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《现代汉语规范词典》的规范与创新——李行健教授访谈录 被引量:1
作者 徐琴 李行健 《现代语文》 2022年第11期4-13,共10页
词典在语文规范化中发挥着不可替代的作用,这是李行健先生坚持从事规范性词典编纂工作的重要动力。在《现代汉语规范词典》的编纂过程中,将语言文字规范作为衡量标准和奋斗目标。无论是收词、注音,还是词形、字形,凡是已有国家规范标准... 词典在语文规范化中发挥着不可替代的作用,这是李行健先生坚持从事规范性词典编纂工作的重要动力。在《现代汉语规范词典》的编纂过程中,将语言文字规范作为衡量标准和奋斗目标。无论是收词、注音,还是词形、字形,凡是已有国家规范标准的,务必认真全面贯彻;对于那些没有规范标准的语言现象,则通过调查研究,按照约定俗成的原则加以处理。第4版的修订主要体现在“增”“删”“改”三个方面:及时增补了一些新词语、新义项、新用法,并增加了部分传统文化词语;删除了一些过时或使用频率较低的词语;对有些词语的释义进行了订正、对有些例句进行了更换。《现代汉语规范词典》继承、发展了前人释义的方式方法,运用历史主义观点来排列词典各义项之间的先后顺序,并按照义项标注了常用词类。最后,李行健先生还与我们分享了该词典编纂团队的成功经验。 展开更多
关键词 《现代汉语规典》 语言规 典编纂 修订
Chinese word segmentation with local and global context representation learning 被引量:2
作者 李岩 Zhang Yinghua +2 位作者 Huang Xiaoping Yin Xucheng Hao Hongwei 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2015年第1期71-77,共7页
A local and global context representation learning model for Chinese characters is designed and a Chinese word segmentation method based on character representations is proposed in this paper. First, the proposed Chin... A local and global context representation learning model for Chinese characters is designed and a Chinese word segmentation method based on character representations is proposed in this paper. First, the proposed Chinese character learning model uses the semanties of loeal context and global context to learn the representation of Chinese characters. Then, Chinese word segmentation model is built by a neural network, while the segmentation model is trained with the eharaeter representations as its input features. Finally, experimental results show that Chinese charaeter representations can effectively learn the semantic information. Characters with similar semantics cluster together in the visualize space. Moreover, the proposed Chinese word segmentation model also achieves a pretty good improvement on precision, recall and f-measure. 展开更多
关键词 local and global context representation learning Chinese character representa- tion Chinese word segmentation
A worldwide bibliometric analysis of Antarctic krill research during 1960 to 2015
作者 Fei Liu 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2017年第4期357-364,共8页
This study conducted a bibliometric analysis of 1251 articles related to Antarctic krill from 1960 to 2015, based on the Core Collection in Thomson Reuters' Web of Science. We analyzed the results from four aspects:... This study conducted a bibliometric analysis of 1251 articles related to Antarctic krill from 1960 to 2015, based on the Core Collection in Thomson Reuters' Web of Science. We analyzed the results from four aspects: annual distribution, Web of Science categories and the major journals, inter- national collaboration and author keywords. The Antarctic krill research has developed rapidly since 1978, with an increasing article output. The studies mostly focused on the fields of marine and freshwater biology, oceanography, and ecology. Polar Biology, Marine Ecology-Progress Series and Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography, were the top three journals to publish the Antarctic krill-related papers. Although Russia is the earliest state to report Antarctic krill, U.S.A. and England were leaders with the largest output quantity and the highest cooperation frequencies. The researches in PR China have taken a blooming since 2009 and will play a more and more important role in the world. The frequencies of author keywords were counted. The high-frequency keywords were further divided into four groups with cohesive subgroup analysis, which suggested the major themes. This paper depicts the existing publica- tions on Antarctic krill. Our goal is to serve a point of reference and provide the direction for the future work. 展开更多
关键词 Antarctic krill PUBLICATIONS keywords analysis bibliometric analysis
作者 王美春 《诗词月刊》 2013年第9期91-93,共3页
《玩转词牌——填词实用教程》,高昌著,广东省出版集团广东人民出版社2013年1月出版。以"推敲"故事闻名的唐代诗人贾岛有诗云:"二句三年得,一吟双泪流。"(《题诗后》)这可以说他写诗注重炼字炼句,写作态度严肃认真... 《玩转词牌——填词实用教程》,高昌著,广东省出版集团广东人民出版社2013年1月出版。以"推敲"故事闻名的唐代诗人贾岛有诗云:"二句三年得,一吟双泪流。"(《题诗后》)这可以说他写诗注重炼字炼句,写作态度严肃认真。也可以视为写诗过程辛苦乃至痛苦。 展开更多
关键词 高昌 词范 霜天晓角 现代诗人 苦吟 林正韵 创作 南歌子 仄韵
作者 陈浩 《法音》 北大核心 1993年第3期39-39,共1页
“州建南唐,文昌北宋。名城名宦交相重。月华如练旧亭台,清词范晏人争诵,朗润明珠,翩仙彩凤,梅郎合受千秋供。重光殿宇古招提,放翁大笔今堪用。”这首调寄《踏莎行》词是全国政协副主席、中国佛教协会会长赵朴初视察我市在元宵之夜有感... “州建南唐,文昌北宋。名城名宦交相重。月华如练旧亭台,清词范晏人争诵,朗润明珠,翩仙彩凤,梅郎合受千秋供。重光殿宇古招提,放翁大笔今堪用。”这首调寄《踏莎行》词是全国政协副主席、中国佛教协会会长赵朴初视察我市在元宵之夜有感而作。赵朴老赞扬我市文化名城悠久历史;颂扬泰州古今名人,特别是京剧艺术大师梅兰芳先生;对具有近1600年历史的苏北名刹光孝寺即将全面修复表露出由衷欣喜之情。 展开更多
关键词 赵朴 中国佛教协会 光孝寺 京剧艺术 梅兰芳先生 招提 踏莎行 政协副主席 词范 文化名城
作者 胡宏伟 范铮 《音乐生活》 2018年第11期93-96,共4页
关键词 心向 词范
作者 吴广川 范石生 《歌迷大世界》 2007年第6期15-16,共2页
关键词 词范 石生 节土 二业 泥流
浙江省第八界音乐新作演唱演奏大赛获奖歌曲选 哎格仑登呦
作者 田垅 范翱鹰 《歌迷大世界》 2010年第1期27-32,共6页
关键词 格仑 词范 间奏 亲亲 大羽 前套 巴口 珠商 三鱼 申格
作者 张颖潇 《岷峨诗稿》 2015年第3期63-81,共19页
日前,四川大学文学与新闻学院教授,安徽师范大学中国诗学中心研究员,第六届鲁迅文学奖诗歌奖得主周啸天,作为第二届"诗词中国"传统诗词创作大赛的特邀评审,接受了组委会和中华读书报记者的专访。谈普及:读也,写在其中矣读书报... 日前,四川大学文学与新闻学院教授,安徽师范大学中国诗学中心研究员,第六届鲁迅文学奖诗歌奖得主周啸天,作为第二届"诗词中国"传统诗词创作大赛的特邀评审,接受了组委会和中华读书报记者的专访。谈普及:读也,写在其中矣读书报:周教授您好!首先非常感谢您能够参加"诗词中国"的终审评议会。 展开更多
关键词 读书报 创作 鲁迅文学奖 中国诗学 安徽师大学 新闻学院 诗歌奖 词范 评议会 华周
Collecting and Collection: Local Chinese Culture in Robert Morrison's Dictionary
作者 Si Jia 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2009年第4期104-122,共19页
Taking the personal experience of Robert Morrison into account, this paper focuses on the rapport between the author and his works. As the first Protestant missionary to China, Robert Morrison endeavored to learn the ... Taking the personal experience of Robert Morrison into account, this paper focuses on the rapport between the author and his works. As the first Protestant missionary to China, Robert Morrison endeavored to learn the Chinese language and to collect local cultural information, so as to encyclopedically present his knowledge of Chinese through the language reference books he compiled. This paper examines the range of linguistic registers of the represented examples from Morrison's dictionaries, so as to discuss the way in which various registers are combined into the text and how they are related with different social arenas. Placing Morrison's works in a wider social and intellectual context, this paper also discusses issues of cultural exchange between China and early nineteenth-century Europe. 展开更多
关键词 English-Chinese dictionary Robert Momson Protestant missionaries local Chinese culture
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