VHDL and its supporting environment are active domain in the field of logic design.In the paper the design principle and some key techniques to solve the problems on the implementation of the VHDL parser are introduce...VHDL and its supporting environment are active domain in the field of logic design.In the paper the design principle and some key techniques to solve the problems on the implementation of the VHDL parser are introduced. According to the methods discussed in the paper, the VHDL parser based on VHDL IEEE 1076 standard version is implemented and a series of strict tests are done. This VHDL parser is front-end tool of the VHDL high level synthesis and mixed level simulation system developed by the Research Center of ASIC of BIT.展开更多
The paper firstly reviews the developments of language transfer research. Utilizing the results supplied by CEM and AntConc, the present writer conducts analyses of the lexicai errors committed by the students in TEM-...The paper firstly reviews the developments of language transfer research. Utilizing the results supplied by CEM and AntConc, the present writer conducts analyses of the lexicai errors committed by the students in TEM-8 test and reveals the contributions to SLA and EFL language teaching that language transfer may make.展开更多
In the text of Wolf Totem, there are many spots of indeterminacy left purposely or involuntarily by the author in the depiction of characters, scenes, events and in the use of culture-related expressions, which are to...In the text of Wolf Totem, there are many spots of indeterminacy left purposely or involuntarily by the author in the depiction of characters, scenes, events and in the use of culture-related expressions, which are to be filled in by individual's interpretation through active reading of the work. Howard Goldblatt, as the translator of this work, adopts "creative rewriting" in the translation of Wolf Totem to actualize the indeterminacy and the factors guiding his concretization.展开更多
Authors of papers to proceedings have to type these in a form suitable for direct photographic reproduction bthrough the research methods about analyzing computer corpus translation and inter-language research methods...Authors of papers to proceedings have to type these in a form suitable for direct photographic reproduction bthrough the research methods about analyzing computer corpus translation and inter-language research methods, and through comparison analysis about three of more thaxL four hundred thousand words, link adverbs in Chinese and English corpus and its corresponding Chinese word retrieval results, and make a detailed description of the characteristic for Chinese English learners and native English speakers, and thus provides an application example to study corpus in translation.展开更多
文摘VHDL and its supporting environment are active domain in the field of logic design.In the paper the design principle and some key techniques to solve the problems on the implementation of the VHDL parser are introduced. According to the methods discussed in the paper, the VHDL parser based on VHDL IEEE 1076 standard version is implemented and a series of strict tests are done. This VHDL parser is front-end tool of the VHDL high level synthesis and mixed level simulation system developed by the Research Center of ASIC of BIT.
文摘The paper firstly reviews the developments of language transfer research. Utilizing the results supplied by CEM and AntConc, the present writer conducts analyses of the lexicai errors committed by the students in TEM-8 test and reveals the contributions to SLA and EFL language teaching that language transfer may make.
文摘In the text of Wolf Totem, there are many spots of indeterminacy left purposely or involuntarily by the author in the depiction of characters, scenes, events and in the use of culture-related expressions, which are to be filled in by individual's interpretation through active reading of the work. Howard Goldblatt, as the translator of this work, adopts "creative rewriting" in the translation of Wolf Totem to actualize the indeterminacy and the factors guiding his concretization.
文摘Authors of papers to proceedings have to type these in a form suitable for direct photographic reproduction bthrough the research methods about analyzing computer corpus translation and inter-language research methods, and through comparison analysis about three of more thaxL four hundred thousand words, link adverbs in Chinese and English corpus and its corresponding Chinese word retrieval results, and make a detailed description of the characteristic for Chinese English learners and native English speakers, and thus provides an application example to study corpus in translation.