析,对佛教"三世"观如何影响中国人的价值观予以阐释和说明,或许能为矫正传统中国的某些价值缺失提供启示。 展开更多
关键词 佛教 “三 业报 轮回 价值
What Kind of Security Concept Does Our World Need?
作者 Huang Zhaoyu 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第2期16-39,共24页
While the threat of war has decreased, there have appeared intricate security issues that affect all aspects of human life, breaking through various defenses and threatening the well being of all actors in the contemp... While the threat of war has decreased, there have appeared intricate security issues that affect all aspects of human life, breaking through various defenses and threatening the well being of all actors in the contemporary world, including nations, groups and individuals. This risky situation calls for a new security concept, one that transcends traditional state centrism, national supremacy and coercion. The new security concept, which should assimilate the general theory of grand strategy,focuses on a vision that spans time and space, valuing humankind as it exists as one of the dynamic factors of nature and society. The essentials of the new security concept are to recognize balanced development as the substance of security and to govern national strength and the application of means and tactics. It aims at realizing comprehensive security across various social fields within states, to achieve mutual security among national, international and individual actors, as well as harmony between man and nature, continuous security leading to lasting and universal peace in the future. 展开更多
关键词 New Security Concept HUMANISM vision spanning time and space balanced development recycling security
The New Normal from the Perspective of Macro History and Grand Logic of China's Economic Development
作者 蔡昉 《China Economist》 2017年第5期2-12,共11页
This paper attempts to explain the "new normal" of China's economic development put forward by XI Jinping, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, from three persp... This paper attempts to explain the "new normal" of China's economic development put forward by XI Jinping, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, from three perspectives. First, as the new normal is a natural phase of long-term development in the country's renaissance, recognition of it helps policy-making to hold a historical perspective and maintain a patience in the face of growth slowdown. Second, the new normal as the logic of China's economic development underlines the necessity and urgency of transforming growth patterns and growth drivers. Third, different from the "new mediocre" of the world economy, the new normal reveals great potentials of sustainable growth of the Chinese economy that must be tapped through structural reforms. 展开更多
关键词 new normal of economic development potential growth rate reform dividend
The Effect of Separatism on the Society: Quantitative Analysis on the World Values Survey
作者 Dwiyatna Widinugraha James Kiwanuka Tondo 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第10期537-543,共7页
In the 21st century, world politics appeared to far from resolved condition in terms of power sharing among the elites, thus created separatism movements in many parts of the world. These movements caused some changes... In the 21st century, world politics appeared to far from resolved condition in terms of power sharing among the elites, thus created separatism movements in many parts of the world. These movements caused some changes in the society that is nowadays seen as a multicultural. Using World Values Survey's data, this study revealed that separatism would cause people to less likely agree on ethnic diversity benefit. Further, when the result is tested by elaboration model, economic condition was found as important factor on how people saw ethnic diversity benefit among the society. 展开更多
关键词 world politics effect of separatism ethnic diversity national identity
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