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自学考试的效度及其证据来源探析 被引量:1
作者 田霖 韦小满 王桥影 《中国考试》 2014年第6期18-23,共6页
效度是衡量考试科学性的重要指标,反映考试在多大程度上实现了测量目的;效度验证也成为测验开发的重要环节,用以支持分数解释及测验使用。本文简要介绍了效度概念的内涵及效度验证的发展历程,并尝试将效度整体观引入自学考试领域,对自... 效度是衡量考试科学性的重要指标,反映考试在多大程度上实现了测量目的;效度验证也成为测验开发的重要环节,用以支持分数解释及测验使用。本文简要介绍了效度概念的内涵及效度验证的发展历程,并尝试将效度整体观引入自学考试领域,对自学考试的效度验证及其证据来源进行初步探索。本文提出,自学考试应从命题管理的各个环节系统地收集证据进行效度验证,效度证据的来源包括测验内容、反应过程、测验内部结构、测验评分、跟外部变量的关系、测验后果等多个方面。 展开更多
关键词 自学考试 度验证 证据
作者 王鹏 戴海琦 丁树良 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2013年第5期465-471,共7页
采用基于最大信息量法的多维项目反应理论模型估计计算机模拟心理咨询病例系统(CCSPC)的合成分数及四个模块分数,并收集效标效度证据、成长变化效度证据和内容效度证据,结果表明:五个指标与心理咨询师考试三级技能成绩的相关均达到显著... 采用基于最大信息量法的多维项目反应理论模型估计计算机模拟心理咨询病例系统(CCSPC)的合成分数及四个模块分数,并收集效标效度证据、成长变化效度证据和内容效度证据,结果表明:五个指标与心理咨询师考试三级技能成绩的相关均达到显著,且高于其与三级理论成绩的相关;所有指标得分均随着心理学学历升高而升高;多数指标分数随心理学本科年级提高而提高;获得心理咨询师资格认证的被试在CCSPC上有更高的得分。 展开更多
关键词 最大信息量法 计算机模拟心理咨询病例 多维项目反应理论 证据
中国少数民族汉语水平考试三级笔试效标证据的效度研究——基于Toulmin论证模型 被引量:1
作者 张健 任杰 周成林 《中国考试》 2017年第2期40-46,共7页
Toulmin效度论证是一个从考生表现到测验使用的系统化的过程,内部包含多个论证,前一个论证的终点同时又是下一个论证的起点,环环相扣,使效度论证对分数的解释更加合理,其中测验的外部效标证据主要适用于外推阶段的效度论证。本文首先从T... Toulmin效度论证是一个从考生表现到测验使用的系统化的过程,内部包含多个论证,前一个论证的终点同时又是下一个论证的起点,环环相扣,使效度论证对分数的解释更加合理,其中测验的外部效标证据主要适用于外推阶段的效度论证。本文首先从Toulmin效度论证模型的基本内容展开,结合新托福考试,介绍该模型的效度论证框架。其次,以某高校参加2016年5月少数民族汉语水平考试(MHK)三级笔试的261名考生的入学分班考试结果和学期期末成绩(汉语写作、汉语精读、汉语听力、数学)为效标证据,从不同角度对该证据进行分析。最后,将上述分析结果作为论证支撑,以Toulmin效度论证模型为理论框架,从实证角度对MHK三级笔试的外推阶段进行效度论证。 展开更多
关键词 度论证 MHK 证据 Toulmin模型
作者 张健 周成林 +1 位作者 任杰 洪润 《考试研究》 2017年第1期90-96,共7页
建立小型描述语语料库并参考MHK三级口试评分标准,对达到MHK三级水平的考生进行"能做什么"的描述分析,建立MHK三级口语能力评分量表。教师给出本班每位参加MHK三级口试学生的口语能力等级,以此为效标计算考生MHK口试成绩和教... 建立小型描述语语料库并参考MHK三级口试评分标准,对达到MHK三级水平的考生进行"能做什么"的描述分析,建立MHK三级口语能力评分量表。教师给出本班每位参加MHK三级口试学生的口语能力等级,以此为效标计算考生MHK口试成绩和教师评价间的相关等。将分析结果作为论证支撑(backing),以Toulmin效度论证模型为理论框架,从实证角度对少数民族汉语水平考试(MHK)的外推(extrapolation)阶段进行效度论证。结果显示:MHK三级口试效度论证的外推(extrapolation)阶段基本成立,考生的MHK三级口试成绩可以反映考生在实际汉语交际环境中口语能力的表现。 展开更多
关键词 度论证 MHK 口试 证据 Toulmin模型
作者 辜向东 《国外英语考试教学与研究》 2020年第4期184-194,共11页
本文系国家社科基金重点项目结题成果《传承性与创新性:基于证据的六级、雅思、托福考试效度对比研究》(14AYY010)的引介,由引言和结语构成,是项目研究的整体设计、具体实施与完成的全局性概览。该研究以“社会–认知效度验证框架”为... 本文系国家社科基金重点项目结题成果《传承性与创新性:基于证据的六级、雅思、托福考试效度对比研究》(14AYY010)的引介,由引言和结语构成,是项目研究的整体设计、具体实施与完成的全局性概览。该研究以“社会–认知效度验证框架”为理论基础,使用了效度研究一些传统的研究方法,如问卷调查、有声思维等,也尝试了一些创新性的研究方法,如数据挖掘、眼动追踪等。该研究成果不仅丰富了六级、雅思、托福三项考试的效度证据,为教育、人事部门及广大利益相关者提供入学、就业、人才流动等决策依据,而且为其他语言测试效度对比研究提供了思路与方法上的借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 基于证据的“社会–认知”语言测试度验证框架 六级 雅思 托福
高考物理试题效度证据的研究 被引量:5
作者 欧剑雄 《物理通报》 2015年第7期85-90,共6页
类比《教育与心理测试标准》对考试效度证据的分类方法,建立了"试题效度"的概念,指出了:试题的效度证据分为基于试题内容的证据、基于试题结构的证据、基于反应过程的证据、基于效标材料的证据和基于考试结果的证据5种类型,并结合实... 类比《教育与心理测试标准》对考试效度证据的分类方法,建立了"试题效度"的概念,指出了:试题的效度证据分为基于试题内容的证据、基于试题结构的证据、基于反应过程的证据、基于效标材料的证据和基于考试结果的证据5种类型,并结合实例进行了分析. 展开更多
关键词 高考物理 试题 证据
作者 张建勇 钱永芳 《江苏教育研究》 2023年第13期81-86,共6页
测试效度是决定一个测试项目质量高低的首要要素。非纸笔测试可通过内容效度、效标效度、结构效度三类效度证据确保测试效度。利用“以证据为中心的设计”框架,通过领域分析、领域建模、概念性测评框架、测评实施及测评发布5个层次和步... 测试效度是决定一个测试项目质量高低的首要要素。非纸笔测试可通过内容效度、效标效度、结构效度三类效度证据确保测试效度。利用“以证据为中心的设计”框架,通过领域分析、领域建模、概念性测评框架、测评实施及测评发布5个层次和步骤设计非纸笔设计,能够保障测试效度,为教育者做出正确推论和教育决策提供有效的方法。 展开更多
关键词 非纸笔测试 证据 小学语文教学
论我国刑事证据属性理论的重构——刑事证据“四性说”的提出与意义 被引量:11
作者 张斌 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期138-152,共15页
传统三性说在刑事诉讼中理解和适用均存在困难,尤其是无法准确解释中国法语境中的瑕疵证据、情况说明等证据问题,这是需对传统三性说进行理论完善的主要原因。通过证据认定案件事实的过程,可以划分为证据过程与证明过程。表达证据过程... 传统三性说在刑事诉讼中理解和适用均存在困难,尤其是无法准确解释中国法语境中的瑕疵证据、情况说明等证据问题,这是需对传统三性说进行理论完善的主要原因。通过证据认定案件事实的过程,可以划分为证据过程与证明过程。表达证据过程的参数是证据能力和证据力,表达证明过程的参数是证明能力和证明力。按照四属性说,瑕疵证据在法律性质上属于证据力待定,不是证据能力待定或者可补正排除的非法证据;在案件实体法事实证明问题上,应当总体否定情况说明的证明效力,建立明确的证明能力禁止规则。四属性说比三性说更具有知识性和实用性,比两性说更加准确和适用,是一具有理论拓展价值和历史承继性质的证据属性理论。 展开更多
关键词 四性说 证据效 证明 证据能力 证据 证明能力 证明力 瑕疵证据 情况说明
高等学校应用能力考试A级听力部分效度研究 被引量:2
作者 刘芹 欧阳强荣 《外语测试与教学》 2013年第3期48-58,共11页
本文基于Weir"基于证据的效度验证理论框架",结合教学大纲和考试大纲对听力理解的要求,提出一个针对高等学校应用能力考试A级(PRETCO-A)听力部分的具体效度验证框架。作者依照该框架从五个方面对该测试的效度进行了分析探究... 本文基于Weir"基于证据的效度验证理论框架",结合教学大纲和考试大纲对听力理解的要求,提出一个针对高等学校应用能力考试A级(PRETCO-A)听力部分的具体效度验证框架。作者依照该框架从五个方面对该测试的效度进行了分析探究。在环境效度方面,从材料长度和朗读速度、话题、听力材料真实性、试题类型等方面进行分析;在基于理论效度方面,对试题所考查的语言知识进行分析;在评分效度方面,从项目分析和内部一致性角度进行讨论;在效标关联效度方面,验证不同年份听力部分成绩之间以及其与CET4听力部分成绩的相关性;在后果效度方面,通过问卷调查对考试的课堂教学反拨效应进行研究。 展开更多
关键词 高等学校英语应用能力考试A级 听力理解 度研究 基于证据度验证理论框架
作者 林敦来 《英语学习》 2024年第10期4-11,共8页
初中英语学业水平考试是一项高风险考试。本文从实践角度出发,选择评估者容易获取的试题为评估对象,借鉴语言测试学相关理论,从宏观到微观逐步收集试题的效度证据,包括测试素材的价值取向、测试目的考量、内容效度证据、情境效度证据、... 初中英语学业水平考试是一项高风险考试。本文从实践角度出发,选择评估者容易获取的试题为评估对象,借鉴语言测试学相关理论,从宏观到微观逐步收集试题的效度证据,包括测试素材的价值取向、测试目的考量、内容效度证据、情境效度证据、认知效度证据和命题技术与规范六个方面,以期对试题质量形成一个综合的评估意见。本文中基于理论建构的观测点对试题评估有较强的操作性,能够为命题评估者对初中英语学业水平考试的试题质量评估提供便利和可靠的工具。 展开更多
关键词 初中英语学业水平考试 试题评估 证据
Upper bound solutions for supporting pressures of shallow tunnels with nonlinear failure criterion 被引量:20
作者 YANG Xiao-li ZHANG Dao-bing WANG Zuo-wei 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第7期2034-2040,共7页
Linear failure criterion is widely used in calculation of earth pressure acting on shallow tunnels. However, experimental evidence shows that nonlinear failure criterion is able to represent fairly well the failure of... Linear failure criterion is widely used in calculation of earth pressure acting on shallow tunnels. However, experimental evidence shows that nonlinear failure criterion is able to represent fairly well the failure of almost all types of rocks, A nonlinear Hock-Brown failure criterion is employed to estimate the supporting pressures of shallow tunnels in limit analysis framework. Two failure mechanisms are proposed for calculating the work rate of extemal force and the internal energy dissipation. A tangential line to the nonlinear failure criterion is used to formulate the supporting pressure problem as a nonlinear programming problem. The objective function formulated in this way is minimized with respect to the failure mechanism and the location of tangency point. In order to assess the validity, the supporting pressures for the proposed failure mechanisms are calculated and compared with each other, and the present results are compared with previously published solutions when the nonlinear criterion is reduced to linear criterion. The agreement supports the validity of the proposed failure mechanisms. An experiment is conducted to investigate the influences of the nonlinear criterion on collapse shape and supporting pressures of shallow tunnels. 展开更多
关键词 shallow tunnel nonlinear criterion limit analysis supporting pressure failure mechanism
Executive Compensation and Corporate Financial Performance: Empirical Evidences on Brazilian Industrial Companies 被引量:4
作者 Elizabeth Krauter Almir Ferreira de Sousa 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第5期650-661,共12页
This survey investigated the relationship between executive compensation and the financial performance of companies. It is hypothesized that a company can utilize its pay system to direct executives' efforts toward i... This survey investigated the relationship between executive compensation and the financial performance of companies. It is hypothesized that a company can utilize its pay system to direct executives' efforts toward its strategic business objectives, thus contributing to higher levels of corporate financial performance. The survey data consisted of a secondary and non-probabilistic sample of 44 Brazilian industrial companies. In order to operationalize the independent remuneration variable, the authors used average monthly salary, average variable salary, and three indices that were created for this survey: benefits, career, and development. These indices measure the access to benefits, mechanisms for stimulating and supporting careers, and mechanisms to encourage education and professional development that companies offer to their directors, vice presidents, and chief executive officers (CEOs), who are referred to in this paper by the term "executive". The remuneration data are from fiscal year 2006. In order to operationalize the financial performance variable, two accounting indicators were used: sales growth and return on equity (ROE) for fiscal years 2006 and 2007. The size of the companies was used as a control variable. The results of a multiple regression analysis do not support the hypothesis that there is a positive and significant relationship between executive compensation and corporate financial performance. 展开更多
关键词 COMPENSATION executive compensation financial performance industrial companies Brazil
Radiotherapy in Non-Functioning Pituitary Macroadenoma: Mansoura Experience 被引量:2
作者 Hanan Ahmed Wahba Hend Ahmed EI-Hadaad +1 位作者 Eman Hamza EI-Zahaf Mohammacl ADu-Hegazy 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2011年第4期224-228,共5页
OBJECTIVE The current retrospective study aims to evaluate the management of non-functioning the assessment of experience on pituitary macroadenoma through clinical, biochemical, radiological features, and treatment o... OBJECTIVE The current retrospective study aims to evaluate the management of non-functioning the assessment of experience on pituitary macroadenoma through clinical, biochemical, radiological features, and treatment outcome of patients, and to identify prognostic factors affecting progression-free survival (PFS). METHODS Data of 55 patients macroadenoma presented to the with non-functioning pituitary Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine department between 1998 and 2009 were investigated. RESULTS The most common symptom was visual disturbance (38.2%) followed by headache (27.3%). The presence of male predominance was observed (1.4:1). Ten patients received radio-therapy (RT) only. Extrasellar extension was the more common treatment. The overall response rate was 72.8% with completed response at 16.4%. Memory and intellectual sequelae were the most common late complications of treatment (14%). The ten-year PFS was at 84.6%. PFS was found to be significantly better with higher dose of RT (up to 54 Gy), treatment by both surgery and RT, absence of visual field defect, and tumor localized to sella, whereas it was not significantly affected by age and sex. CONCLUSION The data confirmed that the prevalence of mass effect and hypopituitarism in patients with non-functioning pituitary macroadenoma is elevated. Conventional external RT up to 54 Gy is safe and effective in controlling non-functioning pituitary macro- adenoma with tolerable and acceptable morbidity. 展开更多
关键词 non-functioning pituitary macroadenoma RADIOTHERAPY prognostic factors survival.
Intellectual Capital and Business Performance in Professional Football Clubs: Evidence From a Longitudinal Analysis
作者 Federica Ricci Vincenzo Scafarto Domenico Celenza Ida Samantha Gilvari 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第9期450-465,共16页
This paper aims to explore the impact of intellectual capital efficiency (ICE) on firm performance in the context of professional football clubs. In particular, our aim is twofold: (1) to provide measures of ICE ... This paper aims to explore the impact of intellectual capital efficiency (ICE) on firm performance in the context of professional football clubs. In particular, our aim is twofold: (1) to provide measures of ICE specifically tailored to professional football businesses; and (2) to empirically investigate whether some dimensions of ICE, namely, human capital and relational capital efficiency, are positively associated with sporting performance, here used as a proxy for business performance. This paper develops a quantitative analysis of club-level panel data using the statistical technique known as mixed-effects linear regression for longitudinal analysis. The research spans a time period of five years and specifically the sporting seasons from 2007/2008 up to 2011/2012. The empirical findings of this study provide tentative evidence that ICE, especially as far as relational capital is concerned, is positively associated with on-pitch performance of professional football businesses. On the counterpart, results for the impact of human capital efficiency (HCE) do not consistently come out with the (positive) expected signs. More specifically, our findings suggest that relational capital efficiency, meaning the ability to develop and nurture positive business relationship with relevant external stakeholders, is a significant consideration for football club managers; on the other, they might shed light on the actual business model of professional football clubs that, in our analysis, does not appear consistent with the long-held hypothesis of winning maximization. The main limitation of this study lies in the fact that our indicators do not fully capture all relevant dimensions of the intellectual capital (IC) construct. 展开更多
关键词 intellectual capital efficiency (ICE) firm performance professional football clubs
Learning curves in minimally invasive esophagectomy 被引量:2
作者 Frans van Workum Laura Fransen +1 位作者 Misha DP Luyer Camiel Rosman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2018年第44期4974-4978,共5页
Surgical innovation and pioneering are important for improving patient outcome, but can be associated with learning curves. Although learning curves in surgery are a recognized problem, the impact of surgical learning... Surgical innovation and pioneering are important for improving patient outcome, but can be associated with learning curves. Although learning curves in surgery are a recognized problem, the impact of surgical learning curves is increasing, due to increasing complexity of innovative surgical procedures, the rapid rate at which new interventions are implemented and a decrease in relative effectiveness of new interventions compared to old interventions. For minimally invasive esophagectomy(MIE), there is now robust evidence that implementation can lead to significant learning associated morbidity(morbidity during a learning curve, that could have been avoided if patients were operated by surgeons that have completed the learning curve). This article provides an overview of the evidence of the impact of learning curves after implementation of MIE. In addition, caveats for implementation and available evidence regarding factors that are important for safe implementation and safe pioneering of MIE are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Minimally invasive esophagectomy Learning curve Pioneering Safe implementation Profciency gain curve
Biochemical Evidences for Scopoletin Inhibits Ca^(2+)-ATPase Activity in the Carmine Spider Mite,Tetranychus cinnabarinus(Boisduval)
作者 Qiuli HOU Dan WANG +2 位作者 Bingchuan ZHANG Wei DING Yongqiang ZHANG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第4期826-831,共6页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the acaricidal lffect of scopo- letin, and provide the biochemical evidences of scopoletin influencus Ca2+-ATPase activity and gene expressions in the Carmine Spider Mite, ... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the acaricidal lffect of scopo- letin, and provide the biochemical evidences of scopoletin influencus Ca2+-ATPase activity and gene expressions in the Carmine Spider Mite, Tetranych'us cinnabarinus. in increased protein contents; kinetic analysis showed that the catalytic capability of Ca2+-ATPase was significantly reduced by scopoletin. [Conclusion] Scopoletin exhibits a significant inhibitory effect on Ca2+-ATPase, and its acaricidal effect against T. cinnabarinus might be due to the direct inhibition of Ca2+-ATPase. 展开更多
关键词 SCOPOLETIN Ca2+-ATPase INHIBITION Tetranychus cinnabarinus Acaricidal
The Relationship Between Board Skills and Conservatism: Malaysian Evidence
作者 Rahimah Mohamed Yunos Universiti Teknologi MARA Johor, Malaysia Malcolm Smith Zubaidah Ismail 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第8期1173-1184,共12页
This study seeks to examine the influence of board skill, multiple directorships (BSHIP), and tenure of independent directors on accounting conservatism, as measured by asymmetric timeliness and accrual-based conser... This study seeks to examine the influence of board skill, multiple directorships (BSHIP), and tenure of independent directors on accounting conservatism, as measured by asymmetric timeliness and accrual-based conservatism (CONACCR). Fixed-effect regression models were constructed on a sample of 2016 firm-year observations for asymmetric timeliness model and 2033 firm-year observations for CONACCR model, which covered from 2001 to 2007. The findings show that the degree of financial expertise on the board is positively associated with the recognition of bad news which is relative to good news into earnings. BSHIP appears to have no effect on conservatism. Independent directors who have longer tenure in the board of the firms are slower in recognizing bad news which is relative to good news into earnings. The study provides empirical evidence on the effectiveness of the board of directors, which will be an interest to the practitioner or regulators in reviewing the corporate governance regulations. 展开更多
关键词 board skill financial expertise multiple directorships TENURE CONSERVATISM
作者 吉萌 《司法改革论评》 2007年第2期121-137,共17页
一、引言所谓职能,是指人、事物、机构应有的作用、功能。在这里,功能被用来对职能进行定义,因此有必要对功能的概念进行简单的界定。功能是指属于总体活动一部分的某种活动对总体活动所作的贡献。一种活动之所以持续下来,是因为它对整... 一、引言所谓职能,是指人、事物、机构应有的作用、功能。在这里,功能被用来对职能进行定义,因此有必要对功能的概念进行简单的界定。功能是指属于总体活动一部分的某种活动对总体活动所作的贡献。一种活动之所以持续下来,是因为它对整体生存是必要的。通过比较可以看出,二者都含有"作用"的意味,主要区别在于"功能"之"功"有"功效"之意,指有利的作用。 展开更多
关键词 公证制度 公证法 公证活动 债权文书 公证事项 民事法律行为 证明力 公证业务 强制执行 证据效
基于AI的情绪识别在组织中的实践:现状、未来和挑战 被引量:8
作者 胡心约 张恬路 李英武 《中国人力资源开发》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期57-70,共14页
人工智能(AI)的蓬勃发展为组织内员工情绪的识别、评估和管理带来新契机的同时,也对组织管理领域既往的研究模式提出了挑战。基于AI的情绪识别研究作为一个新兴的交叉研究领域,仍未得到组织实践者的积极关注,学界对AI情绪识别缺乏全面... 人工智能(AI)的蓬勃发展为组织内员工情绪的识别、评估和管理带来新契机的同时,也对组织管理领域既往的研究模式提出了挑战。基于AI的情绪识别研究作为一个新兴的交叉研究领域,仍未得到组织实践者的积极关注,学界对AI情绪识别缺乏全面正确的认识。本文首先对基于AI的情绪识别模型进行理论探讨,重点介绍AI情绪识别的技术路线与意义。在此基础上,对AI情绪识别的技术路线提出展望,并指出AI情绪识别在组织管理领域中能够帮助研究者优化情绪测量工具、拓展研究视角并推动组织管理的实践。最后,对AI情绪识别在未来发展中可能面临的伦理问题和效度问题进行讨论。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 情绪识别 证据 组织情境
Social Capital and Total Factor Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Provinces 被引量:3
作者 Ailun Xion Hans Westlund +1 位作者 Hongyi Li Yongjian Pu 《China & World Economy》 SCIE 2017年第4期22-43,共22页
The impact of social capital on economic development has been broadly studied by scholars. However, research in the Chinese context is relatively rare. Drawing upon data from the China General Social Survey, our resul... The impact of social capital on economic development has been broadly studied by scholars. However, research in the Chinese context is relatively rare. Drawing upon data from the China General Social Survey, our results suggest that the enhancing effect of social capital on total factor productivity is very limited in the case of China. The network dimension of social capital is significant only in pooled OLS estimations, and trust as well as the participation dimension of social capital exert no impact across all estimations. Our interpretation is that this is partly due to the fact that trust, values and norms formed in civil society are inherently difficult to transmit to the market sector. Besides, the impact of social capital on economic performance is undermined when physical capital plays a significant role in production. We therefore propose that the effect of social capital on economic performance is contingent on localized social and economic conditions. 展开更多
关键词 economic performance social capital total factor productivity
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