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作者 李国清 李凤媛 《煤矿机械》 2016年第6期166-168,共3页
以矿用隔爆外壳水压试验机液压系统为研究对象,利用AMESim软件进行建模仿真,得到调高油缸内液体压力的变化曲线和活塞杆的速度、位移大小及变化情况,为水压试验机液压系统的设计优化提供了新的方法。实验数据对比表明:AMESim软件的分析... 以矿用隔爆外壳水压试验机液压系统为研究对象,利用AMESim软件进行建模仿真,得到调高油缸内液体压力的变化曲线和活塞杆的速度、位移大小及变化情况,为水压试验机液压系统的设计优化提供了新的方法。实验数据对比表明:AMESim软件的分析结果和实验数据基本吻合,能够缩短设计周期,避免设计错误,为液压系统设计提供新的手段和方法,并且可以节省大量的制造费用和时间,降低开发成本。 展开更多
关键词 AMESIM 水压试验机液压系统设计 仿真分析
作者 温明军 《机械管理开发》 2013年第4期41-42,共2页
介绍了太原重工技术中心研制的国内首条4 000T水压试验机组的主要部件的设计计算以及整体倾斜布置分析计算。该水压试验机是目前国内试验压力最大、生产能力最高、结构最新颖的机组。
关键词 钢管水压试验机设计计算 4 000T
南京地铁十号线越江段盾构隧道接缝防水设计 被引量:7
作者 张勇 贾逸 《中国建筑防水》 2013年第16期18-25,共8页
关键词 大直径盾构隧道 管片接缝防水 设计最大水压 弹性密封垫 水密性试验
作者 许丽莹 《福建建筑》 2005年第Z1期121-122,104,共3页
本文根据给水工程设计的基本原理及给水工程设计规范要求,结合具体工程实例的设计经验。阐明在进行城市规划设计中,给水管网工程规划设计与城市规划设计的关系:即给水管网工程规划必须服从城市总体规划的前提下,根据城市具体情况,进行... 本文根据给水工程设计的基本原理及给水工程设计规范要求,结合具体工程实例的设计经验。阐明在进行城市规划设计中,给水管网工程规划设计与城市规划设计的关系:即给水管网工程规划必须服从城市总体规划的前提下,根据城市具体情况,进行全面的考虑筹划设计。 展开更多
关键词 城市规划 给水管网工程 设计水压 设计流量 消防用水
水压爆破技术在地铁隧道施工中的应用分析 被引量:3
作者 胡鹏飞 《建筑安全》 2018年第10期34-36,共3页
在地铁施工中,如何控制爆破振动、噪音以及扬尘,切实减小对周边环境的影响成为了一个亟待解决的问题。文章主要围绕何广沂教授所提出的水压爆破技术展开了具体分析,在地铁隧道施工中引入了水压爆破技术,其在提高爆破效果的同时,进一步... 在地铁施工中,如何控制爆破振动、噪音以及扬尘,切实减小对周边环境的影响成为了一个亟待解决的问题。文章主要围绕何广沂教授所提出的水压爆破技术展开了具体分析,在地铁隧道施工中引入了水压爆破技术,其在提高爆破效果的同时,进一步降低了成本、改善了作业环境,具有显著的经济、社会效益,可供参考。 展开更多
关键词 水袋装填 常规爆破 水压爆破设计
作者 闵洁 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2023年第8期111-114,共4页
伴随着社会经济发展水平不断提升,人民群众生活质量也在逐渐提高。在这样的发展形势下,农村基本生活设施也变得越来越完善,最突出的一点就是自来水工程建设变得更加完善。目前,新农村建设的重点内容之一就是提高农村饮水安全性。在乡村... 伴随着社会经济发展水平不断提升,人民群众生活质量也在逐渐提高。在这样的发展形势下,农村基本生活设施也变得越来越完善,最突出的一点就是自来水工程建设变得更加完善。目前,新农村建设的重点内容之一就是提高农村饮水安全性。在乡村振兴战略广泛实施过程中,农村供水工程也开始朝规模化和集成化方向发展,与城市自来水建设形成一体化关系,在一定程度上为农村饮水安全提供保障,有利于新农村建设工作高质量开展。但在农村自来水管道线路设计过程中,技术人员会面临很多技术难题,不仅影响着农村基础生活设施建设,也对自来水管道工程建设与完善造成了影响。对此本文将分析新农村建设下优化自来水管道线路设计的重要意义与基本原则,结合自来水管道线路设计中的难点,提出科学合理的设计思路,从而更好地促进农村饮水工程建设发展。 展开更多
关键词 新农村建设 乡村振兴战略 农村自来水管道线路 水压设计
埋地压力输水钢管结构分析探讨 被引量:3
作者 杨晓蕾 陈峰 +1 位作者 李萌 俞锋 《水利水电技术(中英文)》 北大核心 2022年第S01期242-245,共4页
输水工程中,钢管因承压高、调节地基变形能力强、防渗性好等优点而得到大量采用。在这类工程中,输水管道往往工程量大,工程投资高,所以合理地进行管道结构设计尤显重要。本文通过计算输水压力钢管在不同内水压力和外压情况下需要的壁厚... 输水工程中,钢管因承压高、调节地基变形能力强、防渗性好等优点而得到大量采用。在这类工程中,输水管道往往工程量大,工程投资高,所以合理地进行管道结构设计尤显重要。本文通过计算输水压力钢管在不同内水压力和外压情况下需要的壁厚,得出钢管的壁厚选取主要受强度(最大环向应力和最大组合折算应力)、稳定(管壁截面的临界应力)和刚度(大竖向变形)控制。在给水工程设计中,应统筹考虑管道的设计内水压力、管道的外压,通过技术和经济比选确定钢管的材质和壁厚。本文对压力输水管道设计具有一定的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 埋地压力输水钢管 设计水压 外压 壁厚
谈聚乙烯给水管材公称压力的选择 被引量:1
作者 李松 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期104-105,共2页
关键词 聚乙烯给水管材 公称压力 最大设计水压 温度对压力折减系数
A case study of seismic response of earth embankment foundation on liquefiable soils 被引量:4
作者 黄雨 YASHIMA A +1 位作者 SAWADA K 张锋 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第6期994-1000,共7页
A case study of seismic response of an earth embankment foundation on liquefiable soils in Kansai area,western Japan was presented. Based on a calibrated cyclic elasto-plastic constitutive model for liquefiable sand a... A case study of seismic response of an earth embankment foundation on liquefiable soils in Kansai area,western Japan was presented. Based on a calibrated cyclic elasto-plastic constitutive model for liquefiable sand and Biot dynamic coupled theory,the seismic analysis was carried out by using a dynamic effective stress finite element method under plane strain condition. A recent design study was illustrated in detail for a river earth embankment subjected to seismic excitation on the saturated deposits with liquefiable sands. Simulated results of the embankment foundation during liquefaction were obtained for acceleration,displacement,and excess pore water pressures,which were considered to yield useful results for earthquake geotechnical design. The results show that the foundation soil reaches a fully liquefied state with high excess pore pressure ratios approaching to 1.0 due to the earthquake shaking. At the end of the earthquake,the extensive liquefaction causes about 1.0 m lateral spreading at the toe and 60 cm settlement at the crest of the earth embankment. 展开更多
关键词 earth embankment earthquake liquefaction cyclic plasticity finite element method case study
The design and calculation of the delayed neutron detection system for PWR and CEFR
作者 Liu Yupu Qiu Chunhua 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2009年第4期61-67,共7页
This paper discussed the importance of the delayed neutron detection system.We improved the delayed neutron detection station and delayed neutron detector,so the noise was greatly decreased and the detection efficienc... This paper discussed the importance of the delayed neutron detection system.We improved the delayed neutron detection station and delayed neutron detector,so the noise was greatly decreased and the detection efficiency was greatly increased.After the improvement the stability of the detector was enhanced and the false alarm was eliminated.We introduced the principle of the gas lift pump designed for the sodium cooled fast reactor.A calculation model of the failed fuel detection system of CEFR was proposed,and from the model a code using LabWindows/CVI was developed.The minimum broken area that could be detected by the delayed neutron detection system of CEFR was calculated and the delayed neutron detection signal in a few representative transient conditions during fuel failure happened was stimulated. 展开更多
关键词 REACTOR fuel failure delayed neutron gas lift pump calculation model
HPR1000: Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor with Active and Passive Safety 被引量:26
作者 Ji xing Daiyong Song Yuxiang Wu 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第1期79-87,共9页
HPR1000 is an advanced nuclear power plant(NPP)with the significant feature of an active and passive safety design philosophy,developed by the China National Nuclear Corporation.On one hand,it is an evolutionary desig... HPR1000 is an advanced nuclear power plant(NPP)with the significant feature of an active and passive safety design philosophy,developed by the China National Nuclear Corporation.On one hand,it is an evolutionary design based on proven technology of the existing pressurized water reactor NPP;on the other hand,it incorporates advanced design features including a 177-fuel-assembly core loaded with CF3 fuel assemblies,active and passive safety systems,comprehensive severe accident prevention and mitigation measures,enhanced protection against external events,and improved emergency response capability.Extensive verification experiments and tests have been performed for critical innovative improvements on passive systems,the reactor core,and the main equipment.The design of HPR1000fulfills the international utility requirements for advanced light water reactors and the latest nuclear safety requirements,and addresses the safety issues relevant to the Fukushima accident.Along with its outstanding safety and economy,HPR1000 provides an excellent and practicable solution for both domestic and international nuclear power markets. 展开更多
关键词 HPRI000 Active and passive safety Advanced nuclear power reactor
Assessment of Durability and Long Term Performance of High Density Polyethylene Drainboards in the Gotthard Railway Tunnels
作者 Marcus Jablonka 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第8期1039-1047,共9页
Drainage layers provide permanent relief of hydrostatic water pressure, while the waterproof liner prevents any ingress of water into the tunnel. The durability and aging resistance of drainage membranes are of primar... Drainage layers provide permanent relief of hydrostatic water pressure, while the waterproof liner prevents any ingress of water into the tunnel. The durability and aging resistance of drainage membranes are of primary concern. This paper describes advantages and concerns related to the usage of, and the design with, polymeric drainboards in tunnel construction. Common degradation mechanisms associated with HDPE (high density polyethylene) sheets are described. The stringent requirements for the Gotthard Alpine Railway Tunnel through the Swiss Alps, e.g., high ambient temperatures of up to 45 ℃ and an expected service life of up to 100 years require outstanding aging resistance of polymeric drainage materials. The paper describes the methods deployed to investigate the long-term performance of HDPE drainboards, focusing on aging mechanisms. Details associated with the test procedures developed to reflect the specific properties of drainboards, as well as the results obtained, are presented. A summary table shows recommended product specifications needed to confine the aging properties of drainboards and to design a system performing adequately during the entire lifetime of the structure. 展开更多
关键词 DURABILITY long term performance HDPE drainboards TUNNEL
Design and study on hydraulics characteristic of multistage anaerobic granular sludge reactor
作者 ZHENG Hong-hu WANG Shuang-fei +2 位作者 ZHU Yi-nian ZHANG Ye-feng YAO Qian 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2008年第10期14-17,23,共5页
This article provides some ideas about several key parameters in design of multistage anaerobic granular sludge reactor (MA(iSR), and an MAGSR was designed by these ideas. By experiment this paper studies the produ... This article provides some ideas about several key parameters in design of multistage anaerobic granular sludge reactor (MA(iSR), and an MAGSR was designed by these ideas. By experiment this paper studies the productivity of biogas and circulation flux of wastewater. The results indicate that in certain scope the circulation flux increases in linear with the biogas productivity rise. The result by the experiment and by the hydraulics model about the circulation flux is different. The circulation flux can be several or more than ten times of the influence. 展开更多
关键词 multistage anaerobic granular sludge reactor DESIGN hydraulic characteristic
作者 宣民锋 《工业汽轮机》 2003年第1期18-21,共4页
关键词 水压试验工装设计 计算机辅助工装设计系统 合理化工程 法兰
The Drainage Exchange of Stormwater Potential in Flat Area Problems
作者 S. Musa N.A. Zakaria +1 位作者 S.H. Lai D. Tjahjanto 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第10期1-8,共8页
Groundwater as an alternative source still does not contribute to the water supply in area of Parit Raja because of the limitation of water availability in the ground. This lacking of groundwater could be caused by th... Groundwater as an alternative source still does not contribute to the water supply in area of Parit Raja because of the limitation of water availability in the ground. This lacking of groundwater could be caused by the circumstance that the top layer of soil is dominated by compacted clay around 2 meters in which its permeability is small, so the water is difficult to infiltrate the ground. The recharge well technique was designed based on the flat area problems, layer of real condition, flow water table and low infiltration rate. Resistivity soundings were made at existing wells to assess the subsurface layers. Beside that, the past records on floods event, sub surface and surface studies were collected around study area as a preliminary studies. It was presented that the study area promised good prospects to increase the capability of groundwater and contribute to the drainage system by reducing the volume of rainfall runoff using the recharge well technique. 展开更多
关键词 GROUNDWATER recharge well water supply drainage system
An optimal fracture geometry design method of fractured horizontal wells in heterogeneous tight gas reservoirs 被引量:4
作者 ZENG FanHui KE YuBiao GUO JianChun 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期241-251,共11页
In this work, the unified fracture design (UFD) is extended for the first time to the fractured horizontal wells in heterogeneous closed box-shaped tight gas reservoirs. Utilizing the direct boundary element method ... In this work, the unified fracture design (UFD) is extended for the first time to the fractured horizontal wells in heterogeneous closed box-shaped tight gas reservoirs. Utilizing the direct boundary element method and influence function, the dimensionless fracture productivity index is obtained and expressed in the function of proppant volume and fracture geometry at the pseu- do-steady state. With the iterative method, the effectively propped permeability, kfe, is corrected using the i^-situ Reynolds number, NRe. The goal of this paper is to present a new UFD extension to design the proppant volume and the optimal fracture geometry. The results show that there exists an optimal proppant volume for a certain reservoir. The small aspect ratio (yJXe) and high permeability reservoirs need short and wide fractures to diminish the non-Darcy effect. On the contrary, long and narrow fractures are required for the large aspect ratio and low permeability reservoirs. A small proppant volame is prone to creating long fractures, while a relatively large proppant volume creates wide fractures. The new extension can be used to evaluate the previous fracture parameters and design the following fracture parameters of the fractured horizontal well in heterogeneous tight gas reservoirs, with the non-Darcy effect taken into account. 展开更多
关键词 tight gas reservoir HETEROGENEITY non-Darcy effect fractured horizontal well fracture geometry design
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