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作者 郭亚林 彭靖园 +2 位作者 钱冬冬 梅子彧 孟翔峰 《上海口腔医学》 CAS 2024年第6期594-599,共6页
目的:研究不同预设车针半径对二氧化锆修复体组织面的车针补偿间隙影响及车针补偿间隙发生的牙位、解剖部位特点。方法:随机选取切牙、前磨牙和磨牙二氧化锆单冠修复体各12个病例的数字化设计数据,分别将车针半径预设为0.3、0.4、0.5和0... 目的:研究不同预设车针半径对二氧化锆修复体组织面的车针补偿间隙影响及车针补偿间隙发生的牙位、解剖部位特点。方法:随机选取切牙、前磨牙和磨牙二氧化锆单冠修复体各12个病例的数字化设计数据,分别将车针半径预设为0.3、0.4、0.5和0.6 mm。使用软件分析获得每组车针补偿间隙的4项评估指标值(补偿面积、补偿面积占比、补偿体积及补偿最大厚度值),进一步对0.5 mm预设半径组的■面或切缘、轴面、边缘区域发生间隙补偿频次进行记录。采用SPSS 22.0软件包对数据进行双因素方差分析和卡方检验。结果:预设车针半径和牙位显著影响修复体组织面车针补偿间隙的4项评估指标值(P<0.05),4项评估指标值均随车针预设半径降低而显著减小(P<0.05),车针预设半径0.5 mm组的切牙、磨牙和0.6 mm组的所有类型牙存在最大补偿厚度值超过300μm的概率;预设半径0.5 mm组各类型牙的切缘/■缘区域、轴面区域、边缘区域发生20μm间隙补偿的频次依次递减(P<0.05)。结论:0.3~0.4 mm车针预设半径能够获得合理的修复体组织面车针补偿间隙,预备体切缘/■缘区域需要精细预备,以减少间隙补偿频次的发生。 展开更多
关键词 二氧化锆 CAD\CAM 半径 补偿间隙
作者 覃桂香 《当代护士(中旬刊)》 2017年第11期121-122,共2页
目的探讨预设型动脉血气针在桡动脉采血中的应用价值。方法选取2016年7月~2016年9月住院进行桡动脉采血做血气分析的患者100例,按采血标本编号的奇、偶数进行随机分组,对照组和观察组各50例,对照组采用传统动脉血气分析取样系统,一次性2... 目的探讨预设型动脉血气针在桡动脉采血中的应用价值。方法选取2016年7月~2016年9月住院进行桡动脉采血做血气分析的患者100例,按采血标本编号的奇、偶数进行随机分组,对照组和观察组各50例,对照组采用传统动脉血气分析取样系统,一次性2.5ml注射器抽吸肝素液湿润;观察组使用预设型动脉血气针进行动脉采血。结果观察组在一次穿刺采血成功率,标本合格率,穿刺采血时间,患者感觉疼痛程度及护士操作满意率等方面均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论预设型动脉血气针用于桡动脉采血,在一次穿刺采血成功率、穿刺采血时间、标本合格率及患者疼痛程度等方面明显优于传统肝素注射器采血。 展开更多
关键词 型动脉血气 桡动脉采血 价值
基于PBL的WEB学习环境设计 被引量:6
作者 马红亮 《四川师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2003年第4期135-138,共4页
在PBL(基于问题式学习)理论的指导下,我们结合《教学设计》课程的性质,对WEB学习环境进行了具体的多层次、多角度的设计。我们从模块设计的角度,设计了四个相互联系的模块:学习者模块、教师模块、教学管理者模块和研究者模块;从如何开... 在PBL(基于问题式学习)理论的指导下,我们结合《教学设计》课程的性质,对WEB学习环境进行了具体的多层次、多角度的设计。我们从模块设计的角度,设计了四个相互联系的模块:学习者模块、教师模块、教学管理者模块和研究者模块;从如何开展教学的角度,设计了教学模式的具体操作步骤;从组织知识的角度,设计了案例和概念交织的网状知识结构。最后,指出了在上述设计之后,应进一步研究的问题。 展开更多
关键词 PBL WEB学习环境 设针
住宅室内照明设计的几点思考 被引量:5
作者 柯峰 张晓清 《灯与照明》 2003年第2期9-11,共3页
该文针对住宅室内照明设计中应注意的问题 ,从科学性、美学性、经济性等几个方面加以探讨。提出了合理的照明设计的思路和方法 ,为室内照明设计提供借鉴。
关键词 住宅 室内 照明设针 光污染 节能
作者 闫大虎 赵旭峰 《晋图学刊》 2003年第3期27-28,73,共3页
关键词 军队图书馆 武警部队 专业文献 全文数据库 系统设针 功能 检索流程
作者 李红军 《地理教学》 2004年第3期31-32,共2页
一、创设情境,引入新课动画情境:在急促的音乐背景下,一人拿着包,急急忙忙出门,一会音乐嘎然而止,此人犹豫一下,一个个问号冒出,坐飞机?汽车?火车?轮船?或者……然后,课题展现出来"第一节各种运输方式"。二、启发引导,合作、... 一、创设情境,引入新课动画情境:在急促的音乐背景下,一人拿着包,急急忙忙出门,一会音乐嘎然而止,此人犹豫一下,一个个问号冒出,坐飞机?汽车?火车?轮船?或者……然后,课题展现出来"第一节各种运输方式"。二、启发引导,合作、探究、开放学习设置下列开放性问题,引导学生充分讨论、发言,从而对各种交通运输方式有比较全面的理解。 展开更多
关键词 中学 地理教育 交通运输 教学设针
作者 张嘉彧 《机械工人(冷加工)》 2003年第4期44-46,共3页
一、NC800型卧式加工中心概述 NC800型卧式加工中心(下称“本加工中心”)由机械部分和电气部分组成。其中机械部分由原苏联制造,它由机床床身、主轴箱、刀库、工件交换系统、液压系统。
关键词 加工中心 数控系统 电气设针 伺服轴 定位精度
作者 韩学广 《OVM通讯》 2003年第1期28-32,共5页
一、土锚型式选择因素1、锚固对象结构特征松散体或软土结构。如土坡、崩塌堆途中体、破碎岩体边坡。具有强度指标低、完整性差,在施加锚固力后容易产生较大的变形的特点。岩质。如岩质边坡、地下洞室岩体锚固等。具有强度指标相对较高... 一、土锚型式选择因素1、锚固对象结构特征松散体或软土结构。如土坡、崩塌堆途中体、破碎岩体边坡。具有强度指标低、完整性差,在施加锚固力后容易产生较大的变形的特点。岩质。如岩质边坡、地下洞室岩体锚固等。具有强度指标相对较高、完整性相对较好,在施加锚固力后变形相对较小的特点。 展开更多
关键词 土锚 设针 变形 岩体边坡 锚固 荷载
机床业大批量定制方法的研究 被引量:2
作者 朱万贵 杨志雄 +1 位作者 班啸飞 顾新建 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期20-23,共4页
大批量定制正在成为主流生产模式。探讨了机床业大批量定制的基本方法 ,指出大批量定制方法中模块化设计、配置设计、导航台和模块化企业是其显著的特点。分析了机床的模块化设计方法。研究了机床的配置设计方法。并以某类数控车床为例 。
关键词 机床工业 大批量定制 模块化 配置设针 导航台 模块化企业 数控车床
螺杆技术及应用的探讨 被引量:1
作者 董伟良 《上海应用技术学院学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第1期22-25,共4页
关键词 螺杆 螺旋传送 工作方式 螺旋叶片 螺旋线 变化螺矩 组合设针
作者 孟庆仁 《国外建材科技》 2003年第3期82-84,共3页
关键词 大体积砼 巨型斜墙 脚手架 模板工程 杜拉纤维 施工组织设针
Key Technical Problems to be Solved in theCurrent Power Industy Development——Excerpted from the speech on the Seminar on Analysis Forecast of Economic Situation and Enterprise Reform
作者 张晓鲁 《Electricity》 2002年第2期3-4,共2页
This paper briefs the development policies and focal construction points of powerindustry in China in 10th Five-year Plan period, and in accordance with the developmentaltrends of international power technology, puts ... This paper briefs the development policies and focal construction points of powerindustry in China in 10th Five-year Plan period, and in accordance with the developmentaltrends of international power technology, puts forward the key technological problems tobe studies in China power industry currently.[ 展开更多
关键词 China electric power industry development policy power construction keytechnology
Study on Design Specifications and Wear Behavior of MCC
作者 朱守星 朱世根 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第3期89-92,共4页
Main design parameters of MCC (metallic card clothing) which include front angle, base width, tooth pitch, and tooth point dimensions are discussed to investigate the carding effect of MCC. Experimental results show... Main design parameters of MCC (metallic card clothing) which include front angle, base width, tooth pitch, and tooth point dimensions are discussed to investigate the carding effect of MCC. Experimental results show that type C machine has the best carding effect, which is not ascribed to single factor control but the integrated design optimization and good performance of wire teeth. In comparison with the teeth design, the wire performance is another important factor that influences the perfommnce of modem high efficient production carding machine. 展开更多
关键词 MCC design specification zoire performance
Structural Multi-objective Probabilistic Design for Six Sigma
作者 李玉强 崔振山 +2 位作者 陈军 张冬娟 阮雪榆 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2007年第1期100-105,共6页
Uncertainties in engineering design may lead to low reliable solutions that also exhibit high sensitivity to uncontrollable variations. In addition, there often exist several conflicting objectives and constraints in ... Uncertainties in engineering design may lead to low reliable solutions that also exhibit high sensitivity to uncontrollable variations. In addition, there often exist several conflicting objectives and constraints in various design environments. In order to obtain solutions that are not only "multi-objectively" optimal, but also reliable and robust, a probabilistic optimization method was presented by integrating six sigma philosophy and multi-objective genetic algorithm. With this method, multi-objective genetic algorithm was adopted to obtain the global Pareto solutions, and six sigma method was used to improve the reliability and robustness of those optimal solutions. Two engineering design problems were provided as examples to illustrate the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 multi-objective genetic algorithm six sigma reliability-based design optimization robust design
Study on How to Design Knitted Fabric Pattern with Mathematical Theory 被引量:2
作者 陈莉 张蕊 叶介茂 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第2期204-206,共3页
To improve design capabilities for the knitted fabric pattern,a preliminary study is carried out for the design method.Based on mathematical theory,pattern could be created automatically by computer with inputting dif... To improve design capabilities for the knitted fabric pattern,a preliminary study is carried out for the design method.Based on mathematical theory,pattern could be created automatically by computer with inputting different parameters for mathematical functions.The knitted fabric simulation is realized by M1 CAD pattern preparation system of STOLL Company.In the pattern,different color unit is replaced by obverse stitch with different color,or by obverse stitch and reverse stitch with the same color separately,after that the effects of knitted fabrics could be simulated.Designing with this method,it would not only help to acquire a great of diversity patterns,but also improve design efficiency and save cost. 展开更多
关键词 knitted fabric mathematical theory patterndesign CAD fabric simulation
The practical significance of Outward Bound in colleges
作者 Guo Zhen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期83-85,共3页
Outward Bound in colleges have far-reaching value and significance. Outward Bound activities in favor of school to further implement the national education policy, to promote the implementation of the Sunshine Sports ... Outward Bound in colleges have far-reaching value and significance. Outward Bound activities in favor of school to further implement the national education policy, to promote the implementation of the Sunshine Sports to promote campus spiritual civilization, to broaden the space of Physical Education; same time it is also beneficial to develop students 'interest in sport, develop students' teamwork, to promote the physical and mental health of students, improve students' social adaptability. To expand the training to maximize the function of colleges and universities, but also in the education sector especially sports workers continue to work hard, make a greater contribution to the development of universities and students. 展开更多
关键词 Outward Bound COLLEGES Practical significance
Optimization of acupuncture treatment programs for facial paralysis
作者 罗和平 林天东 +3 位作者 蔡敏 黄显勋 王邦博 高伟铿 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2010年第3期13-18,共6页
Objective To optimize acupuncture treatment programs for facial paralysis.Methods Sixty-three cases of facial paralysis were randomly grouped according to orthogonal design L9(3)4 table,and treated by different comb... Objective To optimize acupuncture treatment programs for facial paralysis.Methods Sixty-three cases of facial paralysis were randomly grouped according to orthogonal design L9(3)4 table,and treated by different combined programs of 4 factors,A(acupuncture opportunity),B(combination of points),C(stimulating quantity),D(electroacupuncture time) and 3 levels,and changes of the functional score of the facial nerve were observed,and the different combined programs of the 4 factors,A(acupuncture opportunity),B(combination of point),C(stimulating quantity),D(electroacupuncture time) and 3 levels influencing acupuncture therapeutic effect on facial paralysis were optimized.Results B(combination of points) and D(electroacupuncture time) were obvious factors(P0.05),among them,B(combination of points) was the most main influencing factor;among the 3 levels of B(combination of points) and D(electroacupuncture time),B3 (alternately needling two groups of acupoints) and D3 (electroacupuncture treatment at sparse-dense wave for 30 min) were the best.Conclusion Electroacupuncture at sparse-dense wave for 30 min,alternately needling two groups of acupoints is the best program for treatment of facial paralysis. 展开更多
关键词 Facial Paralysis Acupuncture Opportunity Point Select Syndrome Differ Stimulating Quantity ELECTROACUPUNCTURE Orthogonal Design.
High-performance single-chip exon capture allows accurate whole exome sequencing using the Illumina Genome Analyzer 被引量:3
作者 JIANG Tao YANG Lei +2 位作者 JIANG Hui TIAN Geng ZHANG XiuQing 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2011年第10期945-952,共8页
Here we present an adaptation of NimbleGen 2.1M-probe array sequence capture for whole exome sequencing using the Illumina Genome Analyzer (GA) platform.The protocol involves two-stage library construction.The specifi... Here we present an adaptation of NimbleGen 2.1M-probe array sequence capture for whole exome sequencing using the Illumina Genome Analyzer (GA) platform.The protocol involves two-stage library construction.The specificity of exome enrichment was approximately 80% with 95.6% even coverage of the 34 Mb target region at an average sequencing depth of 33-fold.Comparison of our results with whole genome shot-gun resequencing results showed that the exome SNP calls gave only 0.97% false positive and 6.27% false negative variants.Our protocol is also well suited for use with whole genome amplified DNA.The results presented here indicate that there is a promising future for large-scale population genomics and medical studies using a whole exome sequencing approach. 展开更多
关键词 whole exome sequencing exon capture SNP detection indel detection high-throughput resequencing
Design of OFF/ON fluorescent thiol probes based on coumarin fluorophore 被引量:2
作者 SUN Wei LI Jing +3 位作者 LI WenHua SU LiJuan DU LuPei LI MinYong 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第9期1776-1780,共5页
This paper presents a series of first- and second-generation click-modified coumarin-based fluorescent probes for thiols. These molecules demonstrate high turn-on fluorescent response and good selectivity towards arom... This paper presents a series of first- and second-generation click-modified coumarin-based fluorescent probes for thiols. These molecules demonstrate high turn-on fluorescent response and good selectivity towards aromatic thiols over other relevant reac- tive sulfur species, reactive oxygen species and common nucleophiles. Moreover, probe la can detect thiols in the reduced rabbit plasma sample. Therefore, this approach provides a particularly impressive tool for detecting thiol in biological systems. 展开更多
关键词 COUMARIN fluorescent probe aliphatic thiols THIOPHENOLS
A New Estimation for Informed Trading Based on SSNF Method 被引量:1
作者 BING Tao ZHAO Shangmei +1 位作者 ZHANG Qiang LIU Shancun 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第4期988-1002,共15页
This paper estimates the information-based trading using spatially selective noise filtration (SSNF) method. The SSNF method is a kind of filtration technique based on the different spatial correlation of the wavele... This paper estimates the information-based trading using spatially selective noise filtration (SSNF) method. The SSNF method is a kind of filtration technique based on the different spatial correlation of the wavelet transform at several adjacent scales. Using SSNF method, the information shock caused by the informed traders could be extracted from the prices effectively, then the PINs at different scales could be calculated. The measure of informed trading can capture some asymmetric information properties, which is consistent with some empirical consensuses. Furthermore, compared with the MLE method in EKOP model, the method has computational facilities in avoiding the overflow or underflow problem, the boundary solutions problem and the initial values problem. And the method could be applied to the high-frequency world in both order-driven and quote-driven market. 展开更多
关键词 Informed traders PIN SSNF wavelet analysis
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