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基于计算智能方法的动态系统故障诊断技术 被引量:8
作者 姜苍华 周东华 《控制工程》 CSCD 2003年第5期385-390,共6页
简要地综述了基于计算智能方法的动态系统故障诊断技术的最新进展。将计算智能方法与基于模型的方法结合,用于不确定非线性动态系统的故障诊断是这一领域新的发展趋势。重点分析了用于非线性系统故障诊断的基于状态/参数估计的计算智能... 简要地综述了基于计算智能方法的动态系统故障诊断技术的最新进展。将计算智能方法与基于模型的方法结合,用于不确定非线性动态系统的故障诊断是这一领域新的发展趋势。重点分析了用于非线性系统故障诊断的基于状态/参数估计的计算智能方法,主要包括神经网络、模糊逻辑、遗传算法,探讨了提高诊断算法鲁棒性的途径。同时也对无模型的基于计算智能的故障诊断方法中的一些研究热点问题进行了分析。最后探讨了该领域今后的发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 动态系统 故障诊断 计算智能方法 神经网络 模糊逻辑 遗传算法
作者 张昊 《新型工业化》 2021年第8期68-69,共2页
伴随着科技水平的不断提高,产业界和科学界信息数据量呈现出爆炸式增长趋势,大数据技术的推广和应用得到了社会各界的广泛关注,而如何在分析大数据技术的基础上,充分挖掘其中存在的潜在价值,是当前需要深入研究的科学问题。在科学研究... 伴随着科技水平的不断提高,产业界和科学界信息数据量呈现出爆炸式增长趋势,大数据技术的推广和应用得到了社会各界的广泛关注,而如何在分析大数据技术的基础上,充分挖掘其中存在的潜在价值,是当前需要深入研究的科学问题。在科学研究和工程实践领域中,计算智能是解决复杂问题最有效的一种措施,也是未来人工智能和信息科学持续发展的重要探索方向。在大数据分析方面,计算智能算法拥有较大的潜力。对此,本文主要针对大数据分析中计算智能算法现状进行分析,并提出未来主要发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 大数据分析 计算智能方法 信息技术 未来发展
作者 陈军 艾廷华 +7 位作者 闫利 刘万增 李志林 朱强 高井祥 谢洪 武昊 张俊 《测绘学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期985-998,共14页
传统数字化测绘产品在数字经济、数字治理与数字生活等方面发挥着越来越重要的时空基底和关键生产要素作用,但其精细程度、更新周期、服务方式难以满足数智新时代下的高质量发展需求。因此,迫切需要实现数字化测绘到智能化测绘的转型升... 传统数字化测绘产品在数字经济、数字治理与数字生活等方面发挥着越来越重要的时空基底和关键生产要素作用,但其精细程度、更新周期、服务方式难以满足数智新时代下的高质量发展需求。因此,迫切需要实现数字化测绘到智能化测绘的转型升级,通过构建新型时空新型基础设施以全方位提升高品质的时空信息供给能力、高层次的时空数据分析能力,以及高水平的时空知识服务能力。本文从测绘自然智能与人工智能结合的必要性分析出发,首先讨论了测绘智能计算的基本概论及内涵,然后提出了智能化测绘知识为引导、数据为驱动、算法为基础、服务为支撑(KDAS)的混合智能计算范式并梳理了其构建基本任务,最后从感知、认知、表达与服务4个维度研究并系统阐述了智能化测绘的混合计算关键技术和相应途径,试图为混合计算赋能智能化测绘知识体系构建以及产业发展升级搭建基础研究框架。 展开更多
关键词 智能化测绘 时空型混合智能 KDAS混合智能计算范式 混合智能计算方法
作者 戚建国 杨立兴 李树凯 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2023年第5期168-170,共3页
优化算法类课程的建设对于培养学生逻辑思维和创新意识,提升科研素养具有重要意义。本文针对传统优化算法类课程理论性强、较为抽象、学生难以掌握等问题,深入分析《现代优化与智能计算方法》课程特征和教学目标,以增强学生学习兴趣和... 优化算法类课程的建设对于培养学生逻辑思维和创新意识,提升科研素养具有重要意义。本文针对传统优化算法类课程理论性强、较为抽象、学生难以掌握等问题,深入分析《现代优化与智能计算方法》课程特征和教学目标,以增强学生学习兴趣和提升学生科研素养为目标,从课程教学内容、教学方法、考核方式等方面进行设计,以为优化算法类课程的建设与教学实践提供有益借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 科研素养 优化算法 现代优化与智能计算方法 课程建设
利用计算智能方法进行状态监测 在机械和电子系统中的应用
作者 孙方敏 《国外科技新书评介》 2012年第12期16-17,共2页
状态监测是指利用观察到的机器或结构的运行特征来诊断被监测信号的变化趋势,再通过这种变化趋势来预测并避免发生故障。使用状态监测可以避免设备故障,延长其使用寿命,减少停机时间,降低维护成本等。本书介绍了各种信号处理和前处... 状态监测是指利用观察到的机器或结构的运行特征来诊断被监测信号的变化趋势,再通过这种变化趋势来预测并避免发生故障。使用状态监测可以避免设备故障,延长其使用寿命,减少停机时间,降低维护成本等。本书介绍了各种信号处理和前处理技术、小波变换及频谱分析等内容,如在频域、时间一频率域和时域上有效的特征提取技术及其在状态监测中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 状态监测 计算智能方法 电子系统 利用 应用 机械 运行特征 设备故障
智能计算方法在军事物流中的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 刘鹏飞 汤晓文 査国云 《物流工程与管理》 2014年第5期112-114,共3页
关键词 智能计算方法 军事物流
作者 林育梁 徐艳华 张艳刚 《结构工程师》 2003年第z1期304-306,共3页
有限单元法等现有计算方法计算简便、计算精确,在结构工程中应用广泛.但是,由于很多工程材料本构关系和材料参数不易精确确定,因而使这些计算方法的计算结果往往与实际有较大的差异.将有限单元法与人工神经网络结合起来,设计一种智能的... 有限单元法等现有计算方法计算简便、计算精确,在结构工程中应用广泛.但是,由于很多工程材料本构关系和材料参数不易精确确定,因而使这些计算方法的计算结果往往与实际有较大的差异.将有限单元法与人工神经网络结合起来,设计一种智能的人工神经网络,通过现场测试的数据,用遗传算法或其它训练算法智能调整人工神经网络结构和加权系数,使人工神经网络具有结构工程系统相同力学功能,从而达到模拟和计算结构工程系统的目的,这将是结构工程智能计算方法的一个好途径,也是解决计算方法中材料本构关系和材料参数不易精确确定的"瓶颈"问题的好方法. 展开更多
关键词 结构工程 智能 计算方法
作者 刘盛陆 《消费电子》 2012年第07X期97-97,共1页
随着网络技术的迅猛发展,如今的网络已揭开了它神秘的面纱,在人们的工作于生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用,但从另一方面来看,人们也将会有更多的机会来面对网络故障所带来的困扰与烦恼,如何及时地获得网络系统资源的异常信息,在网... 随着网络技术的迅猛发展,如今的网络已揭开了它神秘的面纱,在人们的工作于生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用,但从另一方面来看,人们也将会有更多的机会来面对网络故障所带来的困扰与烦恼,如何及时地获得网络系统资源的异常信息,在网络服务中断或系统崩溃之前就提前发现并解决网络中潜在的故障和隐患,已成为网络管理人员的首要任务。本文从对网络故障管理的分析入手,介绍了网络故障的计算机智能化管理方法。笔者希望通过此文能够对日后的网络故障的管理工作起到一定的借鉴作用。 展开更多
关键词 网络故障管理 计算智能化管理方法
智能算法综述 被引量:19
作者 武飞周 薛源 《工程地质计算机应用》 2005年第2期9-15,共7页
关键词 智能计算方法 计算机技术 工作原理 仿生原理 人工神经网络算法 遗传算法 模拟退火算法 群体智能
情报处理中数据挖掘的应用 被引量:4
作者 夏大永 罗景青 龚亮亮 《舰船电子工程》 2004年第6期22-25,共4页
简要介绍了数据挖掘的基本知识和数据挖掘的两种主要模式 :联机分析处理 (OLAP)和数据挖掘的计算智能方法 ,最后给出了挖掘在情报处理中的应用实例。
关键词 数据挖掘 联机分析处理 计算智能方法
数据挖掘在通信侦察信号处理中的应用 被引量:1
作者 徐济仁 钟子发 《航天电子对抗》 2002年第4期40-42,共3页
简介数据挖掘的基本知识和数据挖掘的两种主要模式 :联机分析处理 (OLAP)和数据挖掘的计算智能方法 ,最后给出了数据挖掘在一个实际的通信侦察信号处理的应用实例。
关键词 数据挖掘 通信侦察 信号处理 联机分析处理 计算智能方法
混合遗传BP算法在图象识别中的应用 被引量:7
作者 胡师彦 《吉首大学学报》 2001年第4期57-59,共3页
介绍了传统的遗传算法与BP算法 ,分析了它们各自的不足 .提出了一种将BP算法与遗传算法有机结合的混合智能计算方法 ,并且给出了具体的算法实现流程 .将该方法应用于数字图象识别 ,实验表明混合算法优于传统BP算法 .
关键词 遗传算法 BP算法 神经网络 图像识别 混合智能计算方法 数字识别
An Efficient Algorithm for Discovering Co-occurrence Concepts Through Pathfinder Paradigm 被引量:1
作者 杜志典 WANG James 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第6期153-156,160,共5页
The Pathfinder paradigm has been used in generating and analyzing graph models that support clustering similar concepts and minimum-cost paths to provide an associative network structure within a domain. The co-occurr... The Pathfinder paradigm has been used in generating and analyzing graph models that support clustering similar concepts and minimum-cost paths to provide an associative network structure within a domain. The co-occurrence pathfinder network ( CPFN ) extends the traditional pathfinder paradigm so that co-occurring concepts can be calculated at each sampling time. Existing algorithms take O(n(s)) time to calculate the pathfinder network (PFN) at each sampling time for a non-completed input graph of a CPFN (r = ∞, q = n - 1), where n is the number of nodes in the input graph, r is the Minkowski exponent and q is the maximum number of links considered in finding a minimum cost path between vertices. To reduce the complexity of calculating the CPFN, we propose a greedy based algorithm, MEC(G) algorithm, which takes shortcuts to avoid unnecessary steps in the existing algorithms, to correctly calculate a CPFN (r = ∞, q= n - 1) in O(klogk) time where k is the number of edges of the input graph. Our example demonstrates the efficiency and correctness of the proposed MEC(G) algorithm, confirming our mathematic analysis on this algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 PATHFINDER CPFN co-occurrence.
Linkage intensity learning approach with genetic algorithm for causality diagram
作者 WANG Cheng-liang CHEN Juan-juan 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2007年第2期135-140,共6页
The causality diagram theory, which adopts graphical expression of knowledge and direct intensity of causality, overcomes some shortages in belief network and has evolved into a mixed causality diagram methodology for... The causality diagram theory, which adopts graphical expression of knowledge and direct intensity of causality, overcomes some shortages in belief network and has evolved into a mixed causality diagram methodology for discrete and continuous variable. But to give linkage intensity of causality diagram is difficult, particularly in many working conditions in which sampling data are limited or noisy. The classic learning algorithm is hard to be adopted. We used genetic algorithm to learn linkage intensity from limited data. The simulation results demonstrate that this algorithm is more suitable than the classic algorithm in the condition of sample shortage such as space shuttle’s fault diagnoisis. 展开更多
关键词 causality diagram genetic algorithm linkage Intensity parameter learning
Multi-agent reinforcement learning using modular neural network Q-learning algorithms
作者 杨银贤 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2005年第1期50-54,共5页
Reinforcement learning is an excellent approach which is used in artificial intelligence,automatic control, etc. However, ordinary reinforcement learning algorithm, such as Q-learning with lookup table cannot cope wit... Reinforcement learning is an excellent approach which is used in artificial intelligence,automatic control, etc. However, ordinary reinforcement learning algorithm, such as Q-learning with lookup table cannot cope with extremely complex and dynamic environment due to the huge state space. To reduce the state space, modular neural network Q-learning algorithm is proposed, which combines Q-learning algorithm with neural network and module method. Forward feedback neural network, Elman neural network and radius-basis neural network are separately employed to construct such algorithm. It is revealed that Elman neural network Q-learning algorithm has the best performance under the condition that the same neural network training method, i.e. gradient descent error back-propagation algorithm is applied. 展开更多
关键词 reinforcement learning Q-LEARNING neural network artificial intelligence
Research of CBR, DM and smart algorithms based design methods for high-rise building structure form-selection
作者 张世海 刘叔军 +1 位作者 刘晓燕 欧进萍 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第3期325-332,共8页
First, the high-rise building structure design process is divided into three relevant steps, that is, scheme generation and creation, performance evaluation, and scheme optimization. Then with the application of relat... First, the high-rise building structure design process is divided into three relevant steps, that is, scheme generation and creation, performance evaluation, and scheme optimization. Then with the application of relational database, the case database of high-rise structures is constructed, the structure form-selection designing methods such as the smart algorithm based on CBR, DM, FINS, NN and GA is presented, and the original forms system of this method and its general structure are given. CBR and DM are used to generate scheme candidates; FINS and NN to evaluate and optimize the scheme performance; GA to create new structure forms. Finally, the application cases are presented, whose results fit in with the real project. It proves by combining and using the expert intelligence, algorithm intelligence and machine intelligence that this method makes good use of not only the engineering project knowledge and expertise but also much deeper knowledge contained in various engineering cases. In other words, it is because the form selection has a strong background support of vast real cases that its results prove more reliable and more acceptable. So the introduction of this method provides an effective approach to improving the quality, efficiency, automatic and smart level of high-rise structures form selection design. 展开更多
关键词 high-rise building structure structure form selection case-based reasoning (CBR) data-mining(DM) smart algorisms
Unknown constrained mechanisms operation based on dynamic interactive control
作者 Hesheng Wang Bohan Yang Weidong Chen 《CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology》 2016年第3期259-271,共13页
In order to operate various constrained mechanisms with assistive robot manipulators, an interactive control algorithm is proposed in this paper. This method decouples motion and force control in the constrained frame... In order to operate various constrained mechanisms with assistive robot manipulators, an interactive control algorithm is proposed in this paper. This method decouples motion and force control in the constrained frame, and modifies the motion velocity online. Firstly, the constrained frame is determined online according to previous motion direction; then the selection matrix is adjusted dynamically, the constrained motion direction is chosen as the driving-axis. Consequently, the driving-axis and non-driving-axis are decoupled; finally, velocity control and impedance control are implied on above axes respectively. The selecting threshold for driving-axis is also varying dynamically to fit different constrained mechanism. Door-opening experiments are conducted to verify the performance of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 Unknown constrained mechanism Selection matrix Constrained frame Robot manipulator Impedance control
C-LOG: A Chamfer distance based algorithm for localisation in occupancy grid-maps
作者 Lakshitha Dantanarayana Gamini Dissanayake Ravindra Ranasinge 《CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology》 2016年第3期272-284,共13页
A novel algorithm for localising a robot in a known two-dimensional environment is presented in this paper. An occupancy grid representing the environment is first converted to a distance function that encodes the dis... A novel algorithm for localising a robot in a known two-dimensional environment is presented in this paper. An occupancy grid representing the environment is first converted to a distance function that encodes the distance to the nearest obstacle from any given location. A Chamfer distance based sensor model to associate observations from a laser ranger finder to the map of the environment without the need for ray tracing, data association, or feature extraction is presented. It is shown that the robot can be localised by solving a non-linear optimisation problem formulated to minimise the Chamfer distance with respect to the robot location. The proposed algorithm is able to perform well even when robot odometry is unavailable and requires only a single tuning parameter to operate even in highly dynamic environments. As such, it is superior than the state-of-the-art particle filter based solutions for robot localisation in occupancy grids, provided that an approximate initial location of the robot is available. Experimental results based on simulated and public domain datasets as well as data collected by the authors are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Robot localisation Distance functions Chamfer distance Optimisation Sensor models Environment representation
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Semiotics: Methodological Approach to Formalization of Semiotic Concepts
作者 Silvia Regina dos Santos Coelho Ricardo Matos Chaim 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第12期981-1000,共20页
This paper aims to conduct a research on the state of the art of artificial intelligence techniques to investigate the relationships between cognitive actions addressed in steps of mathematical modeling and computatio... This paper aims to conduct a research on the state of the art of artificial intelligence techniques to investigate the relationships between cognitive actions addressed in steps of mathematical modeling and computational semiotics activities. It also briefly reviews the main techniques of artificial intelligence, with particular emphasis on intelligent systems techniques. Such analysis uses semiotic concepts in order to identify the use of new techniques for modeling intelligent systems through the integrated use of mathematical and computational tools. At last, once understood that semiotics can bring contributions to the study of intelligent systems, a methodology for modeling computational semiotics based on the semiotic concepts formalization extracted from the semiotic theory of Charles Sanders Peiree is proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Intelligent systems mathematical modeling computational semiotics.
作者 侯满义 李曙林 《航空维修与工程》 2009年第4期59-60,共2页
关键词 冲击损伤 飞机结构 综述 计算智能方法 损伤容限 结构应力
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