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融合词语信息的细粒度命名实体识别 被引量:1
作者 曹晖 徐杨 《计算机应用与软件》 北大核心 2023年第3期235-240,共6页
针对基于字级别的命名实体识别方法无法充分利用句子词语信息的问题,提出一种融合词语信息的细粒度命名实体识别模型。该模型通过引入外部词典,在基于字表示中融入句子潜在词语的信息,避免了分词错误传播的问题,同时构建了一种增强型字... 针对基于字级别的命名实体识别方法无法充分利用句子词语信息的问题,提出一种融合词语信息的细粒度命名实体识别模型。该模型通过引入外部词典,在基于字表示中融入句子潜在词语的信息,避免了分词错误传播的问题,同时构建了一种增强型字向量表达;利用扁平化的Lattice Transformer网络结构对字和词语的表示以及位置关系信息进行建模;通过CRF(Conditional Random Filed)计算得到最优标签序列。在细粒度命名实体语料CLUENER2020上进行了实验,精确率达到82.46%,召回率达到83.14%,F1值达到82.80%,验证了融合词语信息可以提升细粒度命名实体识别效果。 展开更多
关键词 词语信息 细粒度实体识别 扁平化Lattice TRANSFORMER BERT
作者 秦颖 李颖超 《外语教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期270-278,321,共9页
本文提出了一种基于词汇检索翻译对应句的方法。原文句子与译文句子并不在词汇级存在一一对应的关系,判断是否构成翻译关系也不需要认定所有的词都构成翻译对。本文提出了词语信息度(WI)的概念来反映词在句子中的重要性。词语信息度由... 本文提出了一种基于词汇检索翻译对应句的方法。原文句子与译文句子并不在词汇级存在一一对应的关系,判断是否构成翻译关系也不需要认定所有的词都构成翻译对。本文提出了词语信息度(WI)的概念来反映词在句子中的重要性。词语信息度由词频、词在文档中的分布、词性、词的长度构成。判断是否构成翻译关系时,只关注信息度高的词汇是否构成翻译对。基于高信息度词汇翻译对构建了翻译对应句检索系统。实验表明,系统性能优于简单的基于所有词汇的翻译对应句检索方法,在噪声实验中,与相关研究对比表现了更好的强健性。 展开更多
关键词 跨语言信息检索 翻译对应句 词语信息 tf*idf
作者 李宇峰 《扬州职业大学学报》 2015年第4期18-22,共5页
借助认知理论分析修辞造词的可能性,文章对汉英修辞造词的几种主要方式予以探讨,汉语信息类新词语的修辞造词主要分为比喻造词、借代造词、仿拟造词、对比造词四种,英语修辞造词主要分为隐喻造词、仿拟造词、夸张造词、借代造词四种。... 借助认知理论分析修辞造词的可能性,文章对汉英修辞造词的几种主要方式予以探讨,汉语信息类新词语的修辞造词主要分为比喻造词、借代造词、仿拟造词、对比造词四种,英语修辞造词主要分为隐喻造词、仿拟造词、夸张造词、借代造词四种。汉英信息类新词语的修辞造词方式印证:人类思维具有共同的认知模式,两种语言在进行修辞造词时有许多相同或相近之处,具备对比和研究的基础。 展开更多
关键词 信息类新词语 修辞造词
作者 李宇峰 《扬州教育学院学报》 2009年第1期37-40,共4页
关键词 信息类新词语 构造方式 定量统计 定性分析
论意象文字图文信息的隐喻理据和功能 被引量:4
作者 刘源甫 《外国语言文学》 2003年第1期9-12,49,共5页
隐喻关于映射、合成、互动、取象以及相似迭合等理论与词语意象信息相关 ,但人们并未就此做深入探讨或研究。本文认为事物客观存在及在此基础上文字的形、音和义决定隐喻成形理据。隐喻源于词语意象 ,分析隐喻成形机理、功能以及象形会... 隐喻关于映射、合成、互动、取象以及相似迭合等理论与词语意象信息相关 ,但人们并未就此做深入探讨或研究。本文认为事物客观存在及在此基础上文字的形、音和义决定隐喻成形理据。隐喻源于词语意象 ,分析隐喻成形机理、功能以及象形会意词语图文信息间关系对词汇构成、语句和语篇结构理解有积极的语言教学意义。 展开更多
关键词 意象文字图文信息 隐喻理据 功能 意义 映射 合成 互动 取象 相似选合等理论 词语意象信息 语音 语义 词汇构成 意义语句 语篇结构
融合词语关联关系的自适应微博热点话题追踪算法 被引量:10
作者 孙曰昕 马慧芳 +1 位作者 师亚凯 崔彤 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第12期3497-3501,共5页
针对传统文本表示模型忽略词项关系的弊端和话题追踪过程中产生的话题漂移问题,提出了结合词语关系的自适应话题追踪算法。通过挖掘词语间的互信息和关联词信息,继而更新传统文本表示模型,通过相似度计算来判断是否为热点话题的后续话题... 针对传统文本表示模型忽略词项关系的弊端和话题追踪过程中产生的话题漂移问题,提出了结合词语关系的自适应话题追踪算法。通过挖掘词语间的互信息和关联词信息,继而更新传统文本表示模型,通过相似度计算来判断是否为热点话题的后续话题,最后通过更新热点微博话题向量来避免话题漂移问题。实验证明了所提算法针对微博热点话题追踪是有效的。 展开更多
关键词 微博 话题追踪 词语关联关系 词语信息 自适应算法
作者 李绍英 《濮阳教育学院学报》 2001年第2期28-28,共1页
关键词 词语运用 规范化 语法规则 词语信息传递
作者 张立明 《语文世界(上旬刊)》 2007年第4期36-37,共2页
小朋友,我们每天都希望得到老师、家长的赞美,可是你有没有想过自己会不会赞美别人呢你赞美别人的语言越多,说明你越有赞美别人的能力,越有能力去发现别人的优点。一起来看看我们的老师为了恰如其分地评价我们,给我们赞美,他们是怎么运... 小朋友,我们每天都希望得到老师、家长的赞美,可是你有没有想过自己会不会赞美别人呢你赞美别人的语言越多,说明你越有赞美别人的能力,越有能力去发现别人的优点。一起来看看我们的老师为了恰如其分地评价我们,给我们赞美,他们是怎么运用评价语言的。希望你在阅读后能得到启发,学会赞美别人,使自己的语言更加具有吸引人、征服人、感染人的魅力。 展开更多
关键词 评价语言 词语信息
作者 段荣伟 付立冬 夏广锋 《电子技术与软件工程》 2015年第22期263-264,共2页
本文针对水环境领域提出了一种改进的潜在语义分析方法,通过改进权重计算方法以及记录词语出现位置的信息,更加准确的表达了词语所表现出的语义信息,最终实现文档内容查准率与查全率的提高。通过实验证明,改进的潜在语义分析算法实现了... 本文针对水环境领域提出了一种改进的潜在语义分析方法,通过改进权重计算方法以及记录词语出现位置的信息,更加准确的表达了词语所表现出的语义信息,最终实现文档内容查准率与查全率的提高。通过实验证明,改进的潜在语义分析算法实现了文本的扩展,在水环境领域中的检索效果优于传统的潜在语义分析算法。 展开更多
关键词 语义信息 潜在语义分析 词语权重 词语位置信息
Study on new words and their evolutions
作者 MA Ling 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第10期56-59,共4页
Language change is the manner in which the phonetic, morphological, semantic, syntactic, and other features of a language are modified over time. Vocabulary can change quickly as new words are borrowed from other lang... Language change is the manner in which the phonetic, morphological, semantic, syntactic, and other features of a language are modified over time. Vocabulary can change quickly as new words are borrowed from other languages, or as words get combined or shortened. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are one of the major driving forces in the process of globalization. This paper focuses on some lexicon changes over the last two decades. In particular, affixation, compounding, blending, and meaning shift are illustrated in detail. 展开更多
关键词 new words language change meaning shift
A Look at Meaning Eliminativism
作者 Luca Gasparri 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第11期1018-1024,共7页
What is the mental realization of our knowledge of the meaning of words? Does the lexical side of our semantic competence depend on the fact that we have dedicated representations of the semantic properties of lexeme... What is the mental realization of our knowledge of the meaning of words? Does the lexical side of our semantic competence depend on the fact that we have dedicated representations of the semantic properties of lexemes or does it arise from world knowledge, encyclopedic information, and non-linguistic categorization? According to meaning eliminativism, lexical concepts have no robust psychological reality and our ability to use the words of a language should not be explained in terms of knowledge of their conventional semantic value, conceived as their array of possible senses. To start, I will briefly explain what meaning eliminativism is and illustrate the key arguments that have been offered in its defense. Then, I will argue that such arguments are not as persuasive as they wish, and I will show that there are convincing theoretical and empirical reasons to maintain that meaning eliminativism is not a plausible claim about the nature of our lexical skills. 展开更多
关键词 word meaning meaning eliminativism MODULATION lexical concepts
作者 Li Xinde Dai Xianzhong 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2009年第4期564-570,共7页
Most of modern systems for information retrieval, fusion and management have to deal with more and more qualitative information (by linguistic labels) besides information expressed quantitatively (by numbers), sin... Most of modern systems for information retrieval, fusion and management have to deal with more and more qualitative information (by linguistic labels) besides information expressed quantitatively (by numbers), since human reports are better and easier expressed in natural language than with numbers. In this paper, Herrera-Martfnez's 2-Tuple linguistic representation model is extended for reasoning with uncertain and qualitative information in Dezert-Smarandache Theory (DSmT) framework, in order to overcome the limitations of current approaches, i.e., the lack of precision in the final results of linguistic information fusion according to 1-Tuple representation ( q1 )- The linguistic information which expresses the expert's qualitative beliefs is expressed by means of mixed 2 Tuples (equidistant linguistic labels with a numeric biased value). Together with the 2-Tuple representation model, some basic operators are presented to carry out the fusion operation among qualitative information sources. At last, through simple example how 2-Tuple qualitative DSmT-based (q2 DSmT) fusion rules can be used for qualitative reasoning and fusion under uncertainty, which advantage is also showed by comparing with other methods. 展开更多
关键词 Information fusion Qualitative reasoning under uncertainty Dezert-smarandache Theory (DSmT) 2-Tuple linguistic label
The analysis of adult English vocabulary learning strategies based on network
作者 Yongmei ZHANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期44-46,共3页
The article which is on the basis of English learning and adult learning characteristics, propose adult English vocabulary learning strategies based on network, and it thinks that adult learners are based on making fu... The article which is on the basis of English learning and adult learning characteristics, propose adult English vocabulary learning strategies based on network, and it thinks that adult learners are based on making full use of network to provide boundary, it overcomes the flaws of adult English and resist the temptation of other information network, and it takes the right vocabulary memory strategies, cognitive strategies, vocabulary learning metacognitive strategies, affective strategies of vocabulary learning and vocabulary learning society strategy ,then it can achieve good vocabulary learning effect. 展开更多
关键词 NETWORK ADULT English vocabulary Learning strategies
作者 唐瑾怡 《中学生数理化(高考理化)》 2018年第3X期52-53,共2页
数学解题的步骤在著名数学家波利亚的描述中是这样呈现的:(1)弄清题意;(2)制定解题计划;(3)实施计划;(4)反思解题过程。这样的描述是解题'通法'的总结,笔者根据其解题理论进行阐释并小结得本文所要阐述的解题四步曲:读、想、用... 数学解题的步骤在著名数学家波利亚的描述中是这样呈现的:(1)弄清题意;(2)制定解题计划;(3)实施计划;(4)反思解题过程。这样的描述是解题'通法'的总结,笔者根据其解题理论进行阐释并小结得本文所要阐述的解题四步曲:读、想、用、思。一、读这里谈及的'读'就是我们通常所说的读题,对题目的阅读与理解是否到位直接影响解题的成功与否。 展开更多
关键词 中的关键词语、数据、隐含信息 (2)已知是什么 求(证、探)的又是什么?
作者 郭善芳 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2008年第6期52-62,127,共12页
This study investigates differential effects of etymological elaboration and rote memorization on idiom acquisition and retention in Chinese college EFL learners. The sample (N = 70) involved two intact groups of coll... This study investigates differential effects of etymological elaboration and rote memorization on idiom acquisition and retention in Chinese college EFL learners. The sample (N = 70) involved two intact groups of college students. Subjects in one group exposed to instruction in the form of etymological familiarity while subjects in the comparison group were asked to memorize idioms on the basis of their given meaning. Subjects were then administered two post-tests: one to assess initial idiom acquisition, and another four weeks later to assess idiom retention. Statistical analyses produced sufficient support for both the first hypothesis (that the etymological elaboration condition would acquire more idioms than the rote memorization condition), and the second hypothesis—that the etymological familiarity would exhibit superior retention rates. The finding of this study suggests that for the purpose of encouraging long-term retention, elaborating on the original usage of idioms is preferable to requiring students to learn idioms by rote. 展开更多
关键词 ETYMOLOGY rote memorization idiom acquisition and retention Chinese college EFL learners
On Some China-Related Entries in the Oxford English Dictionary
作者 Zhu Ji-song 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2012年第3期86-100,共15页
Inspired by Phil Benson's study on the relations between ethnocentrism and the China-related entries in the OED2, this paper attempts to further examine how the image of China, a so--called "peripheral object of Wes... Inspired by Phil Benson's study on the relations between ethnocentrism and the China-related entries in the OED2, this paper attempts to further examine how the image of China, a so--called "peripheral object of Western knowledge," has been (ntis-) constructed in the dictionary, particularly its latest 2009 CD-ROM version, into which many laudable updates, including corrections and supplements, have been meticulously incorporated. It argues that ( 1 ) although British imperialism was a closed chapter, its vestiges can still be spotted in the dictionary text, not only in the quotations, which preserve historical information rather than reflect the editors' opinions, but also in the definitions and notes, which betray primarily the thoughts of these editors, ( 2 ) to an average user, the OED, with its legendary philological authority, is very likely to project " historical objectivity" into some problematic contents and thus misleads an innocent and uninformed mind, and (3) if ethnocentrism is an unavoidable component in the OED1 and OED2, then the editorial team of the OED3 in the making would do well to introduce into their work an element of" " entholocalism," by which is meant the ideological neutrality as well as the technical accuracy of encyclopedic information about such important peripheral objects as China, the most populous country and a fast growing economy, in the world in which the English language against the backdrop of globalization has firmly established itself as the international lingua fianca without rival. So long as it is intended to remain a historical dictionary true to its name, the OED ought to push forward, in the form of new editions, with the times. 展开更多
关键词 China-related entries LEXICOGRAPHY Oxford English Dictionary
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