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《金匮要略论注》的学术思想和注释特点探析 被引量:1
作者 赵天才 《世界中西医结合杂志》 2007年第6期315-318,共4页
《金匮要略论注》是学习和研究《金匮要略》的重要参考著作之一。探讨分析其学术思想和注释特点主要有七个方面:先注后论,间以眉批,方法别具一格;援引《内经》,溯本探源,阐发仲景奥旨;博采众长,兼收并蓄,释疑解惑补阙;前后联系,融会贯通... 《金匮要略论注》是学习和研究《金匮要略》的重要参考著作之一。探讨分析其学术思想和注释特点主要有七个方面:先注后论,间以眉批,方法别具一格;援引《内经》,溯本探源,阐发仲景奥旨;博采众长,兼收并蓄,释疑解惑补阙;前后联系,融会贯通,析理透彻入微;注重鉴别,区分异同,辨证精益求精;解析方药,紧扣病机,义理昭然若揭;敢于质疑,直陈己见,而非人云亦云。 展开更多
关键词 《金匮要略》 《金匮要略论注 徐彬 学术思想 释特点
作者 李昕 龚谨 《河北中医》 2009年第6期928-929,共2页
关键词 《金匮要略论注 眉批
作者 梁曉虹 《文献语言学》 2017年第1期49-62,共14页
日本江户前期淨土宗學僧湛奕所撰《淨土論注音釋》是在參考前賢研究成果,特别是良忠《往生論注記》以及聖聰《往生論注記見聞》的基礎上,對北魏淨土高僧曇鸞所撰《淨土論注》加以整理研究而成。此書在日本已有刊印,但似乎尚未引起足够關... 日本江户前期淨土宗學僧湛奕所撰《淨土論注音釋》是在參考前賢研究成果,特别是良忠《往生論注記》以及聖聰《往生論注記見聞》的基礎上,對北魏淨土高僧曇鸞所撰《淨土論注》加以整理研究而成。此書在日本已有刊印,但似乎尚未引起足够關注,研究成果也很少見,海外學者知之者則更少。筆者希望通過對此音義的初步考論能夠引起學界,尤其是中國國内佛教文獻、文字音韻訓詁、古籍整理等領域學者的注意。因其不但可促進對《淨土論注》本身乃至淨土經典的研究,而且還可擴大文獻語言學的研究範圍。另外,作爲江户時代日僧的音義著作,其體例與内容,包括文獻徵引,自有其特色,對研究佛經音義在海外的發展具有一定的意義。 展开更多
关键词 淨土宗 淨土三經一論 淨土經音義 《淨土論 《淨土論音釋》 湛奕
浅谈《金匮要略论注》之注释特色 被引量:2
作者 楚海波 刘书琴 《国医论坛》 1996年第2期40-41,共2页
关键词 徐忠可 金匮要略论注
《金匮要略论注》简析 被引量:1
作者 徐春巍 陆瑞峰 叶进 《中医文献杂志》 2019年第1期5-8,共4页
关键词 金匮要略论注 解特点 徐彬 清代
黑水城出土西夏文《西方净土十疑论》略注本考释 被引量:1
作者 孙伯君 韩潇锐 《宁夏社会科学》 CSSCI 2012年第2期98-107,共10页
本文刊布了俄藏黑水城出土西夏文《西方净土十疑论》略注本的录文,指出此本是根据宋沙门澄或《净土十疑论注》翻译而成,并依照汉文本,对西夏文本进行了翻译和注释,目的是为西夏学界研读西夏语文以及佛学界研究净土宗在10—14世纪的传播... 本文刊布了俄藏黑水城出土西夏文《西方净土十疑论》略注本的录文,指出此本是根据宋沙门澄或《净土十疑论注》翻译而成,并依照汉文本,对西夏文本进行了翻译和注释,目的是为西夏学界研读西夏语文以及佛学界研究净土宗在10—14世纪的传播提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 《净土十疑论注 澄或 净土宗 西夏学
作者 陈微明 《气功》 2000年第1期24-26,共3页
一举动,周身俱要轻灵。不用后天之拙力,则周身自然轻灵。尤须贯串。贯串者,绵绵不断之谓也。不贯串则断,断则人乘虚而入。气宜鼓荡,神宜内敛。气鼓荡则无间,神内敛则不乱。无使有凸凹处,无使有断续处。有凹处,有凸处,有断时,有续时,此... 一举动,周身俱要轻灵。不用后天之拙力,则周身自然轻灵。尤须贯串。贯串者,绵绵不断之谓也。不贯串则断,断则人乘虚而入。气宜鼓荡,神宜内敛。气鼓荡则无间,神内敛则不乱。无使有凸凹处,无使有断续处。有凹处,有凸处,有断时,有续时,此皆未能圆满也。凹凸之处,易为人所制,... 展开更多
关键词 气功 太极拳 论注
作者 尹锡南 《南亚研究季刊》 CSSCI 2020年第2期62-68,100,I0003,共9页
印度古代梵语文艺理论家新护是《舞论》的注疏者,其《舞论注》是流传至今的唯一注疏。新护对婆罗多戏剧味论的阐释,是梵语文艺理论史上极富创新色彩的一次总结。新护对味、群舞、刚舞基本动作、微分音、神乐等剧、乐、舞重要范畴的话语... 印度古代梵语文艺理论家新护是《舞论》的注疏者,其《舞论注》是流传至今的唯一注疏。新护对婆罗多戏剧味论的阐释,是梵语文艺理论史上极富创新色彩的一次总结。新护对味、群舞、刚舞基本动作、微分音、神乐等剧、乐、舞重要范畴的话语阐释,对后人理解《舞论》颇有帮助。《舞论注》在梵语文艺理论承前启后方面作出了杰出的历史贡献。 展开更多
关键词 新护 《舞论注 婆罗多 《舞论》
作者 汪泳涛 《上海中医药杂志》 北大核心 1996年第10期36-37,共2页
关键词 徐彬 金匮要略 论注
承淡安六经病针灸治疗学术思想研究 被引量:2
作者 王杰 李孝波 《世界中西医结合杂志》 2014年第4期351-353,共3页
承淡安先生为近代中医针灸大师,一生致力于发扬针术,甚至把复兴针灸事业和民族复兴放在等同的高度来躬耕实践。《伤寒论新注———附针灸治疗法》一书,是承淡安先生临床针药并用思想的代表作。该书开针灸补注伤寒条文之先河,使后学者有... 承淡安先生为近代中医针灸大师,一生致力于发扬针术,甚至把复兴针灸事业和民族复兴放在等同的高度来躬耕实践。《伤寒论新注———附针灸治疗法》一书,是承淡安先生临床针药并用思想的代表作。该书开针灸补注伤寒条文之先河,使后学者有准则可循,是一本难得的经典著作。笔者研究了"伤寒六经病"针灸疗法的理论基础和临床治疗规律,总结提炼了《伤寒论》部分症状针灸治疗的理论基础和临床治疗规律。 展开更多
关键词 承淡安 《伤寒论新 学术思想
作者 曾和义宏 李玉梅 《佛学研究》 CSSCI 2018年第2期114-118,共5页
一、前言日本净土宗是在圆满完成在传宗传戒道场(加行)的修行即满行后才能成为一名合格的净土宗僧侣。在道场传授两个内容,即相当于净土宗教义的宗脉和以圆顿戒为代表的戒脉。这一制度是由净土宗第七祖了誉圣囧(1341-1420,以下简称圣囧... 一、前言日本净土宗是在圆满完成在传宗传戒道场(加行)的修行即满行后才能成为一名合格的净土宗僧侣。在道场传授两个内容,即相当于净土宗教义的宗脉和以圆顿戒为代表的戒脉。这一制度是由净土宗第七祖了誉圣囧(1341-1420,以下简称圣囧)制定的。圣囧确立了五重相传的次第,即法然所作的《往生记》(初重)、圣光所作的《末代念佛授手印》(二重,以下简称《授手印》)、良忠的《领解末代念佛授手印钞》(三重,以下简称《领解钞》)、良忠的《决答授手印疑问抄》(四重,以下简称《决答抄》)、昙鸾的《往生论註》中的口授心传(五重)。 展开更多
关键词 净土三部经 往生要集 善导大师 净土宗 《往生论注
作者 妙弘 《浙江佛教》 2005年第1期48-48,共1页
六年前盛夏的一天下午,我突然感到腰部和腹部越来越胀痛,周身虚脱乏力,冷汗淋漓,心跳极快。家人急忙扶我乘车住进四川省军区医院。一检查,体温39.5℃,血压120/210毫米汞柱,B超发现脾和胰腺异常肿大,很快确诊为急性胰腺炎。急... 六年前盛夏的一天下午,我突然感到腰部和腹部越来越胀痛,周身虚脱乏力,冷汗淋漓,心跳极快。家人急忙扶我乘车住进四川省军区医院。一检查,体温39.5℃,血压120/210毫米汞柱,B超发现脾和胰腺异常肿大,很快确诊为急性胰腺炎。急性胰腺炎是死亡率很高的重病,有的医生提出要下病危通知书。 展开更多
关键词 佛教 净土法门 《往生论注 《弥陀要解》
Mechanism of grout bulb expansion and its effect on ground uplifting 被引量:8
作者 章敏 王星华 汪优 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期874-880,共7页
In order to study the uplifting effect of compensation grouting on ground surface and the upper structures,the ground heave induced by stratum expansion was considered as a stochastic process and the stochastic medium... In order to study the uplifting effect of compensation grouting on ground surface and the upper structures,the ground heave induced by stratum expansion was considered as a stochastic process and the stochastic medium theory was applied to determine the heave and deformation of ground surface under uniform and non-uniform expansion models of spherical grout bulb.The corresponding calculating formulas and simplified methods were derived based on the hypotheses of radial expansion.Then,a numerical model,in which radial velocity was imposed on the outer nodes of grout bulb to simulate the expansion process reaching a required volume strain,was established simultaneously.This new method avoids repeated trial calculation needed in the traditional method which applies a "fictitious" expanding pressure in the grouting elements.The results show that the numerical solutions have good consistency with the theoretical ones.Meanwhile,though the heave resulting from non-uniform expansion is larger than that from uniform expansion for shallow grouting,both of them tend to be convergent with the increasing of grouting depth. 展开更多
关键词 GROUTING ground surface uplifting stochastic medium theory numerical simulation
Surface mining subsidence control based on grouting-recovery ratio theory 被引量:1
作者 WANG Su-hua FU Zhi-liang GAO Yan-fa 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第2期135-139,共5页
From an analysis of the relationships of grouting coefficients under the conditions of grouting reducing subsidence, it is concluded that the reducing subsidence rate is in direct proportion to the grouting-recovery r... From an analysis of the relationships of grouting coefficients under the conditions of grouting reducing subsidence, it is concluded that the reducing subsidence rate is in direct proportion to the grouting-recovery ratio, and its proportional coefficient depends on the coefficient of reducing subsidence and collapsing coefficient.The coefficient for reducing subsidence volume φ=ΔV/V_(ash) is related to overburden lithology.The coefficient for reducing subsidence volume φ is always larger than 1.This improves the reducing subsidence rate,the grouting-recovery ratio, and the coefficient for reducing subsidence volume, which can maximize the control of surface subsidence. 展开更多
关键词 coefficient for reducing subsidence volume collapsing volume coefficient grouting-recovery ratio fly ash
Remarks on Definitions of Perturbation in General Relativity
作者 HE Ping 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期375-377,共3页
There are two kinds of definitions of perturbation of physical quantities in the framework of general relativity: one is direct, the other is geometrical. Correspondingly, there are two types of gauge transformation ... There are two kinds of definitions of perturbation of physical quantities in the framework of general relativity: one is direct, the other is geometrical. Correspondingly, there are two types of gauge transformation related with these two definitions. The passive approach is based on the property of general covariance, and the active one is through the action of Lie-derivative. Although under a proper coordinate choice, the two approaches seem to agree with each other, they are different in nature. The geometrical definition of relativistic perturbation and the active approach for gauge transformation are more rigorous in mathematics and less confusing in physical explanation. The direct definition, however, seems to be plagued with difficulties in physical meaning, and the passive approach is more awkward to use, especially for high-order gauge transformations. 展开更多
关键词 general relativistic perturbation gauge transformation active and passive approach
Prediction of ground surface displacement caused by grouting 被引量:3
作者 郭风琪 刘晓潭 +1 位作者 童无期 单智 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期3564-3570,共7页
Ground surface displacement caused by grouting was calculated with stochastic medium theory. Ground surface displacement was assumed to be caused by the cavity expansion of grouting, slurry seepage, and slurry contrac... Ground surface displacement caused by grouting was calculated with stochastic medium theory. Ground surface displacement was assumed to be caused by the cavity expansion of grouting, slurry seepage, and slurry contraction. A prediction method of ground surface displacement was developed. The reliability of the presented method was validated through a comparison between theoretical results and results from engineering practice. Results show that the present method is effective. The effect of parameters on uplift displacement was illustrated under different grouting conditions. Through analysis, it can be known that the ground surface uplift is mainly caused by osmosis of slurry and the primary influence angle of stratum β determines the influence range of surface uplift. Besides, the results show that ground surface uplift displacement decreases notably with increasing depth of the grouting cavity but it increases with increasing diffusion radius of grout and increasing grouting pressure. 展开更多
关键词 GROUTING ground surface displacement stochastic medium theory SEEPAGE slurry solidification shrinkage
Development and Application of the 2D Relativistic Fokker-Planck Package
作者 LONG Yongxing JIAO Yiming DONG Jiaqi SHI Bingren WANG Aike ZHANG Jinhua LI Wenzhong 《Southwestern Institute of Physics Annual Report》 2004年第1期122-124,共3页
The Fokker Planck package which without the relativity effect has been developed in 2002. The package with relativity effect, which induced from Italy, is now developed. It conrains relativity effect, and is bounce a... The Fokker Planck package which without the relativity effect has been developed in 2002. The package with relativity effect, which induced from Italy, is now developed. It conrains relativity effect, and is bounce averaged. It can deal with such as the trapping effect, wave heating, neutral beam injecting, and particle losses. It is very useful for our HL-2A experimental results analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Bounce averaged Numerical code Trapping electron effect
作者 夏淑文 胡俊霞 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2004年第2期40-43,共4页
In the present paper, the authors make a simple comment on the influence of the theory of five elements of TCM on the acupuncturology from ① its influence on the meridian-collateral theory and acupoint system; ② its... In the present paper, the authors make a simple comment on the influence of the theory of five elements of TCM on the acupuncturology from ① its influence on the meridian-collateral theory and acupoint system; ② its influence on acu-moxibustion therapeutics including the application of mother and son points for reinforcing and reducing, the application of the five element theory to the midnight-noon ebb-flow needling, and guiding point selection in different seasons; and ③ its influence on acupuncture techniques. 展开更多
关键词 Five element theory Meridian-collateral theory Acupoint system Acu-moxibustion therapeutics
A Remark on General Solution for Motion of Relativistic Strings in Minkowski Space ■^(1+n)
作者 WANG Zeng-Gui 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第11期914-918,共5页
This note concerns the motion of relativistic strings in the Minkowski space R^(1+n).We rederive the generalsolution formula in closed form for the equation for the motion of relativistic string.Our method is differen... This note concerns the motion of relativistic strings in the Minkowski space R^(1+n).We rederive the generalsolution formula in closed form for the equation for the motion of relativistic string.Our method is different completelyfrom others. 展开更多
关键词 SPACE-TIME the equations for the motion of relativistic string general solution formula
晚清汉宋兼采思潮中的《论语》诠释——以《论语后案》对《论语集注》的吸收与批评为例 被引量:3
作者 肖永明 陈峰 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期32-42,共11页
黄式三是晚清汉宋兼采思潮中的代表人物。其《论语后案》"不分汉宋",于朱熹《论语集注》甚为措意,既肯定了朱熹论"学"的思想倾向、贬斥异端的学派主张,又对朱熹的天理观、人性论、道德论等方面加以批评与修正。《... 黄式三是晚清汉宋兼采思潮中的代表人物。其《论语后案》"不分汉宋",于朱熹《论语集注》甚为措意,既肯定了朱熹论"学"的思想倾向、贬斥异端的学派主张,又对朱熹的天理观、人性论、道德论等方面加以批评与修正。《论语后案》对《论语集注》的吸收与批评,既体现了黄式三对宋学的"依违"之态,折射了黄式三通过诠释义理概念以"重构"新学术体系的思想主张,亦可展现汉宋兼采学术理念在《论语》诠释中的具体落实,成为研究汉宋兼采学术思潮演进的鲜活个案。 展开更多
关键词 汉宋兼采 黄式三 朱熹 《论语后案》 《论语集
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