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佛教論義的記録本及其東傳——以敦煌遺書及日本的維摩會爲中心 被引量:1
作者 何劍平 《敦煌吐鲁番研究》 2016年第1期35-57,共23页
一緣起:《廬山遠公話》中的論義場景論義又作論議,它由兩人或多人參預,通過論辯雙方的往返問難以顯揚正理。佛教論義,在印度原爲一種判決經典真僞、以種種異文句義解釋佛説的學術辯論活動[1],傳入中土後成爲講經過程中重要的義項之一[2... 一緣起:《廬山遠公話》中的論義場景論義又作論議,它由兩人或多人參預,通過論辯雙方的往返問難以顯揚正理。佛教論義,在印度原爲一種判決經典真僞、以種種異文句義解釋佛説的學術辯論活動[1],傳入中土後成爲講經過程中重要的義項之一[2]。道宣在《續高僧傳》卷一五《義解篇論》談到施設論義的四種功用:一是'擊揚以明其道,幽旨由斯得開';二是'影響以扇其風,慧業由斯弘樹';三是'抱疑以諮明決';四是'安詞以拔愚箭'[3]。 展开更多
关键词 影響 幽旨 論義 場景 公話 敦煌 日本 遺書
作者 史国续 史玉玲 《国医论坛》 2014年第2期1-4,共4页
关键词 刘世祯 刘仲迈 《伤寒杂病论义疏》 学术思想
作者 史国续 史玉玲 《国医论坛》 2014年第1期1-3,共3页
《伤寒杂病论义疏》为民国初年湖南名医刘世祯述义,由刘仲迈执笔,秉承师说,述义成疏,是对湘古本《伤寒杂病论》的注释本。文章从平脉辨证、见病知源,相体制方、活法一贯,知常达变、见微知著,脏腑交合、意深旨宏,少厥并病、其势更剧,审... 《伤寒杂病论义疏》为民国初年湖南名医刘世祯述义,由刘仲迈执笔,秉承师说,述义成疏,是对湘古本《伤寒杂病论》的注释本。文章从平脉辨证、见病知源,相体制方、活法一贯,知常达变、见微知著,脏腑交合、意深旨宏,少厥并病、其势更剧,审时度势、把握病情,升降失常、正虚邪填,厥证分阴阳、误判祸即至,释文精当、高屋建瓴等9个方面,对该书的学术思想和学术价值进行了探讨,旨在唤起有识之士重视这一典籍,从而找到学用经方的方便之门。 展开更多
关键词 刘世祯 刘仲迈 《伤寒杂病论义疏》 学术思想
作者 嚴世偉 《中华文史论丛》 CSSCI 2023年第4期163-179,409,共18页
失名P.2335實爲一份久已失傳的南北朝時期《成實論》注疏,並且很可能是梁代三大法師之一僧旻的《成實論義疏》。P.2335中的《成實論》引文與現行鳩摩羅什譯本有所不同,可能是因爲作者依據的是蕭子良等人删節之後的本子。P.2335廣泛徵引... 失名P.2335實爲一份久已失傳的南北朝時期《成實論》注疏,並且很可能是梁代三大法師之一僧旻的《成實論義疏》。P.2335中的《成實論》引文與現行鳩摩羅什譯本有所不同,可能是因爲作者依據的是蕭子良等人删節之後的本子。P.2335廣泛徵引其他成實論師的觀點,有名字者包括白頭達、光宅法雲、開善智藏,其中還有大量暫不知名的“第一師”、“第二師”、“第三師”、“第四師”等。在史料匱乏的現狀下,P.2335必將深化我們對南北朝佛教的認識。 展开更多
关键词 P.2335 《成實論義疏》 僧旻 敦煌佛典注疏
试论皇侃《论语集解义疏》 被引量:2
作者 徐望驾 曹秀华 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第2期86-89,共4页
关键词 《论语集解疏》 疏体 皇侃 中古汉语 语料价值 断代词汇 佛语词 习用语
作者 张妍 《现代语文》 2023年第8期24-29,共6页
英藏敦煌写卷S.2048号《〈摄大乘论〉义章卷第一》为草书残卷,《敦煌本古佚与疑伪经校注——以〈大正藏〉第八十五册为中心》第6册曾对这一写卷进行了核校。由于草书写卷的识别具有很大难度,该书在释读方面仍存在一些疏误。综合利用辨... 英藏敦煌写卷S.2048号《〈摄大乘论〉义章卷第一》为草书残卷,《敦煌本古佚与疑伪经校注——以〈大正藏〉第八十五册为中心》第6册曾对这一写卷进行了核校。由于草书写卷的识别具有很大难度,该书在释读方面仍存在一些疏误。综合利用辨字形、考异文、通语法、审文例等训诂方法,对其中的31例失误加以校正,以期为疑难草书的考释、草书字典的编撰提供有益的参考。 展开更多
关键词 《〈摄大乘论〉章卷第一》 草书 误释 举正
作者 陈乔见 《中原文化研究》 2021年第2期44-53,共10页
墨家的根本观念是"义"而非通常所认为的"兼爱"或"功利"或"天志"。墨子自苦为义,以"义道"自我标榜并宣教天下。基于"义"观念重构墨家的哲学体系,我们会发现,"义"... 墨家的根本观念是"义"而非通常所认为的"兼爱"或"功利"或"天志"。墨子自苦为义,以"义道"自我标榜并宣教天下。基于"义"观念重构墨家的哲学体系,我们会发现,"义"与"十论"皆有关联且可逻辑地贯通之,而"兼爱"或其他观念则不能。此外,从"仁""义"之别而非"仁爱""兼爱"之别考察儒、墨之异,更能彰显各自独特的伦理精神。墨家"义"论具有多重伦理意涵,如平等与公正、利他主义与慈善精神,不作恶与禁止恶,义务论与功利论的统一等。这也是以"兼爱"或其他观念为根本观念所无法完全涵括或展现的。 展开更多
关键词 墨家 十论
作者 约翰.贝拉米.福斯特 布雷特.克拉克 刘顺 《郑州轻工业学院学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第1期55-64,共10页
马克思所提出的囊括人类、自然和社会三重维度的"新陈代谢"这一概念,饱含着深邃的生态世界观,是生态哲学中的核心概念。这一世界观是劳动价值论和生态价值论的有机统一,蕴含着独到的生态辩证法。在一定意义上,生态辩证法在马... 马克思所提出的囊括人类、自然和社会三重维度的"新陈代谢"这一概念,饱含着深邃的生态世界观,是生态哲学中的核心概念。这一世界观是劳动价值论和生态价值论的有机统一,蕴含着独到的生态辩证法。在一定意义上,生态辩证法在马克思主义理论体系中占据中心地位。针对当前流行的那些企图淡化马克思生态思想的理论诘难,有必要利用生态辩证法对其作出有力的回应,以期重构马克思主义理论。马克思生态辩证法的未来愿景是:创造一个可持续的、共同发展的人类社会,使联合起来的生产者可以合理调节人类—自然—社会之间的新陈代谢,从而推动人的自由全面发展。 展开更多
关键词 马克思主 生态辩证法 资本主 新陈代谢理论
Thesaurus-based approach for building domain ontology with a case study of military aircraft prototype ontology construction 被引量:3
作者 真溱 唐爱民 +1 位作者 沈钧毅 卢胜军 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第3期353-356,共4页
To alleviate the amount of work involved in constructing a domain ontology, starting with the base of an existing terminological-rich thesaurus is better than starting from scratch. With a case study of reengineering ... To alleviate the amount of work involved in constructing a domain ontology, starting with the base of an existing terminological-rich thesaurus is better than starting from scratch. With a case study of reengineering the Defense Science and Technology Thesaurus into a prototype military aircraft ontology, a four-phase thesaurus-based methodology is introduced and investigated, which consists of identifying the application purpose, overall design, designing in detail and evaluation. Designing in detail is the core step, converting the terms and semantic relationships of the thesaurus into an ontology and supplementing richer semantic relationships. The resulting prototype ontology includes 87 concepts and 34 relationships, and can be extended and scaled up to a full-fledged domain ontology in the future. Eight universal genres of relationships of this ontology are preliminarily summarized and analyzed, including equivalent relationships, approximate relationships, generic/abstract relationships, part/whole relationships, cause/effect relationships, entity/location relationships etc., and the normalization of semantic relationships is critical to the merging and reusing of follow-up multiple ontologies. 展开更多
关键词 THESAURUS domain ontology CONSTRUCTION METHODOLOGY semantic relationship
Knowledge discovery method for feature-decision level fusion of multiple classifiers 被引量:1
作者 孙亮 韩崇昭 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第2期222-227,共6页
To improve the performance of the multiple classifier system, a new method of feature-decision level fusion is proposed based on knowledge discovery. In the new method, the base classifiers operate on different featur... To improve the performance of the multiple classifier system, a new method of feature-decision level fusion is proposed based on knowledge discovery. In the new method, the base classifiers operate on different feature spaces and their types depend on different measures of between-class separability. The uncertainty measures corresponding to each output of each base classifier are induced from the established decision tables (DTs) in the form of mass function in the Dempster-Shafer theory (DST). Furthermore, an effective fusion framework is built at the feature-decision level on the basis of a generalized rough set model and the DST. The experiment for the classification of hyperspectral remote sensing images shows that the performance of the classification can be improved by the proposed method compared with that of plurality voting (PV). 展开更多
关键词 multiple classifier fusion knowledge discovery Dempster-Shafer theory generalized rough set HYPERSPECTRAL
Three-dimensional Imaging of Multi-slice Spiral CT in Bronchial Artery Correlative Study on Blood Supply of Central Lung Cancer and Its Clinical Significance 被引量:4
作者 李智勇 杨冬 +2 位作者 伍建林 黎庶 董天 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第1期40-42,67,共4页
Objective: To evaluate three-dimensional bronchial artery imaging charactersin central lung cancer and applied values with multi-slice spiral CT (MSCT) to provide theoreticalevidence on blood supply and intervention t... Objective: To evaluate three-dimensional bronchial artery imaging charactersin central lung cancer and applied values with multi-slice spiral CT (MSCT) to provide theoreticalevidence on blood supply and intervention therapy. Methods: Eighteen patients with central lungcancer underwent MSCT with real time helical thin-slice CT scanning. Three-dimensional bronchialartery reconstruction was done at the console work-station. The space anatomical characters ofbronchial artery were observed through different rotations. Results: For 6 cases, thethree-dimensional images of bronchial artery (33.33%) could exactly show the origins, the routes(lung inner segment and mediatism segment) and the diameters of bronchial arteries. Vision rate ofbronchial arteries was the highest in pulmonary artery stricture and truncation groups, and thevessels' diameter became larger apparently. These characters demonstrated blood supply of this kindof central lung cancer come from bronchial artery. Volume rendering images were the best ones amongthree-dimensional images. Conclusion: Three-dimensional imaging with MSCT in bronchial artery canreveal the anatomical characters of bronchial artery and provide theoretical evidence on bloodsupply and intervention therapy of central lung cancer. 展开更多
关键词 bronchial artery multi-slice spiral CT three-dimensional reconstruction ANGIOGRAPHY
Chemical bonding and elastic properties of quaternary arsenide oxides YZnAsO and LaZnAsO investigated by first principles
作者 施毅敏 叶绍龙 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1378-1382,共5页
The structural parameters, chemical bonding and elastic properties of the tetragonal phase quaternary arsenide oxides YZnAsO and LaZnAsO were investigated by using density-functional theory (DFT) within generalized ... The structural parameters, chemical bonding and elastic properties of the tetragonal phase quaternary arsenide oxides YZnAsO and LaZnAsO were investigated by using density-functional theory (DFT) within generalized gradient approximation (GGA). The GGA calculated structural parameters are in agreement with the experimental results. Population analysis suggests that the chemical bonding in YZnAsO and LaZnAsO can be classified as a mixture of ionic and covalent characteristic. Single-crystal elastic constants were calculated and the polycrystalline elastic modules were estimated according to Voigt, Reuss and Hill's approximations (VRH). The result shows that both YZnAsO and LaZnAsO are relatively soft materials exhibiting ductile behavior. The calculated polycrystalline elastic anisotropy result shows that LaZnAsO is more anisotropy in compressibility and YZnAsO is more anisotropy in shear. 展开更多
关键词 YZnAsO LaZnAsO chemical bonding elastic properties density-functional theory generalized gradientapproximation Voigt Reuss and Hill's approximations
《中国继续医学教育》 2015年第23期9-9,共1页
关键词 期刊 编辑工作 规范 撰写论义
Modeling and analysis of azimuthal AVO responses from a viscoelastic anisotropic reflector 被引量:3
作者 郭智奇 刘喜武 +1 位作者 符伟 李向阳 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期441-452,470,共13页
We propose a method for mOdeling azimuthal AVO responses from a fractured i reflector. The method calculates the integrated reflected wavetrains, and the wavetrains contain elastodynamic information including the con... We propose a method for mOdeling azimuthal AVO responses from a fractured i reflector. The method calculates the integrated reflected wavetrains, and the wavetrains contain elastodynamic information including the contrast in impedance and anelasticity i across interfaces, the intemal anisotropic propagation, the dispersion and attenuation along i the wave path, and tuning and interference. The results suggest that for large angles of incidence, the velocity dispersion and attenuation increase the amplitudes of PP waves from the top and decrease those from the bottom. For azimuthal responses at specific angles of incidence, the reflected wavetrains of PP waves tend to have longer duration with increasing azimuth. In contrast, model-converted PSV and PSH reflections show stable azimuthal features and are less affected by the reflector thickness. The amplitudes of PSV reflections increase with increasing azimuth; moreover, the waves have no reflection energy at 0° and 90° azimuth and maximum amplitude at 45° azimuth. 展开更多
关键词 REFLECTOR viscoelastic and anisotropic dispersion and attenuation generalized anisotropic Zoelopritz theory azimuthal AVO
Knowledge presentation model for QnA web forums
作者 于士涛 袁晓洁 师建兴 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第3期369-372,共4页
For an extract description of threads information in question and answer (QnA) web forums, it is proposed to construct a QnA knowledge presentation model in the English language, and then an entire solution for the ... For an extract description of threads information in question and answer (QnA) web forums, it is proposed to construct a QnA knowledge presentation model in the English language, and then an entire solution for the QnA knowledge system is presented, including data gathering, platform building and applications design. With pre-defined dictionary and grammatical analysis, the model draws semantic information, grammatical information and knowledge confidence into IR methods, in the form of statement sets and term sets with semantic links. Theoretical analysis shows that the statement model can provide an exact presentation for QnA knowledge, breaking through any limits from original QnA patterns and being adaptable to various query demands; the semantic links between terms can assist the statement model, in terms of deducing new from existing knowledge. The model makes use of both information retrieval (IR) and natural language processing (NLP) features, strengthening the knowledge presentation ability. Many knowledge-based applications built upon this model can be improved, providing better performance. 展开更多
关键词 QnA web forum knowledge presentation semantic link statement model knowledge confidence
An Exploration of Interpersonal Meanings in Advertising Discourse from Functional Grammar Perspective 被引量:1
作者 刘瑜 樊燕龙 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第1期40-45,共6页
Interpersonal function is one of the three metafunctions of language. This paper investigates the interpersonal meanings in Chinese cosmetic advertising discourse from mood, modality and appraise the three aspects. Ba... Interpersonal function is one of the three metafunctions of language. This paper investigates the interpersonal meanings in Chinese cosmetic advertising discourse from mood, modality and appraise the three aspects. Based on an exploratory study of data of six typical Chinese cosmetic advertising discourses, the paper claims that the distribution of mood and modality has close link with the interpersonal meaning in advertising. The Functional Grammar and Appraisal System help to reveal the interpersonal meanings of the discourse concerned. 展开更多
关键词 interpersonal meaning functional grammar appraisal system
Constructivism and bilingual education
作者 顾赤 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第8期15-18,共4页
Bilingual education is one of Chinese education directions in the 21st century. And constructivism is the educational foundation of bilingual education. This paper presents a study of teaching theory and the pattern o... Bilingual education is one of Chinese education directions in the 21st century. And constructivism is the educational foundation of bilingual education. This paper presents a study of teaching theory and the pattern of bilingual education. The current situation and the development of bilingual education are discussed as well. 展开更多
关键词 CONSTRUCTIVISM bilingual teaching education theory teaching pattern
A stochastic user equilibrium model solving overlapping path and perfectly rational issues 被引量:1
作者 YAN Dong-mei GUO Jian-hua 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期1584-1600,共17页
Traffic assignment has been recognized as one of the key technologies in supporting transportation planning and operations.To better address the perfectly rational issue of the expected utility theory(EUT)and the over... Traffic assignment has been recognized as one of the key technologies in supporting transportation planning and operations.To better address the perfectly rational issue of the expected utility theory(EUT)and the overlapping path issue of the multinomial logit(MNL)model that are involved in the traffic assignment process,this paper proposes a cumulative prospect value(CPV)-based generalized nested logit(GNL)stochastic user equilibrium(SUE)model.The proposed model uses CPV to replace the utility value as the path performance within the GNL model framework.An equivalent mathematical model is provided for the proposed CPV-based GNL SUE model,which is solved by the method of successive averages(MSA).The existence and equivalence of the solution are also proved for the equivalent model.To demonstrate the performance of the proposed CPV-based GNL SUE model,three road networks are selected in the empirical test.The results show that the proposed model can jointly deal with the perfectly rational issue and the overlapping path issue,and additionally,the proposed model is shown to be applicable for large road networks. 展开更多
关键词 stochastic user equilibrium cumulative prospect theory generalized nested logit method of successive averages
Grice's theory of conversational implicature 被引量:2
作者 QU Li-juan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第7期63-66,共4页
Understanding an utterance is far from proposition analysis and literal meaning interpretation. It is the unity of what is said and what is implicated. Grice's theory of conversational implicature provides some expli... Understanding an utterance is far from proposition analysis and literal meaning interpretation. It is the unity of what is said and what is implicated. Grice's theory of conversational implicature provides some explicit account of how it is possible to mean more than what is literally expressed by the conventional sense of the linguistic expressions uttered. Using this theory, we can infer the speaker's real attention, appreciate figure of speech in literary work, and improve our communicative competence. 展开更多
关键词 conversational implicature INFERENCE co-operative maxims figure of speech
Definitions and progress of ecosystem health and ecological security 被引量:4
作者 Weng Changhua Zhang Luoping David Klumpp 《Ecological Economy》 2006年第3期327-336,共10页
Along with industrial development, adverse impacts on the natural environment become more serious, and the states of ecosystem health and ecological security have also deteriorated. As the basic needs for human surviv... Along with industrial development, adverse impacts on the natural environment become more serious, and the states of ecosystem health and ecological security have also deteriorated. As the basic needs for human survival, ecosystem health and ecological security possess very important meanings. Therefore, ecosystem health and ecological security have become research hot topics in recent decades. This paper reviewed the developments of definitions and applications of ecosystem health and ecological security, and found that the research on ecosystem health had achieved a lot. However, the research on ecological security was still relatively undeveloped. Moreover, there are also some confusion between the concepts of ecosystem health and ecological security. We consider that ecosystem health indicates the status of the ecosystem in normal conditions, whereas, ecological security indicates the capabilities of an ecosystem to react to external accidents or extremely adverse effects. An ecosystem which is healthy does not mean that it is secure. However, the ecological security requires an ecosystem to possess the capacity for integrity against any risk, and ecosystem health is the precondition to ecological security. 展开更多
关键词 Ecosystem health Ecological security DEFINITION Research progress
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