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清初庙堂文人诗学意识形态之建构——以施闰章、魏裔介、冯溥为中心 被引量:3
作者 白一瑾 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期45-59,共15页
以施闰章、魏裔介、冯溥为代表的清初庙堂文人,对诗坛进行整饬和规范:通过批判晚明诗风,重申诗歌的教化功用,向儒家诗教回归;通过反思清初诗风,倡导正风正雅;以"雅正"诗学为主导,对前代成果兼收并蓄,肯定唐诗正统,有限度地承... 以施闰章、魏裔介、冯溥为代表的清初庙堂文人,对诗坛进行整饬和规范:通过批判晚明诗风,重申诗歌的教化功用,向儒家诗教回归;通过反思清初诗风,倡导正风正雅;以"雅正"诗学为主导,对前代成果兼收并蓄,肯定唐诗正统,有限度地承认宋诗和明诗的价值,在此基础上建立清王朝的诗学意识形态。他们所构建的诗学规范,契合了清政权重构政治意识形态的需求。 展开更多
关键词 清初庙堂文人 诗学意识形态 施闰章 魏裔介 冯溥
高丽文人的诗学意识形态建构 被引量:1
作者 刘顺利 《天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期58-63,共6页
从新历史主义文论的观点来看古代东北亚国家,高丽王朝基本上是以"诗学意识形态"支配其社会生活的。以诗歌为代表的文学不仅仅是生活和情感的反映,也直接进入了社会生活,文学文本介入生活而不仅仅反映生活。由于十分推崇汉字书... 从新历史主义文论的观点来看古代东北亚国家,高丽王朝基本上是以"诗学意识形态"支配其社会生活的。以诗歌为代表的文学不仅仅是生活和情感的反映,也直接进入了社会生活,文学文本介入生活而不仅仅反映生活。由于十分推崇汉字书写,高丽王朝的诗学意识形态具有与西方拼音文字完全不同的"书写中心主义"追求,体现了明显的东方文化特色。其后的朝鲜王朝也营建了自己的诗学意识形态,但其文化上最有成就的"性理学"却是以散文为主导文体的。 展开更多
关键词 高丽王朝 高丽文人 诗学意识形态 汉字书写 海登.怀特
《倾城之恋》与《金锁记》接受迥异原因探析 被引量:1
作者 肖洁茹 《海外英语》 2012年第3X期155-157,共3页
天才作家张爱玲20世纪40年代就享誉中国文坛。《金锁记》更是她公认的巅峰之作,代表着中国中篇小说的最高成就。然而,经她自译的《金锁记》却在美国市场反应冷清。与此形成鲜明对比的是美国学者金凯筠的译本《倾城之恋》,后者成功进入... 天才作家张爱玲20世纪40年代就享誉中国文坛。《金锁记》更是她公认的巅峰之作,代表着中国中篇小说的最高成就。然而,经她自译的《金锁记》却在美国市场反应冷清。与此形成鲜明对比的是美国学者金凯筠的译本《倾城之恋》,后者成功进入象征荣誉的"企鹅经典"。同是张爱玲作品译本,同样采用了异化为主的翻译策略,却接受迥异,因此,有必要分析文本之外的因素。这篇论文从意识形态和诗学的角度进行分析,得出结论文学文本的接受是由权力、诗学、意识形态等因素左右的。 展开更多
关键词 张爱玲 金凯筠 《金锁记》 《倾城之恋》 意识形态诗学
A Study on Imitating Activities ,ofHanshan Poems by Chan Buddhist Monks in SONG Dynasty
作者 HUANG Jing-Jia 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第4期204-212,共9页
Although we have no clear picture of the life of Hanshan, a legendary TANG monk and in Collected Poems of Hanshan (Hanshan Sho'i), we can find either unclear ideas regarding his major thoughts or different ideologi... Although we have no clear picture of the life of Hanshan, a legendary TANG monk and in Collected Poems of Hanshan (Hanshan Sho'i), we can find either unclear ideas regarding his major thoughts or different ideologies from Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. Hanshan poetry was broadly read by people belonging to various social statuses during the SONG Dynasty. His poetry was also frequently cited in Chan Buddhist literature of the period. Furthermore, SONG Chan Buddhist monks invited Hanshan into their own genealogy and regarded him as a "San Sheng" (a Free Sage). Many Chan Buddhist monks of the SONG Dynasty used Hanshan poetry in various Chan Buddhist texts. Numerous Chan Buddhist monks even wrote so-called "ni Hanshan shi", which imitated Hanshan poetry as a kind of personal literary creation. It is understandable that when a monk imitated Hanshan poetry, he would simultaneously be both the reader and the creator of Hanshan poetry, and as we understand that every writer produces their works through their own cultural outlook, a newly-formed correlation occurred naturally between the original poetry and imitated poetry through the SONG Chan Buddhist monk's version. By observing this correlation, this paper will deeply analyze the dissemination and acceptance of Hanshan poetry, within Chan Buddhist society in the SONG Dynasty, as based on Chan Buddhist literature, in order to learn more about image creation and the recreation of Hanshan during the period 展开更多
关键词 HANSHAN imitating Hanshan poetry literature of the SONG Dynasty Chan Buddhism masters dissemination and acceptance
Poetry Translation as Rewriting:A Case Study of Zhang Zhizhong’s Reading English Literature to Translate Classical Chinese Poems
作者 CHENG Yanjun 《译苑新谭》 2024年第2期24-35,共12页
In the summer of 2023,Zhang Zhizhong’s Reading English Literature to Translate Classical Chinese Poems got published as one of the“Comparative Literature and World Literature Research Series”edited by Cao Shunqing.... In the summer of 2023,Zhang Zhizhong’s Reading English Literature to Translate Classical Chinese Poems got published as one of the“Comparative Literature and World Literature Research Series”edited by Cao Shunqing.It presents Zhang’s latest theory and praxis of translating classical Chinese poems.As a kind of rewriting,Zhang’s translations are similar to modern English poems—with creative expressions in contemporary English,the enjambments from free verses,the form of concrete poetry,and the artistic conceptions of classical Chinese poetry,but without the rhymes in original works.How this poetry translation as rewriting generates in the constraints of ideology,poetics,and patronage is to be analyzed in the light of AndréLefevere’s rewriting theory.By examining the non-textual factors related to Zhang’s rewriting,it aims to reveal how this rewriting,as an experimental approach to poetry translation,can shed light on the global circulation of Chinese poetry. 展开更多
关键词 REWRITING ideology POETICS PATRONAGE Reading English Literature to Translate Classical Chinese Poems
华裔作家哈金自译研究——操控论视角 被引量:1
作者 余小梅 《翻译论坛》 2018年第1期59-62,共4页
《落地》是著名美籍华裔作家哈金唯一自译作品。本文从翻译研究派的操控理论视角,探寻该自译所受到的各层级操控和自译者采取的相应调适策略。通过英汉平行语料比照分析有以下发现:(1)该自译者主要受到意识形态和诗学限制并据此进行了... 《落地》是著名美籍华裔作家哈金唯一自译作品。本文从翻译研究派的操控理论视角,探寻该自译所受到的各层级操控和自译者采取的相应调适策略。通过英汉平行语料比照分析有以下发现:(1)该自译者主要受到意识形态和诗学限制并据此进行了相应的改写操控,一方面,在富有思想性和政治性的表述上,采取了泛化、概括、模糊化、改写甚至删减等策略以规避因意识形态不同可能带来的风险;另一方面,在诗学层面,从词汇、句式到篇章自译者采用了完全的归化策略,创造了迥异于原移民文学的诗学体系。(2)自译者往往依据目标语市场选择突出诗学可读性还是削弱其意识形态批判性。(3)作品的生命可以在翻译中得到延续,但文学的名声可能在翻译中得以留存、改变或消失。 展开更多
关键词 华裔作家哈金作品《落地》 自译 操控论视角 意识形态诗学形态
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