In the rapidly evolving academic field of CALL (computer-assisted language leaming) in China, it is no longer a question of whether to take advantage of the technologies of computer and Internet in foreign language ...In the rapidly evolving academic field of CALL (computer-assisted language leaming) in China, it is no longer a question of whether to take advantage of the technologies of computer and Internet in foreign language instruction, but of how to make effective use of them. By reviewing the literature of CALL in China and abroad, this article holds the view that in China where the educational resources are insufficient and unevenly distributed, the use of CALL should confirm and expand ESL/EFL theories to the utmost; the research of CALL should focus more on learning or learner, especially on learning strategy in CALL environment; to have a better understanding of the potential and functions of CALL in foreign language instruction, the research of CALL should cover all aspects of language learning.展开更多
1.引言《谓词的构建:以帕劳语为例》(Building Predicates:The View from Palauan)是Springer出版社2016年出版的“自然语言与语言学理论研究”系列丛书之一。该系列丛书旨在建立起事实描写与理论解释之间的桥梁,使得理论研究建立在对...1.引言《谓词的构建:以帕劳语为例》(Building Predicates:The View from Palauan)是Springer出版社2016年出版的“自然语言与语言学理论研究”系列丛书之一。该系列丛书旨在建立起事实描写与理论解释之间的桥梁,使得理论研究建立在对自然语言数据的考察之上。该书基于对马来-波利尼西亚语系中帕劳语原始语料的深度考察,验证了最简方案框架下分布式形态学(distributed morphology,简称DM)构词理论比词库构词论更具备解释力。该书认为帕劳语中的谓词并非生成于词库内,而是以词根形式作为句法运算的初始构件,(至少部分)生成于句法运算过程中。帕劳语(Plauan)中的习语谓词短语、me-前缀谓词与动结式谓词为这一理论假设提供了经验上的支持。全书共七章,下面先简要介绍各章内容,然后予以简评。展开更多
文摘In the rapidly evolving academic field of CALL (computer-assisted language leaming) in China, it is no longer a question of whether to take advantage of the technologies of computer and Internet in foreign language instruction, but of how to make effective use of them. By reviewing the literature of CALL in China and abroad, this article holds the view that in China where the educational resources are insufficient and unevenly distributed, the use of CALL should confirm and expand ESL/EFL theories to the utmost; the research of CALL should focus more on learning or learner, especially on learning strategy in CALL environment; to have a better understanding of the potential and functions of CALL in foreign language instruction, the research of CALL should cover all aspects of language learning.