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作者 孙康 王怡心 杨春雨 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2023年第3期75-83,共9页
《荀子·王制》篇提出了“故法而不议,则法之所不至者必废”。作为儒法两家对立局势的破冰之人,荀子引礼入法,提出“法而议”的法律思想主张,宣扬兼重法律的程序正义与实体正义,并最终选择以“法义”为代表的实质主义作为法律价值... 《荀子·王制》篇提出了“故法而不议,则法之所不至者必废”。作为儒法两家对立局势的破冰之人,荀子引礼入法,提出“法而议”的法律思想主张,宣扬兼重法律的程序正义与实体正义,并最终选择以“法义”为代表的实质主义作为法律价值遵循。对于现代法治而言,在全面依法治国的方略下探究荀子的“法而议”思想,对确立完善中国特色社会主义法治体系具有重大价值。在传承中华优秀传统法律文化的意义上,“法而议”思想对依法立法、民主立法、科学立法等具体操作也具有借鉴和启示作用。 展开更多
关键词 现代 科学立 民主立 习近平治思想
思想政治课议题式教学“三法” 被引量:1
作者 苟强 《教学与管理》 2021年第34期69-71,共3页
关键词 思想政治课 题式教学 议法 议法 议法
对商业秘密保护中保密协议效力的思考 被引量:2
作者 程义伟 《经济师》 2009年第8期64-64,共1页
由于商业秘密保护立法相对较晚,中国企业商业秘密保护意识普遍还比较薄弱。为此企业亟待采取适当措施,制约接触到商业秘密和有关信息的工作人员。保密合同、劳动合同中单独的保密条款、离职保密承诺等等保密协议,是企业加强保密工作最... 由于商业秘密保护立法相对较晚,中国企业商业秘密保护意识普遍还比较薄弱。为此企业亟待采取适当措施,制约接触到商业秘密和有关信息的工作人员。保密合同、劳动合同中单独的保密条款、离职保密承诺等等保密协议,是企业加强保密工作最有效力的约束方法之一。 展开更多
关键词 商业秘密协 议法 律依据
清代食盐的生产方法 被引量:2
作者 陈锋 《人文论丛》 CSSCI 2012年第1期162-181,共20页
清代的盐产区,内地划分为11区,即:奉天、长芦、山东、两淮、浙江、福建、广东、云南、四川、河东、陕甘[1]。《清史稿·食货志四·盐法》概称为:'蒙古、新疆多产盐地,而内地十一区,尤有裨国计。十一区者,曰长芦,曰奉天,曰山... 清代的盐产区,内地划分为11区,即:奉天、长芦、山东、两淮、浙江、福建、广东、云南、四川、河东、陕甘[1]。《清史稿·食货志四·盐法》概称为:'蒙古、新疆多产盐地,而内地十一区,尤有裨国计。十一区者,曰长芦,曰奉天,曰山东,曰两淮,曰浙江,曰福建,曰广东,曰四川,曰云南,曰河东,曰陕甘。' 展开更多
关键词 清盐 《四川盐志》
作者 周志璜 《福建农业》 2004年第8期6-7,共2页
农村税费改革取消了村提留款。村级农田水利设施和村道建设、山地综合开发、植树造林等集体生产及公益事业所需的资金和劳务,严格实行“一事一议”的方法筹集。但如何做到既促进集体生产、又不影响公益事业的兴办,也不增加农民的负担... 农村税费改革取消了村提留款。村级农田水利设施和村道建设、山地综合开发、植树造林等集体生产及公益事业所需的资金和劳务,严格实行“一事一议”的方法筹集。但如何做到既促进集体生产、又不影响公益事业的兴办,也不增加农民的负担。本文结合屏南县农村税费改革的实践,就农村“一事一议”中筹资筹劳的做法与今后应注意的问题做粗浅探讨。 展开更多
关键词 农村 税费改革 “一事一 筹资问题
关于张鷟《龙筋凤髓判》文风问题的探讨——兼与白居易《百道判》比较 被引量:3
作者 谭淑娟 《江海学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期182-187,共6页
张鷟《龙筋凤髓判》的文风问题千年来争议颇大,虽然清代以后学界多以四库馆臣的评价为准,然仔细研读《龙筋凤髓判》文本,即可发现南宋洪迈所批有一定依据:"于蔽罪议法处不能深切",指出了其判例过于单纯和判决中强调法律而忽... 张鷟《龙筋凤髓判》的文风问题千年来争议颇大,虽然清代以后学界多以四库馆臣的评价为准,然仔细研读《龙筋凤髓判》文本,即可发现南宋洪迈所批有一定依据:"于蔽罪议法处不能深切",指出了其判例过于单纯和判决中强调法律而忽视情理的一面;"全类俳体"指出了部分判题的游戏化和判决语言的诙谐调侃;张判用典多且涩,而且部分判文用典还有罗列汇集之目的,故给人以"堆垛故事"之感。张鷟判文是复杂的存在,这既源于主体的创作目的和创作个性,也有时代文风的影响。 展开更多
关键词 《龙筋凤髓判》 蔽罪议法 俳体 用典
乡村治理的制度选择 被引量:21
作者 贺雪峰 《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期25-27,共3页
实现乡村善治仅有民主选举是不够的,还需要配套的制度安排。沿海经济发达地区的农村,存在大量界定未明的新增利益,为了保证公平公正,也因为有经济支撑,治理上采取了复杂的程序设置。如果不顾及经济基础,简单地将这些复杂制度推广到相对... 实现乡村善治仅有民主选举是不够的,还需要配套的制度安排。沿海经济发达地区的农村,存在大量界定未明的新增利益,为了保证公平公正,也因为有经济支撑,治理上采取了复杂的程序设置。如果不顾及经济基础,简单地将这些复杂制度推广到相对落后的中西部乡村,只会形式徒具,于事无补。 展开更多
关键词 乡村治理 村委会 宁海 决策
中国古代海盐生产考 被引量:16
作者 白广美 《盐业史研究》 1988年第1期49-63,共15页
一、引言 食盐(氯化钠)是人类生活的必需品,是 人体组织中不可缺少的要素,是体内重要无机 盐一钠盐的主要来源。正常成人体内钠总量一 般约为每公斤体重1克,一个60公斤体重的成 人体内钠总量约60克左右。食盐的用途直接或 间接渗透于国... 一、引言 食盐(氯化钠)是人类生活的必需品,是 人体组织中不可缺少的要素,是体内重要无机 盐一钠盐的主要来源。正常成人体内钠总量一 般约为每公斤体重1克,一个60公斤体重的成 人体内钠总量约60克左右。食盐的用途直接或 间接渗透于国民经济的各个部门。现代每人平 均每年直接或间接消耗食盐有几十斤。食盐又 是基本化学工业的主要原料,如在氯碱工业 中,利用直流电电解食盐的饱和溶液制取烧碱 (氢氧化钠)、氯气和氢气,在电化工业中, 电解熔融的食盐制取碱金属钠等。 展开更多
关键词 海盐生产 煎盐 每公斤体重 金属钠 盐业史研究 淮北盐区 收盐 食货志 石莲
作者 郑艳华 何婧琳 张宇霞 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2008年第4期45-49,64,共6页
Drug withdrawal with acupuncture appeared in 1970 s, which is one of the major achievements in modern medicine. The paper reviews the formation and development of acupuncture in drug withdrawal, analyzes its advantage... Drug withdrawal with acupuncture appeared in 1970 s, which is one of the major achievements in modern medicine. The paper reviews the formation and development of acupuncture in drug withdrawal, analyzes its advantages and mechanisms as well as the questions encountered in drug withdrawal. Additionally, some feasible suggestions are provided for the further development of acupuncture in drug withdrawal. 展开更多
关键词 Heroin Abuse/Acupuncture Suggestions
唐律“除免比徒”性质考 被引量:1
作者 胡谦 《广西社会科学》 2003年第8期94-96,共3页
长期以来 ,“除免比徒”被不少论著视为唐律对于官员犯罪所适用的以官职抵当徒、流刑的制度。但通过对除免制度和除免比徒的分析 ,这种观点是不符合唐律原义的。实际上“除免比徒”并不是为应予除免的官员设立的制度 ,而是为诬告或枉断... 长期以来 ,“除免比徒”被不少论著视为唐律对于官员犯罪所适用的以官职抵当徒、流刑的制度。但通过对除免制度和除免比徒的分析 ,这种观点是不符合唐律原义的。实际上“除免比徒”并不是为应予除免的官员设立的制度 ,而是为诬告或枉断官员使其获罪被免去官爵之人设立的 。 展开更多
关键词 “除免比徒”制度 性质 唐代 犯罪 附加刑 《唐律疏·名例篇·除免官当叙
清代中期中国盐业的资本主义萌芽 被引量:2
作者 简锐 《盐业史研究》 1992年第1期8-15,共8页
我国盐业生产的官营体制,自明中叶开始松弛以来,大约经历了二、三百年的时间,到清代中期(乾隆至道光二十年,即1736—1840年),在11个大的产盐区中,四川井盐、河东池盐和两淮海盐出现了资本主义萌芽。前两者以工场手工业为形式,后者则以... 我国盐业生产的官营体制,自明中叶开始松弛以来,大约经历了二、三百年的时间,到清代中期(乾隆至道光二十年,即1736—1840年),在11个大的产盐区中,四川井盐、河东池盐和两淮海盐出现了资本主义萌芽。前两者以工场手工业为形式,后者则以包买商为形式。 展开更多
关键词 清代中期 资本主义萌芽 四川井盐 中国盐业 盐区 官营 包买商 盐丁 乾嘉时期
清代四川盐业史资料考释 被引量:2
作者 鲁子健 《盐业史研究》 1988年第4期73-79,共7页
一、盐业生产统计 (一)清代前期四川盐业恢复发展情况统计 清治六年至嘉庆二十年(1649~1815)
关键词 清代前期 乾隆朝 盐政大臣 同治年间 康熙六年 黄廷桂 井课 潼川 康熙二十四年
RPL Based on Triangle Module Operator for AMI Networks 被引量:3
作者 Yanan Cao Muqing Wu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第5期162-172,共11页
the routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks(RPL) has been used in advanced metering infrastructure(AMI)which could provide two-way communication between smart meters and city utilities.To improve the network... the routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks(RPL) has been used in advanced metering infrastructure(AMI)which could provide two-way communication between smart meters and city utilities.To improve the network performance of AMI networks, this paper proposed an improved algorithm of RPL based on triangle module operator(IAR-TMO). IAR-TMO proposes membership functions of the following five typical routing metrics: end-to-end delay, number of hops, expected transmission count(ETX),node remaining energy, and child node count.Moreover, IAR-TMO uses triangle module operator to fuse membership functions of these routing metrics. Then, IAR-TMO selects preferred parents(the next hop) based on the triangle module operator. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that IAR-TMO has a great improvement when compared with two recent representative algorithms: ETXOF(ETX Objective Function) and OF-FL(Objective Function based on Fuzzy Logic), in terms of network lifetime, average end-to-end delay,etc. Consequently, the network performances of AMI networks can be improved effectively. 展开更多
关键词 routing protocol RPL triangle module operator membership function objective function
Efficient Protocol-Proving Algorithm Based on Improved Authentication Tests 被引量:1
作者 李谢华 杨树堂 +1 位作者 李建华 诸鸿文 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2007年第1期9-17,共9页
A new efficient protocol-proving algorithm was proposed for verifying security protocols. This algorithm is based on the improved authentication tests model, which enhances the original model by formalizing the messag... A new efficient protocol-proving algorithm was proposed for verifying security protocols. This algorithm is based on the improved authentication tests model, which enhances the original model by formalizing the message reply attack. With exact causal dependency relations between messages in this model, the protocol-proving algorithm can avoid the state explosion caused by asynchronous. In order to get the straight proof of security protocols, three authentication theorems are exploited for evaluating the agreement and distinction properties. When the algorithm terminates, it outputs either the proof results or the potential flaws of the security protocol. The experiment shows that the protocol-proving algorithm can detect the type flaw attack on Neuman-Stubblebine protocol, and prove the correctness of NSL protocol by exploring only 10 states. 展开更多
关键词 protocol-proving algorithm improved authentication tests Neuman-Stubblebine protocol NSL protocol
A packet loss avoidance handoff scheme
作者 余旭涛 王霄峻 毕光国 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第3期212-215,共4页
The basic mobile IP protocol is simple but only suitable for wide area and low speed networks. In this paper, we propose a novel micro-mobile IP handoff scheme, that is the packet loss avoidance handoff scheme. By usi... The basic mobile IP protocol is simple but only suitable for wide area and low speed networks. In this paper, we propose a novel micro-mobile IP handoff scheme, that is the packet loss avoidance handoff scheme. By using an additional cache at the base station and distinguishing packets with packet IDs, the proposed scheme minimizes the number of lost packets during handoff. Network architecture and detailed handoff procedures are given. We also analyze the cache size at the base station, the associated network load with the handoff procedure, and the handoff delay. The scheme is investigated by computer simulations. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme is suitable for environments with fast mobility and frequent handoff. 展开更多
关键词 HANDOFF mobile IP DOMAIN analysis and handoff delay packet loss
Routing Protocol Based on Grover’s Searching Algorithm for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks 被引量:3
作者 孟利民 宋文波 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期145-156,共12页
In Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs), routing protocols directly affect various indices of network Quality of Service (QoS), so they play an important role in network performance. To address the drawbacks associated wit... In Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs), routing protocols directly affect various indices of network Quality of Service (QoS), so they play an important role in network performance. To address the drawbacks associated with traditional routing protocols in MANETs, such as poor anti-fading performance and slow convergence rate, for basic Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), we propose a new routing model based on Grover's searching algorithm. With this new routing model, each node maintains a node vector function, and all the nodes can obtain a node probability vector using Grover's algorithm, and then select an optimal routing according to node probability. Simulation results show that compared with DSR, this new routing protocol can effectively extend the network lifetime, as well as reduce the network delay and the number of routing hops. It can also significantly improve the anti-jamming capability of the network. 展开更多
关键词 Grover's channel fading additive bit error rate searching algorithm noise network delay
Security Model for Analyzing Data Privacy in Multipath Transport 被引量:2
作者 Song Fei Xue Miao Zhang Sidong 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第5期32-41,共10页
In order to investigate the enhancement of data privacy by distributing data packets via multiple paths, this paper fommlates a security model and analyzes the privacy problem in mul- tipath scenarios leveraging infor... In order to investigate the enhancement of data privacy by distributing data packets via multiple paths, this paper fommlates a security model and analyzes the privacy problem in mul- tipath scenarios leveraging inforrmtion theoretic concept. Based on proposed model, a privacy function related to the path number is discussed. We heuristically recommend the optin^al path num- ber and analyze the tradeoff among the perform- ance, resource consumption and privacy. For re- ducing the inforlmtion leakage, the data schedule algorithms are also proposed. The analytical model can provide guidelines for the multipath protocol design. 展开更多
关键词 data privacy multipath transport in-formation theory TRADEOFF
作者 穆宏强 《长江工程职业技术学院学报》 CAS 1984年第1期28-28,共1页
为了适应四化发展的需要,尽快提高科技人员使用电子计算机的能力。根据我校的发展规划,水文教研组拟在今年5月份举办“BASIC语言”讲习班。 这期讲习班,将由代森五同志主讲,初步安排每周一次,使用教材为清华大学谭浩强等编著的《BASIC... 为了适应四化发展的需要,尽快提高科技人员使用电子计算机的能力。根据我校的发展规划,水文教研组拟在今年5月份举办“BASIC语言”讲习班。 这期讲习班,将由代森五同志主讲,初步安排每周一次,使用教材为清华大学谭浩强等编著的《BASIC语言》。我们商议,首先在本组范围内普及,再建议逐步在全校推广。通过学习, 展开更多
关键词 谭浩强 BASIC 发展规划
A New Network Coding Mechanism Balancing Coding Opportunities, Energy and QoS in WSNs 被引量:3
作者 ZHENG Kangfeng WANG Xiujuan +1 位作者 ZHA Xuan XIAO Huan 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期108-118,共11页
A new Network Coding mechanism in WSNs(Wireless Sensor Networks), which is named COEQ and aims at balancing coding opportunities, energy and QoS, is proposed and analyzed. Implemented on the basis of traditional AODV ... A new Network Coding mechanism in WSNs(Wireless Sensor Networks), which is named COEQ and aims at balancing coding opportunities, energy and QoS, is proposed and analyzed. Implemented on the basis of traditional AODV protocol, COEQ evaluates several metrics of paths comprehensively with TOPSIS method including minimum remaining energy, coding opportunities, QoS and so on, so as to select the optimal transmitting route. Experiments on NS[2] show that COEQ can improve throughput and save energy when the transmitting rate is low. 展开更多
关键词 network coding wireless sensor network QOS TOPSIS
BRI Infrastructure Development and Economic Growth 被引量:6
作者 Zhang Hui Yan Qiangming Li Ningjing 《China Economist》 2021年第3期26-61,共36页
Infrastructure development is a key aspect of the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI).After measuring the infrastructure stocks of China and BRI countries,this paper estimates BRI countries’demand for infrastructure develo... Infrastructure development is a key aspect of the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI).After measuring the infrastructure stocks of China and BRI countries,this paper estimates BRI countries’demand for infrastructure development and verifies its economic growth effects,thus demonstrating the importance of the BRI.We found China’s infrastructure stock to be second-highest in the world,next only to that of the United States.While China’s infrastructure development is in sync with its economic development,inadequate infrastructure prevents many countries around the world from unlocking their full economic potential.By providing financing for much-needed infrastructure,the BRI exerts positive effects on economic growth in relevant countries.With a mandate of promoting infrastructure interconnectivity,the BRI will serve as a new driving force shaping a community of shared future for humankind. 展开更多
关键词 infrastructure stock quadrant chart Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)
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