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作者 程芸 李妍 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期105-110,共6页
"诗识观"是严羽诗歌理论体系中不可或缺的组成部分。它以"具正法眼"为前提,"入门须正"为要求,获得"真识"为目的,又配合"吟咏情性"、"兴趣"表达,以及"入神"、&qu... "诗识观"是严羽诗歌理论体系中不可或缺的组成部分。它以"具正法眼"为前提,"入门须正"为要求,获得"真识"为目的,又配合"吟咏情性"、"兴趣"表达,以及"入神"、"妙悟"、"熟参"等诗学主张,为诗人的学习和创作提供了系统性的引导和规范。相关概念相互依托,互为作用,呈现出严羽"诗识观"的逻辑框架,也体现了严羽的理论建构能力。同时,他的"诗识观"还具有明确的现实针对性,打破了当时学理化、散文化诗风的笼罩,对近世诗歌回归"抒情传统"做出贡献。 展开更多
关键词 法眼 妙悟 抒情传统
作者 程磊 《武陵学刊》 2013年第2期119-125,共7页
严羽论诗以兴趣、诗识和妙悟为着眼点,指陈江西诗派积弊,总结唐宋诗美特质,既有标识时代审美趣味变迁的重要意义,又有自身立论取法未尽完善的弊端。兴趣说提出了新的诗歌至境的理想,主张诗学汉魏盛唐,但历史潮流与时代风会的影响又使其... 严羽论诗以兴趣、诗识和妙悟为着眼点,指陈江西诗派积弊,总结唐宋诗美特质,既有标识时代审美趣味变迁的重要意义,又有自身立论取法未尽完善的弊端。兴趣说提出了新的诗歌至境的理想,主张诗学汉魏盛唐,但历史潮流与时代风会的影响又使其诗论主张包含着微妙的矛盾。诗识与妙悟说指出了学诗的门径和方法,以禅说诗顺应了时代风气而触及到诗歌美学的本质,同时其理论缺陷也使妙悟说自陷其弊。对严羽论诗的利弊得失应结合时代背景而作具体分析。 展开更多
关键词 严羽 兴趣 妙悟
诗识与妙悟 被引量:1
作者 李军 《吉林省教育学院学报》 2007年第5期81-82,共2页
关键词 《沧浪话》 严羽 妙悟
作者 张嘉谚 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期49-56,共8页
本论文对吉狄马加的《致马雅可夫斯基》进行解读。文章首先指出诗人选择马雅可夫斯基作为书写对象的原因。接下来从吉狄马加诗路的抉择、诗力的呼唤、诗心的构建等几个方面展开论述,探讨了《致马雅可夫斯基》所具有的全球视野中的忧患... 本论文对吉狄马加的《致马雅可夫斯基》进行解读。文章首先指出诗人选择马雅可夫斯基作为书写对象的原因。接下来从吉狄马加诗路的抉择、诗力的呼唤、诗心的构建等几个方面展开论述,探讨了《致马雅可夫斯基》所具有的全球视野中的忧患意识、责任承担的身份角色、勇敢地对抗资本强权反抗一切异化等艺术特色和精神高度。进而指出吉狄马加诗歌所呈现出的诗识、诗力、诗心。 展开更多
关键词 吉狄马加 《致马雅可夫斯基》
学术论著 贵在创新——读杨仲义教授《诗骚新识》
作者 刘戈 《船山学刊》 2001年第2期127-128,共2页
关键词 书评 文学研究 经》 《国风》 楚辞 杨仲义 骚新 创新
作者 管雯 《长春理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第8期76-78,共3页
《诗人玉屑》是南宋末期一部重要的诗话总集,它收罗了以两宋诗话为主的众多诗歌理论资料,并体现出编者魏庆之的诗学意旨。其中诗识观念是魏庆之首先标举的,在全书中有独特而重要的地位。在此对《诗人玉屑》中诗识观念的提出、诗识获得... 《诗人玉屑》是南宋末期一部重要的诗话总集,它收罗了以两宋诗话为主的众多诗歌理论资料,并体现出编者魏庆之的诗学意旨。其中诗识观念是魏庆之首先标举的,在全书中有独特而重要的地位。在此对《诗人玉屑》中诗识观念的提出、诗识获得的途径、诗识的目的以及意义分作阐述,以期为我们了解魏庆之的诗学观及其在宋诗学中的地位提供一个视角。 展开更多
关键词 人玉屑 魏庆之
作者 郁薇薇 《昭通学院学报》 2018年第1期85-88,共4页
李重华的诗歌声韵论具有与前人不同的显著特点,一是认为诗情与诗音密切相关,提出悲喜之情"随音以出"之论,从审美感情的角度强调音韵声律之重要。二是提出"识诗"必先"识音"之论,认为诗之艺术效果与音节密... 李重华的诗歌声韵论具有与前人不同的显著特点,一是认为诗情与诗音密切相关,提出悲喜之情"随音以出"之论,从审美感情的角度强调音韵声律之重要。二是提出"识诗"必先"识音"之论,认为诗之艺术效果与音节密切相关,因而读者必须善于"识音"。李重华的诗歌声韵论突破了沈约、刘勰、钟嵘等人的诗韵观,不但推进了古代诗歌声韵论的发展和深化,而且对于诗歌创作具有重要的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 歌音韵 识诗
《诗经》名物训诂史述略 被引量:3
作者 余家骥 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1992年第4期79-84,122,共7页
名物训诂是传统训诂学的一个重要内容。所谓名物,早期的狭义说法是指草木鸟兽虫鱼等生物的名称,后来又逐步扩大到车马、宫室、冠服、星宿、山川、郡国、职官和人的命名等领域。从词义学的观点来看,名物讲的是一些专名的词义。这种专名... 名物训诂是传统训诂学的一个重要内容。所谓名物,早期的狭义说法是指草木鸟兽虫鱼等生物的名称,后来又逐步扩大到车马、宫室、冠服、星宿、山川、郡国、职官和人的命名等领域。从词义学的观点来看,名物讲的是一些专名的词义。这种专名的特殊性在于,它所指的对象范围比较特定,而且特征比较具体。在传注体和专著体训诂著作里。 展开更多
关键词 名物训诂 集传》 集传名物钞 《毛正义》 传统训诂学 词义学 名解 田间 草木今释
作者 宋烨 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期99-105,共7页
杜诗在命意造句上常能给人以出奇之感,通过如今流传下来的杜诗名句可以看到,诗人能敏锐地发觉和精恰地道出世间存在的那些大量而丰富的物态人情,这使得他的作品在内涵上彰显出十分广阔的世界面貌。而这背后促成杜甫达到如此高度的根本... 杜诗在命意造句上常能给人以出奇之感,通过如今流传下来的杜诗名句可以看到,诗人能敏锐地发觉和精恰地道出世间存在的那些大量而丰富的物态人情,这使得他的作品在内涵上彰显出十分广阔的世界面貌。而这背后促成杜甫达到如此高度的根本心智条件,就是以叶燮为代表的古代"贵识论"诗学传统中所标举的"诗识"这一高级的认知能力,凭此之识,杜诗中对世间理、事与情的吟咏蕴含着纷繁多样的知性价值。"识"这一概念在艺术理论上的重要意义在于它还深刻地契合着西方艺术思想一直以来的那个崇尚认知的传统,为中西方诗歌艺术思想之间的会通构建起了桥梁。在过往的研究中很难见到从"识"或者"认知能力"的角度去解释杜诗的伟大艺术成就,而此种角度的切入可以让我们更深刻地理解杜甫诗歌才能的卓绝之处,也可以更好地把握住中、西方艺术理论共通的精神。 展开更多
关键词 普遍性 知性 才能
A Study on Imitating Activities ,ofHanshan Poems by Chan Buddhist Monks in SONG Dynasty
作者 HUANG Jing-Jia 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第4期204-212,共9页
Although we have no clear picture of the life of Hanshan, a legendary TANG monk and in Collected Poems of Hanshan (Hanshan Sho'i), we can find either unclear ideas regarding his major thoughts or different ideologi... Although we have no clear picture of the life of Hanshan, a legendary TANG monk and in Collected Poems of Hanshan (Hanshan Sho'i), we can find either unclear ideas regarding his major thoughts or different ideologies from Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. Hanshan poetry was broadly read by people belonging to various social statuses during the SONG Dynasty. His poetry was also frequently cited in Chan Buddhist literature of the period. Furthermore, SONG Chan Buddhist monks invited Hanshan into their own genealogy and regarded him as a "San Sheng" (a Free Sage). Many Chan Buddhist monks of the SONG Dynasty used Hanshan poetry in various Chan Buddhist texts. Numerous Chan Buddhist monks even wrote so-called "ni Hanshan shi", which imitated Hanshan poetry as a kind of personal literary creation. It is understandable that when a monk imitated Hanshan poetry, he would simultaneously be both the reader and the creator of Hanshan poetry, and as we understand that every writer produces their works through their own cultural outlook, a newly-formed correlation occurred naturally between the original poetry and imitated poetry through the SONG Chan Buddhist monk's version. By observing this correlation, this paper will deeply analyze the dissemination and acceptance of Hanshan poetry, within Chan Buddhist society in the SONG Dynasty, as based on Chan Buddhist literature, in order to learn more about image creation and the recreation of Hanshan during the period 展开更多
关键词 HANSHAN imitating Hanshan poetry literature of the SONG Dynasty Chan Buddhism masters dissemination and acceptance
Accurate analysis of "Chinese New Standard" with the exploration of classical poetry "mood" Method
作者 Tanghua YUAN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第11期28-30,共3页
The mood is intended to send poetry lyric and a form of expressive, while the Chinese have a long attention of the "mood" to convey tradition and from the east, we can see the nation' s awareness of thinking, orien... The mood is intended to send poetry lyric and a form of expressive, while the Chinese have a long attention of the "mood" to convey tradition and from the east, we can see the nation' s awareness of thinking, oriental poet emphasis of things' teaser, expression of mood. Therefore, secondary school teachers in the resolution of the "Chinese New Standard" in Chinese classical poetry pay attention to poetry with the main objective unity, and the traditional interpretation of metaphor Fu poetry "mood." 展开更多
关键词 MOOD subjective and objective Fu Bi Xing
Poetry Translation as Rewriting:A Case Study of Zhang Zhizhong’s Reading English Literature to Translate Classical Chinese Poems
作者 CHENG Yanjun 《译苑新谭》 2024年第2期24-35,共12页
In the summer of 2023,Zhang Zhizhong’s Reading English Literature to Translate Classical Chinese Poems got published as one of the“Comparative Literature and World Literature Research Series”edited by Cao Shunqing.... In the summer of 2023,Zhang Zhizhong’s Reading English Literature to Translate Classical Chinese Poems got published as one of the“Comparative Literature and World Literature Research Series”edited by Cao Shunqing.It presents Zhang’s latest theory and praxis of translating classical Chinese poems.As a kind of rewriting,Zhang’s translations are similar to modern English poems—with creative expressions in contemporary English,the enjambments from free verses,the form of concrete poetry,and the artistic conceptions of classical Chinese poetry,but without the rhymes in original works.How this poetry translation as rewriting generates in the constraints of ideology,poetics,and patronage is to be analyzed in the light of AndréLefevere’s rewriting theory.By examining the non-textual factors related to Zhang’s rewriting,it aims to reveal how this rewriting,as an experimental approach to poetry translation,can shed light on the global circulation of Chinese poetry. 展开更多
关键词 REWRITING ideology POETICS PATRONAGE Reading English Literature to Translate Classical Chinese Poems
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