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作者 茅于轼 《潜科学》 1993年第2期32-35,共4页
关键词 科学研究 论理观 演进 经济发展
作者 汪芏嘉 《宁德师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第3期71-74,共4页
1980年代作家苇岸由于时代的过近,对他的研究在其生前还未展开。而自1999年其逝世后,伴随着生态批评在中国的兴起,对于苇岸的研究逐渐开始,主要集中于对于他个人及作品中的生态伦理观研究,目前已开始形成完整理论趋近成熟。但对于他作... 1980年代作家苇岸由于时代的过近,对他的研究在其生前还未展开。而自1999年其逝世后,伴随着生态批评在中国的兴起,对于苇岸的研究逐渐开始,主要集中于对于他个人及作品中的生态伦理观研究,目前已开始形成完整理论趋近成熟。但对于他作品中的艺术特色以及前期六年诗歌创作的研究还仍处于起步阶段。所以整体研究还处于不平衡状态,仍待后世学者开发。 展开更多
关键词 苇岸 生态论理观 整体研究
The correction of diurnal effects on CSTAR photometry 被引量:3
作者 Song-Hu Wang Xu Zhou +7 位作者 Hui Zhang Ji-Lin Zhou Hui-Gen Liu Ze-Yang Meng Jun Ma Tian-Meng Zhang Zhou Fan Hu Zou 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期345-356,共12页
In January, 2008 the Chinese Small Telescope ARray (CSTAR) was suc-cessfully deployed at Dome A, Antarctica. Because CSTAR consists of four static14.5 cm telescopes pointing at the same 4.5° x 4.5° field a... In January, 2008 the Chinese Small Telescope ARray (CSTAR) was suc-cessfully deployed at Dome A, Antarctica. Because CSTAR consists of four static14.5 cm telescopes pointing at the same 4.5° x 4.5° field around the south celestialpole, diurnal motion can be seen in its field of view. The stars are centered at differentpositions in different exposure frames. During four months of continuous observationsduring the polar night of 2008, about 0.3 million/-band images were obtained. In thelatest version of the released photometric catalog, the effects of diurnal motion of thestars on the static CSTAR optical system can be obviously found. In this work, weupdate the CSTAR catalog by carefully analyzing and correcting the systematic errorscaused by diurnal motion of stars on imperfectly flat-fielded frames. 展开更多
Spacecraft Doppler tracking with possible violations of LLI and LPI: a theoretical modeling 被引量:1
作者 Xue-Mei Deng Yi Xie 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期319-328,共10页
Currently two-way and three-way spacecraft Doppler tracking techniquesare widely used and play important roles in control and navigation of deep space mis-sions. Starting from a one-way Doppler model, we extend the th... Currently two-way and three-way spacecraft Doppler tracking techniquesare widely used and play important roles in control and navigation of deep space mis-sions. Starting from a one-way Doppler model, we extend the theory to two-way andthree-way Doppler models by making them include possible violations of the localLorentz invariance (LLI) and the local position invariance (LPI) in order to test theEinstein equivalence principle, which is the cornerstone of general relativity and allother metric theories of gravity. After taking the finite speed of light into account,which is the so-called light time solution (LTS), we make these models depend on thetime of reception of the signal only for practical convenience. We find that possibleviolations of LLI and LPI cannot affect two-way Doppler tracking under a linear ap-proximation of LTS, although this approximation is sufficiently good for most cases inthe solar system. We also show that, in three-way Doppler tracking, possible violationsof LLI and LPI are only associated with two stations, which suggests that it is betterto set the stations at places with significant differences in velocities and gravitationalpotentials to obtain a high level of sensitivity for the tests. 展开更多
Observations of counter-propagating Alfvénic and compressive fluctuations in the chromosphere
作者 Zi-Xu Liu Jian-Sen He Li-Mei Yan 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期299-310,共12页
Recent observations have found that chromospheric spicules behave likeAlfvenic fluctuations. Low-frequency Alfven waves are predicted to partially reflectin the transition region that has a gradient in the Alfven spee... Recent observations have found that chromospheric spicules behave likeAlfvenic fluctuations. Low-frequency Alfven waves are predicted to partially reflectin the transition region that has a gradient in the Alfven speed, thereby producinginward Alfven waves, which may interact nonlinearly with outward Alfven wavesto generate Alfv6nic turbulence. However, the signature of Alfvenic turbulence in thechromosphere has not yet been quantitatively analyzed with observations. Here we an-alyze some characteristics related to Alfv6nic turbulence with the observations fromHinode/SOT. We decompose the height-time diagram of the transverse oscillationsto separate the outward and inward propagating Alfvenic-like signals. The counter-propagating waves are found to have similar amplitude, period and phase speed, sug-gesting a state having an approximate balance in bi-directional energy fluxes. Counter-propagation of intensity oscillation with lower propagation speed is also presented,probably indicating the presence of slow mode waves. Moreover, we attempt to esti-mate the Elseisser spectra of the chromospheric turbulence for the first time. The rela-tive fluctuations in the magnetic field may be measured as the local slope of wave-likeshapes in spicules. The resulting low-frequency Elsaisser power spectra look similarto each other without showing a dominant population, which confirms these counter-propagating low-frequency Alfv6nic waves are in a state of balanced flux. These obser-vational results are believed to help us better understand the nature of chromosphericturbulence as well as chromospheric heating. 展开更多
Comparison of three filters in asteroid-based autonomous navigation
作者 Wen Cui Kai-Jian Zhu 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期329-344,共16页
At present, optical autonomous navigation has become a key technologyin deep space exploration programs. Recent studies focus on the problem of orbit de-termination using autonomous navigation, and the choice of filte... At present, optical autonomous navigation has become a key technologyin deep space exploration programs. Recent studies focus on the problem of orbit de-termination using autonomous navigation, and the choice of filter is one of the mainissues. To prepare for a possible exploration mission to Mars, the primary emphasisof this paper is to evaluate the capability of three filters, the extended Kalman filter(EKF), unscented Kalman filter (UKF) and weighted least-squares (WLS) algorithm,which have different initial states during the cruise phase. One initial state is assumedto have high accuracy with the support of ground tracking when autonomous navi-gation is operating; for the other state, errors are set to be large without this support.In addition, the method of selecting asteroids that can be used for navigation fromknown lists of asteroids to form a sequence is also presented in this study. The simula-tion results show that WLS and UKF should be the first choice for optical autonomousnavigation during the cruise phase to Mars. 展开更多
Non-thermal emissions from accreting X-ray binary pulsars
作者 Jian-Fu Zhang Hui Jin Ai-Jun Dong 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期285-298,共14页
We study non-thermal emissions from cascade processes in accreting X-raybinary pulsars. In the framework of the magnetospheric gap model, we consider threephoton fields, which are respectively from the polar cap of a ... We study non-thermal emissions from cascade processes in accreting X-raybinary pulsars. In the framework of the magnetospheric gap model, we consider threephoton fields, which are respectively from the polar cap of a pulsar, its surroundingaccretion disk and a massive companion star with a circumstellar disk, to shield thegap. The gap-accelerated ultra-relativistic electrons emit high-energy photons via cur-vature radiation and an inverse Compton scattering process, in which part of thesehigh-energy photons absorbed by interactions with the surrounding photon fields canfacilitate the following electromagnetic cascades. We first carry out numerical calcula-tions of the cascade processes in order to obtain the predicted emission spectra. As anexample, we subsequently apply this model to reproduce observations of LS I +61~303. We find that the results can fit observations ranging from hard X-ray to γ-raybands, In particular, they can explain the spectral cutoff feature at a few GeV. Finally,we suggest that the emissions detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope from X-raybinary pulsars originate in the magnetosphere region of the pulsar. 展开更多
A possible precessing nozzle and the Lense-Thirring effect in blazar 3C 454.3
作者 Shan-Jie Qian S.Britzen +3 位作者 A.Witzel T.P.Krichbaum Heng-Qian Gan Long Gao 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期249-274,共26页
The kinematics of superluminal components in blazar 3C 454.3 are studied.Nine components are included: superluminal knots R1, R2, R3, R4, A, B, C and D(from Britzen et al. 2013) and C4 (from Pauliny-Toth 1998). W... The kinematics of superluminal components in blazar 3C 454.3 are studied.Nine components are included: superluminal knots R1, R2, R3, R4, A, B, C and D(from Britzen et al. 2013) and C4 (from Pauliny-Toth 1998). We find that their kine-matics derived from VLBI observations can be consistently interpreted in terms of ajet precession scenario with a period of about 14.5 yr. We discuss the model fits oftheir trajectory, distance from the core and apparent velocity. We show that the bulkLorentz factor (in the range 4 to 15) derived for these components does not have anydependence on the phase of the precession (or position angle for ejection). The Lense-Thirring effect is assumed to interpret the precession of the jet nozzle. The resultsobtained for blazar 3C 454.3 are only suggestive. They are not unique and have yet tobe tested, but they might be useful for understanding the kinematics of superluminalcomponents in blazars and for disentangling different mechanisms and factors. 展开更多
Isospin violation in the d(n,γ)3Hprocess at energies relevant forbig bang nucleosynthesis
作者 Hossein Sadeghi Hassan Khalili Mojtaba Godarzi 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期357-366,共10页
The cross section for a neutron-deuteron (nd) radiative capture is calcu-lated using the pionless effective field theory including isospin symmetry breaking(ISB) corrections up to higher order. The triton is studi... The cross section for a neutron-deuteron (nd) radiative capture is calcu-lated using the pionless effective field theory including isospin symmetry breaking(ISB) corrections up to higher order. The triton is studied as a three-body bound stateand one has to take into account various ISB effects, relativistic corrections and ex-ternal electromagnetic currents. The isospin violation in nd radiative capture is im-proved compared to the one at NLO and N2LO. The cross section is determined to beσtot = [0.505 ± 0.003] mb up to N2LO. A satisfactory agreement between theory andexperiment for the calculated cross section has been found by insertion of three-bodyforces and ISB effects. 展开更多
Formation of cyanoallene(buta-2, 3-dienenitrile) in the interstellar medium: a quantum chemical and spectroscopic study
作者 Amresh Singh Shivani +1 位作者 Alka Misra Poonam Tandon 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期275-284,共10页
The interstellar medium, filling the vast space between stars, is a rich reser-voir of molecular material ranging from simple diatomic molecules to more com-plex, astrobiologically important molecules such as vinylcya... The interstellar medium, filling the vast space between stars, is a rich reser-voir of molecular material ranging from simple diatomic molecules to more com-plex, astrobiologically important molecules such as vinylcyanide, methylcyanodiac-cetylene, cyanoaUene, etc. Interstellar molecular cyanoallene is one of the most stableisomers of methylcynoacetylene. An attempt has been made to explore the possibilityof forming cyanoallene in interstellar space by radical-radical and radical-moleculeinteraction schemes in the gaseous phase. The formation of cyanoallene starting fromsome simple, neutral interstellar molecules and radicals has been studied using densityfunctional theory. The reaction energies and structures of the reactants and productsshow that the formation of cyanoallene is possible in the gaseous phase. Both of theconsidered reaction paths are totally exothermic and barrierless, thus giving rise to ahigh probability of occurrence. Rate constants for each step in the formation processof cyanoallene in both the reaction paths are estimated. A full vibrational analysishas been attempted for cyanoallene in the harmonic and anharmonic approximations.Anharmonic spectroscopic parameters such as rotational constants, rotation-vibrationcoupling constants and centrifugal distortion constants have been calculated. 展开更多
Reduced transition probabilities for 4He radiative capturereactions at astrophysical energies
作者 Hossein Sadeghi Reza Ghasemi 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期367-372,共6页
The reduced transition probabilities from an electric quadrupole B(E2) andreduced transition probabilities from a magnetic dipole B(M1) between the groundstate and the first excited state have been calculated for ... The reduced transition probabilities from an electric quadrupole B(E2) andreduced transition probabilities from a magnetic dipole B(M1) between the groundstate and the first excited state have been calculated for the 3He(α,γ)7Be, 8Be(α,γ)12cand 12C(α,γ)160 radiative capture reactions with the M3Y potential. These reactionsare important in stellar evolution. The calculated B(M1) and B(E2) for 7Be nuclei arefound to be 1.082 x 10-3 e2 fm2 and 1.921 e2 fma from transitions 3/2- to 1/2-, re-spectively. The obtained values for reduced transition probabilities B(E2) for the 12Cand 160 nuclei from transitions 0+ to 2+ are 12.54 e2 fm4 and 14.18 e2 fm4, respec-tively. The results are in satisfactory agreement with available experimental data. 展开更多
Detection of large color variation in the potentially hazardous asteroid(297274) 1996 SK
作者 Chien-Hsien Lin Wing-Huen Ip +2 位作者 Zhong-Yi Lin Fumi Yoshida Yu-Chi Cheng 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期311-318,共8页
Low-inclination near-earth asteroid (NEA) (297274) 1996 SK, which isalso classified as a potentially hazardous asteroid, has a highly eccentric orbit. Itwas studied by multi-wavelength photometry within the framew... Low-inclination near-earth asteroid (NEA) (297274) 1996 SK, which isalso classified as a potentially hazardous asteroid, has a highly eccentric orbit. Itwas studied by multi-wavelength photometry within the framework of an NEA colorsurvey at Lulin Observatory. Here, we report the finding of large color variationacross the surface of (297274) 1996 SK within one asteroidal rotation period of4.656 ± 0.122 hours and classify it as an S-type asteroid according to its averagecolors ofB - V = 0.767 ± 0.033, V - R = 0.482 ± 0.021, V - I = 0.801 ± 0.025and the corresponding relative reflectance spectrum. These results might be indica-tive of differential space weathering or compositional inhomogeneity in the surfacematerials. 展开更多
远程教育的宏观理论 被引量:51
作者 丁兴富 《中国远程教育》 北大核心 2001年第1期20-24,共5页
本文在简述远程教育和开放学习这两个核心概念的基础上,探讨国内外远程教育研究工作者在建立远程教育的普遍理论体系、远程教育的发展动力基础理论、远程教育的工业化理论、三代信息技术和三代远程教育的理论等宏观理论方面的探索及其... 本文在简述远程教育和开放学习这两个核心概念的基础上,探讨国内外远程教育研究工作者在建立远程教育的普遍理论体系、远程教育的发展动力基础理论、远程教育的工业化理论、三代信息技术和三代远程教育的理论等宏观理论方面的探索及其部分成果。这些理论体系既反映了对远程教育的内在本质和发展规律的认识,又总结得出了远程教育与其所处社会环境相互关系的某些规律性认识,为构建未来比较完整的远程教育宏观理论提供了有益的借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 远程教育 开放学习 理论 工业化理论 三代远程教育
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