With the translation studies leaning to target-language, the translator's subjectivity has been paid more and more attention by translation scholars. It is noticed gradually that translation is actually a dynamic and...With the translation studies leaning to target-language, the translator's subjectivity has been paid more and more attention by translation scholars. It is noticed gradually that translation is actually a dynamic and complex process, during which the translator, acting as a reader of the source text and also a writer of the target text, will unavoidably add something subjective in his or her translation. Since literary translation is interwoven with more cultural and social elements, the translator has to make a choice between loyalty and violation, getting freedom and being restricted when he or she confronts with all the clashes and conflicts between the source language culture and the target language culture.展开更多
文摘With the translation studies leaning to target-language, the translator's subjectivity has been paid more and more attention by translation scholars. It is noticed gradually that translation is actually a dynamic and complex process, during which the translator, acting as a reader of the source text and also a writer of the target text, will unavoidably add something subjective in his or her translation. Since literary translation is interwoven with more cultural and social elements, the translator has to make a choice between loyalty and violation, getting freedom and being restricted when he or she confronts with all the clashes and conflicts between the source language culture and the target language culture.
文摘一个是游米兰设计展的先驱者,一个是香港老牌百货的家品采购总经理,第三个则是把香港设计带到米兰参展的香港代表。香港创意人欧阳应霁、连卡佛Home & Lifestyle的Ross Urwin,以及香港设计中心的Amy Chow,三人以不同的方式来投入2008年米兰设计展。走了十九回米兰设计展的欧阳应霁,欣然香港媒体愈发积极地参与报导,今年回复纯粹的观者身分,感受来自世界各地的设计风采:Ross走遍世界大小家品展,诚言米兰把传统和新潮结合得淋漓尽致,看其介绍的2008年新品,可窥见采购背后的细心考量,及对生活的要求:视推广香港设计为已任的Amy,游展场时,除满足自己对艺术、设计的求知外,亦细心留意出现在设计周的香港新进设计师踪迹。是次邀来三人以图文撰写他们的设计展私日记,呈现各人眼睛里的Salone del Mobile 2008。