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Etvs效应改正中航向航速计算间隔分析 被引量:7
作者 张立华 殷晓东 +1 位作者 孙毅 易启林 《测绘工程》 CSCD 2002年第4期39-42,共4页
Etvs效应改正误差一直被认是影响海洋重力测量精度的主要误差,为了减小由定位误差引起的Etvs效应改正误差,本文提出采用合理的测量点间隔计算航向、航速以提高Etvs效应改正精度的方法。通过必要理论分析与实际计算,证实了采用合适航向... Etvs效应改正误差一直被认是影响海洋重力测量精度的主要误差,为了减小由定位误差引起的Etvs效应改正误差,本文提出采用合理的测量点间隔计算航向、航速以提高Etvs效应改正精度的方法。通过必要理论分析与实际计算,证实了采用合适航向、航速计算间隔将提高Etvs效应改正精度,从而提高海洋重力测量精度。 展开更多
关键词 海洋重力测量 Eoetvoes效应改正 最佳计算间隔 精度 航向 航速
作者 张升品 武庆河 +1 位作者 岳淑娟 严国平 《录井技术》 2000年第4期65-67,共3页
关键词 岩性描述 压力预测 薄层 油气井 录井 计算间隔
作者 梁九彪 《城市轨道交通研究》 北大核心 2024年第12期258-262,共5页
[目的]城市轨道交通虚拟编组列车运行符合绿色节能和绿智融合发展工程的建设要求。为了解决虚拟编组列车运行追踪间隔控制难题,应确定影响虚拟编组间隔距离控制的主要因素。[方法]针对虚拟编组列车运行控制技术,以虚拟编组列车间隔防护... [目的]城市轨道交通虚拟编组列车运行符合绿色节能和绿智融合发展工程的建设要求。为了解决虚拟编组列车运行追踪间隔控制难题,应确定影响虚拟编组间隔距离控制的主要因素。[方法]针对虚拟编组列车运行控制技术,以虚拟编组列车间隔防护原理及信号系统方案为基础,建立虚拟编组列车追踪相对速度防护模型,通过计算参数分析间隔距离控制的影响因素,并总结虚拟编组的技术特点和工程应用优势。[结果及结论]虚拟编组的前后列车追踪距离的主要影响因素是追踪列车的控制设备动作反应时间和列车运行速度,虚拟编组列车具备追踪间距短、列车运行效率高、运输组织灵活等应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 城市轨道交通 虚拟编组列车 间隔防护距离计算
作者 石佳伟 《科学技术创新》 2024年第4期68-71,共4页
设备预防性维修能够有效减少设备故障次数和故障持续时间,其关键在于确定合理的设备预防性维修间隔。本文通过建立基于成本最低的维护间隔计算模型,使用威布尔分布模型确定设备部件失效率曲线特征参数,实现对空管通信导航监视设备预防... 设备预防性维修能够有效减少设备故障次数和故障持续时间,其关键在于确定合理的设备预防性维修间隔。本文通过建立基于成本最低的维护间隔计算模型,使用威布尔分布模型确定设备部件失效率曲线特征参数,实现对空管通信导航监视设备预防性维修间隔的计算和优化,并根据实际设备部件运行情况进行案例计算,得到设备部件的维护间隔。 展开更多
关键词 设备预防性维修 维护间隔计算模型 威布尔分布模型
超长间隔棒在治理输电线路舞动中的应用分析和计算 被引量:1
作者 陶礼兵 成立 +1 位作者 周生苗 王黎明 《陕西电力》 2013年第1期42-47,共6页
线路舞动,尤其是高等级电压线路舞动,一直是威胁电网安全的重要因素。2010年,衢州电力局率先采用了超长相间间隔棒对500 kV线路进行舞动防治工作,并取得了良好的成果。分析了衢州地区的线路舞动情况以及进行防舞工作的必要性,并简要地... 线路舞动,尤其是高等级电压线路舞动,一直是威胁电网安全的重要因素。2010年,衢州电力局率先采用了超长相间间隔棒对500 kV线路进行舞动防治工作,并取得了良好的成果。分析了衢州地区的线路舞动情况以及进行防舞工作的必要性,并简要地介绍了超长相间间隔棒的选取方式与安装方法。在已有的架空线路输电导线舞动仿真软件的基础上,对超长间隔棒的实际防舞效果进行了分析,定量分析了加装间隔棒后线路的舞动幅值抑制效果与力学负荷情况,为超长间隔棒的应用提供了理论依据。同时,编写了基于导线悬链线模型的含操作界面的超长相间间隔棒结构长度优化计算程序。该程序能够较为精确地计算500 kV与110 kV输电线路不同安装方式下各支相间间隔棒的结构长度,计算精度在±4%以内,有效满足了工程实际需求。 展开更多
关键词 超长间隔 舞动治理 间隔棒长度计算 动态仿真 舞动幅值
作者 徐晓丹 林丽 《交通科技》 2013年第6期93-96,共4页
在平面信号控制的交叉口中,绿灯间隔时间的大小关系到交叉口的安全性和通行效率,合理设置绿灯间隔,可以保障交通流的运行。文中介绍了绿灯间隔时间的基本概念,对比分析了国内外绿灯间隔时间的不同计算方法;探讨了影响绿灯间隔大小的关... 在平面信号控制的交叉口中,绿灯间隔时间的大小关系到交叉口的安全性和通行效率,合理设置绿灯间隔,可以保障交通流的运行。文中介绍了绿灯间隔时间的基本概念,对比分析了国内外绿灯间隔时间的不同计算方法;探讨了影响绿灯间隔大小的关键因素,包括进入时间、清空时间、通过时间等。以典型平面信号交叉口绿灯间隔时间计算为例,分析各种计算方法的适应性,并基于冲突时刻差法进行交叉口安全仿真评价。 展开更多
关键词 交通管理 交通安全 绿灯间隔时间计算 交通冲突
考虑随机误差传递的高空风计算方法 被引量:4
作者 马林 昝兴海 张琦 《兵器装备工程学报》 CAS 2016年第8期173-176,共4页
针对现有高空气象探测雷达高空风计算方法中计算层间隔选取不完善的问题,提出了一种考虑测量随机误差传递的高空风计算方法。通过对高空风计算原理的分析,构建并简化了风速测量随机误差传递模型,由风速测量随机误差传递模型推导出秒数... 针对现有高空气象探测雷达高空风计算方法中计算层间隔选取不完善的问题,提出了一种考虑测量随机误差传递的高空风计算方法。通过对高空风计算原理的分析,构建并简化了风速测量随机误差传递模型,由风速测量随机误差传递模型推导出秒数据滑动的动态计算层间隔计算公式,计算高空风风速和风向。利用该计算方法、59-701方法和1min间隔方法分别对实际探测数据进行计算验证,结果表明该方法具有更好的数据处理精度。 展开更多
关键词 误差传递 高空风 计算间隔 气象雷达 计算方法
作者 杜强 《财经研究》 1984年第6期68-69,共2页
在统计实践中,对于较平稳的、发展方向基本一致的动态数列,一般运用“水平法”(又称“几何平均法”)计算平均发展速度指标(以下简称“平均发展速度”)。其计算公式如下: 取动态数列各项水平a<sub>0</sub>、a<sub>... 在统计实践中,对于较平稳的、发展方向基本一致的动态数列,一般运用“水平法”(又称“几何平均法”)计算平均发展速度指标(以下简称“平均发展速度”)。其计算公式如下: 取动态数列各项水平a<sub>0</sub>、a<sub>1</sub>、……、a<sub>n-1</sub>、a<sub>n</sub>,得: 展开更多
关键词 水平法 动态数列 平均发展速度 速度指标 计算公式 计算间隔 几何平均法 系数 发展方向 统计实践
线路折返能力的计算 被引量:2
作者 凌松涛 陈展华 +1 位作者 梁东升 李晋 《电气化铁道》 2000年第4期12-14,共3页
重点阐述了站前、站后折返模式的折返能力的计算方法 ,比较了这两种折返模式的优缺点 ,并为站场设计提出了一些意见。
关键词 自动列车保护系统 折返能力 折返间隔 间隔计算
作者 刘保红 申政 熊学明 《内蒙古科技与经济》 2016年第21期95-96,共2页
关键词 计算 常规计算 间隔滑动计算
Numerical simulation of flow regions in red mud separation thickener's feedwell by analysis of residence-time distribution 被引量:4
作者 周天 李茂 +3 位作者 李秋龙 雷波 周谦 周孑民 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第4期1117-1124,共8页
The residence-time distribution (RTD) and the compartment model were applied to characterizing the flow regions in red mud separation thickener’s feedwells. Combined with the experimental work, validated mathematic... The residence-time distribution (RTD) and the compartment model were applied to characterizing the flow regions in red mud separation thickener’s feedwells. Combined with the experimental work, validated mathematical model as well as three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was established to analyze the flow regions of feedwells on an industrial scale. The concept of RTD, although a well-known method for the characterization of mixing behavior in conventional mixers and reactors, is still a novel measure for the characterization of mixing in feedwells. Numerical simulation results show that the inlet feed rate and the aspect ratio of feedwells are the most critical parameters which affect the RTD of feedwell. Further simulation experiments were then carried out. Under the optimal operation conditions, the volume fraction of dead zone can reduce by10.8% and an increasement of mixing flow volume fraction by 6.5% is also observed. There is an optimum feed inlet rate depending on the feedwell design. The CFD model in conjunction with the RTD analysis then can be used as an effective tool in the design, evaluation and optimization of thickener feedwell in the red mud separation. 展开更多
关键词 computational fluid dynamics residence-time distribution compartment model feedwell
作者 李广茂 郭泽光 《山西财经大学学报》 1984年第1期70-71,共2页
关键词 定额负债 计算间隔 小议 支付期间 计划期 结算期 资金潜力 应付款项 计算 商业企业
Reliability evaluation method and algorithm for electromechanical product 被引量:2
作者 刘勇军 范晋伟 李云 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第10期3753-3761,共9页
The reliability of electromechanical product is usually determined by the fault number and working time traditionally. The shortcoming of this method is that the product must be in service. To design and enhance the r... The reliability of electromechanical product is usually determined by the fault number and working time traditionally. The shortcoming of this method is that the product must be in service. To design and enhance the reliability of the electromechanical product, the reliability evaluation method must be feasible and correct. Reliability evaluation method and algorithm were proposed. The reliability of product can be calculated by the reliability of subsystems which can be gained by experiment or historical data. The reliability of the machining center was evaluated by the method and algorithm as one example. The calculation result shows that the solution accuracy of mean time between failures is 97.4% calculated by the method proposed in this article compared by the traditional method. The method and algorithm can be used to evaluate the reliability of electromechanical product before it is in service. 展开更多
关键词 reliability evaluation mean time between failures probability density function electromechanical product
作者 Zhong Xuefei Wilbert van der Poel +1 位作者 Daniel den Engelsen Yin Hanchun 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2006年第1期117-120,共4页
The HOPping Field Emission Display (HOPFED) is a new architecture for field emission displays. The main difference between a conventional Field Emission Display (FED) device and a ItOPFED lies in the spacer struct... The HOPping Field Emission Display (HOPFED) is a new architecture for field emission displays. The main difference between a conventional Field Emission Display (FED) device and a ItOPFED lies in the spacer structure. In a HOPFED, two dielectric plates, named hop and flu spacer, are sandwiched between the emitter and the front plate. The objective of this spacer structure is to improve the performance oF a FED substantially with notable contrast, color purity and luminance uniformity. In order to optimize the structure of the device and to make the electron spot on the screen match the requirement of the phosphor dot dimension, the influence of electrical and structural parameters of the device on the electron spot profile was studied by numerical simulation in this paper. Monte Carlo method was employed to calculate the potential distribution inside hop and flu spacers due to secondary electrons mechanism plays an important role in HOPFED. The results indicated that the potential distribution in the spacers and spot profile depended strongly on the hop voltage, anode voltage and spacer's layout. This study may provide a useful theoretical support for optimizing the structure in HOPFED. 展开更多
关键词 Hopping field emission display Monte Carlo calculation Hop voltage Anode voltage Spacer's layout
Seismic Techniques for Surveying the Underground of Shallow Foundations
作者 Stefan van Baars 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第5期604-612,共9页
For civil structures founded on shallow foundations, the ground underneath the foundation often holds the greatest risks of the total structure. This can be due to of a very soft soil layer, an inhomogeneous subsurfac... For civil structures founded on shallow foundations, the ground underneath the foundation often holds the greatest risks of the total structure. This can be due to of a very soft soil layer, an inhomogeneous subsurface or a hidden dangerous object. It would be most favorable when a cheap and quick kind of seismic "tap-and-listen" technique can be used to detect those risks. The problem is however that an applied pulse or blast always creates a combination of compression-, shear- and surface-waves. These types of waves have different wave velocities and will return therefore at different time intervals. For a shallow subsurface technique, all these waves will overlap, which makes the interpretation very hard. Both the single pulse technique and the single-frequency, multiple wave technique (constant vibration) have been studied, but both techniques have their limitations. It can be concluded from finite element calculations that it will be difficult or even impossible to design good seismic techniques for surveying the underground of shallow foundations for hidden shallow potholes, etc.. The main reason is that the relative amount still present original wave. objects like water pipelines, undetonated bombs, dead bodies, coffins, of reflected energy is simply too low in comparison to the energy of the 展开更多
关键词 Soil dynamics FOUNDATION SURVEYING finite element modeling inhomogeneity.
Real polynomial iterative roots in the case of nonmonotonicity height ≥ 2 被引量:3
作者 YANG LiLi YANG Lu +1 位作者 YU ZhiHeng ZHANG WeiNian 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2012年第12期2433-2446,共14页
It is known that a strictly piecewise monotone function with nonmonotonicity height ≥ 2 on a compact interval has no iterative roots of order greater than the number of forts. An open question is: Does it have iterat... It is known that a strictly piecewise monotone function with nonmonotonicity height ≥ 2 on a compact interval has no iterative roots of order greater than the number of forts. An open question is: Does it have iterative roots of order less than or equal to the number of forts? An answer was given recently in the case of "equal to". Since many theories of resultant and algebraic varieties can be applied to computation of polynomials, a special class of strictly piecewise monotone functions, in this paper we investigate the question in the case of "less than" for polynomials. For this purpose we extend the question from a compact interval to the whole real line and give a procedure of computation for real polynomial iterative roots. Applying the procedure together with the theory of discriminants, we find all real quartic polynomials of non-monotonicity height 2 which have quadratic polynomial iterative roots of order 2 and answer the question. 展开更多
关键词 iterative root POLYNOMIAL algebraic variety Sylvester resultant ELIMINATION
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