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作者 张锡杰 崔纪敏 《衡水学院学报》 2011年第2期27-31,共5页
在我国,农民是"话语权"最弱的一个群体。如何更好地保障农民包括"话语权"在内的各种权利和权益,是值得研究的一个重要问题。"肖张小评论组"现象对今天有益的启示是:保障农民的话语权,必须搭建平台和畅通... 在我国,农民是"话语权"最弱的一个群体。如何更好地保障农民包括"话语权"在内的各种权利和权益,是值得研究的一个重要问题。"肖张小评论组"现象对今天有益的启示是:保障农民的话语权,必须搭建平台和畅通渠道;农民要争取更多更切实的民主权利,必须在党的领导下有序进行;农民掌握话语权是个渐进过程,必须切忌越俎代庖和形式主义。 展开更多
关键词 话语权 农民 肖张小评论组 农民权利 枣强
作者 张志臣 白立强 《衡水学院学报》 2011年第2期32-34,93,共4页
"肖张小评论组"体现了农民主体意识,并在当时历史条件下发挥了鲜明的时代作用。"肖张小评论组"现象的当代启示是:发挥农民主体意识是时代发展的必然要求;发挥农民主体意识必须遵循四项基本原则;坚持党的群众路线,... "肖张小评论组"体现了农民主体意识,并在当时历史条件下发挥了鲜明的时代作用。"肖张小评论组"现象的当代启示是:发挥农民主体意识是时代发展的必然要求;发挥农民主体意识必须遵循四项基本原则;坚持党的群众路线,尊重农民首创精神。 展开更多
关键词 枣强县 肖张小评论组 农民 主体意识 时代要求
基于网络结构特征的大规模虚假评论群组识别 被引量:1
作者 魏瑾瑞 王若彤 王晗 《运筹与管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期194-200,共7页
目前识别虚假评论的方法主要基于评论内容的文本特征和评论者的行为特征,然而评论文本与评论者行为容易被伪造和模仿,且这两类方法只能对虚假评论逐个识别,本文考虑了虚假评论的网络结构特征,通过分析评论者的网络行为及评论者节点间的... 目前识别虚假评论的方法主要基于评论内容的文本特征和评论者的行为特征,然而评论文本与评论者行为容易被伪造和模仿,且这两类方法只能对虚假评论逐个识别,本文考虑了虚假评论的网络结构特征,通过分析评论者的网络行为及评论者节点间的网络结构特征定义相邻节点多样性与自相似性,利用累积分布函数估计其概率并合成网络行为得分,以得分高的可疑产品为种子建立2-hop子图,筛选子图中高度相似的虚假评论候选群组,利用GroupStrainer、HDBSCAN等算法对其进行聚类合并,以发现隐藏的虚假评论群组。以亚马逊四类最畅销的产品数据集为样本进行实证分析的结果表明,文中提出的方法能够有效识别隐藏较深的大规模虚假评论群组,综合群组内容的统计特征分析发现,虚假评论群组对目标产品的攻击模式存在产品类别差异,虚假评论群组比真实评论者对目标产品具有更强的集中度,但同时也会利用其它非目标产品对自身进行伪装以弱化其可疑性。 展开更多
关键词 评论网络结构 虚假评论 网络行为得分
基于谱聚类的虚假评论群组检测 被引量:1
作者 叶子成 王帮海 《计算机应用与软件》 北大核心 2021年第8期175-181,共7页
为了从数据集更有效地检测出虚假评论群组。提出一种基于谱聚类的检测算法。对数据集中的多维数据样本进行分析,确定衡量用户之间相似程度的指标;利用用户相似度指标构造一幅以用户为节点、用户之间相似度为边上权值的带权评论者图;将... 为了从数据集更有效地检测出虚假评论群组。提出一种基于谱聚类的检测算法。对数据集中的多维数据样本进行分析,确定衡量用户之间相似程度的指标;利用用户相似度指标构造一幅以用户为节点、用户之间相似度为边上权值的带权评论者图;将该图的邻接矩阵作为相似度矩阵,利用谱聚类算法对其进行群组检测,将所有用户分为15个候选群组;对检测出的候选群组进一步挖掘,分析其内部特征。将不同方法检测得到的候选群组内部特征进行比较,结果表明该算法具有更高的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 谱聚类 虚假评论 检测 特征分析
在线产品虚假评论检测技术研究 被引量:1
作者 吕海 王琢 《沈阳理工大学学报》 CAS 2018年第6期81-85,共5页
网上购物平台的商家通过虚假评论对自家商品进行美化,并对竞争商品进行抹黑。目前虚假评论人群组的欺诈特征比单个虚假评论人明显,因此,大量的虚假评论检测方法以对虚假评论人群组检测为主。本文提出一种新的在线产品虚假评论检测方法,... 网上购物平台的商家通过虚假评论对自家商品进行美化,并对竞争商品进行抹黑。目前虚假评论人群组的欺诈特征比单个虚假评论人明显,因此,大量的虚假评论检测方法以对虚假评论人群组检测为主。本文提出一种新的在线产品虚假评论检测方法,该方法采用时间窗口提取时间序列上的评论数据,使时间窗口内的评论数据生成二部图结构;将二部图结构转化为评论人图结构,然后用SCAN算法对评论人图进行聚类,并计算聚类后评论人群组特征;最后使用支持向量机对已标注的评论人群组特征数据训练分类器,并对未标注的进行检测。实验结果表明,该方法可以通过时间窗口对正在发生的虚假评论欺诈活动进行有效检测。 展开更多
关键词 虚假评论 虚假评论人群 时间窗口 SCAN 支持向量机
作者 徐曼 《计算机应用文摘》 2023年第24期77-79,83,共4页
虚假评论的存在严重扰乱了公平公正的市场竞争秩序,对虚假评论的识别和检测是函待研究的问题。虚假评论者是虚假评论行为的构成主体之一,多个虚假评论者通过相互协同构成了虚假评论群组,但现有综述缺乏对虚假评论者相关研究的专门述评... 虚假评论的存在严重扰乱了公平公正的市场竞争秩序,对虚假评论的识别和检测是函待研究的问题。虚假评论者是虚假评论行为的构成主体之一,多个虚假评论者通过相互协同构成了虚假评论群组,但现有综述缺乏对虚假评论者相关研究的专门述评。文章对相关中文文献进行了回顾和分析,总结了近年来国内数据挖掘方法与技术在虚假评论者和虚假评论群组检测中的应用,认为虚假评论检测领域未来可从正面和负面虚假评论的区别检测、虚假评论者数据集的建立、数据挖掘算法和框架的建立等方面开展深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 虚假评论 虚假评论 虚假评论 数据挖掘 识别与检测
CGRMB-LDA:面向隐式微博的主题挖掘 被引量:3
作者 李继云 黄昀 陈捷 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第A01期67-71,共5页
由于微博文本短、词量少、语法风格随意的特点,因此微博中包含大量因缺少主题词汇而无法分析话题归属的微博,即隐式微博。提出改进的基于LDA的生成模型考虑评论组和转发微博的CGRMB-LDA模型,利用微博间评论关系、转发关系和上下文关系... 由于微博文本短、词量少、语法风格随意的特点,因此微博中包含大量因缺少主题词汇而无法分析话题归属的微博,即隐式微博。提出改进的基于LDA的生成模型考虑评论组和转发微博的CGRMB-LDA模型,利用微博间评论关系、转发关系和上下文关系扩展隐式微博,明确隐式微博的主题归属,采用吉布斯采样的方法来求解模型从而得到主题集和微博所属主题。在真实数据集上的实验表明,CGRMB-LDA模型能有效地对微博特别是隐式微博进行主题挖掘。 展开更多
关键词 微博 主题挖掘 评论组 转发微博 潜在Dirichlet分配 隐式微博
Homegardens as a Source of Income for Rural Households A Case Study of Bieha District, Southern Burkina Faso
作者 Reginald Tang Guuroh Holm Uibrig Emmanuel Acheampong 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第7期798-813,共16页
This exploratory research studied the contribution of homegardens to household income generation. In Burkina Faso, the Bieha department was purposively selected. The initial rapid rural appraisal was complemented by a... This exploratory research studied the contribution of homegardens to household income generation. In Burkina Faso, the Bieha department was purposively selected. The initial rapid rural appraisal was complemented by a household survey. Tools of data collection included observation, key informant interview, and focus group discussion. For the survey, eighty households were selected based on systematic sampling. Data was collected by individual interviews at household level, and for statistical calculations, the households were subsequently categorized as small, medium and commercial based on their homegarden size. It was found that all the surveyed households managed homegardens composed of trees, crops and animals. Majority of the farmers (43%) belonged to the small category due to land constraints. Generally, farms contributed more income than the plant component of homegardens. However, when the livestock component of homegardens was added, homegardens became far more important than farms and accounted for over 60% of income generation for all categories. It can be concluded that homegardens are important to rural people for food and cash income. 展开更多
关键词 AGROFORESTRY land fragmentation population growth livelihood.
Composition ship collision risk based on fuzzy theory 被引量:4
作者 CHEN Shu Rashid Ahmad +1 位作者 Byung-Gil Lee Do Hyeun Kim 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第11期4296-4302,共7页
Despite of modern navigation devices, there are problems in navigation of vessels in waterways due to the geographical structures, disturbances in water, dynamic nature, and heavily environmental influenced sea traffi... Despite of modern navigation devices, there are problems in navigation of vessels in waterways due to the geographical structures, disturbances in water, dynamic nature, and heavily environmental influenced sea traffic. Even though all vessels are equipped with modern navigation devices, the accidents are reported caused by various reasons and mainly by human factor according to investigation. We propose an effective and efficient composition collision risk calculation method for finding the collision probability and avoiding the collision between ships in possible collision situations. The proposed composition collision risk calculation method at ship's position using combination of fuzzy and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation methods. The algorithm is straightforward to implement and is shown to be effective in automatic ship handling for ships involved in complex navigation situations. Experiments are carried out with indigenous data and the results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. 展开更多
关键词 automatic ship navigation collision risk fuzzy theory
Evaluation of Training Program for New Nurses to Enhance Caring Behavior 被引量:1
作者 Yaowaret Kanmali Arun Suikraduang 《Sociology Study》 2015年第7期584-591,共8页
This research was aimed to evaluate the training program enhancing caring behaviors of new nurses by Kirkpatrick's four level for evaluation model: reaction, learning, behavior, and result of the program. The partic... This research was aimed to evaluate the training program enhancing caring behaviors of new nurses by Kirkpatrick's four level for evaluation model: reaction, learning, behavior, and result of the program. The participants were new nurses, preceptors of new nurses, administrators, patients and members of the patients' family cared by new nurses. The research instruments were: (1) five questionnaires toward program suitability, knowledge, attitude, caring expression, and result to organization. The mean, standard deviation and dependent sample t-test were used for data analysis; (2) guidelines for focus group discussion and semi-structural questionnaire analyzed by content analysis. The study revealed that: (1) the mean of suitability was at the very high level (X = 4.49, SD. = .30); (2) the knowledge and attitude after training were significantly higher than before training at .000 level, [t =-21.65, p = .000 and t = -19.30, p = .000); {3} caring behavior after training was significantly higher than before training at the .000 level; and {4} the result of the program was at the high level { X = 4.25, SD. = .17}, related to the result of semi-structured interview and focus group discussion. These evaluation research finding suggested that administrators can use for improving the preparation of any project and apply to evaluate other training programs, developing human resource system. 展开更多
关键词 Training program evaluation caring behavior new nurse
Could the 2012 Drought in Central US Have Been Anticipated?-A Review of NASA Working Group Research
作者 S.-Y. Simon Wang Danny Barandiaran +8 位作者 Kyle Hilbum Paul Houser Bob Oglesby Ming Pan Rachel Pinker Joe Santanello Siegfried Schubert Hailan Wang Robert Gillies 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第7期428-437,共10页
This paper summarizes research related to the 2012 record the NEWS (NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) drought in the central United States conducted by members of Energy and Water cycle Study) W... This paper summarizes research related to the 2012 record the NEWS (NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) drought in the central United States conducted by members of Energy and Water cycle Study) Working Group. Past drought patterns were analyzed for signal coherency with latest drought and the contribution of long-term trends in the Great Plains low-level jet, an important regional circulation feature of the spring rainy season in the Great Plains. Long-term changes in the seasonal transition from rainy spring into dry summer were also examined. Potential external forcing from radiative processes, soil-air interactions, and ocean teleconnections were assessed as contributors to the intensity of the drought. The atmospheric Rossby wave activity was found to be a potential source of predictability for the onset of drought. A probabilistic model was introduced and evaluated for its performance in predicting drought recovery in the Great Plains. 展开更多
关键词 Drought 2012 Great Plains climate variability and trends drought prediction.
作者 苏文姜 《报林》 2019年第1期46-47,共2页
任仲平系列文章,依托人民日报权威平台,以其广泛的选题、超长的篇幅、特有的行文架构和气势磅礴的语言风格,数次斩获中国新闻奖,成为新闻评论文章的佼佼者,在新闻评论领域独树一帜。本文尝试对任仲平系列文章的业界地位、写作特色进行探... 任仲平系列文章,依托人民日报权威平台,以其广泛的选题、超长的篇幅、特有的行文架构和气势磅礴的语言风格,数次斩获中国新闻奖,成为新闻评论文章的佼佼者,在新闻评论领域独树一帜。本文尝试对任仲平系列文章的业界地位、写作特色进行探析,力求获得有益于新闻评论写作的启示。 展开更多
关键词 新闻评论软项目 融合 机制 实践
Mechanism of the reconstruction of aqueous outflow drainage 被引量:16
作者 Chen Xin Ning Tian +2 位作者 Meng Li Huaizhou Wang Ningli Wang 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期534-540,共7页
Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. The reconstruction of aqueous outflow drainage (RAOD) has recently been proposed to aid in restoring aqueous outflow drainage in primary open-angle gl... Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. The reconstruction of aqueous outflow drainage (RAOD) has recently been proposed to aid in restoring aqueous outflow drainage in primary open-angle glaucoma. However, the mechanism of RAOD remains to be fully understood. Based on literature review and research studies, the potential mechanisms of RAOD are the following: (i) Circumferential dilation of the Schlemm’s canal (SC) and surrounding collector channels. (ii) Instant formation of microcracks through RAOD procedures. (iii) Formation of more pores, and local detachment between the SC endothelium (SCE) and basement membrane. (iv) Activation of stem cells by constant mechanical stress caused by the tensional suture placed at the anterior part of the SC. (v) Reversal of trabecular meshwork (TM) herniation. (vi) Mobilization of the reserve of the aqueous drainage. (vii) Change of SCE phenotype. (viii) Mechanosensing and mechanotransducing of TM. 展开更多
关键词 reconstruction of aqueous outflow drainage canaloplasty Schlemm'scanal trabecular meshwork
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