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小学数学口算训练方法及途径 被引量:1
作者 王兰青 《广西教育》 2012年第17期17-18,共2页
关键词 小学数学 口算训练方 法途径
作者 黄丛仙 《课堂内外(教师版)(中等教育)》 2019年第1期78-78,共1页
在中学教育阶段,英语、语文、数学一直是并列的三大主要科目,虽然近年来中考英语的分值有所调整,但是依然是学生升入普通高中最重要的一门学科。而现在我国的农村教育与城市教育,依然存在着较大的差距,尤其是在英语教育方面,因此在农村... 在中学教育阶段,英语、语文、数学一直是并列的三大主要科目,虽然近年来中考英语的分值有所调整,但是依然是学生升入普通高中最重要的一门学科。而现在我国的农村教育与城市教育,依然存在着较大的差距,尤其是在英语教育方面,因此在农村英语教育方面应该付出更加多的努力去补充这种差距,让学生尽可能得到公平的对待。 展开更多
关键词 农村初中 写作训练方 英语教育
作者 董明 余静 +2 位作者 陆彦青 李琎 林立军 《中医康复》 2025年第1期28-33,共6页
目的:本研究探讨斜方肌平衡训练对卒中偏瘫后肩痛患者上肢运动功能及神经电生理的影响。方法:选取2021年10月~202 3年11月在广东省第二中医院康复科住院且符合纳入标准的卒中偏瘫后肩痛患者144例,随机分为对照组和观察组各72例。两组患... 目的:本研究探讨斜方肌平衡训练对卒中偏瘫后肩痛患者上肢运动功能及神经电生理的影响。方法:选取2021年10月~202 3年11月在广东省第二中医院康复科住院且符合纳入标准的卒中偏瘫后肩痛患者144例,随机分为对照组和观察组各72例。两组患者均采用常规用药及神经发育学治疗,对照组在此基础上采用肩胛带的稳定性训练,观察组在对照组的基础上采用斜方肌平衡训练(侧卧位肩外旋、侧卧位外旋、俯卧位水平外展、俯卧位水平后伸),两组患者训练均30min/次,1次/d,5次/周,连续训练6周;分别在治疗前和治疗6周后,对两组患者分别进行Fugl-Meycr上肢运动功能评分和VAS视觉模拟评分,以及上肢静息运动阈值(rMT)、中枢运动传导时间(CMCT)检测。结果:观察组9例及对照组7例患者因提前出院中途退出被剔除,最终观察组63例,对照组65例。治疗后,两组患者的VAS评分均较治疗前降低(P<0.05),FMA-UE评分均较治疗前升高(P<0.05),且观察组治疗后的VAS评分低于对照组(P<0.05),FMA-UE评分高于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗后,两组患者的rMT和CMCT均较治疗前降低(P<0.05),且观察组治疗后的rMT和CMCT均低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:在肩胛带的稳定性训练基础上,斜方肌平衡训练能更好的改善偏瘫后肩痛患者的疼痛、运动功能及神经电生理。 展开更多
关键词 偏瘫后肩痛 肌平衡训练 疼痛 运功功能 静息运动阈值 中枢运动传导时间
C2及C3脊神经后支阻滞联合斜方肌上束伸拉训练治疗颈源性头痛的疗效观察 被引量:3
作者 刘昭华 李欣餘 李彦平 《临床和实验医学杂志》 2018年第8期890-893,共4页
目的观察实施C2及C3脊神经后支阻滞联合斜方肌上束伸拉训练治疗颈源性头痛的临床疗效。方法前瞻性研究选择2016年5月至2017年9月在京东中美医院疼痛门诊收治的单侧或/和双侧颈源性头痛(18~50岁)患者40例,随机分为两组:C2及C3脊神经后支... 目的观察实施C2及C3脊神经后支阻滞联合斜方肌上束伸拉训练治疗颈源性头痛的临床疗效。方法前瞻性研究选择2016年5月至2017年9月在京东中美医院疼痛门诊收治的单侧或/和双侧颈源性头痛(18~50岁)患者40例,随机分为两组:C2及C3脊神经后支阻滞(B组,n=20)和C2及C3脊神经后支阻滞+斜方肌上束伸拉训练(T组,n=20)。治疗方法:(1)C2及C3脊神经后支阻滞:选择患侧C2及C3椎板(棘突旁开1 cm),垂直穿刺至针尖抵于C2或C3椎板骨质;分别注射药物:0.3%利多卡因+甲强龙注射剂20 mg+腺苷钴胺0.5 mg+生理盐水至3 ml(每周1次,共2次)。(2)C2及C3脊神经后支阻滞(方法同前)+斜方肌上束伸拉训练(治疗后的第3周和第4周)。观察比较治疗前与治疗后4周两组患者颈枕部症状评分(COSS分值)、颈枕部压痛点评分(COTS分值)、颈椎屈曲-旋转试验(CFRT)评分。结果治疗前,两组患者COSS分值、COTS分值及CFRT试验评分均无显著差异(P>0.05)。治疗后,(1)COSS分值:组内比较,两组治疗后4周COSS分值均明显低于治疗前,差异有显著性(P<0.05);组间比较,治疗后4周,T组的COSS分值明显低于B组,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。(2)COTS分值。组内比较:两组治疗后4周COTS分值均明显低于治疗前,差异有显著性(P<0.05);组间比较:治疗后4周,T组的COTS分值明显低于B组,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。(3)CFRT试验评分:组内比较,两组治疗后4周CFRT试验评分值均明显低于治疗前,差异有显著性(P<0.05);组间比较,治疗后4周,T组的CFRT试验评分值明显低于B组,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论与单纯C2及C3脊神经后支阻滞相比,C2及C3脊神经后支阻滞联合斜方肌上束伸拉训练方法治疗颈源性头痛,疗效更确切、更稳定。 展开更多
关键词 颈源性头痛 脊神经后支阻滞 肌上束伸拉训练
国内低氧训练研究现状的可视化分析 被引量:1
作者 李志刚 林文弢 《体育科研》 2018年第1期56-65,共10页
为了深入分析国内低氧训练研究的现状,运用CiteSpaceⅢ和CNKI的可视化功能对近20年来发表在国内体育核心期刊上有关低氧训练的文献进行计量学统计和可视化分析。结果表明,总体研究趋势以2008年为顶点呈正态分布,国内形成了凸显的科研力... 为了深入分析国内低氧训练研究的现状,运用CiteSpaceⅢ和CNKI的可视化功能对近20年来发表在国内体育核心期刊上有关低氧训练的文献进行计量学统计和可视化分析。结果表明,总体研究趋势以2008年为顶点呈正态分布,国内形成了凸显的科研力量。研究的热点主题包括低氧训练方式的多样化,低氧训练的监控,提高运动员的有氧和无氧能力,对机体的免疫力、认知功能的影响,在控重减肥中的应用,低氧训练干预下的氧化应激和细胞凋亡情况,低氧训练习服与基因多态性的关系,低氧训练对机体作用的分子机理的探讨等方面。新的低氧训练方式的应用、低氧训练的健康促进功能、低氧训练的分子机理的探讨和学科交叉成为今后的研究趋势。 展开更多
关键词 低氧训练 知识图谱 可视化 训练方 研究热点 发展趋势
作者 钱晓强 《中学课程资源》 2013年第9期21-22,共2页
高中作文教学中有多种因素影响和制约着教学效率,其中起决定性影响和制约作用的是科学合理的"序列训练"。当前,很多高中语文教师对"文体序列"训练和"技巧序列"训练情有独钟,在作文教学中运用最多的就是... 高中作文教学中有多种因素影响和制约着教学效率,其中起决定性影响和制约作用的是科学合理的"序列训练"。当前,很多高中语文教师对"文体序列"训练和"技巧序列"训练情有独钟,在作文教学中运用最多的就是这两种训练方法。而近几年来高考材料作文频频出现,已成为一种趋势,特别是2013年高考语文,材料作文更是"一统天下"。因此,高中作文强化材料序列训练尤为必要。一。 展开更多
关键词 高中作文教学 材料作文 作文训练 高中语文 高考语文 生活材料 语文试卷 写作素材 写作资源 训练方
快乐羽毛球运动理念与实施方略 被引量:5
作者 刘伟生 《安徽卫生职业技术学院学报》 2003年第3期69-70,共2页
快乐羽毛球运动是指日常生活中羽毛球运动而非竞技运动。其运动理念为:乐、道、和。其中“乐”是直观感受、“道”是最高境界、“和”是核心理念。快乐羽毛球运动的实施应极大限度降低对外界的要求。快乐羽毛球运动训练的根本是心态的... 快乐羽毛球运动是指日常生活中羽毛球运动而非竞技运动。其运动理念为:乐、道、和。其中“乐”是直观感受、“道”是最高境界、“和”是核心理念。快乐羽毛球运动的实施应极大限度降低对外界的要求。快乐羽毛球运动训练的根本是心态的调适问题,用“圆方训练法”进行技艺训练,采取由小圆到大圆,由单圆到多圆的层进方略,把握圆中求方而不是方中求圆的关键。 展开更多
关键词 快乐羽毛球运动 训练
作者 程敏明 《体育风尚》 2019年第1期37-37,共1页
初中阶段学生会接触到很多小学没有见到过的新课程,即使是接触过的体育课程学生也会在体育课堂中发现有很多的不同,比如小学时最长也只是跑四百米而初中却是要跑八百米;在小学阶段学生体育课只是一门以娱乐为主的课程,但是在初中却非常... 初中阶段学生会接触到很多小学没有见到过的新课程,即使是接触过的体育课程学生也会在体育课堂中发现有很多的不同,比如小学时最长也只是跑四百米而初中却是要跑八百米;在小学阶段学生体育课只是一门以娱乐为主的课程,但是在初中却非常注重体育课程还会有关于体育方面的测试。在初中体育教学中中长跑训练是不可缺少的一项重要教学内容,中长跑项目对于锻炼学生的耐力提高学生的身体素质等方面有着很大的帮助作用,但是由于大多学生身体素质较差,没有坚定的意志使得中长跑教学很难进行。本文主要针对初中体育课中中长跑教学的训练策略进行了总结与分析,帮助促进体育教师的课程的有效进行。 展开更多
关键词 初中体育 中长跑教学 训练方
贺新森 破土林木比参天
作者 郑帅 《科学健身》 2009年第10期119-121,共3页
他能让你联想到的爱运动,懂生活,内敛中蕴藏着光芒睿智而自信,外刚而内柔细致,独特,坚忍不拔"健身对于很多人来说只是一项运动,而对于我来说健身是一种态度,一种对面对人生的态度。它能让你在拥有健康的同时,塑造出不屈不挠的个性... 他能让你联想到的爱运动,懂生活,内敛中蕴藏着光芒睿智而自信,外刚而内柔细致,独特,坚忍不拔"健身对于很多人来说只是一项运动,而对于我来说健身是一种态度,一种对面对人生的态度。它能让你在拥有健康的同时,塑造出不屈不挠的个性。" 展开更多
关键词 社会体育专业 健身教练 私人教练 中国体育事业 健身爱好者 健身行业 史泰龙 我自己 就这样 训练方
High-intensity interval training(HIIT) for patients with chronic diseases 被引量:8
作者 Leanna M.Ross Ryan R.Porter J.Larry Durstine 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2016年第2期139-144,共6页
Exercise training provides physiological benefits for both improving athletic performance and maintaining good health. Different exercise training modalities and strategies exist. Two common exercise strategies are hi... Exercise training provides physiological benefits for both improving athletic performance and maintaining good health. Different exercise training modalities and strategies exist. Two common exercise strategies are high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and moderate-intensity continuous exercise training (MCT). HIIT was first used early in the 20th century and popularized later that century for improving performance of Olympic athletes. The primary premise underlying HIIT is that, compared to energy expenditure-matched MCT, a greater amount of work is performed at a higher intensity during a single exercise session which is achieved by alternating high-intensity exercise intervals with low-intensity exercise or rest intervals. Emerging research suggests that this same training method can provide beneficial effects for patients with a chronic disease and should be included in the comprehensive medical management plan. Accordingly, a major consideration in developing an individual exercise prescription for a patient with a chronic disease is the selection of an appropriate exercise strategy. In order to maximize exercise training benefits, this strategy should be tailored to the individual's need. The focus of this paper is to provide a brief summary of the current literature re^ardin~ the use of HIIT to enhance the fimctional capacity of individuals with cardiovascular, pulmonary, and diabetes diseases. 展开更多
关键词 Cardiovascular disease DIABETES Low-intensity exercise interval training Medical management plan Oxygen consumption Pulmonary disease
远方视力训练法治疗远视性弱视儿童的疗效观察 被引量:6
作者 解雅淇 崔浩 张晓梅 《哈尔滨医科大学学报》 CAS 2021年第5期532-535,共4页
目的观察远方视力训练法治疗远视性弱视儿童的临床疗效。方法选取2016年1月~2018年12月哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院大桥分院眼科门诊收治的远视性弱视儿童120例。将患儿随机分为1、2、3、4组,每组30例。1组采取单纯配镜治疗,2组采取遮... 目的观察远方视力训练法治疗远视性弱视儿童的临床疗效。方法选取2016年1月~2018年12月哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院大桥分院眼科门诊收治的远视性弱视儿童120例。将患儿随机分为1、2、3、4组,每组30例。1组采取单纯配镜治疗,2组采取遮盖治疗,3组采取近方视力训练法治疗,4组采取远方视力训练法治疗。经3个月治疗后,比较4组患儿治疗前后远方视力的变化,观察远方视力训练法治疗远视性弱视儿童的临床疗效。结果 1组、2组、3组、4组治疗后远方视力与本组治疗前比较均有提高,差异具有明显统计学意义(P<0.001);4组与其它3组远方视力疗效进行两两比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论在儿童远视性弱视治疗中,远方视力训练法治疗效果优于单纯配镜、遮盖疗法、近方视力训练法。 展开更多
关键词 儿童弱视 视力训练 视力训练
Hypoxic training methods for improving endurance exercise performance 被引量:3
作者 Jacob A. Sinex Robert E Chapman 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第4期325-332,共8页
Endurance athletic performance is highly related to a number of fiactors that can be altered through altitude and hypoxic training including increases in erythrocyte volume, maximal aerobic exercise capacity, capillar... Endurance athletic performance is highly related to a number of fiactors that can be altered through altitude and hypoxic training including increases in erythrocyte volume, maximal aerobic exercise capacity, capillary density, and economy. Physiological adaptations in response to acute and chronic exposure to hypoxic environments are well documented and range from short-term detrimental effects to longer-term adaptations that can improve performance at altitude and in sea-level competitions. Many altitude and hypoxic training protocols have been developed, employing various combinations of living and training at sea-level, low, moderate, and high altitudes and utilizing natural and artificial altitudes, with varying degrees of effectiveness. Several factors have been identified that are associated with individual responses to hypoxic training, and techniques for identifying those athletes most likely to benefit from hypoxic trairdng continue to be investigated. Exposure to sufficiently high altitude (2000-3000 m) for more than 12 h/day, while training at lower altitudes, for a minimum of 21 days is recommended. Timing of altitude training related to competition remains under debate, although general recommendations can be considered. 展开更多
Changes in balance ability,power output,and stretch-shortening cycle utilisation after two high-intensity intermittent training protocols in endurance runners
作者 Felipe García-Pinillos Juan A.Párraga-Montilla +1 位作者 Víctor M.Soto-Hermoso Pedro A.Latorre-Román 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2016年第4期430-436,共7页
Purpose:This study aimed to describe the acute effects of 2 different high-intensity intermittent trainings(HIITs) on postural control,countermovement jump(CMJ),squat jump(SJ),and stretch-shortening cycle(SSC... Purpose:This study aimed to describe the acute effects of 2 different high-intensity intermittent trainings(HIITs) on postural control,countermovement jump(CMJ),squat jump(SJ),and stretch-shortening cycle(SSC) utilisation,and to compare the changes induced by both protocols in those variables in endurance runners.Methods:Eighteen recreationally trained endurance runners participated in this study and were tested on 2 occasions:10 runs of 400 m with 90 s recovery between running bouts(10×400 m),and 40 runs of 100 m with 30 s recovery between runs(40 × 100 m).Heart rate was monitored during both HIITs;blood lactate accumulation and rate of perceived exertion were recorded after both protocols.Vertical jump ability(CMJ and SJ) and SSC together with postural control were also controlled during both HIITs.Results:Repeated measures analysis revealed a significan improvement in CMJ and SJ during 10 × 400 m(p〈0.05),whilst no significan changes were observed during 40×100 m.Indexes related to SSC did not experience significan changes during any of the protocols.As for postural control,no significan changes were observed in the 40×100 m protocol,whilst significan impairments were observed during the 10×400 m protocol(p〈0.05).Conclusion:A protocol with a higher number of shorter runs(40×100 m) induced different changes in those neuromuscular parameters than those with fewer and longer runs(10×400 m).Whereas the 40×100 m protocol did not cause any significan changes in vertical jump ability,postural control or SSC utilisation,the 10×400 m protocol impaired postural control and caused improvements in vertical jumping tests. 展开更多
关键词 Long-distance runner Postural control Reactive strength Training prescription Vertical jump
Practical use of task design in oral English teaching: Focus on task types
作者 WU Yi-ping 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第11期11-14,共4页
The implication of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in oral English teaching continues to draw attention of language teachers and researchers. This paper will survey issues at the core of TBLT, with particular em... The implication of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in oral English teaching continues to draw attention of language teachers and researchers. This paper will survey issues at the core of TBLT, with particular emphasis on the six task types in Jane Willis' theory. Following a brief introduction of TBLT, the six types of task will be reviewed and its practical use in oral English teaching will be explored. Finally, the paper will point out some problems in TBLT, mainly focus on task and its design. 展开更多
关键词 TBLT task design task types
The Influence of Science on Football Practice
作者 XU Ling 《International English Education Research》 2018年第4期63-65,共3页
The scientic study of football has its origins in the early research completed in the 1970's. Since these early efforts the available scientic knowledge base related to football has developed substantially. The abili... The scientic study of football has its origins in the early research completed in the 1970's. Since these early efforts the available scientic knowledge base related to football has developed substantially. The ability of this scientic information to influence practice in the day-to-day activity of football organisations, especially elite teams, has been largely taken for granted. The close examination of this impact can lead to more uncertainty regarding the usefulness of the scientic data to the sport. Few articles are available that have attempted to critique the link between science and football practice. As such, the aims of this article are 2-fold; one is to examine the historical background to "science and football" and to analyse the influence of sports science research on the current practice of coaches and practitioners within the sport. Two is to identify potential ways to increase the influence ofscientic research on practice. 展开更多
Language base of university courses scenery creation
作者 Abulaiti Mahesuti 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第12期1-2,共2页
This paper provides a students' mode of artistic creativity where we should pay attention to in the landscape painting. It initially introduces the art of creative training methods, learning from nature to produce la... This paper provides a students' mode of artistic creativity where we should pay attention to in the landscape painting. It initially introduces the art of creative training methods, learning from nature to produce landscapes of methods, which are well-known empirical basis for this style genre painter and artistic ideas on the formation process. It points out that the law of the session and the composition sketch pursued in university education in landscape creation, meanwhile, it talks about many of the same problems encountered in the creation of light and dark scenery in teaching college students ; in this article, it highlights painting features, and the genre and landscape aesthetic style, such as the relationship of the ability to use artistic language. 展开更多
关键词 NATURE PAINTING style composition color CONTOUR
Reflections on Basic Skill Training in Piano Teaching
作者 WANG Sheng 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期106-108,共3页
By analyzing several effective finger practices, it is possible to consolidate the basic skills to help students adjust and establish a good touch mode. This is an important pre-requisite for pursuing strength and spe... By analyzing several effective finger practices, it is possible to consolidate the basic skills to help students adjust and establish a good touch mode. This is an important pre-requisite for pursuing strength and speed during playing. The training method can be targeted to solve some common problems, and guide students to consciously feel the touch and the change of tone, listening with ears, controlling with fingers to achieve solid and soft balanced unity. 展开更多
关键词 basic skills training for the piano LEGATO STACCATO
Application of Functional Training in College Volleyball Teaching
作者 Zhang Guosheng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2017年第1期29-34,共6页
Volleyball Teaching in Colleges and universities is faced with multiple challenges, such as the teaching content is simple, the training method is single, the students’ physical quality is poor, the physical conditio... Volleyball Teaching in Colleges and universities is faced with multiple challenges, such as the teaching content is simple, the training method is single, the students’ physical quality is poor, the physical condition of the physical condition is the guarantee of volleyball technology. This research is on body function training on volleyball teaching methods of this technology in the project, the function of training system into the volleyball technique teaching, through the method of experimental teaching method to verify the function of training to the technical level of the student volleyball has been effectively improved. 展开更多
关键词 Functional training physical ability training college volleyball teaching experiment teaching
Study on the Points Needing Attention in Aerobics Training of Junior College Students
作者 Dan MIAO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期53-55,共3页
With the continuously increasing competition in the modern society, the learning pressure of students is getting greater and greater and many students are in shortage of reasonable time to take physical exercises so t... With the continuously increasing competition in the modern society, the learning pressure of students is getting greater and greater and many students are in shortage of reasonable time to take physical exercises so that they are in a state of sub-health for a long time. Aerobics, as a combination of music and sports, has been more and more popular among teachers and students. However, in aerobics training, the injuries to the physical bodies of students will be caused due to the improper training methods. Therefore, in this paper, the points needing attention in aerobics training is studied, and then scientific aerobics training methods are proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Junior College Students AEROBICS INJURIES Points Needing Attention
What do student writers benefit from pre-writing discussions?
作者 YUAN Yong-fang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第3期18-24,35,共8页
Given that speaking plays a fundamental role in writing, this paper reports on a one-year program of the training of student writers. This training program consists of three parts: a pre-training investigation over l... Given that speaking plays a fundamental role in writing, this paper reports on a one-year program of the training of student writers. This training program consists of three parts: a pre-training investigation over learners' needs and expectations, various forms of the pre-writing discussions over different stages of the program, and a post-training investigation to get the feedback from the learners. 展开更多
关键词 pre-writing discussions benefits English writing
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