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基于多代理技术的产品概念设计系统的实现 被引量:3
作者 韩晓建 邓家提 《制造业自动化》 1999年第4期21-23,共3页
产品概念设计是产品设计开发过程中的最重要的阶段。在提出一个概念设计过程模型的基础上,采用分布式、分层多代理技术,提出了一种产品概念设计系统结构,并探讨了其实现的工作机理。从而为最终开发出产品概念设计系统的计算机软件支... 产品概念设计是产品设计开发过程中的最重要的阶段。在提出一个概念设计过程模型的基础上,采用分布式、分层多代理技术,提出了一种产品概念设计系统结构,并探讨了其实现的工作机理。从而为最终开发出产品概念设计系统的计算机软件支持工具打下良好的基础。 展开更多
关键词 概念设计 代理技术 局部设计代理 CAD
基于试验设计与代理模型的中央开槽箱梁气动外形优化方法 被引量:3
作者 赵林 方根深 +2 位作者 展艳艳 陈逸群 葛耀君 《桥梁建设》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期25-32,共8页
为克服大跨度桥梁主梁断面气动选型过程中几何参数多、潜在组合多、试验工作量大的难题,提出基于“均匀试验设计+Kriging代理模型”优化策略的桥梁断面气动外形优化方法。以某大跨桥梁中央开槽箱梁颤振性能优化为例,采用该方法进行气动... 为克服大跨度桥梁主梁断面气动选型过程中几何参数多、潜在组合多、试验工作量大的难题,提出基于“均匀试验设计+Kriging代理模型”优化策略的桥梁断面气动外形优化方法。以某大跨桥梁中央开槽箱梁颤振性能优化为例,采用该方法进行气动外形优化。基于计算流体动力学(CFD)数值模拟,首先通过“均匀试验设计”合理选取CFD分析工况,再利用“Kriging代理模型”以尽可能少的工况建立主梁几何参数-颤振临界风速关系模型,基于该模型分析不同几何参数对桥梁颤振性能影响规律,获取最优主梁断面。结果表明:“均匀试验设计+Kriging代理模型”优化策略能够在保证模型精度的前提下显著减少计算工况,工作量仅为遍历性试验的0.68%;CFD数值模拟、试验设计与代理模型策略的结合可以快速评估不同几何参数对抗风性能的影响规律,在背景桥梁主梁高度和行车道宽度下,中央开槽箱梁的颤振最优参数为槽宽比D/B=0.12、风嘴角度α=44°、下斜腹板倾角β=11°。 展开更多
关键词 大跨度桥梁 中央开槽箱梁 气动选型 颤振性能 均匀试验设计 Kriging代理模型 CFD数值模拟
代理软件设计模式及其应用研究 被引量:2
作者 崔行臣 《山东广播电视大学学报》 2012年第3期66-69,共4页
代理设计模式是软件开发中使用最广泛的软件设计模式之一。本文首先介绍了软件设计模式的思想、应用场合和实现方式,然后对java中的动态代理进行了深入研究,最后探讨了动态代理设计模式在Struts、AOP、Hibernate等方面的应用。实践证明... 代理设计模式是软件开发中使用最广泛的软件设计模式之一。本文首先介绍了软件设计模式的思想、应用场合和实现方式,然后对java中的动态代理进行了深入研究,最后探讨了动态代理设计模式在Struts、AOP、Hibernate等方面的应用。实践证明,代理设计模式在软件架构开发中体现了责任清晰,高扩展和智能化等优点。 展开更多
关键词 代理设计模式 动态代理 AOP
作者 尚鹏 钱西汉 王成焘 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 2002年第2期350-351,360,共3页
本文在介绍代理的基本概念与个性化人工髋关节设计过程的基础上 ,提出一种基于联邦制多代理机制的个性化人工髋关节多代理设计系统。定义了三个代理 :个性化人工髋关节柄部直径优化代理 ,股骨 -假体的平面应力分析代理 ,全髋置换中假体 ... 本文在介绍代理的基本概念与个性化人工髋关节设计过程的基础上 ,提出一种基于联邦制多代理机制的个性化人工髋关节多代理设计系统。定义了三个代理 :个性化人工髋关节柄部直径优化代理 ,股骨 -假体的平面应力分析代理 ,全髋置换中假体 -髋臼杯运动学代理。并重点对髋关节股骨 展开更多
关键词 个性化 人工髋关节 代理设计系统
作者 白金山 丘文峰 +2 位作者 赵云 吴应江 谢翠萍 《计算机教育》 2023年第9期31-34,共4页
根据教育部印发的《高等学校课程思政建设指导纲要》,结合抗疫实践,提出将抗疫中居家隔离人员物资获取和动态代理设计模式两者的流程相结合,介绍教学实践过程,探讨如何将抗疫元素全面融入课程的各个知识点中,寓价值观引导于知识传授和... 根据教育部印发的《高等学校课程思政建设指导纲要》,结合抗疫实践,提出将抗疫中居家隔离人员物资获取和动态代理设计模式两者的流程相结合,介绍教学实践过程,探讨如何将抗疫元素全面融入课程的各个知识点中,寓价值观引导于知识传授和能力培养中。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 JAVA语言 代理设计模式 教学实践
作者 赵思奇 《卫星电视与宽带多媒体》 2019年第23期45-46,共2页
NGN接入终端系统网络管理的设计研究具有重要的价值。对此,对NGN网络管理进行分析,对网络管理的标准进行探究,并完成NGN接入终端系统网络代理设计,在设计过程中,基于NGN软件交换终端设备维护管理,对AG架构位置及设计过程、代理模块等进... NGN接入终端系统网络管理的设计研究具有重要的价值。对此,对NGN网络管理进行分析,对网络管理的标准进行探究,并完成NGN接入终端系统网络代理设计,在设计过程中,基于NGN软件交换终端设备维护管理,对AG架构位置及设计过程、代理模块等进行分析,完成局域网内部的设备信息交互。 展开更多
关键词 NGN 接入终端系统 网管代理设计
模块化永磁直线同步电机考虑制造公差的推力鲁棒性优化 被引量:1
作者 龚夕霞 李焱鑫 卢琴芬 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期465-474,513,共11页
模块化永磁直线同步电机(MPMLSM)具有效率与推力密度高、可靠性和可加工性好等优点,非常适用于长行程运输系统;缺点是批量生产中性能易受到加工公差的影响。针对这一问题,该文提出了一种考虑制造公差的综合多目标鲁棒优化设计方法。首先... 模块化永磁直线同步电机(MPMLSM)具有效率与推力密度高、可靠性和可加工性好等优点,非常适用于长行程运输系统;缺点是批量生产中性能易受到加工公差的影响。针对这一问题,该文提出了一种考虑制造公差的综合多目标鲁棒优化设计方法。首先,基于六西格玛设计方法建立了鲁棒优化模型;其次,采用拉丁超立方采样方法在尺寸公差范围内根据正态分布规律进行抽样,模拟大规模生产时电机尺寸受公差影响可能会出现的各种变化;再次,在尺寸优化范围内均匀抽样构成足够的训练样本,由有限元软件仿真这些抽样方案的推力性能,并基于反向传播神经网络建立电机设计代理模型;然后,应用该代理模型对拉丁超立方采样得到的样本进行电机性能的计算,求解样本整体对应的各优化目标的均值与方差,进而计算多目标优化的适应度;最后,采用非支配排序遗传算法Ⅱ进行全局优化,得到鲁棒优化方案,与不考虑公差的确定性优化方案相比,验证了该方法的有效性。鲁棒优化方案虽然略微增加了电机体积和推力波动,但是其失效概率低,受公差影响小,更加符合产品批量生产过程中的质量要求。 展开更多
关键词 模块化永磁直线同步电机(MPMLSM) 制造公差 鲁棒优化设计 六西格玛设计代理模型
作者 张子瀚 李尚斌 +2 位作者 袁明川 樊枫 黄水林 《直升机技术》 2023年第3期21-28,共8页
布置于多桨倾转高速旋翼飞行器机翼前缘的推进桨的效率对该类飞行器的飞行性能有着重要的影响。发展了一种结合CFD分析和代理优化方法的优化设计手段,以推进桨的悬停效率和前飞效率为目标对一直径1.8 m的推进桨的气动布局参数进行了优... 布置于多桨倾转高速旋翼飞行器机翼前缘的推进桨的效率对该类飞行器的飞行性能有着重要的影响。发展了一种结合CFD分析和代理优化方法的优化设计手段,以推进桨的悬停效率和前飞效率为目标对一直径1.8 m的推进桨的气动布局参数进行了优化设计。优化结果表明该方法可在拉力不减的前提下使推进桨悬停效率和前飞效率均较基准提高1%以上。在此基础上对基准桨叶和优化桨叶的流场进行了对比研究,初步分析了优化桨叶效率提升的内在机理。 展开更多
关键词 多桨倾转飞行器 推进桨 代理优化设计 CFD分析
塘桥社区启示录--转型背景中社区公共空间营造教学工作坊的参与进程及其思考 被引量:7
作者 言语 郭蓉春 徐磊青 《新建筑》 2018年第2期32-39,共8页
讨论了国内市民社会涌现、存量优化大背景下建筑教育的转型和社区营造的兴起,并以2016"行走上海"社区微更新之塘桥社区的参与式进程的全景式介绍为主线,对照前述时代背景剖析了此次参与式进程设计的关键框架及其推行的缘由。... 讨论了国内市民社会涌现、存量优化大背景下建筑教育的转型和社区营造的兴起,并以2016"行走上海"社区微更新之塘桥社区的参与式进程的全景式介绍为主线,对照前述时代背景剖析了此次参与式进程设计的关键框架及其推行的缘由。工作坊摸索并践行了一系列行动主义的步骤与理念,即参与式观察引导,参与式过程、工具、场景的设计与空间实践,完成场所实验等进程;秉持人类学与社会学的格局意识,将自身嵌入行动者网络之中,将设计落实到近人尺度。从工具性与学科主体性的角度来说,参与过程设计、工具设计、场景设计是重中之重。讨论旨在为当下市民导向的城市治理与更新提供借鉴和参考,同时希望对设计教育转型有所助益。 展开更多
关键词 社区培力 公众参与 批判的行动主义 社区营造 教学工作坊 互为主体 设计代理
作者 于尚艳 付才辉 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期239-240,共2页
委托人与供应商交易的合约若由代理人代理委托人与供应商设计,就可能扭曲组织的边界:原本应该"自制"的治理合约却出现了"外包",或者原本该"外包"的治理合约却出现了"自制"。解决专用性问题的... 委托人与供应商交易的合约若由代理人代理委托人与供应商设计,就可能扭曲组织的边界:原本应该"自制"的治理合约却出现了"外包",或者原本该"外包"的治理合约却出现了"自制"。解决专用性问题的组织边界会因为边界设计上的委托代理问题而产生扭曲。治理合约与激励合约的互联合约因为边界扭曲而需要被治理。信息不对称问题的解决有利于提高解决专用性问题的效率。内生专用性的方法能识别出组织边界扭曲。 展开更多
关键词 边界扭曲 治理合约 激励合约 委托人设计 代理设计
运用多线程RTI服务改善3D图形性能 被引量:1
作者 陈智勇 雷航 《福建电脑》 2005年第5期35-36,共2页
对于单线程的高层体系结构(HLA)应用,仿真领域的图形渲染进程和tick()调用期间的RTI进程共享CPU处理时间。当对象数量较少时(5-10个对象),性能(以显示帧率为标准)反而突然下降。性能下降是由于RTI进程和图形渲染进程之间的非线性竞争关... 对于单线程的高层体系结构(HLA)应用,仿真领域的图形渲染进程和tick()调用期间的RTI进程共享CPU处理时间。当对象数量较少时(5-10个对象),性能(以显示帧率为标准)反而突然下降。性能下降是由于RTI进程和图形渲染进程之间的非线性竞争关系造成的。如果使用代理设计模式从主线程中分离出一个独立线程,让该线程运行所有的RTI服务,两个进程内部的依赖性也因此被消除了,性能恢复到了原来的状态,同时也改善了3D图形的应用性能。 展开更多
关键词 多线程 RTI服务 3D图形性能 代理设计模式 HLA 高层体系结构 虚拟现实技术
基于新型高维代理模型的气动外形设计方法 被引量:2
作者 赵欢 高正红 夏露 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期131-147,共17页
随着现代飞行器性能需求的不断提高,飞行器精细化气动优化设计要求更高可信度的CFD数值分析及更多的独立设计变量,使得基于代理模型的全局优化算法在超过一定的设计变量后显著降低了效率,难以满足复杂工程的设计需求。而目前的高维代理... 随着现代飞行器性能需求的不断提高,飞行器精细化气动优化设计要求更高可信度的CFD数值分析及更多的独立设计变量,使得基于代理模型的全局优化算法在超过一定的设计变量后显著降低了效率,难以满足复杂工程的设计需求。而目前的高维代理模型过程复杂、时间花费高,缺乏对工程问题的广泛适应性。针对以上难题,提出了利用监督式非线性降维代理建模方法来缓解代理优化过程中的高维变量设计难题。该方法将核主成分分析(非线性)降维与高斯回归过程模型统一训练,自适应构建新型高维代理模型,并随着优化过程不断学习改进模型,建立了从高维输入到输出的准确映射,有效解决了传统高维代理模型训练时间花费高和适应性差等难题。然后基于该新型代理模型发展了适用于飞行器复杂气动设计的高维全局优化设计方法,并将其应用到美国航空航天学会(AIAA)优化小组发布的2个复杂跨声速优化算例中。通过与传统代理优化方法全面比较,验证了所提的方法能大幅提高飞行器高维变量全局优化效率和全局寻优能力。 展开更多
关键词 精细化气动优化 基于代理模型的优化设计 全局优化 高维变量 非线性降维代理模型 高维优化设计
Multidisciplinary design optimization for air-condition production system based on multi-agent technique 被引量:2
作者 杨海东 鄂加强 屈挺 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期527-536,共10页
In order to guarantee the overall production performance of the multiple departments in an air-condition production industry, multidisciplinary design optimization model for production system is established based on t... In order to guarantee the overall production performance of the multiple departments in an air-condition production industry, multidisciplinary design optimization model for production system is established based on the multi-agent technology. Local operation models for departments of plan, marketing, sales, purchasing, as well as production and warehouse are formulated into individual agents, and their respective local objectives are collectively formulated into a multi-objective optimization problem. Considering the coupling effects among the correlated agents, the optimization process is carried out based on self-adaptive chaos immune optimization algorithm with mutative scale. The numerical results indicate that the proposed multi-agent optimization model truly reflects the actual situations of the air-condition production system. The proposed multi-agent based multidisciplinary design optimization method can help companies enhance their income ratio and profit by about 33% and 36%, respectively, and reduce the total cost by about 1.8%. 展开更多
关键词 multi-agent system production operation multidisciplinary optimization self-adaptive chaos optimization immune optimization algorithm
DFT and 3D-QSAR Studies of Anti-Cancer Agents m-(4-Morpholinoquinazolin-2-yl) Benzamide Derivatives for Novel Compounds Design
作者 ZHAO Siqi ZHANG Guanglong +1 位作者 XIA Shuwei YU Liangmin 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期609-613,共5页
As a group of diversified frameworks, quinazolin derivatives displayed a broad field of biological functions, especially as anticancer. To investigate the quantitative structure-activity relationship, 3D-QSAR models ... As a group of diversified frameworks, quinazolin derivatives displayed a broad field of biological functions, especially as anticancer. To investigate the quantitative structure-activity relationship, 3D-QSAR models were generated with 24 quinazolin scaffold molecules. The experimental and predicted pIC50 values for both training and test set compounds showed good correlation, which proved the robustness and reliability of the generated QSAR models. The most effective CoMFA and CoMSIA were obtained with correlation coefficient2ncv r of 1.00 (both) and leave-one-out coefficient q2 of 0.61 and 0.59, respectively. The predictive abilities of CoMFA and CoMSIA were quite good with the predictive correlation coefficients (2pred r ) of 0.97 and 0.91. In addition, the statis-tic results of CoMFA and CoMSIA were used to design new quinazolin molecules. 展开更多
关键词 quinazolin derivatives ANTICANCER 3D-QSAR electronic structure molecular design
Research on theory and method in parallel designing environment based on coupling 被引量:2
作者 钟掘 胡志刚 李玺 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2002年第2期123-127,共5页
Understanding the relation between multiple agents is very important in developing a multi agent system. Two concepts, multi agent system architecture and multi agent system architecture prototype are brought forward,... Understanding the relation between multiple agents is very important in developing a multi agent system. Two concepts, multi agent system architecture and multi agent system architecture prototype are brought forward, and the method of descrbing the relation between agents using the concepts is explored. The structure and components are designed. Based on the fact that cooperation between distributed agents is erratic, a controlled natural language communication function is designed and realized. Applying the offered interfaces, the user′s workload consumed in agent communication and management is reduced, and at the same time, robustness of the multi agent system is improved. 展开更多
关键词 COUPLING multi agent development environment natural language communication
A role based coordination model in agent systems 被引量:2
作者 张亚英 尤晋元 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2005年第5期555-561,共7页
Coordination technology addresses the construction of open, flexible systems from active and independent software agents in concurrent and distributed systems. In most open distributed applications, multiple agents ne... Coordination technology addresses the construction of open, flexible systems from active and independent software agents in concurrent and distributed systems. In most open distributed applications, multiple agents need interaction and communication to achieve their overall goal. Coordination technologies for the Internet typically are concerned with enabling interaction among agents and helping them cooperate with each other. At the same time, access control should also be considered to constrain interaction to make it harmless. Access control should be regarded as the security counterpart of coordination. At present, the combination of coordination and access control remains an open problem. Thus, we propose a role Dased coordination model with policy enforcement in agent application systems. In this model, coordination is combined with access control so as to fully characterize the interactions in agent systems. A set of agents interacting with each other for a common global system task constitutes a coordination group. Role based access control is applied in this model to prevent unauthorized accesses. Coordination policy is enforced in a distributed manner so that the model can be applied to the open distributed systems such as Internet. An Internet online auction system is presented as a case study to illustrate the proposed coordination model and finally the performance analysis of the model is introduced. 展开更多
关键词 COORDINATION ROLE access control policy enforcement
The Application of Chinese Calligraphy Fonts to the Modem Art Design
作者 Guohua ZUO Ge XIE 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期71-73,共3页
Chinese calligraphy font design is based on Chinese characters as the carrier, and provides the modem people, the modem market, and the modem society with a font design by applying the modem technology conditions, com... Chinese calligraphy font design is based on Chinese characters as the carrier, and provides the modem people, the modem market, and the modem society with a font design by applying the modem technology conditions, combining with the modem design concept, and absorbing the traditional calligraphy form languages such as the midcourt line and structure. Along with the development of Chinese character information processing technology, the modem computer techology has been penetrated into every field of society, it has been very important in the field of the design to implement font design and application using the computer directly. In this paper, the application of Chinese calligraphy fonts to the modem design art is discussed from computer font design and the components of Chinese characters, development trend, and modem decoration design. Calligraphy font design will be applied to more design areas, and also will be penetrated into all aspects of people' s daily life. 展开更多
关键词 Calligraphy Font Font Design Chinese Characters Modem Decoration
Applied research of Chinese traditional culture in art and design
作者 Huanjun Cao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期4-6,共3页
With the persistent efforts of the emerging concepts as well as new types of decoration materials, modem interior design concepts usher in a new round of innovation. Facing the impact of the new innovative ideas, the ... With the persistent efforts of the emerging concepts as well as new types of decoration materials, modem interior design concepts usher in a new round of innovation. Facing the impact of the new innovative ideas, the Chinese traditional culture and art urgently need a way to combine efficient with the modern design concept. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese traditional culture ART design.
BP' s Performance Management System Optimization Design
作者 SHI Xinguang 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期99-100,共2页
Performance management as the core part of modem human resources management, is to ensure that the employee's work and the organization's strategic objectives to maintain consistent process. Performance management b... Performance management as the core part of modem human resources management, is to ensure that the employee's work and the organization's strategic objectives to maintain consistent process. Performance management by setting a scientific and rational organizational goals, departmental goals and individual goals for employees specified in the direction Managers to discover the work of subordinates through performance coaching communication problems exist, to provide guidance and resources to support the necessary work to subordinates, subordinates bv improving, work attitude and workin~ melhnd~ tn en^Hre~ tho renl^v~fltan nfn^r~" I-,;~.~; 展开更多
关键词 BP Performance management Optimization design
Design of a modern automatic control system for the activated sludge process in wastewater treatment 被引量:2
作者 Alexandros D.Kotzapetros Panayotis A.Paraskevas Athanasios S.Stasinakis 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期1340-1349,共10页
The Activated Sludge Process(ASP) exhibits highly nonlinear properties. The design of an automatic control system that is robust against disturbance of inlet wastewater flow rate and has short process settling times i... The Activated Sludge Process(ASP) exhibits highly nonlinear properties. The design of an automatic control system that is robust against disturbance of inlet wastewater flow rate and has short process settling times is a challenging matter. The proposed control method is an I-P modi fied controller automatic control system with state variable feedback and control canonical form simulation diagram for the process. A more stable response is achieved with this type of modern control. Settling times of 0.48 days are achieved for the concentration of microorganisms,(reference value step increase of 50 mg·L-1) and 0.01 days for the concentration of oxygen(reference value step increase of 0.1 mg·L-1). Fluctuations of concentrations of oxygen and microorganisms after an inlet disturbance of5 × 103m3·d-1are small. Changes in the reference values of oxygen and microorganisms(increases by 10%, 20% and 30%) show satisfactory response of the system in all cases. Changes in the value of inlet wastewater flow rate disturbance(increases by 10%, 25%, 50% and 100%) are stabilized by the control system in short time. Maximum percent overshoot is also taken in consideration in all cases and the largest value is 25% which is acceptable. The proposed method with I-P controller is better for disturbance rejection and process settling times compared to the same method using PI controller. This method can substitute optimal control systems in ASP. 展开更多
关键词 Activated sludge Modern automatic control PID controllers Root locus Waste treatment
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