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国际语言年活动概况及启示 被引量:2
作者 郑梦娟 《语言与翻译》 2009年第4期24-30,共7页
"2008国际语言年"活动是教科文组织对其以往的语言工作的深化和拓展,具有主题丰富、形式多样、影响广泛的特点。该活动不仅提高了国际社会对语言问题的认识,而且推动了世界各国制定有利于语言多样性和文化多元化的政策。我国... "2008国际语言年"活动是教科文组织对其以往的语言工作的深化和拓展,具有主题丰富、形式多样、影响广泛的特点。该活动不仅提高了国际社会对语言问题的认识,而且推动了世界各国制定有利于语言多样性和文化多元化的政策。我国的语言规划、汉语国际传播等工作可从中得到借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 联合国教科文组织 国际语言年 语言规划 语言传播
试论欧洲语言年的成果及影响 被引量:1
作者 吴祥云 武咏梅 《昭通师范高等专科学校学报》 2011年第4期51-53,58,共4页
"2001年欧洲语言年"的举办,取得了令人瞩目的成果,提高了欧盟公民对欧盟丰富的语言和文化多样性的认识,提升了语言多样化的概念。它对欧洲语言政策的讨论和语言教学产生了重大影响,导致语言多样化政策被逐渐纳入区域政策。欧... "2001年欧洲语言年"的举办,取得了令人瞩目的成果,提高了欧盟公民对欧盟丰富的语言和文化多样性的认识,提升了语言多样化的概念。它对欧洲语言政策的讨论和语言教学产生了重大影响,导致语言多样化政策被逐渐纳入区域政策。欧洲语言年是欧盟语言政策的转折点,欧盟从此把视角从对主要语言的关注,转移到对所有语言的关注,语言政策逐渐向多样化方向发展。 展开更多
关键词 欧洲语言年 活动 成果 影响
作者 冯学锋 肖俊敏 《社会科学辑刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期48-52,共5页
语言年俗是指已形成特定模式的,与语言相关的贺岁活动,它是一种具有特殊文化价值的年俗,是社会语言生活的重要组成部分,是极其宝贵的语言文化资源。21世纪以来,每年岁末中国大陆逐渐兴起了"年终语言盘点"的新语言年俗。新语... 语言年俗是指已形成特定模式的,与语言相关的贺岁活动,它是一种具有特殊文化价值的年俗,是社会语言生活的重要组成部分,是极其宝贵的语言文化资源。21世纪以来,每年岁末中国大陆逐渐兴起了"年终语言盘点"的新语言年俗。新语言年俗折射着时代的光影和观念的变迁,忠实地反映了社意民情。语言年俗在社会范围内营造了新的共鸣点,极大激发了人们对一年生活的反思,成为构建和谐社会的一种新途径。语言年俗活动的开展,使国家语言文字管理部门对语言国情更为重视。语言年俗活动所提供的社会语言文字使用实态和调查统计数据正是政府部门进行语言国情研究、制定语文政策、指导语言工作,乃至制定国家语言规划的重要依据;它使国家语言资源得到了一定程度的保护和开发,使社会语言生活得到了科学、健康的引导,使"和谐语言生活"和语言资源观念日益普及。 展开更多
关键词 语言年 语言盘点 语言生活 社会语言
作者 周晓梅 《中国教师》 2009年第S1期191-192,共2页
关键词 欧盟 欧洲语言年 行动计划
作者 张家成 《商情》 2023年第14期89-92,共4页
本文以苹果公司《2020年环境进展报告》为语料,运用系统功能语言学的三大元功能分析了公司形象的构建过程。本研究通过结合苹果公司的商业地位,从主位、及物性、语气和情态系统的角度对语料进行分析,发现苹果公司在该文本中将自己塑造... 本文以苹果公司《2020年环境进展报告》为语料,运用系统功能语言学的三大元功能分析了公司形象的构建过程。本研究通过结合苹果公司的商业地位,从主位、及物性、语气和情态系统的角度对语料进行分析,发现苹果公司在该文本中将自己塑造成了环保领域的先行者、值得信赖的商业合作伙伴、环保理念的传播者、环保领域中的乐为者和善为者、永不止步的挑战者、脚踏实地的公司以及温和谦逊的建议者。 展开更多
关键词 苹果公司《2020环境进展报告》系统功能语言 公司形象构建
外国语言学研究70年之一瞥 被引量:9
作者 王寅 《语言教育》 2019年第4期30-35,共6页
本文取名"一瞥",意在强调仅扼要梳理建国70年来的外国(主要是英语)语言学的简史,概述20世纪发生在国外的三场语言学革命(索绪尔、乔姆斯基、雷科夫)及其对我国语言学界的影响。但笔者也发现了第三场革命之不足,主张将其本土化... 本文取名"一瞥",意在强调仅扼要梳理建国70年来的外国(主要是英语)语言学的简史,概述20世纪发生在国外的三场语言学革命(索绪尔、乔姆斯基、雷科夫)及其对我国语言学界的影响。但笔者也发现了第三场革命之不足,主张将其本土化为"体认语言学",突显从唯物论和人本观角度来全面分析语言各层面,从而开辟了语言研究的全新视野。笔者认为,我们在学科研究中当持"象豹观",才能实现"与时俱进、继承发展"之愿景。 展开更多
关键词 语言研究70 一瞥 三场语言学革命 体认语言
作者 高媛媛 《江汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 2011年第6期42-45,共4页
"中国语言生活绿皮书"B系列之一《中国语言生活状况报告(》上编)是"中国语言生活状况报告"课题组对语言生活的若干方面所做的年度调查报告,具有"选题丰富,贴近生活;跟进及时,关注热点;受众广泛,服务各界"... "中国语言生活绿皮书"B系列之一《中国语言生活状况报告(》上编)是"中国语言生活状况报告"课题组对语言生活的若干方面所做的年度调查报告,具有"选题丰富,贴近生活;跟进及时,关注热点;受众广泛,服务各界"等特点。《报告》的发布只是一个起步,还有比较大的发展空间。 展开更多
关键词 2005~2009《中国语言生活状况报告》(上编) 语言发展趋势 语言规划
中国科幻文学的海外传播——以《三体》在英语世界的译介与接受为例 被引量:1
作者 宋菁 徐惟诚 《语言与文化论坛》 2023年第2期117-126,共10页
刘慈欣的科幻小说《三体》的英译本使他获得了在英语世界的文学声望。本文围绕译介过程、译本形态和海外接受情况剖析异质文化语境中的由刘宇昆翻译的《三体》英译本,探索中国科幻文学如何在新的文化空间被认识与解读。赞助人与译者的... 刘慈欣的科幻小说《三体》的英译本使他获得了在英语世界的文学声望。本文围绕译介过程、译本形态和海外接受情况剖析异质文化语境中的由刘宇昆翻译的《三体》英译本,探索中国科幻文学如何在新的文化空间被认识与解读。赞助人与译者的多方合力是促成《三体》海外传播的重要基石;具有鲜明异国特色的“他者”译本是引导海外读者欣赏中国文学审美的有效翻译策略;馆藏数据、媒体关注及读者评价是探讨中国科幻文学的海外影响力和评判海外读者接受程度的重要指标,这3个层面的分析为中国当代文学的对外译介与海外传播提供了新的启示。 展开更多
关键词 中国科幻文学 英语世界 译介 接受 《三体》
对“年度汉语盘点”的文化语言学解读 被引量:2
作者 石琳 《中华文化论坛》 北大核心 2016年第3期143-148,共6页
语言年俗是以语言要素、语言形式为本体所生成并承载的民俗文化现象。作为中国人辞旧迎新的贺岁活动,传统语言年俗凝聚了喜庆团圆的美好寓意,也是悠久历史文化的积淀。而近年来兴起的"年度汉语盘点"活动,也逐渐形成了具备特... 语言年俗是以语言要素、语言形式为本体所生成并承载的民俗文化现象。作为中国人辞旧迎新的贺岁活动,传统语言年俗凝聚了喜庆团圆的美好寓意,也是悠久历史文化的积淀。而近年来兴起的"年度汉语盘点"活动,也逐渐形成了具备特定模式的新时期语言年俗,并因其特有的文化魅力成为了影响广泛的大众语言文化现象。本文运用文化语言学的理论与方法,以近年来"年度汉语盘点"评选的词语作为研究材料,分析其语言形式和文化属性,揭示新语言年俗中蕴涵的语言文化价值。 展开更多
关键词 语言年 汉语流行语 文化语言 语言文化价值
论中俄关系发展进程中的人文交流与合作 被引量:6
作者 李亚男 《东北亚论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期113-119,共7页
21世纪的第二个10年是中国实现和平发展的关键时期,同时也是俄罗斯国力振兴、重新崛起的重要阶段。两国国家发展战略的重心都在国内,巩固睦邻友好、推进战略协作是两国维护各自国家安全、促进国内经济发展的共同需求。而中俄两国只有最... 21世纪的第二个10年是中国实现和平发展的关键时期,同时也是俄罗斯国力振兴、重新崛起的重要阶段。两国国家发展战略的重心都在国内,巩固睦邻友好、推进战略协作是两国维护各自国家安全、促进国内经济发展的共同需求。而中俄两国只有最大限度地利用经济互补性,制订共同战略、争取共同发展,才能实现各自的崛起与振兴。中俄两国领导人不止一次强调,中国和俄罗斯需要加强在政治、经济、安全等领域的合作,更要在人文领域开展对话。人文交流与合作是中俄战略协作伙伴关系的重要组成部分,对巩固两国关系的社会基础具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 中俄战略伙伴 人文领域 交流与合作 国家 语言年
试论“十七年”公文语言的时代色彩——以《中华人民共和国出版史料》(1949.10—1966.4)公文为例 被引量:2
作者 陈宗俊 王峰 《档案学通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期45-48,共4页
"十七年"公文语言除了一般公文语言所具有的特征之外,还有其自身的时代色彩。这主要表现在社会生活高频词汇的强烈的意识形态性、句式选用的倾向性、修辞特征的异质性等方面。这些特点的形成与时代剧变、政治文化以及领导人... "十七年"公文语言除了一般公文语言所具有的特征之外,还有其自身的时代色彩。这主要表现在社会生活高频词汇的强烈的意识形态性、句式选用的倾向性、修辞特征的异质性等方面。这些特点的形成与时代剧变、政治文化以及领导人公文示范等因素有关。 展开更多
关键词 “十七”公文语言 时代色彩
作者 曾洁 董川波 《才智》 2015年第21期270-271,共2页
旧词新义现象普遍存在于语言发展过程中。本文选用2013年版《中国语言生活状况报告》2012年度媒体新词语表中列出的产生新义的8个词语,运用认知语义学视域下的范畴理论对这8个词语逐个分析,以期从认知角度找到旧词产生新义的内在原因。... 旧词新义现象普遍存在于语言发展过程中。本文选用2013年版《中国语言生活状况报告》2012年度媒体新词语表中列出的产生新义的8个词语,运用认知语义学视域下的范畴理论对这8个词语逐个分析,以期从认知角度找到旧词产生新义的内在原因。通过分析,本文认为:语义范畴的可扩展性使旧词被赋予新的内涵成为可能;语义范畴的扩展是旧词产生新义的;语义范畴的扩展展是通过范畴特征的相似性或邻近性实现的。 展开更多
关键词 旧词新义 语义范畴扩展 2013《中国语言生活状况报告》
The Use of Cognate Words and Interlingual Homographs to Investigate the Cross-Linguistics in Second Language Processing in Iran
作者 Javad Gholami Parviz Alavinia SirosIzadpanah 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第6期448-456,共9页
Various investigations have shown that the native language impacts foreign word recognition and this influence is adapted by the dexterity in the normative language. Cognates, words which area like beyond two or addit... Various investigations have shown that the native language impacts foreign word recognition and this influence is adapted by the dexterity in the normative language. Cognates, words which area like beyond two or additional languages in some fields signify an attention-grabbing, illuminating, and crucial facet of foreign or second language learning and research. Forty-five (males and females) participants have been randomly chosen and participated in the experiment in Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran, in 2014-2015 school year. The participants' age was between from 18 to 28, with a mean age of 21.5 years. The materials were divided into two groups which include 30 true cognates and 30 false cognates words from 300 words by doing CVR (content validity ratio) and CVI (content validity index) (Lawshe's table with index of 88% and 82% respectively) for being reliable and valid. These words have been taught to them, after a week, a test has been prepared about those words. According to the results of T-test for comparing the average marks of learning in every two groups can be said that there is a meaningful difference between the scores. The results show that the students learned true cognate words better than the false cognate words. The results of this investigation conjointly make sure the expectations that cognate-based instruction can absolutely impact in second language acquisition. 展开更多
关键词 false and true cognates L2 structural relationship second language vocabulary acquisition teaching through cognates
Teaching Gallo at School
作者 Cecile Helene Christiane Rey 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第5期342-349,共8页
This study explores the origins and current status of the Gallo language at school--a minority language spoken in the eastern part of Brittany--among older speakers (group 1-41 informants) and students of Gallo (gr... This study explores the origins and current status of the Gallo language at school--a minority language spoken in the eastern part of Brittany--among older speakers (group 1-41 informants) and students of Gallo (group 2-17 informants). The paper discusses different pedagogical methods, learning materials, and learners' status. The most important mission of schools is to increase public awareness about their linguistic environment which helps reassert minority identity through language acquisition and linguistic maintenance. Implementing an educational language curriculum for regional languages constitutes a main step towards the preservation of linguistic minorities. According to the informants interviewed during the fieldwork, both groups express positive reactions towards the presence of Gallo at school (group 1--80%; group 2--92.9%). However, in follow-up discussions, a certain number of older speakers seem to be more reluctant, because the variety of Gallo taught at school is different from the one which was transmitted to them. In conclusion, bilingual and immersion programs are increasingly successful in Brittany and could lead to a wider recognition of Eastern Brittany's language and culture. 展开更多
关键词 language acquisition REPRESENTATIONS language transmission language preservation
Can Adults Attain a Native-Like Accent in Their Second Language?
作者 ZHOU Li 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第6期403-409,共7页
Second Language Acquisition (SLA) is influenced by many different factors. This paper attempts to discuss the age factor in SLA, particularly explores the learners' acquisition of accent. The author firstly introdu... Second Language Acquisition (SLA) is influenced by many different factors. This paper attempts to discuss the age factor in SLA, particularly explores the learners' acquisition of accent. The author firstly introduces the topic and reviews the literature on Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH). Then, the optimal age to attain the native-like accent is discussed. Finally, the author describes some other elements that influence the acquisition of accent and draws a natural conclusion that the topic in this paper needs more profound research. 展开更多
关键词 SLA age factor CPH optimal age
Foreign Language Learning at Tertiary Level in Mozambique
作者 Sarita Monjane Henriksen 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第10期798-805,共8页
More than ever before, multilingualism is a key resource that opens the doors for participation in internationalisation and in the globalization process and participation in the knowledge society. As such, it is of ou... More than ever before, multilingualism is a key resource that opens the doors for participation in internationalisation and in the globalization process and participation in the knowledge society. As such, it is of outmost importance that governments consider language learning as an educational priority. Mozambique is no exception to this rule, as it has also already acknowledged the need not only to teach languages of wider communication such as English, French, and Portuguese, but also the Mozambican national languages. The present paper discusses the importance and value that is attached to multilingualism in Mozambique and focuses particularly on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning at tertiary level. This paper reports specifically on data collected through a questionnaire given to first year university students at Universidade Pedag6gica in Maputo, in June, 2008. In addition, it examines the university's language policy of providing English language teaching to first year students, focuses on some of the constraints that presently affect the development of productive and receptive multilingualism, and suggests ways of making foreign language learning more effective 展开更多
关键词 MULTILINGUALISM linguistic diversity language education foreign language internationalisation GLOBALIZATION
Study on English Teaching and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in Higher Vocational Colleges
作者 Bijing LU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第4期54-56,共3页
Vocabulary plays a significant role in foreign language acquisition. The volume of vocabularies directly affects the foreign language learning effect of the students in higher vocational colleges. Since the 1970s, the... Vocabulary plays a significant role in foreign language acquisition. The volume of vocabularies directly affects the foreign language learning effect of the students in higher vocational colleges. Since the 1970s, the study of the second language vocabulary acquisition has gradually become a hot spot in the field of the second language acquisition. In the 1980s, more and more researchers and the teachers in higher vocational colleges came to realize the importance of vocabulary acquisition, and also incidental vocabulary acquisition and intentional vocabulary acquisition are highly focused at home and abroad. 展开更多
关键词 Vocabularies Incidental Acquisition Higher Vocational Colleges
Marie Corelli's The Secret Power in Bengali Rendering: Translation, Indianisation and Cultural Criss-crossing
作者 Pritha Kundu 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第11期941-950,共10页
Since the 1980s and 1980s, a new trend in the discipline of Translation Studies has emerged beyond the boundaries of Europe. Scholars from post-colonial nations like Canada, India, China, Africa, and Latin America hav... Since the 1980s and 1980s, a new trend in the discipline of Translation Studies has emerged beyond the boundaries of Europe. Scholars from post-colonial nations like Canada, India, China, Africa, and Latin America have argued that translation was used in the past as a means of depriving the colonised people of their voice. In the colonial structure, the hegemonic culture used to dominate, making the others subservient. Translation in the colonial period reflected that hierarchy. In this light, decades after the independence of India, translation from a reverse direction, that is, rendering popular English texts in minority languages, may be seen as a process of"writing back". Even if the original text concerned is not a "political" writing, and the translation is apparently meant for "safer-zones" such as "young students' literature", a tendency of claiming cultural equality, overlapping the translator's own cultural and literary heritage with the original author's, can be discovered. This paper attempts to focus on these issues in a particular text—the 1995 Bengali translation of Marie Corelli's 1921 science-fiction, The Secret Power. The purpose of this paper is to explore how Sudhindranath Raha has intermingled Biblical references and Western contexts with allusions to Indian culture and Sanskrit literature, thereby claiming a space for mutual understanding and respect between two cultures. 展开更多
关键词 TRANSLATION The Secret Power cultural criss-crossing
Drama for Language Learning to Adult Learners Through Co-generative Dialogues
作者 Roxana Ahmad Chowdhury 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第9期1370-1377,共8页
Drama is a motivational, powerful, and feasible technique and tool for language learning. Interactions in the class play an important role. Thus, teachers exploit a number of opportunities to give chance to participan... Drama is a motivational, powerful, and feasible technique and tool for language learning. Interactions in the class play an important role. Thus, teachers exploit a number of opportunities to give chance to participants for communication. Writing drama and enacting it can be a good space for generating discussion to develop language skills. Analysis of language interaction in drama focuses on negotiations of language. Co-generative dialogues help participants to focus on the social aspects of life. The interaction and communication to environment play a vital role as it conveys a positive message through performance and fulfills the socio effective requirement. As English Language teaching teachers, we always look for innovative and motivational ideas for language learning and thus, “Drama for language learning through co-generative dialogues” helped me to expand the repertoire of dynamics in the classroom. Drama included co-generative dialogues stage production and performance. It is a powerful and innovative medium for exploring and learning language. It communicated response, moods, and information to the audience. The research explored the effect of drama for language learning through co-generative dialogues, to build cultural awareness, create bondage, meet people, and solve problems. 展开更多
关键词 DRAMA co-generative dialogues MOTIVATION cultural awareness
Conversing in Spanish at a Seniors Center: A Brief Experience of Community-Based and Foreign-Language Learning
作者 Samuel A. Navarro 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第10期1590-1600,共11页
This pilot study explored the linguistic gains of intermediate level Spanish learners who completed community-based learning at a Spanish-speaking seniors center. Leamers had the opportunity, rare in foreign-language ... This pilot study explored the linguistic gains of intermediate level Spanish learners who completed community-based learning at a Spanish-speaking seniors center. Leamers had the opportunity, rare in foreign-language instruction, to discuss topics from their textbook in authentic native/non-native dyads. The interactions also allowed the seniors to fulfill an identified community needed by socializing in Spanish. Analyses of a post-service survey revealed that learners assessed the experience positively, because they spoke Spanish creatively. Seniors were described as cooperative and fun interlocutors, suggesting that age difference minimally affected the interactions. Direct observation revealed that learners managed to produce L2 Spanish output in connected speech for an extended period of time. Likewise, the seniors enjoyed a moment of socialization and first language use while sharing their views on the topics of discussion with the young visitors. Seniors' active participation likely encouraged learners to cope with sudden switches of topics that required negotiating for meaning and pushing the still limited interlanguages. A new service leaming study proposes to investigate the use of native/non-native dyads in Spanish in fulfilling a dual function: socialization and first language maintenance for the seniors at the center and language learning for the students. 展开更多
关键词 community service learning native/non-native speaker interaction input/output modifications meaning negotiation SFL (Spanish as a foreign language)
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