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胡适新诗理论中的言物、说理与叙事 被引量:2
作者 姜玉琴 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期1-7,共7页
长期以来,人们多半是从功利主义角度阐释胡适新诗理论的,而相对忽略了他理论架构中的学术和创新性因子。胡适的理论中确实有写实与实用的成分,但令其这样做的原因主要是出于现代诗学理论构建的考虑,而非是社会政治的需求。这一结论的得... 长期以来,人们多半是从功利主义角度阐释胡适新诗理论的,而相对忽略了他理论架构中的学术和创新性因子。胡适的理论中确实有写实与实用的成分,但令其这样做的原因主要是出于现代诗学理论构建的考虑,而非是社会政治的需求。这一结论的得出依据两个判断:一、胡适的新诗理论是建立在对旧体诗重抒情、轻叙事传统的纠正上;二、胡适的新诗理论是建立在对西方现代诗歌重"理性"传统的学习与借鉴上。以上这两点说明,胡适试图通过"言物"手法,把"说理"之成分引入到新诗中来,为中国新诗构建起一套以"叙事"为主的全新表达范式。 展开更多
关键词 胡适 新诗 言物 说理 叙事
作者 刘霞 《中学生数理化(教与学)》 2019年第4期81-81,83,共2页
让学生正确理解每一物理量的本质意义是物理教学的基本要求,教师在教学设计过程中,要紧扣物理量的物理意义.以意言物的教学设计,可以让学生在认知上是顺应自然的,在逻辑上是合理清晰的接受新知识,学生对于物理量的学习是知其然、知其所... 让学生正确理解每一物理量的本质意义是物理教学的基本要求,教师在教学设计过程中,要紧扣物理量的物理意义.以意言物的教学设计,可以让学生在认知上是顺应自然的,在逻辑上是合理清晰的接受新知识,学生对于物理量的学习是知其然、知其所以然的过程,有助于培养学生的学科思维. 展开更多
关键词 以意言物 质意义 理量 比热容 设计方法
人类中心论视野中语言与世界的关系 被引量:9
作者 赵爱国 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期106-110,共5页
语言与世界的关系是哲学的根本问题之一。20世纪初哲学研究实现"语言学转向"后,受思想源流和文化传统使然,在中西方语言哲学中形成了以"生命本位"和"理性本位"为核心价值的学术分野。本文从人类中心论思... 语言与世界的关系是哲学的根本问题之一。20世纪初哲学研究实现"语言学转向"后,受思想源流和文化传统使然,在中西方语言哲学中形成了以"生命本位"和"理性本位"为核心价值的学术分野。本文从人类中心论思想的语言哲学意义出发,对中西方传统中的"言物关系"、"言意关系"所展示的学理形态进行比照性审视,并就中西方语言哲学的思想渊源、学理互补性以及中西方人类中心论思想的不同价值取向等作思辨性考察,得出中西方语言观在学理上具有"对立统一性"的结论。 展开更多
关键词 人类中心论 与意 哲学思考
作者 刘维治 《沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1997年第1期11-14,共4页
白居易咏物之作与其仕宦关系极为密切,是其不同时期不同心态的形象反映。大体可分两类,一是以咏物为契机,揭露社会弊端,体现了他以诗歌为武器干预现实的勇气,可称为借物言事之作,多作于早期。二是有别于上述借物言事之作,以咏物... 白居易咏物之作与其仕宦关系极为密切,是其不同时期不同心态的形象反映。大体可分两类,一是以咏物为契机,揭露社会弊端,体现了他以诗歌为武器干预现实的勇气,可称为借物言事之作,多作于早期。二是有别于上述借物言事之作,以咏物寄寓其怀才不遇、遭贬受挫的郁愤之情,以及其他人生体验,堪称借物言情之作,多作于后期。前者继承并发扬《诗经》以来咏物诗的讽喻传统,将其推向高峰,后者塑造了诗人自我形象,开拓了咏物诗表现领域,具有很高的认识价值和审美价值。 展开更多
关键词 白居易
教师语言艺术在语文教学中的运用研究 被引量:1
作者 郭丹萍 《成才之路》 2016年第14期59-59,共1页
关键词 艺术 课堂教学 而有趣 而有
郭象认识论辨析 被引量:1
作者 康中乾 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期58-63,共6页
郭象的认识论历来被视为神秘主义的不可知论,原因在于他主张既忘其迹又忘其所以迹的“冥而忘迹”论。这样理解郭象的认识论当然是不对的,因为这只仅仅看到了其认识论思想的一个方面,而且对这一个方面作了表面的、片面的理解。考察郭象... 郭象的认识论历来被视为神秘主义的不可知论,原因在于他主张既忘其迹又忘其所以迹的“冥而忘迹”论。这样理解郭象的认识论当然是不对的,因为这只仅仅看到了其认识论思想的一个方面,而且对这一个方面作了表面的、片面的理解。考察郭象在《庄子注》中关于认识问题的论述,他的认识论思想有三个方面,“冥而忘迹”论只是其中之一。从郭象认识论思想这三个方面的统一来理解他的“冥而忘迹”说,它并不神秘,且这个“忘”的认识论与郭象的“独化于玄冥之境”的“独化”本体论有内在的一致性。郭象的“独化”本体论实质上并不是一种逻辑分析式的理论和方法,而是一种显现、现象性的境域,它需要的是象性思维。 展开更多
关键词 郭象 出意 冥而忘迹 象思维
唐代咏竹赋述论 被引量:1
作者 彭庭松 《农业考古》 北大核心 2013年第1期245-248,共4页
唐代咏竹赋题材丰富,写法细腻,体现出鲜明的时代风貌。和唐前相较,唐代咏竹赋"言情"多于"体物",其强烈的抒情性深受唐诗影响;而其"托竹言道"、"经世教化"的功能,又与古文运动宗旨配合呼应。在... 唐代咏竹赋题材丰富,写法细腻,体现出鲜明的时代风貌。和唐前相较,唐代咏竹赋"言情"多于"体物",其强烈的抒情性深受唐诗影响;而其"托竹言道"、"经世教化"的功能,又与古文运动宗旨配合呼应。在咏竹赋发展史中,唐代所处正是承前启后的关键期。 展开更多
关键词 唐代 咏竹赋 题材 地位
作者 王海花 《好日子》 2021年第8期21-21,共1页
作文教学一直以来是语文教学难点,也一直是语文老师感到头疼的教学领域,教师要首先注重培养学生的习作兴趣,坚持语言和生活的积累,用真心体验,用真情抒发,并结合农村作教学实际充分利用乡土资源,采取各种行之有效的方法,引导学生从“要... 作文教学一直以来是语文教学难点,也一直是语文老师感到头疼的教学领域,教师要首先注重培养学生的习作兴趣,坚持语言和生活的积累,用真心体验,用真情抒发,并结合农村作教学实际充分利用乡土资源,采取各种行之有效的方法,引导学生从“要我写”转变成“我要写”。 展开更多
关键词 兴趣 积累 言物 训练
从《神思》篇谈写作主体素质与能力的培养 被引量:1
作者 李旻 《中北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第1期58-60,共3页
《神思》篇是刘勰《文心雕龙》创作论的总纲,其中阐发了三个主要思想:神与物游、虚静、言与意的关系。本文以这三个主要思想为基本线索,并结合《文心雕龙》创作论中的其它篇目对刘勰提出的创作构思方法进行了归纳和整理,尝试从写作主体... 《神思》篇是刘勰《文心雕龙》创作论的总纲,其中阐发了三个主要思想:神与物游、虚静、言与意的关系。本文以这三个主要思想为基本线索,并结合《文心雕龙》创作论中的其它篇目对刘勰提出的创作构思方法进行了归纳和整理,尝试从写作主体的角度阐发它们对写作主体提高自身写作能力和素质的启示,以期证明刘勰提出的创作构思方法对现代写作的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 艺术构思 神思 虚静 写作主体
Sedentary behavior and physical activity predicting depressive symptoms in adolescents beyond attributes of health-related physical fitness 被引量:1
作者 gene l.farren tao zhang +1 位作者 xiangli gu katherine t.thomas 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2018年第4期489-496,共8页
Background: Sedentary behavior (SB), physical activity (PA), and attributes of physical fitness have been shown to be related to depressive symptoms in adolescents. The purpose of the present study was to investi... Background: Sedentary behavior (SB), physical activity (PA), and attributes of physical fitness have been shown to be related to depressive symptoms in adolescents. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether SB and fitness-producing activity predicted depression in active adolescents over and above gender and fitness attributes. Methods: Participants were 249 adolescents (age: 12.85 ± 0.89 years, mean ± SD) from 3 public middle schools who wore Actical accelerometers to assess their SB and PA. Participants also completed the FITNESSGRAM health-related fitness assessment and a brief depression questionnaire. A 3-step hierarchical regression analysis was conducted with gender and fitness attributes (i.e., body mass index (BMI), maximal volume oxygen uptake (VO2max), curlups, and pushups), moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity, and SB entered in respective steps. Results: Regression analysis indicated activity variables (i.e., moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity) significantly predicted depression (△R^2= 0.12, p 〈 0.01) beyond gender and fitness attributes. Overall, gender, fitness attributes, activity variables, SB explained 31% of the variance in depression. Structure coefficients revealed VO2max (rs= -0.77), moderate-intensity activity (rs= -0.67), vigorous-intensity activity (rs = -0.81), and SB (rs = 0.57) were substantially correlated with the criterion variable; thus, they were the strongest predictors of depression. Conclusion: The findings of the current study indicated SB and PA were both significant predictors of depression; however, sufficient fitness-producing activity and adequate cardiorespiratory fitness may nullify the negative influence of SB on depressive symptoms in active adolescents.2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Shanghai University of Sport. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 展开更多
关键词 Accelerometers Adolescent health Cardiorespiratory fitness FITNESSGRAM Mental health Moderate-to-vigorous-intensity activity
A survey on the art of Pride and Prejudice
作者 侯新民 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第12期50-56,共7页
Pride and Prejudice is an appealing novel with the graciously ironic style written by Jane Aust--British realistic female novelist. This novel without much grievance and pretence in the 18th century presents a vivid p... Pride and Prejudice is an appealing novel with the graciously ironic style written by Jane Aust--British realistic female novelist. This novel without much grievance and pretence in the 18th century presents a vivid picture of the real life of a small English town. This paper attempts to explore the artistic features through three aspects, namely, deliberate artistic plans, unique characterizations and rich and colorful languages. 展开更多
关键词 artistic plans CHARACTERIZATIONS rich and colorful languages
Imitations of Beings Enter and Exit: Plotinus on Incorporeal Matter in Plato: Ⅲ 6[26] 11-15 被引量:1
作者 Gary M. Gurtler, S.J. 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第2期123-130,共8页
Plotinus' account of matter in Ennead III 6[26] 11-15 serves two purposes. The terms, evil and ugly, present the negative side of matter's causality, providing for the change characteristic of the sensible world and... Plotinus' account of matter in Ennead III 6[26] 11-15 serves two purposes. The terms, evil and ugly, present the negative side of matter's causality, providing for the change characteristic of the sensible world and the possibility of ontological evil and privation as well as of moral evil among human beings. The receptacle and other images from Plato's Timaeus present the positive side of this causality, matter as allowing for the presence of forms in the bodies of the sensible world. Plotinus explicitly articulates the linguistic problem surrounding the nature of matter, since language is derived from the corporeal and thus needs constant correction when applied to matter as incorporeal. His use of language, thus, always has two phases, first, capturing the nature of matter as aptly as possible, and second, highlighting the difference between matter and the image, analogy, or metaphor used to help explain it. 展开更多
A Functional-Structural Model of Rice Seedling Coupled with Nitrogen Metabolism 被引量:1
作者 Zhuoyang Yusang Lifeng Xu +2 位作者 Weilong Ding Zhangyun Yi Yunwei Qiu 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第8期652-660,共9页
With the ability of representing the association and inner-feedback between plant morphological structure and physiological functions, functional-structural plant modeling (FSPM) approach has been used in many works... With the ability of representing the association and inner-feedback between plant morphological structure and physiological functions, functional-structural plant modeling (FSPM) approach has been used in many works, trying to better understand the mechanisms of integrating plant functions and its structure, and their communication with environmental factors. To do so, an FSPM of rice seedling was developed in this study, including structural morphogenetic model, photosynthetic model and biomass partitioning module. It can thus describe the developmental course of the rice structure dynamically based on the processes of biomass producing and partitioning. Furthermore, the processes of nitrogen metabolism, which influence the N content and growth dynamics of the virtual rice, were also considered. The model was developed with L-system on a platform established with Java programming language, which took over the parsing and visualization of the L-system strings to 3D objects using Java 3D extended library. The physiological processes in the model can be modified and further improved to gradually meet the needs for modeling the whole life cycle of rice, e.g., considering the respiration, and interaction with other environmental factors like CO2, temperature, etc.. The model was developed to provide a platform to systematically study and understand how plant systems like rice seedling work. The model and the virtualization platform can be expanded to provide decision support on N fertilizer application for the rice seedling and the other crops. 展开更多
关键词 Functional-structural plant model rice seedling nitrogen metabolism L-SYSTEM VISUALIZATION plant model.
Prediction of rotary drilling penetration rate in iron ore oxides using rock engineering system 被引量:1
作者 Hossein Inanloo Arabi Shad Farhang Sereshki +1 位作者 Mohammad Ataei Mohammad Karamoozian 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 EI CSCD 2018年第3期407-413,共7页
Prediction of the drilling penetration rate is one of the important parameters in mining operations. This parameter has a direct impact on the mine planning and cost of mining operations, Generally, effective paramete... Prediction of the drilling penetration rate is one of the important parameters in mining operations. This parameter has a direct impact on the mine planning and cost of mining operations, Generally, effective parameters on the penetration rate is divided into two classes: rock mass properties and specifications of the machine, The chemical components of intact rock have a direct effect in determining rock mechan- ical properties, Theses parameters usually have not been investigated in any research on the rock drill- ability, In this study, physical and mechanical properties of iron ore were studied based on the amount of magnetite percent, According to the results of the tests, the effective parameters on the pen- etration rate of the rotary drilling machines were divided into three classes: specifications of the machi- nes, rock mass properties and chemical component of intact rock, Then, the rock drillahility was studied using rock engineering systems, The results showed that feed, rotation, rock mass index and iron oxide percent have important effect on penetration rate, Then a quadratic equation with 0,896 determination coefficient has been obtained, Also, the results showed that chemical components can he described as new parameters in rotary drill penetration rate, 展开更多
关键词 Penetration rate Rotary drill Rock engineering system Chemical components
作者 周苗苗 《小学教学参考(综合版)》 2015年第4期60-60,共1页
关键词 英语对话 而有 拓展思路
Information Expression Oriented toward the Hearing-Impaired Based on Sign Language Video Synthesis 被引量:1
作者 王茹 王立春 +1 位作者 孔德慧 尹宝才 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第1期139-144,共6页
Among the human users of the Internet of Things,the hearing-impaired is a special group of people for whom normal information expression forms,such as voice and video are unaccessible,and most of them have some diffic... Among the human users of the Internet of Things,the hearing-impaired is a special group of people for whom normal information expression forms,such as voice and video are unaccessible,and most of them have some difficulty in understanding information in text form.The hearing-impaired are accustomed to receiving information expressed in sign language.For this situation,a new information expression form for the Internet of Things oriented toward the hearing-impaired is proposed in this paper,and the new expression is based on sign language video synthesis.Under the sign synthesis frame,three modules are necessary:constructing database,searching for appropriate sign language video units and transition units,and generating interpolated frames.With this method,text information could be transformed into sign language expression for the hearing-impaired. 展开更多
关键词 information express sign language video synthesis Internet of Things sign language anima- tion
Effect of thermodynamic parameters on prediction of phase behavior and process design of extractive distillation 被引量:3
作者 HuiJia Huixin Wang +3 位作者 Kang Ma Mengxiao Yu Zhaoyou Zhu Yinglong Wang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期993-1002,共10页
Extractive distillation was investigated for separation of the minimum azeotrope of n-propanol/water, via the Aspen Plus simulation platform. Experimental data of n-propanol/water, which could pass the thermodynamic c... Extractive distillation was investigated for separation of the minimum azeotrope of n-propanol/water, via the Aspen Plus simulation platform. Experimental data of n-propanol/water, which could pass the thermodynamic consistency test, were regressed to get suitable binary interaction parameters(BIPs) by the UNIQUAC thermodynamic model. The azeotrope system was heterogeneous in the simulation with built-in BIPs, which was contrary to the experimental data. The study focused on the effect of thermodynamic parameters on the prediction of phase behavior, and process design of extractive distillation. N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone(NMP) and ethylene glycol were used as solvents to implement the separation. Processes with built-in and regressed BIPs were explored,based on the minimum total annual cost(TAC). There were significant differences in the phase behavior simulation using different thermodynamic parameters, which showed the importance of BIPs in the design and optimization of extractive distillation. 展开更多
关键词 Extractive distillation Thermodynamic parameters Phase behavior UNIQUAC TAC
Prediction model of slurry pH based on mechanism and error compensation for mineral flotation process 被引量:1
作者 Xiaoli Wang Lei Huang Chunhua Yang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1766-1772,共7页
A suitable pH value of the slurry is a key to efficient mineral flotation. Considering the control delay problem of pH value caused by offline pH measurement, an integrated prediction model for pH value in bauxite fro... A suitable pH value of the slurry is a key to efficient mineral flotation. Considering the control delay problem of pH value caused by offline pH measurement, an integrated prediction model for pH value in bauxite froth flotation is proposed, which considers the effect of ore compositions on pH value. Firstly, a regression model is obtained for alkali(Na_2CO_3) consumed by the reaction between ore and alkali. According to the first-order hydrolysis of the remaining alkali, a mechanism-based prediction model is presented for the pH value. Then, considering the complexity of the flotation mechanism, an error prediction model which uses time series of the error of the mechanism model as inputs is presented based on autoregressive moving average(ARMA) method to compensate the mechanism model. Finally, expert rules are established to correct the error compensation direction, which could reflect the dynamic changes during the process accurately and effectively. Simulation results using industrial data show that the presented model meets the needs of the industrial process, which laid the foundation for predictive control of pH regulator. 展开更多
关键词 Froth flotation PH value prediction HYDROLYSIS Mechanism model ARMA Expert rule
作者 王秀朋 《中学生作文指导》 2020年第39期0015-0015,共1页
写作水平的提升是一个长期积累的过程,这就需要师生的共同努力。语文的写作水平是需要学生不断地练习,教师的指导才能得到提升的。可是由于小学生自制力较差,意志力不强,教师的教学手法非常的单一枯燥。这些原因的影响下,学生的语文写... 写作水平的提升是一个长期积累的过程,这就需要师生的共同努力。语文的写作水平是需要学生不断地练习,教师的指导才能得到提升的。可是由于小学生自制力较差,意志力不强,教师的教学手法非常的单一枯燥。这些原因的影响下,学生的语文写作水平是很难以提升的。这就需要教师付出更多的努力帮助学生提升写作水平,如:通过举办各种丰富多彩的文学活动来帮助学生积累词汇短句,感受语文学科的乐趣,让学生爱上语文,喜欢写作。 展开更多
关键词 小学写作 水平提升 日记习惯 自主创作 而有
An Unlikely Marriage: Theorizing the Corporeality of Language at the Crossroads of Thoreau, Heidegger and the Botanical World
作者 John Charles Ryan Edith Cowan University 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2011年第2期139-149,共11页
This paper examines the relationship between language, particularly language that expresses aesthetic experiences of plant life, and corporeality. The theorisation of language is a keystone towards conceptualising par... This paper examines the relationship between language, particularly language that expresses aesthetic experiences of plant life, and corporeality. The theorisation of language is a keystone towards conceptualising participatory relationships between people and the botanical world. A comparative reading of the works of Henry David Thoreau and Martin Heidegger provides a framework for approaching language as embodied participation. Despite political differences, Thoreau and Heidegger shared a mutual conviction about the generative powers of language. Thoreau's literary practice partly involved immersion in places such as swamps and forests. Fittingly, Heidegger's explication of Rilke's concept of"the Open" mirrors the participatory aesthetics of Thoreau. Both thinkers looked towards the capacities of poetics to galvanise the evolution of language. In response to the increasing dissection offered by contemporaneous theories of linguistics, Thoreau and Heidegger held the notion of language as a body in itself, one brought to life through immanence between sensuous bodies in the world. For each theorist, language was both bodily and a body. Their works evidence that multi-sensorial encounters with the natural world can be captured in language. The body of language may be engaged with as a whole living phenomenon rather than a dissected corpse as this comparative reading of Thoreau and Heidegger will intimate. 展开更多
关键词 THOREAU Heidegger corporeality LANGUAGE
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