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皮肤金属化与触电时间的实验研究——SEM/EDX微区铜半定量分析 被引量:1
作者 谢仁福 易旻 王承英 《刑事技术》 1994年第6期8-10,共3页
笔者用S_(250)-MKⅢ型扫描电镜(SEM)与QX2000/S型能谱仪(EDX)、对猪腹部皮肤电击伤电流入口(220V交流电火线端)、出口(零线端)进行了微区铜半定量分析,结果显示:电极金属Cu半定量计数值,随触电时间延长而增高。其中,电流入口由1秒52cts... 笔者用S_(250)-MKⅢ型扫描电镜(SEM)与QX2000/S型能谱仪(EDX)、对猪腹部皮肤电击伤电流入口(220V交流电火线端)、出口(零线端)进行了微区铜半定量分析,结果显示:电极金属Cu半定量计数值,随触电时间延长而增高。其中,电流入口由1秒52cts上升到1小时845cts,增加了16倍之多;出口由1秒37cts上升到1小时176cts,增加近5倍。出入口之和呈明显递增趋势:1秒为89cts,10秒为109cts,30秒为149cts,1分为165cts,10分为308cts,30分为516.5cts,60分为1021cts,数据无倒置现象,差距明显。故交流电损伤电流入口和出口皮肤电极金属半定量计数值之和,可以作为推断触电时间的依据。同时,在1秒至1小时的触电实验中,通电10秒左右,电流由11OmA降至10mA,1小时以内始终保持1.5~2mA,并在入口(有时在出口)持续出现电火花。当出口放电时入口立即停止,未见出入口同时出现电火花的现象。笔者认为,这种持续的小电流和电火花,是形成电极金属沉积数量随触电时间延长而有规律性增高的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 电击伤 皮肤金属化 触电时间 扫描电镜 铜半定量分析
作者 王金霞 《数理天地(初中版)》 2008年第2期47-47,共1页
关键词 触电事故 导线 生理效应 条件反射 麻痹 触电时间 痉挛 弯曲 发生 解释
作者 梁海钧 《现代医药卫生》 1996年第2期56-57,共2页
本文将我局供电网内1971~1991年发生的60例触电事故作回顾性分析如下: 1 资料来源与分析 本组60例触电事故,为20年来我局供电网内发生的。其中男56例,女4例,最大年龄54岁,最小年龄10岁。电业工人24例,占40%,农民24例,占40%,一般工人8... 本文将我局供电网内1971~1991年发生的60例触电事故作回顾性分析如下: 1 资料来源与分析 本组60例触电事故,为20年来我局供电网内发生的。其中男56例,女4例,最大年龄54岁,最小年龄10岁。电业工人24例,占40%,农民24例,占40%,一般工人8例,占13.3%,儿童4例,占6.7%。 触电原因分类:违反安全操作规程26例,电器设备漏电6例,缺乏安全用电知识28例。 触电电压与结果:电压220V触电22例,死亡19例,6000~10000V触电34例。死亡18例,3.5万V以上触电4例,死亡4例。 展开更多
关键词 触电事故 供电网 安全用电 电原 安全操作规程 压背法 胸外心脏挤压法 小年 触电时间 柳州供电局
作者 段冉 《水利电力劳动保护》 1994年第4期47-47,共1页
在下介绍B.C.Hydro Corporate授权出版的《电力安全指南》中有关“电击伤害与现场救护”的内容摘要,供现场处理突发触电事故同志参考.电流对人的损伤通常取决于人体触及电流的大小和触电时间,电流强度越高,人触电幸免于难的可能性越小.... 在下介绍B.C.Hydro Corporate授权出版的《电力安全指南》中有关“电击伤害与现场救护”的内容摘要,供现场处理突发触电事故同志参考.电流对人的损伤通常取决于人体触及电流的大小和触电时间,电流强度越高,人触电幸免于难的可能性越小.与此同时,电压对致人死伤也有重要影响,电压使电流通过人体.居家照明用电触电死亡多因与低压电流接触时间较长,因为触电人员电击后可能发生肌肉痉挛,触电人在电路断开前一般揪住电源不松.高压触电,触电人员通常迅速离开高压线路。 展开更多
关键词 电击伤害 现场救护 电烧伤 触电事故 现场处理 人体触电 心肺复苏 电流零点 触电时间 迅速离开
作者 刘智强 卢法孟 张冬华 《父母必读》 北大核心 1995年第11期33-33,共1页
触电是怎么回事触电是一种电损伤,电流通过人体的重要组织和脏器如心、脑、骨髓等,时常引起致命性电损伤。触电时间越长,电压越高,机体的损伤就越严重。自然界的雷击也是一种触电形式,其电压可高达几千万伏特,电流可达10万安培,是很强... 触电是怎么回事触电是一种电损伤,电流通过人体的重要组织和脏器如心、脑、骨髓等,时常引起致命性电损伤。触电时间越长,电压越高,机体的损伤就越严重。自然界的雷击也是一种触电形式,其电压可高达几千万伏特,电流可达10万安培,是很强的静电电击。 展开更多
关键词 触电时间 电损伤 预防 急救 触电形式 致命性 电流 静电电击 雷击 电线
作者 王莉娅 《农村青少年科学探究》 2007年第8期44-44,共1页
关键词 触电时间 公安机关 团伙 市中心 仓库 侦察员 手背 条件反射 文物 盗卖
作者 吴启成 《祝您健康》 1998年第11期28-28,共1页
刘彬最近做生意发了大财,家里鸟枪换炮,换上了各种最新的家电:冰箱、洗衣机、微波炉、大彩电……可他看看淘气的儿子兵兵,又犯了愁:孩子这么调皮,万一触电怎么办?为了防患于未然,他请教了吴医生。吴医生告诉他,幼儿被电击伤的原因,常见... 刘彬最近做生意发了大财,家里鸟枪换炮,换上了各种最新的家电:冰箱、洗衣机、微波炉、大彩电……可他看看淘气的儿子兵兵,又犯了愁:孩子这么调皮,万一触电怎么办?为了防患于未然,他请教了吴医生。吴医生告诉他,幼儿被电击伤的原因,常见于家用电器漏电,或因幼儿贪玩,把导电体或手指捅入安装较低的电插座中。触电发生后,应立即切断电源,或抓紧幼儿的衣物拖离电源,不可拉幼儿的手或其他裸露部位,以防止幼儿成为导电体而加重电击伤。触电时间只有瞬间,如立即断电,只引起短暂的肢体麻木和惊吓,是不幸中的万幸。如果断电稍迟,心脏受到严重损伤而停跳,随即呼吸停止,幼儿就会发生昏迷。如不及时救治,可危及生命。在如此危急情况下。 展开更多
关键词 幼儿 电击伤 家用电器 导电体 触电时间 严重损伤 抢救 微波炉 洗衣机 呼吸停止
不好! 宝宝触电了
作者 杨洪 王琛 《启蒙(0-3岁)》 2009年第2期39-39,共1页
关键词 触电时间 人工呼吸 塑料制品 切断电源 胸外心脏按压 危险性 现场急救 电灼伤 心跳 自主呼吸
Neural circuit and its functional roles in cerebellar cortex 被引量:1
作者 汪雷 刘深泉 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第3期173-184,共12页
Objective To investigate the spike activities of cerebellar cortical cells in a computational network model con- structed based on the anatomical structure of cerebellar cortex. Methods and Results The multicompartmen... Objective To investigate the spike activities of cerebellar cortical cells in a computational network model con- structed based on the anatomical structure of cerebellar cortex. Methods and Results The multicompartment model of neuron and NEURON software were used to study the external influences on cerebellar cortical cells. Various potential spike patterns in these cells were obtained. By analyzing the impacts of different incoming stimuli on the potential spike of Purkinje cell, temporal focusing caused by the granule cell-golgi cell feedback inhibitory loop to Purkinje cell and spa- tial focusing caused by the parallel fiber-basket/stellate cell local inhibitory loop to Purkinje cell were discussed. Finally, the motor learning process of rabbit eye blink conditioned reflex was demonstrated in this model. The simulation results showed that when the afferent from climbing fiber existed, rabbit adaptation to eye blinking gradually became stable under the Spike Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP) learning rule. Conclusion The constructed cerebellar cortex network is a reliable and feasible model. The model simulation results confirmed the output signal stability of cerebellar cortex after STDP learning and the network can execute the function of spatial and temporal focusing. 展开更多
关键词 computational network model cerebellar cortex temporal focusing spatial focusing Spike Timing-DependentPlasticity eye blink conditioned reflex
作者 石瑞芬 《中国保安》 2008年第8期73-73,共1页
由于电能的广泛利用,给经济发展带来了巨大的效益,也大大提高了人们的生活质量。正确地利用电能可造福人类,但使用不当也会造成设备损坏及人身伤亡。由于保安人员在工作中经常会接触或者面对各种电气设备,因此要求保安人员应当懂得一些... 由于电能的广泛利用,给经济发展带来了巨大的效益,也大大提高了人们的生活质量。正确地利用电能可造福人类,但使用不当也会造成设备损坏及人身伤亡。由于保安人员在工作中经常会接触或者面对各种电气设备,因此要求保安人员应当懂得一些安全用电的常识和技术,在工作中采取相应的安全措施,正确地使用电器,以防人身伤害和设备损坏,避免造成重大事故及不必要的经济损失。下面,笔者从三个方面来讲解保安安全用电常识:一、触电危害。触电是指人体因接触带电体而引起死亡或局部受伤的现象。按人体受伤害的程度不同,可分为电伤和电击两种。电伤是指人体外部由于电弧或熔体熔断时飞溅的金属末等造成的烧伤现象;电击是指因电流通过人体而使内部受伤的现象,它是最危险的触电方式。触电的伤害程度取决于通过人体电流的大小。 展开更多
关键词 安全用电 电气设备 触电时间 设备损坏 使用不当 保安人员 三个方面 人体 生活质量 安全措施
Delay-induced firing behavior and transitions in adaptive neuronal networks with two types of synapses 被引量:3
作者 XU Bo GONG YuBing WANG BaoYing 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第2期222-229,共8页
In this paper, we study delay-induced firing behavior and transitions in adaptive Newman-Watts networks of thermosensitive neurons with electrical or chemical synapses. It is found that electrical and chemical synapse... In this paper, we study delay-induced firing behavior and transitions in adaptive Newman-Watts networks of thermosensitive neurons with electrical or chemical synapses. It is found that electrical and chemical synapse time delay-induced firing behavior and transitions differ significantly. In the case of electrical synapses, the bursts for a fixed delay involve equal number of spikes in each burst, and for certain time delays the firing can be inhibited. However, in the case of chemical synapses the bursts for a fixed delay involve different numbers of spikes in each burst, and no firing inhibition is observed. It is also shown that larger growth rates of adaptive coupling strength or larger network randomness can enhance the synchronization of bursting in the case of electrical synapses but reduce it in the case of chemical synapses. These results show that electrical and chemical synapses have different effects on delay-induced firing behavior and dynamical evolution. Compared to electrical synapses, chemical synapses might be more beneficial to the generation of firing and abundant firing transitions in adaptive and delayed neuronal networks. These findings can help to better understand different firing behaviors in neuronal networks with electrical and chemical synapses. 展开更多
关键词 NEURON electrical synapse chemical synapse Newman–Watts network adaptive coupling time delay firing transition
Floating-gate photosensitive synaptic transistors with tunable functions for neuromorphic computing 被引量:4
作者 Lingkai Li Xiao-Lin Wang +4 位作者 Junxiang Pei Wen-Jun Liu Xiaohan Wu David Wei Zhang Shi-Jin Ding 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期1219-1229,共11页
Synaptic devices that merge memory and processing functions into one unit have broad application potentials in neuromorphic computing, soft robots, and humanmachine interfaces. However, most previously reported synapt... Synaptic devices that merge memory and processing functions into one unit have broad application potentials in neuromorphic computing, soft robots, and humanmachine interfaces. However, most previously reported synaptic devices exhibit fixed performance once been fabricated,which limits their application in diverse scenarios. Here, we report floating-gate photosensitive synaptic transistors with charge-trapping perovskite quantum dots(PQDs) and atomic layer deposited(ALD) Al_(2)O_(3) tunneling layers, which exhibit typical synaptic behaviors including excitatory postsynaptic current(EPSC), pair-pulse facilitation and dynamic filtering characteristics under both electrical or optical signal stimulation. Further, the combination of the high-quality Al2O3 tuning layer and highly photosensitive PQDs charge-trapping layer provides the devices with extensively tunable synaptic performance under optical and electrical co-modulation. Applying light during electrical modulation can significantly improve both the synaptic weight changes and the nonlinearity of weight updates, while the memory effect under light modulation can be obviously adjusted by the gate voltage.The pattern learning and forgetting processes for "0" and "1"with different synaptic weights and memory times are further demonstrated in the device array. Overall, this work provides synaptic devices with tunable functions for building complex and robust artificial neural networks. 展开更多
关键词 synaptic device floating-gate transistor perovskite quantum dot tunable synaptic function optical and electrical comodulation
Fast response ultraviolet photodetectors based on solution-processed ZnO nanocrystals
作者 ZHANG TongShuo YU Ji +2 位作者 DENG YuFu TIAN Ning GAO Peng 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期1328-1332,共5页
By utilizing Schottky contact in device fabrication,we have constructed fast response ultraviolet photodetectors based on the solution-processed Zn O nanocrystals.At 5 V,the detector exhibits fast photoresponse with a... By utilizing Schottky contact in device fabrication,we have constructed fast response ultraviolet photodetectors based on the solution-processed Zn O nanocrystals.At 5 V,the detector exhibits fast photoresponse with a rise time of 20 ns and fall time of 350 ns,which is one of the fastest response time among the reported Zn O-based photodetectors.The results reported in this paper may show great promise for fast response optoelectronic devices based on the solution-processed nanocrystals. 展开更多
关键词 ultraviolet photodetector solution-processed nanocrystal ZNO fast response
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