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用“角色体验” 实践红色语文育人
《江苏教育研究》 2023年第12期F0002-F0002,共1页
关键词 中心小学 黄桥战役 角色体验 黄桥镇 泰兴市 语文育 革命老区 以少胜多
教活红色文化课文 提升语文育人功能
作者 王远康 《新教师》 2022年第9期41-42,共2页
通览小学语文一至六年级12册教科书会发现,反映红色文化的课文占了很大的分量。从一年级上册《我是中国人》《升国旗》,到六年级下册《十六年前的回忆》《为人民服务》《金色的鱼钩》,几十篇课文的学习均指向终极的育人目标,即要回答“... 通览小学语文一至六年级12册教科书会发现,反映红色文化的课文占了很大的分量。从一年级上册《我是中国人》《升国旗》,到六年级下册《十六年前的回忆》《为人民服务》《金色的鱼钩》,几十篇课文的学习均指向终极的育人目标,即要回答“培养什么人、怎样培养人、为谁培养人”的深层问题。因此,教活这些反映红色文化的课文,在学生的心田播下红色文化的种子,传承红色基因,语文教师责无旁贷。 展开更多
关键词 小学语文 《为人民服务》 语文育 人目标 红色基因 语文教师 培养什么人 为谁培养人
莱布尼兹与现代德语之沧桑——兼论“语文作育”与民族语言命运问题 被引量:7
作者 关子尹 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第1期1-11,共11页
作为一种民族语言,德语可谓历史悠久。但经过“三十年战争”后,德国民族一度对德语的价值失去了自信。在这一处境中,莱布尼兹奋然提出“语文作育”和“德语思维社会”等观念,旨在唤醒德意志民众重新肩负起母语作育的责任。在评论了莱氏... 作为一种民族语言,德语可谓历史悠久。但经过“三十年战争”后,德国民族一度对德语的价值失去了自信。在这一处境中,莱布尼兹奋然提出“语文作育”和“德语思维社会”等观念,旨在唤醒德意志民众重新肩负起母语作育的责任。在评论了莱氏对德语的长处和短处的分析后,本文简略地追溯了现代德语于继后两世纪的发展。以此为背景,本文进一步指出:当代德语正面对另一次的语文危机,而挑战主要来自英语的强势。几年前终于再有一群德国学者,他们出于对德语作为一学术思想语言的前途的忧虑,对德国各邦政府发起了公开联署。借着德国的经验,本文于结论部分再进一步指出,当代汉语其实也面对着雷同的处境,作者最后更就中国大学教育环境下的语文政策提出一系列的理论反省。 展开更多
关键词 德语困境 莱布尼兹 语文 德语思维社会 民族语言命运 中国高教汉语政策 反省
“学生是人”──王筠《教童子法》语文教育思想的核心 被引量:1
作者 傅炳熙 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1996年第1期94-96,共3页
“学生是人”──王筠《教童子法》语文教育思想的核心傅炳熙王筠(1784—1854)所著《教童子法》的最大价值所在,也即作者全部教育思想的核心,是他最早提出“学生是人”这一带有教育哲学性质的命题。他认为学生是教育的对象... “学生是人”──王筠《教童子法》语文教育思想的核心傅炳熙王筠(1784—1854)所著《教童子法》的最大价值所在,也即作者全部教育思想的核心,是他最早提出“学生是人”这一带有教育哲学性质的命题。他认为学生是教育的对象,但他们首先是人,是自然的人,是社... 展开更多
关键词 语文思想 王筠 愉快教 蒙学教 观念 生理和心理特点 教师 语文育 量力性原则 个性解放
语文学科育人的基本要素及实施路径 被引量:3
作者 周文忠 《语文教学通讯》 2023年第10期26-28,共3页
教育的根本任务是育人。语文作为一门人文学科,拥有丰富的育人价值。梳理语文学科育人基本要素的内涵、构成要素、育人点以及在统编教材中的落实篇目,可从在中华文化中育人、在正面形象中育人、在熏陶感化中育人、在价值引领中育人、在... 教育的根本任务是育人。语文作为一门人文学科,拥有丰富的育人价值。梳理语文学科育人基本要素的内涵、构成要素、育人点以及在统编教材中的落实篇目,可从在中华文化中育人、在正面形象中育人、在熏陶感化中育人、在价值引领中育人、在内外勾连中育人等五个方面阐述语文学科育人的实施路径。 展开更多
关键词 语文学科 立德树人 文化自信 国家意识
“三全育人”理念下大学语文课程育人路径探析 被引量:1
作者 张丽芳 《吉林工程技术师范学院学报》 2022年第7期27-30,共4页
大学语文课程中的文学作品具有丰富的思政教育元素,高校应切实发挥大学语文课程在思政教育中的作用。然而,目前,大学语文课程育人在全员、全程、全方位方面均实施得不到位。以“全员育人”理念为基础建设师资队伍、以“全程育人”为依... 大学语文课程中的文学作品具有丰富的思政教育元素,高校应切实发挥大学语文课程在思政教育中的作用。然而,目前,大学语文课程育人在全员、全程、全方位方面均实施得不到位。以“全员育人”理念为基础建设师资队伍、以“全程育人”为依据构建大学语文课程育人体系、以“全方位育人”为指导促进其他教育载体协助大学语文课程育人等路径,能够更好地实现“三全育人”理念下大学语文课程的育人作用。 展开更多
关键词 三全 大学语文课程 立德树人 路径
作者 彭合成 《云梦学刊》 2001年第5期89-90,共2页
建国以来几十年语文教育的经验告诉我们 ,在语文教学中 ,育心是育人的根本所在。从语文的教学、心育目标、操作模式及实施效应等三个方面探讨语文心育的内在规律性 。
关键词 语文教学 语文 操作模式 内规规定性 目标
作者 王荣生 《福建教育》 2004年第04A期58-58,共1页
关键词 语文育 目的 语言交际能力 学习工具 人文教
作者 董小玉 李林原 《课程教材教学研究(中教研究)》 2022年第9期17-17,共1页
转变育人方式是基础教育落实立德树人根本任务的关键。聚焦“核心素养”并以之贯穿基础教育阶段的《义务教育语文课程标准(2022年版)》,体现了全局性的教育视野,同时为语文育人方式的系统性变革提供了行动方向。首先,育人理念指向文化... 转变育人方式是基础教育落实立德树人根本任务的关键。聚焦“核心素养”并以之贯穿基础教育阶段的《义务教育语文课程标准(2022年版)》,体现了全局性的教育视野,同时为语文育人方式的系统性变革提供了行动方向。首先,育人理念指向文化浸润式的整体育人。语文核心素养是从课程层面落实立德树人根本任务的具体构想. 展开更多
关键词 立德树人 整体 核心素养 人理念 人方式 语文育 基础教 评价方式
作者 武建仓 《魅力中国》 2009年第12期71-71,共1页
关键词 创新教 教学实施 语文教学 培养学生 语文教师 不竭动力 语文育 创新精神 引导学生 学科特点
以文化人的新境界——新时代的语文课程建设 被引量:9
作者 陆志平 《基础教育课程》 北大核心 2020年第10期7-17,共11页
中国的语文教育自古以来就有以文化人、学以成人的优良传统。在不断推进素质教育的过程中,语文课程跟随课程改革的步伐,坚持立德树人的宗旨,从祖国语文的特点和儿童学习的规律出发,通过改革发展融合创新,构建了素养型目标体系、整合型... 中国的语文教育自古以来就有以文化人、学以成人的优良传统。在不断推进素质教育的过程中,语文课程跟随课程改革的步伐,坚持立德树人的宗旨,从祖国语文的特点和儿童学习的规律出发,通过改革发展融合创新,构建了素养型目标体系、整合型课程组织、实践性学习过程、发展性评价系统,实现了语文课程的转型,达到了语文育人的新境界。 展开更多
关键词 语文课程 以文化人 学以成人 语文 语文育
作者 刘飞 黄伟 《小学教学研究》 2023年第36期1-1,共1页
关键词 核心素养 语文课程目标 义务教语文课程标准 新课标 素养导向 语文育 以人为本 深入理解
作者 丁晶晶 《求知导刊》 2022年第8期92-94,共3页
小学语文教学要注重学生语用能力的培养。语文教师的教学要明确语用能力发展的方向,只有方向正确了,才能通过语用能力的培养推动学生语文素养的整体提升。文章对语用能力培养与“思维发展”“审美鉴赏”“文化理解”的融合加以论述,以... 小学语文教学要注重学生语用能力的培养。语文教师的教学要明确语用能力发展的方向,只有方向正确了,才能通过语用能力的培养推动学生语文素养的整体提升。文章对语用能力培养与“思维发展”“审美鉴赏”“文化理解”的融合加以论述,以期对教学实践起促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 语用能力 语文素养 语文学科
作者 矫凤霞 《天天爱科学》 2016年第14期47-47,共1页
工具性与人文性的统一是语文学科的基本特点,作为一名语文教育工作者,我们不仅要教好书,还要育好人。教师从识字写字教学、阅读教学、习作教学入手,积极探索语文教学中的德育渗透艺术,使德育内容与语文知识融合在一起,使学生在接受知识... 工具性与人文性的统一是语文学科的基本特点,作为一名语文教育工作者,我们不仅要教好书,还要育好人。教师从识字写字教学、阅读教学、习作教学入手,积极探索语文教学中的德育渗透艺术,使德育内容与语文知识融合在一起,使学生在接受知识的同时进行德育熏陶。 展开更多
关键词 语文育 道德渗透
Syntax Development in Language Education of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing by Usage of Modem Technology 被引量:1
作者 Husnija Hasanbegovic Esad Mahmutovic 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第5期307-315,共9页
The aim of the study was to determine the development of syntax in language development of children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, who are taught to new dynamic linguistic features with the help of computers. The sa... The aim of the study was to determine the development of syntax in language development of children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, who are taught to new dynamic linguistic features with the help of computers. The sample consisted of 70 children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, aged 7-17 years. To assess language development were applied following variables: total number of words used, the total number of different words used, the correct and incorrect statements (sentences) of the respondents. We calculated the basic statistical parameters on which it was found that the experimental program computer teaching children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing gave better results in the development of syntax. Also, canonical discriminate analysis revealed a statistically significant difference in the applied variables between the control and experimental groups the level of statistical significance ofp = 0.000. The results showed a significant improvement of the experimental group and that dynamic computer programming activities, which were challenged participants of the experimental group, contribute to a better linguistic competence of children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. 展开更多
关键词 SYNTAX speech and language vocabulary speech perception child who is deaf
Content-based Instruction in Foreign Language Learning 被引量:1
作者 Bao Zhenmi Hu Shanshan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第3期33-34,共2页
Abstract. In recent years content-based instruction has become increasingly popular as a means of developing linguistic ability. It has strong connections to project work, task-based learning and a holistic approach t... Abstract. In recent years content-based instruction has become increasingly popular as a means of developing linguistic ability. It has strong connections to project work, task-based learning and a holistic approach to language instruction and has become particularly popular within the state school secondary (11 - 16 years old) education sector. This paper discusses about the definition, types, ways to create a CBI lesson, advantages and the problems of CBI, as well as the assessment of CBI. 展开更多
Current Situation of Cultural Conflict Between Teachers and Students in English Classes Provided by Colleges and Universities and Effective Solutions
作者 CHEN Qiang CHEN Hong-bo 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第11期823-827,共5页
At present, quality education is proceeding in full swing in China. English education provided by colleges and universities of China has gone through a series of reform and gained relatively rapid development to a cer... At present, quality education is proceeding in full swing in China. English education provided by colleges and universities of China has gone through a series of reform and gained relatively rapid development to a certain degree. English has become an international language, and most companies have listed English proficiency as an important requirement for hiring employees, which indicates that English teaching in classrooms of colleges and universities is of great importance. However, cultural conflict between teachers and students in English classes provided by colleges and universities has been gradually drawing people's attention and has an impact on quality of English teaching provided by colleges and universities. In this paper, the current situation of cultural conflict is introduced and several solutions for solving such cultural conflicts are put forward, which may be viewed as a reflection. 展开更多
Research on Creating Rich-Media-Based Teaching Resources of Chinese Language Education
作者 SU Baohua 《International English Education Research》 2016年第2期25-27,共3页
This paper investigates the promotion of rich media techniques and creation of teaching resources in Chinese language education curriculums. Infusing rich media technology with teaching practice, teachers should not o... This paper investigates the promotion of rich media techniques and creation of teaching resources in Chinese language education curriculums. Infusing rich media technology with teaching practice, teachers should not only introduce original thinking, new skills and authentic knowledge to students, but also should emphasize on creativity. In this sense, the resources created within the curriculums are possible to develop and in turn, accumulate more teaching resources and materials for Chinese language education. 展开更多
关键词 Rich Media Technology Chinese Language Teaching Teaching Resources
Research on the Challenges and Countermeasures of Chinese Language and Literature Education under Teaching Reform Background
作者 Juan Gao Ling Yu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第8期26-28,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the challenges and the countermeasures of Chinese language and literature education underteaching reform background. Chinese literature professional training objectives, it is for... In this paper, we conduct research on the challenges and the countermeasures of Chinese language and literature education underteaching reform background. Chinese literature professional training objectives, it is for the country to create high literary accomplishment of thestudents. Make students in carrying forward the Chinese culture at the same time, to fi nd beauty, appreciate beauty and create beauty, and improvetheir personality and taste. Society for Chinese language and literature talent is looking forward to more and more high, therefore, the Chineselanguage and the literature professional teachers need to focus on the employment situation, based on fundamental professional knowledge,strengthen students on the basis of this, the application of Chinese language and literature teaching, let the students application ability graduallyimprove, to adapt to the demand in today’s society. Under this basis, this paper proposes the new idea that is innovative. 展开更多
关键词 Challenges and Countermeasures Teaching Reform EDUCATION Background.
Study on College English Teaching from the Perspective of Humanism
作者 Wang Chengdong 《International English Education Research》 2014年第7期25-27,共3页
In the eyes of humanists, the value of people is the most important. This view corresponds with modern education values and development direction, which has profound influence on university English teaching. It introd... In the eyes of humanists, the value of people is the most important. This view corresponds with modern education values and development direction, which has profound influence on university English teaching. It introduces humanism theory into language teaching field, and humanism emphasizes that language teaching is not only to teach language, but also to help students obtain their own development. This paper tries to take humanism as the perspective, talking about the current college English teaching, hoping to have a certain enlightening significance. 展开更多
关键词 HUMANISM college English teaching teacher-student relationship
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