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城市多维发展语境下的视觉可视化信息设计课程建构 被引量:1
作者 朱雪俊 《设计》 2019年第7期111-113,共3页
为在20世纪90年代互联网社交兴起和城市化建设加速推进背景下,解决由各种自然的、社会的、经济的、文明的因素配合产生出的多维度领域化的信息围城现象。通过调研观察"信息受众需求"与"即视图像文化",以及探讨使得... 为在20世纪90年代互联网社交兴起和城市化建设加速推进背景下,解决由各种自然的、社会的、经济的、文明的因素配合产生出的多维度领域化的信息围城现象。通过调研观察"信息受众需求"与"即视图像文化",以及探讨使得观者如何快速看懂信息?如何有效接受信息?以及如何解除信息焦虑?本文将从不同角度探讨围绕信息可视化在表达城市多维发展的上的功能回归,结合实践教学案例,简析如何开展不再受限于一维柱状或二维散点式的视觉表现形式设计课程建构。该讨论结果将为中国城市信息可视化发展在教学和实践实验方面提供创新型的理念和参考。 展开更多
关键词 城市信息设计 跨学科设计 视觉可视化
基于知识可视化视觉表征理论的在线开放课程教学资源设计 被引量:2
作者 刘晶晶 《中国教育技术装备》 2022年第6期73-76,共4页
将知识可视化运用到在线开放课程教学资源设计中,有利于学习者快速、正确地理解知识内容并形成长期记忆。基于知识可视化视觉表征理论,介绍在线开放课程教学资源可视化表征类型、知识可视化工具,构建课程资源可视化框架和知识点可视化... 将知识可视化运用到在线开放课程教学资源设计中,有利于学习者快速、正确地理解知识内容并形成长期记忆。基于知识可视化视觉表征理论,介绍在线开放课程教学资源可视化表征类型、知识可视化工具,构建课程资源可视化框架和知识点可视化设计表,最后基于设计表在餐饮实务在线开放课程中开展个案应用。 展开更多
关键词 在线开放课程 知识可视视觉表征理论 餐饮实务 教学资源 POWERPOINT
作者 安娃 《教育教学论坛》 2019年第11期55-57,共3页
本文是通过视觉可视化的方式展现人的行为数据特征和体验。通过记录和分析结合的方法,对人的物理空间使用行为、生活习惯行为和完成特定任务的行为这三种行为数据进行收集和分析,采用立体或者平面的可视化方式将其行为特征进行表达。对... 本文是通过视觉可视化的方式展现人的行为数据特征和体验。通过记录和分析结合的方法,对人的物理空间使用行为、生活习惯行为和完成特定任务的行为这三种行为数据进行收集和分析,采用立体或者平面的可视化方式将其行为特征进行表达。对于数据的认识,早已不再停留在由计算机获得的数据,而扩展到生活中由人的行为而产生的各种数据。行为数据的可视化能帮助我们捕捉用户特征,了解行为背后的规律和逻辑,发现设计流程中的不足,最终设计出更好的产品和服务体验。 展开更多
关键词 数据 行为 视觉可视化 体验
作者 毛海英 《办公自动化》 2018年第24期48-50,共3页
电子商务作为一个发展迅猛的商业形态,改变着现有社会结构和行为方式的发展。科学技术的进步使视觉文化和知识经济时代已经成为知识可视化最直接的动力,知识的快速更迭影响着人们的阅读方式和心理,知识可视化无疑是快速学习的捷径。从... 电子商务作为一个发展迅猛的商业形态,改变着现有社会结构和行为方式的发展。科学技术的进步使视觉文化和知识经济时代已经成为知识可视化最直接的动力,知识的快速更迭影响着人们的阅读方式和心理,知识可视化无疑是快速学习的捷径。从符合人体工程学的角度,知识可视化促使电子商务的学习和实践融合在一起,不仅从视觉表征本身讨论,而且从学习者认知中考虑设计应用。 展开更多
关键词 电子商务 知识可视视觉 视觉表征
《璀璨民族 鲜族神韵》作品风格及成果转化研究
作者 马飞扬 蒋宇施 《戏剧之家》 2019年第36期242-242,共1页
本文对中国大学生计算机设计大赛作品视觉可视化类别信息图形设计组的作品《璀璨民族鲜族神韵》的风格及成果转化做了深刻的分析与研究。风格研究分为前期调研、确定方案、插图风格三部分内容;作品成果转化则分为信息图排版、难点分析... 本文对中国大学生计算机设计大赛作品视觉可视化类别信息图形设计组的作品《璀璨民族鲜族神韵》的风格及成果转化做了深刻的分析与研究。风格研究分为前期调研、确定方案、插图风格三部分内容;作品成果转化则分为信息图排版、难点分析、专业技术、作品成果、应用推广成果转化五个部分。 展开更多
关键词 中国大学生计算机大赛 视觉可视化 信息图形设计 信息图表 视觉传达设计
基于改进细菌觅食优化的彩超图像增强算法 被引量:1
作者 宛楠 叶明全 《宜春学院学报》 2020年第3期1-7,共7页
受彩色多普勒超声影像工作设备的限制,彩超图像作为医(疗)学辅助证据一般采用传统的算法(诸如空域增强中的直方图变换或频域增强中的小波变换)进行增强,而直方图变换后的彩超图像失真度过大,小波变换的参数调试更为繁琐。为此,本文提出... 受彩色多普勒超声影像工作设备的限制,彩超图像作为医(疗)学辅助证据一般采用传统的算法(诸如空域增强中的直方图变换或频域增强中的小波变换)进行增强,而直方图变换后的彩超图像失真度过大,小波变换的参数调试更为繁琐。为此,本文提出了一种改进细菌觅食优化的图像增强算法。首先将彩超图像转到HSV颜色空间中,而后利用熵视觉显著性机制对亮度分量进行处理,以便获得显著性点集,将其作为细菌觅食优化初始菌群的候选集合,根据随机佳点理论抽选出合适的菌群点集后,对不完全Beta函数中的两个调节因子进行寻优,确定最优参数,最后将增强后的亮度分量整合色调分量和饱和度分量,并转回到RGB颜色空间中,得到增强后的彩超图像。文中的数据来源于某医院彩超诊断室,经MATLAB仿真测试后,证明所提算法同模因及杜鹃优化算法相比,峰值信噪比平均提高了7.29分贝,且具有良好的主观分辨效果。 展开更多
关键词 群智能 多普勒技术 视觉注意定位可视 点集
作者 李会芳 王志芬 《天工》 2018年第8期94-94,共1页
随着大数据时代的到来,设计师更加热爱以图形化的方式结合视觉上的美感将信息传达给受众目标,在这种环境的影响下,信息图表就越来越被大众所接受和喜爱。将原本很难用语言表达的数据信息,通过图形的形式来加以说明、解释,让原本很复杂... 随着大数据时代的到来,设计师更加热爱以图形化的方式结合视觉上的美感将信息传达给受众目标,在这种环境的影响下,信息图表就越来越被大众所接受和喜爱。将原本很难用语言表达的数据信息,通过图形的形式来加以说明、解释,让原本很复杂枯燥的信息更容易被理解,这就是信息图表设计的最终目标和未来理想。 展开更多
关键词 信息图表设计 视觉可视化 传播媒介
作者 赵明 《华东科技(综合)》 2021年第5期46-46,共1页
在当今的人工智能时代,计算机的发展越来越多的是人工智能化。人工智能是一种全新的智能模式,它是完全模仿的人类大脑的思维方式,通过相关指令,来执行对的任务。人工智能是一场全新的产业革命,人工智能给我们的生活带来了新的体验。通... 在当今的人工智能时代,计算机的发展越来越多的是人工智能化。人工智能是一种全新的智能模式,它是完全模仿的人类大脑的思维方式,通过相关指令,来执行对的任务。人工智能是一场全新的产业革命,人工智能给我们的生活带来了新的体验。通过计算机网络,可以实现更好更快的信息传输。同时,在工业生产过程中,计算机网络大大提高了企业的生产效率。人工智能采用了各种类似于人类思维模式的智能算法,在大数据分析与处理、图像处理、视觉可视化等领域有很大的应用。本文从人工智能本身出发,深入介绍了新时代人工智能技术在计算机中的应用,主要分析了大数据和视觉可视化两个方面的应用。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 大数据 视觉可视化
Analysis on Visual Significance of Yi Nationality Decoration 被引量:1
作者 Tian Yalian 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第4期118-119,共2页
In visual importance, Plato uses Maius' saying: Vision is the most useful source, because if we have not seen the stars, the sun and the sky, then we can not have the language to describe the universe. God invents t... In visual importance, Plato uses Maius' saying: Vision is the most useful source, because if we have not seen the stars, the sun and the sky, then we can not have the language to describe the universe. God invents the vision and finally gives it to me, making us see the process of reason in the heaven. In this paper, the investigated scope is mainly from Yunnan Chuxiong Heijing to Sichuan Panzhihua Yi salad area of Yi culture, using the visual analysis and theory combined method to put forward the argument. 展开更多
关键词 VISION DECORATION Yi nationality
作者 仇萌 《中国信息技术教育》 2014年第2期57-58,共2页
Cmaptools作为一种新型学与教的知识可视化视觉表征工具,为高中信息技术课堂中学生自主学习、教师教学及评价提供一种新的方式。具有优化知识表征,体现知识体系结构和课程导航,提高学生信息加工能力等优势,在创建有趣学习环境的同... Cmaptools作为一种新型学与教的知识可视化视觉表征工具,为高中信息技术课堂中学生自主学习、教师教学及评价提供一种新的方式。具有优化知识表征,体现知识体系结构和课程导航,提高学生信息加工能力等优势,在创建有趣学习环境的同时,能够培养学生的逻辑思维和创新思维的能力。 展开更多
关键词 知识可视视觉表征 自主学习 信息加工
Imagery perspective among young athletes: Differentiation between external and internal visual imagery
作者 Qiu-Hua Yu Amy S.N.Fu +3 位作者 Adeline Kho Jie Li Xiao-Hua Sun Chetwyn C.H.Chan 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2016年第2期211-218,共8页
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the construct of external visual imagery (EVI) vs. internal visual imagery (IV/) by comparing the athletes' imagery ability with their levels of skill and types of sports... Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the construct of external visual imagery (EVI) vs. internal visual imagery (IV/) by comparing the athletes' imagery ability with their levels of skill and types of sports. Methods: Seventy-two young athletes in open (n = 45) or closed (n = 27) sports and with different skill levels completed 2 custom-designed tasks. The EVI task involved the subject generating and visualizing the rotated images of different body parts, whereas the IVI task involved the subject visualizing himself or herself performing specific movements. Results: The significant Skill-Level x Sport Type interactions for the EVI task revealed that participants who specialized in open sports and had higher skill-levels had a higher accuracy rate as compared to the other subgroups. For the IVI task, the differences between the groups were less clear: those with higher skill-levels or open sports had a higher accuracy rate than those with lower skill-levels or closed sports. Conclusion: EVI involves the visualization of others and the environment, and would be relevant to higher skill-level athletes who engage in open sports. IVI, in contrast, tends to be more self-oriented and would be relevant for utilization by higher skill-level athletes regardless of sport type. 展开更多
关键词 External visual imagery Internal visual imagery Open sports SKILLS YOUTH
Fundamentals of Visualizing Communication Networks
作者 Jürgen Pfeffer 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期82-90,共9页
The human brain is built to process complex visual impressions within milliseconds. In comparison with sequentially coded spoken language and written texts, we are capable of consuming graphical information at a high ... The human brain is built to process complex visual impressions within milliseconds. In comparison with sequentially coded spoken language and written texts, we are capable of consuming graphical information at a high bandwidth in a parallel fashion, producing a picture worth more than a thousand words. Effective information visualization can be a powerful tool to capture people's attention and quickly communicate large amounts of data and complex information. This is particularly important in the context of communication data, which often describes entities (people, organizations) and their connections through communication. Visual analytics approaches can optimize the user-computer interaction to gain insights into communication networks and learn about their structures. Network visualization is a perfect instrument to better communicate the results of analysis. The precondition for effective information visualization and successful visual reasoning is the capability to draw "good" pictures. Even though communication networks are often large, including thousands or even millions of people, underlying visualization principles are identical to those used for visualizing smaller networks. In this article, you will learn about these principles, giving you the ability to assess the quality of network visualizations and to draw better network pictures by yourself. 展开更多
关键词 communication networks information visualization human perception
Direct Visual Evidence for Neutral and Charged Hexaphyrin Aromaticity with and without Keto-Defect
作者 Shan Zhang Peng Song +5 位作者 Sha Wang Yu-ling Chu Yuan-zuo Li Zhong Yang Yong Ding Feng-cai Ma 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期563-570,I0003,共9页
We use density functional theory and time-dependent together with a set of extensive mul- tidimensional visualization techniques to characterize the influence of keto effect on charge distribution at ground state and ... We use density functional theory and time-dependent together with a set of extensive mul- tidimensional visualization techniques to characterize the influence of keto effect on charge distribution at ground state and electronic transitions for neutral and charged hexaphyrin aromaticity with and without keto-defect. It is found that the aromaticity is the key fac- tor to influence the ground state Mulliken charges distribution properties, other than the meso-aryl-substituted effect. But with the enhancement of the keto-defect, the distribution changes of Mulliken charges on the hexaphyrin groups are larger than those on the pentaflu- orophenyl substituted groups, following with the aromaticity changes from nonaromatic to aromatic. Furthermore, through characterizing by transition density and charge difference density, direct visual evidence for neutral and charged aromaticity with and without keto- defect can be clearly derived, and the ability of charge transfer between units of monoradical (nonaromaticity) and singlet biradical (aromaticity) forms is much stronger than that of neutral forms. 展开更多
关键词 AROMATICITY Keto-defect PORPHYRIN Charge difference density Transitiondensity
(The Good), The Bad and The Ugly: The Visual Construction of Female Child Sex-offenders
作者 Charlotte Barlow Adam Lynes 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第9期480-494,共15页
This paper explores the visual construction and representation of female sex offenders. It utilises the case study of Vanessa George, a nursery worker who was involved in the exchange of indecent imagery of children v... This paper explores the visual construction and representation of female sex offenders. It utilises the case study of Vanessa George, a nursery worker who was involved in the exchange of indecent imagery of children via an online paedophile ring. The first part of the paper considers the emergence of the sub-discipline, visual criminology and examines what is known about the visual representation of female offenders. The second part presents the findings of an empirical investigation, which involved engaging in a critical, reflexive visual analysis of a selection photographs and the police mugshot of Vanessa George. The paper considers the ways in which George's physical appearance and her suggested ability to deceive were used to visually represent her as "other", thus reinforcing the existing simplistic motifs of female sex offending. 展开更多
关键词 female child sex offenders visual representation
对腹针治疗膝关节骨性关节炎即刻镇痛效果的临床观察 被引量:10
作者 郭麒竹 杜琳 +4 位作者 赵晋昕 梁湘钰 刘云霞 张红林 张倩 《现代中医临床》 2014年第2期36-38,共3页
目的运用腹针疗法治疗膝关节骨性关节炎,观察其即刻镇痛的疗效。方法对30例膝关节骨性关节炎患者进行腹针治疗,1个疗程10次,每次均于治疗前和治疗后利用可视化视觉模拟评分法(VAS)进行疼痛评估。结果治疗后与治疗前相比,膝骨性关节炎的... 目的运用腹针疗法治疗膝关节骨性关节炎,观察其即刻镇痛的疗效。方法对30例膝关节骨性关节炎患者进行腹针治疗,1个疗程10次,每次均于治疗前和治疗后利用可视化视觉模拟评分法(VAS)进行疼痛评估。结果治疗后与治疗前相比,膝骨性关节炎的疼痛呈明显下降趋势(P<0.001)。每次治疗前后相比,VAS评分有显著性差异(P<0.001)。所有治疗前比较,评分也具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论腹针对膝关节骨性关节炎具有显著的止痛效果,并且具有即刻镇痛效果。治疗次数与疗效呈正相关。 展开更多
关键词 腹针 膝关节骨性关节炎 可视视觉模拟评分法 镇痛效果
Real-time visualization of 3D city models at street-level based on visual saliency 被引量:5
作者 MAO Bo BAN YiFang Lars HARRIE 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期448-461,共14页
Street-level visualization is an important application of 3D city models.Challenges to street-level visualization include the cluttering of buildings due to fine detail and visualization performance.In this paper,a no... Street-level visualization is an important application of 3D city models.Challenges to street-level visualization include the cluttering of buildings due to fine detail and visualization performance.In this paper,a novel method is proposed for streetlevel visualization based on visual saliency evaluation.The basic idea of the method is to preserve these salient buildings in a scene while removing those that are non-salient.The method can be divided into pre-processing procedures and real-time visualization.The first step in pre-processing is to convert 3D building models at higher Levels of Detail(Lo Ds) into LoD 1 models with simplified ground plans.Then,a number of index viewpoints are created along the streets; these indices refer to both the position and the direction of each street site.A visual saliency value is computed for each building,with respect to the index site,based on a visual difference between the original model and the generalized model.We calculate and evaluate three methods for visual saliency:local difference,global difference and minimum projection area.The real-time visualization process begins by mapping the observer to its closest indices.The street view is then generated based on the building information stored in those indexes.A user study shows that the local visual saliency method performs better than do the global visual saliency,area and image-based methods and that the framework proposed in this paper may improve the performance of 3D visualization. 展开更多
关键词 3D city models street level visualization index viewpoints visual saliency
New advances in visual computing for intelligent processing of visual media and augmented reality 被引量:1
作者 WANG JuHong ZHANG SongHai MARTIN Ralph R. 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第12期2210-2211,共2页
Visual imagery constitutes the most important sensory information for humans.The entire field of acquiring,analyzing and synthesizing visual data by means of computers is called visual computing.It has an extraordinar... Visual imagery constitutes the most important sensory information for humans.The entire field of acquiring,analyzing and synthesizing visual data by means of computers is called visual computing.It has an extraordinarily wide range of applications,including for example:industrial quality control,street view and driver assistance systems,robot navigation,multimedia systems,and computer games. 展开更多
关键词 Augmented reality Intelligent computing
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