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TAI评量标准研究和信效度分析 被引量:12
作者 范晓玲 彭纯子 彭丽 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSCD 2004年第1期58-59,共2页
目的 :制定TAI评量标准、焦虑水平分布及本次研究的信效度。方法 :以 95 0名高中生的TAI常模制订评量标准 ,另对 2 17名同类学生进行TAI、STAI测评和访谈。结果 :测验焦虑分正常、轻度、中度和重度四级 ,属焦虑者 5 %左右。TAI与STAI的... 目的 :制定TAI评量标准、焦虑水平分布及本次研究的信效度。方法 :以 95 0名高中生的TAI常模制订评量标准 ,另对 2 17名同类学生进行TAI、STAI测评和访谈。结果 :测验焦虑分正常、轻度、中度和重度四级 ,属焦虑者 5 %左右。TAI与STAI的同时效度为 0 .4 0~ 0 .5 6 ,与学生访谈结果的相关为 0 .5 82 ,TAI重测信度为 0 .76 4~0 .873,均在 0 .0 1水平达到相关显著。结论 :高中生测验焦虑水平较低 ,本次研究结果是有效的。 展开更多
关键词 TAI 评量标准 信效度 焦虑 学生
作者 牟志伟 施琪嘉 王海峰 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第30期5917-5919,共3页
目的:分析SIAB-S的评量标准在国内(湖北省宜昌地区)的适用性以及量表各因子间同质性信度分析。方法:采用随机抽样和整群抽样结合方法抽取2004/2005宜昌第14中学、宜昌卫生学校509名学生为调查对象。采用德国SIAB-S量表对抽样对象进行自... 目的:分析SIAB-S的评量标准在国内(湖北省宜昌地区)的适用性以及量表各因子间同质性信度分析。方法:采用随机抽样和整群抽样结合方法抽取2004/2005宜昌第14中学、宜昌卫生学校509名学生为调查对象。采用德国SIAB-S量表对抽样对象进行自评筛查和以访谈方式采用DSM-Ⅳ标准进行临床诊断。其中德国SIAB-S量表(1998年第3版),含有87个问题,经归类后主要包括6个方面(因子)的内容:①普通心理病理学和社会整合能力。②体形和苗条理想。③贪食症状。④性欲和体重。⑤相应控制方法、节食和物质滥用。⑥非典型进食发作。询问在最近3个月(目前状态)和最近3个月前(从前)明显形成的症状。对两种方法得出的阳性结果进行对照分析。并使用SSPS11.5统计分析软件对SIAB-S量表进行同质性信度分析。结果:发放问卷509份,收回有效问卷451份,男生75名,女生376名,年龄15~19岁。①德国SIAB-S量表标准:过去发生进食障碍12名;目前存在进食障碍6名;进食障碍总计13名;发病率2.88%。DSM-Ⅳ标准:过去发生进食障碍13名;目前存在进食障碍8名;进食障碍总计16名;发病率3.55%。其中有10名是使用两种方法均能检查出。进行χ2检验,χ2=0.444,P>0.05。差异无显著性。②针对目前诊断进食障碍,该量表的重复度量效果良好(F=897.02,P<0.01)。其6项因子间的标准化信度为0.49,说明该量表的信度还有待进一步的开发完善。对于以前诊断进食障碍,该量表的重复度量效果同样良好(F=547.29,P<0.01)。其6项因子间的标准化信度为0.62,说明该量表的信度较好。结论:SIAB-S量表的德国常模在国内适用,有待进一步完善。 展开更多
关键词 SIAB-S 量表 评量标准
特殊教育“非标准化检核式评量课程”的编制要领——以“双溪心智障碍儿童个别化教育课程”为例 被引量:5
作者 徐波 《乐山师范学院学报》 2017年第10期126-132,共7页
"非标准化检核式评量课程"可以有效弥补标准化评量工具的诸多不足,它在特殊教育的诊断评估和教育教学过程中发挥着重要作用。其编制过程主要包括以下六个步骤:明确课程的理念和目标;确定课程的评量对象和主题;确定课程的主体... "非标准化检核式评量课程"可以有效弥补标准化评量工具的诸多不足,它在特殊教育的诊断评估和教育教学过程中发挥着重要作用。其编制过程主要包括以下六个步骤:明确课程的理念和目标;确定课程的评量对象和主题;确定课程的主体目标框架;搭建课程细致的次级目标体系;构建评量表;构建评量结果记录表以及后继的优化与完善。每一个步骤都包含若干编制要领。 展开更多
关键词 特殊教育 课程编制 课程本位评量 标准评量
作者 刘璐 《丝路视野》 2017年第5期143-143,145,共2页
我国对学习障碍的研究刚刚起步,大家将视线都放在了阅读障碍的研究上,对书写障碍的研究少之又少,评量工具更是很少,但是书写能力作为儿童学习过程中最为重要的能力之一又是不可忽视的,因此文章通过与美国书写障碍评量和台湾书写障... 我国对学习障碍的研究刚刚起步,大家将视线都放在了阅读障碍的研究上,对书写障碍的研究少之又少,评量工具更是很少,但是书写能力作为儿童学习过程中最为重要的能力之一又是不可忽视的,因此文章通过与美国书写障碍评量和台湾书写障碍评量的对比,进行其优点的吸纳和融合,并进行自我反思,结合我国诸多非标准化评量方法,力图对书写障碍评量的未来发展做出展望。 展开更多
关键词 书写障碍 台湾书写障碍评量 美国书写障碍评量 标准评量
《证券市场导报》 1994年第1期13-13,共1页
台湾证券管理委员会为建立当局施政措施的客观评量标准,拟从3月起邀集证交所,集中保管公司等相关单位,共同制订“股市评量表”,从岛内外经济面、金融面、市场面等多重层面,汇集四十项指标数据作综合研究,以客观判断岛内股市市况冷热。 ... 台湾证券管理委员会为建立当局施政措施的客观评量标准,拟从3月起邀集证交所,集中保管公司等相关单位,共同制订“股市评量表”,从岛内外经济面、金融面、市场面等多重层面,汇集四十项指标数据作综合研究,以客观判断岛内股市市况冷热。 证管会指出,建立股市评量表主要目的是为了客观反应岛内股市市况冷热,以作为各相关主管单位研拟股市施政方针的参考,使政府施政措施能与股市波动自然配合。股市投资人也能依据这套客观评估标准,判断股市措施动向,不致以为政府刻意打压股市,或蓄意助长市场投机风气。 主管机关原先希望仿照“ 展开更多
关键词 股市投资 客观评估标准 证券管理委员会 量表 热标 股市波动 评量标准 指标数据 客观判断 保管公司
OBE理念下“药事管理与法规”学习成效评价量表的设计与应用 被引量:2
作者 李红梅 王喆 刘丽 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第4期231-233,共3页
"药事管理与法规"是高职药学专业的一门重要专业课,旨在引领学生获得从事药事活动的管理方法和法律依据。在实施成果导向教学中,多元化的教学目标和教与学的方法,决定了评量方式的多元化,"药事管理与法规"课程采用纸笔测验、口语评... "药事管理与法规"是高职药学专业的一门重要专业课,旨在引领学生获得从事药事活动的管理方法和法律依据。在实施成果导向教学中,多元化的教学目标和教与学的方法,决定了评量方式的多元化,"药事管理与法规"课程采用纸笔测验、口语评量和实作评量三种评量方式。成果导向教学强调评量应该从教育的目标、人格的发展等各方面来进行,也就是除了客观的数字之外,还需要一些价值标准来进行衡量。 展开更多
关键词 药事管理 药事组织 管理立法 评量标准 OBE 实作评量 双向细目表 评价量表
基于问题导向的Capstone课程实践研究 被引量:3
作者 王文轩 杨前华 +1 位作者 汤昕怡 马敏 《工业和信息化教育》 2020年第7期62-66,共5页
提出Capstone课程应以问题为导向,培养人才的全部核心能力,并通过Capstone课程整合大学所学知识与技能。同时提炼了工程类专业Capstone课程的设计和实施步骤,提出要重视课程评价与教学成效分析。以通信技术专业24名学生为对象,采用团队... 提出Capstone课程应以问题为导向,培养人才的全部核心能力,并通过Capstone课程整合大学所学知识与技能。同时提炼了工程类专业Capstone课程的设计和实施步骤,提出要重视课程评价与教学成效分析。以通信技术专业24名学生为对象,采用团队合作方式进行课程教学实践和前后测问卷调查。实践表明,基于问题导向的Capstone课程可以有效地检验学生学习效果,确保学生在校时掌握专业要求的核心能力。 展开更多
关键词 Capstone课程 问题导向 核心能力 评量标准
Analysis and Evaluation of Heavy Metal Environmental Quality of Irrigation Water in Vegetable Farmlands of Shandong Province 被引量:7
作者 刘苹 魏建林 +3 位作者 于淑芳 杨力 Jian-lin Shu-fang 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期165-167,186,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to evaluate heavy metal environmental quality of irrigation water in vegetable farmlands of Shandong Province. [Method] Heavy metal contents including Hg,Cd,As,Cr (+6),Pb,Cu and Zn in irrigatio... [Objective] The aim was to evaluate heavy metal environmental quality of irrigation water in vegetable farmlands of Shandong Province. [Method] Heavy metal contents including Hg,Cd,As,Cr (+6),Pb,Cu and Zn in irrigation water of main vegetable farmlands of Shandong Province were investigated by randomly sampling,and the environmental quality conditions of these heavy metals were evaluated by methods of single quality index and complex quality index. [Result] The results showed that the average contents of heavy metals in irrigation water of Shouguang,Laiyang,Jinxiang and Zhangqiu were all far lower than the limit values prescribed by 'Farmland Environmental Quality Evaluation Standards for Edible Agricultural Products' (HJ332-2006),and no heavy metal was found beyond the limit value in every sample. The single quality indices of the 7 elements in the studied 4 places were all lower than 0.5. The comprehensive quality index of the seven elements was 0.317 8 in Shouguang,0.320 4 in Laiyang,0.232 6 in Jinxiang,and 0.260 7 in Zhangqiu. The environmental quality of irrigation water in the studied four places were all set at the first class. [Conclusion] The environmental quality of irrigation water in the 4 places belonged to clean level and were fit for the plantation of no pollution vegetables. 展开更多
关键词 Vegetable irrigation water Heavy metal Environmental quality
Research on Aircraft Noise Evaluation System
作者 沈颖 谢实海 陈荣生 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2000年第2期105-109,共5页
The evaluation system of aircraft noise and environment noise should be integrated, because aircraft noise belongs to environment noise. At the same time, there should be some difference in the evaluation system of ai... The evaluation system of aircraft noise and environment noise should be integrated, because aircraft noise belongs to environment noise. At the same time, there should be some difference in the evaluation system of aircraft noise. For solving this contradiction, this article puts forward a new evaluation system of aircraft noise. This new system unifies the evaluation of aircraft noise and other environment noise effectively, and adds a new evaluation index single event noise exposure level. The system not only considers the characteristics of aircraft noise, which is different from other traffic noise, but also adds aircraft noise to other traffic noise, which can reflect sound environment around airport really. This system has practical worthiness and theory significance. 展开更多
关键词 aircraft noise environment noise evaluation index THRESHOLD
基于“项目”导向的高校服装与服饰设计专业混合式教学研究与实践——以《服装广告营销》课程为例 被引量:1
作者 苏烨 《教师》 2022年第5期105-107,共3页
《服装广告营销》是服装与服饰设计专业发展课程中的必修课程,兼具理论性和实践性的特点。传统的教学更注重“以教师为中心”的理论讲授,难以实现培养创新型人才的目标。而“项目导向+混合式教学法”极其适用于《服装广告营销》课程理... 《服装广告营销》是服装与服饰设计专业发展课程中的必修课程,兼具理论性和实践性的特点。传统的教学更注重“以教师为中心”的理论讲授,难以实现培养创新型人才的目标。而“项目导向+混合式教学法”极其适用于《服装广告营销》课程理论与实践教学。混合式教学作为一种新时代信息化发展的产物,是当前教学改革的重要方向,学生可通过参与项目获掙有效的实践经验。文章对“项目导向+混合式教学”模式进行研究,将有效教学的关鍵行为引入课堂,并制定系统的评量标准,分阶段引入《服装广告营销》课程的具体教学中,还在此基础上探究和检验高校服装与服饰设计专业《服装广告营销》课程教学方法、教学行为和教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 《服装广告营销》 服装与服饰设计 项目导向 混合式教学 有效教学 评量标准
A Quantitative Security Metric Model for Security Controls:Secure Virtual Machine Migration Protocol as Target of Assessment 被引量:1
作者 Tayyaba Zeb Muhammad Yousaf +1 位作者 Humaira Afzal Muhammad Rafiq Mufti 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第8期126-140,共15页
Quantitative security metrics are desirable for measuring the performance of information security controls. Security metrics help to make functional and business decisions for improving the performance and cost of the... Quantitative security metrics are desirable for measuring the performance of information security controls. Security metrics help to make functional and business decisions for improving the performance and cost of the security controls. However, defining enterprise-level security metrics has already been listed as one of the hard problems in the Info Sec Research Council's hard problems list. Almost all the efforts in defining absolute security metrics for the enterprise security have not been proved fruitful. At the same time, with the maturity of the security industry, there has been a continuous emphasis from the regulatory bodies on establishing measurable security metrics. This paper addresses this need and proposes a relative security metric model that derives three quantitative security metrics named Attack Resiliency Measure(ARM), Performance Improvement Factor(PIF), and Cost/Benefit Measure(CBM) for measuring the performance of the security controls. For the effectiveness evaluation of the proposed security metrics, we took the secure virtual machine(VM) migration protocol as the target of assessment. The virtual-ization technologies are rapidly changing the landscape of the computing world. Devising security metrics for virtualized environment is even more challenging. As secure virtual machine migration is an evolving area and no standard protocol is available specifically for secure VM migration. This paper took the secure virtual machine migration protocol as the target of assessment and applied the proposed relative security metric model for measuring the Attack Resiliency Measure, Performance Improvement Factor, and Cost/Benefit Measure of the secure VM migration protocol. 展开更多
关键词 attack resiliency measure cost-benefit measure performance improvement factor security assessment formal verification security controls security metrics virtual machine migration protocol
A review on the International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS): history, development and application 被引量:2
作者 Peng Tian Tao Wang +5 位作者 Bao-He Wang Jie Li Qiang Xu Deng-Feng Kong Wei Mu Yu-Hong Huang 《TMR Integrative Medicine》 2018年第3期121-132,共12页
A Patient Decision Aid (PtDA) is an important means in TCM practice to promote shared decision-making between doctor and patient, which is developed based on evidence-based and narrative medicine concepts. It is als... A Patient Decision Aid (PtDA) is an important means in TCM practice to promote shared decision-making between doctor and patient, which is developed based on evidence-based and narrative medicine concepts. It is also an important tool for individualized diagnosis and treatment in the context of precision medical care. With the rapid increase of interest on the PtDA, it is important to establish a unified quality evaluation standard and standardize the development process. This article aims to introduce the main content, development history and application of International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS), and provide reference for the application of the evaluation standard in China. 展开更多
关键词 Narrative evidence-based medicine TCM clinical PtDA Quality evaluation standards
Prediction Method for Network Traffic Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion 被引量:4
作者 曲桦 马文涛 +1 位作者 赵季红 王涛 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期134-145,共12页
This paper proposes a method for improving the precision of Network Traffic Prediction based on the Maximum Correntropy Criterion(NTPMCC),where the nonlinear characteristics of network traffic are considered.This meth... This paper proposes a method for improving the precision of Network Traffic Prediction based on the Maximum Correntropy Criterion(NTPMCC),where the nonlinear characteristics of network traffic are considered.This method utilizes the MCC as a new error evaluation criterion or named the cost function(CF)to train neural networks(NN).MCC is based on a new similarity function(Generalized correlation entropy function,Correntropy),which has as its foundation the Parzen window evaluation and Renyi entropy of error probability density function.At the same time,by combining the MCC with the Mean Square Error(MSE),a mixed evaluation criterion with MCC and MSE is proposed as a cost function of NN training.According to the traffic network characteristics including the nonlinear,non-Gaussian,and mutation,the Elman neural network is trained by MCC and MCC-MSE,and then the trained neural network is used as the model for predicting network traffic.The simulation results based on the evaluation by Mean Absolute Error(MAE),MSE,and Sum Squared Error(SSE)show that the accuracy of the prediction based on MCC is superior to the results of the Elman neural network with MSE.The overall performance is improved by about 0.0131. 展开更多
关键词 MCC MSE Elman neural net-work network traffic prediction
Comprehensive Assessment of Seawater Quality Based on an Improved Attribute Recognition Model 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Libing CHENG Jilin +1 位作者 JIN Juliang JIANG Xiaohong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2006年第4期300-304,共5页
The attribute recognition model (ARM) has been widely used to make comprehensive assessment in many engineering fields, such as environment, ecology, and economy. However, large numbers of experiments indicate that th... The attribute recognition model (ARM) has been widely used to make comprehensive assessment in many engineering fields, such as environment, ecology, and economy. However, large numbers of experiments indicate that the value of weight vector has no relativity to its initial value but depends on the data of Quality Standard and actual samples. In the present study, the ARM is enhanced with the technique of data driving, which means some more groups of data from the Quality Standard are selected with the uniform random method to make the calculation of weight values more rational and more scientific. This improved attribute recognition model (IARM) is applied to a real case of assessment on seawater quality. The given example shows that the IARM has the merits of being simple in principle, easy to operate, and capable of producing objective results, and is therefore of use in evaluation problems in marine environment science. 展开更多
关键词 comprehensive assessment seawater quality improved attribute recognition model
Method of effective evaluation for examination of chloride ion in concrete
作者 SUNGWen-pei CHENKuen-suan LINHsue-chun 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第3期159-165,共7页
The chloride ion contained in reinforced concrete seriously corrodes the steel surface and damages concrete, resulting in inferior reinforced concrete that strength seriously compromises the entire structure’s safety... The chloride ion contained in reinforced concrete seriously corrodes the steel surface and damages concrete, resulting in inferior reinforced concrete that strength seriously compromises the entire structure’s safety. Consequently, the examination of chloride ions contained in reinforced concrete becomes an important part of a complete quality control procedure. To effectively check the concentration of chloride ions in concrete, the evaluation process should be accurate and precise. Laboratory data ob- tained using existing evaluation methods for the examination of chloride ion are not sufficiently objective to yield reliable results with accuracy and consistency for each sample. An evaluation algorithm with capability to define indices of precision degree (Ep) and accuracy degree (Ea) is presented in this paper. The authors established a statistically reliable index of unbiased estimators and equations to critically examine the laboratory methods’ precision, accuracy degrees and application value for measuring chlorine ion concentration in reinforced concrete. 展开更多
关键词 Concrete quality control Multi-laboratory Test error Accuracy degree Precision degree Natural estimator Acceptance testing Examination methods Evaluation criteria
Reliable evaluation method of quality control for compressive strength of concrete
作者 CHEN Kuen-suan SUNG Wen-pei SHIH Ming-hsiang 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第8期836-843,共8页
Concrete in reinforced concrete structure (RC) is generally under significant compressive stress load. To guarantee required quality and ductility, various tests have to be conducted to measure the concrete’s compres... Concrete in reinforced concrete structure (RC) is generally under significant compressive stress load. To guarantee required quality and ductility, various tests have to be conducted to measure the concrete’s compressive strength based on ACI (American Concrete Institute) code. Investigations of recent devastating collapses of structures around the world showed that some of the collapses directly resulted from the poor quality of the concrete. The lesson learned from these tragedies is that guaranteeing high quality of concrete is one of the most important factors ensuring the safety of the reinforced concrete structure. In order to ensure high quality of concrete, a new method for analyzing and evaluating the concrete production process is called for. In this paper, the indices of fit and stable degree are proposed as basis to evaluate the fitness and stability of concrete’s compressive strength. These two indices are combined to define and evaluate the quality index of the compressive strength of concrete. Prin-ciples of statistics are used to derive the best estimators of these indices. Based on the outcome of the study, a concrete compres-sive strength quality control chart is proposed as a tool to help the evaluation process. Finally, a new evaluation procedure to assess the quality control capability of the individual concrete manufacturer is also proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Quality index of concrete The best estimators Quality control chart Evaluation criteria Fit degree of compressive strength of concrete Stable degree of compressive degree of concrete
Assessment of Model Predictive Control Performance Criteria 被引量:1
作者 Rafael Lopes Duarte-Barros Song Won Park 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2015年第2期127-135,共9页
The current highly competitive environment has driven industries to operate with increasingly restricted profit margins. Thus, it is imperative to optimize production processes. Faced with this scenario, multivariable... The current highly competitive environment has driven industries to operate with increasingly restricted profit margins. Thus, it is imperative to optimize production processes. Faced with this scenario, multivariable predictive control of processes has been presented as a powerful alternative to achieve these goals. Moreover, the rationale for implementation of advanced control and subsequent analysis of its post-match performance also focus on the benefits that this tool brings to the plant. It is therefore essential to establish a methodology for analysis, based on clear and measurable criteria. Currently, there are different methodologies available in the market to assist with such analysis. These tools can have a quantitative or qualitative focus. The aim of this study is to evaluate three of the best current main performance assessment technologies: Minimum Variance Control-Harris Index; Statistical Process Control (Cp and Cpk); and the Qin and Yu Index. These indexes were studied for an alumina plant controlled by three MPC (model predictive control) algorithms (GPC (generalized predictive control), RMPCT (robust multivariable predictive control technology) and ESSMPC (extended state space model predictive controller)) with different results. 展开更多
关键词 Predictive controller performance minimum variance CAPABILITY MPC GPC ESSMPC (extended state space model predictive controller).
Distribution of nutrients and eutrophication assessment in the Bohai Sea of China 被引量:24
作者 王修林 崔正国 +2 位作者 郭全 韩秀荣 王江涛 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期177-183,共7页
Water samples were collected in 120 stations in the Bohai Sea of China to analyze the distribution of dissolved nutrients and assess the degree of eutrophication in August 2002. The result shows that the average conce... Water samples were collected in 120 stations in the Bohai Sea of China to analyze the distribution of dissolved nutrients and assess the degree of eutrophication in August 2002. The result shows that the average concentration of DIN increased and the PO4-P concentration sharply decreased compared to the previous data of corresponding period. The high concentrations of DIN and PO4-P occurred in coastal waters, especially in the bays and some river estuaries, while the high concentrations of SiO3-Si in the surface and middle depth occurred in the central area of the Bohai Sea. The average ratio of DIN/PO4-P was much higher than the Redfield Ratio (16:1). Apparently, PO4-P was one of the limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growing in the sea. The average concentrations of DON and DOP were higher than their inorganic forms. The results of eutrophication assessment show that 22.1% of all stations were classified as violating the concentration levels of the National Seawater Quality Standard (GB 3097-1997) for DIN and only 3.9% for PO4-R The average eutrophication index in the overall area was 0.21±0.22 and the high values occurred in Bohai Bay, Liaodong Bay and near the Yellow River estuary. This means that the state of eutrophication was generally mesotrophic in the Bohai Sea, but relatively worse in the bays, especially some river estuaries. 展开更多
关键词 eutrophication aassessment NUTRIENTS DISTRIBUTION Bohai Sea
An Integration Testing Framework and Evaluation Metric for Vulnerability Mining Methods
作者 Jin Li Jinfu Chen +5 位作者 Minhuan Huang Minmin Zhou Wanggen Xie Zhifeng Zeng Shujie Chen Zufa Zhang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期190-208,共19页
Software an important way to vulnerability mining is detect whether there are some loopholes existing in the software, and also is an important way to ensure the secu- rity of information systems. With the rapid devel... Software an important way to vulnerability mining is detect whether there are some loopholes existing in the software, and also is an important way to ensure the secu- rity of information systems. With the rapid development of information technology and software industry, most of the software has not been rigorously tested before being put in use, so that the hidden vulnerabilities in software will be exploited by the attackers. Therefore, it is of great significance for us to actively de- tect the software vulnerabilities in the security maintenance of information systems. In this paper, we firstly studied some of the common- ly used vulnerability detection methods and detection tools, and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of each method in different scenarios. Secondly, we designed a set of eval- uation criteria for different mining methods in the loopholes evaluation. Thirdly, we also proposed and designed an integration testing framework, on which we can test the typical static analysis methods and dynamic mining methods as well as make the comparison, so that we can obtain an intuitive comparative analysis for the experimental results. Final- ly, we reported the experimental analysis to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed evaluation method and the testingframework, with the results showing that the final test results will serve as a form of guid- ance to aid the selection of the most appropri- ate and effective method or tools in vulnera- bility detection activity. 展开更多
关键词 software vulnerability detection LOOPHOLES information security evaluationmethod testing framework
Agility evaluation in public sector
作者 Dahmardeh Nazar Pourshahabi Vahid 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第10期19-24,共6页
Agility metrics are difficult to define in general, mainly due to the multidimensionality and vagueness of the concept of agility itself. In this paper, a knowledge-based framework is utilized for the measurement and ... Agility metrics are difficult to define in general, mainly due to the multidimensionality and vagueness of the concept of agility itself. In this paper, a knowledge-based framework is utilized for the measurement and assessment of public sector's agility by A. T. Kearney model. In this research, the authors used Z2 test in SPSS software. So, the authors discovered that the General Office of Standards & Industrial Research of Sistan & Baluchestan Province in Iran is agile. Finally, the authors determine the weakness points of organization by Friedman test. 展开更多
关键词 agility measuring agile government public sector
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