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欧洲公寓式住宅开放设计的层面性 被引量:4
作者 贾倍思 《当代建筑》 2021年第2期20-25,共6页
本文首先分析了人们对住宅的需求发生的相应改变——住宅形态的变化表现在从花园绿地到城市性外部空间的转变,从日照通风到大进深平面的转变,从单一功能主义设计到多功能适应性结构的转变,从立面表皮到立面空间的转变,并指出,为了适应... 本文首先分析了人们对住宅的需求发生的相应改变——住宅形态的变化表现在从花园绿地到城市性外部空间的转变,从日照通风到大进深平面的转变,从单一功能主义设计到多功能适应性结构的转变,从立面表皮到立面空间的转变,并指出,为了适应这些需求的住宅设计不再是一个封闭过程,而是分成不同的层面进行不同的开放性的专项设计,目的是适应住户和住宅设计之间的互动,实现住宅建筑的长寿命。本文介绍和探讨了BEA公司的"四层级"(城市设计,建筑结构,外墙和设备,功能布局及内装)住宅设计方法,是如何适应欧洲,特别是德语地区对高质量社会住宅的需求的。 展开更多
关键词 住宅设计 居住质量 适应性结构 设计层面 可持续
衔接与深化——从不同层面的城市设计实施对南京东山地区自然资源的保护利用 被引量:3
作者 高源 王建国 杨俊宴 《中国园林》 北大核心 2014年第1期79-83,共5页
南京东山地区,面积约110km2,拥有丰富的自然资源,但是快速城市化过程导致城市人工环境与自然环境之间的矛盾加剧,生态挤压、自然界面私有化、城市生态网络破损成为目前东山自然环境的真实写照。基于此,提出4条总体城市设计应对策略,并通... 南京东山地区,面积约110km2,拥有丰富的自然资源,但是快速城市化过程导致城市人工环境与自然环境之间的矛盾加剧,生态挤压、自然界面私有化、城市生态网络破损成为目前东山自然环境的真实写照。基于此,提出4条总体城市设计应对策略,并通过2个局部地段的示范性城市设计案例展开相关策略的衔接与深化,体现从不同层面的城市设计共同实施对东山地区自然资源的保护与利用。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 生态挤压 界面私有化 城市层面城市设计 局部地段层面城市设计 衔接与深化
存量规划时期长沙市控规层面城市设计编制实践 被引量:2
作者 梁洁 《规划师》 北大核心 2019年第A01期5-10,共6页
城乡规划正逐渐由增量规划向存量规划转变设计应运而生。文章通过分析控规层面城市设计的地位与作用,结合长沙市控规层面城市设计编制的具体实践,探讨存量规划背景下控规层面城市设计编制的方法,即依据上位控规确定的地块指标,提出功能... 城乡规划正逐渐由增量规划向存量规划转变设计应运而生。文章通过分析控规层面城市设计的地位与作用,结合长沙市控规层面城市设计编制的具体实践,探讨存量规划背景下控规层面城市设计编制的方法,即依据上位控规确定的地块指标,提出功能结构、空间发展格局、绿化景观体系等方面的构想;以更新单元为载体,考虑到土地权属及公共利益分配等问题,增设公共服务设施、绿化开敞空间等,并提出更新方式;将城市设计成果转译为易于管理的图则形式,与控规共同成为城乡规划管理的重要依据,其经验可为同类规划提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 存量规划 控规层面城市设计 编制探究 实践
语文课件设计标准探究 被引量:2
作者 刘汉霞 《北京教育学院学报》 2009年第3期78-80,84,共4页
目前中学语文课件在使用中存在着许多问题,要增强中学语文课件的实效性,最重要的是要讲究语文课件的设计,探索语文课件设计制作的规律,提高科学性,从而避免盲目性和随意性。语文课件设计分三个层面:语文、计算机技术、艺术。语文层面的... 目前中学语文课件在使用中存在着许多问题,要增强中学语文课件的实效性,最重要的是要讲究语文课件的设计,探索语文课件设计制作的规律,提高科学性,从而避免盲目性和随意性。语文课件设计分三个层面:语文、计算机技术、艺术。语文层面的设计是核心,在语文层面设计的过程中需要遵循一些基本的标准,用以提高语文课件的可操作性,使得语文课件设计制作有章可循有据可依。为此,本文提出了一项基本原则和"正确、清晰、适当、有力"四个具体要求。 展开更多
关键词 语文课件设计 语文层面设计 原则 要求
面向实施与管理的湖南湘江新区城市设计实践 被引量:2
作者 江丽 《中外建筑》 2018年第9期90-94,共5页
改革开放以来,伴随着城市的快速发展,城市缺乏风貌特色、城市品质不高、地域个性缺失等问题也逐渐突显。而仅依赖法定规划来管理城市建设的手段已不能满足建设高品质城市、特色风貌城市的要求。因此,各地纷纷开始探索面向实施与管理的... 改革开放以来,伴随着城市的快速发展,城市缺乏风貌特色、城市品质不高、地域个性缺失等问题也逐渐突显。而仅依赖法定规划来管理城市建设的手段已不能满足建设高品质城市、特色风貌城市的要求。因此,各地纷纷开始探索面向实施与管理的、与法定规划相衔接的城市设计体系。《城市设计管理办法》也提出了建设特色品质城市的要求。针对这些政策与现实的背景,本文总结国家级新区湖南湘江新区近十年来的城市设计实践:宏观-中观-微观多层面的城市设计提出各层次的控制重点与控制要素,精细化控制管理的技术支撑体系,以及《湘江新区地块城市设计编制指南》、《进一步加强建筑形态规划管控指导意见》的规范标准与科学决策机制等经验,以期为面向实施与管理的城市设计研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 湖南湘江新区 面向实施与管理 层面城市设计
基于风险管理的内控制度体系建设 被引量:4
作者 孟志新 《科技与创新》 2016年第19期63-64,共2页
随着国内外一些知名企业相继出现震惊世界的财务丑闻后,企业开始投入大量的资源改造和完善内部控制的设计、流程再造、跟踪和监督、检查与执行。此时,基于风险管理的内部控制应运而生,成为了企业管理方面一个新的研究课题。结合自身的... 随着国内外一些知名企业相继出现震惊世界的财务丑闻后,企业开始投入大量的资源改造和完善内部控制的设计、流程再造、跟踪和监督、检查与执行。此时,基于风险管理的内部控制应运而生,成为了企业管理方面一个新的研究课题。结合自身的管理经验,阐述了基于风险管理内部控制的现实意义,重点从内控制度体系的设计层面论述了如何将风险管理融入到内控制度,希望能够给一些企业管理者一定的启发和帮助。 展开更多
关键词 风险管理 内部控制 内控制度 设计层面
作者 刘友 《吉林公安高等专科学校学报》 2010年第1期62-67,共6页
制度性弱势群体,是指基于社会原因和身份关系而进行不合理分类且区别对待的制度性歧视所产生的在制度安排中处于相对不利地位,生存与发展处境困难,需要改变现有制度和法律,以改变其"弱势"状况的人群。随着社会转型进程的加剧... 制度性弱势群体,是指基于社会原因和身份关系而进行不合理分类且区别对待的制度性歧视所产生的在制度安排中处于相对不利地位,生存与发展处境困难,需要改变现有制度和法律,以改变其"弱势"状况的人群。随着社会转型进程的加剧,不但转型前的弱势群体以显性状态出现,而且催生了规模庞大的新的制度性弱势群体。我国弱势群体规模之巨大,已经构成社会安全、稳定、发展的巨大隐患。因此,在建构和谐社会的今天,法律如何保护因法律规范构筑的制度不公所形成的制度性弱势群体的法律权益,具有重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 制度性歧视 制度性弱势群体 社会公正 制度设计层面
《中国药店》 2020年第7期14-14,共1页
相同的土地,相同的技术水平,相同的一批人,只是改变了制度,产出完全不同。可见,新执行力是靠制度执行的,可以改变的不是人性,而是制度设计。如果企业的效益不够高,如果企业的执行力不够强,那么请大家不要只在文化、团队方面下功夫,更重... 相同的土地,相同的技术水平,相同的一批人,只是改变了制度,产出完全不同。可见,新执行力是靠制度执行的,可以改变的不是人性,而是制度设计。如果企业的效益不够高,如果企业的执行力不够强,那么请大家不要只在文化、团队方面下功夫,更重要的是在制度设计层面下功夫。 展开更多
关键词 技术水平 执行力 设计层面 土地
加强学科建设与突出党校培训特色——设区市党校学科建设的思考 被引量:3
作者 王建星 《中共云南省委党校学报》 2012年第4期88-90,共3页
目前,党校干部培训中存在学科特色不明显、党性修养和党性教育没有形成学科、重大现实问题的学科研究比较薄弱、学科队伍建设滞后等问题。我们必须在"一个中心,四个方面"的既定教学布局条件下构建党校特色学科:马克思主义基... 目前,党校干部培训中存在学科特色不明显、党性修养和党性教育没有形成学科、重大现实问题的学科研究比较薄弱、学科队伍建设滞后等问题。我们必须在"一个中心,四个方面"的既定教学布局条件下构建党校特色学科:马克思主义基本理论、中国特色社会主义理论体系、党性教育和党性修养理论、执政能力建设理论、省情市情调查研究等。 展开更多
关键词 党校 学科建设 培训特色 层面设计
Study of large medical equipment allocation in Xuzhou 被引量:4
作者 MIAO Chun-xia ZHUO Lang GU Yu-ming QIN Zhao-hui 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第12期881-884,共4页
Objective: To investigate the allocation and management of large medical equipment (LME) in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, China, in order to make the best use of LME to meet the medical needs of local people. Methods: The... Objective: To investigate the allocation and management of large medical equipment (LME) in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, China, in order to make the best use of LME to meet the medical needs of local people. Methods: The research collected data from all hospitals that have LME in Xuzhou using questionnaire; 38 (97.4%) hospitals returned the questionnaire. Results: In Xuzhou, there are a total of 71 pieces of LME, each serving 126 600 people in an area of 163 km2. Sixty-two percent of them are allocated in urban areas, with Gini coefficient at 0.52, indicating imbalance and biased allocation of LME. Conclusion: The al- location of LME in Xuzhou is out of control and unfairly allocated. 展开更多
关键词 Large medical equipment (LME) Computerized tomography (CT) ALLOCATION Gini coefficient
Design of Monolithic Concrete Ground Floors
作者 Alexandros D. Bantias Ioannis A. Tegos Theodoros A. Chrysanidis Asimina M. Athanatopoulou 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第7期833-845,共13页
It is known that the slabs on soil constitute one of the most difficult types of structures despite their apparent simplicity. The objective of this paper is to give a general survey of the design of ground supported ... It is known that the slabs on soil constitute one of the most difficult types of structures despite their apparent simplicity. The objective of this paper is to give a general survey of the design of ground supported slabs with the interposition of a suitable subbase. A solution is proposed with the following characteristics: (1) complete suppression of joints; (2) conventional reinforcement with meshes in the upper and lower fiber of the slab in order to confront and distribute cracking that is caused by hindrance of free contractions and expansions; (3) effective confrontation of problems of bulging. The proposal is in effect on one hand for industrial floorings and on the other hand for concrete pavings with large durability requirement. 展开更多
Design of comprehensive test system for detecting overlying strata mining-induced fractures on surface with radon gas 被引量:1
作者 Zhang Wei Zhang Dongsheng Fan Gangwei 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第6期823-827,共5页
Based on radon gas properties and its existing projects applications, we firstly attempted to apply geo- physical and chemical properties of radon gas in the field of mining engineering, and imported radioac- tive mea... Based on radon gas properties and its existing projects applications, we firstly attempted to apply geo- physical and chemical properties of radon gas in the field of mining engineering, and imported radioac- tive measurement method to detect the development process of the overlying strata mining-induced fractures and their contained water quality in underground coal mining, which not only innovates a more simple-fast-reliable detection method, but also further expands the applications of radon gas detection technology in mining field. A 3D simulation design of comprehensive testing system for detecting strata mining-induced fractures on surface with radon gas (CTSR) was carried out by using a large-scale 3D solid model design software Pro/Engineer (Pro/E), which overcame three main disadvantages of ''static design thought, 2D planar design and heavy workload for remodification design'' on exiting design for mining engineering test systems. Meanwhile, based on the simulation design results of Pro/E software, the sta- bility of the jack-screw pressure bar for the key component in CTSR was checked with a material mechan- ics theory, which provided a reliable basis for materials selection during the latter machining process. 展开更多
关键词 Mining engineering Radon gas detection technology Mining-induced fractures Comprehensive test system Pro/Engineer 3D simulation
Effect of Vibro-lnsulation on Restriction of Vibration Transfer from Subsoil into the Building
作者 Daniel Makovicka Jr. Daniel Makovicka: 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第5期289-293,共5页
The solution of vibration transfer from the subsoil to the structure is demonstrated using the example of a multi-storey reinforced concrete building, founded on a dual foundation plate. An anti-vibration layer of rub... The solution of vibration transfer from the subsoil to the structure is demonstrated using the example of a multi-storey reinforced concrete building, founded on a dual foundation plate. An anti-vibration layer of rubber has been designed between the two plates. Two 3D numerical models of the building take into account the individual storeys, firstly together with the lay-out of the rubber distribution in the foundation pan and secondly without this rubber part. For response analysis, the measured time histories in the construction area were selected and then the typical response was used as an input for a dynamic analysis of the structure. 展开更多
关键词 Technical seismicity INSULATION BUILDING dynamic analysis response prognosis.
作者 白洋 《现代家电》 2022年第2期21-23,共3页
设计师,全屋定制行业中的重要角色,既关系到整体方案在设计层面的呈现效果,也关系到在客户层面的实际效果,更代表了一个品牌的综合质量。一般行业内,全屋设计师的进阶之路大致分为初级设计师、中级设计师、资深设计师、设计师主管以及... 设计师,全屋定制行业中的重要角色,既关系到整体方案在设计层面的呈现效果,也关系到在客户层面的实际效果,更代表了一个品牌的综合质量。一般行业内,全屋设计师的进阶之路大致分为初级设计师、中级设计师、资深设计师、设计师主管以及设计总监。 展开更多
关键词 设计总监 整体方案 设计 设计层面 进阶 全屋定制 实际效果
室内软装饰的手工印染艺术应用——评《手工印染艺术》 被引量:2
作者 吴玮平 《上海纺织科技》 北大核心 2020年第10期65-65,共1页
作为我国一项有着悠久历史的传统织染艺术——手工印染技术蕴含着深厚的文化内涵,是我国世世代代劳动人民智慧与审美的结晶。随着现代社会的不断发展,社会大众对自然、民族的元素提出了越来越迫切的需求,这在设计层面得到了充分体现,由... 作为我国一项有着悠久历史的传统织染艺术——手工印染技术蕴含着深厚的文化内涵,是我国世世代代劳动人民智慧与审美的结晶。随着现代社会的不断发展,社会大众对自然、民族的元素提出了越来越迫切的需求,这在设计层面得到了充分体现,由此特色鲜明、庄重雅致的手工印染技术重新进入到人们的视野当中,很好地满足了人们对室内软装饰多样化、时尚性的追求。 展开更多
关键词 手工印染 室内软装饰 时尚性 设计层面 特色鲜明 多样化 文化内涵
国企混改的四大关键问题 被引量:1
作者 郜永军 《全球商业经典》 2019年第11期30-33,共4页
当前国企改革已进入攻坚阶段,作为国企改革突破口的混合所有制改革路径也日渐清晰,正紧锣密鼓地进入实质性操作阶段。与前几年国企混改"雷声大雨点小"相比,当前的国企混改无论在认识层面、制度设计层面和操作层面都大大推进... 当前国企改革已进入攻坚阶段,作为国企改革突破口的混合所有制改革路径也日渐清晰,正紧锣密鼓地进入实质性操作阶段。与前几年国企混改"雷声大雨点小"相比,当前的国企混改无论在认识层面、制度设计层面和操作层面都大大推进了一步。但毋庸讳言,在国企混改的目的、目标、方向和路径上,依然有不同的认识、不同的疑虑、不同的选择。怎样更好地推进国企混改,以期达到预期目的,提出如下观点。 展开更多
关键词 混合所有制改革 国企改革 国企混改 操作层面 攻坚阶段 认识层面 设计层面 四大关键
作者 杨嵘均 《高等学校文科学术文摘》 2020年第1期52-53,共2页
1.新型城镇化与乡村振兴战略之间的内在张力。从战略设计层面来说,新型城镇化与乡村振兴战略之间必然在逻辑上存在着紧密的联系和共性。二者“都是为了提高资源配置效率,增进国民福利,解决好城乡之间均衡发展和协调发展的问题”,因而二... 1.新型城镇化与乡村振兴战略之间的内在张力。从战略设计层面来说,新型城镇化与乡村振兴战略之间必然在逻辑上存在着紧密的联系和共性。二者“都是为了提高资源配置效率,增进国民福利,解决好城乡之间均衡发展和协调发展的问题”,因而二者之间“不是非此即彼的关系”。 展开更多
关键词 新型城镇化 乡村振兴战略 国民福利 内在张力 资源配置效率 发展的问题 设计层面 均衡发展
Theranostic nanomedicine by surface nanopore engineering 被引量:4
作者 Zhenli Li Luodan Yu +1 位作者 Tian Yang Yu Chen 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第10期1243-1260,共18页
Theranostic nanomedicine that integrates diagnostic and therapeutic agents into one nanosystem has gained considerable momentum in the field of cancer treatment. Among diverse strategies for achieving theranostic capa... Theranostic nanomedicine that integrates diagnostic and therapeutic agents into one nanosystem has gained considerable momentum in the field of cancer treatment. Among diverse strategies for achieving theranostic capabilities, surface-nanopore engineering based on mesoporous silica coating has attracted great interest because of their negligible cytotoxicity and chemically active surface that can be easily modified to introduce various functional groups(e.g.,-COOH,-NH_2,-SH, etc.) via silanization, which can satisfy various requirements of conjugating biological molecules or functional nanoparticles. In addition,the nanopore-engineered biomaterials possess large surface area and high pore volume, ensuring desirable loading of therapeutic guest molecules. In this review, we comprehensively summarize the synthetic procedure/paradigm of nanopore engineering and further broad theranostic applications. Such nanopore-engineering strategy endows the biocompatible nanocomposites(e.g., Au,Ag, graphene, upconversion nanoparticles, Fe_3O_4, MXene, etc.) with versatile functional moieties, which enables the development of multifunctional nanoplatforms for multimodal diagnostic bio-imaging, photothermal therapy, photodynamic therapy,targeted drug delivery, synergetic therapy and imaging-guided therapies. Therefore, mesoporous silica-based surface-nanopore engineering integrates intriguing unique features for broadening the biomedical applications of the single mono-functional nanosystem, facilitating the development and further clinical translation of theranostic nanomedicine. 展开更多
关键词 mesoporous silica nanopore engineering THERANOSTIC CANCER NANOMEDICINE
Lubricating a bright future:Lubrication contribution to energy saving and low carbon emission 被引量:24
作者 CAI MeiRong GUO RuiSheng +1 位作者 ZHOU Feng LIU WeiMin 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第12期2888-2913,共26页
Both the academic society and the industry are hunting for new energy forms for the future.However,the world should not forget the conventional technologies that contribute to the sustainable society by technical inno... Both the academic society and the industry are hunting for new energy forms for the future.However,the world should not forget the conventional technologies that contribute to the sustainable society by technical innovations.Among them,lubrication plays a significant role in energy saving and in low CO2emission by increasing the fuel efficiency and by prolonging the service life of machines.With the advance of novel synthetic approaches,and nanoscience and technologies,novel lubrication oils and additives and their formulations are being developed to reduce friction and wear,and novel surface treatment routes and surface coatings are invented and provide more efficient lubrication.These technologies create tremendous chances for machines to work more efficiently with low energy consumption.Here we review the recent progresses and challenges associated with some novel lubrication techniques that include novel surface treatment(such as texturing,high-performance nanocomposite coatings,adapting coating),tribology design(solid and liquid lubrication),energy-conserving engine oil and novel lubricants and formula(such as ionic liquids,low S,P content additives)which are to be adopted to enhance the fuel efficiency to achieve energy saving and low carbon emission.There is increased demand to replace fossil lubricants by degradable green lubricants.Specially designed coatings can reduce drag significantly during navigation of both airplanes and ships.All these aspects will be also reviewed in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 energy saving low carbon emission LUBRICANT ADDITIVES coating drag reduction
Numerical simulation of gurney flaps lift-enhancement on a low reynolds number airfoil 被引量:4
作者 HE Xi WANG JinJun +3 位作者 YANG MuQing MA DongLi YAN Chao LIU PeiQing 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第10期1548-1559,共12页
Two-dimensional steady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with transition shear stress transport (SST) model were solved to investigate the effects of Gumey flaps on the aerodynamic performance of a ... Two-dimensional steady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with transition shear stress transport (SST) model were solved to investigate the effects of Gumey flaps on the aerodynamic performance of a low Reynolds number airfoil. This airfoil was designed for flight vehicles operating at 20 km altitude with freestream velocity of 25 rn/s. The chord length (C) of this airfoil is 5 m and the corresponding Reynolds number is 7.76× 10^5. Gurney flaps with the heights ranging from 0.25%C to 3%C were investigated. It has been shown that Gurney flaps can enhance not only the prestall lift but also lift-to-drag ratio in a certain range of angles of attack. Specially, at cruise angle of attack (3°), Gurney flap with the height of 0.5%C can increase lift-to-drag ratio and lift coefficient by 1.6% and 12.8%, respectively. Furthermore, the mechanisms of Gumey flaps to improve the aerodynamic performance were illustrated by analyzing the surface pressure distribution, streamlines and trailing-edge flow structure for this low Reynolds number airfoil. Specially, distinguished from some other numerical researches, the flow details such as the laminar separation bubble and transition phenomena for low Reynolds number airfoil with Gumey flaps were investigated and it was found that Gurney flaps can delay the transition onset position at small angles of attack (≤2°). However, with the increase of angles of attack, Gurney flaps will promote the boundary layer transition. 展开更多
关键词 gurney flaps lift-enhancement low reynolds number numerical simulation
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