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起译密码子AUG侧翼序列对水稻基因表达水平的影响 被引量:1
作者 刘庆坡 谭军 薛庆中 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期625-629,共5页
对541条水稻基因序列测定了其起译密码子AUG侧翼区序列(-20~+6)不同位点的同义密码子偏性及基因表达水平。结果表明,与密码子适应指数(CAI)和密码子偏好指数(CPP)、mRNA丰度呈显著或极显著相关的位点分别有5个(-19、-18、-9、-4和+5)、... 对541条水稻基因序列测定了其起译密码子AUG侧翼区序列(-20~+6)不同位点的同义密码子偏性及基因表达水平。结果表明,与密码子适应指数(CAI)和密码子偏好指数(CPP)、mRNA丰度呈显著或极显著相关的位点分别有5个(-19、-18、-9、-4和+5)、8个(-19、-18、-14、-9、-6、-4、-1和+5)和7个(-18、-16、-15、-9、-7、-1和+6),其中只有-4和+5位点与CAI和CPP的值正相关,表明上述位点在转录水平上处于有利进化的自然选择压。对高表达的变应原蛋白基因7个特殊位点(-18、-16、-15、-9、-7、-1和+6)的碱基作定点突变分子模拟,其表达量分别降低63.3%和72.5%,显示了这些位点对基因表达的重要性。AUG侧翼序列适应指数(AUGCAI)与侧翼区的G+C含量呈高度正相关(r=0.625),表明在AUG侧翼富集G+C对翻译起始更有效。紧邻起译密码子AUG侧翼序列8个位点(-6~-1和+4~+6,除-4外)对G或C强烈偏好,暗示这是调节翻译起始效率以及同义密码子偏性的重要因素之一,尤其是在高表达基因中。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 译密码 AUG侧翼序列 基因表达 同义密码子偏性 定点突变模拟
作者 王勇 《第二课堂(A)》 2005年第5期37-38,共2页
以"破译密码"为素材的试题取材于现代生活,不仅反映了有价值的基础数学知识、基本数学思想的广泛应用,还考查了学生灵活应用、自主探索的能力,充分体现了新课程标准的教育理念.下面采撷两道典型例题并予以解析,旨在探索题型规... 以"破译密码"为素材的试题取材于现代生活,不仅反映了有价值的基础数学知识、基本数学思想的广泛应用,还考查了学生灵活应用、自主探索的能力,充分体现了新课程标准的教育理念.下面采撷两道典型例题并予以解析,旨在探索题型规律,揭示解题方法.例1(湖北武汉市高考模拟题)现代社会对破译密码的难度要求越来越高.有一种密码把英文的明文(真实文)按字母分解,其中英文的a、b、c、…、z的26个字母(不论大小写)依次对应1、2、3、…、26这26个自然数,见表格: 展开更多
关键词 译密码 试题 新课程标准 高考模拟题 教育理念 字母分解 基本数学思想 解题方法 自主探索 典型例题
作者 李龙海 肖国镇 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期674-678,共5页
针对Golle等提出的广播型匿名通信网络,设计了一种新的多路访问协议.将每个传送周期分为预约、确认和发送3个阶段,第1阶段采用随机预约映射技术对共享匿名信道进行公平分配,在第2阶段用匿名方式确认分配结果,而成员在第3阶段开始发送匿... 针对Golle等提出的广播型匿名通信网络,设计了一种新的多路访问协议.将每个传送周期分为预约、确认和发送3个阶段,第1阶段采用随机预约映射技术对共享匿名信道进行公平分配,在第2阶段用匿名方式确认分配结果,而成员在第3阶段开始发送匿名消息,同时公布一个非交互式知识证明,以确认自己只在与确认结果一致的位置发送了匿名消息.所提协议可以保证成员绝对遵守分配规则,能有效防御破坏性拒绝服务攻击.利用该协议,不会损害通信系统的匿名性,并能显著提高匿名传输效率.仿真结果表明,在发送长匿名消息时,匿名信道利用率由原来的37%提高到了90%以上. 展开更多
关键词 匿名通信 密码者网络 非交互式知识证明
作者 张洪清 《化工管理》 1996年第1期47-47,共1页
为你烦恼真好 因烦恼的枝头上 时常开出快乐的花苞 含那间吐蕊的心房
关键词 译密码 心房 海污 花苞 打湿 韵脚 用电话 草书 孤儿 “好”
作者 张鸣 《电脑知识与技术(过刊)》 2000年第A07期56-56,共1页
自武松与宋江道别之后,便想回家探望兄长。他路行数日,来到了离清河县不远的阳谷县地面。  这一天晌午时分,武松觉得腹中饥渴,望见前面有一个酒店,门前挑着一面招旗,旗上写着五个字道:“注册能过冈。”武松感到有些诧异,何为... 自武松与宋江道别之后,便想回家探望兄长。他路行数日,来到了离清河县不远的阳谷县地面。  这一天晌午时分,武松觉得腹中饥渴,望见前面有一个酒店,门前挑着一面招旗,旗上写着五个字道:“注册能过冈。”武松感到有些诧异,何为注册能过冈?但又想想,反正我身上银两充足,大不了多付些钱罢了。于是武松走进大门,找了一个位置坐下并大声叫道,“小二,快拿好酒,好菜来。”“来了。”一阵清脆的回复声顺着内堂传出……“客官,您在这里注册过吗?若注册过的话,请出示您的用户名和密码。”店小二问道。“何为注册,用什么户,密什么码?”武松疑惑道。“客官,您大概是外乡人吧,不懂这里的规矩,我店是阳谷县网站的景阳冈镜像点。 展开更多
关键词 武松 阳谷县 网络 清河县 译密码 知县 INTERNET 黑客 挥手致意 块空间
《语文世界(上旬刊)》 2002年第2期46-48,共3页
主持人的话:大家好,我是快乐博士.和大家一样.小的时候我也特讨厌家庭作业,什么抄写、组词、算算术……我一看就烦,当时我想:要是能有既有趣,又好玩,还能学到知识的作业该多好啊。直到今天,我成了快乐博士,我学会了快乐.也... 主持人的话:大家好,我是快乐博士.和大家一样.小的时候我也特讨厌家庭作业,什么抄写、组词、算算术……我一看就烦,当时我想:要是能有既有趣,又好玩,还能学到知识的作业该多好啊。直到今天,我成了快乐博士,我学会了快乐.也懂得了快乐,因此,我特邀请一些有名的老师,为同学们设计了这个“快乐作业本”,希望大家在快乐中增长智慧,学得真知。 “快乐作业本”共分三部分:智慧岛、聪明屋、机录洞,每一部分都由几道妙越横生的小题组成,同学们可以将你的答案迅速寄山西大原市双塔寺街124号山西日报社1201室快乐博士收、我们将挑选10名答得最好的同学给予奖励。 展开更多
关键词 成语 口算速度 七言古诗 密码 作业本 数学名词 “有”字 译密码 狐狸 增长智慧
作者 周永庆 《电子制作》 2003年第7期16-17,共2页
关键词 电话遥控盒 制作方法 自动挂机 自动控制 工作原理 定时拨号 译密码电路 双音码电路
作者 钟晓班 《管理观察》 1999年第8期33-34,共2页
关键词 微处理机卡 数据加密标准 微型电路 读卡器 灵巧卡 通信接口模块 脉码调制 译密码 RS-232 服务器
作者 瑞敏 《华人时刊》 1996年第10期39-41,共3页
美国的一个绝密情报机构——国家安全局,尽管几十年来一直秘而不宜,就连大多数美国人对它也一无所知,但最近终于站到摄像机前,开始向美国观众讲述它过去的故事。由该局和发现电视台合拍的一部反映该局活动的纪录片《上空的间谍》,不久... 美国的一个绝密情报机构——国家安全局,尽管几十年来一直秘而不宜,就连大多数美国人对它也一无所知,但最近终于站到摄像机前,开始向美国观众讲述它过去的故事。由该局和发现电视台合拍的一部反映该局活动的纪录片《上空的间谍》,不久将公开放映。在这之前,该局对“日冕”卫星在1960年至1972年拍摄的成千上万张照片,进行了销密。这意味着,与此有关的工作人员,可以公开谈论他们以往的工作了。之所以会有如此大的转变,原因很简单——由于冷战已经结束,该机构想证明其存在是有理由的。 展开更多
关键词 情报机构 美国国家安全局 贩毒集团 重要情报 间谍 译密码 超级计算机 安装窃听器 沙特阿拉伯 对外政策
Cryptanalysis of a Cryptosystem with Non- Commutative Platform Groups 被引量:1
作者 Jinhui Liu Jianwei Jia +3 位作者 Huanguo Zhang Rongwei Yu Yong Yu Wangqing Wu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期67-73,共7页
A cryptosystem with non-commutative platform groups based on conjugator search problem was recently introduced at Neural Computing and Applications 2016. Its versatility was illustrated by building a public-key encryp... A cryptosystem with non-commutative platform groups based on conjugator search problem was recently introduced at Neural Computing and Applications 2016. Its versatility was illustrated by building a public-key encryption scheme. We propose an algebraic key-recovery attack in the polynomial computational complexity. Furthermore, we peel off the encryption and decryption process and propose attack methods for solving the conjugator search problem over the given non-abelian group. Finally, we provide corresponding practical attack examples to illustrate the attack methods in our cryptanalysis, and provide some improved suggestions. 展开更多
关键词 CRYPTANALYSIS post-quantum com-putational cryptography conjugator searchproblem computational complexity
Construction of LDPC Codes for the Layered Decoding Algorithm 被引量:4
作者 Wang Da Dong Mingke +2 位作者 Chen Chen Jin Ye Xiang Haige 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第7期99-107,共9页
Abstract: The layered decoding algorithm has been widely used in the implementation of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) decoders, due to its high convergence speed. However, the pipeline operation of the layered dec... Abstract: The layered decoding algorithm has been widely used in the implementation of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) decoders, due to its high convergence speed. However, the pipeline operation of the layered decoder may introduce memory access conflicts, which heavily deteriorates the decoder throughput. To essentially deal with the issue of memory access conflicts, 展开更多
关键词 LDPC codes construction algorithm PEG algorithm layered decoding algorithm memory access conflicts
作者 Jiang Zhengtao Hao Yanhua Wang Yumin 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2005年第5期490-497,共8页
Investigated the properties of LUCas sequence(LUC), the paper proposed a new variant of (probabilistic) public-key encryption scheme. Security analysis of the proposed encryption schemes shows that its one-wayness is ... Investigated the properties of LUCas sequence(LUC), the paper proposed a new variant of (probabilistic) public-key encryption scheme. Security analysis of the proposed encryption schemes shows that its one-wayness is equivalent to partial LUC discrete logarithm problem in ZN, and for the proposed probabilistic encryption scheme, its semantic security is equivalent to decisional LUC Diffie-Hellman problem in ZN. At last, the efficiency of the proposed schemes is briefly analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 Probabilistic public-key encryption scheme LUCas sequence(LUC) Discrete logarithm Integer factorization
Cryptanalysis of Threshold-proxy Threshold-signature Schemes 被引量:1
作者 HAN Jin-guang KANG Bao-yuan 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2010年第3期459-463,共5页
Recently,Hwang et al.proposed a (t,n) threshold-proxy (c,m) thresholdsignature schemes,in which only any t or more original signers of n original signers can authorize a proxy group of m proxy signers and then onl... Recently,Hwang et al.proposed a (t,n) threshold-proxy (c,m) thresholdsignature schemes,in which only any t or more original signers of n original signers can authorize a proxy group of m proxy signers and then only c or more proxy signers can cooperatively generate threshold-proxy threshold-signature.In this scheme,they claimed that original signers cannot forge the proxy signature and the proxy signers cannot forge signature on behalf of the original signers.However,in this paper,we will give a attack to show that their scheme can not resist impersonation attacks. 展开更多
关键词 CRYPTANALYSIS impersonate attacks threshold-proxy threshold-signature
Low-Complexity Detection and Decoding Scheme for LDPC-Coded MLC NAND Flash Memory 被引量:1
作者 Xusheng Lin Guojun Han +2 位作者 Shijie Ouyang Yanfu Li Yi Fang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第6期58-67,共10页
With the development of manufacture technology, the multi-level cell(MLC)technique dramatically increases the storage density of NAND flash memory. As the result,cell-to-cell interference(CCI) becomes more serious and... With the development of manufacture technology, the multi-level cell(MLC)technique dramatically increases the storage density of NAND flash memory. As the result,cell-to-cell interference(CCI) becomes more serious and hence causes an increase in the raw bit error rate of data stored in the cells.Recently, low-density parity-check(LDPC)codes have appeared to be a promising solution to combat the interference of MLC NAND flash memory. However, the decoding complexity of the sum-product algorithm(SPA) is extremely high. In this paper, to improve the accuracy of the log likelihood ratio(LLR) information of each bit in each NAND flash memory cell, we adopt a non-uniform detection(N-UD) which uses the average maximum mutual information to determine the value of the soft-decision reference voltages.Furthermore, with an aim to reduce the decoding complexity and improve the decoding performance, we propose a modified soft reliabilitybased iterative majority-logic decoding(MSRBI-MLGD) algorithm, which uses a non-uniform quantizer based on power function to decode LDPC codes. Simulation results show that our design can offer a desirable trade-off between the performance and complexity for high-column-weight LDPC-coded MLC NAND flash memory. 展开更多
关键词 Cell-to-cell interference(CCI) LDPC codes MLC NAND flash memory non-uniform detection(N-UD) modified soft reliability-based iterative majority-logic decoding(MSRBI-MLGD) algorithm
Modified Benes network architecture for WiMAX LDPC decoder 被引量:1
作者 徐勐 吴建辉 张萌 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第2期140-143,共4页
A modified Benes network is proposed to be used as an optimal shuffle network in worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) low density parity check (LDPC) decoders, When the size of the input is not ... A modified Benes network is proposed to be used as an optimal shuffle network in worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) low density parity check (LDPC) decoders, When the size of the input is not a power of two, the modified Benes network can achieve the most optimal performance. This modified Benes network is non-blocking and can perform any sorts of permutations, so it can support 19 modes specified in the WiMAX system. Furthermore, an efficient algorithm to generate the control signals for all the 2 × 2 switches in this network is derived, which can reduce the hardware complexity and overall latency of the modified Benes network. Synthesis results show that the proposed control signal generator can save 25.4% chip area and the overall network latency can be reduced by 36. 2%. 展开更多
关键词 worldwide interoperability for microwave access(WiMAX) quasi-cycle low density parity check (QC-LDPC) LDPC decoder Benes network
Cryptanalysis of Key Exchange Protocol Based on Tensor Ergodic Problem
作者 Chunsheng Gu Youyu Gu +2 位作者 Peizhong Shi Chunpeng Ge Zhenjun Jing 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第10期172-181,共10页
Recently, Mao, Zhang, Wu et al. constructed two key exchange(KE) protocols based on tensor ergodic problem(TEP). Although they conjectured that these constructions can potentially resist quantum computing attack, they... Recently, Mao, Zhang, Wu et al. constructed two key exchange(KE) protocols based on tensor ergodic problem(TEP). Although they conjectured that these constructions can potentially resist quantum computing attack, they did not provide a rigorous security proof for their KE protocols. In this paper, applying the properties of ergodic matrix, we first present a polynomial time algorithm to solve the TEP problem using O(n^6) arithmetic operations in the finite field, where n is the security parameter. Then, applying this polynomial time algorithm, we generate a common shared key for two TEP-based KE constructions, respectively. In addition, we also provide a polynomial time algorithm with O(n^6) arithmetic operations that directly recovers the plaintext from a ciphertext for the KE-based encryption scheme. Thus, the TEP-based KE protocols and their corresponding encryption schemes are insecure. 展开更多
关键词 key exchange KE-based encryption tensor decomposition ergodic matrix
Role of Covariance Correlation Tensor in Establishment of Criterion of Quantum Entanglement
作者 QIAN Shang-Wu GU Zhi-Yu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3X期445-450,共6页
This article discusses the role of covariance correlation tensor in the establishment of the criterion of quantum entanglement. It gives a simple example to show the powerfulness in the treatment of quantum dense codi... This article discusses the role of covariance correlation tensor in the establishment of the criterion of quantum entanglement. It gives a simple example to show the powerfulness in the treatment of quantum dense coding,and illustrates the fact that this method also provides theoretical basis for establishing corresponding knotted pictures. 展开更多
关键词 quantum entanglement covariance correlation tensor quantum dense coding knotted picture
作者 Liu Binbin Bai Dong Mei Shunliang 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2008年第4期539-543,共5页
Non-uniform quantization for messages in Low-Density Parity-Check(LDPC)decoding canreduce implementation complexity and mitigate performance loss.But the distribution of messagesvaries in the iterative decoding.This l... Non-uniform quantization for messages in Low-Density Parity-Check(LDPC)decoding canreduce implementation complexity and mitigate performance loss.But the distribution of messagesvaries in the iterative decoding.This letter proposes a variable non-uniform quantized Belief Propaga-tion(BP)algorithm.The BP decoding is analyzed by density evolution with Gaussian approximation.Since the probability density of messages can be well approximated by Gaussian distribution,by theunbiased estimation of variance,the distribution of messages can be tracked during the iteration.Thusthe non-uniform quantization scheme can be optimized to minimize the distortion.Simulation resultsshow that the variable non-uniform quantization scheme can achieve better error rate performance andfaster decoding convergence than the conventional non-uniform quantization and uniform quantizationschemes. 展开更多
关键词 Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes Iterative decoding Belief Propagation (BP) Non-uniform quantization
作者 张煜荣 《中学历史教学参考》 1997年第9期37-37,共1页
中国古代的军事密码通讯●张煜荣众所周知,在战争中,通讯联络至关重要,因为它关系到军队的安危,将士的存亡,乃至战斗、战役的胜负。在古今中外战史中,因为泄密而招致失败的史实屡见不鲜。所以军事家们都力求增强通讯的可靠性和保... 中国古代的军事密码通讯●张煜荣众所周知,在战争中,通讯联络至关重要,因为它关系到军队的安危,将士的存亡,乃至战斗、战役的胜负。在古今中外战史中,因为泄密而招致失败的史实屡见不鲜。所以军事家们都力求增强通讯的可靠性和保密性,想出种种办法。密码就是其中常... 展开更多
关键词 中国古代 译密码 通讯方式 密码 军事指挥 曾公亮 编码顺序 《草》 通讯联络 使用方法
作者 梁日升 《政工研究动态》 2000年第Z1期24-24,共1页
通过对大量的案件分析可以看到,金融系统违法犯罪表现主要具有以下几个特点: 1、作案手段多样化。除“传统”的收款不入帐、偷支储户存款、伪造存折偷支库款等手段外,还出现了利用电脑、信用卡作案,采取非法修改数据,非法毁坏数据、备... 通过对大量的案件分析可以看到,金融系统违法犯罪表现主要具有以下几个特点: 1、作案手段多样化。除“传统”的收款不入帐、偷支储户存款、伪造存折偷支库款等手段外,还出现了利用电脑、信用卡作案,采取非法修改数据,非法毁坏数据、备份盘和有关凭证、帐页,非法编制程序、破译密码,诈骗和套取现金等等。 2、重点岗位发案多。金融系统管钱、管物、管人的岗位极易发生违法犯罪问题。 展开更多
关键词 金融系统 犯罪的特点 党风廉政建设责任制 金融违法犯罪 党内监督 犯罪表现 监督制约 案件分析 监督管理 译密码
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