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作者 徐曼姝 余婷 +1 位作者 侯焱 唐韬 《城市建筑》 2023年第22期147-150,共4页
随着城市建设的快速发展,中国的遗产地普遍遇到了新建项目对其景观视觉完整性的影响和破坏,因此探讨如何通过高效可行的遗产影响评估方法,保护遗产地的景观视觉完整性,具有重要的理论与实践意义。此次研究以浙北±800千伏特高压直... 随着城市建设的快速发展,中国的遗产地普遍遇到了新建项目对其景观视觉完整性的影响和破坏,因此探讨如何通过高效可行的遗产影响评估方法,保护遗产地的景观视觉完整性,具有重要的理论与实践意义。此次研究以浙北±800千伏特高压直流换流站配套500千伏接入工程为例,以景观视觉分析作为研究路径,尝试以遮挡率、天际线、背景复杂度作为评估因子,通过现场踏勘和模型分析相结合的方法,将瑶山遗址区观景台作为敏感视点进行多视域的景观视觉分析,多维度评估工程对瑶山遗址区的影响。文章尝试提供一种理论与实践相结合的遗产影响评估方法,以求为调和城市建设与遗产保护之间的关系提供经验参考。 展开更多
关键词 遗产影响评估 景观视觉分析 遮挡率 分析路径
基于视觉分析的城市道路景观设计研究 被引量:16
作者 梁凯 刘晓惠 《现代城市研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期46-51,共6页
景观设计的本质是"看"和"被看",道路景观设计应汲取城市意象、环境心理和动态视景的相关理论知识,建立"道路一视景"的概念:本文综合考虑整合一体、环境契合、个性鲜明等景观视觉要求,从城市环境意象的构... 景观设计的本质是"看"和"被看",道路景观设计应汲取城市意象、环境心理和动态视景的相关理论知识,建立"道路一视景"的概念:本文综合考虑整合一体、环境契合、个性鲜明等景观视觉要求,从城市环境意象的构成要素入手,在视觉分析的基础上,提出适应不同地段环境特征的道路景观设计策略。 展开更多
关键词 景观视觉分析 城市意象 环境心理 动态视景 思考与策略
作者 张珂馨 金荷仙 赵绮 《古建园林技术》 2024年第3期95-99,121,共6页
历史上,杭州凤凰山凭借其良好的地理位置成为登高游赏的绝佳选择,随着时代变迁这一观景胜地逐渐淡出游人视线。整理历史文献对凤凰山的记载,对自唐至清末游人在凤凰山欣赏西湖、钱塘江山水景色的游赏活动演变进行研究,将其历史景观演进... 历史上,杭州凤凰山凭借其良好的地理位置成为登高游赏的绝佳选择,随着时代变迁这一观景胜地逐渐淡出游人视线。整理历史文献对凤凰山的记载,对自唐至清末游人在凤凰山欣赏西湖、钱塘江山水景色的游赏活动演变进行研究,将其历史景观演进划分为唐代初成、宋代兴盛以及明清稳定三个主要时期,得出杭州凤凰山“名因景成,景借名传”的重要原因为文化熏陶。其次,对凤凰山观景点视域进行分析,总结凤凰山眺望景观的古今特征,从建设活动、观景点位置、植物环境、文化活动四个角度阐述凤凰山眺望景观演变情况,认为杭州凤凰山观景优异的重要原因为地理位置与人工建设的共同作用。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 杭州凤凰山 眺望景观 景观演变 景观视觉分析
“山-城”视觉互馈下山地小城市高度形态管控方法研究 被引量:6
作者 杨洁 乔杰 《风景园林》 2021年第9期82-89,共8页
受山地人地关系特征影响,山地小城市常面临空间增量扩张与山水环境品质保护的双重压力。传统基于容量测算转化的高度指标控制,重在引导经济“增量”空间集聚,缺乏对城市山水生态格局的“底线”管控和“山—城”视觉互动的高度空间引导... 受山地人地关系特征影响,山地小城市常面临空间增量扩张与山水环境品质保护的双重压力。传统基于容量测算转化的高度指标控制,重在引导经济“增量”空间集聚,缺乏对城市山水生态格局的“底线”管控和“山—城”视觉互动的高度空间引导。围绕“山—城眺望体系”构建,系统分析“山望城”“城望山”两种视觉互馈模式对城市整体高度格局保护和高度空间(秩序)引导的技术要求,并转化为具体的高度指标和形态策略。选取浙南山区永嘉县中心城区总体城市设计管控为实例,通过提炼特定山水环境元素的眺望系统,建立从整体高度基准模型,到分级分区的管控机制,再到中微观高度形态修正的管控体系,系统总结生态文明建设过程中针对山地小城市空间特色、高度问题建立的高度形态管控技术方法。 展开更多
关键词 山地小城市 “山—城眺望体系” 视觉景观分析 高度形态管控
Who Populates the Visual Landscape of the ELT Coursebooks?: A Photo Analytical Exploration
作者 Devrim GUNAY 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第8期388-404,共17页
The aim of this study is to portray and explore the variety of social actors depicted visually along the pages of the intermediate level ELT coursebooks that are published locally (by British and American publishers... The aim of this study is to portray and explore the variety of social actors depicted visually along the pages of the intermediate level ELT coursebooks that are published locally (by British and American publishers) and marketed globally (mostly to the EFL contexts). For this, a thorough photo-ethnographic exploration of the visuals supported by the inventory of "social actor interaction network" is employed. In the field of Coursebook Analysis, visuals have attracted limited attention despite marking asocio-semiotically rich discursive field. In fact, the semiotic labor division between the "word" and the "image" in representing and reconstructing (simulating) the world, points to a gain on the part of the image as the brain is evolutionarily more experienced in processing visual information than processing verbal information. Therefore, images can appeal more directly to the sensory experience domains of the viewers via visual contact, evoking deeper consciousness. Acting as the prominent mediators of signification practice, visuals catalogue the representations and simulations of social-life viewed l^om a particular subject position associated with a particular set of norms, beliefs, and values. Hence, they position the viewers across dynamic loci of subjectivities in terms of social distance, relations, and interaction. As both reflections and reproductions of reality, images in the coursebooks have the potent to influence learners' perspectives of the world presenting them with readymade cognitive schemes. In order to reveal a comprehensive picture of the visually depicted social actors and the identity options made available through them, in this study the author focused on the peopled photos of the 6 popularly traded ELT coursebooks. The author investigated them regarding the relations of social distance, involvement, power and interaction formed between the depicted social actors and their viewers as well as the emergent practices of exclusion, role allocation, genericization, specification, assimilation, individualization, and categorization. The results show that the representational repertoires of the coursebooks contain disproportionately distributed visual depictions of social actors in terms of cultural orientation and gender. The "culturally different" are repeatedly pictured in assimilative ways as an aggregate of enumerable people, while the social actors of the reference group are usually pictured individually and with their own intended meaning. 展开更多
关键词 visual communication critical discourse analysis Coursebook Analysis photo ethnography SEMIOTICS language teaching
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