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过错责任原则之定位 被引量:2
作者 汤唯 高卉 《华东政法大学学报》 1999年第3期41-44,共4页
人类社会最初的民事归责原则是结果责任。罗马法否定了结果责任,确认了过错责任。这是理性的胜利。但随着经济的发展,过错责任原则已不能完全适应社会的需要,产生了过错推定原则、无过错责任原则、公平责任原则。本文分析了各归责原... 人类社会最初的民事归责原则是结果责任。罗马法否定了结果责任,确认了过错责任。这是理性的胜利。但随着经济的发展,过错责任原则已不能完全适应社会的需要,产生了过错推定原则、无过错责任原则、公平责任原则。本文分析了各归责原则的产生原因和相互关系,并提出了如何适用各归责原则的建议。 展开更多
关键词 过错 民事规责原则 公平
作者 王春燕 《喀什师范学院学报》 2003年第5期29-31,共3页
证券欺诈中的虚假陈述有四种典型样态 ;虚假陈述属于民事侵权行为 ,除发行人适用无过错责任原则外 ,其余责任主体一般采取过失责任原则 ;正确界定虚假陈述应注意与发生了变化的诚实陈述、金融诈骗以及伪证的区别。
关键词 证券欺诈 虚假陈述 规责 民事 虚假行为
作者 关亚冬 《山西煤炭管理干部学院学报》 2008年第4期160-161,共2页
关键词 规责原则 公平 独立性 局限性
作者 蔡国庆 《黑龙江省政法管理干部学院学报》 2018年第1期19-22,共4页
行政自由裁量权的"自由"特性,导致其更易被滥用,亟待规制。禁止自由裁量权(仅指"行政自由裁量权")的滥用并非说所有的自由裁量权都应受到限制。行政自由裁量权作为现代国家行政不可或缺的一部分,有其存在必然性与... 行政自由裁量权的"自由"特性,导致其更易被滥用,亟待规制。禁止自由裁量权(仅指"行政自由裁量权")的滥用并非说所有的自由裁量权都应受到限制。行政自由裁量权作为现代国家行政不可或缺的一部分,有其存在必然性与合理性。行政内部规制自由裁量权的进路:源头规制是关键、程序规制是重点、问责规制是保障。 展开更多
关键词 行政自由裁量权 源头 程序
作者 刘艳红 龚文博 《数字法治》 2024年第2期118-129,共12页
随着数据日益成为重要犯罪对象,数据安全类犯罪逐渐转向企业行为,而罚金刑的威慑效果和预防效果较为有限,难以应对泛在的数据安全风险。我国引入具有预防与惩治双重面向的数据合规激励机制,在惩治企业违规数据处理行为的同时预防数据安... 随着数据日益成为重要犯罪对象,数据安全类犯罪逐渐转向企业行为,而罚金刑的威慑效果和预防效果较为有限,难以应对泛在的数据安全风险。我国引入具有预防与惩治双重面向的数据合规激励机制,在惩治企业违规数据处理行为的同时预防数据安全风险。涉案企业合规整改过程中,修复数据安全类犯罪保护的个人法益并重构数据安全管理秩序,替代性遭受处罚措施。多种制裁方式的灵活并用和预防性的数据合规体系是能够真正实现制裁效果和预防效果的实质制裁机制,涉案企业因而获得减免责的刑事激励及改过自新的机会。数据合规整改以包含认罪悔罪的整改承诺为前提,以开展针对性整改活动和规范数据处理流程为内容,以制定全方位监测措施为保障,以数据处理全流程的整改防控为核心,形成“风险预防—风险识别—违规应对”一体化的数据保护合规体系。数据合规体系贯穿刑事诉讼全流程,在侦查阶段、审查起诉阶段通过合规不起诉制度,在审判量刑阶段通过宽缓量刑或合规缓刑实现刑事减免责功能。 展开更多
关键词 数据合 减免 实质制裁论 全流程合 法院参与
共享离散数据MIS的拓扑结构 被引量:2
作者 程正国 《湖南交通科技》 1996年第1期67-70,共4页
关键词 管理信息系统 拓扑结构 交通规责 离散数据
作者 郭保朝 《合作经济与科技》 2011年第10期124-125,共2页
关键词 安全保障义务 构成要件 规责原则 任承担方式
有声读物的著作权保护——以"玄霆"诉"酷我"案为例 被引量:1
作者 贺言 《科技经济市场》 2015年第10期183-184,共2页
时下,"耳朵听书"俨然成为一种时尚的阅读方式,听书颇受读者喜欢,但高歌猛进的听书业却陷入著作权纠纷。本文以玄霆公司诉酷我公司案为例,对有声读物的著作权侵权行为的认定方式、无过错归责原则的适用以及侵权法律责任进行分... 时下,"耳朵听书"俨然成为一种时尚的阅读方式,听书颇受读者喜欢,但高歌猛进的听书业却陷入著作权纠纷。本文以玄霆公司诉酷我公司案为例,对有声读物的著作权侵权行为的认定方式、无过错归责原则的适用以及侵权法律责任进行分析。在新技术背景下,有声读物著作权侵权行为正确的认定,有利于有声读物的著作权的保护。 展开更多
关键词 有声读物 侵权认定 无过错规责 法律
On the legal systems of the overseas trade in the Song Dynasty
作者 Zhou Chunlei 《International English Education Research》 2014年第12期35-36,共2页
The golden period of the development of China's overseas trades is most significant in the Song Dynasty, which established the legal mechanisms of the overseas trades with the perfect systems. These legal regulations... The golden period of the development of China's overseas trades is most significant in the Song Dynasty, which established the legal mechanisms of the overseas trades with the perfect systems. These legal regulations made clear the subjects of the overseas trade to a large extent, stipulated the procedures for the overseas trade, and at the same time, established the related legal liabilities and regulation means and methods of the governments. Although it met the huge demands of the development of the foreign trade, and had brought the economic income for the governments, yet because the governments had adopted the strict control measures, to a certain extent, it also restricted the rapid development of the foreign trade. This paper starts from the analysis of the legal subjects of the overseas trade in the Song Dynasty, and conducted the specific analysis of the trade procedures and other related contents of the legal systems of the overseas trade in the Song Dynasty. 展开更多
关键词 Song Dynasty overseas trade legal system
Problems of Marine Ecological and Environmental Compensations of Oil Spill in China 被引量:1
作者 Liu Jiayi 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第1期11-14,共4页
In recent years, the frequent occurrences of marine oil spills have already become one of the major reasons threatening the marine ecological safety of China. In the event of oil spill, oth-er than taking the necessar... In recent years, the frequent occurrences of marine oil spills have already become one of the major reasons threatening the marine ecological safety of China. In the event of oil spill, oth-er than taking the necessary emergent measures aiming specifically at the damage to the marine ecology and environment, using legal means to assure that the damage liabilities are borne by the respon-sible persons to protect the national interests are also very neces-sary. This paper advances five recommendations regarding the development of a system for ecological legal compensations from the standpoint of the current status of legislation and execution of the laws on compensation of oil spill polluting marine ecosystem. These five recommendations include: determination of the status of juristic action in marine ecological and environmental compen-sations in accordance with the laws, determination of plaintiff of marine ecological and environmental compensations in accordance with the laws, determination of the four basic principles in the le-gal actions of marine ecological and environmental compensations in accordance with the laws, determination of assessment technical standard of marine ecological and environmental damages in ac-cordance with the laws, and determination of the scope of marine ecological and environmental compensations in accordance with the laws. 展开更多
关键词 marine environment marine ecology oil spill compensation for damages
作者 曹军 《运动精品》 2018年第11期5-6,共2页
高校是竞技体育伤害事故多发场所,不能为规避风险和责任而人为降低高校体育教学的既定标准,因此要在伤害事故发生前做好制度建设、医疗保障、保险分担和规范比赛,在事故发生后做好过错认定、法律救济和经济补偿,以树立全社会竞技体育的... 高校是竞技体育伤害事故多发场所,不能为规避风险和责任而人为降低高校体育教学的既定标准,因此要在伤害事故发生前做好制度建设、医疗保障、保险分担和规范比赛,在事故发生后做好过错认定、法律救济和经济补偿,以树立全社会竞技体育的信心,有利于促进体育强国战略的实现。 展开更多
关键词 竞技体育 大学生 规责与防范
The effect of firm size and firm activities on CSR practices of selected Chinese-Filipino-owned MSMEs in Metro Manila
作者 Joy Santos Rabo 《Chinese Business Review》 2010年第2期1-12,共12页
Socially-responsible business and ethical behavior of companies have been of interest to academia and practice for decades, but the focus has almost exclusively been on large corporations, while small and medium-sized... Socially-responsible business and ethical behavior of companies have been of interest to academia and practice for decades, but the focus has almost exclusively been on large corporations, while small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have not received as much attention (Hammann, et al., 2009). Worthington, et al (2006) recognized the need to encourage socially-responsible business practices among the 90 per cent or more of the world's businesses that are classified as SMEs. Perrini, et al (2007) found that size explains the differences in firms' willingness to define and implement such specific corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies, while Murillo and Lozano (2006) concluded that it still remains to be explored whether manufacturing companies tend to apply CSR more extensively, or whether businesses oriented to other business have a tendency to incorporate CSR into their management patterns to a higher degree. Moreover, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, in her 7 June, 2002 speech, recognized the importance of Chinese-Filipinos in helping improve the Philippine economy, and yet, not much research had been done on this sub-sector. Thus, this paper focuses on the effect of finn size and finn activities on the social responsibility practices of selected 30 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Metro Manila which are owned by Chinese-Filipinos. Survey questionnaires and interview were used for gathering data, while a correlations test was used to analyze the data and to conclude whether finn size and finn activities have an effect on the sampled companies' CSR practices. 展开更多
关键词 social responsibility micro-enterprises finn size firm activities Chinese-Filipinos
On the inference rules in legal logic
作者 Xiong Minghui 《Social Sciences in China》 2009年第3期58-74,共17页
Inference rules are at the heart of studies of logic. Although legal logic is an applied logic, it is not a simple application of the inference rules of formal logic in the legal domain, but the outcome of a combinati... Inference rules are at the heart of studies of logic. Although legal logic is an applied logic, it is not a simple application of the inference rules of formal logic in the legal domain, but the outcome of a combination of the inference rules of formal logic and inference rules peculiar to the legal domain. Therefore, although legal inference rules have some features in common with the inference rules of formal logic, they also have a distinctive character. Their common features are to be found in the fact that the basic inference rules of formal logic are an indispensable part of the inference rules of legal logic, while their distinctiveness lies in the fact that legal inference rules contain a special inference rule that does not exist in formal logic, the rule of burden of proof. 展开更多
关键词 legal logic inference rules rule of burden of proof
Norms of legality in relation to the validity of juristic acts (rechtsgesch(?)ft):the influence of public law on the effect of juristic acts and its limitations
作者 谢鸿飞 《Social Sciences in China》 2008年第1期99-112,共14页
It is a common principle in all countries that juristic acts that violate jus cogens are invalid. This may be termed "norms of legality" in relation to the effect of juristic acts (Rechtsgeschaft). This refers onl... It is a common principle in all countries that juristic acts that violate jus cogens are invalid. This may be termed "norms of legality" in relation to the effect of juristic acts (Rechtsgeschaft). This refers only to jus cogens in public law, since jus cogens in private law is self-governing or autonomous in nature and its violation results at worst in ineffectiveness rather than invalidity. In determining whether legal acts that contravene public law are valid, the objectives of the related public laws must be examined and the principle of proportionality applied to limit the interpretation of the objectives of the public law in question, in order to further distinguish obligations in public law from those in private law. Local laws and administrative rules cannot be excluded completely in the application of civil law. Violation of the law and violation of public order and good custom have totally different effects and cannot be treated as the same thing. 展开更多
关键词 norms oflegality jus cogens norms of autonomy obligations in public law obligationsin private law
Coopetition Model: Evidence from Electric Power Market in the Southwest of China
作者 Xiaotian Wei Zheng He 《Journal of Systems Science and Information》 2009年第4期367-377,共11页
To be a necessity for life issue as well as an important engine to country's economy, electricity has private and public goods properties simultaneously, leading it difficult to balance economic profit and social res... To be a necessity for life issue as well as an important engine to country's economy, electricity has private and public goods properties simultaneously, leading it difficult to balance economic profit and social responsibility for a single state-owned cor- poration especially in large rural areas. In this paper, we suggest that occurrence of local company may provide us a new insight for this issue. Using objective programming model, we discuss different outcomes under competitive and cooperative situations. Our results suggest coopetitive relations among state company and local company would be a practical choice for achieving the economic profit and social duty simultaneously. Furthermore, tak- ing Sichuan province as a case, we investigate three types of coopetition relation between state company and local companies. Our findings suggest that coopetition strategy may lead to better solution to dealing with the conflicts between economic profit and social responsibility for both state-owned corporation and local electric power company. 展开更多
关键词 COOPETITION electric power market social responsibility
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