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作者 刘羽宇 王可 +1 位作者 杨军利 钱宇 《航空工程进展》 CSCD 2023年第2期129-135,共7页
航空公司使用多年的某国产民用运输类飞机性能软件,在障碍物限重计算准确性方面虽能获得较满意的结果,但计算时间较长,计算效率偏低。首先分析该软件所用计算模型(原模型)计算效率较低的原因,比较优化模型(采用最小改平高计算)和原模型... 航空公司使用多年的某国产民用运输类飞机性能软件,在障碍物限重计算准确性方面虽能获得较满意的结果,但计算时间较长,计算效率偏低。首先分析该软件所用计算模型(原模型)计算效率较低的原因,比较优化模型(采用最小改平高计算)和原模型(采用最大改平高计算)的计算结果准确性和计算效率;然后计算不同障碍物、不同风速条件下,两种模型计算出的障碍物限重、改平高度和计算时间,并进行比较分析。结果表明:两种模型计算得到的障碍物限重和改平高度基本相同;无障碍物时,不论有风无风,优化模型比原模型可减少计算时间25%;有障碍物时,无风情况下,优化模型可减少计算时间78%以上,有风时,则可减少计算时间75%以上。即采用最小改平高的模型可以兼顾准确性和高效性。 展开更多
关键词 民用运输类飞机 障碍物限制起飞重量 计算模型优化 计算效率
隧道监测和信息反馈中的计算模型优化问题 被引量:8
作者 吉小明 赵中旺 《地下空间》 CSCD 1997年第2期104-108,共5页
关键词 隧道 模型识别 施工监测 信息反馈 计算模型优化
基于全寿命周期成本输电线路成本计算模型优化 被引量:4
作者 杨东 陈聪 +2 位作者 陈然 张凌乐 赵理赟 《电力学报》 2020年第5期416-423,共8页
传统的输电线路全寿命周期成本分析中在检修成本与故障成本计算时更多的考虑的是人工费与材料费等,对成本构成考虑不充分,而不同的检修方式其费用构成也不同,检修成本也有所差异。通过对全寿命周期成本进行分析,对全寿命周期成本中的运... 传统的输电线路全寿命周期成本分析中在检修成本与故障成本计算时更多的考虑的是人工费与材料费等,对成本构成考虑不充分,而不同的检修方式其费用构成也不同,检修成本也有所差异。通过对全寿命周期成本进行分析,对全寿命周期成本中的运行成本、检修成本与故障成本计算模型进行了优化,在故障率预测中为防止误差过大采用改进的灰色GM(1,1)预测模型,最后对输电线路在两种检修方式下进行绝缘子更换与测零的作业项目的检修成本效益分析及经济性评估。 展开更多
关键词 全寿命周期成本 计算模型优化 检修作业方式 成本效益法 经济性评估
作者 李小新 《智慧工厂》 2024年第1期60-64,共5页
加热炉炉温设定模型是在遵循加热炉操作规程基础上且满足板坏加热质量和工厂整体生产节奏,根据板坏在炉内的升温情况,结合板坏的加热工艺及专家经验,对加热炉各段炉温进行优化设定。这对板坏加热工艺制度的执行,减轻加热炉烧火工劳动强... 加热炉炉温设定模型是在遵循加热炉操作规程基础上且满足板坏加热质量和工厂整体生产节奏,根据板坏在炉内的升温情况,结合板坏的加热工艺及专家经验,对加热炉各段炉温进行优化设定。这对板坏加热工艺制度的执行,减轻加热炉烧火工劳动强度,减少产品质量的波动,都有不可替代的提升作用。炉温设定模型包括模型优化计算和专家经验调整。 展开更多
关键词 加热炉 生产节奏 工艺制度 模型优化计算 炉温设定 专家经验
作者 王双燕 程五一 张昱涵 《安全与环境工程》 CAS 2016年第5期155-157,共3页
煤层瓦斯压力预测对煤与瓦斯突出和煤层安全开采意义重大。在陈连省等基于量纲分析建立的煤层瓦斯压力计算模型的基础上,通过重新进行量纲分析以及MATLAB数值模拟分析,利用已有的实测数据,针对其所建立的煤层瓦斯压力计算模型进行了重... 煤层瓦斯压力预测对煤与瓦斯突出和煤层安全开采意义重大。在陈连省等基于量纲分析建立的煤层瓦斯压力计算模型的基础上,通过重新进行量纲分析以及MATLAB数值模拟分析,利用已有的实测数据,针对其所建立的煤层瓦斯压力计算模型进行了重新建模和优化,新模型为整体的一个数学模型,避免了原分段数学模型带来的误差,使得煤层瓦斯压力的预测计算更为准确,可为煤层瓦斯压力的预测提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 量纲分析 MATLAB建模 煤层瓦斯压力 计算模型优化
引黄灌区灌溉效益优化计算模型 被引量:3
作者 吴泽宁 王敬 刘进国 《灌溉排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期8-11,共4页
以引黄灌区为研究对象 ,在分析传统灌溉效益计算方法不足的基础上 ,按水资源合理配置的要求 ,基于作物的节水灌溉制度 ,提出引黄灌区灌溉效益优化计算的双层线性规划模型 ,开发了相应的计算软件。模型考虑了引黄水量在不同作物间和同种... 以引黄灌区为研究对象 ,在分析传统灌溉效益计算方法不足的基础上 ,按水资源合理配置的要求 ,基于作物的节水灌溉制度 ,提出引黄灌区灌溉效益优化计算的双层线性规划模型 ,开发了相应的计算软件。模型考虑了引黄水量在不同作物间和同种作物不同灌溉时段间的优化配置 。 展开更多
关键词 引黄灌区 优化计算模型 灌溉效益 节水灌溉 双层线性规划模型
作者 刘鑫 曾学贵 魏庆朝 《铁道学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期111-114,共4页
提出了以路基变坡点为变量、路基工程费用为目标函数的路基工程最优化设计数学模型 ,并给出了解析形式的目标函数和约束矩阵。为河道、公路及铁路路基最优化设计奠定了理论基础。
关键词 路基工程 优化计算数学模型 目标函数 DTM
作者 邓家泉 王现方 《人民珠江》 2002年第6期8-11,共4页
如何根据接受水体如湖泊、河流、海岸水域等的水环境承载能力或水质保护目标区域 (或敏感区域 )的水质标准 ,选择污水源排放位置区域使得保护目标区域的水质标准得以维护 ,是一个非常值得研究的重要问题。该问题利用常规的水动力学模拟... 如何根据接受水体如湖泊、河流、海岸水域等的水环境承载能力或水质保护目标区域 (或敏感区域 )的水质标准 ,选择污水源排放位置区域使得保护目标区域的水质标准得以维护 ,是一个非常值得研究的重要问题。该问题利用常规的水动力学模拟加上污染物输移模拟技术通过试—错方法求解 ,存在一是耗时、二是受主观影响、三是只能对少数个排放点给出有限的解等缺点。有鉴于此 ,专门针对区域规则中污水排放位置优化控制问题 ,应用逆问题求解理论 ,提出了一种显示的共轭水质模型 ,该模型可应用于确定一、二维自由面水流系统中可行的污水排放位置或区域 。 展开更多
关键词 排污水域 优化计算模型 水质模型 共轭模型 逆问题 对流-扩散 水环境
火电厂湿法脱硫设备优化计算及运行维护管理信息系统研究与应用 被引量:2
作者 郝竹筠 王彦 +1 位作者 吴春华 王彦 《吉林电力》 2012年第6期9-11,共3页
针对火电厂脱硫系统运行存在的管路磨损、腐蚀泄漏、热工传感器故障率高及机组调峰运行方式下脱硫系统附属设备运行利用率低等问题进行了系统分析研究,对机组调峰状态下脱硫设备优化运行参数进行了计算,建立了火电厂湿法脱硫设备运维管... 针对火电厂脱硫系统运行存在的管路磨损、腐蚀泄漏、热工传感器故障率高及机组调峰运行方式下脱硫系统附属设备运行利用率低等问题进行了系统分析研究,对机组调峰状态下脱硫设备优化运行参数进行了计算,建立了火电厂湿法脱硫设备运维管理系统,并在吉林省某电厂应用,为火电厂脱硫设施安全经济运行提供了重要保障。 展开更多
关键词 湿法脱硫 运行维护管理信息系统 优化计算模型
作者 陈一心 柴永进 徐建 《煤炭技术》 CAS 2019年第11期151-154,共4页
基于普采工艺支架布置的理论研究和现场实践,提出了以安全的端面距控制为中心,以确保安全运行为基础,进行错梁直线式、齐梁直线式,正倒悬臂支护的科学选型计算。结果表明:高档普采工艺由于设备配套及设备横向尺寸的不同,可在确保端面距... 基于普采工艺支架布置的理论研究和现场实践,提出了以安全的端面距控制为中心,以确保安全运行为基础,进行错梁直线式、齐梁直线式,正倒悬臂支护的科学选型计算。结果表明:高档普采工艺由于设备配套及设备横向尺寸的不同,可在确保端面距符合质量标准化的情况下,采用正悬臂及倒悬臂分梁不一样的错梁直线式支护方法,调节分梁尺寸来保证直线柱形式。通过建立科学的横向模型优化图和参数计算,前后移动模拟正悬臂及倒悬臂顶梁,确保端面距不超过端面距控制线。确保倒悬臂前端长L1在0<L 1≤(D+n)-T MIN-2B-Z及正悬臂前端长L 2在B<L 2≤(D+n)+B+T MIN-2B-Z内的点才能符合安全及实践要求组织生产。 展开更多
关键词 悬臂梁 直线式支护 端面距 设备横向尺寸 横向模型优化计算
作者 梁宝荣 《福建建材》 2018年第2期25-26,46,共3页
关键词 部分框支-剪力墙结构 抗震等级 计算模型优化
Design and optimization of exhaust gas aftertreatment system for a heavy-duty diesel engine 被引量:1
作者 TAN Pi-qiang YAO Chao-jie +3 位作者 WANG De-yuan ZHU Lei HU Zhi-yuan LOU Di-ming 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第7期2127-2141,共15页
Diesel engines meeting the latest emission regulations must be equipped with exhaust gas aftertreatment system,including diesel oxidation catalysts(DOC),diesel particulate filters(DPF),and selective catalytic reductio... Diesel engines meeting the latest emission regulations must be equipped with exhaust gas aftertreatment system,including diesel oxidation catalysts(DOC),diesel particulate filters(DPF),and selective catalytic reduction(SCR).However,before the final integration of the aftertreatment system(DOC+DPF+SCR)and the diesel engine,a reasonable structural optimization of the catalytic converters and a large number of bench calibration tests must be completed,involving large costs and long development cycles.The design and optimization of the exhaust gas aftertreatment system for a heavy-duty diesel engine was proposed in this paper.Firstly,one-dimensional(1D)and threedimensional(3D)computational models of the exhaust gas aftertreatment system accounting for the structural parameters of the catalytic converters were established.Then based on the calibrated models,the effects of the converter’s structural parameters on their main performance indicators,including the conversion of various exhaust pollutants and the temperatures and pressure drops of the converters,were studied.Finally,the optimal design scheme was obtained.The temperature distribution of the solid substrates and pressure distributions of the catalytic converters were studied based on the 3D model.The method proposed in this paper has guiding significance for the optimization of diesel engine aftertreatment systems. 展开更多
关键词 diesel engine EMISSION exhaust gas aftertreatment computational model optimal design
Characteristic of Drop Coalescence Resting on Liquid-Liquid Interface 被引量:4
作者 唐洪涛 王辉 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2010年第4期244-250,共7页
The trajectory model of dispersed phase drops and the model of basic flow for drop motion between two inclined parallel plates are derived with the optimized calculation. The analytical results of direct numerical sim... The trajectory model of dispersed phase drops and the model of basic flow for drop motion between two inclined parallel plates are derived with the optimized calculation. The analytical results of direct numerical simulation indicate that the basic flow plays an important role in the drop coalescence on liquid-liquid interface. In the stratified two-phase flow field, the smaller droplets are difficult to drain the thin continuous film between the approaching droplets and bulk interfaces and eventually immerse into the trickling film to yield coalescence. They almost attain the velocity of their local surroundings. Moreover, the basic flow exerts a dominant influence on the motion of smaller droplet. The smaller droplets are easily entrained by the basic flow. On the contrary, the larger drop presents advantageous characteristics of coalescence due to its high velocity. The range of 0.3 mm < δR≤ 0.75 mm is the advantageous drop coalescence condition since the rapidly varied velocity and its first derivative theoretically cause the forces acting on a drop to become imbalanced. On the other hand, the thin layer of the continuous phase drained from the interval between the drops and trickling film should not be neglected in the calculation of shearing force since it is important for drop rotation. The drop rotation is an indispensable factor in coalescence. 展开更多
Optimizing Geothermal Energy Resource
作者 Mohamad Kharseh Mohammed Al-Khawaja 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第12期667-675,共9页
Unlike other types of renewable energy resources, geothermal energy provides a stable source of energy as it can be exploited regardless of meteorological conditions. Using organic cycle, geothermal energy can be util... Unlike other types of renewable energy resources, geothermal energy provides a stable source of energy as it can be exploited regardless of meteorological conditions. Using organic cycle, geothermal energy can be utilized for power generation. In such systems, the heat is exchanged between the surrounding rock mass and transport fluid. Consequently, the temperature of extracted geofluid from the well decreases with the time in accordance with the working parameters. Those parameters includeenergy extraction rate, temperature difference between inlet and outlet of the well, and the thermal conductivity of the ground. Current work, aims to develop a reliable computer model to specify the optimal working parameters so that the geofluid temperature will not reach a low value that is not acceptable for electricity generation, and the energy availability of geothermal resource is maximized. In the current study the ground thermal properties, the geothermal gradient and well dimensions are based on realistic data in Qatar and neighboring countries. The proposed model was developed for different heat extraction rate, different ground thermal properties, and for varied temperature difference between inlet and outlet of the well. Simulation shows that selecting the optimal working parameters can increase the availability of geothermal resource significantly. 展开更多
关键词 Geothermal resource heat transfer optimizing computer simulation exergy.
Integrating Tabu Search in Particle Swarm Optimization for the Frequency Assignment Problem 被引量:1
作者 Houssem Eddine Hadji Malika Babes 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第3期137-155,共19页
In this paper, we address one of the issues in the frequency assignment problem for cellular mobile networks in which we intend to minimize the interference levels when assigning frequencies from a limited frequency s... In this paper, we address one of the issues in the frequency assignment problem for cellular mobile networks in which we intend to minimize the interference levels when assigning frequencies from a limited frequency spectrum. In order to satisfy the increasing demand in such cellular mobile networks, we use a hybrid approach consisting of a Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) combined with a Tabu Search(TS) algorithm. This approach takes both advantages of PSO efficiency in global optimization and TS in avoiding the premature convergence that would lead PSO to stagnate in a local minimum. Moreover, we propose a new efficient, simple, and inexpensive model for storing and evaluating solution's assignment. The purpose of this model reduces the solution's storage volume as well as the computations required to evaluate thesesolutions in comparison with the classical model. Our simulation results on the most known benchmarking instances prove the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm in comparison with previous related works in terms of convergence rate, the number of iterations, the solution storage volume and the running time required to converge to the optimal solution. 展开更多
关键词 frequency assignment problem particle swarm optimization tabu search convergence acceleration
计算机网络服务质量优化方法研究综述 被引量:1
作者 向灿 李尚东 《网络安全技术与应用》 2018年第8期8-8,12,共2页
随机计算机网络技术的快速发展,其已经融入到社会生产的各个环节。在新的历史发展时期,全面优化计算机网络服务质量至关重要。本文主要从计算机网络服务质量优化模型目标及步骤、优化模型表达分析、分类分析及实施方式等方面进行了相关... 随机计算机网络技术的快速发展,其已经融入到社会生产的各个环节。在新的历史发展时期,全面优化计算机网络服务质量至关重要。本文主要从计算机网络服务质量优化模型目标及步骤、优化模型表达分析、分类分析及实施方式等方面进行了相关的论述。 展开更多
关键词 计算机网络服务质量优化 计算机网络优化模型
A motion retargeting algorithm based on model simplification
作者 Chen Zhihua(陈志华) Ma Lizhuang +1 位作者 Wu Xiaomao Gao Yan 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2005年第3期225-228,共4页
A new motion retargeting algorithm is presented, which adapts me motion capture data to a new character. To make the resulting motion realistic, the physically-based optimization method is adopted. However, the optimi... A new motion retargeting algorithm is presented, which adapts me motion capture data to a new character. To make the resulting motion realistic, the physically-based optimization method is adopted. However, the optimization process is difficult to converge to the optimal value because of high complexity of the physical human model. In order to address this problem, an appropriate simplified model automatically determined by a motion analysis technique is utilized, and then motion retargeting with this simplified model as an intermediate agent is implemented. The entire motion retargeting algorithm involves three steps of nonlinearly constrained optimization: forward retargeting, motion scaling and inverse retargeting. Experimental results show the validity of this algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 computer graphics computer animation motion capture motion retargeting
Optimum Calculation of Partial Transmission Ratios of Mechanical Driven Systems Using a V-belt and a Two-Step Bevel Helical Gearbox
作者 Vu Ngoc Pi Nguyen Thi Hong Cam Nguyen Khac Tuan 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2016年第11期566-569,共4页
This paper introduces a new study on the optimum calculation of partial transmission ratios of mechanical drive system using a V-belt and two-step bevel helical gearbox for getting minimum size of the system. In the p... This paper introduces a new study on the optimum calculation of partial transmission ratios of mechanical drive system using a V-belt and two-step bevel helical gearbox for getting minimum size of the system. In the paper, based on moment equilibrium condition of a mechanic system including V-belt and a two-gear-unit of the gearbox, models for optimum calculation of the partial ratios of the V-belt and the gearbox were proposed. As the models are explicit, the partial ratios can be calculated accurately and simply. 展开更多
关键词 Transmission ratio gearbox design optimum design helical gearbox.
作者 郑士贵 《管理观察》 1995年第7期6-6,共1页
关键词 管理系统 社会经济 国民经济核算 市场调节 市场基础结构 计划经济和市场经济 科学技术预测 优化计算模型 经济管理系统 科学技术政策
Research on Intelligent Positioning Bed of Body Gamma Knife Based on Sensor
作者 YU Hui ZHANG Jian-hua 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2012年第1期35-43,共9页
This paper introduces a design to improve the radiotherapy accuracy of gamma knife. In this design, sensor is used to collect respiratory parameters and tumor displacement (caused by human respiration) model is establ... This paper introduces a design to improve the radiotherapy accuracy of gamma knife. In this design, sensor is used to collect respiratory parameters and tumor displacement (caused by human respiration) model is established through optimization modeling. At the same time, data are transferred to single chip microcomputer (SCM) system by pressure sensor and then stepping motor is controlled by SCM. Finally, the intelligent positioning bed is under the control of stepping motor. As a result, the intelligent positioning bed can move reverse to respiratory law. The experimental results showed that this method can reduce the influence of respiration on tumor displacement, improving the accuracy of intelligent positioning bed with simple circuit and low cost at the same time. 展开更多
关键词 intelligent positioning bed BFGS optimization modeling SENSOR stepping motor single chip microcomputer (SCM)
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