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基于空间分布描述符的SIFT误匹配校正方法 被引量:14
作者 张洁玉 白小晶 +2 位作者 徐丽燕 陈强 夏德深 《中国图象图形学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期1369-1377,共9页
针对SIFT(scale invariant feature transform)特征描述符因仅利用特征点的局部邻域信息而对散落在图像内相似结构中的点极易发生误匹配的现象,提出了一种基于空间分布描述符的SIFT误匹配校正方法。该方法首先利用SIFT算法进行匹配;然... 针对SIFT(scale invariant feature transform)特征描述符因仅利用特征点的局部邻域信息而对散落在图像内相似结构中的点极易发生误匹配的现象,提出了一种基于空间分布描述符的SIFT误匹配校正方法。该方法首先利用SIFT算法进行匹配;然后对于匹配结果中的特征点,再利用图像轮廓像素点对该点的空间分布信息进行重新描述,以形成一种独特性更高的空间分布描述符;最后运用此种描述符,对匹配结果中存在的"一对多"和"一对一"的错误匹配形式,分别采取两种不同的匹配策略进行校正。以真实图像进行的实验结果表明,该方法与RANSAC(随机抽样一致性)算法相比,其在不损失正确匹配的前提下,能够真正提高正确匹配率。 展开更多
关键词 空间分布描述符 SIFT特征描述符 独特性 校正匹配
作者 于宗光 张国华 朱洲 《微电子技术》 1999年第6期12-18,共7页
关键词 EEPROM 阈值电压 可靠性 动差校正
城镇化对中国生态福利绩效的影响研究——基于两阶段Super-NSBM模型 被引量:1
作者 陈东景 刘卫毅 《江汉学术》 2023年第1期86-98,共13页
在推进城镇化的过程中不断提升生态福利绩效对我国实现绿色转型发展与生态文明建设具有重要意义。运用考虑非期望产出的两阶段Super-NSBM模型,测算中国大陆30个省(自治区、直辖市,不含西藏)2005—2018年的生态福利绩效及分阶段的生态经... 在推进城镇化的过程中不断提升生态福利绩效对我国实现绿色转型发展与生态文明建设具有重要意义。运用考虑非期望产出的两阶段Super-NSBM模型,测算中国大陆30个省(自治区、直辖市,不含西藏)2005—2018年的生态福利绩效及分阶段的生态经济效率与经济福利效率,运用面板校正标准误(PCSE)估计方法实证分析城镇化水平对生态福利绩效及分阶段效率的影响。结果表明:2005—2018年中国生态福利绩效呈下降趋势,整体水平不高且表现出“东部>中部>西部>东北部”的分布格局;城镇化水平对生态福利绩效的影响在全国层面上具有倒U型特征,在中部与东北部地区表现为先促进后抑制,在东部与西部地区表现为负相关关系;城镇化水平与生态经济效率之间呈倒U型关系,与经济福利效率之间呈U型关系。为持续提高生态福利绩效,应加快推动经济发展由量向质的转变,充分发挥城镇化在生态福利转化过程中的积极作用,努力实现社会福利与自然消耗的脱钩发展。 展开更多
关键词 生态福利绩效 城镇化 经济发展转型 环境污染 Super-NSBM模型 面板校正标准(PCSE)
基于SIFT算子的图像匹配算法研究 被引量:64
作者 白廷柱 侯喜报 《北京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期622-627,共6页
针对目前基于SIFT(scale invariant feature transform)的图像匹配算法在匹配相似区域较多的可见光图像时,匹配约束条件单一,没有有效剔除误匹配点,误匹配率高的问题,提出一种匹配改进算法,针对128维SIFT特征向量,采用距离匹配和余弦相... 针对目前基于SIFT(scale invariant feature transform)的图像匹配算法在匹配相似区域较多的可见光图像时,匹配约束条件单一,没有有效剔除误匹配点,误匹配率高的问题,提出一种匹配改进算法,针对128维SIFT特征向量,采用距离匹配和余弦相似度匹配相结合的测度方法,利用特征点方向一致性进一步降低误匹配率.实验结果表明:改进算法对图像的缩放、旋转、光照、噪声和小尺度的视角变换均有较好的匹配效果.与原算法相比,在保证匹配点数和匹配时间的基础上,改进算法对旋转、缩放、噪声模糊和光照变换的误匹配率平均降低10%~20%,对于小尺度的视角变换,误匹配率平均降低5%. 展开更多
关键词 SIFT 图像匹配 余弦相似度 方向一致性 校正匹配
中国制造业碳排放的网络特征测度及其差异化影响效应研究 被引量:15
作者 张同斌 高巍 马晴晴 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期166-176,共11页
制造业作为我国主要的碳排放行业,其减排效果在很大程度上决定了总体碳减排目标的实现进程。随着制造业行业间的关联效应不断强化,在中间品流动的过程中碳排放也随之在行业间发生转移,隐含碳已经成为行业碳排放的重要组成部分。本文基... 制造业作为我国主要的碳排放行业,其减排效果在很大程度上决定了总体碳减排目标的实现进程。随着制造业行业间的关联效应不断强化,在中间品流动的过程中碳排放也随之在行业间发生转移,隐含碳已经成为行业碳排放的重要组成部分。本文基于投入产出表构建中国制造业的"产出—碳排放"矩阵,采用网络分析方法研究碳排放的网络结构特征,选取面板校正标准误估计方法从要素密集和板块分布角度探究制造业碳排放影响效应的异质性,主要结论为:制造业网络结构特征对碳排放存在显著影响,中间产品流动导致的碳转移对制造业碳排放的影响效应得到充分体现。制造业的中心性特征对碳排放具有正向影响,行业之间的产业关联和碳排放联系增强,使得制造业总体碳排放量上升。劳动密集型行业主要处于产业链的中游,与产业分工地位对应的中心度对其碳排放的影响效应突出,资本密集型制造业基本位于产业链的两端,中心度对碳排放的影响明显不足。进一步将制造业划分为受益板块和溢出板块的结果表明,受益板块行业为碳排放网络中主要的碳排放引致行业,通过引入其他行业的中间产品,可以实现向其他行业的碳转移以减缓网络结构对其碳排放的影响,溢出板块行业为其他行业提供高碳产品的同时承担了过多的碳排放责任,受到碳排放网络结构的约束较大。在不同类型制造行业特征的基础上,应针对其网络结构特征制定分类减排的差异化方案,对于直接碳排放量较高的行业,应加快淘汰落后生产技术和更新先进的机械设备,降低高碳产品供给水平进而减少碳排放。针对大量高能耗中间品流入的制造业行业,优化生产结构并促使其减少高碳中间产品的使用,才能从根本上抑制输入型碳排放,以实现制造业碳减排目标。 展开更多
关键词 制造业碳排放 网络结构 碳转移 板块异质性 面板校正标准估计方法
《乐府诗笺》训诂考据方法研究 被引量:1
作者 柳卓娅 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2013年第4期117-122,共6页
闻一多的《乐府诗笺》对三十多首汉代乐府诗进行了注释,对其训诂方法的进行研究,将有助于提高对汉代乐府诗歌和闻一多乐府研究的认识。闻一多主要利用系列通假字,找出意义关联,追根溯源进行解释;针对模糊疑难的字词,根据语境细致辨析词... 闻一多的《乐府诗笺》对三十多首汉代乐府诗进行了注释,对其训诂方法的进行研究,将有助于提高对汉代乐府诗歌和闻一多乐府研究的认识。闻一多主要利用系列通假字,找出意义关联,追根溯源进行解释;针对模糊疑难的字词,根据语境细致辨析词义;对于误读误写误传的字词,大胆质疑和校正,并提出合理解释;把字词放到历史文化背景中进行考察,给很多字词以看似新鲜但言之有据的注解。这些理念和方法也凸显了闻一多深厚的学问功底和乐府研究的独到精微之处,对今天汉代乐府和古代文学研究的治学方法和精神有着重要的启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 乐府诗笺 训诂考据 通假关联 语境辨析 校正 史料文化考察
作者 郑红 刘振强 温天骁 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期685-689,共5页
为减少局部结构相似等因素导致的图像匹配错误,提出一种基于支持描述的匹配判定方法.利用尺度不变特征变换(SIFT,Scale Invariant Feature Transform)算法获得初始匹配集,选取其中稳定性较高的特征点对建立支撑特征集;根据支撑特征点的... 为减少局部结构相似等因素导致的图像匹配错误,提出一种基于支持描述的匹配判定方法.利用尺度不变特征变换(SIFT,Scale Invariant Feature Transform)算法获得初始匹配集,选取其中稳定性较高的特征点对建立支撑特征集;根据支撑特征点的分布,对初始匹配集的剩余特征点对进行支撑描述,并根据所生成支撑描述符的相似程度,判定剩余特征点对是否为正确匹配.经判定正确的匹配特征点对被加入支撑特征集,使支撑特征集动态扩展,保证了支撑特征点的分布密度及支撑描述的准确性.实验结果表明,该方法能够在保留正确匹配的同时,消除90%以上的错误匹配,有效提高正确匹配率. 展开更多
关键词 图像匹配 支撑描述 尺度不变特征变换 特征描述符 匹配校正
作者 吴峰 《西铁科技》 2013年第1期34-36,共3页
关键词 LKJ 过机校正 误校正 分析
Calibration Scheme Under Spherical Coordinates for Magnetic Tracker Used in VR System
作者 徐彤 刘莉萍 +1 位作者 刘越 王涌天 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2002年第3期256-258,共3页
A calibration scheme under spherical coordinates is described for a magnetic tracker used in VR (virtual reality) system. A look up table containing data of tracked values for certain positions in the working space, ... A calibration scheme under spherical coordinates is described for a magnetic tracker used in VR (virtual reality) system. A look up table containing data of tracked values for certain positions in the working space, spe cified in spherical coordinates, is generated first, which is then used to calibrate the tracking results by a two dimensional interpolation. The scheme can effectively correct the static errors in the magnetic tracking system. The employment of spherical coordinates significantly reduces the calculation complexity in calibration. 展开更多
关键词 CALIBRATION magnetic tracking virtual reality
Performance Analysis and Parameter Optimizing Rules of LT Codes 被引量:1
作者 GUO Chunmei BI Xueya 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期103-107,共5页
As a new class of forward error correcting encoding algorithm,Luby Transform codes are suitable for the erasure channel environment based on the packet communication.The encoding,decoding algorithms and the implementa... As a new class of forward error correcting encoding algorithm,Luby Transform codes are suitable for the erasure channel environment based on the packet communication.The encoding,decoding algorithms and the implementation of LT codes are summarized in the paper.Meanwhile simulations of the ideal soliton distribution and robust soliton distribution are conducted to evaluate the performance of LT codes in terms of successful decoding probability,mean degree and decoding time over the erasure channel.The parameter optimization rules of LT codes are deeply discussed and proposed in the paper.The research results are of great practical importance for improving the real time performance in the erasure correction applications. 展开更多
关键词 Digital Fountain Codes LT Codes Degree Distribution Algorithm Erasure channel
Advanced tufted carpet patterning technology 被引量:1
作者 赵越 戴惠良 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第3期374-377,共4页
After a review of the tufting industry’s development, and a brief introduction to available systems for producing patterned tufted carpets, the principle of ICN (Individually Controlled Needle) and the related advanc... After a review of the tufting industry’s development, and a brief introduction to available systems for producing patterned tufted carpets, the principle of ICN (Individually Controlled Needle) and the related advanced tufting technology Col-ortec are presented. Finally, Colortec machine, Axminster weaving machine, and Wilton loom are compared. It is believed that the Cobble Colortec machine is a significant jump forward in the tufted carpets industry as it now allows access to all major carpet markets in a competitive fashion. 展开更多
关键词 Tufting PATTERNING Sliding needlebar Colortec Creel SCROLL
A research on high-temperature permittivity and loss tangent of low-loss dielectric by resonant-cavity technique 被引量:1
作者 曹茂盛 Hou Zhiling +1 位作者 Shi Xiaoling Wang Fuchi 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2007年第3期279-282,共4页
Resonant-cavity technique was introduced to measure the permittivity and loss tangent of low-loss dielectrics. The dielectric properties at 9-10 GHz are measured accurately at the temperature up to 800 ℃ by the reson... Resonant-cavity technique was introduced to measure the permittivity and loss tangent of low-loss dielectrics. The dielectric properties at 9-10 GHz are measured accurately at the temperature up to 800 ℃ by the resonant cavity technique. The only electrical parameters that need to be measured are quality factors (Q) and resonant length (L) of resonant cavity loaded and unloaded with dielectric sample. Moreover, the error caused by thermal expansion effect was resolved by error analysis and experimental calibration. 展开更多
关键词 high temperature resonant cavity method PERMITTIVITY errors calibration
An NT-MT Combined Method for Gross Error Detection and Data Reconciliation 被引量:5
作者 梅从立 苏宏业 褚健 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第5期592-596,共5页
An NT-MT combined method based on nodal test (NT) and measurement test (MT) is developed for gross error detection and data reconciliation for industrial application. The NT-MT combined method makes use of both NT and... An NT-MT combined method based on nodal test (NT) and measurement test (MT) is developed for gross error detection and data reconciliation for industrial application. The NT-MT combined method makes use of both NT and MT tests and this combination helps to overcome the defects in the respective methods. It also avoids any artificial manipulation and eliminates the huge combinatorial problem that is created in the combined method based on the nodal test in the case of more than one gross error for a large process system. Serial compensation strategy is also used to avoid the decrease of the coefficient matrix rank during the computation of the proposed method. Simulation results show that the proposed method is very effective and possesses good performance. 展开更多
关键词 data reconciliation gross error detection measurement test nodal test
Correction of Dynamic Error Result from Measurement System Limitations 被引量:1
作者 张志杰 王代华 +1 位作者 王文廉 王巍 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2010年第4期307-311,共5页
The main cause of dynamic errors is due to frequency response limitation of measurement system. One way of solving this problem is designing an effective inverse filter. Since the problem is ill-conditioned, a small u... The main cause of dynamic errors is due to frequency response limitation of measurement system. One way of solving this problem is designing an effective inverse filter. Since the problem is ill-conditioned, a small uncertainty in the measurement will came large deviation in reconstncted signals. The amplified noise has to be suppressed at the sacrifice of biasing in estimation. The paper presents a kind of designing method of inverse filter in frequency domain based on stabilized solutions of Fredholm integral equations of the fast kind in order to reduce dynamic errors. Compared with previous several work, the method has advantage of generalization. Simulations with different Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) are investigated. Flexibility of the method is verified. Application of correcting dynamic error is given. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic error inverse filters oorrection of dynamic dlaracteristic measurement system
Precise Background Noise Power Estimate for Echo Cancellation 被引量:2
作者 Wen Haoxiang Lai Xiaohan Chen Longdao 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第11期98-106,共9页
The reconstruction of background noise from an error signal of an adaptive filter is a key issue for developing Variable Step-Size Normalized Least Mean Square (VSS-NLMS) algorithm in the context of Echo Cancellation ... The reconstruction of background noise from an error signal of an adaptive filter is a key issue for developing Variable Step-Size Normalized Least Mean Square (VSS-NLMS) algorithm in the context of Echo Cancellation (EC). The core parameter in this algorithm is the Background Noise Power (BNP); in the estimation of BNP, the power difference between the desired signal and the filter output, statistically equaling to the error signal power, has been widely used in a rough manner. In this study, a precise BNP estimate is implemented by multiplying the rough estimate with a corrective factor, taking into consideration the fact that the error signal consists of background noise and misalignment noise. This corrective factor is obtained by subtracting half of the latest VSS value from 1 after analyzing the ratio of BNP to the misalignment noise. Based on the precise BNP estimate, the PVSS-NLMS algorithm suitable for the EC system is eventually proposed. In practice, the proposed algorithm exhibits a significant advantage of easier controllability application, as prior knowledge of the EC environment can be neglected. The simulation results support the preciseness of the BNP estimation and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 adaptive algorithm EC BNP estimate VSS-NLMS algorithm
Error Analysis on Corrector Formula for Rectangular Rule 被引量:1
作者 XIAO Ze-chang DU Yue-peng 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期270-275,共6页
This paper presents truncation errors among Corrector Formula for left Rectangular rule and Corrector Formula for middle Rectangular rule respectively. It also displays an analysis on convergence order of compound cor... This paper presents truncation errors among Corrector Formula for left Rectangular rule and Corrector Formula for middle Rectangular rule respectively. It also displays an analysis on convergence order of compound corrector formulas for rectangular rule. Examples of numerical calculation have validated theoretical analysis. 展开更多
关键词 numerical integration algebraic accuracy corrector formula truncation error convergence order
Information loss recovery for JPEG2000 image transmission in an error-prone environment
作者 刘洁瑜 张德运 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2008年第3期430-435,共6页
Information loss recovery techniques are important for transmitting images over error-prone channels at the decoder. A novel error recovery scheme for JPEG2000 image is presented in this paper, which adopts different ... Information loss recovery techniques are important for transmitting images over error-prone channels at the decoder. A novel error recovery scheme for JPEG2000 image is presented in this paper, which adopts different techniques for the lowest frequency coefficients and high frequency coefficients in the wavelet domain. The low-frequency recovery algorithm was implemented by adopting the watermarking technique and the packet structure of JPEG2000. The low-frequency eoefficients taken as the hidden data were extracted from the compressed bit stream, and then were embedded back into the bit stream itself prior to transmission. The embedded data were used to recover the information loss. High-frequency reconstruction was performed in bitplane base. The damaged bitplanes were recovered according to the correlation in the wavelet subband structure and by using the algorithm based on the horizontal and vertical edge detection. Experiments verified the effectiveness of these algorithms. 展开更多
关键词 JPEG2000 error recovery image transmission bitplane
Development of Method in Precise Multibeam Acoustic Bathymetry 被引量:4
作者 ZHAOJianhu LIUJingnan 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2003年第3期71-74,共4页
The sound ray tracing method can achieve higher accuracy in determining depths and plan positions with multibeam echo sounding system. In data processing, actual sound speed profile must be used in the method. However... The sound ray tracing method can achieve higher accuracy in determining depths and plan positions with multibeam echo sounding system. In data processing, actual sound speed profile must be used in the method. However, the method is too complicated. In order to overcome the shortcoming, this paper presents a new method, the position correction method. Two situations are considered in the new method, namely, change of sound velocity keeps constant gradient in whole water column (including N layers) or in different water layer. 展开更多
关键词 multibeam echo sounder (MES) position correction method relative deptherror area difference
Error correction method of 6-HTRT parallel mechanics
作者 张秀峰 季林红 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第2期193-196,共4页
The method of error correction is one of key techniques of parallel robot. A new method of end error correction of 6-HTRT parallel robot is presented for engineering and researching on correlative theory of 6-HTRT par... The method of error correction is one of key techniques of parallel robot. A new method of end error correction of 6-HTRT parallel robot is presented for engineering and researching on correlative theory of 6-HTRT parallel robot. The method need calculate many kinematics equations of parallel robot such as position back solution, velocity Jacobin, position forward solution and error Jacobin. New methods presented for solving these questions are simpler and fitter for programming and calculating, because former methods are too complex to use in engineering. These questions may be solved by iterative method of numerical value which has fast velocity of calculating. These new methods may be used in other mechanism of parallel robot too, and so have wider using value. The experimental results demonstrate that the system may satisfy entirely high technical request and fit for engineering in new measures. 展开更多
关键词 high-precision robot Hooker joint error correction position forward solution Jacobin
Spectroscopic Parameters of X^3∑^-, a^1△, and A^'3△ Electronic States of SO Radical
作者 Jie-min Wang Heng-qiang Feng +2 位作者 Jin-feng Sun De-heng Shi Zun-lue Zhu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期533-539,I0003,共8页
The potential energy curves (PECs) of three low-lying electronic states (X^3∑, a^1△, and a^3△) of SO radical have been studied by ab initio quantum chemical method. The calcula- tions were carried out with the ... The potential energy curves (PECs) of three low-lying electronic states (X^3∑, a^1△, and a^3△) of SO radical have been studied by ab initio quantum chemical method. The calcula- tions were carried out with the full valence complete active space self-consistent field method followed by the highly accurate valence internally contracted multireference configuration in- teraction (MRCI) approach in combination with correlation-consistent basis sets. Effects of the core-valence correlation and relativistic corrections on the PECs are taken into account. The core-valence correlation correction is carried out with the cc-pCVDZ basis set. The way to consider the relativistic correction is to use the second-order Douglas-Kroll Hamiltonian approximation, and the correction is performed at the level of cc-pV5Z basis set. To obtain more reliable results, the PECs determined by the MRCI calculations are also corrected for size-extensivity errors by means of the Davidson modification (MRCI+Q). These PECs are extrapolated to the complete basis set limit by the two-point energy extrapolation scheme. With these PECs, the spectroscopic parameters are determined. 展开更多
关键词 Spectroscopic parameter Core-valence correlation Relativistic correction EXTRAPOLATION
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