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中国自然垄断产业的价格规制模型 被引量:7
作者 张卫国 黄淼 陆渝梅 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期152-156,共5页
由于自然垄断产业自身的特殊性,因此它在国民经济中占据着十分重要的地位,而其价格规制一直以来都受到政府的高度关注。在说明了中国自然垄断产业价格规制中存在的一系列问题后,分析和评述了发达国家的价格上限规制模型,指出了它的优点... 由于自然垄断产业自身的特殊性,因此它在国民经济中占据着十分重要的地位,而其价格规制一直以来都受到政府的高度关注。在说明了中国自然垄断产业价格规制中存在的一系列问题后,分析和评述了发达国家的价格上限规制模型,指出了它的优点和缺点,并进一步地将其与公平报酬率规制进行比较。最后在此基础上,结合中国实际,把自然垄断产业依据一定的标准进行分类,设计出具有中国特色的自然垄断产业价格规制模型。 展开更多
关键词 中国 自然垄断产业 价格规制模型 价格上限规制模型 公平报酬率
中国药品价格规制模型研究 被引量:7
作者 赵晓莉 梁艳 《科学与管理》 2007年第1X期20-21,共2页
药品价格规制既是政府控制药品费用的一种方法,也是支持医药行业发展的经济工具,但是对药品供求双方互相矛盾的目标使得药品价格规制很难有效实施。主要原因是缺乏科学的价格规制模型作为药品定价的指导,也缺乏完善的药品价格规制体系... 药品价格规制既是政府控制药品费用的一种方法,也是支持医药行业发展的经济工具,但是对药品供求双方互相矛盾的目标使得药品价格规制很难有效实施。主要原因是缺乏科学的价格规制模型作为药品定价的指导,也缺乏完善的药品价格规制体系。本文运用规制经济学、药物经济学理论,尝试建立中国的药品价格规制模型,并根据这个模型提出完善中国药品价格规制体系的对策。 展开更多
关键词 药品价格 规制模型 体系
S-P-B规制均衡模型及其修正 被引量:16
作者 陈富良 《当代财经》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第7期12-15,49,共5页
在现实中,政府规制制度总能在一定时期内保持相对稳定和延续性,这表明规制均衡是一种客观存在。那么,这种规制均衡是由什么决定的呢?借鉴新制度经济学的制度均衡论,并对施蒂格勒-佩尔兹曼-贝克尔的规制均衡论进行修正之后,可以发现,政... 在现实中,政府规制制度总能在一定时期内保持相对稳定和延续性,这表明规制均衡是一种客观存在。那么,这种规制均衡是由什么决定的呢?借鉴新制度经济学的制度均衡论,并对施蒂格勒-佩尔兹曼-贝克尔的规制均衡论进行修正之后,可以发现,政府规制制度的均衡是成本效益约束、利益集团博弈和规则冲突的结果。 展开更多
关键词 经济学 施蒂格勒模型 佩尔兹曼模型 贝克尔模型 转型经济 S-P-B均衡模型
国有垄断行业收入分配规制研究 被引量:1
作者 王云中 庄雷 杨扬 《当代经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期40-43,共4页
根据我国目前的市场结构和社会主义初级阶段国有垄断行业收入分配关系实际,制定出适合我国情况的国有垄断行业收入分配规制模型。其具体做法为:以劳动者劳动要素的贡献为依据,并兼顾与处于不同市场结构中一般竞争性行业职工的收入分配公... 根据我国目前的市场结构和社会主义初级阶段国有垄断行业收入分配关系实际,制定出适合我国情况的国有垄断行业收入分配规制模型。其具体做法为:以劳动者劳动要素的贡献为依据,并兼顾与处于不同市场结构中一般竞争性行业职工的收入分配公平,确定国有垄断行业的按劳分配报酬水平;以资本要素贡献并兼顾社会平均利润率确定国有资本收益率水平,构建国有垄断企业职工工资、企业利润和销售价格的收入分配联合规制模型。这样,既能解决国有垄断行业的过高收入问题,又能实现与其他行业相比较的收入分配公平问题。 展开更多
关键词 国有垄断行业 工资 利润 收入分配 规制模型
国际主要价格规制制度比较及对我国的启示 被引量:2
作者 幸莉仙 马玲 《商业时代》 北大核心 2010年第5期73-75,共3页
由于自然垄断产业自身的特殊性,其价格规制在国民经济中占据着重要的地位,一直以来都受到人们的高度关注。本文对以美国为代表的投资回报率和以英国为代表的最高上限两种主要价格规制模型进行了比较。在此基础上,文章紧密结合我国的实际... 由于自然垄断产业自身的特殊性,其价格规制在国民经济中占据着重要的地位,一直以来都受到人们的高度关注。本文对以美国为代表的投资回报率和以英国为代表的最高上限两种主要价格规制模型进行了比较。在此基础上,文章紧密结合我国的实际,确立了成本约束、有利于促进投资等原则并构造了相应的价格规制模型。 展开更多
关键词 自然垄断产业 最高限价 投资回报率 价格规制模型
中国电信业价格规制周期研究 被引量:1
作者 亓永杰 杜振华 《北京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第1期55-60,共6页
自然垄断产业价格规制在很长时期内都是国内外理论界研究的焦点问题和实践中的难点,其目的是兼顾效率和公平,既要促进行业的发展,又要保证消费者福利最大化。首先对最高限价规制模型进行了经济学分析,并根据英国电信业成熟的价格规制经... 自然垄断产业价格规制在很长时期内都是国内外理论界研究的焦点问题和实践中的难点,其目的是兼顾效率和公平,既要促进行业的发展,又要保证消费者福利最大化。首先对最高限价规制模型进行了经济学分析,并根据英国电信业成熟的价格规制经验,从动态调整视角研究中国通信业价格上限规制。然后建立合理的价格规制周期计算模型,得到合理的规制周期,从而指导电信规制部门将来的政策制定。 展开更多
关键词 中国电信业 限价规制模型 周期 英国电信
作者 程媛媛 《皖西学院学报》 2008年第6期8-11,共4页
政府规制既是政府干预经济的一种手段,又是企业运行的外部制度环境。自20世纪70年代起世界范围内掀起了行政改革浪潮,积极探寻政府规制改革的思路。在介绍西方政府规制的基本理论,阐述美日规制的思路和经验,分析现阶段我国政府规制中存... 政府规制既是政府干预经济的一种手段,又是企业运行的外部制度环境。自20世纪70年代起世界范围内掀起了行政改革浪潮,积极探寻政府规制改革的思路。在介绍西方政府规制的基本理论,阐述美日规制的思路和经验,分析现阶段我国政府规制中存在的弊病基础上,归纳出中国政府规制改革的路径选择。 展开更多
关键词 政府 美日政府改革 配尔兹曼规制模型 路径
不同目标条件下收费公路规制效应的比较 被引量:2
作者 樊建强 徐海成 《交通运输工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期82-88,共7页
为了比较不同目标条件下的规制措施对收费公路经济变量的影响,应用福利经济学和规制经济学基本理论,构建了不同目标条件下的收费公路规制模型,通过仿真计算,比较了5种不同规制模型中主要经济变量的差异。分析结果表明:无规制前提下追求... 为了比较不同目标条件下的规制措施对收费公路经济变量的影响,应用福利经济学和规制经济学基本理论,构建了不同目标条件下的收费公路规制模型,通过仿真计算,比较了5种不同规制模型中主要经济变量的差异。分析结果表明:无规制前提下追求社会福利最大化目标容易导致企业亏损;收支均衡前提下追求社会福利最大化目标会使通行费价格提高;无规制前提下追求利润最大化的目标会导致收费公路通行能力下降,社会福利水平减小;交通量规制和通行成本规制前提下追求利润最大化目标既有助于提高社会福利水平,同时也有利于增加企业利润。收费公路的社会福利最大化目标和企业利润最大化目标难以同时实现,但是政府规制前提下的特许经营模式有利于协调两大目标之间的差异。 展开更多
关键词 交通运输经济 收费公路 规制模型 效应 社会福利
生成式人工智能的法律定位与分层治理 被引量:78
作者 张凌寒 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期126-141,共16页
生成式人工智能改变了数字社会的生产架构,向既有的技术治理体系提出挑战。一是生成式人工智能呈现“基础模型—专业模型—服务应用”的分层业态,无法在现有的“技术支持者—服务提供者—内容生产者”监管框架中找到适配的法律定位;二... 生成式人工智能改变了数字社会的生产架构,向既有的技术治理体系提出挑战。一是生成式人工智能呈现“基础模型—专业模型—服务应用”的分层业态,无法在现有的“技术支持者—服务提供者—内容生产者”监管框架中找到适配的法律定位;二是其传播模式和技术指标使得原有规制工具难以适用。生成式人工智能治理应符合其功能业态的技术逻辑,也应基于其在数字社会生产的地位,重新认识和调整生成式人工智能的法律定位,将模型作为新型的法律治理对象。生成式人工智能的基础模型因可接入千行百业而具有通用性,因同时提供信息内容与机器所需合成数据而具有强大赋能性,是人工智能时代的新型数字基础设施。应构建“基础模型—专业模型—服务应用”的分层治理体系,在不同的层次适配不同的规制思路与工具。在基础模型层以发展为导向,将其作为数字社会新型基础设施设置法律制度;在专业模型层以审慎包容为理念,进行分级分类并设置合理避风港规则;在服务应用层实施敏捷治理,建立合理容错制度。由此,我国得以从单一场景的算法治理发展为适应不同治理目标的复合型系统性治理。 展开更多
关键词 生成式人工智能 分层治理 数字基础设施 模型
Control of acrobot based on Lyapunov function 被引量:1
作者 赖旭芝 吴敏 佘锦华 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2004年第2期210-215,共6页
Fuzzy control based on Lyapunov function was employed to control the posture and the energy of an (acrobot) to make the transition from upswing control to balance control smoothly and stably. First, a control law base... Fuzzy control based on Lyapunov function was employed to control the posture and the energy of an (acrobot) to make the transition from upswing control to balance control smoothly and stably. First, a control law based on Lyapunov function was used to control the angle and the angular velocity of the second link towards zero when the energy of the acrobot reaches the potential energy at the unstable straight-up equilibrium position in the upswing process. The controller based on Lyapunov function makes the second link straighten nature relatively to the first link. At the same time, a fuzzy controller was designed to regulate the parameters of the upper control law to keep the change of the energy of the acrobot to a minimum, so that the switching from (upswing) to balance can be properly carried out and the acrobot can enter the balance quickly. The results of simulation show that the switching from upswing to balance can be completed smoothly, and the control effect of the acrobot is improved greatly. 展开更多
关键词 ACROBOT fuzzy control Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model model-free fuzzy control
Scheduling Multiple Orders per Job with Multiple Constraints on Identical Parallel Machines 被引量:1
作者 王腾 周炳海 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第6期466-471,共6页
With a comprehensive consideration of multiple product types, past-sequence-dependent ( p-s-d ) setup times, and deterioration effects constraints in processes of wafer fabrication systems, a novel scheduling model ... With a comprehensive consideration of multiple product types, past-sequence-dependent ( p-s-d ) setup times, and deterioration effects constraints in processes of wafer fabrication systems, a novel scheduling model of multiple orders per job(MOJ) on identical parallel machines was developed and an immune genetic algorithm(IGA) was applied to solving the scheduling problem. A scheduling problem domain was described. A non-linear mathematical programming model was also set up with an objective function of minimizing total weighted earliness-tardlness penalties of the system. On the basis of the mathematical model, IGA was put forward. Based on the genetic algorithm (GA), the proposed algorithm (IGA) can generate feasible solutions and ensure the diversity of antibodies. In the process of immunization programming, to guarantee the algorithm's convergence performance, the modified rule of apparent tardiness cost with setups (ATCS) was presented. Finally, simulation experiments were designed, and the results indicated that the algorithm had good adaptability when the values of the constraints' characteristic parameters were changed and it verified the validity of the algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 multiple product types past-sequence-dependent p-s-d setup times deterioration effects identical parallel machines scheduline immune Penetic algorithm IGA
The Control Research Progress of Liberobacter asiaticum in Taizhou City
作者 余继华 张敏荣 +4 位作者 陶健 卢璐 杨晓 汪恩国 叶志勇 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第6期1237-1242,共6页
After decades of researches and discussions on occurrence regularity and control technology of citrus psyl id (Diaphorina citri Kuwayana) and Liberobacter asi-aticum, the occurrence regularity and sampling technique... After decades of researches and discussions on occurrence regularity and control technology of citrus psyl id (Diaphorina citri Kuwayana) and Liberobacter asi-aticum, the occurrence regularity and sampling technique of citrus psyl id in orange forests in Taizhou was defined and the connections between the infection rate and carrying rate of citrus psyl id and Liberobacter asiaticum as wel as the correlations between the Liberobacter asiaticum and citrus yield loss were discussed. This paper discussed the warnings of Liberobacter asiaticum and citrus psylid control index, the economic life span of orange forests was then predicted by building the diseases spreading models with different management styles. At last, the paper put forward the comprehensive prevention and control technology and the concept that Liber-obacter asiaticum was preventable and control able. 展开更多
关键词 Liberobacter asiaticum Citrus psyl id Occurrence regularity Disease Spreading models Control index Prevention and control technology
Multi-objective optimization of rolling schedule based on cost function for tandem cold mill 被引量:4
作者 陈树宗 张欣 +3 位作者 彭良贵 张殿华 孙杰 刘印忠 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期1733-1740,共8页
In terms of tandem cold mill productivity and product quality, a multi-objective optimization model of rolling schedule based on cost fimction was proposed to determine the stand reductions, inter-stand tensions and r... In terms of tandem cold mill productivity and product quality, a multi-objective optimization model of rolling schedule based on cost fimction was proposed to determine the stand reductions, inter-stand tensions and rolling speeds for a specified product. The proposed schedule optimization model consists of several single cost fi.mctions, which take rolling force, motor power, inter-stand tension and stand reduction into consideration. The cost function, which can evaluate how far the rolling parameters are from the ideal values, was minimized using the Nelder-Mead simplex method. The proposed rolling schedule optimization method has been applied successfully to the 5-stand tandem cold mill in Tangsteel, and the results from a case study show that the proposed method is superior to those based on empirical formulae. 展开更多
关键词 tandem cold mill multi-object optimization rolling schedule cost function simplex algorithm
Bilevel linear programming model of charging for effluent based on price control
作者 李煜华 李磊 +1 位作者 胡运权 邵海宏 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第2期292-296,共5页
For the optimum price problem of charging for effluent, this paper analyzes the optimal Pigovian Tax and the serious information asymmetry problem existing in the application process of optimal Pigovian Tax, which is ... For the optimum price problem of charging for effluent, this paper analyzes the optimal Pigovian Tax and the serious information asymmetry problem existing in the application process of optimal Pigovian Tax, which is predominant in theory. Then the bilevel system optimizing decision-making theory is applied to give bilevel linear programming decision-making model of charging for effluent, in which the government (environmental protection agency) acts as the upper level decision-making unit and the polluting enterprises act as the lower level decision-making unit. To some extent, the model avoids the serious information asymmetry between the government and the polluting enterprises on charging for effluent. 展开更多
关键词 charging for effluent Pigovian Tax price control bilevel linear programming information asymmetry
作者 孟祥瑞 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 1998年第1期81-87,共7页
Coal storing and loading have much more influence on coal quality. In the paper, a goal programming model has been constructed to determine the ideal quantity extracting from stockpile and silos and a quality control ... Coal storing and loading have much more influence on coal quality. In the paper, a goal programming model has been constructed to determine the ideal quantity extracting from stockpile and silos and a quality control model is inferred under the guidance of maximum theory of dispersed number and practice methods are given to meet production demand, with which a coal mine has achieved a better tech-economic result. 展开更多
关键词 coal quality goal programming model maximum theory of dispersed number control model
Tri-level programming model for combined urban traffic signal control and traffic flow guidance 被引量:1
作者 SUN Zhi-yuan LU Hua-pu QU Wen-cong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2443-2452,共10页
In order to balance the temporal-spatial distribution of urban traffic flow, a model is established for combined urban traffic signal control and traffic flow guidance. With consideration of the wide use of fixed sign... In order to balance the temporal-spatial distribution of urban traffic flow, a model is established for combined urban traffic signal control and traffic flow guidance. With consideration of the wide use of fixed signal control at intersections, traffic assignment under traffic flow guidance, and dynamic characteristics of urban traffic management, a tri-level programming model is presented. To reflect the impact of intersection delay on traffic assignment, the lower level model is set as a modified user equilibrium model. The middle level model, which contains several definitional constraints for different phase modes, is built for the traffic signal control optimization. To solve the problem of tide lane management, the upper level model is built up based on nonlinear 0-1 integer programming. A heuristic iterative optimization algorithm(HIOA) is set up to solve the tri-level programming model. The lower level model is solved by method of successive averages(MSA), the middle level model is solved by non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II(NSGA II), and the upper level model is solved by genetic algorithm(GA). A case study is raised to show the efficiency and applicability of the proposed modelling and computing method. 展开更多
关键词 traffic engineering traffic signal control traffic flow guidance tri-level programming model
Heuristic tabu search scheduling algorithm for wet-etching systems in semiconductor wafer fabrications
作者 周炳海 Li Xin 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2013年第2期111-116,共6页
To improve overall equipment efficiency(OEE) of a semiconductor wafer wet-etching system,a heuristic tabu search scheduling algorithm is proposed for the wet-etching process in the paper,with material handling robot c... To improve overall equipment efficiency(OEE) of a semiconductor wafer wet-etching system,a heuristic tabu search scheduling algorithm is proposed for the wet-etching process in the paper,with material handling robot capacity and wafer processing time constraints of the process modules considered.Firstly,scheduling problem domains of the wet-etching system(WES) are assumed and defined,and a non-linear programming model is built to maximize the throughput with no defective wafers.On the basis of the model,a scheduling algorithm based on tabu search is presented in this paper.An improved Nawaz,Enscore,and Ham(NEH) heuristic algorithm is used as the initial feasible solution of the proposed heuristic algorithm.Finally,performances of the proposed algorithm are analyzed and evaluated by simulation experiments.The results indicate that the proposed algorithm is valid and practical to generate satisfied scheduling solutions. 展开更多
关键词 wet-etching systems WES semiconductor wafer fabrications tabu search scheduling problems residency constraints
A simplified adaptive interval Type-2 fuzzy control in practical industrial application 被引量:1
作者 周海波 段吉安 周振宇 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期2693-2700,共8页
Adaptive Type-2 fuzzy control possesses control performance better than the traditional adaptive fuzzy control.However,heavy computation burden obviously blocks the utilization of adaptive Type-2 fuzzy control in indu... Adaptive Type-2 fuzzy control possesses control performance better than the traditional adaptive fuzzy control.However,heavy computation burden obviously blocks the utilization of adaptive Type-2 fuzzy control in industrial application.By adopting novel piecewise fuzzy sets and center-average type-reduction,a simplified adaptive interval Type-2 fuzzy controller involving less computation is developed for practical industrial application.In the proposed controller,the inputs are divided into several subintervals and then two piecewise fuzzy sets are used for each subinterval.With the manner of piecewise fuzzy sets and a novel fuzzy rules inference engine,only part of fuzzy rules are simultaneously activated in one control loop,which exponentially decreases the computation and makes the controller appropriate in industrial application.The simulation and experimental study,involving the popular magnetic levitation platform,shows the predicted system with theoretical stability and good tracking performance.The analysis indicates that there is far less computation of the proposed controller than the traditional adaptive interval Type-2 fuzzy controller,especially when the number of fuzzy rules and fuzzy sets is large,and the controller still maintains good control performance as the traditional one. 展开更多
关键词 Type-2 fuzzy control piecewise fuzzy set adaptive fuzzy control center-average type-reduction
A Novel Robot Motion Planning Model based on Visual Navigation and Fuzzy Control
作者 Xiaomin Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第9期58-60,共3页
In this paper, we propose the novel robot motion planning model based on the visual navigation and fuzzy control. A robot operating system can be viewed as the mechanical energy converter from the joint space to the g... In this paper, we propose the novel robot motion planning model based on the visual navigation and fuzzy control. A robot operating system can be viewed as the mechanical energy converter from the joint space to the global operation space, and the fiexibility of the robot system refi ects the global transformation ability of the whole system. Fuzzy control technology is a kind of fuzzy science, artificial intelligence, knowledge engineering and other disciplines interdisciplinary fields, the theory of strong science and technology, to achieve this fuzzy control technology theory, known as the fuzzy control theory. Besides this, this paper integrates the visual navigation system to construct the better robust methodology which is meaningful. 展开更多
关键词 Robot Motion Planning Model Visual Navigation Fuzzy Control.
Conflict detection and resolution for authorization policies in workflow systems 被引量:1
作者 Chen-hua MA Guo-dong LU Jiong QIU 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第8期1082-1092,共11页
The specification of authorization policies in access control models proposed so far cannot satisfy the requirements in workflow management systems(WFMSs).Furthermore,existing approaches have not provided effective co... The specification of authorization policies in access control models proposed so far cannot satisfy the requirements in workflow management systems(WFMSs).Furthermore,existing approaches have not provided effective conflict detection and resolution methods to maintain the consistency of authorization polices in WFMSs.To address these concerns,we propose the definition of authorization policies in which context constraints are considered and the complicated requirements in WFMSs can be satisfied.Based on the definition,we put forward static and dynamic conflict detection methods for authorization policies.By defining two new concepts,the precedence establishment rule and the conflict resolution policy,we provide a flexible approach to resolving conflicts. 展开更多
关键词 Workflow management system (WFMS) Authorization policy Conflict detection and resolution
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