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作者 彭合成 《云梦学刊》 2001年第5期89-90,共2页
建国以来几十年语文教育的经验告诉我们 ,在语文教学中 ,育心是育人的根本所在。从语文的教学、心育目标、操作模式及实施效应等三个方面探讨语文心育的内在规律性 。
关键词 语文教学 语文心 操作模式 内规规定性 教育目标
作者 向双英 《俪人(教师)》 2014年第19期103-103,共1页
关键词 语文心 阅读 兴国
诗心语文的“田园嬉乐”教学观——基于田园嬉乐,秉持诗化哲学,养护儿童诗心 被引量:2
作者 朱国忠 《小学教学参考(语文版)》 2016年第4期1-3,共3页
理想的语文,应该是"诗心语文"。对于小学语文来说,"诗心"更应是它的心脏。每个人都受到地域文化的熏染和滋养。因此,诗心语文主张走向田园、品味田园、创新田园和习耕田园,让学生亲近田园,在自然中抒真情、写诗意。诗心语文教学通... 理想的语文,应该是"诗心语文"。对于小学语文来说,"诗心"更应是它的心脏。每个人都受到地域文化的熏染和滋养。因此,诗心语文主张走向田园、品味田园、创新田园和习耕田园,让学生亲近田园,在自然中抒真情、写诗意。诗心语文教学通过野外嬉乐节、生态式设计、一体双轨制上课和特定课型等,让儿童在田园嬉乐过程中对自然产生美好的情感,产生诗的思想、情感和语言。 展开更多
关键词 语文 田园嬉乐 教学观
作者 朱国忠 《小学教学参考(语文版)》 2016年第4期10-11,共2页
地域嬉乐儿童诗课程是将地域嬉游活动与儿童诗创作教学整合的课程。课程追求一种属于儿童的清贫诗意、一种属于生态的自然诗意,更是养护一种属于余裕的自由诗心,目的是为童诗创作教学提供更丰富、更新鲜的题材;同时,通过儿童诗创作教学... 地域嬉乐儿童诗课程是将地域嬉游活动与儿童诗创作教学整合的课程。课程追求一种属于儿童的清贫诗意、一种属于生态的自然诗意,更是养护一种属于余裕的自由诗心,目的是为童诗创作教学提供更丰富、更新鲜的题材;同时,通过儿童诗创作教学的驱动、关注、定格,使地域化的儿童嬉游活动更稳定地介入学生的生活,使他们热爱家乡、记住乡愁。 展开更多
关键词 语文 地域嬉乐 儿童诗 微课程
作者 白波 《课外语文(下)》 2016年第7期62-62,共1页
关键词 课堂教学 语文 教学策略
作者 马文科 《语文教学通讯》 2022年第9期4-9,共6页
文章介绍了“走心语文”这一概念的提出,列举了“走心语文”在语文教学实践中的实验案例,求证了“走心语文”的理论支持,探索了“走心语文”语言建构的措施,梳理了“走心语文”语言建构的特点,叙述了“走心语文”相关专著的出版,简介了... 文章介绍了“走心语文”这一概念的提出,列举了“走心语文”在语文教学实践中的实验案例,求证了“走心语文”的理论支持,探索了“走心语文”语言建构的措施,梳理了“走心语文”语言建构的特点,叙述了“走心语文”相关专著的出版,简介了教学思想研讨会的召开。从上述各方面系统、全面、真实地介绍了“走心语文”,展现了一种教育思想从生发到成长到不断完善的过程。 展开更多
关键词 语文 实验案例 理论观照 语言建构 专著 教育思想
作者 周永沛 《江苏教育研究》 2021年第19期93-96,共4页
语文教学主张的提出和语文教学思想体系的建立,要具有独到的核心理念、合理的逻辑思路、坚实的实践支撑和严谨的理论架构。"走心语文"主张让语文知识和学生的心灵融合,让语文能力与学生的心智牵手,让语文素养驻足学生的心房。... 语文教学主张的提出和语文教学思想体系的建立,要具有独到的核心理念、合理的逻辑思路、坚实的实践支撑和严谨的理论架构。"走心语文"主张让语文知识和学生的心灵融合,让语文能力与学生的心智牵手,让语文素养驻足学生的心房。"走心语文"通过发趣、品味、引情、开思,让学生拥有正确的语文学习动机,并通过语文知识的浸润、语文气质的熏陶、优秀文化的濡化和语文能力的淬炼,形成综合性、高水平的语文素养,促进学生的生命成长,最终实现"教有成效,学有所得"的教学目标。 展开更多
关键词 “走语文 教学主张 理念 教学要义
作者 张习芳 《中学语文》 2021年第9期89-90,共2页
“走心语文”是一种以情感体验为主要路径实施语文教学,使学生在学习过程中产生浓厚的兴趣、发生热爱的感情、出现专注投入状态的语文教学理念。笔者认为,这种“走心”不仅体现在生本对话上,更体现在师生对话、生生对话上,要改变高中语... “走心语文”是一种以情感体验为主要路径实施语文教学,使学生在学习过程中产生浓厚的兴趣、发生热爱的感情、出现专注投入状态的语文教学理念。笔者认为,这种“走心”不仅体现在生本对话上,更体现在师生对话、生生对话上,要改变高中语文课堂沉闷的尴尬局面,就要让学生在课堂上“有话可说、有话想说”“有话敢说”“有话会说”。笔者结合自己的教学经验,从七个方面探讨了有助于“走心”对话的教学策略。 展开更多
关键词 “走语文 对话教学 充分言说 互动生成
作者 张肖侠 《语文教学通讯》 2023年第45期4-7,共4页
语文教学追求“悟”的境界,“悟”是语文教学的本心。在三十多年的语文教学中,用实践领会语文,用写作追寻教育思想,在探索中不断感悟,在反思中砥砺前行,经历了“体悟”“心悟”“醒悟”“觉悟”的语文教学过程。通过“悟”学会思考,学... 语文教学追求“悟”的境界,“悟”是语文教学的本心。在三十多年的语文教学中,用实践领会语文,用写作追寻教育思想,在探索中不断感悟,在反思中砥砺前行,经历了“体悟”“心悟”“醒悟”“觉悟”的语文教学过程。通过“悟”学会思考,学会研究,学会做一个脚踏实地、联系实际、心有追求的语文教师。 展开更多
关键词 “悟” 体悟语文 语文 醒悟语文 觉悟语文
台湾华语文教学沿革及近年来的政策措施 被引量:3
作者 戴红亮 杨书俊 《华文教学与研究》 CSSCI 2012年第4期16-23,共8页
台湾华语文起步较早,上世纪50年代就成立了有关机构,此后近50年时间里,形成了三大教学中心和三大教师培训学会。2003年台湾当局全面介入,台湾华语文教学从民间主导进入官方主导阶段。2008年以来,台湾采取了一系列重要措施推动华语文教... 台湾华语文起步较早,上世纪50年代就成立了有关机构,此后近50年时间里,形成了三大教学中心和三大教师培训学会。2003年台湾当局全面介入,台湾华语文教学从民间主导进入官方主导阶段。2008年以来,台湾采取了一系列重要措施推动华语文教学发展,如颁布和修订了一批规章制度,筹备和设立台湾书院,改进和拓展对外华语文能力测试,完善全球华文网,在海外设立华语文数位学习中心等。 展开更多
关键词 语文教学 规章制度 台湾书院 语文能力测试 语文数位学习中
作者 朱国忠 《小学教学参考(语文版)》 2016年第4期4-7,共4页
《绿苇儿童诗》是作者自编的教材内容。教学通过引导学生欣赏绿苇之美、舞动绿苇之乐、流淌绿苇之诗、分享绿苇之颂等教学环节,激发学生爱家乡、爱自然的情感,使他们在审美和嬉戏的交融中积蓄绿苇诗情;同时,让学生直观地积蓄优秀儿童诗... 《绿苇儿童诗》是作者自编的教材内容。教学通过引导学生欣赏绿苇之美、舞动绿苇之乐、流淌绿苇之诗、分享绿苇之颂等教学环节,激发学生爱家乡、爱自然的情感,使他们在审美和嬉戏的交融中积蓄绿苇诗情;同时,让学生直观地积蓄优秀儿童诗的图式,掌握一些常用的写作技巧,初步学写儿童诗,提高学生的语文素养。 展开更多
关键词 语文 教学实录 儿童诗
关于中学语文教学中传统文化教育的思考 被引量:10
作者 王强 《当代教育理论与实践》 2011年第6期4-6,共3页
传统文化教育的现状令人深深忧思,传统文化教育在中学语文教育中的缺失,将导致民族文化性格的丧失。解决中学语文传统文化教育缺失的出路:一是继承传统的国学教育方法,找回中国语文教育的"中国心";二是在语文教学中,对语文教... 传统文化教育的现状令人深深忧思,传统文化教育在中学语文教育中的缺失,将导致民族文化性格的丧失。解决中学语文传统文化教育缺失的出路:一是继承传统的国学教育方法,找回中国语文教育的"中国心";二是在语文教学中,对语文教师加强传统文化教育。 展开更多
关键词 民族文化性格 中国语文教育的“中国 “体察涵咏”
How to Apply Humanistic Psychology to Establish an Effective Emotional Class Climate in China 被引量:1
作者 Cuiliu Huo 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第5期56-58,共3页
To enhance students' all-around development and personal potential is the main purpose that teachers want to obtain in their teachings. The author believes that it can be achieved only in a relaxed and safe class atm... To enhance students' all-around development and personal potential is the main purpose that teachers want to obtain in their teachings. The author believes that it can be achieved only in a relaxed and safe class atmosphere. The article introduces the humanistic psychology and illustrates how to apply humanistic psychology to the foreign language class and establish an effective emotional class climate in China. 展开更多
关键词 self-esteem linguistic performance interpersonal relationship
作者 刘加民 《中学生(高中作文版)》 2010年第2期16-17,共2页
关键词 高中 课外阅读 阅读材料 《边建松:文学是语文
Paradigm Shifts in Translation Studies: Focus on Linguistic, Cultural, Social and Psychological Turns
作者 Hosni Mostafa El-daly 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第5期369-386,共18页
Translation has been the subject of a variety of research and conflicts among theorists. This fact that gives Thomas Samuel Kuhn's paradigm theory is pertinent to the present study. Kuhn is an American philosopher of... Translation has been the subject of a variety of research and conflicts among theorists. This fact that gives Thomas Samuel Kuhn's paradigm theory is pertinent to the present study. Kuhn is an American philosopher of Science. In his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, he proposes his paradigm theory which plays a great role in the development of sociology and philosophy of Science. According to Kuhn (1970), paradigm originates from one or some famous people's achievements, and for these achievements to be considered as paradigms, two major characteristics must be met as will be clarified in this paper. This study is an attempt to outline the scope of the disciplines of Translation Studies (TS), to give some indication of the kind of work that has been done so far. It is an attempt to demonstrate that TS is a discipline in its own right. It is a vastly complex field with many far-reaching ramifications. This study discusses the relationships between the changing definitions of translation and the turns of translation studies. 展开更多
关键词 linguistic turn cultural turn social and psychological turn
German Poetry in African Languages: The Translation of Selected German Poems From an Intercultural Perspective
作者 Louis Ndong 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第3期255-263,共9页
The article deals with the translation of German poetry into Wolof and is based on Tamsir Annes's translation of German poems under the title Tdere-Woy yi/Das Buch der Lieder. My purpose in this paper is to answer th... The article deals with the translation of German poetry into Wolof and is based on Tamsir Annes's translation of German poems under the title Tdere-Woy yi/Das Buch der Lieder. My purpose in this paper is to answer the question of how elements of the vocabulary of sciences (literature and philosophy) as well as cultural specific items are rendered in the Wolof target text. Therefore, in this work, I explore methods and strategies of translation like borrowings, paraphrases, and analyze furthermore some differences noticeable in the translation of some poems at the cultural level. These analysis-steps enable the investigation of, contextually, the central issue of "cultural translatability" and the reception of translation of European poetry into African languages in general and German poetry into Wolof in particular. The article also focuses on the importance of the reception of German poetry in Wolof as a means of intercultural communication between German and Wolof-speaking countries but as means to develop African languages like Wolof in which the translation of the selected poems has been operated. 展开更多
关键词 TRANSLATION POETRY cultural strategies intercultural communication
On address term translation from the cognitive perspective
作者 WANG Xiao-ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第7期75-81,共7页
This paper studies the address term translation from the cognitive perspective. Concerning the difficulties in rendering the cultural connotations in address terms, the author introduces experiential view and culture ... This paper studies the address term translation from the cognitive perspective. Concerning the difficulties in rendering the cultural connotations in address terms, the author introduces experiential view and culture model as the guidelines to solve the problems. The results show the significance of bridging the cultural gap in address term translation. 展开更多
关键词 address term CULTURE experiential view
A Study on Senior High School Students' English Reading Barriers and Strategies
作者 ZHANG Tong JIN Ming-hao 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1651-1659,共9页
Referring to the questionnaire surveys and literature materials, this paper tries to discuss the causes of high school students' English reading barriers and its possible strategies to improve their English reading a... Referring to the questionnaire surveys and literature materials, this paper tries to discuss the causes of high school students' English reading barriers and its possible strategies to improve their English reading ability. This paper used a questionnaire survey to collect data with 188 grade one high school students as research subject. The result shows English reading barriers are mainly divided into two parts, language factors and non-language factors. Language factors include vocabulary barriers, grammar barriers, discourse barriers and culture background barriers. Non-language factors mainly include psychological factors, reading habits, reading interest and reading strategies. It is suggested that joint efforts from teachers and students are needed to solve the reading barriers. Teachers should help students increase vocabulary accumulation, strengthen grammar knowledge, develop their discourse comprehension skills and teach culture knowledge in class. Students need to overcome psychological factors, develop good reading habits, do a series of trainings on reading, give immediate feedbacks and sum up reading experiences. 展开更多
关键词 high school students English reading reading barriers reading strategies
Analysis of the Story-Line Behind Selected Hausa Proverbs
作者 Asabe Kabir Usman 《Sociology Study》 2014年第8期673-680,共8页
Proverbs which are short witty traditional oral expressions handed down from generation to generation as a common heritage is also believed to be true expressions of the Hausa people's philosophy. This philosophy is ... Proverbs which are short witty traditional oral expressions handed down from generation to generation as a common heritage is also believed to be true expressions of the Hausa people's philosophy. This philosophy is clad in different ways by the people as they are continuously at work to give meanings to their creative activities. Proverbs are one of the most relevant expressions of human wisdom and knowledge of nature, psychology, and reality for the Hausa people of Northern Nigeria; however, the images that are presented in the proverbs are culturally defined and they may differ from place to place, as well as from generation to generation. Proverbs are capable of a variety of meanings, according to how and when they are used. These findings have revealed that many popular and interesting Hausa proverbs tell a condensed story; these stories give vivid illustrations which help the hearer understand the proverbs. In this paper, the author attempts a deep intellectual analysis into the story-lines behind the emergence of some selected Hausa proverbs, with a view to comprehending and propagating embedded ideas and cultural principles or philosophies that may be relevant for contemporary social usage. 展开更多
关键词 PROVERBS NARRATION Hausa story-line
Anaphora's Creating Irony by the Aid of Context
作者 LIU Yan-chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第9期647-653,共7页
The core function of anaphora is to serve as a substitute for a certain linguistic component in texts, but it actually has other missions such as creating the rhetorical effect--irony. However, anaphora alone cannot c... The core function of anaphora is to serve as a substitute for a certain linguistic component in texts, but it actually has other missions such as creating the rhetorical effect--irony. However, anaphora alone cannot contribute to ironic effect, and only by resorting to other resources like contextual information, can anaphora generate irony. Therefore, Yus' s classification of contextual sources is employed to analyze with examples how anaphora creates irony by the aid of context. Ultimately, the conclusion has been drawn that anaphora is able to produce irony with the help of six groups of contextual information classified by Yus except the category--speaker's nonverbal behavior and anapbora sometimes has to interact with several groups of contextual information in order to create irony. 展开更多
关键词 ANAPHORA IRONY contextual information
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