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作者 丁匡一 《科技经济市场》 2007年第3期310-311,共2页
马克思哲学对于实体论形而上学的运思方式持批评和拒绝的态度。本论文将马克思对实体论形而上学的拒斥概述为三个方面:“1.普罗米修斯”拒绝彼岸世界的真理,“原子偏斜”拒绝扼杀自由的必然性对;2.由对宗教的批判转向对世俗生活的批判;3... 马克思哲学对于实体论形而上学的运思方式持批评和拒绝的态度。本论文将马克思对实体论形而上学的拒斥概述为三个方面:“1.普罗米修斯”拒绝彼岸世界的真理,“原子偏斜”拒绝扼杀自由的必然性对;2.由对宗教的批判转向对世俗生活的批判;3.对德国唯心主义思辨哲学的批判。由此,马克思颠覆了西方形而上学中的柏拉图主义路线,为其转向对现实生活的批判,奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 实体论形而上学 马克思 颠覆
《胜利油田党校学报》 1990年第1期70-70,共1页
由聂凤俊、李鼎文等同志主编,油田党校哲学教研室主任、副教授翟明德同志参加编写的《论形而上学》一书出版后,在社会科学各界引起关注。 《文摘报》1989年第663期转载关于该书的评论赞誉该书出版“填补了哲学理研究中的一个空白”,是... 由聂凤俊、李鼎文等同志主编,油田党校哲学教研室主任、副教授翟明德同志参加编写的《论形而上学》一书出版后,在社会科学各界引起关注。 《文摘报》1989年第663期转载关于该书的评论赞誉该书出版“填补了哲学理研究中的一个空白”,是一项“开拓性”的研究成果。指出,它不仅探讨了形而上学的各种含义。 展开更多
关键词 论形而上学 哲学思维方式 李鼎文 学理研究 研究成果 社会关注 历史过程 现代自然科学 人类认识史 教研室主任
作者 王革 《鲁东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1987年第1期74-78,共5页
为了很好地坚持唯物辩证法,反对形而上学,不仅要研究形而上学同辩证法的对立,还要研究形而上学同辩证法的同一。 (一) 形而上学和辩证法在内容上是相互渗透的。列宁说:“马克思和恩格斯的唯物主义辩证法无疑地包含着相对主义,可是它并... 为了很好地坚持唯物辩证法,反对形而上学,不仅要研究形而上学同辩证法的对立,还要研究形而上学同辩证法的同一。 (一) 形而上学和辩证法在内容上是相互渗透的。列宁说:“马克思和恩格斯的唯物主义辩证法无疑地包含着相对主义,可是它并不归结为相对主义”。(《唯物主义和经济批判主义》1961年版136页)相对主义就是形而上学的一种表现形式。毛泽东也说过:“在哲学里边,唯物主义和唯心主义是对立统一,这两个东西是相互斗争的。 展开更多
关键词 论形而上学 辩证法思想 批判主义 辩证关系 三大规律 变动性 事物内部 社会主义理论 摩擦生热 调和主义
作者 董修元 《中国社会科学文摘》 2018年第4期46-47,共2页
关键词 阿维森纳 经院哲学 论形而上学 学科史 阿拉伯 古代晚期 中世纪 亚里士多德
作者 蛰泰 《哲学动态》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第12期50-50,共1页
雷思温著《敉平与破裂:邓·司各脱论形而上学与上帝超越性》一书于2020年3月由生活·读书·新知三联书店出版。作者基于翔实的原始资料和研究文献,在中世纪阿拉伯文明与基督教世界发生碰撞和融合的大背景下,对司各脱的形而... 雷思温著《敉平与破裂:邓·司各脱论形而上学与上帝超越性》一书于2020年3月由生活·读书·新知三联书店出版。作者基于翔实的原始资料和研究文献,在中世纪阿拉伯文明与基督教世界发生碰撞和融合的大背景下,对司各脱的形而上学进行了全面深入的考察。作者将司各脱哲学的特点界定为“形而上学的去中心化”:一方面,其“存在的单义性”学说将上帝与其创造物均质化,导致了传统存在秩序的敉平;另一方面,他对于上帝超越性的强调,又使上帝彻底脱离人的可理解性,造成了存在秩序的内部破裂。 展开更多
关键词 三联书店 去中心化 阿拉伯文明 可理解性 单义性 均质化 司各脱 论形而上学
作者 陆杰荣 《中国哲学年鉴》 2016年第1期397-398,共2页
哲学的核心功能是在超越性的维度上展开和运转的,这意味着哲学总是在不同的精神境遇或现实的视阈中,以不同的时代精神为基准来设计和规约自己所理解的哲学“境界”。在西方哲学发展的不同阶段里,不同的哲学样式总是以其映照哲学的本体... 哲学的核心功能是在超越性的维度上展开和运转的,这意味着哲学总是在不同的精神境遇或现实的视阈中,以不同的时代精神为基准来设计和规约自己所理解的哲学“境界”。在西方哲学发展的不同阶段里,不同的哲学样式总是以其映照哲学的本体方式来体现哲学的精神实质,并显现为不同历史中的哲学追求,进而在深度的价值指向上体现出哲学境界。梳理哲学的内在逻辑,从形而上学的发展过程来观察哲学境界的历史沿革之路径,从中可以管窥未来哲学境界发展的基本走向。 展开更多
关键词 哲学境界 价值指向 时代精神 内在关联 论形而上学 核心功能 历史沿革 哲学追求
工程哲学必须重视价值问题 被引量:1
作者 张秀华 《工程研究(跨学科视野中的工程)》 2022年第1期15-16,共2页
随着对近代认识论或知识论所发动的价值论转向,价值哲学成为现当代哲学的一种新范式。马克思主义哲学从现实的人出发,按照实践的观点,在历史唯物主义立场上确立了具体的主体性哲学,超越传统实体论形而上学建立在抽象主体之上的抽象的主... 随着对近代认识论或知识论所发动的价值论转向,价值哲学成为现当代哲学的一种新范式。马克思主义哲学从现实的人出发,按照实践的观点,在历史唯物主义立场上确立了具体的主体性哲学,超越传统实体论形而上学建立在抽象主体之上的抽象的主体性哲学,解构主客二元论的思维方式,强调实践的中介与统领作用. 展开更多
关键词 主体性哲学 近代认识论 论形而上学 马克思主义哲学 统领作用 超越传统 知识论 强调实践
作者 刘泽刚 《云南大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2014年第5期74-80,112,共7页
本文认为,康德的法权概念未得到应有的尊重和理解。只有遵循康德哲学的体系构造,才能准确把握其法权概念的性质和作用,进而恰如其分地评判康德法权论形而上学的意义和价值。静态地看,法权概念是法权论形而上学知识的基础和来源。动态地... 本文认为,康德的法权概念未得到应有的尊重和理解。只有遵循康德哲学的体系构造,才能准确把握其法权概念的性质和作用,进而恰如其分地评判康德法权论形而上学的意义和价值。静态地看,法权概念是法权论形而上学知识的基础和来源。动态地看,法权概念的阐明进程就是法权论形而上学的构建过程。康德的法权概念是受道德形而上学体系严格限定的,任何偏离此种限定对法权概念的评判与运用都是没有根据的。在高度复杂的现代社会中,以自由实践和道德义务为要旨的康德式的法权概念具有不可替代的价值。 展开更多
关键词 康德 法权概念 法权论形而上学 道德形而上学 法律概念问题
作者 刘泽刚 《社科纵横》 2010年第3期94-95,共2页
康德基于理性和自由的立场赋予哲学高于法学的地位。出于对法学道德化和简化理解,康德没有认真面对法学的复杂性。他只关心作为义务学说的法权论的形而上学的建立,而忽视了一般法哲学的构建。康德的立场导致其法律思想对法学的直接影响... 康德基于理性和自由的立场赋予哲学高于法学的地位。出于对法学道德化和简化理解,康德没有认真面对法学的复杂性。他只关心作为义务学说的法权论的形而上学的建立,而忽视了一般法哲学的构建。康德的立场导致其法律思想对法学的直接影响非常有限。但其基于义务的结构特性对今天法哲学的构建具有重要借鉴价值。 展开更多
关键词 法学 哲学 法权论 法权论形而上学 法哲学
作者 叶忠根 《教育论丛》 1983年第4期67-71,共5页
三十多年来,我国儿童教育心理学的研究经历了三个发展阶段(1949年——1958年,1959年——1965年,1976——今天),克服了两次(1958年——1959年,1966年——1976年),政治上的“左”的干扰和破坏,老一辈心理学家和广大的心理学工作者,在党的... 三十多年来,我国儿童教育心理学的研究经历了三个发展阶段(1949年——1958年,1959年——1965年,1976——今天),克服了两次(1958年——1959年,1966年——1976年),政治上的“左”的干扰和破坏,老一辈心理学家和广大的心理学工作者,在党的阳光照耀上,经过长期的艰苦奋斗,取得了多方面的丰硕成果,初步建立了以辩证唯物主义为理论基础的中国儿童教育心理学的思想体系。心理学的工作者在儿童教育心理学的研究中,反对唯心论形而上学。 展开更多
关键词 儿童教育 儿童心理发展 论形而上学 浅识 中国儿童 心理内容 社会环境 辩证关系 年龄特征 发展阶段
Physical, Epistemological and Metaphysical Perspectives on Quantum Theory: Constructed Experience?
作者 Zulena dos S. Silva 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第12期621-633,共13页
This paper will present questions from three perspectives about Quantum Mechanics (QM): physics, epistemological, and metaphysical. The quantum phenomena do not fit with the parameters of classical physics, so a da... This paper will present questions from three perspectives about Quantum Mechanics (QM): physics, epistemological, and metaphysical. The quantum phenomena do not fit with the parameters of classical physics, so a daily intuition on macroscopic world is dispensable when it is the quantum object investigated. This physical domain induces a new thinking, which requires also new concepts to describe such object. The QM is disturbing and stimulates epistemological reflections, as the issues of access about what is known; and metaphysical theme are not to be left behind with regard to QM: What would the quantum object to? What is apprehended when this object is perceived, once considered the disturbing characteristics that constitute its physical description: interference and non-separability? What is its nature? This paper focuses briefly on the analysis of B. d'Espagnat in Veiled Reality, which would represent the physical perspective of QT; for epistemological questions, one will resort to the Kantian conception of knowledge; and with regard to the metaphysical perspective, we will rely on an article by Professor J. B. Arenhart. It is necessary to note that the question that pervades in this paper is about if the experience in QM is built. Thus, we will try to seek clarity on the philosophical issues through QT, regarding the problems about the possibility of knowledge of the quantum object and its nature, and whether experience in this case is built. But furthermore, the QM instigates us to think whether metaphysics proceeds on the investigation of nature when it comes to the QM. And such a question is more than to have as problem as the scope of the description of physical data, but rather whether it makes sense or whether metaphysical research is pertinent to the QM. 展开更多
The Ontology of Counter Factual Causality and Conditional
作者 Maduabuchi Dukor 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第7期492-496,共5页
The author is interested here in the examination of the ontological justification for counterfactual causality and conditional. Ontology metaphysically has to do with what exists and what does not exist. about objects... The author is interested here in the examination of the ontological justification for counterfactual causality and conditional. Ontology metaphysically has to do with what exists and what does not exist. about objects in their associated and individual existence. It is an attempt to further philosophy of causality scientific law, and theory of confirmation and establish a link counter factual. In terms of realism, it is the search for adequate among if-then "〉" and 展开更多
An Equivalence of Moore's Paradox and G6del's Incompleteness Sentence in Two-Valued Algebra of Formal Ethics
作者 Vladimir Lobovikov 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第1期34-55,共22页
The paper submits surprising results of systematical investigating a formal-ethical aspect of conjoining Wittgenstein's, Moore's, Parmenides', GSdel's, and Lukasiewicz's ideas. A critique of Wittgenstein's criti... The paper submits surprising results of systematical investigating a formal-ethical aspect of conjoining Wittgenstein's, Moore's, Parmenides', GSdel's, and Lukasiewicz's ideas. A critique of Wittgenstein's critique of the natural language of ethics and of metaphysics results in submitting and elaborating a new paradigm of metaphysics as formal axiology (in particular, formal ethics). In result, the classical metaphysics and ethics of moral rigor are represented as two-valued algebraic systems of metaphysics and formal ethics respectively. By means of this algebraic model, all the well-known scandal-making metaphysical tenets of Parmenides are produced as translations of corresponding algebraic equations from the symbolic language to the natural one. At the level of submitted discrete mathematical model of formal axiology, Parmenides' metaphysical (formal-axiological) concepts "consistency" and "inconsistency," "completeness" and "incompleteness" are compared with G^del's logic ones. Formal-axiological meanings of the words "consistency," "incompleteness," "being," "nonbeing," "movement," "knowledge," "belief," etc., are considered as moral-evaluation-functions determined by one moral-evaluation-variable. Binary moral-evaluation-functions are studied as well. The functions are precisely defined by tables. Precise definitions of "formal-axiological-equivalence," "formal-axiological-law," and "formal-axiological contradiction" are submitted. Thus, one can either generate or examine formal-axiological equations of algebra of metaphysics by "computing" relevant compositions of moral-value-functions. Using this "moral-value-table-computation-technique," one can arrive to a surprising conclusion that both the notorious sentence of Moore (called "epistemic paradox") and the incompleteness sentence of Godel are formally-axiologically inconsistent ones: Hence, they are formally-axiologically equivalent. For overcoming the negative psychological effect of such a surprising result, the author has used graphic models explicating the famous Lukasiewicz's statement "Logic is morality of thought and speech." 展开更多
关键词 algebra-of-formal-ethics moral-evaluation-function formal-ethical-equivalence knowledge belief formal-ethical-contradiction INCOMPLETENESS consistency
Human Rights and Jainism A Comparative Study
作者 Namrata Kothari 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第5期248-260,共13页
My research paper tries to investigate certain pertinent questions which are very important for the solution of today's problems which we are facing in a globalised world. They are as follows: (1) By following Jai... My research paper tries to investigate certain pertinent questions which are very important for the solution of today's problems which we are facing in a globalised world. They are as follows: (1) By following Jain principles, how one can promote and preserve rights of the individual; (2) In what ways Jain teachings prescribed preventive measures against the violation of human rights; (3) Chronology of Indian political thought and Comparison between Jain and Gandhian human rights. Today, we are facing the problems of infringement, misuse of rights in all walks of our life. We are confronting with the problems of social, economic, and political rights, discrimination between men and women in third world countries. Inequality is rampant. To establish equality-protection, promotion, and preservation of human rights is utmost important need of the day. It is one of ways that by following Jain teachings and principles we can be able to establish equality of rights and peace in the contemporary world. So my research paper will be aptly related with the Congress main theme, the politics in the world of inequality. My paper is an interpretative study which is viewed from the socio-political dimension not from the religious or metaphysical point of view. 展开更多
Different Forms of Rationalities in Aristotle: From Being to Acting
作者 Nadir Antonio Pichler 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第1期27-32,共6页
Every philosophical system of Aristotle is structured around different forms of rationalities. Each form of rationality, according to its method, object, and purpose, seeks to apprehend and to know a specific dimensio... Every philosophical system of Aristotle is structured around different forms of rationalities. Each form of rationality, according to its method, object, and purpose, seeks to apprehend and to know a specific dimension of being, because being manifests itself in many ways, that is, the totality of reality. Yet, each form of understanding the being has its epistemological and ontological status, always anchored in the logic criteria. In general, the aim of the paper is to characterize some aspects of the main forms of rationalities in the thought of Aristotle, i.e., demonstrative, dialectic, physics, metaphysics, productive, and practices. But before that, succinctly, it is necessary to talk about the different dimensions of being and teleology. 展开更多
关键词 forms of rationales TELEOLOGY BEING
Nature and Culture Dualism: Genesis of an Obsolete Dichotomy
作者 Fábio Valenti Possamai 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第9期836-842,共7页
This paper will discuss the relation between the concepts of nature and culture and their intricate interdependency, focusing on modernity. Moreover, it will analyze the dichotomy that has historically emerged and its... This paper will discuss the relation between the concepts of nature and culture and their intricate interdependency, focusing on modernity. Moreover, it will analyze the dichotomy that has historically emerged and its implications. Human beings have had different conceptions about what is natural and what is non-natural throughout their history. Before Modernity we did not conceive nature as being a different ontological reality, we did not perceive it as being separated from us. After modernity everything changed, and we began to see nature as a mere object. Nature became, then, a representation, like a painting on a wall. Our contemporary world vision, Weltanschauung, was formed mainly during the 16th and 17th centuries. There was, at that time, a considerable change in the way we perceived and described the world. This new mentality and this new form of representing the cosmos provided the basis for our new way of thinking. They were the substrate upon which our modern paradigm was erected. The world's conversion in an image only became a reality thanks to technology. But this change happened only because of the paradigm shift originated in the 17th century. Technique always has been a way to articulate how (and what) we think. With the Greek, technique (technd) was, at first, an extension of the physis. Thus, the technique was a way of being instead of a way of thinking. After the paradigm shift in the 17th century (a metaphysical change, in the very way we connected to the world), the human being left his former place. Perhaps would be even better if we talked about nature and culture as being as a hybrid. What, at the source, was natural, through the flows of production and consumption, undergoes transformations and becomes something that is not natural anymore but, at the same time, not completely artificial either. Our world, once divided between the social and the natural, becomes a space where a constant process, a continuous flow, is constantly happening. From that dichotomy between something good and something bad arises a dialectic, in which we no longer can see any division whatsoever. 展开更多
Plato's Theory of the Intercommunion of Forms (∑υμπλοκη Еīδων): the Sophist 259, e4-6
作者 Alireza Saati 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第1期35-43,共9页
Plato's lifelong confrontation with Parmenides and his metaphysical mire of believing that nothing (το μη ǒν) does not actually exist, gradually in the Sophist comes into finish, insofar as the philosopher a... Plato's lifelong confrontation with Parmenides and his metaphysical mire of believing that nothing (το μη ǒν) does not actually exist, gradually in the Sophist comes into finish, insofar as the philosopher after facing the foe and having the last laugh simmers down. In this paper after giving an interpretation of what Parmenides says, I shall present an analysis of Plato's drastic answer to him (Sophist, 259 e4-6) to see how Plato opens the impasse way created by the Eleatic philosopher. Here the intercommunion of Forms is regarded as the final answer by which Plato devastates Parmenides infamous thesis. Since hitherto no in-depth analysis is given by the scholars who are puzzled with the subject, I have tried to analyze the intercommunion of Forms philosophically. Plato's Eleatic challenge has always been crucial in Plato himself and philosophical development after him. As while as Parmenides thesis (Sph., 238 a8-9) provides the sophists opportunity to reject the falsehood, Plato's theory of Forms in contrast in order to cross off the extremely sly sophists tries to make Parmenides come down. In my opinion, the intercommunion of Forms, as the last step of the theory of Forms, basically determines Plato's late ontology tightly knitted with logic. Vindicating this proposal depends on true understanding of the intercommunion of Forms. Since Plato's late ontology, in my opinion, is closed to Frege's ontology and discussion of language, we are armed to interpret the intercommunion of Forms with recent recent logico-philosophicus achievements, I think. In this respect, this is what I have done in my paper: analyzing sentence from Plato's logico-metaphysical point of view. Ultimately, I have tried to show how the aim of the intercommunion of Forms, which Plato himself states, is demonstrating the possibility of dialogue and discourse. This statement explicitly sets forward that the discussion is bound up with several logical approaches, according to which finally full bright light is shed on different implications of the subject such as universals. 展开更多
关键词 Form intercommunion of Forms sentence PREDICATION the verb "is" (εīναι) ontological glue
The Historical Forms of Materialism and the Philosophical Domain of Historical Materialism
作者 Yang Geng 《Social Sciences in China》 2017年第2期39-55,共17页
Natural materialism, humanistic materialism and historical materialism are the three historical forms of materialism. The "material" in historical materialism is a social thing which is "perceptible and imperceptib... Natural materialism, humanistic materialism and historical materialism are the three historical forms of materialism. The "material" in historical materialism is a social thing which is "perceptible and imperceptible by the senses" and connotes social relations; and the "history" in historical materialism is the realm in which contradictions between man and nature and between man and society are able to unfold, so historical materialism is "actually a critical view of the world" that inherently contains dialectics in a "rational form." The formulation of historical materialism opened a new path for the development of materialism and even philosophy as a whole. In the course of its critique of capitalist society, which unfolds with capital as a core category, historical materialism sublates abstract existence and discovers real social existence, thus putting an end to metaphysics, which is grounded in abstract ontology. 展开更多
关键词 historical materialism dialectical materialism PRACTICE ONTOLOGY METAPHYSICS
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