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文化镜像中的后现代人类学与中国人类学的认知论革命 被引量:1
作者 袁年兴 彭旖旎 《云南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期132-138,187,共8页
后现代人类学的认知论问题长期被学界的方法论视角遮蔽。从他者的"文化之镜"到"镜中之我",后现代人类学并没有逃离与"他者"在双重想象中的僵化状态。处于世界话语体系边缘地带的中国人类学,从一开始就借... 后现代人类学的认知论问题长期被学界的方法论视角遮蔽。从他者的"文化之镜"到"镜中之我",后现代人类学并没有逃离与"他者"在双重想象中的僵化状态。处于世界话语体系边缘地带的中国人类学,从一开始就借助西方人类学的镜像符号在行动和参与中自我发现和自我关照。当代中国人类学以一种世界的眼光和人类整体性的认知立场,超越了西方人类学二元对立的认知模式以及以西方为中心的文化镜像困境,这无疑开启了人类学的一种新境界——如何在人类作为一种整体性的意义存在中,重构人类学为作为一门为人类社会谋福祉的学科本质。尤其是在"人类命运共同体"的话语背景下,当代中国人类学无疑开启了世界人类学的新纪元。 展开更多
关键词 文化镜像 后现代人类学 认知论革命
作者 许勇为 金延 《宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第1期37-41,共5页
由柏拉图、亚里士多德开创的传统本体论的基本思想模式是:首先,设定一个超越性本体作为一切现实存在及其意义的根据和原则;然后,通过理性思辨之路来实现对"本体"的认知。在克尔凯郭尔的个体生存论中,他用概念"无"... 由柏拉图、亚里士多德开创的传统本体论的基本思想模式是:首先,设定一个超越性本体作为一切现实存在及其意义的根据和原则;然后,通过理性思辨之路来实现对"本体"的认知。在克尔凯郭尔的个体生存论中,他用概念"无"取消并超越了传统本体论对一切绝对本体的设定,从而敞开一个"无"的"空场";用"间接交往"说否定了理性认知路线对"主观真理"的把握。这样,传统本体论的基本构架被彻底瓦解。克尔凯郭尔对传统本体论进行的这场生存论革命开启了一种哲学新视角。 展开更多
关键词 克尔凯郭尔 个体生存论 本体论 生存论革命
作者 马里安 蒋泉源 +4 位作者 罗跃进 王珂 欧阳柏林 吴昌荣 陈永元 《江西社会科学》 CSSCI 1993年第10期33-38,共6页
安源煤矿座落在湘赣边界、罗霄山脉北段的江西省萍乡市境内。这里采煤虽有上千年的历史,但作为一个近代大企业,是从十九世纪末开始的。在这块燃烧着革命烈火的热土上,20世纪20年代初,毛泽东曾九次到安源撒播革命火种,培养革命精神,并结... 安源煤矿座落在湘赣边界、罗霄山脉北段的江西省萍乡市境内。这里采煤虽有上千年的历史,但作为一个近代大企业,是从十九世纪末开始的。在这块燃烧着革命烈火的热土上,20世纪20年代初,毛泽东曾九次到安源撒播革命火种,培养革命精神,并结出了丰硕果实。在纪念毛泽东诞辰100周年的时候,我们踏着毛泽东当年到安源的足迹,再一次认识中国革命建设和改革的主体力量,意义无比深刻。 展开更多
关键词 安源 湘赣边界 革命精神 罗霄山脉 秋收暴动 革命建设 论革命 江西省萍乡市 革命政变 武装起义
作者 徐银山 《社会科学论坛》 1994年第2期20-22,共3页
关键词 革命初期 论革命 党的基本路线 历史飞跃 社会主义历史 思想路线 革命领导权 民主主义革命 世界眼光 阶级斗争为纲
作者 许振田 《长春师范学院学报》 1996年第1期37-43,共7页
关键词 关于大众文艺 论革命 文学主张 法捷耶夫 政治观点 《子夜》 阶级关系 文艺创作 马雅可夫斯基 中国现代社会
作者 陸任功 《前线》 1959年第4期3-5,共3页
北京市和全国一样,广大群众鼓足干劲,在一九五八年取得了很大的跃进。今年我们还要争取更大,更好,更全面的跃进。这在客观上是可能的么?是完全可能的,因为今年有比去年更加有利的条件:由于去年的大跃进,高速度的发展已经成为许多人的习... 北京市和全国一样,广大群众鼓足干劲,在一九五八年取得了很大的跃进。今年我们还要争取更大,更好,更全面的跃进。这在客观上是可能的么?是完全可能的,因为今年有比去年更加有利的条件:由于去年的大跃进,高速度的发展已经成为许多人的习惯,今年一开始。 展开更多
关键词 八年 论革命 革命热情 反右派 革命工作 保守主义者 合成体 起群 工厂制 人类世界
论革命文学中的三个核心悖论 被引量:2
作者 李跃力 《现代中国文化与文学》 CSSCI 2015年第2期166-178,共13页
革命文学这一概念实际上是一个充满了矛盾与悖论的综合体,其间歧义丛生,外延与内涵都十分模糊。在首倡之时,革命文学的界定就几乎人言人殊,且颇多相互对立之处②。某种意义上,对革命文学这一概念的界定,成为现代文坛争夺话语权的有效方... 革命文学这一概念实际上是一个充满了矛盾与悖论的综合体,其间歧义丛生,外延与内涵都十分模糊。在首倡之时,革命文学的界定就几乎人言人殊,且颇多相互对立之处②。某种意义上,对革命文学这一概念的界定,成为现代文坛争夺话语权的有效方式。历时地看,革命文学这一概念几经流变,其内涵与外延更是不断扩张与压缩,至《延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》(以下简称《讲话》)始。 展开更多
关键词 人言人殊 文艺大众化 思想改造 现代文坛 论革命 延安文艺座谈会 《讲话》 历史主体 知识主体 延安
论革命的法理学 被引量:2
作者 高全喜 《北京大学研究生学志》 2010年第1期1-7,共7页
关键词 政治国家 论革命 法学思考 宪法学 神义论 现代法理学 REVOLUTION 一本 利维坦 理论路径
作者 埃里克·切斯特 薛刚 《世界经济与政治论坛》 1988年第4期34-38,共5页
引言人们常常认为,对于社会民主党人在其后期年代拒绝在那些具有民主选举和民主保护措施传统的国家中采用革命斗争手段,马克思恩格斯是负有责任的。而那些坚持认为马克思恩格斯依然信奉采用革命手段的人,在提出他们的论点时,其方式则不... 引言人们常常认为,对于社会民主党人在其后期年代拒绝在那些具有民主选举和民主保护措施传统的国家中采用革命斗争手段,马克思恩格斯是负有责任的。而那些坚持认为马克思恩格斯依然信奉采用革命手段的人,在提出他们的论点时,其方式则不够完善,缺乏说服力。本文试图弥补这个缺陷。要完整理解马克思恩格斯论述向社会主义过渡的观点,必须把这些观点与马克思恩格斯同左的倾向特别是同布朗基、巴枯宁的左倾观点所进行的持续辩论联系起来进行考察。此外,在我看来。 展开更多
关键词 布朗基主义 巴枯宁 社会民主党人 革命暴力 国家政权 革命斗争 负有责任 胜利以后 保护措施 论革命
作者 简究岸 《观察与思考》 2002年第2期38-39,37,共3页
关键词 章太炎 驳康有为论革命 《驳康有为书》 《苏报》 爱国学社 中国教育会 邹容
Acting and Thinking as a Revolutionary Organ: The Case of the French Review Socialisme ou Barbarie (1948-1965)
作者 Christophe Premat 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第9期499-511,共13页
The aim of the article is to analyze the evolution of a radical left group in France that created a scission inside the Fourth International after World War II. The group founded a review Socialisme ou Barbarie that c... The aim of the article is to analyze the evolution of a radical left group in France that created a scission inside the Fourth International after World War II. The group founded a review Socialisme ou Barbarie that criticized Marxism and the Trotskyist interpretation of the status of the USSR. The rigorous description of this review reveals the mixture of strong theoretical views on bureaucratic societies and empirical investigations of reactions against those societies. The hypothesis is that this group failed to be a new political force. As a matter of fact, is it possible to depict the evolution of Socialisme ou Barbarie as an investigative journalism based on a strong political and philosophical theory? 展开更多
关键词 Bureaucratic societies Sovietologist investigative journalism Socialisme ou Barbarie Castoriadis political periodicals
Paradigm Shifts in Translation Studies: Focus on Linguistic, Cultural, Social and Psychological Turns
作者 Hosni Mostafa El-daly 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第5期369-386,共18页
Translation has been the subject of a variety of research and conflicts among theorists. This fact that gives Thomas Samuel Kuhn's paradigm theory is pertinent to the present study. Kuhn is an American philosopher of... Translation has been the subject of a variety of research and conflicts among theorists. This fact that gives Thomas Samuel Kuhn's paradigm theory is pertinent to the present study. Kuhn is an American philosopher of Science. In his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, he proposes his paradigm theory which plays a great role in the development of sociology and philosophy of Science. According to Kuhn (1970), paradigm originates from one or some famous people's achievements, and for these achievements to be considered as paradigms, two major characteristics must be met as will be clarified in this paper. This study is an attempt to outline the scope of the disciplines of Translation Studies (TS), to give some indication of the kind of work that has been done so far. It is an attempt to demonstrate that TS is a discipline in its own right. It is a vastly complex field with many far-reaching ramifications. This study discusses the relationships between the changing definitions of translation and the turns of translation studies. 展开更多
关键词 linguistic turn cultural turn social and psychological turn
Interpreting Kuhn's Incommensurability-Thesis: Its Different Meanings and Epistemological Consequences
作者 Dirk-Martin Grube 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第5期377-397,共21页
Kuhn's incommensurability-thesis is crucial for consequences for the pursuit of epistemology. A interpreting his views on the development of science and their commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the publication ... Kuhn's incommensurability-thesis is crucial for consequences for the pursuit of epistemology. A interpreting his views on the development of science and their commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the publication of the original version of Kuhn's epoch-making book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (henceforth: SSR) should thus provide a thorough reflection on this thesis. However, this thesis is not easy to interpret. It is not only complex in itself but has also undergone a historical development--in Kuhn's own hands and in those of his interpreters. In this article, I sort out the different interpretations of it, in particular, in Part A. In Part B, I demonstrate their epistemological consequences. Under closer scrutiny, Kuhn's incommensurability-thesis contains several sub-theses Different senses of "incommensurability" thus need to be distinguished. However, the way in which those distinctions are drawn in Kuhn-scholarship differs. In paragraph I of Part A, I provide an overview of the reception of the incommensurability-thesis in Kuhn-scholarship. In Paragraph II, I trace its development in Kuhn's later writings: given its importance and contested nature, Kuhn later clarifies his original thesis. Those later clarifications' main function consists in domesticating the most radically relativistic aspects his original incommensurability-thesis had, at least, in the eyes of his interpreters. The upshot of Part A (Paragraphs I and II) is to provide a coherent interpretation of Kuhn's incommensurability-thesis. To that end, I distinguish in line with much of Kuhn-scholarship a semantic from a methodological sense of incommensurability. In part B, the question is raised: What sort of epistemological consequences follow from both senses of incommensurability? In particular, what consequences follow for the issues of reference, subjectivity (objectivity), pluralism, and realism? The underlying question is to what extent Kuhnian incommensurability caters to a relativistic understanding of those issues. This question is answered in Paragraph Ill with the help of the analyses of a currently leading Kuhn-scholar, C. H. Sankey. His answers are taken as a vantage point for my concluding evaluation of the consequences of Kuhnian incommensurability in Paragraph IV. 展开更多
关键词 Sankey reference Hoyningen-Huene paradigm shift RORTY Bernstein RELATIVISM PLURALISM
Kuhn's Notion of Theory Choice and the Dual-Process Theory of Cognition
作者 James A. Marcum 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第5期353-366,共14页
In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn claimed that theory choice is a conversion experience and depends upon the personality or psychology of the individual scientist making the choice. Critics charged Kuhn... In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn claimed that theory choice is a conversion experience and depends upon the personality or psychology of the individual scientist making the choice. Critics charged Kuhn with an irrational and a relativistic position concerning theory choice, arguing he advocated a subjective instead of an objective approach to how scientists choose one theory over another and thereby undercut epistemic accounts for the generation of scientific knowledge. In response to critics Kuhn insisted that his approach, although subjective, was still rational in that the criteria----vomposed of epistemic values--determining theory choice operate both objectively and subjectively. Recent work in cognitive neuropsychology, particularly in the dual-process theory of cognition, supports Kuhn's notion of theory choice. In this paper, I initially discuss Kuhn's approach to theory choice, along with criticism of it and his response to the criticism, followed by an examination of the dual-process theory of cognition. I then explore the application of dual-process theory to Kuhn's notion of theory choice, especially in terms of a historical case study from the biomedical sciences. I finally discuss briefly the implications of the dual-process theory for contemporary philosophy of science. 展开更多
关键词 COGNITION dual-process theory RATIONALITY theory choice VALUES
The Contemporary Disintegration of Aesthetic Utopia and Its Paradoxical Form
作者 WANG Da-qiao QI Fei 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第11期1410-1417,共8页
With the advent of the era of aesthetic capitalism in the late 20th century, aesthetics and art exude enormous political potential. In contemporary aesthetic field, Utopia is breaking through the existing model and di... With the advent of the era of aesthetic capitalism in the late 20th century, aesthetics and art exude enormous political potential. In contemporary aesthetic field, Utopia is breaking through the existing model and disintegrating into the paradoxical "Heterotopia" or "Dystopia (anti-utopia)" with its revolutionary and negative power. It engages in politics, society and life with its reflexivity and anew assesses and activates aesthetical language and perceptive experience, The popularity of the engagement of aesthetics and art is the new modeling road of Utopia aiter its contemporary disintegration. 展开更多
关键词 aesthetic utopia heterotopia dystopia contemporary disintegration paradoxical form
Satisficing as an Account of Kuhnian Rationality
作者 Rogier de Langhe 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第5期398-411,共14页
The lack of an account of rationality in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions was a lacuna which Thomas Kuhn acutely felt. In this paper, I argue that Herbert Simon's notion of "satisficing" provides a formally ... The lack of an account of rationality in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions was a lacuna which Thomas Kuhn acutely felt. In this paper, I argue that Herbert Simon's notion of "satisficing" provides a formally well-developed and empirically well-established theory of rationality that fits well with Kuhn's general characterization of science. I start by considering two rival interpretations of the problem of Kuhnian rationality and introduce Simon's notion of satisficing. In Section 3, I show how satisficing can be used to interpret paradigm, change, rational theory-choice, relativism, and progress. On this account, Kuhnian scientists are not irrational. Rather they employ the same computational mechanism which allows humans to play chess. 展开更多
关键词 RATIONALITY satisficing bounded rationality theory choice Thomas Kuhn Herbert Simon
Wittgenstein and Kuhn on Paradigm
作者 Ines Lacerda Arauj o 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第6期411-416,共6页
Wittgenstein in Philosophical Investigations and On Certainty develops a revolutionary conception of knowledge, of philosophy of language, and of philosophy of science. Very close to language-games is a concept that i... Wittgenstein in Philosophical Investigations and On Certainty develops a revolutionary conception of knowledge, of philosophy of language, and of philosophy of science. Very close to language-games is a concept that is important but did not attract much attention, the one of paradigm. In this paper this concept is analyzed together with notions such as context, use, reference, language-games, reality, science, truth, method, propositions, among others by means of which a new view of epistemology emerges. As for Kuhn, paradigm is his most known notion and his biggest contribution to innovate the history of science. I contrast these two conceptions and conclude that they have different uses, and that some difficulties that emerge from Kuhn's concept of paradigm would be dissolved if we take into consideration Witt^enstein's aooroaches of language and the uses it has in our life forms. 展开更多
作者 陈伟 《书城》 2007年第7期61-63,共3页
在二十一世纪的今天,无论在中国还是在西方,革命似乎早已是陈年旧事。在这样的语境下谈论革命,多少有一种怀旧的感觉。然而,人类真的已经永远地"告别革命"了吗?在回答这个问题之前,我们首先要问的是"什么是革命"。... 在二十一世纪的今天,无论在中国还是在西方,革命似乎早已是陈年旧事。在这样的语境下谈论革命,多少有一种怀旧的感觉。然而,人类真的已经永远地"告别革命"了吗?在回答这个问题之前,我们首先要问的是"什么是革命"。我们常常谈到革命。 展开更多
关键词 政治权力 美国 美利坚合众国 北美洲 论革命 阿伦特 法国革命 宪政理论
“封建论”:是对概念的误植还是马克思主义中国化的产物——兼评冯天瑜先生的《“封建”考论》 被引量:5
作者 周建明 《探索与争鸣》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第10期28-32,共5页
冯天瑜先生考证了中西历史上的"封建制",认为20世纪以来指称中国自秦代以降为"封建社会"是概念的"误植",导致"泛封建论",从而改变了整个中国历史叙事的框架。但是我们认为,"封建论"... 冯天瑜先生考证了中西历史上的"封建制",认为20世纪以来指称中国自秦代以降为"封建社会"是概念的"误植",导致"泛封建论",从而改变了整个中国历史叙事的框架。但是我们认为,"封建论"是革命理论建构过程中马克思主义中国化的产物,是新民主主义革命理论中的核心概念之一。撇开新民主主义革命历史而从"名实"的角度来辨析"封建论",将导致历史虚无主义。 展开更多
关键词 封建论革命理论马克思主义中国化名实历史虚无主义
作者 切萨雷·龙勃罗梭 黄风 《刑事法评论》 CSSCI 2011年第2期2-2,共1页
犯罪人论,即天生犯罪人理论,是龙勃罗梭的理论核心,他对犯罪人的研究,包括犯罪人的头骨、人体测量、相貌、文身、感觉、爱与恨、自杀、道德、宗教、智力文化、文学、暗语、笔记等。他将实证的、归纳的方法引入犯罪研究领域,引起了犯罪... 犯罪人论,即天生犯罪人理论,是龙勃罗梭的理论核心,他对犯罪人的研究,包括犯罪人的头骨、人体测量、相貌、文身、感觉、爱与恨、自杀、道德、宗教、智力文化、文学、暗语、笔记等。他将实证的、归纳的方法引入犯罪研究领域,引起了犯罪研究领域中的一场方法论革命。 展开更多
关键词 犯罪人论 犯罪研究 天生犯罪人 龙勃罗梭 人体测量 场方法 犯罪原因 论革命 犯罪行为 头竹
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