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损害额认定制度研究 被引量:30
作者 毋爱斌 《清华法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期115-125,共11页
在损害赔偿诉讼中,往往会出现损害事实的发生得以证明,而损失大小难以证明或不能证明的情形,此时如何确定损害赔偿数额即成为难题。对此,德国、日本等国家和地区的民事诉讼法确立了损害额认定制度,通过降低法官心证标准和赋予法官裁量... 在损害赔偿诉讼中,往往会出现损害事实的发生得以证明,而损失大小难以证明或不能证明的情形,此时如何确定损害赔偿数额即成为难题。对此,德国、日本等国家和地区的民事诉讼法确立了损害额认定制度,通过降低法官心证标准和赋予法官裁量评价权来实现对主张者的权利救济,以此实现实质公平。目前,我国民事实体法中确立了相关规则,但由于缺乏民事程序法上的规范和补强,并未产生很好的实践效果。因此,需要在《民事诉讼法》中确立损害额认定制度,相应减轻权利主张者的举证负担,以此发挥损害赔偿制度的权利保障功能。 展开更多
关键词 损害额认定 证明责任法则 明度减轻 裁量评价
诉讼证明的盖然性范畴:功能与限度 被引量:5
作者 秦策 《金陵法律评论》 2013年第1期27-43,共17页
在诉讼活动中,盖然性是一个体现证明过程基本规律、为证明推理提供解释框架的特殊范畴。盖然性判断不仅涉及证明标准问题,而且贯穿于诉讼证明过程的诸多环节。作为诉讼认识或然性程度的量度指标,盖然性范畴具有多方面功能,尤其是在构建... 在诉讼活动中,盖然性是一个体现证明过程基本规律、为证明推理提供解释框架的特殊范畴。盖然性判断不仅涉及证明标准问题,而且贯穿于诉讼证明过程的诸多环节。作为诉讼认识或然性程度的量度指标,盖然性范畴具有多方面功能,尤其是在构建证明度体系以及促进案件事实司法认定方面能够发挥重要作用。但基于诉讼认识的特殊性,这一功能存在着限度。 展开更多
关键词 诉讼证明 盖然性 明度 概率证据
作为法官裁量问题的“相当损害额”——以日本《民事诉讼法》第248条的适用为中心 被引量:13
作者 潮见佳男 姜荣吉 《北方法学》 CSSCI 2014年第5期5-13,共9页
1996年日本《民事诉讼法》新设第248条规定,在认定已发生损害的场合,因损害的性质对其金额的举证极其困难时,法院可以基于口头辩论的全部内容以及证据调查的结果,认定相当损害额。实体法层面上的损害观念是该项规定的前提,而作为该损害... 1996年日本《民事诉讼法》新设第248条规定,在认定已发生损害的场合,因损害的性质对其金额的举证极其困难时,法院可以基于口头辩论的全部内容以及证据调查的结果,认定相当损害额。实体法层面上的损害观念是该项规定的前提,而作为该损害观念的损害事实说否定了差额说,并认为应将从金钱评估中分离出的事实作为损失。在介绍有关该条的学说以及适用该条的裁判例的基础上,对该条在日本所起到的作用进行说明,并起到他山之石之效是十分必要的。 展开更多
关键词 损害 差额说 损害事实说 损害金额评估 明度
我国刑事证明责任制度完善之学理分析 被引量:2
作者 彭洪毅 《四川行政学院学报》 2008年第5期54-57,共4页
刑事证明责任制度的核心是证明责任的分配。诉讼构造、司法证明活动的盖然性、犯罪构成理论作为背景性制度因素对证明责任制度构建有重要影响。具体刑事诉讼证明责任中,存疑有利被告原则无罪推定原则更具操作意义,举证责任倒置的推定则... 刑事证明责任制度的核心是证明责任的分配。诉讼构造、司法证明活动的盖然性、犯罪构成理论作为背景性制度因素对证明责任制度构建有重要影响。具体刑事诉讼证明责任中,存疑有利被告原则无罪推定原则更具操作意义,举证责任倒置的推定则是证明责任分配的例外规定。我国证明责任制度之完善当注意与转型时期诉讼模式、客观真实诉讼理念、证明度要求等现实语境中相关制度吻合。 展开更多
关键词 刑事证明责任 明度 制度完善
作者 易晓东 《沈阳工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第6期481-485,共5页
根据证明责任法则,损害的发生以及损害大小的证明均应由主张损害赔偿请求权存在的原告承担。依此,如果损害事实的发生得以证明,而损害大小难以证明或不能证明,则原告的诉讼请求应当得不到支持。但这种判决显然不妥当,为此德国、日本等... 根据证明责任法则,损害的发生以及损害大小的证明均应由主张损害赔偿请求权存在的原告承担。依此,如果损害事实的发生得以证明,而损害大小难以证明或不能证明,则原告的诉讼请求应当得不到支持。但这种判决显然不妥当,为此德国、日本等国家和地区的民事诉讼法确立了损害额认定制度,赋予法官裁量权以解决该难题。目前,我国《侵权责任法》等已经确立了法官酌定损害赔偿额制度,但仍缺乏程序法上的相应支撑。因此,有必要借鉴域外立法经验,在我国民事诉讼法中确立损害额认定制度,以实现实质公平。 展开更多
关键词 民事诉讼 损害赔偿 损害额认定 明度轻减 裁量评价
作者 陈占军 《法制与经济》 2011年第8期13-14,共2页
证明标准被民事诉讼法学者称为民事诉讼的脊梁,它在民事诉讼中起到举足轻重的地位。学者对此研究颇多,但对于证明责任和当事人之间的调查取证权问题,学界没有很明确的界定。为此,本文对我国的民事诉讼证明标准及当事人的调查取证权进行... 证明标准被民事诉讼法学者称为民事诉讼的脊梁,它在民事诉讼中起到举足轻重的地位。学者对此研究颇多,但对于证明责任和当事人之间的调查取证权问题,学界没有很明确的界定。为此,本文对我国的民事诉讼证明标准及当事人的调查取证权进行了研究分析,并在此基础上,提出了完善我国民事诉讼中当事人调查取证权的具体建议。 展开更多
关键词 证明责任 明度 当事人 调查取证权
The Effect of Political Influence and Corporate Transparency on Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence From Indonesian Listed Companies
作者 Ria Nelly Sai Rita Anugerah 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第8期773-783,共11页
The paper aims to examine the effect of political influence on corporate transparency, and performance of Indonesian listed companies, Seventy-three large public firms from hundred of the largest companies in Indonesi... The paper aims to examine the effect of political influence on corporate transparency, and performance of Indonesian listed companies, Seventy-three large public firms from hundred of the largest companies in Indonesia were selected as the sample. Data for corporate transparency are collected from annual reports for the years 2005-2007. Corporate transparency is indexed by the amount of information disclosed in company's annual report. The disclosure index reporting model developed in the current research is based on the Annual Report Award (ARA, an award given annually to Indonesian listed and non-listed companies), and firm performance is measured using two indicators: ROA (return on assets) and Tobin-Q. The political influence variable is proxied by two indicators: government ownership and the existence of politicians in Board of Directors (BOD). Results demonstrate that contrary to the hypothesis, government ownership (political influence) has positive relation to corporate transparency, as well as to ROA (firm performance). Results also support the hypothesis that transparency act as a mediating variable for the relationship between political influence and firm performance. However, when political influence is pmxied by existence of politicians in BOD and fm'n performance proxied by Tobin-Q, data seems to give support to the hypotheses proposed. The discussion and implications of the findings and suggestions for future research arc discussed. 展开更多
关键词 political influence corporate transparency and disclosure index firm performance Indonesia
作者 許士宦(Shu-Huan Shyuu) 《臺大法學論叢》
民事诉讼法於2000年修正时,增订法院酌定损害数额制度,要求法院於当事人已证明受有损害而不能或难以证明损害数额时,应审酌一切情形,依所得心证定其数额。此项规定非仅系追认向来审判实务而将判例见解予以明文化,或单纯继受德、奥... 民事诉讼法於2000年修正时,增订法院酌定损害数额制度,要求法院於当事人已证明受有损害而不能或难以证明损害数额时,应审酌一切情形,依所得心证定其数额。此项规定非仅系追认向来审判实务而将判例见解予以明文化,或单纯继受德、奥、日等国立法例而已,其系针对损害赔偿事件之个性、特徵,根据程序利益保护论,兼顾实体法与程序法之观点,以减轻受害当事人之举证责任,并赋予法院法的评价及事实认定之裁量权,就损害数额施加评价裁量而不受限於客观实体法,或酌予降低证明度以便确定该数额。为贯彻上述立法意旨,不仅应将之扩大适用於包括请求及一律请求,而且宜将其类推适用於其他债权之酌定、违反证物提出义务时之真实拟制及经界确定或土地所有权范围确定等事项。法院酌定损害数额虽系属羁束裁量,其裁判对象及基础资料仍受处分权主义及辩论主义等原则之限制,但其於必要时得不调查当事人所声明之证据,或改以较能节省劳费之证明方法行之,甚至依心证比例认定损害数额。惟为保障当事人之程序权,防止发生突袭性裁判,法院在具体事件之审理过程,仍应将其就证据裁定、损害数额存否之心证度及证明度所持见解,适时公开、表明,并与当事人进行事实上及法律上讨论,俾其得为适当完全辩论及增、减、补充声明。 展开更多
关键词 證明度 裁量評價權 程序利益保護原則 責任 程序權保障 羈束裁量
作者 孙远 史达 《证据科学》 2024年第1期17-27,共11页
对网络型诽谤罪的诉讼证明应当注意合理分配举证责任,即由控方承担构成要件和可罚性条件的举证责任,辩方承担存在违法阻却事由和责任阻却事由的举证责任。涉及公共利益的言论在原则上阻却行为的违法性,控方须排除证明被告言论与公共利... 对网络型诽谤罪的诉讼证明应当注意合理分配举证责任,即由控方承担构成要件和可罚性条件的举证责任,辩方承担存在违法阻却事由和责任阻却事由的举证责任。涉及公共利益的言论在原则上阻却行为的违法性,控方须排除证明被告言论与公共利益无涉或保护与损害间不成比例的合理怀疑,法庭亦须综合考察个案中权利保护的相对优先性作出裁判。该类案件的证明过程中,自诉人证明案件已达起诉标准和被告人有罪的证明度均有所降低。检察机关欲提起公诉的,需证明案件“严重危害社会秩序和国家利益”,否则无法启动公诉程序。 展开更多
关键词 网络型诽谤罪 诉讼证明 举证责任分配 明度
损害赔偿额之酌定:基于诉讼公平的考量 被引量:12
作者 黄毅 《法学论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期146-153,共8页
在损害发生得以证明,但损害大小难以证明或不能证明时,法院若判决驳回原告诉讼请求,将不符合诉讼公平的要求。为弥补这种因需完全证明带来的不公平,德日等国家和地区在理论上和立法实践中确立了法官损害赔偿额酌定制度。我国引进该制度... 在损害发生得以证明,但损害大小难以证明或不能证明时,法院若判决驳回原告诉讼请求,将不符合诉讼公平的要求。为弥补这种因需完全证明带来的不公平,德日等国家和地区在理论上和立法实践中确立了法官损害赔偿额酌定制度。我国引进该制度时,在理论上应厘清概念的含义应为"损害赔偿额酌定"而非"损害赔偿额认定"。在实践中,应明确该制度的适用要件,并采取合理的酌定方法。 展开更多
关键词 损害赔偿额酌定 明度减轻 诉讼公平
Determination of residual stress distribution combining slot milling method and finite element approach 被引量:2
作者 ZHU RongHua ZHANG Qi +2 位作者 XIE HuiMin YU XingZhe LIU ZhanWei 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第7期965-970,共6页
Residual stress plays a vital role in the structural strength and stability. The determination of residual stress at single-point has become mature at present. However, the method to determine residual stress distribu... Residual stress plays a vital role in the structural strength and stability. The determination of residual stress at single-point has become mature at present. However, the method to determine residual stress distribution is still in shortage. For this problem, a finite element approach combined with slot milling method was developed in this study. In the method, firstly a slot is milled on the specimen surface to release the residual stress and then the released displacement field is measured by optical method, such as digital image correlation (DIC), finally the finite element approach is used to determine the residual stress distribution along the slot. In order to verify the feasibility of the method, it was applied to study the residual stress introduced by shot peening, mainly about the stress distribution along the direction vertical to the shot peened surface. Since the influence depth of shot peening was too small, we utilized focused ion beam (FIB) to determine the microscale residual stress distribution. The result measured by X-ray diffraction (XRD) demonstrated that the method was feasible to determine the residual stress distribution. 展开更多
关键词 residual stress finite element approach digital image correlation focused ion beam slot milling method
Asymptotic limit of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with general initial data
作者 LI FuCai LIN Chi-Kun WU Kung-Chien 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期1113-1126,共14页
This paper mainly concerns the mathematical justification of the asymptotic limit of the GrossPitaevskii equation with general initial data in the natural energy space over the whole space. We give a rigorous proof of... This paper mainly concerns the mathematical justification of the asymptotic limit of the GrossPitaevskii equation with general initial data in the natural energy space over the whole space. We give a rigorous proof of the convergence of the velocity fields defined through the solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation to the strong solution of the incompressible Euler equations. Furthermore, we also obtain the rates of the convergence. 展开更多
关键词 Gross-Pitaevskii equation asymptotic limit incompressible Euler equation general initial data
Comparisons of Metrics on Teichmller Space
作者 Zongliang SUN Lixin LIU 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第1期71-84,共14页
For a Riemann surface X of conformally finite type (g, n), let dT, dL and dpi (i = 1, 2) be the Teichmuller metric, the length spectrum metric and Thurston's pseudometrics on the Teichmutler space T(X), respect... For a Riemann surface X of conformally finite type (g, n), let dT, dL and dpi (i = 1, 2) be the Teichmuller metric, the length spectrum metric and Thurston's pseudometrics on the Teichmutler space T(X), respectively. The authors get a description of the Teichmiiller distance in terms of the Jenkins-Strebel differential lengths of simple closed curves. Using this result, by relatively short arguments, some comparisons between dT and dL, dpi (i = 1, 2) on Tε(X) and T(X) are obtained, respectively. These comparisons improve a corresponding result of Li a little. As applications, the authors first get an alternative proof of the topological equivalence of dT to any one of dL, dp1 and dp2 on T(X). Second, a new proof of the completeness of the length spectrum metric from the viewpoint of Finsler geometry is given. Third, a simple proof of the following result of Liu-Papadopoulos is given: a sequence goes to infinity in T(X) with respect to dT if and only if it goes to infinity with respect to dL (as well as dpi (i = 1, 2)). 展开更多
关键词 Length spectrum metric Teichmuller metric Thurston's pseudo-metrics
Fidelity of states in infinite-dimensional quantum systems
作者 HOU JinChuan QI XiaoFei 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期1820-1827,共8页
We discuss the fidelity of states in the infinite-dimensional systems and give an elementary proof of the infinite-dimensional version of Uhlmann's theorem.This theorem is used to generalize several properties of ... We discuss the fidelity of states in the infinite-dimensional systems and give an elementary proof of the infinite-dimensional version of Uhlmann's theorem.This theorem is used to generalize several properties of the fidelity of the finite-dimensional case to the infinite-dimensional case.These are somewhat different from those for the finite-dimensional case. 展开更多
关键词 Hilbert space trace quantum states FIDELITY entanglement fidelity
A three level linearized compact difference scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard equation 被引量:22
作者 LI Juan 1,2 ,SUN ZhiZhong 1,& ZHAO Xuan 1 1 Department of Mathematics,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China 2 Yingtian College,Nanjing 210046,China 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2012年第4期805-826,共22页
This article is devoted to the study of high order accuracy difference methods tor the Cahn-rnmara equation. A three level linearized compact difference scheme is derived. The u^ique solvability and uaconditional conv... This article is devoted to the study of high order accuracy difference methods tor the Cahn-rnmara equation. A three level linearized compact difference scheme is derived. The u^ique solvability and uaconditional convergence of the difference solution are proved. The convergence order is O(T2+h4) in the maximum norm. The mass conservation and the non-increase of the total energy are also verified. Some numerical examples are given to demonstrate the theoretical results. 展开更多
关键词 Cahn-Hilliard equation compact difference scheme CONVERGENCE SOLVABILITY CONSERVATION energynon-increase
On Einstein Matsumoto metrics 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG XiaoLing XIA QiaoLing 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2014年第7期1517-1524,共8页
We study a special class of Finsler metrics,namely,Matsumoto metrics F=α2α-β,whereαis a Riemannian metric andβis a 1-form on a manifold M.We prove that F is a(weak)Einstein metric if and only ifαis Ricci flat an... We study a special class of Finsler metrics,namely,Matsumoto metrics F=α2α-β,whereαis a Riemannian metric andβis a 1-form on a manifold M.We prove that F is a(weak)Einstein metric if and only ifαis Ricci flat andβis a parallel 1-form with respect toα.In this case,F is Ricci flat and Berwaldian.As an application,we determine the local structure and prove the 3-dimensional rigidity theorem for a(weak)Einstein Matsumoto metric. 展开更多
关键词 Einstein metric Matsumoto metric Ricci flat
Global well-posedness of 3-D density-dependent Navier-Stokes system with variable viscosity 被引量:3
作者 ABIDI Hammadi ZHANG Ping 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第6期1129-1150,共22页
Given initial data(ρ0, u0) satisfying 0 < m ρ0≤ M, ρ0- 1 ∈ L2∩˙W1,r(R3) and u0 ∈˙H-2δ∩ H1(R3) for δ∈ ]1/4, 1/2[ and r ∈ ]6, 3/1- 2δ[, we prove that: there exists a small positive constant ε1,which d... Given initial data(ρ0, u0) satisfying 0 < m ρ0≤ M, ρ0- 1 ∈ L2∩˙W1,r(R3) and u0 ∈˙H-2δ∩ H1(R3) for δ∈ ]1/4, 1/2[ and r ∈ ]6, 3/1- 2δ[, we prove that: there exists a small positive constant ε1,which depends on the norm of the initial data, so that the 3-D incompressible inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes system with variable viscosity has a unique global strong solution(ρ, u) whenever‖ u0‖ L2 ‖▽u0 ‖L2 ≤ε1 and ‖μ(ρ0)- 1‖ L∞≤ε0 for some uniform small constant ε0. Furthermore, with smoother initial data and viscosity coefficient, we can prove the propagation of the regularities for such strong solution. 展开更多
关键词 viscosity Stokes Navier inhomogeneous incompressible proof whenever estimates priori inequality
作者 Leyi WANG Gang George YIN +1 位作者 Chanying LI Weixing ZHENG 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2010年第3期622-639,共18页
This paper introduces several algorithms for signal estimation using binary-valued outputsensing.The main idea is derived from the empirical measure approach for quantized identification,which has been shown to be con... This paper introduces several algorithms for signal estimation using binary-valued outputsensing.The main idea is derived from the empirical measure approach for quantized identification,which has been shown to be convergent and asymptotically efficient when the unknown parametersare constants.Signal estimation under binary-valued observations must take into consideration oftime varying variables.Typical empirical measure based algorithms are modified with exponentialweighting and threshold adaptation to accommodate time-varying natures of the signals.Without anyinformation on signal generators,the authors establish estimation algorithms,interaction between noisereduction by averaging and signal tracking,convergence rates,and asymptotic efficiency.A thresholdadaptation algorithm is introduced.Its convergence and convergence rates are analyzed by using theODE method for stochastic approximation problems. 展开更多
关键词 IDENTIFICATION signal estimation.
作者 伊希切尔·佩雷斯·杜兰 孙彩红(译) +1 位作者 陈光(译) 张敏(译) 《国际行政科学评论(中文版)》 2017年第2期154-173,共20页
本研究的目的是为分析和评估公共政策问责提供一个框架。首先,本文设计了分析公共政策问责的两个维度(信息/证明正当维度,评估/制裁维度),并运用于政策实施阶段中,特别是应用于构成这个阶段的三个核心要素中(责任主体、政策资源以及政... 本研究的目的是为分析和评估公共政策问责提供一个框架。首先,本文设计了分析公共政策问责的两个维度(信息/证明正当维度,评估/制裁维度),并运用于政策实施阶段中,特别是应用于构成这个阶段的三个核心要素中(责任主体、政策资源以及政策结果)。其次,本文建议从正规化的程度来评估公共政策的问责情况,特别要分析是否符合其本身制度框架的四个特征:明确性、约束力、公开性以及自治性。最后,本文把这个研究框架应用于实证研究,分析西班牙的医疗政策,该项政策进行权力下放,由地方政府负责政策实施,由此笔者能够分析这项政策问责水平在不同地区之间的差异性。 展开更多
关键词 问责 评估/制裁维度 正规化 医疗政策 信息/证明正当维度 公共政策
Coarse Embedding into Uniformly Convex Banach Spaces
作者 Qinggang REN 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期733-742,共10页
In this paper, the author studies the coarse embedding into uniformly convex Banach spaces. The author proves that the property of coarse embedding into Banach spaces can be preserved under taking the union of the met... In this paper, the author studies the coarse embedding into uniformly convex Banach spaces. The author proves that the property of coarse embedding into Banach spaces can be preserved under taking the union of the metric spaces under certain condi- tions. As an application, for a group G strongly relatively hyperbolic to a subgroup H, the author proves that B(n) = {g ∈ G/ │g│suЭe≤ n} admits a coarse embedding into a uniformly convex Banach space if H does. 展开更多
关键词 Coarse embedding Uniformly convex Banach spaces Relative hyper-bolic groups
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