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求解树上的Spider Graph问题的算法
作者 杨锦宣 张思源 赵文嘉 《科技信息》 2009年第10期168-168,共1页
Spider graph问题是组合最优化方面的典型优化问题,在光纤网络传输方面也涉及到该问题。T=(V,E)为一棵树,在T中至多有一个结点的度大于2,则称T为Spider graph。我们所研究的问题是:给定一棵树T=(V,E),寻找E的子集E('即E'■E),... Spider graph问题是组合最优化方面的典型优化问题,在光纤网络传输方面也涉及到该问题。T=(V,E)为一棵树,在T中至多有一个结点的度大于2,则称T为Spider graph。我们所研究的问题是:给定一棵树T=(V,E),寻找E的子集E('即E'■E),使得在树T中去除E'后剩余图(即T-E)'的每个连通分支为spider graph,其目标是使去除边的数目︱E'︱达到最小,即min︱E'︱。本论文给出了该问题的一个复杂性为O(n)的多项式时间算法。 展开更多
关键词 多项式时间算法 SPIDER h问题 解树 组合最优化 优化问题 网络传输 连通分支
山东黄岛:政企联动 专项排查 解树线矛盾
作者 卢振钟 张晓虹 李翔 《中国电力企业管理》 2015年第4X期34-35,共2页
如何有效缓解"树线"矛盾,既要保证环境和谐和城市美观,又要满足电力建设的需要是当前供电企业面临的一个新课题。2014年上半年青岛黄岛区供电范围内因电力线路下面违章树木引起的电力线路跳闸31条次,累计造成95家工业用户和0.... 如何有效缓解"树线"矛盾,既要保证环境和谐和城市美观,又要满足电力建设的需要是当前供电企业面临的一个新课题。2014年上半年青岛黄岛区供电范围内因电力线路下面违章树木引起的电力线路跳闸31条次,累计造成95家工业用户和0.8万居民用户停电,累计停电时间120多小时,占全部停电比例60%以上。为彻底解决这一问题,2014年下半年开始。 展开更多
关键词 黄岛区 电力建设 政企联动 供电企业 解树 树线 电力线路 线路跳闸 停电时间 供电范围
作者 吴裕红 李晶 《中国电力企业管理》 2015年第4X期31-31,共1页
江西省抚州地处山区,植被茂盛,森林覆盖率达64%。郁郁葱葱的树木在保护环境的同时,也与电力线路产生了"冲突",由树木超高引发的线路跳闸居高不下,线下树成为线路跳闸的罪魁祸首。树线矛盾已经成为供电人员的"心头之痛&qu... 江西省抚州地处山区,植被茂盛,森林覆盖率达64%。郁郁葱葱的树木在保护环境的同时,也与电力线路产生了"冲突",由树木超高引发的线路跳闸居高不下,线下树成为线路跳闸的罪魁祸首。树线矛盾已经成为供电人员的"心头之痛"。据初步统计。 展开更多
关键词 线路跳闸 树线 解树 心头之痛 电力线路 江西抚州 供电公司 配电线路 电力设施保护 线下
干啥要学啥 干啥要像啥——记辽源市安监局局长解树义
作者 金椽 《吉林劳动保护》 2015年第2期24-25,共2页
去年3月初,50多岁的解树义被任命为辽源市安监局局长。虽然以前从未接触过安监工作,对安监整体工作既陌生又外行,然而,在到任短短不到一年的时间里,他不但对全市安全生产工作了如指掌,对全市规模以上企业情况如数家珍,但将自己由外行变... 去年3月初,50多岁的解树义被任命为辽源市安监局局长。虽然以前从未接触过安监工作,对安监整体工作既陌生又外行,然而,在到任短短不到一年的时间里,他不但对全市安全生产工作了如指掌,对全市规模以上企业情况如数家珍,但将自己由外行变为内行。而且经过全市上下的共同努力,2014年全市安全生产工作取得好成绩,全市死亡事故人数低于国家控制指标的50%以下,并杜绝重伤事故,轻伤事故率大幅度下降,排在全省同级市(州)的先进行列,创历史最好水平。 展开更多
关键词 解树 轻伤事故 死亡事故 重伤事故 国家控制 安法 有所耳闻 矿业集团公司 人的生命 创新词
作者 金宝森 《吉林劳动保护》 2015年第4期27-28,共2页
"安监工作专业性很强,它涉及各行各业,而每一个领域的专业知识又各有不同。安监工作又关系到社会稳定,一起事故往往会影响到多个家庭,不仅会给家庭造成很大痛苦,还会给社会带来很大的负担。做好安监工作是每名安监战士的职责和义务... "安监工作专业性很强,它涉及各行各业,而每一个领域的专业知识又各有不同。安监工作又关系到社会稳定,一起事故往往会影响到多个家庭,不仅会给家庭造成很大痛苦,还会给社会带来很大的负担。做好安监工作是每名安监战士的职责和义务。"谈起当前安监工作和队伍建设等问题,辽源市安监局局长解树义这样说。辽源市是以煤矿为基础发展起来的一座地级市,下辖2县3区。随着不断发展,如今的辽源市除煤炭外。 展开更多
关键词 解树 监战 专业知识 安监人员 马虎大意 专业人才 产品技术含量 主导产业 机械加工 职业卫生
汉诺塔问题的层次迭代算法 被引量:4
作者 李玉华 崔凤云 刘晓庆 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第35期73-75,79,共4页
汉诺(Hanoi)塔是程序算法设计的一个比较经典问题,目前已有大量的相关文献对其进行了研究。为进一步加快汉诺塔问题的求解速度,通过对汉诺塔问题抽象解树的分析,发现其可以划分为不同层次相同结构的子树,通过对子树层次化控制即可迭代... 汉诺(Hanoi)塔是程序算法设计的一个比较经典问题,目前已有大量的相关文献对其进行了研究。为进一步加快汉诺塔问题的求解速度,通过对汉诺塔问题抽象解树的分析,发现其可以划分为不同层次相同结构的子树,通过对子树层次化控制即可迭代出整个问题的解。基于此,提出了一种用已知子树分层次迭代汉诺塔问题的非递归算法。运行时间测试表明,该算法进一步提高了求解的速度。 展开更多
关键词 汉诺塔 非递归算法 抽象解树 层次迭代
作者 吴伟民 《华南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1991年第2期37-40,共4页
本文讨论知识库的组织和目标求解.首先用一个知识从属—调用图(KSIG)表示知识库,提出目标求解算法,并证明了生成的目标解树与SDL树中成功路径的等效性.然后提出充要搜索图和解树基等既念,进而建立了能有效地进行目标求解的知识库组织模... 本文讨论知识库的组织和目标求解.首先用一个知识从属—调用图(KSIG)表示知识库,提出目标求解算法,并证明了生成的目标解树与SDL树中成功路径的等效性.然后提出充要搜索图和解树基等既念,进而建立了能有效地进行目标求解的知识库组织模型KBGS,使求解时只搜索必要的节点. 展开更多
关键词 知识库 目标求解 解树 解树 充要搜索图
作者 王淑礼 孙芳 《电脑开发与应用》 2005年第9期9-10,共2页
关键词 PETRI网 逆网 解树 与/或树
Part-level 3-D object classification with improved interpretation tree
作者 邢薇薇 刘渭滨 袁保宗 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第2期221-225,共5页
For classifying unknown 3-D objects into a set of predetermined object classes, a part-level object classification method based on the improved interpretation tree is presented. The part-level representation is implem... For classifying unknown 3-D objects into a set of predetermined object classes, a part-level object classification method based on the improved interpretation tree is presented. The part-level representation is implemented, which enables a more compact shape description of 3-D objects. The proposed classification method consists of two key processing stages: the improved constrained search on an interpretation tree and the following shape similarity measure computation. By the classification method, both whole match and partial match with shape similarity ranks are achieved; especially, focus match can be accomplished, where different key parts may be labeled and all the matched models containing corresponding key parts may be obtained. A series of experiments show the effectiveness of the presented 3-D object classification method. 展开更多
关键词 3-D object classification shape match similarity measure interpretation tree
《中国钨业》 CAS 1991年第5期32-32,共1页
关键词 中国钨业协会 分会组织 经营管理 经济研究 冯世昌 政研室 规划办 解树 副会长单位 进出口总公司
搭桥引渡 夯实基础——一步应用题过渡到两步应用题的几种方法
作者 周卫东 《小学教学参考(语文版)》 1998年第Z1期61-61,共1页
在复合应用题的教学中,两步应用题是教学的重点.从学生解答应用题的思维特点来看,两步应用题与多步应用题之间并没有质的区别,而与一步应用题却有着质的区别.因此,要想实现这一质的飞跃,就必须架设好由一步应用题向两步应用题过渡的桥梁... 在复合应用题的教学中,两步应用题是教学的重点.从学生解答应用题的思维特点来看,两步应用题与多步应用题之间并没有质的区别,而与一步应用题却有着质的区别.因此,要想实现这一质的飞跃,就必须架设好由一步应用题向两步应用题过渡的桥梁,使学生掌握一步应用题与复合应用题之间的联系和区别,切实打好复合应用题的基础.在平时的教学中,我们不妨用如下方法进行过渡. 展开更多
关键词 复合应用题 思维特点 舞蹈队 复结构 过渡方式 少双 花风 泛化现象 解树 知识结构
Behavior of Carbon and Nutrients Within Two Types of Leaf LitterDuring 3.5-year Decomposition 被引量:1
作者 田兴军 孙书存 +1 位作者 马克平 安树青 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第12期1413-1420,共8页
A litter bag study of needle (Abies veitchii Lindl. and A. mariesi Mast.) and leaf litter (Betula ermanii Cham. and B. corylifolia Regal. et Maxim.) conducted in a coniferous forest of Mt. Ontake, Japan showed the sim... A litter bag study of needle (Abies veitchii Lindl. and A. mariesi Mast.) and leaf litter (Betula ermanii Cham. and B. corylifolia Regal. et Maxim.) conducted in a coniferous forest of Mt. Ontake, Japan showed the similar qualities of two type litters in later stages (after the 30th month). Although the difference in remaining mass between the two litters was larger in later stage of decomposition and initial concentration of nutrients was different. The concentrations of carbon (C) fraction and nutrients between the two types of litter tended to similar in the later stages. The similar concentration trend of nutrients was due to different mechanisms. Nitrogen (N) was due to immobilization of fungi and binding with lignin. K and Mg were leaching elements. They were very easily affected in leaching process. In the later stage, they reached a similar concentration because of a balance with the soil concentration. Ca is a construction element, so its behavior has closely related to that of C fractions. Moreover, C fractions were lignified or humuified and remained similar in later stage, Ca was also became similar in concentration in the later stage. 展开更多
Solvent impregnated resin prepared using ionic liquid Cyphos IL 104 for Cr(VI) removal 被引量:6
作者 杨秀云 张建苹 +3 位作者 郭琳 赵贺 张阳 陈继 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第12期3126-3130,共5页
Ionic liquid (IL) trihexyl (tetradecyl) phosphonium bis 2,4,4-trimethylpentylphosphinate (Cyphos IL 104) was impregnated on XAD-7 resin. The solvent impreganated resin (SIR) was prepared and applied in Cr(VI) removal.... Ionic liquid (IL) trihexyl (tetradecyl) phosphonium bis 2,4,4-trimethylpentylphosphinate (Cyphos IL 104) was impregnated on XAD-7 resin. The solvent impreganated resin (SIR) was prepared and applied in Cr(VI) removal. The morphology and the thermal stability of the resins were explored. The effects of equilibrium time and initial pH value on Cr(VI) adsorption were investigated. Adsorption isotherm, separation and desorption of the SIR, and selectivity of SIR were also explored. The results show that Cyphos IL 104 exists in the inner XAD-7 resin, and the optimum pH value range of the SIR for Cr(VI) extraction is 0 to 2. When NaOH used as desorption solution, the Cr(VI) can be effectively desorbed from the SIR. 展开更多
关键词 solid-liquid extraction Cyphos IL 104 CR(VI) RESIN adsorption isotherm separation DESORPTION
Finding a Smooth Frame Decomposition of a Graph
作者 李德明 郝荣霞 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2001年第3期75-79,共5页
Let G be a graph and A be a subset of the edges of G. A frame decomposition of G is a pair (G-A,A) such t ha t G-A is connected. A smooth frame decomposition of G is a frame decompo sition satisfying the two conditi... Let G be a graph and A be a subset of the edges of G. A frame decomposition of G is a pair (G-A,A) such t ha t G-A is connected. A smooth frame decomposition of G is a frame decompo sition satisfying the two conditions: (1) Every leaf of G-A has a connected cotree and (2) The set of bridges of G-B(G-A) is A, where B(G-A) is the set of bridges of G-A. An efficient algorithm on finding a smooth frame decompositi on of a graph is provided. 展开更多
关键词 smooth frame decomposition algorthm BRIDGE spanning tree
作者 陈伟勤 《早期教育(幼教·教育教学)》 1993年第Z1期54-55,共2页
情况分析1.小班时,孩子们已观察过各种树木开的花;对花瓣的颜色、外形很喜欢,可对各种树的名称、特征还不了解。2.植树节时已讨论了树对人们的好处,已带领幼儿观察了一些树木。3.幼儿园有着良好的自然环境,为孩子们提供了非常有利的观... 情况分析1.小班时,孩子们已观察过各种树木开的花;对花瓣的颜色、外形很喜欢,可对各种树的名称、特征还不了解。2.植树节时已讨论了树对人们的好处,已带领幼儿观察了一些树木。3.幼儿园有着良好的自然环境,为孩子们提供了非常有利的观察条件。 展开更多
关键词 观察条件 花园里 活动设计 情况分析 树名 教学活动 解树 观察活动 潜在功能 教育目的
A brief review on the strategy for selection of orthology prediction methods in phylogenomic studies
作者 吴昊阳 刘阳 +1 位作者 谢强 卜文俊 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期81-88,共8页
With the development and decreasing cost of sequencing techniques, it is possible for scientists to conduct deeper research in phylogenomics. During the procedure of phylogenomic analysis, the mostimportant and vitale... With the development and decreasing cost of sequencing techniques, it is possible for scientists to conduct deeper research in phylogenomics. During the procedure of phylogenomic analysis, the mostimportant and vitalest step is orthology prediction, for that the prerequisite to phylogenetic reconstruction is that the genes being compared are orthologous. Here we briefly review the related concept of orthology anddifferent methods for orthology prediction. We also provide recommendations to give some advice for better selection of orthology prediction methods. 展开更多
关键词 orthologous genes automatic tools tree-reconciliation phylogenetic reconstruction evolutionarystudy
Anatomy of Different Ages of Streblus asper Leaves and Their Drought Resistance 被引量:4
作者 Mingyuan ZHAO Shijun HONG +1 位作者 Chunmei WANG Yong YUN 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第1期87-92,共6页
The leaf thickness, stratum corneum thickness, epidermis thickness, palisade tissue thickness and sponge tissue thickness of Streblus asper leaves at different ages were observed by using paraffin section technology a... The leaf thickness, stratum corneum thickness, epidermis thickness, palisade tissue thickness and sponge tissue thickness of Streblus asper leaves at different ages were observed by using paraffin section technology and optical microscopic observation to explore the anatomic adaptive response mechanism to drought stress, also to provide a theoretical basis for S. asper introduction. The results showed that under drought stress, various parts of S. asper leaf anatomy showed some characteristics adapted to water environment. Leaf palisade tissue cells became shorter, increasing from 1-2 layers to 2-3 layers; sponge cells were arranged in neat and compact long column shape, and the upper and down epidermis were thickened. The upper and down epidermis produced more trichomes to resist stress. After rehydration, leaf porosity increased and trichomes had a corresponding reduction. The principal component analysis showed that the stratum corneum thickness, leaf thickness and palisade were available to describe the impact of stress and rehydration on different ages of S. asper leaf anatomy. Under drought stress, S. asper leaf stratum corneum thickness and leaf thickness increased and leaves returned to normal after rehydration. Middle and top leaves were better than basal leaves in response to drought stress sensitivity. 展开更多
关键词 Streblus asper leaves Anatomical structure Drought resistance STRESS
Froth flotation of scheelite – A review 被引量:25
作者 Nathalie Kupka Martin Rudolph 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 EI CSCD 2018年第3期373-384,共12页
Froth flotation of scheelite has regained new focus since the 2010s and research regarding floatability and reagents has made great progress over the years. The main objective was and remains the selective flotation o... Froth flotation of scheelite has regained new focus since the 2010s and research regarding floatability and reagents has made great progress over the years. The main objective was and remains the selective flotation of scheelite from other calcium-bearing minerals, in particular calcite, fluorite and apatite. Due to similar properties, most attempts have limited success or only specific application(linked to a type of ore or a location). This article aims at reviewing all general physical-chemical information on froth flotation of scheelite, including electrokinetic properties, influence of p H and already existing reagents as well as ones still under examination. It appears that chelating or mixed collectors and modified versions of sodium silicate and quebracho hold great promise for scheelite flotation, while the use of said depressants and/or promoters seems inevitable. 展开更多
关键词 SCHEELITE Froth flotation Calcium-bearing minerals Selectivity challenges Promising reagents
Induction of protective antitumor activity of tumor lysate-pulsed dendritic cells vaccine in RM-1 prostate cancer model
作者 Xu Danfeng Liu Yushan Gao Yi Cui Xingang Xing Jizhang Yin Lei Yao Yacheng Min Zhilian 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2009年第1期18-24,共7页
Objective: To investigate the antitumor activity of tumor lysate-pulsed dendritic cells vaccine in RM-1 prostate cancer mice model with the survival time of mice calculated and the tumor size measured in DC vaccine t... Objective: To investigate the antitumor activity of tumor lysate-pulsed dendritic cells vaccine in RM-1 prostate cancer mice model with the survival time of mice calculated and the tumor size measured in DC vaccine therapy. Methods: C57BL/6 mice were immunized on the dorsal flank by s.c. inoculation of Lysate-DC, ova-DC, and non-DC on day -7. On day 0, 2× 10^6cells of RM-1 tumor cells (H-2b) were injected s.c. in C57BL/6 mice pre-treated by s.c. inoculation of modified DCs, correspondingly. DTH assay was performed with modified DCs. In partial test, for the determination of which immune cells were required for antitumor activity, mice were immunodepleted of CD4, CDS, or natural killer (NK) NK1.1 cells with the corresponding monoclonal antibodies. The survival time of nude mice loaded with tumor cells was calculated and the size of tumor measured. Results: In RM-1 mice prostate cancer model, immunized with lysate-DC, compared with ova-DC and non-DC, the pre-infection vaccine resulted in 100% clearance of primary tumors, whereas on day 0 of injection vaccine cleared 40-60% of primary tumors. On day 0, C57BL/6 mice (H-2b) were immunized with Lysate-DC, compared with ova-DC and non-DC by caudal vein injection, then on day 15, RM-1 cells were inoculated. On day 30, average diameters of tumor in different groups of modified DC were 23.7±5.4 mm, 22.1±4.9 mm, 4.3±2.6 mm, respectively. Lysate-DC, compared with ova-DC and non-DC, can greatly depressed RM-1 tumor cell growth (P〈0.01). The mean survival time of C57BL/6 mice in Lysate-DC, ova-DC and non-DC groups were 15.8±2.6, 16.6±3.2, 39.0±5.6, respectively, and there was a significant difference in the mean survival time in lysate-DC group between ova-DC and non-DC group (P〈0.01). DTH test showed that lysate-DC could prime T lymphocyte and elicit tumor antigen specific immune response, and over 80% mice in groups of lysate-DC showed obvious swelling in their foot pad. This response was strengthened with repeating inoculation, whereas DTH response was not seen in control group. In vivo depletion of NK cells resulted in a 40-60% reduction in growth suppression within the primary tumor, and depletion of CD4^+ cells resulted in a 20% reduction in growth suppression. Conclusion: The minor lysate-pulsed dendritic cells vaccine could elicit antitumor activity in RM-1 loaded C57BL/6 mice, and prolong the duration of RM-1 loaded C57BL/6 mice. So DC-based immunotherapy with hormone-refractory prostate carcinoma yielded protective immunity, generated efficient cellular antitumor responses, thereby providing further preclinical support for feasible immunotherapy approaches for prostate cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Dendritic cells LYSATE Antitumor activity RM-1 Prostate cancer
Decomposition patterns of leaf litter of seven common canopy species in a subtropical forest: dynamics of mineral nutrients 被引量:12
作者 XU Xiao-niu Hideaki SHIBATA Tsutomu ENOKI 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第1期1-6,共6页
Dynamical patterns of mineral elements during decomposition processes were investigated for seven common canopy species in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest by means of litterbag technique over 2 years. The ... Dynamical patterns of mineral elements during decomposition processes were investigated for seven common canopy species in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest by means of litterbag technique over 2 years. The species studied are representative for the vegetation in the study area and differed significantly in chemical qualities of their litter. No significant relationships were found between decomposition rate (percentage dry mass remaining and decomposition constant k) and initial element cuncentrations.However, there were significant correlations betweeu the percentage of dry mass remaining and the mineral element concentrations in the remaining litter for most cases. The rank of the element mobility in decomposition process was as follows: Na = K 〉 Mg ≥ Ca 〉 N ≥ Mn ≥ Zn ≥ P 〉 Cu 〉〉 Al 〉〉 Fe. Concentrations of K and Na decreased in all species as decomposition proceeded. Calcium and Mg also decreased in concentrntion but with a temporal increase in the initial phase of decomposition, while the concentrations of other elements (Zn, Cu, AL and Fei increased for all species with exception of Mn which revealed a different pattern in different species. In most species, microelements (Cu, Al, and Fe) significantly increased in absolute amounts at the end of the litterbag incubation, which could be ascribed to a lange extent to the mechanism of abiotic fixation to humic substances rather than biological immobilization. 展开更多
关键词 Canopy species Element release Litter decomposition Litterbag experiment Microelement Evergreen broad-leaved forest
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