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作者 沈履伟 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2000年第2期96-99,共4页
对外汉语教学 (第二语言教学 )中 ,除语言本身的因素外 ,国别不同 ,或因国别引起的文化差异 ,已成为影响学生语言能力的一个重要原因 ,在把汉语作为第二语言的教学中 ,汉文化和其他国别文化的差异 ,愈来愈成为干扰学生增加语汇、提高语... 对外汉语教学 (第二语言教学 )中 ,除语言本身的因素外 ,国别不同 ,或因国别引起的文化差异 ,已成为影响学生语言能力的一个重要原因 ,在把汉语作为第二语言的教学中 ,汉文化和其他国别文化的差异 ,愈来愈成为干扰学生增加语汇、提高语言能力的关键因素。中国汉文化和以英语国家为首的西方文化在思维方式、价值观念、民族心理等方面表现出的差异也愈来愈成为留学生汉语习得中的最普遍、最主要、最经常遇到的问题。文化差异 ,不仅会造成学生对于语汇理解的偏误 ,而且会引起诸多语言现象。本文旨在探讨中西观念间的文化差异 。 展开更多
关键词 对外汉语教学 文化差异 语汇歧义 语汇教学
作者 陈从霞 《现代语文(中旬.教学研究)》 2017年第5期67-68,共2页
文言文教学侧重培养学生的文言语感,是很多老师常挂挂嘴边的,但语感的培养只是一个目标指向,并非是具体操作手段,而且,倘若学生没有一定数量的文言语汇在积累,所谓语感的培养也只是“看上去很美”,所以,文言文教学首先还得落实... 文言文教学侧重培养学生的文言语感,是很多老师常挂挂嘴边的,但语感的培养只是一个目标指向,并非是具体操作手段,而且,倘若学生没有一定数量的文言语汇在积累,所谓语感的培养也只是“看上去很美”,所以,文言文教学首先还得落实到语汇教学,多财善贾;否则,囊中无铜,脸上发红。 展开更多
关键词 文言文教学 语汇教学 具体操作 语感 培养 学生 老师 定数
作者 刘劲波 《戏剧之家》 2024年第21期184-186,共3页
改革开放以来,国内声乐艺术愈发繁荣。受相关学科知识发展限制,不同地域涌现出不同学派的声乐教学语汇。语言是人类进行沟通与文化传承和传播的重要载体,教学语汇作为教师学术理念的核心载体与学生学习思辨的重要目标词,对其使用尺度应... 改革开放以来,国内声乐艺术愈发繁荣。受相关学科知识发展限制,不同地域涌现出不同学派的声乐教学语汇。语言是人类进行沟通与文化传承和传播的重要载体,教学语汇作为教师学术理念的核心载体与学生学习思辨的重要目标词,对其使用尺度应严谨对待。本文从声乐教学语汇的总结与归类出发,分析常见的声乐教学语汇在应用中的极端现象,总结出几点有助于提高声乐教学语汇准度与效度的基本原则与方法,希望为声乐教学提供一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 声乐环境 声乐教学语汇 语言 目标词汇
论词语的语法教学 被引量:2
作者 丁雪欢 《暨南大学华文学院学报》 2001年第3期36-41,共6页
对外汉语语汇教学涉及语音、语义、语法及语用、文化等诸多方面。以往的语汇教学基本以释义教学为核心,但实际上词语的语法教学也是教学中的难点,学生的问题错误也多集中在词语与语法有关的方面。鉴于此,本文将从两方面浅谈词语的语法... 对外汉语语汇教学涉及语音、语义、语法及语用、文化等诸多方面。以往的语汇教学基本以释义教学为核心,但实际上词语的语法教学也是教学中的难点,学生的问题错误也多集中在词语与语法有关的方面。鉴于此,本文将从两方面浅谈词语的语法教学问题:一是略谈加强词语语法教学的必要性;二是详谈词语语法教学的具体内容及方法。 展开更多
关键词 对外汉语教学 词语 语法教学 语汇教学
中职英语词汇教学策略研究 被引量:7
作者 郭渊 何春祥 《当代教育论坛(教学版)》 2010年第2期85-86,共2页
中职英语词汇教学应基于中职学生学习品质特点、学生学习需求、中职英语教学大纲和英语学科自身特点,采用以人为本的情感策略、以学科内在特点为基础的学科教学策略、以认知规律为主轴的课堂教学策略、以形成自主学习能力为目标的发展策... 中职英语词汇教学应基于中职学生学习品质特点、学生学习需求、中职英语教学大纲和英语学科自身特点,采用以人为本的情感策略、以学科内在特点为基础的学科教学策略、以认知规律为主轴的课堂教学策略、以形成自主学习能力为目标的发展策略,让学生在愉悦和自信中一步一步走向自主发展之路。 展开更多
关键词 中职英语 语汇教学 策略
作者 吴婷婷 《陕西教育(教学)》 2016年第3期41-41,共1页
在儿童英语教学中,教师可以充分利用英语的语言学科特质,创设整体的情境,将英语的语汇教学、语法教学、语用教学融汇其中,改变传统的“分离式教学”。儿童是“情感的王子”,感性的情境能够让儿童主动置身其中,进行言语的学习、操... 在儿童英语教学中,教师可以充分利用英语的语言学科特质,创设整体的情境,将英语的语汇教学、语法教学、语用教学融汇其中,改变传统的“分离式教学”。儿童是“情感的王子”,感性的情境能够让儿童主动置身其中,进行言语的学习、操练。儿童浸润在良好的语境之中能够感受到自我的言语发展。 展开更多
关键词 儿童英语教学 创设策略 语境 学科特质 语汇教学 语法教学 语用教学 分离式
作者 车玉蓉 《青海教育》 2012年第9期52-52,共1页
一、前言传统的隐喻理论把隐喻看作一种修辞,其主要功能只是对语言的修饰。Lakoff and Johnson(1980)提出了崭新的隐喻观,认为“隐喻普遍存在于我们的日常生活中,不但存在于语言中,而且存在于我们的思想和行为中”。从认知心理学... 一、前言传统的隐喻理论把隐喻看作一种修辞,其主要功能只是对语言的修饰。Lakoff and Johnson(1980)提出了崭新的隐喻观,认为“隐喻普遍存在于我们的日常生活中,不但存在于语言中,而且存在于我们的思想和行为中”。从认知心理学的角度看,“隐喻不仅仅是一种语言现象”还是一种“认知现象”, 展开更多
关键词 隐喻现象 语汇教学 认知心理学 外语 LAKOFF 语言现象 隐喻理论 日常生活
作者 刘承霞 《大观周刊》 2011年第18期141-141,共1页
英语教学要从突破词汇量开始,并转变观念,从而进行教学方法和教材的改革。让学生在提高词汇量的同时也就提高了他们综合运用语言的能力。然而教育学生扩大词汇量又不是短时之功,要坚持不懈,即教育学生在平时的学习中,强化语音基础... 英语教学要从突破词汇量开始,并转变观念,从而进行教学方法和教材的改革。让学生在提高词汇量的同时也就提高了他们综合运用语言的能力。然而教育学生扩大词汇量又不是短时之功,要坚持不懈,即教育学生在平时的学习中,强化语音基础教学和弄清词汇的构成要素。加之记忆方法的指导,以及多种形式的复习巩固,便可为学生将来更深层次的英语学习打下良好的基础.从而优化高中语汇的教学。 展开更多
关键词 优化 高中英语 语汇教学
Oral presentations: An integrated strategy and evaluation technique for college English teaching 被引量:4
作者 韦丽秋 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第11期5-9,共5页
Oral presentations integrate skills of reading, thinking, perceiving, writing and performing, effectively combining the processes of input and output. The application of presentations in college English teaching and l... Oral presentations integrate skills of reading, thinking, perceiving, writing and performing, effectively combining the processes of input and output. The application of presentations in college English teaching and learning will not only improve students' speaking skills but also promote other skills. In addition, they provide opportunities for students to receive language signals through audio way, thus enrich channels for language input and lead to better language learning results. 展开更多
关键词 oral presentations college English teaching strategy
Implications of language attrition theory to vocabulary teaching strategies
作者 钟莉婷 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第2期82-86,共5页
As the reverse of language acquisition, language attrition refers to the loss of language ability resulting from little or no use of certain languages over a period of time. Among the three factors of language, vocabu... As the reverse of language acquisition, language attrition refers to the loss of language ability resulting from little or no use of certain languages over a period of time. Among the three factors of language, vocabulary tends to be more vulnerable to attrition compared with syntax and phoneme. Therefore, a study based on vocabulary attrition is of greater importance. By reviewing the literatures on language attrition and outlining the influencing factors of language attrition, the paper tends to figure out the corresponding strategies which are effective in college English vocabulary teaching. 展开更多
关键词 language attrition college English vocabulary teaching
On the vocabulary acquisition theories and vocabulary teaching of foreign languages
作者 李庆新 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第1期1-4,共4页
As one of the important phases of language acquisition process, vocabulary acquisition has great impact on one's language competence and communication competence. However, there are still some problems in students' ... As one of the important phases of language acquisition process, vocabulary acquisition has great impact on one's language competence and communication competence. However, there are still some problems in students' vocabulary acquisition. This paper first discusses the current problems in vocabulary teaching, and then analyzes some laws in vocabulary acquisition, and at last it discusses the advantages of making use of Internet in vocabulary teaching, which aims to find a possible solution to the problems. 展开更多
关键词 tabular acquisition vocabulary teaching Internet environment language competence
作者 张笑飞 《新课程学习》 2013年第9期104-105,共2页
关键词 语汇教学 词汇复习 检测机制
Necessity of vocabulary teaching and learning in the depth and some feasible teaching method
作者 唐听雨 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第7期20-23,54,共5页
Traditionally speaking, when teaching vocabulary in the class, teachers tend to put emphasis on the words' basic meaning or their meaning in the text. However, vocabulary development in the depth is not so reinforced... Traditionally speaking, when teaching vocabulary in the class, teachers tend to put emphasis on the words' basic meaning or their meaning in the text. However, vocabulary development in the depth is not so reinforced, including the introduction of the social and cultural background of the words, use in the context, etc. Therefore, many learners can't avoid encountering the difficulty to bridge the gap between vocabulary learning and vocabulary application. This paper, which is based on the theory of language cognition, holds that vocabulary teaching and learning in the depth is of equal importance in language education. What's more, some vocabulary teaching method, focused on improving non-English-majored college learners' vocabulary, is put forward for reference. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive linguistics vocabulary development in the depth classroom teaching
Teachers' role in vocabulary teaching: Strategies for vocabulary teaching 被引量:1
作者 LU Mei-fang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第8期1-5,17,共6页
Much research has been done on how to help students to improve their language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, but how to help students with the acquisition of vocabulary which is essential to the ... Much research has been done on how to help students to improve their language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, but how to help students with the acquisition of vocabulary which is essential to the development of language skills has been neglected. This paper is an attempt to explore the teacher's role in helping students with vocabulary acquisition. Word knowledge is discussed, selection of words to be taught, techniques for presentation and strategies for self-learning. 展开更多
关键词 vocabulary teaching teacher's role TECHNIQUES
On College English lexical teaching
作者 陈金萍 刘超 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第5期6-10,25,共6页
Vocabulary is a fundamental element of a language. It undertakes the task of conveying semantic meanings. And it guarantees the implement of language communication. Thus, accumulation of a certain amount of vocabulary... Vocabulary is a fundamental element of a language. It undertakes the task of conveying semantic meanings. And it guarantees the implement of language communication. Thus, accumulation of a certain amount of vocabulary and the master of proper use of them is the essential condition of skillful employment of a language. The current lexical teaching in College English is far from satisfaction. Based on the findings of psycholinguistic research, this paper intends to explore an effective way to help the students enlarge their vocabulary and use them correctly with the help of various psychological associations with English vocabulary through analysis of some lexical mistakes committed in students' daily writing exercises. 展开更多
关键词 lexical acquisition use of words College English teaching PSYCHOLINGUISTICS
In-class language learning strategies used by Thai pre-university students: Factor analysis
作者 Duangporn Sriboonruang Channarong Intaraprasert 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第3期23-33,共11页
The purpose of this study was to explore factors related to strategy use of Thai pre-university students in Thailand. The subjects of the investigation were selected based on convenience and availability. A researcher... The purpose of this study was to explore factors related to strategy use of Thai pre-university students in Thailand. The subjects of the investigation were selected based on convenience and availability. A researcher-generated language learning strategy questionnaire with the Alpha coefficient (α). 96 were used as the main instrument for the data collection. The questionnaire was designed based on information taken from the students' interview. The variables for the present investigation include extra-class support and level of language proficiency. The four extracted factors emerged as a result of varimax rotation conducted on the correlations of 20 in-class language learning strategies, which varied significantly in relation to the two variables. The four factors includes Factor 1 strategies for strategies for the classroom preparation, Factor 2 strategies for learning new vocabulary in the classroom lessons, Factor 3 strategies for solving classroom problems, and Factor 4 strategies for concentrating while studying in class. The result of the varimax rotation shows that all of the four factors were found strongly related to extra-class support and level of language proficiency. 展开更多
关键词 language learning strategies factor analysis pre-university students
Effects of interlingual strategies on L2 vocabulary teaching
作者 LIU Jing 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第12期1-5,共5页
Based on empirical research and qualitative analysis, this paper aims to explore the effects of interlingual strategies on L2 vocabulary teaching. The results show that, during L2 vocabulary teaching process, the prop... Based on empirical research and qualitative analysis, this paper aims to explore the effects of interlingual strategies on L2 vocabulary teaching. The results show that, during L2 vocabulary teaching process, the proper application of interlingual strategies can effectively facilitate the memorization of new words, and the bilingual method (both English explanation and Chinese translation) is welcomed by most subjects. Therefore, using L1 as a means of semantization or as a tool for checking and validating L2 learners' understanding of word meaning should not be completely rejected, especially for adult Chinese EFL learners. 展开更多
关键词 interlingual strategies L2 vocabulary teaching memorization of new words
The Application of Games in English Vocabulary Teaching in Kindergartens
作者 LIU Shuang LIU Jin-xia 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第8期561-567,共7页
The paper tries to explore how to use games in teaching English vocabulary in kindergartens. It starts with the introduction of definitions of the game and the characteristics of the game, then lists the types of the ... The paper tries to explore how to use games in teaching English vocabulary in kindergartens. It starts with the introduction of definitions of the game and the characteristics of the game, then lists the types of the game. Based on an analysis of present situation of English vocabulary teaching in kindergartens, the author points out the importance of teaching English vocabulary through games in kindergarten. Finally, the author explains how to use games to teach English vocabulary in kindergartens. 展开更多
关键词 English teaching GAMES VOCABULARY
Lexical approach to college English teaching
作者 YU Xiu-lian 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第10期22-24,共3页
This paper discusses the lexical approach in college English teaching and learning. The lexical approach can help students learn to use English in an idiomatic way rather than in a Chinese way which may cause misunder... This paper discusses the lexical approach in college English teaching and learning. The lexical approach can help students learn to use English in an idiomatic way rather than in a Chinese way which may cause misunderstanding or confusion of native English speakers. As for the college English Teaching in China, the lexical approach works better than the traditional word-based teaching and learning. It can help students to learn "real" or "authentic" English and improve the students' ability to use English in all-around way. 展开更多
关键词 the lexical approach work better use "real" English
Feasible ways of vocabulary development in comprehensive reading
作者 TAN Ding-hua 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第6期37-40,共4页
Studies prove that there are strong relationships between vocabulary development and reading comprehension. In English, there is a relatively close relationship between the vocabulary size and English language profici... Studies prove that there are strong relationships between vocabulary development and reading comprehension. In English, there is a relatively close relationship between the vocabulary size and English language proficiency. Reading represents the primary way that ESL learners in China can learn on their own beyond the classroom. But vocabulary size in reading comprehension strongly limits the sorts of texts that they can read with ease. First, the problems Chinese EFL learners and teachers confront in comprehensive reading are revealed. And then some feasible ways of helping learners build word size in real teaching practice are demonstrated. 展开更多
关键词 vocabulary development Chinese EFL learners comprehensive reading
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