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作者 刘怀荣 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期99-106,212,213,共10页
《元和圣德诗》作于韩愈创作《原道》、确立儒家道统观之后,因诗中有行刑场面的血腥描写及“颂圣”的内容,历来的唐诗选本多不选录,当代研究者也很少关注。诗歌称颂唐宪宗平定藩镇叛乱、重振帝国雄风之“盛德”,具有“诗史”性质。在艺... 《元和圣德诗》作于韩愈创作《原道》、确立儒家道统观之后,因诗中有行刑场面的血腥描写及“颂圣”的内容,历来的唐诗选本多不选录,当代研究者也很少关注。诗歌称颂唐宪宗平定藩镇叛乱、重振帝国雄风之“盛德”,具有“诗史”性质。在艺术上突破了“颂圣”诗的传统写法,创新特征鲜明。其中“以丑为美”的血腥描写意在“震慑藩镇”、表现“尊王攘夷”、维护皇权的道统观;“以文为诗”的破体探索是为更好地阐扬道统所采取的表现策略;尊经用典则从语言表达形式上体现了回归儒家正统的价值取向。三方面的艺术探索和创新,皆服务于道统观的表达,而道统观则为前者提供了强大的思想和理论武器。二者相得益彰,在思想与诗艺、复古与创新、尊体与破体、美与丑之间,匠心独运,达到了较高的艺术水准。该诗不仅是韩愈将道统观与诗歌怪奇审美探索自觉结合、开拓新诗境的典范之作,在文学史和思想史上均应有一席之地。 展开更多
关键词 韩愈 《元和圣 道统观 以丑为美 以文为 尊经用典
文化史语境中的应时德诗汉译之意义 被引量:3
作者 叶隽 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期96-99,共4页
本文选择现代中德文化交流史被湮没的一位重要人物应时为个案,追溯其与胡适交谊,比较作为留日、留美、留德学人代表之鲁迅、胡适与应时的海涅汉译所体现的不同文化路径,尤其肯定其开文学史先河的《德诗汉译》之功用,认为其贡献在于:一... 本文选择现代中德文化交流史被湮没的一位重要人物应时为个案,追溯其与胡适交谊,比较作为留日、留美、留德学人代表之鲁迅、胡适与应时的海涅汉译所体现的不同文化路径,尤其肯定其开文学史先河的《德诗汉译》之功用,认为其贡献在于:一是提出学术译诗的标准;二是强调文学的社会功能;三是体现译作的本土意识。 展开更多
关键词 应时 胡适 鲁迅 汉译》 文化交流史
德诗东渐过程中的主体原则与资源向度 被引量:2
作者 叶隽 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期43-48,129-130,共6页
本文以歌德及其《浮士德》、席勒及其《退尔》、尼采及其《苏鲁支语录》的现代中国接受史作为研究基础,讨论"诗人巨像"与"文学镜像"的二元互补关系,既强调接受维度的变形必然性,同时也揭示德诗东渐本身对受者主体... 本文以歌德及其《浮士德》、席勒及其《退尔》、尼采及其《苏鲁支语录》的现代中国接受史作为研究基础,讨论"诗人巨像"与"文学镜像"的二元互补关系,既强调接受维度的变形必然性,同时也揭示德诗东渐本身对受者主体的规定性,最后提出主体原则与资源向度问题,强调资源采择是多维度的,其间既有互补、互释,也有冲突、对抗,如何使之形成一种有序之博弈格局,并进而最终达成有效之融化、创生,乃是一个必须通过大量深入细致的个案研究进行探讨的问题。 展开更多
关键词 东渐 现代中国 文学交流史 思想史
《庆历圣德诗》与北宋中期政治文化的转型 被引量:2
作者 张兴武 《中华文史论丛》 2007年第1期203-221,共19页
石介《庆历圣德诗》是北宋中期政治、学术与文学三者强力互动的产物。儒道实践精神的迅速张扬,以“君子小人之辨”为核心的朋党政治新理念的成熟,以及赋颂文学传统的传承与嬗变,共同造就了该诗不同凡响的精神内涵。作为宋初儒学名家... 石介《庆历圣德诗》是北宋中期政治、学术与文学三者强力互动的产物。儒道实践精神的迅速张扬,以“君子小人之辨”为核心的朋党政治新理念的成熟,以及赋颂文学传统的传承与嬗变,共同造就了该诗不同凡响的精神内涵。作为宋初儒学名家,石介将“道”的普遍原则运用於时政判断之中,褒贬忠佞,形诸歌咏,不仅开创了以赋颂之作为党争服务的先例,且标志着朋党政治已经完成了由权利之争到意气之争的形态转变。在北宋政治文化及颂美文学的演进史程中,《庆历圣德诗》无疑有着里程碑式的意义和影响。 展开更多
关键词 石介 《庆历圣 北宋中期 政治文化转型
作者 张小芹 丁向春 《河北民族师范学院学报》 2012年第4期9-10,共2页
关键词 纳兰成 叠音词 韵律美
作者 詹杭伦 《北京化工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第4期36-40,共5页
本文对贵体健先生编著《善卷帝者师》一书所收《善德山》诗作三点考证和补充。其一,《善德山》诗非周必大所作,可能是时任广西提刑的张松兑的作品。其二,《善德山》诗的部份注解不尽准确,应予修订。其三,明代诗人有不少次《善德山》诗... 本文对贵体健先生编著《善卷帝者师》一书所收《善德山》诗作三点考证和补充。其一,《善德山》诗非周必大所作,可能是时任广西提刑的张松兑的作品。其二,《善德山》诗的部份注解不尽准确,应予修订。其三,明代诗人有不少次《善德山》诗韵之作,可以补充。 展开更多
关键词 作者 考证
作者 刘春雪 《安康学院学报》 2011年第3期51-54,共4页
在上博简《孔子诗论》中,孔子大量地以德说诗,如"诚"德,"反己"之德,"孝"德,"中庸"之德,"专一"之德等。对《诗》的理解和解释,贯穿了道德、仁义的立场和观点,显示了儒家"德治诗... 在上博简《孔子诗论》中,孔子大量地以德说诗,如"诚"德,"反己"之德,"孝"德,"中庸"之德,"专一"之德等。对《诗》的理解和解释,贯穿了道德、仁义的立场和观点,显示了儒家"德治诗观"的特点。 展开更多
关键词 上博简 《孔子论》 以“”说
韩愈《元和圣德诗》规模《诗三百》辨 被引量:1
作者 张炜 《衡阳师范学院学报》 2016年第2期74-77,共4页
《元和圣德诗》为韩愈四言力作,依古而不机械复古,可谓自铸伟词。关于此诗的创作渊源、体制及其内容等在后世引起过学者们的热切关注和争论。关于"是否规模《诗三百》之争",汪森的评价较为公正客观。此诗依古而不拟古,务去陈... 《元和圣德诗》为韩愈四言力作,依古而不机械复古,可谓自铸伟词。关于此诗的创作渊源、体制及其内容等在后世引起过学者们的热切关注和争论。关于"是否规模《诗三百》之争",汪森的评价较为公正客观。此诗依古而不拟古,务去陈言,用《史记》的精神结撰史诗,继承了《大雅》的史诗传统并有新的发展。 展开更多
关键词 韩愈 《元和圣 规模 三百》
作者 王奇 《美容院》 2004年第6期88-89,共2页
对于大多数女性而言,海洋已不仅仅再是休闲娱乐、修养身心的绝佳去处,她更像一个天然美容院,其蕴藏的延缓衰老,改善肌肤状况的丰富矿物质让女人在心底生出越来越多的信任、依赖。于是,越来越多的萃取海洋精华的美容护肤品在各个美... 对于大多数女性而言,海洋已不仅仅再是休闲娱乐、修养身心的绝佳去处,她更像一个天然美容院,其蕴藏的延缓衰老,改善肌肤状况的丰富矿物质让女人在心底生出越来越多的信任、依赖。于是,越来越多的萃取海洋精华的美容护肤品在各个美容院“亮相”,满足着女性对于海洋的全身心零距离的渴望。来自英国的芳德诗便是其中一种,最早在英国提出SPA健康美容概念的芳德诗如今已成为SPA健康美容业界一块赫赫有名的招牌, 展开更多
关键词 美容护肤品 SPA 天津芳商贸有限公司 专业护肤系列 美容功效
作者 毛振华 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期92-95,共4页
春秋时期,《诗》成为楚国秉礼行事的重要依据。楚人学《诗》"广显德以耀明其志",表现出明显的《诗》德意识。这既与周文化传统密切相关,又与楚人尚武精神密切相关。楚人用《诗》重《雅》与春秋各国用《诗》具有相同性,他们在... 春秋时期,《诗》成为楚国秉礼行事的重要依据。楚人学《诗》"广显德以耀明其志",表现出明显的《诗》德意识。这既与周文化传统密切相关,又与楚人尚武精神密切相关。楚人用《诗》重《雅》与春秋各国用《诗》具有相同性,他们在遵从用《诗》共性的基础上又有新变化,显现出热衷引《颂》的倾向。楚人对《诗》之字句、诗旨等的训释,表现出与他国不同的特点,有比较系统的《诗》本,深谙《诗》德、《诗》礼,形成了自己学《诗》、用《诗》、解《诗》、传《诗》的方法和体系,显现出了他们对宗周文化的继承和发展。 展开更多
关键词 左传 楚人 用《 文本体系
南朝时期陶渊明的升格文运——南朝时期陶渊明接受史的研究 被引量:1
作者 沈有珠 《贵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第1期85-90,共6页
陶渊明,在其生前,仅以隐士著称,不以文学显达。在他死后的一百年时间里,南朝宋、梁人对陶渊明的认识、评价经历了一个“三级跳”的文学升格运动:从“隐士”到“隐逸诗人”再到“独超众类”、“莫之与京”,为唐宋以后的陶渊明研究不仅留... 陶渊明,在其生前,仅以隐士著称,不以文学显达。在他死后的一百年时间里,南朝宋、梁人对陶渊明的认识、评价经历了一个“三级跳”的文学升格运动:从“隐士”到“隐逸诗人”再到“独超众类”、“莫之与京”,为唐宋以后的陶渊明研究不仅留下了大量宝贵资料,并且定下了基调,这是陶渊明接受史的开端,唐宋以后的陶渊明研究并未超出其藩篱。 展开更多
关键词 升格文运 隐士 隐逸 独超众类 人格 诗德
修辞立其诚——试论薛瑄的文艺观 被引量:1
作者 孙玄常 《运城学院学报》 1990年第S1期98-104,共7页
大家都知道,薛瑄是一位著名的理学家。在这里,我要说明几句:我认为理学和哲学是两个不同的范畴,最好不要混为一谈。理由在此没法多说了。关于薛瑄的理学,在过去和现在,已有不少文章讨论。我且不作研究,只想试论薛瑄对文艺的一些看法,不... 大家都知道,薛瑄是一位著名的理学家。在这里,我要说明几句:我认为理学和哲学是两个不同的范畴,最好不要混为一谈。理由在此没法多说了。关于薛瑄的理学,在过去和现在,已有不少文章讨论。我且不作研究,只想试论薛瑄对文艺的一些看法,不妨名之为“文艺观”。 展开更多
关键词 文艺观 薛瑄 高自位置 太史公 击壤集 吊屈原 元和圣 修辞立诚 天地之间 修辞立其诚
Insight into the poetry in Tess of the d'Urbervilles:The revelation of Tess's predestination
作者 LU Shan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第7期60-62,共3页
Tess of the d'Urbervilles written by Hardy is well-known in China. This paper departs from such traditional subjects as the insight into the reason of Tess's tragic end by analyzing the character of the protagonists... Tess of the d'Urbervilles written by Hardy is well-known in China. This paper departs from such traditional subjects as the insight into the reason of Tess's tragic end by analyzing the character of the protagonists--Tess, Angel and Alec; or by dissecting the social environment. In this study, it represents the research by way of quoting several poems, expressing the meaning of the poems according to the development of the story to analyze the relationship between the poems and Tess's tragedy. It is concluded that poems cited by Hardy are the same as prophets' prophecies that indicate Tess's love tragedy: charming poems not only describe the short happy times of Tess, but also make a big contrast with her later unfortunate life; while the glooming poems appearing when Tess fell into plight, have their aims to increase the tragic atmosphere. 展开更多
German Poetry in African Languages: The Translation of Selected German Poems From an Intercultural Perspective
作者 Louis Ndong 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第3期255-263,共9页
The article deals with the translation of German poetry into Wolof and is based on Tamsir Annes's translation of German poems under the title Tdere-Woy yi/Das Buch der Lieder. My purpose in this paper is to answer th... The article deals with the translation of German poetry into Wolof and is based on Tamsir Annes's translation of German poems under the title Tdere-Woy yi/Das Buch der Lieder. My purpose in this paper is to answer the question of how elements of the vocabulary of sciences (literature and philosophy) as well as cultural specific items are rendered in the Wolof target text. Therefore, in this work, I explore methods and strategies of translation like borrowings, paraphrases, and analyze furthermore some differences noticeable in the translation of some poems at the cultural level. These analysis-steps enable the investigation of, contextually, the central issue of "cultural translatability" and the reception of translation of European poetry into African languages in general and German poetry into Wolof in particular. The article also focuses on the importance of the reception of German poetry in Wolof as a means of intercultural communication between German and Wolof-speaking countries but as means to develop African languages like Wolof in which the translation of the selected poems has been operated. 展开更多
关键词 TRANSLATION POETRY cultural strategies intercultural communication
Overview and Comparison to Words of Antiquity Through Homeric Epics
作者 Sema SANDALCI Berna CACAN 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1567-1573,共7页
This study aims to examine the relations between languages of antiquity and some words in Homer's epics, Iliad and Odyssey, that are considered the first written texts and important in terms of the richness of Greek ... This study aims to examine the relations between languages of antiquity and some words in Homer's epics, Iliad and Odyssey, that are considered the first written texts and important in terms of the richness of Greek vocabulary. Although the words in Homeric epics carry a value for ancient Anatolia, there are no studies in this field in our eotmtry. For this purpose, with the help of words we have, we will focus on: (a) bond of these words with Hittite, partially (b) some archaic qualities for some Latin words, developed later and also continued of some ground and phrases in the everyday life in the same region for centuries on the language of the people depending on the oral transmission. At the end of the study, we will discuss the changes of the words in philological level as well as in terms of the letter, sounds and meaning by used words in Homer's epics as will be explained in this study. 展开更多
关键词 HOMER WORDS linguistic bonds archaic marks today marks
The Influences of American Deep Image on the Third-Generation Poets in China
作者 YIN Gen-de 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1251-1257,共7页
The Third-Generation Poetry of China (namely Post-misty Poetry too) initiated with the introduction of Western modernist poetry, especially sorts of American Post-modernist poetry schools into China. "The relation ... The Third-Generation Poetry of China (namely Post-misty Poetry too) initiated with the introduction of Western modernist poetry, especially sorts of American Post-modernist poetry schools into China. "The relation between American poetry and Chinese poetry has a long history, which lies in the influences on the creation of the Third-Generation poets. This influence is probably unprecedented in its depth and breadth." "Irrational association" and "leaping images" proposed by American Deep Image poets influenced by Freudian and Jungian unconscious perception gained an extraordinary appreciation among the Third-Generation poets who were in pursuit constantly of the experiments on poetic form and language. This paper mainly discusses the influences of American Deep Image on the Third-Generation poets of China through a case study of WANG Yin and CHEN Dongdong's poems. 展开更多
关键词 The Third-Generation Poetry Deep Image influence irrational association leaping image
作者 陈守元 《重庆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1983年第2期59-68,共10页
韩愈在中国哲学史和文学史上都占有相当重要的地位,而人们对他的评论又存在着较大的分歧,所以对他进行研究讨论还是有必要的。不过,欲论韩愈其人,首先须论韩愈其道。其道乃是其人思想理论体系的核心,是评论韩愈所最须深入钻研的课题。... 韩愈在中国哲学史和文学史上都占有相当重要的地位,而人们对他的评论又存在着较大的分歧,所以对他进行研究讨论还是有必要的。不过,欲论韩愈其人,首先须论韩愈其道。其道乃是其人思想理论体系的核心,是评论韩愈所最须深入钻研的课题。即如韩愈为文,也是主张文以载道,在韩文中直接间接谈及道的很多,且有《原道》这篇专论流传于世;同时韩愈还特别提出了道统说,并以继承和发扬道统自命。韩愈实不愧为特异的道学家,他的道学也是突出地别具特色的道学。所以根据韩愈其人的具体情况,我们首须从总的倾向性上剖析其道的内容实质,这是决不能回避或忽视的。 展开更多
关键词 《原道》 学史 内容实质 载道 孔子传 思想理论体系 元和圣并序 与孟尚书书 争臣 佛性论
Kantian Cosmopolitan Ideal in Disciplining the World Literature: Cosmopolitanism in Hong Kong Poetry in the Early 1990s
作者 James AU Kin-pong 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第9期1113-1120,共8页
This article looks at how cosmopolitanism--the notion of universality within a diversity of multi-cultures---has been shaping the discipline of world literature. The article encompasses chiefly three parts. The first ... This article looks at how cosmopolitanism--the notion of universality within a diversity of multi-cultures---has been shaping the discipline of world literature. The article encompasses chiefly three parts. The first part offers an overview of the debates on the discipline widely discussed by literary scholars such as Franco Moretti, David Damrosch and Emily Apter. I take issue with the harmonic co-existence of both local and global elements---and what I define as "glocality"---in literatures to exhibit the inevitable trend of the trans-cultural, supranational and cross-historical interactions among multiple centres and/or various cities especially in the twenty-first century. I thereby argue in the second part using Leung Ping Kwan (1949-2013)'s "Images of Hong Kong" (1992) and Louise Ho's two poetry pieces written in 1994 to prove how Kantian Cosmopolitan elements have deeply embedded in the poem written in a city where the West frequently interacts with the East. I conclude by stepping in further to argue that only through tolerating and mediating between the region and the globe can world literature as a discipline find its way out without fear for marginalising any of the literary pieces. 展开更多
关键词 COSMOPOLITANISM UNIVERSALITY Immanuel Kant world literature Hong Kong
《美容院》 2004年第6期118-119,共2页
关键词 面膜 皮肤护理 美容 产品介绍 净爽面膜
The Shroud and the Trope: Representations of Discourse and of the Feminine in Homer's Odyssey
作者 Alexandre Veloso de Abreu 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第12期757-764,共8页
Understanding that Homer's Odyssey (1998) has a feminine perspective, this paper intends to explore the Greek epic placing queen Penelope as the protagonist, observing, mainly, the narratological shifts in the stor... Understanding that Homer's Odyssey (1998) has a feminine perspective, this paper intends to explore the Greek epic placing queen Penelope as the protagonist, observing, mainly, the narratological shifts in the story grammar, duration and character elaboration. This study also uses Paul Ricoeur's The Rule of Metaphor (2008) to analyze the episode of the shroud in Homer's Odyssey. Ricoeur sees metaphor in three distinct levels: the level of lexis where he bases himself in the works of Aristotle; the level of phrase in which he recurs to the structuralist linguistician l^mile Benveniste; and the metaphor in the level of discourse, when Ricoeur himself devises an elaborate study of the figure of speech. Penelope's weaving can be understood as a representation of discourse and of the feminine. Such analogy transcends the stereotype she is often given and defines a new role for the character in the epic. 展开更多
关键词 NARRATOLOGY genre FEMININE PENELOPE classical literature
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