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现代汉语介词“论”的形成历史及其语法分析 被引量:1
作者 石微 王浩垒 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第2期261-266,共6页
现代汉语介词"论"来源于先秦动词"论"。动词"论"在先秦时期用在连动结构中,两汉时期"论"所在的连动结构主次动词分化明显,唐代"论"由动词引申出介词用法,宋代以后"论"的... 现代汉语介词"论"来源于先秦动词"论"。动词"论"在先秦时期用在连动结构中,两汉时期"论"所在的连动结构主次动词分化明显,唐代"论"由动词引申出介词用法,宋代以后"论"的介词用法进一步扩展。连动结构是引发动词"论"语法化的句法环境,连动结构的句法环境加之连动结构中连词使用频率的递减趋势为动词"论"的语法化提供了条件。"论"由表示"议论、评论"的实词义到表示"以某种单位为准"的语法义的语法化过程中间经历了"衡量、评定"义的语义演变阶段。频率中"临界频率"的增加也是推动"论"语法化的一个重要因素。"论"的句法功能变化的机制是重新分析,而"论"发生语义演变致使语法意义产生的机制是语用推理。 展开更多
关键词 论” 语法化 句法环境 语义演变 临界频率
降格否定“遑论”的分布特征、表义功能及连词化历程——兼论“遑论”与“不论”的异同 被引量:1
作者 赵彧 《励耘语言学刊》 CSSCI 2016年第2期81-98,共18页
“遑论”分化为动词和递进连词两种功能,句法环境为递进复句,可以带各类宾语,和关联副词“更”组成连用叠加.语义与情态表现为语用否定与递进性、概念功能到篇章功能、叠加现象与羡余化、否定高量的量级特征.“遑论”语法化为递进连词... “遑论”分化为动词和递进连词两种功能,句法环境为递进复句,可以带各类宾语,和关联副词“更”组成连用叠加.语义与情态表现为语用否定与递进性、概念功能到篇章功能、叠加现象与羡余化、否定高量的量级特征.“遑论”语法化为递进连词与句法环境、语义制约以及一些外部因素不无关系.其与“不论”的差异主要体现为四个方面:句法分布相异、否定方式不同、情态传达分化、关联功能迥异. 展开更多
关键词 “遑论” 语义表现 连词化 对比分析
从公天下到“王命论”——论两汉之际儒生政治理念的变迁 被引量:4
作者 曲利丽 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期111-117,共7页
儒生阶层在西汉元成以后登上政治舞台,发起了复古改制运动,但空有理想主义的激情,不能解决历史症结。复古改制失败后,儒生们依据公天下政治理念,捧出王莽来改造现实,却又造成了更大的历史劫难。面对惨败,儒生们不能够反思自身的理想主义... 儒生阶层在西汉元成以后登上政治舞台,发起了复古改制运动,但空有理想主义的激情,不能解决历史症结。复古改制失败后,儒生们依据公天下政治理念,捧出王莽来改造现实,却又造成了更大的历史劫难。面对惨败,儒生们不能够反思自身的理想主义,反而走向了"王命论",认为天下应为刘氏一家所有。儒生再没有勇气讨论"禅让"等公天下的理念了,此为中国思想史上一大变局。"王命论"在后汉变成了国家意识形态,导致后汉学术走向平庸。 展开更多
关键词 两汉之际 儒生 政治理念 道德理想主义 王命论
连词“无论”语法化的机制与诱因 被引量:1
作者 程亚恒 《长春师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2014年第1期65-69,共5页
“无论”是现代汉语中使用频率很高的一个连词。它经常放在一个短语或句子前面,引出一些条件。连词“无论”出现于隋唐时期,是上古汉语的跨层结构“无论”(又写作“毋论”、“勿论”)在历史发展过程中不断语法化和词汇化的结果。双... “无论”是现代汉语中使用频率很高的一个连词。它经常放在一个短语或句子前面,引出一些条件。连词“无论”出现于隋唐时期,是上古汉语的跨层结构“无论”(又写作“毋论”、“勿论”)在历史发展过程中不断语法化和词汇化的结果。双音化是连词“无论”语法化的动因,句法环境和重新分析是连词“无论”语法化的重要机制。 展开更多
关键词 无论 连词 跨层结构 语法化
作者 季妍珂 胡沈健 +1 位作者 刘知菲 刘菲菲 《城市建筑》 2025年第3期180-184,共5页
随着科技的发展和人们审美需求的升级,交互设计在展示空间中的应用日益广泛,传统的静态展示方式已无法满足观众日益增长的参观需求。本研究旨在探索交互设计在展示空间中的应用模式,以提升观众的体验感和参与度。对不同类型的交互设计... 随着科技的发展和人们审美需求的升级,交互设计在展示空间中的应用日益广泛,传统的静态展示方式已无法满足观众日益增长的参观需求。本研究旨在探索交互设计在展示空间中的应用模式,以提升观众的体验感和参与度。对不同类型的交互设计技术进行详细探讨,重点分析这些技术在信息传达、观众参与和情感互动方面的优势。研究结果表明,交互设计不仅改变了展示空间的设计理念,还为未来展示空间的发展提供了新的方向,即通过交互技术实现人与展品、人与环境的深度互动,为观众创造更加个性化和沉浸式的体验。 展开更多
关键词 交互设计 展示空间 应用 沉浸式体验
作者 陈凯丽 汪凝 +1 位作者 张雯 王玥 《城市建筑》 2025年第3期146-153,共8页
在全球建筑领域日益重视节能减排和可持续发展的背景下,夯土建筑这一传统绿色建筑形式重新获得广泛关注。文章聚焦夯土建筑先锋建筑师马丁·劳奇的革新理念与设计实践,梳理了劳奇对生土材料和夯土建筑的见解,理解并阐释其提出应对... 在全球建筑领域日益重视节能减排和可持续发展的背景下,夯土建筑这一传统绿色建筑形式重新获得广泛关注。文章聚焦夯土建筑先锋建筑师马丁·劳奇的革新理念与设计实践,梳理了劳奇对生土材料和夯土建筑的见解,理解并阐释其提出应对夯土建筑发展瓶颈的两大先决条件:消除对夯土建筑的偏见;制定夯土建筑推广路线。在消除偏见方面,文章从材料性能、结构构造和施工建造三个维度,剖析了马丁·劳奇的核心技艺保障,使夯土建筑满足现代标准。在推广路线方面,文章从实施模式、技艺传播和社会支持三个维度,解读了兼顾材料特性与地域差异的理想措施,确保夯土建筑在不同环境和文化背景下的适应性。基于上述分析,文章进一步讨论了劳奇题解的贡献意义和可能存在的局限,特别关注其在中国国情下的借鉴价值,以期为该领域的发展提供前瞻性的思考。 展开更多
关键词 夯土建筑 马丁·劳奇 技艺保障 推广路线
学术期刊与中国近代法学自主知识体系的形成——以《法律评论》《中华法学杂志》《法学季刊》为例 被引量:2
作者 刘昕杰 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期110-120,共11页
近代以来,学术期刊是学术研究成果发表的主要载体,伴随着近代中国学术知识体系的形成,学术期刊的出版发行日益成熟。以《法律评论》《中华法学杂志》《法学季刊》为代表的中国近代法学学术期刊,虽然主办单位、出版周期和办刊风格各异,... 近代以来,学术期刊是学术研究成果发表的主要载体,伴随着近代中国学术知识体系的形成,学术期刊的出版发行日益成熟。以《法律评论》《中华法学杂志》《法学季刊》为代表的中国近代法学学术期刊,虽然主办单位、出版周期和办刊风格各异,但在近代中国法学知识体系的形成中都发挥了重要作用。其中关于中华法系的研究、中外法律制度的比较研究,以及英文版期刊的编辑出版,都对当下的法学学术与出版具有借鉴意义。从这三本法学学术期刊发表论文的总体情况来看,重视传统文化、直面实践疑难、保持全球视野,是中国法学学术共同体得以形成的重要原因,也理当成为中国法学学术与出版界继续坚持的学术风格。 展开更多
关键词 学术期刊 法学自主知识体系 法律评论 中华法学杂志 法学季刊
作者 叶美珍 余焱 +2 位作者 辛迎旭 庄振华 姜帆 《中国医院建筑与装备》 2024年第11期34-38,共5页
关键词 医院 污物间 智慧化 医疗废物
Adsorption behaviors and mechanisms of gold recovery from thiosulfate solution by ion exchange resin 被引量:1
作者 Zhong-lin DONG Tao JIANG +2 位作者 Bin XU Qian LI Yong-bin YANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第10期3372-3385,共14页
The adsorption behaviors and mechanisms of gold from thiosulfate solution on strong-base anion exchange resin were systematically investigated.The comparison experiment of adsorption ability and selectivity for gold s... The adsorption behaviors and mechanisms of gold from thiosulfate solution on strong-base anion exchange resin were systematically investigated.The comparison experiment of adsorption ability and selectivity for gold showed that gel Amberlite IRA-400 resin with Type Ⅰ quaternary ammonium functional group had better adsorption performance.The increases of resin dosage,ammonia concentration and solution pH were favorable to gold adsorption,whereas the rises of cupric and thiosulfate concentrations were disadvantageous to gold loading.Microscopic characterization results indicated that gold was adsorbed in the form of [Au(S_(2)O_(3))_(2)]^(3–) complex anion by exchanging with the counter ion Cl^(–) in the functional group of the resin.Density functional theory calculation result manifested that gold adsorption was mainly depended on the hydrogen bond and van der Waals force generated between O atom in [Au(S_(2)O_(3))_(2)]^(3–) and H atom in the quaternary ammonium functional group of the resin. 展开更多
关键词 GOLD thiosulfate solution resin adsorption behaviors and mechanisms density functional theory calculation
作者 张劭祯 李颖春 袁菁 《建筑师》 CSSCI 2024年第3期125-132,共8页
本文基于上海老城厢历史文化风貌区金家坊片区的调研,借鉴康泽恩城镇平面格局分析法,界定出“小型里弄”这一新的里弄建筑类型,从产权地块形态、土地利用方式和房屋建设主体三个层面,考察其空间特征,并对形态背后的社会、经济和文化驱... 本文基于上海老城厢历史文化风貌区金家坊片区的调研,借鉴康泽恩城镇平面格局分析法,界定出“小型里弄”这一新的里弄建筑类型,从产权地块形态、土地利用方式和房屋建设主体三个层面,考察其空间特征,并对形态背后的社会、经济和文化驱动力进行初步探讨。研究丰富了对里弄建筑类型及空间多样性的认知,并为近代城市遗产的价值认定和保护对策奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 城市形态 城镇平面格局分析 产权地块 小型里弄 上海老城厢
Atomic orbitals modulated dual functional bimetallic phosphides derived from MOF on MOF structure for boosting high efficient overall water splitting
作者 Bohan An Weilong Liu +3 位作者 Jipeng Dong Ning Li Yangqin Gao Lei Ge 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第10期113-125,共13页
The electronic modulation characteristics of efficient metal phosphide electrocatalysts can be utilized to tune the performance of oxygen evolution reaction(OER).However,improving the overall water splitting performan... The electronic modulation characteristics of efficient metal phosphide electrocatalysts can be utilized to tune the performance of oxygen evolution reaction(OER).However,improving the overall water splitting performance remains a challenging task.By building metal organic framework(MOF)on MOF heterostructures,an efficient strategy for controlling the electrical structure of MOFs was presented in this study.ZIF-67 was in-situ synthesized on MIL-88(Fe)using a two-step self-assembly method,followed by low-temperature phosphorization to ultimately synthesize FeP-CoP_(3)bimetallic phosphides.By combining atomic orbital theory and theoretical calculations(density functional theory),the results reveal the successful modulation of electronic orbitals in FeP-CoP_(3)bimetallic phosphides,which are synthesized from MOF on MOF structure.The synergistic impact of the metal center Co species and the phase conjugation of both kinds of MOFs are responsible for this regulatory phenomenon.Therefore,the catalyst demonstrates excellent properties,demonstrating HER 81 mV(η10)in a 1.0 mol L^(−1)KOH solution and OER 239 mV(η50)low overpotentials.The FeP-CoP_(3)linked dual electrode alkaline batteries,which are bifunctional electrocatalysts,have a good electrocatalytic ability and may last for 50 h.They require just 1.49 V(η50)for total water breakdown.Through this technique,the electrical structure of electrocatalysts may be altered to increase catalytic activity. 展开更多
关键词 Transition metal phosphides MOF on MOF Atomic orbital theory Density functional theory calculation
作者 戚瑜清 郑洪 《中医药文化》 2024年第3期215-224,共10页
在清代仲景圣化的背景下,医家们尊奉《伤寒论》为经典,使得《伤寒论》研究呈现经学化特点,即对仲景原文的注释和回归。这一研究特点也引发了伤寒与温病知识的革新,形成清代医学寒温争鸣的现象。一方面,《伤寒论》虽以论治冬季伤寒为主,... 在清代仲景圣化的背景下,医家们尊奉《伤寒论》为经典,使得《伤寒论》研究呈现经学化特点,即对仲景原文的注释和回归。这一研究特点也引发了伤寒与温病知识的革新,形成清代医学寒温争鸣的现象。一方面,《伤寒论》虽以论治冬季伤寒为主,但其中的六经辨证可被作为多种外感疾病,乃至所有疾病的治疗体系,包括温病在内;另一方面,温病知识脱离《伤寒论》文本,从而建构出区分于六经辨证、指导温病治疗的独立学说,并且通过突破季节、地域的限制和定义温病概念来拓展其应用范围。寒温争鸣的过程促进了外感病学术理论的进步,而其医学知识的生产、变革则与社会文化密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 《伤寒论》 经学化研究 伤寒知识 温病知识
Paradox of Nothing:A Paracomplete Solution
作者 Fei Liang Zhongxu Tian 《逻辑学研究》 CSSCI 2024年第6期18-41,共24页
The concept of nothing(ness)is a profound philosophical enigma,it is simultane-ously a thing but no thing,and hence is paradoxical.To solve this paradox,Priest proposes a systematic formalization for theory of nothing... The concept of nothing(ness)is a profound philosophical enigma,it is simultane-ously a thing but no thing,and hence is paradoxical.To solve this paradox,Priest proposes a systematic formalization for theory of nothing based on paraconsistent logic and mereology.In this paper,we propose an alternative approach to resolve the paradox using a paracomplete logic,Lucasiewich 3-valued logic.We argue that,even though we accept Priest's characteriza-tions of nothing,accepting contradictions about nothing is still not necessary. 展开更多
Insights into Reduction of CO_(2) to CO Catalyzed by Pyramidal-4Ni Clusters Supported on Doped CeO_(2)
作者 Ruimin Qin Shenyu Shen +4 位作者 Boyang Li Tingyi Zhu Tiantian Wu Shujiang Ding Yaqiong Su 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期591-598,I0028-I0037,I0099,共19页
Converting CO_(2) into valuable chemicals has become a widely used research method for CO_(2) conversion.In this work,the catalytic performance of pyramidal-4Ni catalysts supported on rare earth metal-doped CeO_(2)tow... Converting CO_(2) into valuable chemicals has become a widely used research method for CO_(2) conversion.In this work,the catalytic performance of pyramidal-4Ni catalysts supported on rare earth metal-doped CeO_(2)toward CO_(2) reductionreaction(CO_(2)RR)was investigated by using density-functional theorycalculations.For rare earth metal-doped CeO_(2),2Ce is substituted by 2 trivalent cations and at the same time one oxygen vacancy is created to make charge compensation.We investigated the oxygen vacancy nearest(Vo,N)and next-nearest(Vo,NN)to 4Ni,and found releasing CO and CO_(2) dissociation are the rate-determining steps,respectively,via the path of Vo,N and Vo,NN.Among the studied dopants(Ga,Sb,Lu,Gd,Pr,La,Bi),Gd is identified as the best dopant for catalyzing the reduction of CO_(2) at 823 K,with the turn-over frequency(TOF)of 104 times as large as that over 4Ni supported on pure CeO_(2).This exploration provides theoretical support and guidance for the research and application of rare earth metaldoped CeO_(2)-loaded Ni catalysts in the field of CO_(2) reduction. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon dioxide reduction CeO_(2)(111) Oxygen VACANCY Density functional theory
Coverage Dependent Dissociative Adsorption of HCl on Au(111)
作者 Qiqi Shen Lingjun Zhu +5 位作者 Jiawei Wu Wenrui Dong Xingan Wang Tao Wang Bin Jiang Xueming Yang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期490-496,I0033-I0038,I0093,共14页
Dissociative adsorption of HCl on Au(111)has become one of unsolved puzzles in surface chemistry.Despite tremendous efforts in the past years,varioustheoretical models still greatly overestimate the zero-coverage init... Dissociative adsorption of HCl on Au(111)has become one of unsolved puzzles in surface chemistry.Despite tremendous efforts in the past years,varioustheoretical models still greatly overestimate the zero-coverage initial sticking probabilities(So).To find the origin of the large experiment-theory discrepancy,we have revisited the dissociative adsorption of HCl on Au(111)with a newly designed molecular beam-surface apparatus.The zero-coverage So derived from Cl-coverage measurements with varying HCl doses agree well with previous ones.However,we notice a sharp change of the coverage/dose slope with the HCl dosage at the low coverage regime,which may result in some uncertainties to the fitted So value.This seems consistent with a coverage-dependence of the dissociation barrier predicted by density functional theory at low Cl-coverages.Our results reveal the potential inconsistency of utilizing simulations with finite coverage to compare against experimental data with zero coverage in this system,and provide guidance for improving both experiment and theory in this regard. 展开更多
关键词 Dissociative adsorption Reaction probability Molecular beam Density functional theory
A density functional theory study of polarons on different TiO_(2) surfaces
作者 SHI Zhiqun GONG Xueqing 《燃料化学学报(中英文)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期1877-1888,I0011-I0013,共15页
Polarons are widely considered to play a crucial role in the charge transport and photocatalytic performance of materials,but the mechanisms of their formation and the underlying driving factors remain a matter of con... Polarons are widely considered to play a crucial role in the charge transport and photocatalytic performance of materials,but the mechanisms of their formation and the underlying driving factors remain a matter of controversy.This study delves into the formation of polarons in different crystalline forms of TiO_(2) and their connection with the materials'structure.By employing density functional theory calculations with on-site Coulomb interaction correction(DFT+U),we provide a detailed analysis of the electronic polarization behavior in the anatase and rutile forms of TiO_(2).We focus on the polarization properties of defect-induced and photoexcited excess electrons on various TiO_(2) surfaces.The results reveal that the defect electrons can form small polarons on the anatase TiO_(2)(101)surface,while on the rutile TiO_(2)(110)surface,both small and large polarons(hybrid-state polarons)are formed.Photoexcited electrons are capable of forming both small and large polarons on the surfaces of both crystal types.The analysis indicates that the differences in polaron distribution are primarily determined by the intrinsic properties of the crystals;the structural and symmetry differences between anatase and rutile TiO_(2) lead to the distinct polaron behaviors.Further investigation suggests that the polarization behavior of defect electrons is also related to the arrangement of electron orbitals around the Ti atoms,while the polarization of photoexcited electrons is mainly facilitated by the lattice distortions.These findings elucidate the formation mechanisms of different types of polarons and may contribute to understanding the performance of TiO_(2)in different fields. 展开更多
关键词 POLARON surface defect PHOTOEXCITATION TiO_(2) density functional theory
First-Principles Study of Blue Phosphorene and Graphene Intralayer Heterostructure as Anode Materials for Rechargeable Li-lon Batteries
作者 Chunjie Sui Jiale Ma +1 位作者 Songtao Zhao Zhenyu Li 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期653-661,I0073-I0077,I0100,共15页
There is an ideal desire to develop the high-performance anodes materials for Liion batteries(LIBs),which requires not onlyhigh stability and reversibility,but also rapidcharging/discharging rate.In this work,webuilta... There is an ideal desire to develop the high-performance anodes materials for Liion batteries(LIBs),which requires not onlyhigh stability and reversibility,but also rapidcharging/discharging rate.In this work,webuiltablue phosphorene-graphene(BlueP-G)intralayer heterostructure by connecting BlueP and graphene monolayers at zigzag edges with covalent bonds.Based on the density functional theory simulation,the electronic structure of the heterostructure,Li adsorption and Li diffusion on heterostructure were systematically investigated.Compared with the pristine BlueP,the existence of graphene layer increases the overall conductivity of BlueP-G intralayer heterostructure.The significantly enhanced adsorption energy indicates the Li deposition on anode surface is energetically favored.The fast diffusion of Li with energy barrier as low as 0.02-0.09 eV indicates the growth of Li dendrite could be suppressed and the stability and reversibility of the battery will be increased.With a combination of increased conductivity of electronic charge,excellent Li adsorption and Li mobility on surface,BlueP-G intralayer heterostructure with zigzag interface is quite promising in the application of anode material for Li-ion batteries. 展开更多
关键词 Li-ion battery Blue phosphorene Anode material Density functional theory
On capped Higgs positivity cone
作者 Dong-Yu Hong Zhuo-Hui Wang Shuang-Yong Zhou 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期44-54,43,I0003,共13页
The Wilson coefficients of the standard model effective field theory are subject to a series of positivity bounds.It has been shown that while the positivity part of the ultraviolet(UV)partial wave unitarity leads to ... The Wilson coefficients of the standard model effective field theory are subject to a series of positivity bounds.It has been shown that while the positivity part of the ultraviolet(UV)partial wave unitarity leads to the Wilson coefficients living in a convex cone,further including the nonpositivity part caps the cone from above.For Higgs scattering,a capped positivity cone was obtained using a simplified,linear unitarity condition without utilizing the full internal symmetries of Higgs scattering.Here,we further implement stronger nonlinear unitarity conditions from the UV,which generically gives rise to better bounds.We show that,for the Higgs case in particular,while the nonlinear unitarity conditions per se do not enhance the bounds,the fuller use of the internal symmetries do shrink the capped positivity cone significantly. 展开更多
关键词 positivity bounds standard model effective field theory(SMEFT) HIGGS
Prediction and critical transition mechanism for granite fracture:Insights from critical slowing down theory
作者 WANG Chun-lai ZHOU Bao-kun +6 位作者 LI Chang-feng WEN Zhi-jie BAI Zhi-an ZHU Chao-yang SUN Liang XUE Xu-hui CAO Peng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期2748-2764,共17页
Rock fracture warning is one of the significant challenges in rock mechanics.Many true triaxial and synchronous acoustic emission(AE)tests were conducted on granite samples.The investigation focused on the characteris... Rock fracture warning is one of the significant challenges in rock mechanics.Many true triaxial and synchronous acoustic emission(AE)tests were conducted on granite samples.The investigation focused on the characteristics of AE signals preceding granite fracture,based on the critical slowing down(CSD)theory.The granite undergoes a transition from the stable phase to the fracture phase and exhibits a clear CSD phenomenon,characterized by a pronounced increase in variance and autocorrelation coefficient.The variance mutation points were found to be more identifiable and suitable as the primary criterion for predicting precursor information related to granite fracture,compared to the autocorrelation coefficient.It is noteworthy to emphasize that the CSD factor holds greater potential in elucidating the underlying mechanisms responsible for the critical transition of granite fracture,in comparison to the AE timing parameters.Furthermore,a novel multi-parameter collaborative prediction method for rock fracture was developed by comprehensively analyzing predictive information,including abnormal variation modes and the CSD factor of AE characteristic parameters.This method enhances the understanding and prediction of rock fracture-related geohazards. 展开更多
关键词 GRANITE triaxial compression acoustic emission rock fracture critical slowing down theory
Mean field analysis of interacting network model with jumps
作者 Zeqian Li 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期14-23,13,I0002,共12页
This study considers an-particle jump-diffusion system with mean field interaction,where the coefficients are locally Lipschitz continuous.We address the convergence as n→∞of the empirical measure of the jump-diffus... This study considers an-particle jump-diffusion system with mean field interaction,where the coefficients are locally Lipschitz continuous.We address the convergence as n→∞of the empirical measure of the jump-diffusions to the solution of a deterministic McKean-Vlasov equation.The strong well-posedness of the associated McKean-Vlasov equation and a corresponding propagation of chaos result are proven.In particular,we also provide precise estimates of the convergence speed with respect to a Wasserstein-like metric. 展开更多
关键词 mean field theory McKean-Vlasov equations FPK equations propagation of chaos particle system
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