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作者 林巧梅 《炫动漫》 2024年第7期84-86,共3页
在当前全面深化艺术教育课程改革的背景下,中小学音乐教育作为培养学生艺术素养和审美能力的重要途径,正面临着前所未有的发展机遇与挑战。其中,“以评导学”作为一种新兴的教学模式,逐渐受到广大音乐教育者的关注和认可。本文旨在深入... 在当前全面深化艺术教育课程改革的背景下,中小学音乐教育作为培养学生艺术素养和审美能力的重要途径,正面临着前所未有的发展机遇与挑战。其中,“以评导学”作为一种新兴的教学模式,逐渐受到广大音乐教育者的关注和认可。本文旨在深入探讨“以评导学”在中小学音乐学科中的实践应用,分析其对学生音乐素养提升的影响,并提出一系列切实可行的实施策略,以期为我国中小学音乐教育的改革与发展提供有益的参考。 展开更多
关键词 中小学音乐学科 “以评导学” 探索
作者 梁德全 《中国经济与管理科学》 2009年第3期81-83,共3页
以“评导结合”为基础,建立用人单位、教师、学生共同参与的学技内部质量保障与评价体系,逐步建立保证教学质量循环提高的长效机制是我校长期的理念和坚持不懈的实际行动。通过构建我校教学质量循环提高的长效机制,实现了对教学质量... 以“评导结合”为基础,建立用人单位、教师、学生共同参与的学技内部质量保障与评价体系,逐步建立保证教学质量循环提高的长效机制是我校长期的理念和坚持不懈的实际行动。通过构建我校教学质量循环提高的长效机制,实现了对教学质量的有效管理,形成了特色,取得了明显实效。 展开更多
关键词 评导结合 提高质量
作者 马峰 《现代教学》 2023年第11期7-8,共2页
高中教育评价改革,可以从经过实践验证的国际教育评价中汲取养料,以基于学生成长轨迹的评价来导引学生的学习和成长。以评导学,注重基于全面成就的他人评价与基于数字平台积淀数据的学习生态导引,促进体现“温度”的评价,基于“证据”... 高中教育评价改革,可以从经过实践验证的国际教育评价中汲取养料,以基于学生成长轨迹的评价来导引学生的学习和成长。以评导学,注重基于全面成就的他人评价与基于数字平台积淀数据的学习生态导引,促进体现“温度”的评价,基于“证据”的评价,帮助“成长”的评价。 展开更多
关键词 评导 教育评价 智慧校园
评导嵌套,助力整本书深度阅读 被引量:1
作者 蔡维真 《福建教育》 2023年第6期24-26,共3页
《义务教育语文课程标准(2022年版)》将整本书阅读置于“拓展型学习任务群”板块,使其真正嵌入语文课程中。当前整本书阅读教学成效不理想可归因于弱化过程性指导、泛化过程性评价和整本书的阅读指导和评价的脱节。为此,教师可以基于“... 《义务教育语文课程标准(2022年版)》将整本书阅读置于“拓展型学习任务群”板块,使其真正嵌入语文课程中。当前整本书阅读教学成效不理想可归因于弱化过程性指导、泛化过程性评价和整本书的阅读指导和评价的脱节。为此,教师可以基于“评导=信息收集+价值判断+活动支持”这一公式,建构评导嵌套整本书阅读的教学模型和实施路径,引导学生实现深度阅读。 展开更多
关键词 评导嵌套 整本书 深度阅读
评导阶段:树标学法 鉴优察误
作者 李武生 《山东教育》 2002年第1期58-59,共2页
关键词 小学 作文教学 教学评导 例文评议
作者 陈晓英 《语文教学通讯》 2021年第14期74-77,共4页
基于学长典型例文的以评导写式写前指导课,以学长典型例文的选用策略为切入点,以基于学长典型例文的以评导写式写前指导流程,以及学长典型例文的评价量表开发和使用策略为重点,充分发挥例文该有的“定位”“定向”“定级”功能,有效提... 基于学长典型例文的以评导写式写前指导课,以学长典型例文的选用策略为切入点,以基于学长典型例文的以评导写式写前指导流程,以及学长典型例文的评价量表开发和使用策略为重点,充分发挥例文该有的“定位”“定向”“定级”功能,有效提升学生的写作能力。介绍基于学长典型例文的以评导写式写前指导课教学的优势及其“选-探-编-评”四环范式,并以情境作文续写为例作具体阐释。 展开更多
关键词 学长典型例文 评导 写前指导 情境作文
作者 朱亮新 王惠英 《教育科学论坛》 1995年第1期3-4,共2页
所谓“导读法”是在教师引导下学生自主读书的阅读教学方法。小学生的“自读”有别于成人的“自读”。成人的自读是在相对封闭的状态下进行的,属“个体内向”型;小学生的“自读”则是在教师指导下,班级群体支助下进行的,属“群体外向型... 所谓“导读法”是在教师引导下学生自主读书的阅读教学方法。小学生的“自读”有别于成人的“自读”。成人的自读是在相对封闭的状态下进行的,属“个体内向”型;小学生的“自读”则是在教师指导下,班级群体支助下进行的,属“群体外向型”。鉴于此,“导读法”成功的关键在于“导”。一。 展开更多
关键词 小学生 学生思维 导读法 评导 阅读教学方法 教师指导 学习动机 自主阅读 自读 教师引导
作者 林惜瑛 《精品生活》 2023年第3期0085-0087,共3页
音乐课程的重要性是不言而喻的。音乐知识的学习可以让学生从小感受旋律和节奏,受到音乐熏陶的孩子长大之后的乐感和审美能力都会有明显的提高。将“以评导学”融入到小学音乐课堂中有助于提升课堂的内涵,有效提高课堂的效率,激发孩子... 音乐课程的重要性是不言而喻的。音乐知识的学习可以让学生从小感受旋律和节奏,受到音乐熏陶的孩子长大之后的乐感和审美能力都会有明显的提高。将“以评导学”融入到小学音乐课堂中有助于提升课堂的内涵,有效提高课堂的效率,激发孩子对音乐知识的学习兴趣,逐步在相互交流和评价过程中提高孩子的学习意识和自信心。基于此,本文浅析“以评导学”对音乐课的积极作用,并分析探讨如何在实际课堂中落实该教学模式。 展开更多
关键词 “以评导学” 音乐课堂 教学研究
诱导 疏导 评导——浅论“导读”之导
作者 施培新 王惠英 《贵州教育》 1995年第9期22-24,共3页
以发展学生智能为前提,以培养学生自读能力为目标的“语文导读法”有利于解决教学过程中教师与学生,教与学,讲与练,思想教育和知识教学,传授知识和发展智能这些基本矛盾.体现了“教是为了不教”这一教学基本原则.所谓“导读法”是在教... 以发展学生智能为前提,以培养学生自读能力为目标的“语文导读法”有利于解决教学过程中教师与学生,教与学,讲与练,思想教育和知识教学,传授知识和发展智能这些基本矛盾.体现了“教是为了不教”这一教学基本原则.所谓“导读法”是在教师引导下学生自主读书的阅读教学方法. 展开更多
关键词 自主阅读 思维品质 评导 小学生 教师指导 教学基本原则 阅读教学方法 发展学生智能 阅读心理 思想教育
作者 张松清 《教学月刊(小学版)(语文)》 2024年第7期4-9,共6页
为深化小学语文学业评价活动,浙江省龙泉市围绕“为什么评”“评什么”“怎么评”“评了怎么用”,组织开展了区域系列化学科实践与探索:直面学科短板,重构学科评价体系;开展测评实践,提升教师命题能力;探索评导教学,促进学习水平进阶。... 为深化小学语文学业评价活动,浙江省龙泉市围绕“为什么评”“评什么”“怎么评”“评了怎么用”,组织开展了区域系列化学科实践与探索:直面学科短板,重构学科评价体系;开展测评实践,提升教师命题能力;探索评导教学,促进学习水平进阶。由此,将评价贯穿语文学习全过程,促进教师提升课程评价能力。 展开更多
关键词 区域教研 评价体系 测评实践 评导教学
作者 张君杰 冯自松 张艳君 《资源节约与环保》 2015年第10期96-97,112,共3页
作为预防性污染防治制度之一,环评制度重要性不言而喻,但从发展现状来看,环评制度面临是否有效甚至是否必要的挑战。本文从功能定位缺陷、权责失衡和环评制度运作错误等方面分析实效性不足的原因,然后针对这些原因,从立法、执法、司法... 作为预防性污染防治制度之一,环评制度重要性不言而喻,但从发展现状来看,环评制度面临是否有效甚至是否必要的挑战。本文从功能定位缺陷、权责失衡和环评制度运作错误等方面分析实效性不足的原因,然后针对这些原因,从立法、执法、司法和其它方面提出了环评制度设计实效性提升建议,主要包括拓展环评范围至政策指令、加强追责、强化司法救济、提升评估中心地位和职能、优化环评公参方案、规范环境影响后评价、建设环评会商平台、编制行业环评导则等。 展开更多
关键词 政策指令环评 优化环评公参方案 精简环 评环评会商平台 行业环评导
用评价量表导引学生写作走向立意深刻 被引量:2
作者 蔡明 《中学语文教学》 北大核心 2020年第6期37-44,共8页
关键词 评导 切合文题 立意深刻 评价量表 生态写作
作者 何文红 《海南教育》 2002年第2期45-45,共1页
关键词 英语阅读教学 教学情境 阅读技巧 评导
论翻译批评对读者的关注 被引量:1
作者 万兆元 《甘肃科技纵横》 2009年第1期174-174,94,共2页
关键词 翻译批评 关注读者 引导读者
Control Effect of Bio-guide Wasp Virus Missile on Ostrinia furnacalis and Its Benefits for Maize Production in Nanchong City
作者 彭昌家 白体坤 +8 位作者 丁攀 冯礼斌 尹怀中 龙维国 杨宇衡 杨建华 何海燕 苟建华 罗怀海 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期662-666,共5页
In order to promote "green plant protection", reduce the administration dosage and residue of pesticides and control cost of environment pollution, and improve maize production, quality and agricultural ecological e... In order to promote "green plant protection", reduce the administration dosage and residue of pesticides and control cost of environment pollution, and improve maize production, quality and agricultural ecological environment safety. In this study, the control effect and benefit of bio-guide wasp virus missile(BGWVM) on Ostrinia furnacalis in Nanchong City was investigated by using insect light traps and combined method of field investigation and experimental demonstration. According to the results, applying 30-37 pairs of BGWVM per hectare exhibited an average control efficiency of 78.0%, and the control cost was 139.50-172.50 CNY/hm2, which was reduced by 142.50-168.00 CNY/hm^2 compared with conventional chemical control. Average maize yield in BGWVM demonstration plot was 817.8 kg/hm2 higher and improved by 11.0% compared with blank control plot. The output value was improved by 1 799.16 CNY/hm^2 and the revenue increased by 1 941.66-1 967.16CNY/hm2. During 2003-2014, the cumulative demonstration and popularization area of BGWVM technique in Nanchong City had reached 24 507.33 hm^2, and the cumulative yield increment reached 20.042 1 million kg. BGWVM application improved total output value by 44.092 6 million CNY and saved control cost by 3.492 3-4.117 2 million CNY, thus increasing the revenue by 47.584 9-48.209 8 million CNY. BGWVM application reduced 551.41 t of 5% dimehypo GG or 12.87 t of 90%monosultap WP. In addition, BGWVM technique is simple to use, labor-saving and safe for human, animals, environment and crops, with significant economic, ecological and social benefits and without any side effect, which has become an ideal substitute for controlling O. furnacalis and reducing chemical pesticides in organic agriculture industry, modern agriculture industry, production of green and pollution-free agricultural products and IBM prevention and control demonstration gardens. 展开更多
关键词 Ostrinia furnacalis Bio-guide wasp virus missile Prevention and control Effect BENEFIT Evaluation
Resistance Evaluation of Part of Leading Rice Varieties to Rice Blast in Guangxi Province
作者 颜群 罗志勇 +3 位作者 张晋 高利军 陈小林 高汉亮 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第3期518-522,共5页
In order to determine the resistance of leading rice varieties to rice blast in Guangxi, three natural induction rice blast nurseries were established in Cenxi, Sanjiang and Yongfu. The resistance of the 45 leading ri... In order to determine the resistance of leading rice varieties to rice blast in Guangxi, three natural induction rice blast nurseries were established in Cenxi, Sanjiang and Yongfu. The resistance of the 45 leading rice varieties in Guangxi to rice blast was determined under conditions of spray inoculation and natural induction at seedling stage. The results showed that resistance frequencies of the 45 leading rice varieties ranged from 8.33% to 94.44%. Among the 45 tested varieties, there were 8 varieties of which the resistance frequencies were all higher than 80%, accounting for 17.78%; there were 11 varieties of which the resistance frequencies ranged from 50% to 80%, accounting for 24.44%; the resistance frequencies of the remaining varieties were all lower than 50%, accounting for 57.78% of the total tested varieties. The twoconsecutive-year determination results showed none of the 45 leading rice varieties showed resistance to rice blast. In 2010, there were 26, 12 and 7 varieties that were moderately sensitive, sensitive and greatly sensitive to rice blast respectively, accounting for 57.78%, 26.67% and 15.56% of the total tested varieties. In 2011, there were 16, 23 and 12 varieties that were moderately sensitive, sensitive and greatly sensitive to rice blast respectively, accounting for 35.56%, 51.11% and 13.33%. The overall resistance of the 45 leading rice varieties trended to be decreased year by year. So in rice production, they should be selected properly. 展开更多
关键词 Leading rice varieties Rice blast Resistance evaluation GUANGXI
Optimizing Teacher-Student Collaborative Assessment in the Production-Oriented Approach:A Dialectical Research 被引量:10
作者 Shuguang SUN 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2020年第3期305-322,388,389,共20页
Teacher-student collaborative assessment(TSCA)aims to address the challenges of responding to students’work in the Production-Oriented Approach:low efficiency and poor effectiveness.As part of a bigger project carrie... Teacher-student collaborative assessment(TSCA)aims to address the challenges of responding to students’work in the Production-Oriented Approach:low efficiency and poor effectiveness.As part of a bigger project carried out in a Chinese university over a period of three years,the present study explored how the teacher prepared and implemented TSCA in class,especially with a focus on how she determined the assessing objective and worked collaboratively with her students in class to achieve it,using the students’written and translated texts as examples.By adopting the dialectical research(DR)method,this paper collected qualitative data such as teaching plans,classroom recordings,and reflective journals of the teacher-researcher(the author),along with students’written drafts and translated texts.TSCA theory and classroom practice have been refined simultaneously by means of putting theory into practice and reflecting upon it.The optimized pre-class and in-class procedures may shed some light on applying TSCA to L2 classrooms. 展开更多
关键词 teacher-student collaborative assessment(TSCA) writing assessment Production-Oriented Approach(POA) dialectical research(DR) assessment being learning
Evaluation of CA125 and NT-proBNP values in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation 被引量:5
作者 Huseyin Ayhan Haca Ahmet Kasapkara +8 位作者 Tahir Durmaz Telat Keles Cenk San Serdal Bastug Kemal Esref Erdogan Nihal Akar Bayram Emine Bilen Murat Akgay Engin Bozkurt 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期100-106,共7页
Background Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a minimally invasive, emerging therapy in surgically high risk, or in- operable patients. Parameters used for risk classification have some deficiencies i... Background Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a minimally invasive, emerging therapy in surgically high risk, or in- operable patients. Parameters used for risk classification have some deficiencies in the selection of patients. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of TAVI on carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) and N-terminal pro brain-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) as biomarkers that have been used frequently in recent years, and also the relationship of these biomarkers to prognosis. Methods & Results Transcatheter aortic valve implantation was practiced on 31 patients in this study. Then, CA125 and NT-proBNP levels studied in patients prior to and after the TAVI were evaluated. The patients were also grouped in accordance with their left ventrieular ejection fraction (LVEF) and CA125 levels (LVEF 〉 40% and 〈 40%; CA125 ≤ 35 U/L and 〉 35 U/L). The TAVI operation was successfully performed in all patients. There was no in-hospital mortality and substantial improvement in functional capacity was detected at follow ups. In addition, a statistically significant decrease was detected in post-TAVI CA 125 and NT-proBNP levels of all patients (CA 125 83.8 ± 18.1 U/L vs. 64.3 ±14.2 U/L, P = 0.008; NT-proBNP: 4633.6± 627.6 pg/mL vs. 2866.3±536.8 pg/mL, P 〈 0.001). In groups divided according to the CA125 levels, there was also statistically significant post-TAVI decline in CA125 levels. Within CA125 〉 35 U/L and LVEF 〈 40% groups, the permanent need for a pacemaker was required in one (3.2%) patient and mortality was observed in two (6.4%) patients after TAVI at follow up. Conclusions The results show that TAVI can be performed effectively and reliably in patients with high baseline levels of CA125 and NT-proBNP. These biomarkers are reduced substantially with TAVI, while high biomarker levels are associated with undesired events, and certainly, these biomarkers can be used for risk classifications in patient selection for TAVI. 展开更多
关键词 B-type natriuretic peptide BIOMARKER Carbohydrate antigen Heart failure Transcatheter aortic valve implantation Risk score
Dependence-Induced Risk: Security Metrics and Their Measurement Framework 被引量:2
作者 Liqiang Zhang Fei Yan +1 位作者 Bo Zhao Shouhuai Xu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第11期119-128,共10页
Despite the tremendous effort made by industry and academia,we are still searching for metrics that can characterize Cyberspace and system security risks. In this paper,we study the class of security risks that are in... Despite the tremendous effort made by industry and academia,we are still searching for metrics that can characterize Cyberspace and system security risks. In this paper,we study the class of security risks that are inherent to the dependence structure in software with vulnerabilities and exhibit a "cascading" effect. We present a measurement framework for evaluating these metrics,and report a preliminary case study on evaluating the dependence-induced security risks in the Apache HTTP Server. The experiment results show that our framework can not only clearly analyze the root cause of the security risks but also quantitatively evaluate the attack consequence of the risks. 展开更多
关键词 Cyberspace security security metrics exploitability surface attack conse quence risk assessment
Bootstrapping estimates of regression analysis for a non-random sample and its application in the research on anti-proliferation effects of triptolide
作者 曹阳 李玫 +2 位作者 谢万军 张罗漫 吴宗贵 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2003年第2期124-128,共5页
Objective: To solve the problem of parameter estimate in the regression analysis of non-random sample. Methods: Calculating residuals according to the regression function based on original data. Modifying residuals an... Objective: To solve the problem of parameter estimate in the regression analysis of non-random sample. Methods: Calculating residuals according to the regression function based on original data. Modifying residuals and correcting them with mean. Adding mean-corrected residuals on original response and bootstrapping them to get 1000 samples. Fitting regression functions of 1000 resampling samples and calculating the 2.5th percentile and 97.5th percentile of corresponding coefficient. Results: The interval estimates deriving from bootstrap method had more statistical significance than that from usual method. Conclusion: Bootstrapping a regression with residuals is a valid method for estimating parameter in regression analysis. 展开更多
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