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作者 葛焱磊 黄溯鑫 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第1期24-29,共6页
中华学术外译承担着向世界传播中国声音的使命,已成为备受瞩目的国家级项目。但目前对项目的整体研究相对较少,尤其缺乏对具体学科门类的实证分析。通过对2010-2022年的立项信息的研究结果显示,语言学立项主题以汉语本体研究为主、立项... 中华学术外译承担着向世界传播中国声音的使命,已成为备受瞩目的国家级项目。但目前对项目的整体研究相对较少,尤其缺乏对具体学科门类的实证分析。通过对2010-2022年的立项信息的研究结果显示,语言学立项主题以汉语本体研究为主、立项文版分布不均衡、推荐选题数量有限、海外传播力度不足,因此,建立语言学撰写、出版、翻译和海外传播的外译联动机制,广泛选题,积极申报,平衡文版,以通过多维角度、多方渠道来推动中华学术外译的高效实施,为项目决策者和申请者提供重要参考。 展开更多
关键词 语言学项目 中华学术外译 译传策略 统计分析
基于传播学的中国当代文学“三阶段译传模式” 被引量:9
作者 谢柯 张晓 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期98-107,共10页
翻译的本质是传播,中国当代文学要真正“走出去”不仅要重视翻译,还一定不能忽略传播。作为跨文化传播行为的中国当代文学译传只有遵循传播规律才能获得良好的传播效果。以传播效果为根本关切的中国当代文学译传应遵循“三阶段译传模式... 翻译的本质是传播,中国当代文学要真正“走出去”不仅要重视翻译,还一定不能忽略传播。作为跨文化传播行为的中国当代文学译传只有遵循传播规律才能获得良好的传播效果。以传播效果为根本关切的中国当代文学译传应遵循“三阶段译传模式”,即第一阶段是译者、作家作品、出版社、文学代理人的遴选;第二阶段是作品的翻译;第三阶段是译著的传播。传播学和一些较成功案例能对此模式的合理性和有效性给予支撑。 展开更多
关键词 传播学 中国当代文学 三阶段译传模式 翻译 文学出版 译者主体性
“译传学”刍议:关于一种跨文化视野中的新认识——对谢天振先生译介学的一种补充 被引量:5
作者 徐玉凤 殷国明 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2016年第1期99-105,共7页
随着时代的发展"翻译研究"和"译介学研究"已无法满足新时代翻译学的发展,译传学是在当下跨文化语境中的一种新视野,是翻译研究发展的必经阶段。传统的翻译研究将翻译局限在一个封闭的系统里,而译介学没有关注到传... 随着时代的发展"翻译研究"和"译介学研究"已无法满足新时代翻译学的发展,译传学是在当下跨文化语境中的一种新视野,是翻译研究发展的必经阶段。传统的翻译研究将翻译局限在一个封闭的系统里,而译介学没有关注到传播对翻译的影响。翻译是一个系统的活力整体,由三个阶段组成:前翻译阶段、翻译阶段和翻译后阶段。传播先于翻译。传播过程对翻译的修正和影响是翻译研究很重要的一个环节。 展开更多
关键词 译传 翻译 传播 译介学 跨文化
作者 胡燕 《中国出版》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第16期66-68,共3页
以康梁为代表的主张维新及具有维新倾向的出版机构所出译传以日本维新志士为焦点,所构建的政治典范乃是打倒幕府、创建新政府、构建二元制君主立宪政体的维新志士。以孙中山为代表的主张革命及具有革命倾向的出版机构所出译传以古今中... 以康梁为代表的主张维新及具有维新倾向的出版机构所出译传以日本维新志士为焦点,所构建的政治典范乃是打倒幕府、创建新政府、构建二元制君主立宪政体的维新志士。以孙中山为代表的主张革命及具有革命倾向的出版机构所出译传以古今中国及东西方推翻异族统治的民族斗士为核心,所构建的政治典范是追求民族独立、带领本国人民暴力反抗异族统治的革命志士。商业出版机构所出译传所构建的政治典范或为维新志士,或为革命志士,或两者皆非,大多受政治思潮影响,缺少一以贯之的政治典范谱系。晚清所出译传具有鲜明的政治性、工具性特征。 展开更多
关键词 晚清 译传 出版 政治典范 建构
马克思恩格斯经典化翻译传播思想核心话语考释 被引量:1
作者 杨明星 张雨 《中国翻译》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期48-57,192,共11页
本文基于马克思恩格斯外文原典,全面考证分析其翻译传播思想的核心话语。其经典化翻译传播思想主要内涵总结如下:一是实施动态化的翻译过程,即译作再现原作经典、译作比原作更加经典、译作使原作更加经典;二是遵循活力等效、风格再现、... 本文基于马克思恩格斯外文原典,全面考证分析其翻译传播思想的核心话语。其经典化翻译传播思想主要内涵总结如下:一是实施动态化的翻译过程,即译作再现原作经典、译作比原作更加经典、译作使原作更加经典;二是遵循活力等效、风格再现、分众化传播、译文高度精确化以及译本互文互鉴五项翻译原则;三是建立四项翻译制度,即保留翻译权、选拔政治可靠的优秀译者、采取科学严密的翻译流程和翻译与传播一体化;四是采取试译、译审、倒译、改写、重译、转译、省译和增译八大翻译策略。马克思恩格斯经典化翻译思想源自其丰富的翻译实践和系统的译学论述,是马克思主义基本原理的重要组成部分,对世界翻译传播理论建设做出重要贡献。 展开更多
关键词 马克思恩格斯 经典化翻译传播思想 译传一体 分众译传 翻译制度
作者 王梅 陈大亮 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期86-92,共7页
共情本是一个心理学术语,后被应用到传播、修辞、叙事等研究领域。翻译界只有少数人谈及共情翻译,但鲜有人将共情、翻译和传播结合起来进行跨学科研究。鉴于此,本文打破心理学、翻译学和传播学之间的学科壁垒,提出“共情译传”新概念,... 共情本是一个心理学术语,后被应用到传播、修辞、叙事等研究领域。翻译界只有少数人谈及共情翻译,但鲜有人将共情、翻译和传播结合起来进行跨学科研究。鉴于此,本文打破心理学、翻译学和传播学之间的学科壁垒,提出“共情译传”新概念,构建了“引导—感染—认知—行为”共情译传机制,并以蔡志忠典籍漫画为个案,探索其在中国文化典籍翻译中的实践路径。共情译传机制是译者依据传播效果,采用特定翻译策略去引导、感染目标受众,使其对中国文化产生共情认知并付诸二次传播行动的双向文化交际过程。该机制对翻译理论体系完善和中华文化外译实践具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 共情 共情译传机制 双向文化交际 典籍漫画
同心同理与文学回归:《射雕英雄传》译传中的主体性 被引量:1
作者 蒋童 张叶 《中国翻译》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期69-76,共8页
相较于金庸小说在华人圈内的“阅读神话”,其译本在英语世界的接受程度远逊色于东亚文化圈。迟来的《射雕英雄传》英译本《英雄诞生》打破了长久以来的失衡状态。集文学代理人、译者和传播者于一身的郝玉青,在选、翻译和传播三个译传阶... 相较于金庸小说在华人圈内的“阅读神话”,其译本在英语世界的接受程度远逊色于东亚文化圈。迟来的《射雕英雄传》英译本《英雄诞生》打破了长久以来的失衡状态。集文学代理人、译者和传播者于一身的郝玉青,在选、翻译和传播三个译传阶段都发挥了重要作用。这三阶段最终形成合力助推金庸作品走向世界。郝玉青借助副文本将西方读者代入金庸世界,而后以回归文学的方式,创造性地翻译人名,运用流畅性与异质性兼备的翻译策略吸引读者,让西方读者产生熟悉感的同时,又让译作负载的文化内涵呈现出一种“可控”的“独特”。郝玉青在译传阶段的努力让《英雄诞生》的译介产生出良好的效果。传播学的观照放大了郝玉青在译传中的主体作用,同时又突破了仅在翻译过程中讨论译者主体性的局限。 展开更多
关键词 主体性 郝玉青 《射雕英雄传》 《英雄诞生》 文学译传
近代广学会译传出版及其诉求(1887—1919年) 被引量:1
作者 胡燕 《现代传记研究》 CSSCI 2017年第2期181-193,共13页
广学会是由新教传教士主导的以翻译、出版、发行为主要业务的教会机构,既通过翻译出版新教创始人、新教教士、平信徒的传记以传播新教教义,又通过翻译出版世俗人物(主要是欧美政治家传记)以参与近代中国的政治革新。广学会通过政治家传... 广学会是由新教传教士主导的以翻译、出版、发行为主要业务的教会机构,既通过翻译出版新教创始人、新教教士、平信徒的传记以传播新教教义,又通过翻译出版世俗人物(主要是欧美政治家传记)以参与近代中国的政治革新。广学会通过政治家传记的翻译、出版及相关广告以表达其政治革新主张:在晚清为维新立宪,在民初为共和民权。翻译、出版政治家传记以参与政治革新乃是其传教的手段之一,其主观意图在于以此为手段扩大其政治、文化影响,为新教在中国的传播铺平道路,但客观效果却促进了西学特别是西方政治制度的引入与传播,呼应了晚清政府的维新立宪主张,顺应了民国政府的共和民权主张。 展开更多
关键词 广学会 译传 出版诉求 传教 革新
作者 陈陵娣 陈倩 《德州学院学报》 2020年第5期81-84,共4页
唐三藏法师义净重要著作《大唐西域求法高僧传》自古至今在国内外都有较大影响力。王邦维先生20世纪80年代对其研究情况展开梳理之后,该书得到学界深入研究,但更进一步的前沿梳理略少。为更好推动该文献研究的深入挖掘和研究,紧密围绕... 唐三藏法师义净重要著作《大唐西域求法高僧传》自古至今在国内外都有较大影响力。王邦维先生20世纪80年代对其研究情况展开梳理之后,该书得到学界深入研究,但更进一步的前沿梳理略少。为更好推动该文献研究的深入挖掘和研究,紧密围绕义净研究中心的工作,对国内外研究情况展开梳理,为推动后期译传研究做准备。 展开更多
关键词 《大唐西域求法高僧传》 义净 研究综述 译传
Accumulation in simultaneous interpretation: The development of a successful interpreter
作者 白秋梅 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第5期41-44,共4页
Accumulation of vocabulary, knowledge and experience is the foundation of comprehension and expression in simultaneous interpretation. This paper suggests the importance of accumulation in the development of a success... Accumulation of vocabulary, knowledge and experience is the foundation of comprehension and expression in simultaneous interpretation. This paper suggests the importance of accumulation in the development of a successful interpreter. 展开更多
关键词 simultaneous interpretation accumulation of vocabulary accumulation of knowledge accumulation of experience interpreter development
Textual informativity and its translation strategies
作者 刘欢 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第5期50-53,共4页
Textual informativity is one of the seven standards of textuality. This paper focuses on the shift among three orders of textual informativity. And also probe into some strategies to compensate for the different level... Textual informativity is one of the seven standards of textuality. This paper focuses on the shift among three orders of textual informativity. And also probe into some strategies to compensate for the different level of informativity. 展开更多
关键词 TEXT textual informativity three orders of informativity information shift translation strategy
Chinese and foreign film and TV drama translation from the perspective of cross cultural communication 被引量:1
作者 Hui Cui 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2017年第1期1-3,共3页
. Chinese and foreign film and cultural exchanges, the translation is necessary to ensure the realization of information across language barriers to effective communication. Particularity TV drama text language determ... . Chinese and foreign film and cultural exchanges, the translation is necessary to ensure the realization of information across language barriers to effective communication. Particularity TV drama text language determines the TV drama translation from other forms of translation particularity. According to the analysis of the speci? c case, we discussed the basics of film and television drama translation. In recent years, foreign film and television works more and more popular in China, Subtitling received more attention. Filmography is an important medium for intercultural communication that subtitling has a very important role in cross-cultural communication. By analyzing the subtitle translation of particularity, we propose the appropriate translation approach. News translation is an interlingual intercultural communication activities and news translation there are a lot of cultural barriers that improper handling will seriously affect the effect of news media, and even misleading. News translator should understand the source culture, and appropriate use of domesticating translation strategy interpretive translation means to overcome cultural barriers in order to achieve intercultural communication. 展开更多
关键词 Intercultural Communication Filmography TRANSLATION PERSPECTIVE English works
作者 程恩 余丽敏 林耿超 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期202-207,共6页
This paper describes the design of modulation, compression coding and transmission control in underwater acoustic color image transmission system. This design adapts a special system of modulation and transmission con... This paper describes the design of modulation, compression coding and transmission control in underwater acoustic color image transmission system. This design adapts a special system of modulation and transmission control based on a DSP(Digital Signal Processing) chip, to cope with the complex underwater acoustic channel. The hardware block diagram and software flow chart are presented. 展开更多
关键词 underwater image transmission MFSK (Multiple Frequency Shifting Keying) RLE (Route Length Encode) DSP
Mode decision for H.264 down-scaling video transcoding
作者 钱团结 Sun Jun Wang Yue Chen Weian Yang Xiaokang 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2006年第1期31-36,共6页
Although the coding modes of H.264 coded video would be changed by the transcoding process of spatial resolution reduction, there exists good correlation in prediction modes and prediction directions between input and... Although the coding modes of H.264 coded video would be changed by the transcoding process of spatial resolution reduction, there exists good correlation in prediction modes and prediction directions between input and output video. In this paper, we first introduce a new spatial resolution reduction transcoding architecture of intra coded frames where the distortion can be calculated directly in compression domain. We then propose a fast mode decision algorithm in which only a small part of rate distortion optimization (RDO) calculation is needed for mode decision. For 4×4 luma block, the proposed scheme has average 21.3% computation saving, compared to the cascaded pixel-domain transcoding scheme with the fast intra mode decision algorithm proposed in JVT-G013. For 16×16 luma block, RDO calculation is completely avoided in our scheme while the scheme in JVT-G013 needs 2 RDO calculations. Experimental results show that our scheme outperforms that of JVT-G013 in terms of significantly computasavings with negligible loss of PSNR 展开更多
关键词 TRANSCODING mode decision down-scaling H.264
The Translation of Local Historical Allusions in the Perspective of Cross-cultural Communication With Case Studies
作者 SONG Xi-xi LING Qian 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1314-1319,共6页
The translation of place-names plays a significant part in both translation and the process of communication. The translation of place-names is a cross-cultural communication, especially in the translation of the plac... The translation of place-names plays a significant part in both translation and the process of communication. The translation of place-names is a cross-cultural communication, especially in the translation of the place-names with allusion-oriented meaning. The translators should consider the cultural meaning of the place-names and convey the cultural meaning accurately to the foreigners. This paper is based on some cases that have been searched, illustrating the translation of place-names on allusion-oriented from the perspective of cross-cultural communication consciousness and the strategy of foreignization. It also analyzes the basic guiding principl strategies and specific translation methods on the translation of Chinese place-names, as well as the scope es, of various translation methods, such as literal translation, free translation, combination of both of them, and proposes the guiding principles of this kind of translation which should be "literal translation-headed, proper free translation, and appropriate interpretation". The other principles are "following the pronunciation of the owners of proper names, adopting the established popular translated names, and using the standard pronunciation of the Chinese character" etc. Based on it, this paper discusses the translation of the place-names, such as "Zhenyuan' 展开更多
关键词 cross-cultural communication historical allusion place-names TRANSLATION guiding principles
Unfaithfulness or Expressiveness? On KU Hung-ming's Translation of Chinese Classics From the Perspective of Translation Norms
作者 CHE Huan-huan ZOU Xiao-ling 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第6期1253-1257,共5页
As a beak with the traditional "prescriptive" approach and an important complement to translation theories, translation norms thus open up a descriptive and target-oriented perspective for the translation practice a... As a beak with the traditional "prescriptive" approach and an important complement to translation theories, translation norms thus open up a descriptive and target-oriented perspective for the translation practice and study. For the successful access of the translation text into the target culture, the translator has to make choices between two languages, texts and cultures, etc.. Thus the translation norms are revealed. This paper shows the operation of translation norms as seen from the English version of Chinese classics by KU Hung-ming and analyzes why KU Hung-ming's translation of Confucian classics such as Lun Yu and Zhong Yong enjoyed greater popularity among Western readers than the translation of Western missionaries. The paper also holds that the unfaithful translations regarded by a source text-oriented approach were actually where KU was most successful in implementing his translation strategies to achieve expressiveness. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese classics KU Hung-ming translation norms target culture
作者 Liu Bo He Zishu 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2008年第4期471-476,共6页
Design of orthogonal code sets with ideal correlation properties is crucial for orthogonalMultiple Input Multiple Output(MIMO)radar.A modified Genetic Algorithm(GA)is proposed tonumerically design orthogonal Discrete ... Design of orthogonal code sets with ideal correlation properties is crucial for orthogonalMultiple Input Multiple Output(MIMO)radar.A modified Genetic Algorithm(GA)is proposed tonumerically design orthogonal Discrete Frequency-Coding Waveforms(DFCWs)with good correlationproperties for MIMO radar.Some of the designed results are presented,and their correlation propertiesare better than those presented in literatures.The effect of Doppler frequency shift on the performanceof these signals is simply investigated.Simulation results and comparisons show that the proposedalgorithm is more effective for the design of DFCWs with superior aperiodic correlation properties. 展开更多
关键词 Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar Netted radar Ambiguity function Genetic Algorithm (GA) Discrete Frequency-Coding Waveforms (DFCWs)
Retaining Truth, Seeking Goodness and Preserving Beauty: Principles of Translating Tsangyang Gyatso's Poems Into English
作者 YU Yang LI Zheng-shuan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1238-1243,共6页
Tsangyang Gyatso's poems were widely circulated and still enjoy popularity. He was an influential living Buddha (Renpoche) in Tibetan Buddhism and a talented and legendary historical figure. Nowadays, more and more... Tsangyang Gyatso's poems were widely circulated and still enjoy popularity. He was an influential living Buddha (Renpoche) in Tibetan Buddhism and a talented and legendary historical figure. Nowadays, more and more scholars, poets and translators have devoted to the study of his works. Here we will focus on discussing the English translation of his poems and their value. We analyze texts of the Tsangyang Gyatso's Poems (Chinese-English) and seek to further study the translation principles such as "retaining truth, seeking goodness and preserving beauty". By doing this, we strive to improve the quality of translation, give consideration to the construction of the four elements such as poetic meaning, emotion, tone and intention, to enable the reader to achieve the senses and the acquisition of images, to provide more perfect translation in the "Tsangyang Gyatso Vogue", to promote the dissemination and sharing of Tibetan culture and to inject new vitality. 展开更多
关键词 Tsangyang Gyatso's poetry translation PRINCIPLES
Strategies for English Film Subtitle Translation
作者 Qian Huimin 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第5期363-366,共4页
Film, one of the carriers of culture, has a coverall function. As a medium of cultural transmission, it is a way to comprehend foreign cultures and customs. Therefore, the translation of subtitles becoraes a vital imp... Film, one of the carriers of culture, has a coverall function. As a medium of cultural transmission, it is a way to comprehend foreign cultures and customs. Therefore, the translation of subtitles becoraes a vital importance. The paper is intended to analysis main strategies for English film subtitle translation based on main principles, according to the method of analyzing the diversities of various cultures and real examples from movies. "translators are required to know well about different cultures and pay more attention to accumulation of usual experiences. 展开更多
关键词 SUBTITLE strategy for translation principle for translation culture-loaded word
Novel video coding algorithmbased on 3D-binDCT
作者 NI Wei GUO Bao-long YANG Liu 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2005年第3期228-231,共4页
In this paper we propose a three dimensional multiplierless discrete cosine transform(DOT) with lifting scheme called 3D-binDCT. Based on 3D-binDCT, a novel video coding algorithm without motion estimation/compensat... In this paper we propose a three dimensional multiplierless discrete cosine transform(DOT) with lifting scheme called 3D-binDCT. Based on 3D-binDCT, a novel video coding algorithm without motion estimation/compensation is proposed. It uses the 3D-binDCT to exploit spatial or temporal redundancy. The computation of binDOT only needs shift and addition operations, thus the computational complexity is minimized. DO coefficient prediction, modified scan mode and arithmetic coding techniques are also adopted. Extensive simulation results show that the proposed coding scheme provides higher coding efficiency and improves visual aualitv, and it is easy to be realized by software and hardware. 展开更多
关键词 视频通信 代码编译 三维图象 离散余弦传输
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