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作者 文之(译) 《山东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第10期64-78,共15页
计算文学研究作为数字人文的一个重要分支,长期以来饱受争议,支持者与批评者之间分歧明显。支持者主张引入量化、统计和算法工具为文学研究开辟新的视域,促进跨学科的知识生产;批评者则认为计算文学研究削弱了文学的复杂性与阐释性,导... 计算文学研究作为数字人文的一个重要分支,长期以来饱受争议,支持者与批评者之间分歧明显。支持者主张引入量化、统计和算法工具为文学研究开辟新的视域,促进跨学科的知识生产;批评者则认为计算文学研究削弱了文学的复杂性与阐释性,导致文学现象分析被简化为技术化和工具化的处理。双方立场看似对立,实际上都基于一个共同的前提:数据与计算、文学现象与阅读是相互独立的,即计算是一种与文学文本、阅读活动无关的技术过程。然而,这一前提本身隐含着笛卡尔式的二元对立思维,即物质与意义、主体与客体、人类与机器之间是对立的。无论是计算文学研究的支持者还是批评者,都或多或少地受到这种二元论影响,导致他们难以全面而深入地探讨计算在文学研究中的施为性作用。当前有关计算文学研究的讨论往往忽略了计算方法与文学现象之间的潜在共生关系,未能充分认识到计算技术在塑造文学文本性与批评者主体性中的构成性意义。当代美学、阐释学和交叉性研究能帮助我们将有关问题从认识论层面推展至本体论层面,这使得从施为性视角出发的计算文学研究成为可能,不再将计算视为一种外在的工具或手段,而是关注其与文学现象的共生互动。这种计算文学研究实践顺应了后印刷时代的文学批评范式,对现有的研究方法进行了延展与创新,不仅打破了计算与文学的二元划分,而且破除了长期以来的二元对立思维模式,为当前的文学研究提供了新的批判性视野和方法论支持。 展开更多
关键词 计算文学研究 二元论 施为性 后印刷 后批判
作者 朱梅 杨智良 +1 位作者 王笑宇 刘晓丽 《农业工程》 2024年第4期133-136,共4页
为响应国家对高校人才培养的要求,培养具有忠诚、干净、担当、科学、求实和创新精神的新时代水利工程专业技术人才,依托安徽农业大学工程水文学与水利计算课程实践教学基地安徽省五道沟水文水资源试验站,将五道沟水文人的求真、奉献、... 为响应国家对高校人才培养的要求,培养具有忠诚、干净、担当、科学、求实和创新精神的新时代水利工程专业技术人才,依托安徽农业大学工程水文学与水利计算课程实践教学基地安徽省五道沟水文水资源试验站,将五道沟水文人的求真、奉献、坚守的科学精神融入课程思政教学中,起到立德树人的价值引领,产生了良好的教学效果和示范效应。 展开更多
关键词 实践教学基地 课程思政 工程水文学与水利计算
以计算的方法反对计算文学研究 被引量:12
作者 笪章难 汪蘅(译) 姜文涛(校) 《山东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第8期24-39,共16页
本文以基本统计原则从实证层面讨论计算文学研究中的14篇学术作品,讨论其中所涉及的数据的性质以及导致研究结果的统计工具,指出这其中一系列的技术问题、逻辑谬误和概念缺陷。将所选择的计算文学研究分为两种类型:一种是统计方法严谨,... 本文以基本统计原则从实证层面讨论计算文学研究中的14篇学术作品,讨论其中所涉及的数据的性质以及导致研究结果的统计工具,指出这其中一系列的技术问题、逻辑谬误和概念缺陷。将所选择的计算文学研究分为两种类型:一种是统计方法严谨,然而并没有提出和解决有意义的学术问题;一种是看似解决了有意义的学术问题,然而或者统计方法并不严谨,或者并没有必要使用统计学和其他机器学习工具。本文通过探讨这些文章所使用的数据以及所使用的计算方法,试图去神秘化计算工具在文学语料库中的应用,重提文学语言修辞和阐释的复杂性,得出的结论是:计算文学批评的方法论和理论前提并不适用于分析文学、文学史和语言学的复杂性。 展开更多
关键词 计算文学研究 数字人文 数据 文学阐释 自然语言处理 词频
推进计算文学研究——对笪章难《以计算的方法反对计算文学研究》一文的讨论 被引量:8
作者 霍伊特·朗 苏真 +6 位作者 安德鲁·派博 泰德·安德伍德 马克·阿尔吉-休伊特 凯瑟琳·伯德 笪章难 汪蘅(译) 姜文涛(校) 《山东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第8期40-55,共16页
笪章难的《以计算的方法反对计算文学研究》一文对计算文学研究领域提出了若干质疑,在数字人文文学研究领域引发了广泛的讨论。为了继续和深入这一对话,多位数字人文研究者和批评家组织论坛对此作出回应,与笪章难论辩。讨论围绕笪章难... 笪章难的《以计算的方法反对计算文学研究》一文对计算文学研究领域提出了若干质疑,在数字人文文学研究领域引发了广泛的讨论。为了继续和深入这一对话,多位数字人文研究者和批评家组织论坛对此作出回应,与笪章难论辩。讨论围绕笪章难的计算方法和理论预设展开,并就数字人文文学研究对人文学发展的意义展开积极的回应。这是一次难得的既有统计技术方法、又有历史和理论意义的关于数字人文文学研究及其与人文学关系的学术讨论,会继续推动数字人文文学研究的发展。 展开更多
关键词 数字人文 人文主义 计算文学研究 文学研究 统计学
作者 戴姚 陈琳 曹秋晗 《海外英语》 2019年第7期198-201,共4页
为系统分析数字人文作为一种语言文学研究方法的发展动态,该文以英国牛津大学学术期刊《文学与语言计算》(Literary and Linguistic Computing)2008-2017年间刊载的论文作为样本,使用CiteSpace软件绘制知识图谱,对该领域的发文机构、关... 为系统分析数字人文作为一种语言文学研究方法的发展动态,该文以英国牛津大学学术期刊《文学与语言计算》(Literary and Linguistic Computing)2008-2017年间刊载的论文作为样本,使用CiteSpace软件绘制知识图谱,对该领域的发文机构、关键文献、核心作者和热点研究等方面进行共被引和共现分析,并在此基础上揭示语言计算研究领域的研究内容、热点主题和领军人物。 展开更多
关键词 文学与语言计算 CITESPACE 知识图谱 热点研究
数字人文研究热点与发展趋势的断面考察——以《数字人文季刊》和《人文学科中的数字计算》为中心 被引量:4
作者 陈苗 刘晗月 《图书馆研究与工作》 2020年第1期10-16,共7页
研究数字人文具体发展状况和每个方向的研究范式,对未来数字人文研究的开展有参考意义。文章从文献计量学的角度出发,以当前数字人文领域较为典型的两本期刊《数字人文季刊》和《人文学科中的数字计算》(及其前身《文学与语言计算》)为... 研究数字人文具体发展状况和每个方向的研究范式,对未来数字人文研究的开展有参考意义。文章从文献计量学的角度出发,以当前数字人文领域较为典型的两本期刊《数字人文季刊》和《人文学科中的数字计算》(及其前身《文学与语言计算》)为数据源,对这两本期刊的知识基础、研究热点及发展趋势进行分析。研究结果表明,数字人文的知识基础包括理论研究和应用研究两类,应用研究中作者身份识别的研究最受关注;研究热点主要分为四类:作者身份识别、数字人文研究对象的分析、相关的技术研究和数字人文在各个学科的应用实践。 展开更多
关键词 《数字人文季刊》 《人文学科中的数字计算 数字人文 研究热点 文献计量学
作者 赵娟 陈黎 向娥 《大学物理》 北大核心 2013年第6期42-44,共3页
关键词 计算文学 课程设置 课程内容
文学计算的理论、方法及发展挑战——刘洋博士访谈 被引量:1
作者 刘洋 余思琪 《数字人文研究》 2023年第4期37-48,共12页
文学计算旨在探索如何利用大规模文本数据和计算机技术解读文学作品,是数字人文的重要分支领域,而在当下中文学界,高质量的研究仍然稀少。文章是对该领域的前沿学者——重庆大学中文系副教授刘洋博士的访谈,探讨内容包括算法批判、文学... 文学计算旨在探索如何利用大规模文本数据和计算机技术解读文学作品,是数字人文的重要分支领域,而在当下中文学界,高质量的研究仍然稀少。文章是对该领域的前沿学者——重庆大学中文系副教授刘洋博士的访谈,探讨内容包括算法批判、文学概念的量化、技术与传统文学研究结合的路径与障碍、数字工具与文学创作、数字人文教育的理想模式、未来的文学形态等。刘洋博士认为,文学作品解读虽具有主观性,但背后仍存在客观规律,任何文学概念都是可以量化的,需要的只是更精细的处理,应致力于将从其他领域迁移而来的技术与传统文学批评和文论结合起来。这其中最大的障碍并非技术难以掌握,而是文理科之间的巨大隔阂和研究者视野的局限。未来,文学计算与传统方法将逐渐融合,数字人文这类跨学科研究也将逐渐从相对边缘和非主流的状态走向主流。 展开更多
关键词 数字人文 文学研究 文学计算 量化 数字人文教育 跨学科
Hepatic portal venous gas: Physiopathology, etiology, prognosis and treatment 被引量:32
作者 Bassam Abboud Jad El Hachem +1 位作者 Thierry Yazbeck Corinne Doumit 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第29期3585-3590,共6页
Hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG), an ominous radiologic sign, is associated in some cases with a severe underlying abdominal disease requiring urgent operative intervention. HPVG has been reported with increasing freq... Hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG), an ominous radiologic sign, is associated in some cases with a severe underlying abdominal disease requiring urgent operative intervention. HPVG has been reported with increasing frequency in medical literature and usually accompanies severe or lethal conditions. The diagnosis of HPVG is usually made by plain abdominal radiography, sonography, color Doppler flow imaging or computed tomography (CT) scan. Currently, the increased use of CT scan and ultrasound in the inpatient setting allows early and highly sensitive detection of such severe illnesses and also the recognition of an increasing number of benign and non-life threatening causes of HPVG. HPVG is not by itself a surgical indication and the treatment depends mainly on the underlying disease. The prognosis is related to the pathology itself and is not influenced by the presence of HPVG. Based on a review of the literature, we discuss in this paper the pathophysiology, risk factors, radiographic findings, management, and prognosis of pathologies associated with HPVG. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic portal venous gas Bowel ischemia/necrosis DIVERTICULITIS Gastric pathologies Ulcerativecolitis Abdominal computed tomography scan Crohn'sdisease Liver transplantation Chemotherapy
Research and application on wireless remote measurement system of drill hydrology
作者 徐乐年 陈西广 周宏 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第4期528-532,共5页
The configuration, function, principle of operation and the main design of the wireless remote measurement system of drill hydrology based on GPRS were introduced in this paper. The current resources of GPIRS network ... The configuration, function, principle of operation and the main design of the wireless remote measurement system of drill hydrology based on GPRS were introduced in this paper. The current resources of GPIRS network was used by the system, and water level, water temperature and turbidity were measured by the intelligent sensors. Then the data were transmitted to the monitoring computer by the GPRS modem in wireless, which processed the data, forecasted and predicted water disaster. The monitoring computer software has the Chinese operation interface in the windows circumstance with simple and convenience using. The managers can operate every function by the Chinese cue. The data communications between the remote indicating instrument distributing in every drill and the monitoring computer is built only by one monitoring computer. The technology of data collection, GPRS wireless communication, computer, data processing, database were collected by the system, some functions such as real time supervising, early-warning, decision-making supporting, and so on had been achieved. The system has such merits as high precision, low cost, flexible distributing, credible transmitting and simple operation. 展开更多
关键词 GPRS intelligent sensor remote indicating instrument monitoring computer
Syntax Development in Language Education of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing by Usage of Modem Technology 被引量:1
作者 Husnija Hasanbegovic Esad Mahmutovic 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第5期307-315,共9页
The aim of the study was to determine the development of syntax in language development of children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, who are taught to new dynamic linguistic features with the help of computers. The sa... The aim of the study was to determine the development of syntax in language development of children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, who are taught to new dynamic linguistic features with the help of computers. The sample consisted of 70 children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, aged 7-17 years. To assess language development were applied following variables: total number of words used, the total number of different words used, the correct and incorrect statements (sentences) of the respondents. We calculated the basic statistical parameters on which it was found that the experimental program computer teaching children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing gave better results in the development of syntax. Also, canonical discriminate analysis revealed a statistically significant difference in the applied variables between the control and experimental groups the level of statistical significance ofp = 0.000. The results showed a significant improvement of the experimental group and that dynamic computer programming activities, which were challenged participants of the experimental group, contribute to a better linguistic competence of children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. 展开更多
关键词 SYNTAX speech and language vocabulary speech perception child who is deaf
Computer Skills in Humanistic Discipline: Some Observations
作者 Deborah J. Schuster Gerardo M. Acay 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第3期361-365,共5页
This paper explores the myriad capabilities of that contraption, the computer, and its attendant role in the development of creative thought and logical thinking; skills (we could have used the word "knowledge" ins... This paper explores the myriad capabilities of that contraption, the computer, and its attendant role in the development of creative thought and logical thinking; skills (we could have used the word "knowledge" instead of skills; but to avoid the unnecessary ambiguity of the former, we shall drop it and talk of skills instead) which the humanistic disciplines and related disciplines in the social sciences and in natural sciences should inculcate. The process of acquiring these skills assumes that one rational animal-the student develops her/his rational powers by studying the wisdom and folly of other rational animals-the authors of various works and/or disciplines the student is set to study. In a word, what is dealt with specifically in the humanistic disciplines, in swimming and riding bicycles, leave us only when decrepitude invades our minds and bodies. In short, students must learn to think. This is an obvious platitude. 展开更多
关键词 COMPUTER SKILLS critical/logical thinking HUMANISTIC RATIONAL
Study of the combination of English and American Literature teaching reform and Multimedia applications
作者 Weixuan Zhong 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第1期103-105,共3页
In this paper, the traditional Anglo-American literature courses dictated mainly teachers monotonous way of teaching, we propose the learner and teacher-centered teaching methods and guidance as the core idea of teach... In this paper, the traditional Anglo-American literature courses dictated mainly teachers monotonous way of teaching, we propose the learner and teacher-centered teaching methods and guidance as the core idea of teaching reform, and use modem computer multimedia technology widely to improve the English and American Literature Teaching mode, to the thinking and teaching reform proposed above, we made specific practical strategies and provide a reference for further reform of American and British literature courses. 展开更多
关键词 American literature teaching reform MULTIMEDIA
Interweavings of Alan Turing's Mathematics and Sociology of Knowledge
作者 Isabel Cafezeiro Ivan da Costa Marques 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第7期420-429,共10页
This paper starts from the analysis of how Alan Turing proceeded to build the notion of computability in his famous 1936 text "On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem". Looking in deta... This paper starts from the analysis of how Alan Turing proceeded to build the notion of computability in his famous 1936 text "On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem". Looking in detail at his stepwise construction, which starts from the materialities to achieve a satisfactory level of abstraction, it is considered how his way of doing mathematics was one that constructs mathematical knowledge by evading a definite separation between matter and form; in this way, making the world and language come together. Following the same line of reasoning, it is argued in this paper that the abstract and the concrete, the deduction and the induction, the technical and the social as well as the objective and the subjective are unthinkable as pure entities. By considering the controversies and discussions from the mid-nineteenth century until now, it is shown that local (social) elements necessarily participate in what is usually considered "technical content" or "objectivity". While Alan Turing was a precursor of what today might be said to be an "anthropological approach to mathematical culture", unveiling and reviving approaches that enable the axis of authority for mathematics, logic and computing to be shifted, he also opened different paths for the construction of a variety of mathematical knowledge as well. 展开更多
关键词 COMPUTABILITY Alan Tttring knowledge construction.
Vortex Dissipation Due to Airfoil-Vortex Interaction
《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第1期63-71,共9页
The influences due to several AVIs (airfoil-vortex interactions) are studied by using a two-dimensional CFD (computational fluid dynamics) method. The primary goal of this effort is to assess the variation of vort... The influences due to several AVIs (airfoil-vortex interactions) are studied by using a two-dimensional CFD (computational fluid dynamics) method. The primary goal of this effort is to assess the variation of vortex center location and vortex circulation associated with sequential AVI toward an improvement of the hybrid method of CFD and prescribed wake model, which closely relates to predicting the BVI (blade-vortex interaction) noise radiated from a helicopter rotor. The representative of sequential AVI is performed by single vortex and two airfoils. Investigations with respect to vortex center location and vortex circulation after AVIs have been made by varying the miss-distance, which is the vertical distance between the airfoil leading edge and the vortex center. Correlations between miss-distance and vorticity field show that there exists complicated vortex wake flow with several vortices newly induced in 1st AVI. The pressure fluctuation amplitude clarifies that the intensity in 2nd AV1 is significantly low compared to the intensity in 1st AVI due to the influence of vortex dissipation. Simulations turned out to modify the vortex center location represented by the hybrid method using an offset value for a streamwise direction and to dissipate the vortex circulation for improving the accuracy of BVI noise prediction. 展开更多
关键词 Helicopter noise airfoil-vortex interaction vortex dissipation computational fluid dynamics.
作者 赵薇 《山东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第10期79-91,共13页
数字人文虽然是一个争议丛生的领域,但不应成为新自由主义的工具。学界有必要对数字人文与新自由主义的关系、“建造”的认识论和工具主义的根源,以及“做或不做”和计算文学论争等引爆西方舆论场的重要数字人文论争,进行全盘清理和反... 数字人文虽然是一个争议丛生的领域,但不应成为新自由主义的工具。学界有必要对数字人文与新自由主义的关系、“建造”的认识论和工具主义的根源,以及“做或不做”和计算文学论争等引爆西方舆论场的重要数字人文论争,进行全盘清理和反思。在辨析和剔除有问题的价值观的同时,能否将数字人文导向一种更具合法性的实践立场,从而避免“合谋”,取决于整个共同体对工具主义反思的力度。对于真正的人文主义者来说,反对工具理性恰是其“以数字人文实践来抵抗”的最终目的。因此,如何在“建造”与思辨之间保持适度的张力,如何在“做”中“思”,或发展出一种“思辨的基础设施”,将成为消解长久对立的出路。在这方面,计算文学论争中的分歧和对立具有典型性,隐藏了丰富的症候点,值得深入解读,以正视听。 展开更多
关键词 数字人文论争 工具 计算文学 建造 计算批评
作者 道格拉斯·麦克道格尔 李海宁(译) 《中国国家天文》 2021年第8期60-67,共8页
美索不达米亚天文学家开创了计算天文。每当发生火星冲日——就像去年十月那次耀眼的事件时,我都会想起巴比伦。为什么是巴比伦?因为对行星位置的精确计算就始于巴比伦人——事实上,计算天文学本身也正起源于此。自公元前7世纪中叶开始... 美索不达米亚天文学家开创了计算天文。每当发生火星冲日——就像去年十月那次耀眼的事件时,我都会想起巴比伦。为什么是巴比伦?因为对行星位置的精确计算就始于巴比伦人——事实上,计算天文学本身也正起源于此。自公元前7世纪中叶开始,巴比伦天文学家们就一直追踪并记录火星和其他肉眼可见的行星的位置,并持续了半个世纪。 展开更多
关键词 文学家们 美索不达米亚 火星冲日 行星位置 巴比伦 计算文学 精确计算
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