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作者 孟繁杰 李焱 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第3期138-150,共13页
马士曼所作《中国言法》(1814)将西方建立在拉丁语语法基础上的汉语研究、英国本土的英语语法研究、新兴的历史比较语言学思想和中国传统汉语语言文字学思想融会贯通,在汉字研究中较早具备了部件意识。在语音研究上,《中国言法》较早将... 马士曼所作《中国言法》(1814)将西方建立在拉丁语语法基础上的汉语研究、英国本土的英语语法研究、新兴的历史比较语言学思想和中国传统汉语语言文字学思想融会贯通,在汉字研究中较早具备了部件意识。在语音研究上,《中国言法》较早将汉语与梵语比较,在36字母的基础上进行古音构拟,并初步划分出了汉藏语系的范围;在语法上,其建立了包括小词(虚词)在内的汉语词类体系。这些研究搭建起了汉语语言学体系诸多问题的基本框架,《中国言法》的出版也标志着英国近代传教士汉学的确立。 展开更多
关键词 英国汉学 语言学史 《中国言法
作者 高鹏 张娥 张运克 《河南中医》 2023年第4期552-558,共7页
目的:通过数据挖掘技术分析通玄复言法在明清方书中治疗中风失语的用药规律。方法:检索《中华医典》数据库收录的30部明清方书,双人独立在Excel软件中录入通玄复言法治疗中风失语的处方,筛选高频中药并通过SPSS Modeler 18.0和SPSS Stat... 目的:通过数据挖掘技术分析通玄复言法在明清方书中治疗中风失语的用药规律。方法:检索《中华医典》数据库收录的30部明清方书,双人独立在Excel软件中录入通玄复言法治疗中风失语的处方,筛选高频中药并通过SPSS Modeler 18.0和SPSS Statistics 22.0软件采用Apriori算法和R型聚类分析法对高频中药进行关联规则分析和聚类分析,总结通玄复言理论治疗中风失语的辨证组方规律。结果:明清方书中通玄复言法治疗中风失语的方剂共105首,纳入中药191味,总频次1090次,通玄复言法立方中高频(频次≥10次)中药有茯苓、半夏、当归、人参等34味,核心(频次≥20次)中药有19味。核心中药药性分析发现温性甘味、归心肺肾经药物最多,功效分类以化痰药、清热药、平肝熄风药、补气药为主。高频中药聚类分析得到人参与甘草、半夏与胆南星等10组药对组合,并挖掘出解语丹、地黄饮子、涤痰汤核心方剂;关联规则分析得到半夏与胆南星关联度较高;使用规则分析发现半夏和胆南星相配伍可提高方剂的临床有效性,具有临床配对关联意义。结论:通玄复言治疗中风失语立方规则为理气活血、开窍补虚、泻火祛痰,得到理气活血通玄方、补虚开窍通玄方、清热祛痰通玄方三个通玄复言方,为临床治疗中风失语提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 数据挖掘 明清方书 通玄复言法 中风失语 用药规律
《中国言法》及其汉语韵律研究 被引量:5
作者 郑梦娟 苏小妹 《修辞学习》 北大核心 2008年第6期29-35,共7页
19世纪上半叶英国传教士马士曼的《中国言法》,是西方第一部汉语文言语法专著,兼有汉语教材的特点。该著对中国诗歌的发展脉络以及汉语诗歌韵律必备的音节数量、韵脚和谐、平仄相间等特点进行了中肯的分析和阐述,并穿插有适量文化知识... 19世纪上半叶英国传教士马士曼的《中国言法》,是西方第一部汉语文言语法专著,兼有汉语教材的特点。该著对中国诗歌的发展脉络以及汉语诗歌韵律必备的音节数量、韵脚和谐、平仄相间等特点进行了中肯的分析和阐述,并穿插有适量文化知识的讲解,研究深度已经超过其西方前人,具有独特的历史价值。 展开更多
关键词 汉语语法 对外汉语教学 《中国言法 马士曼
汉语语法的特点及其研究方法——《中国言法》序 被引量:4
作者 马士曼 郑梦娟(译) 王春辉(译) 《长江学术》 CSSCI 2008年第2期127-132,共6页
序言首先说明《中国言法》一书的写作缘起以及前人的相关研究成果,然后介绍全书的语料来源、研究方法和研究内容。因作者一直在印度传教而未到过中国,著书过程十分艰难,缺少汉语老师和翻译词典、中国国内的研究资料,而且欧洲学者巴耶、... 序言首先说明《中国言法》一书的写作缘起以及前人的相关研究成果,然后介绍全书的语料来源、研究方法和研究内容。因作者一直在印度传教而未到过中国,著书过程十分艰难,缺少汉语老师和翻译词典、中国国内的研究资料,而且欧洲学者巴耶、傅尔蒙等的汉语语法著作尚不足以提供参考。全文五百多个例子大多数来自于典范著作,其时间跨度有三千多年,并注意选择不同作者、不同时期、不同语体的作品。全书以"绪论""汉语语法部分"为主,最后附有《大学》的英语译文,"绪论"对汉字和汉语音韵进行了探讨,而"汉语语法部分"是本书的核心部分。序言重点讨论了汉语各种词类的特点、部分动词的词形变化,以及复合词、作诗法等。通过汉语同梵语、英语等语言的对比研究发现,汉语在本质上不象其他语言一样将屈折作为语法的重要内容,整个汉语语法依靠的都是位置。 展开更多
关键词 马士曼 《中国言法 汉语 语法
马士曼《中国言法》(1814)拼音系统研究 被引量:3
作者 李焱 孟繁杰 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期49-63,104,共16页
《中国言法》(Elements of Chinese Grammar)是英国传教士马士曼1814年出版的一部汉语研究著作,文中所用汉字有拉丁化注音。与此前《葡汉辞典》《西字奇迹》《西儒耳目资》等天主教士创制的拼音方案带有拉丁语、葡萄牙语、意大利语、法... 《中国言法》(Elements of Chinese Grammar)是英国传教士马士曼1814年出版的一部汉语研究著作,文中所用汉字有拉丁化注音。与此前《葡汉辞典》《西字奇迹》《西儒耳目资》等天主教士创制的拼音方案带有拉丁语、葡萄牙语、意大利语、法语色彩不同,《中国言法》使用的拼音方案是以英语为基础构建的,这要早于后期成为主流的威妥玛方案。这套方案的语音基础是当时的标准音,但是受作者当时学习条件的限制,也体现出了一些粤语的特点。 展开更多
关键词 中国言法 拼音 近代音 马士曼
《中国言法》:西方早期重要的汉语文言语法研究著作 被引量:4
作者 郑梦娟 《世界汉语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期423-432,共10页
英国传教士马士曼于1814年撰写的《中国言法》是西方汉语语法学史上一部重要的文言语法专著。相对于此前马若瑟的《汉语札记》和此后马建忠的《马氏文通》等同类著作而言,该著借鉴了历史比较语言学的研究方法和英语教学语法体系的框架,... 英国传教士马士曼于1814年撰写的《中国言法》是西方汉语语法学史上一部重要的文言语法专著。相对于此前马若瑟的《汉语札记》和此后马建忠的《马氏文通》等同类著作而言,该著借鉴了历史比较语言学的研究方法和英语教学语法体系的框架,初步构建了汉语文言语法体系。该著兼有汉语作为第二语言教材的部分特点,涉及量词、语序等教学重点,对口语与书面语、汉字教学与语言教学等的关系也有所探讨。该著尚存不足和缺憾,如借用印欧语言的形态概念、重词法轻句法等。该著不仅具有汉语语法学史等史学价值,对当前对外汉语教材的编写亦可提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 西方汉学 汉语语法 对外汉语教学 马士曼 中国言法
作者 杜雪艳 《城市党报研究》 2023年第8期64-67,共4页
今年全国“两会”期间,习近平总书记在参加江苏代表团审议时强调,高质量发展是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的首要任务。新时代、新征程、新伟业,江苏在高质量发展中积累了哪些好经验?解决了哪些新问题?提供了哪些新启发?2023年3月26日起... 今年全国“两会”期间,习近平总书记在参加江苏代表团审议时强调,高质量发展是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的首要任务。新时代、新征程、新伟业,江苏在高质量发展中积累了哪些好经验?解决了哪些新问题?提供了哪些新启发?2023年3月26日起,新华日报·交汇点新闻正式启动《“苏”式高质量发展“新三十六计”》全媒体调研采访行动。本文以该系列融媒专题为样本,探讨运用调研观察法、视频记录法、问计建言法等,提升“高质量发展”重大主题报道的针对性、启迪性、指导性的探索与尝试。 展开更多
关键词 高质量发展 调研观察法 视频记录法 问计建言法
作者 任敬彬 《文艺研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第2期146-147,共2页
关键词 中国画 艺术语言 笔墨 技法 艺术观念 言法 言情 言理
作者 刘洪波 张宏伟 +1 位作者 田林 王新芳 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2001年第4期233-237,共5页
An artificial neural network (ANN) short term forecasting model of consumption per hour was built based on seasonality,trend and randomness of a city period of time water consumption series.Different hidden layer no... An artificial neural network (ANN) short term forecasting model of consumption per hour was built based on seasonality,trend and randomness of a city period of time water consumption series.Different hidden layer nodes,same inputs and forecasting data were selected to train and forecast and then the relative errors were compared so as to confirm the NN structure.A model was set up and used to forecast concretely by Matlab.It is tested by examples and compared with the result of time series trigonometric function analytical method.The result indicates that the prediction errors of NN are small and the velocity of forecasting is fast.It can completely meet the actual needs of the control and run of the water supply system. 展开更多
关键词 artificial neural network consumption per hour FORECAST BP algorithm MATLAB
Context-attributed graph grammar framework for specifying visual languages
作者 邹阳 曾晓勤 +1 位作者 韩秀清 张康 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第4期455-461,共7页
Since the specifications of most of the existing context-sensitive graph grammars tend to be either too intricate or not intuitive, a novel context-sensitive graph grammar formalism, called context-attributed graph gr... Since the specifications of most of the existing context-sensitive graph grammars tend to be either too intricate or not intuitive, a novel context-sensitive graph grammar formalism, called context-attributed graph grammar(CAGG), is proposed. In order to resolve the embedding problem, context information of a graph production in the CAGG is represented in the form of context attributes of the nodes involved. Moreover, several properties of a set of confluent CAGG productions are characterized, and then an algorithm based on them is developed to decide whether or not a set of productions is confluent, which provides the foundation for the design of efficient parsing algorithms. It can also be shown through the comparison of CAGG with several typical context-sensitive graph grammars that CAGG is more succinct and, at the same time, more intuitive than the others, making it more suitably and effortlessly applicable to the specification of visual languages. 展开更多
关键词 visual language graph grammar context-attributed PARSING CONFLUENCE
《上海中学数学》 2010年第1期40-40,共1页
1. If the diagonals of a rhombus are represented by 4x and 8x, the area may be represented by (A) 12x (B) 24x (C) 32x (D) 12x^2 (E)
关键词 SAT数学 中学 数学教学 教学言法
ASIC Design of DA-Based 2-D Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform
作者 陈禾 韩月秋 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1999年第2期56-63,共8页
Aim To present an ASIC design of DA based 2 D IDCT. Methods\ In the design of 1 D IDCT is utilized a Chen based fast IDCT algorithm, and multiplier accumulators based on distributed algorithm contributes in reduc... Aim To present an ASIC design of DA based 2 D IDCT. Methods\ In the design of 1 D IDCT is utilized a Chen based fast IDCT algorithm, and multiplier accumulators based on distributed algorithm contributes in reducing the hardware amount and in enhancing the speed performance. Results and Conclusion\ VHDL simulation, synthesis and layout design of system are implemented. This 2 D IDCT ASIC design owns best timing performance when compared with other better designs internationally. Results of design prove to be excellent. 展开更多
关键词 discrete cosine transform(DCT) distributed algorithm(DA) VHSIC hardware description language(VHDL)
Method based on fuzzy linguistic scale and FIOWGA operator for decision-making problems 被引量:3
作者 徐泽水 达庆利 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期88-91,共4页
In this paper, we present a fuzzy linguistic scale, which is characterized by triangular fuzzy numbers on [1/9, 9], for the comparison between two alternatives, and introduce a possibility degree formula for comparing... In this paper, we present a fuzzy linguistic scale, which is characterized by triangular fuzzy numbers on [1/9, 9], for the comparison between two alternatives, and introduce a possibility degree formula for comparing triangular fuzzy numbers. We utilize the fuzzy linguistic scale to construct a linguistic preference matrix, and propose a fuzzy induced ordered weighted geometric averaging (FIOWGA) operator to aggregate linguistic preference information. A method based on the fuzzy linguistic scale and FIOWGA operator for decision-making problems is presented. Finally, an illustrative example is given to verify the developed method and to demonstrate its feasibility and effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy linguistic scale triangular fuzzy numbers FIOWGA operator
作者 Liu Ting Ma Jinshan Zhang Huipeng Li Sheng 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2007年第3期347-352,共6页
This paper proposes a new way to improve the performance of dependency parser: subdividing verbs according to their grammatical functions and integrating the information of verb subclasses into lexicalized parsing mod... This paper proposes a new way to improve the performance of dependency parser: subdividing verbs according to their grammatical functions and integrating the information of verb subclasses into lexicalized parsing model. Firstly,the scheme of verb subdivision is described. Secondly,a maximum entropy model is presented to distinguish verb subclasses. Finally,a statistical parser is developed to evaluate the verb subdivision. Experimental results indicate that the use of verb subclasses has a good influence on parsing performance. 展开更多
关键词 Verb subdivision Maximum entropy model Syntactic parsing Natural language processing
Optimizing neural networks by genetic algorithms for predicting particulate matter concentration in summer in Beijing 被引量:1
作者 王芳 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2010年第3期117-123,共7页
We developed and tested an improved neural network to predict the average concentration of PM10(particulate matter with diameter smaller than 10 ?m) several hours in advance in summer in Beijing.A genetic algorithm op... We developed and tested an improved neural network to predict the average concentration of PM10(particulate matter with diameter smaller than 10 ?m) several hours in advance in summer in Beijing.A genetic algorithm optimization procedure for optimizing initial weights and thresholds of the neural network was also evaluated.This research was based upon the PM10 data from seven monitoring sites in Beijing urban region and meteorological observation data,which were recorded every 3 h during summer of 2002.Two neural network models were developed.Model I was built for predicting PM10 concentrations 3 h in advance while Model II for one day in advance.The predictions of both models were found to be consistent with observations.Percent errors in forecasting the numerical value were about 20.This brings us to the conclusion that short-term fluctuations of PM10 concentrations in Beijing urban region in summer are to a large extent driven by meteorological conditions.Moreover,the predicted results of Model II were compared with the ones provided by the Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality(CMAQ) modeling system.The mean relative errors of both models were 0.21 and 0.26,respectively.The performance of the neural network model was similar to numerical models,when applied to short-time prediction of PM10 concentration. 展开更多
关键词 PM10 concentration neural network genetic algorithm prediction
The Study of Mechanism of Language Acquisition
作者 朱铭 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第1期34-39,共6页
From the perspective of the poverty of stimulus argument and the cognitive development theory, this paper attempts to reveal the mechanism of language acquisition. The poverty of stimulus argument theoretically proves... From the perspective of the poverty of stimulus argument and the cognitive development theory, this paper attempts to reveal the mechanism of language acquisition. The poverty of stimulus argument theoretically proves the hypothesis that based on their finite linguistic experience, children can construct their complete language knowledge system. Language acquisition is the process of acquisition of core grammar and of mental representation of vocabulary. Parameter values must be set in the process of children's core grammar acquisition. Vocabulary of natural language is stored and processed in the form of conceptual representation, which is associated with syntactic structures by projection rules and bounded by various well-formed rules. The cognitive development theory claims that language acquisition is a development process of universal grammar into particular grammar, which is redescribed at a higher level. 展开更多
关键词 language acquisition the poverty of stimulus universal grammar particular grammar representational redeseription
A functional approach to improving non-English majors' writing proficiency 被引量:1
作者 LI Sh un-ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第3期34-37,共4页
Problems in generating and organizing ideas, in coherence and language competence are common in non-English majors' writings. To improve their writing proficiency, the writing course should have real-life purposes, b... Problems in generating and organizing ideas, in coherence and language competence are common in non-English majors' writings. To improve their writing proficiency, the writing course should have real-life purposes, balance between real and display writing, between product and process approaches, vary writing activities, train strategies in improving coherence, balance the content of feedback and use various forms of feedback. 展开更多
关键词 problems in non-English majors' writings a functional approach improving non-English majors' writing proficiency
作者 ZHOU Yuqing LIU Boying 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1996年第1期72-77,共6页
In this paper, the concept of type 2 expressions (2Es for short) is briefly introduced, and it is proved strictly that CFL class is precisely the language class expressed by 2Es. A new proof using 2Es to pumping lemma... In this paper, the concept of type 2 expressions (2Es for short) is briefly introduced, and it is proved strictly that CFL class is precisely the language class expressed by 2Es. A new proof using 2Es to pumping lemma for CFLs is geven. 展开更多
关键词 LANGUAGE GRAMMAR type 2 expression pumping lemma
The study of English perfective aspect
作者 YU Qiao-fen WANG Jian-ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第6期28-31,共4页
Through this research, on the basis of English-Chinese and Chinese-English parallel corpora, the following conclusion tries to be drawn: In English, the perfect may not be used together with the specific time of the ... Through this research, on the basis of English-Chinese and Chinese-English parallel corpora, the following conclusion tries to be drawn: In English, the perfect may not be used together with the specific time of the past situation. In contrast to English, Chinese does not have perfect constructions. English perfective aspect is an actual aspect indication: duration and completion of an action or situation. According to different reference time, the actual aspect can be divided into past actuality, present actuality and future actuality. This paper will undoubtedly contribute to the study of tense-aspect in Chinese. The study of English perfective aspect is conducive to the comparative study and translation of aspect in English and Chinese. 展开更多
关键词 perfective aspect different reference times past actuality present actuality future actuality translation of aspect
Construction Grammar and Its Implications for Second Language Acquisition
作者 LI Xiao-hua 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第11期851-857,共7页
Construction grammar attempts to reveal the nature, structure, and functions of language. As a theoretical system of language based on cognitive linguistics, construction grammar is a reaction and thus a contrast to t... Construction grammar attempts to reveal the nature, structure, and functions of language. As a theoretical system of language based on cognitive linguistics, construction grammar is a reaction and thus a contrast to the traditional generative grammar. This paper tries to outline the major propositions of construction grammar and construction theory, analyses the significance of constructions and their relations to second language acquisition (SLA) and the routes of construction acquisition in SLA, plus the orientations in research on the relations between construction acquisition and SLA. 展开更多
关键词 CONSTRUCTION construction grammar construction theory second language acquisition (SLA)
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