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直播电商中消费者冲动购买诱因对持续购买的影响 被引量:4
作者 万红霞 高明杰 陈莹 《时代经贸》 2024年第2期46-51,共6页
近年来,直播电商迅速成为一种新的日常购物方式。在直播电商模式下,消费者更容易发生冲动性购买行为,而在冲动购买后往往伴随着不良情绪和退换货情况的出现,这无疑不利于直播电商今后的发展。因此,要实现直播电商可持续发展,消费者冲动... 近年来,直播电商迅速成为一种新的日常购物方式。在直播电商模式下,消费者更容易发生冲动性购买行为,而在冲动购买后往往伴随着不良情绪和退换货情况的出现,这无疑不利于直播电商今后的发展。因此,要实现直播电商可持续发展,消费者冲动购买的购后行为是值得关注的重点。基于此,本文从消费者冲动性购买诱因出发,以购后评价为中介,探究消费者冲动性购买后的持续购买意愿。运用问卷调查和实证分析法得出结论:价格折扣、时间压力及产品质量正向影响消费者的持续购买意愿,购后评价起中介作用。本文以研究结论为基础,希望直播电商企业和商家在关注如何刺激消费者购买的同时,将重点放在产品质量的把控和消费者购物体验感的提升上,使消费者持续购买,促进直播电商可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 直播电商 冲动购买诱因 购后评价 持续购买意愿
178例肝性脑病诱因分析与护理 被引量:3
作者 王艳 《中国保健营养(下半月)》 2012年第7期2832-2832,共1页
目的探讨诱发肝性脑病的因素及其护理。方法对2005-2009年发生的178例肝性脑病的患者进行回顾性临床分析。结果有明显诱发因素的有125例,占70.2%。其中上消化道出血74例(41.6%),摄入高蛋白饮食24例(13.5%),感染11例(6.2%),大量利尿或放... 目的探讨诱发肝性脑病的因素及其护理。方法对2005-2009年发生的178例肝性脑病的患者进行回顾性临床分析。结果有明显诱发因素的有125例,占70.2%。其中上消化道出血74例(41.6%),摄入高蛋白饮食24例(13.5%),感染11例(6.2%),大量利尿或放腹水9例(5.1%),使用安眠镇静药7例(3.9%)。结论消除诱发因素是预防肝性脑病的重要环节。防止消化道出血、加强饮食管理、预防感染、避免大量利尿或放腹水等护理措施是减少其诱因的关键。 展开更多
关键词 脑病诱因 护理
肉鸡腹水症的生理学管理和环境性诱因 被引量:1
作者 周宗清 龙亚明 《国外畜牧学(猪与禽)》 1998年第5期45-48,共4页
肉鸡为保持快速生长而对氧的高需要量是导致肉鸡肺高压从而引起腹水症的主要原因。还有多种比较次要的原因也会增高腹水症的发生率或诱发腹水症,比如寒冷、炎热、某些营养成分、化学物质等。这些因素可增高鸡的代谢率从而增大血流量;... 肉鸡为保持快速生长而对氧的高需要量是导致肉鸡肺高压从而引起腹水症的主要原因。还有多种比较次要的原因也会增高腹水症的发生率或诱发腹水症,比如寒冷、炎热、某些营养成分、化学物质等。这些因素可增高鸡的代谢率从而增大血流量;或者可增高血液的粘稠度,或增高红血... 展开更多
关键词 肉鸡 腹水症 生理学管理 环境诱因
作者 贲有其 《中国社区医师》 2002年第3期28-29,共2页
关键词 诱因低血钾麻痹 临床分析 病理 诊断 治疗
作者 沈若凤 《中国伤残医学》 2015年第8期34-35,共2页
目的:探讨诱发肝性脑病的因素和及时抢救、精心护理的重要性。方法:选择我院2013年2月~2014年2月27例肝性脑病患者为临床资料,探讨如何预防肝性脑病诱因和及时抢救治疗、护理干预的方法。结果:有明显诱发因素的有20例,其中便秘3例... 目的:探讨诱发肝性脑病的因素和及时抢救、精心护理的重要性。方法:选择我院2013年2月~2014年2月27例肝性脑病患者为临床资料,探讨如何预防肝性脑病诱因和及时抢救治疗、护理干预的方法。结果:有明显诱发因素的有20例,其中便秘3例(11.11%),上消化道出血13例(48.15%),感染1例(3.70%),使用安眠镇静药2例(7.41%),大量利尿1例(3.70%)。结论:消除诱因是预防肝性脑病的重要前提,积极及时救治肝性脑病、加强并发症护理是提高疗效的关键。 展开更多
关键词 脑病诱因 及时抢救 护理干预
转型期我国群体性事件的形成原因分析 被引量:3
作者 罗竖元 《长白学刊》 2013年第2期66-70,共5页
群体性事件是社会张力加大和社会稳定性降低的突出表现。如何从理论上正确认识群体性事件产生的深层次原因,是采取切实可行办法来预防和消减群体性事件、维护社会和谐稳定的前提条件。社会利益格局失衡是群体性事件频发的结构性诱因;利... 群体性事件是社会张力加大和社会稳定性降低的突出表现。如何从理论上正确认识群体性事件产生的深层次原因,是采取切实可行办法来预防和消减群体性事件、维护社会和谐稳定的前提条件。社会利益格局失衡是群体性事件频发的结构性诱因;利益受损者的相对被剥夺感是群体性事件频发的心理性诱因;负面的"集体记忆"导致弱者符号化的认知模式是群体性事件频发的认知性诱因;政府信息管理"缺位"和媒体应对失当导致的谣言弥散是群体性事件频发的信息性诱因。 展开更多
关键词 群体事件 结构诱因 心理诱因 认知诱因 信息诱因
作者 周建设 《科教文汇》 2013年第21期173-173,175,共2页
论文采用质性研究方法,以江西省高等本科院校为研究样本,研究高校校园暴力的诱因,得出结论:高校校园暴力事件的诱因可分为累积性诱因和突发性诱因两类,高校校园暴力事件的发生与家境好坏无必然联系,一般男生高于女生、文科学生高于理工... 论文采用质性研究方法,以江西省高等本科院校为研究样本,研究高校校园暴力的诱因,得出结论:高校校园暴力事件的诱因可分为累积性诱因和突发性诱因两类,高校校园暴力事件的发生与家境好坏无必然联系,一般男生高于女生、文科学生高于理工科学生。高校应针对累积性诱因和突发性诱因各自的特点分别制定防控措施,有效防止校园暴力的发生。 展开更多
关键词 高校校园暴力 累计诱因 突发诱因 防控
高校教师激励体系剖析与建构 被引量:5
作者 吕静宜 《高教探索》 北大核心 2005年第5期53-55,共3页
关键词 教师激励 人才流失 诱因性报酬 激励工作设计 晋升 目标考核 高校教师 激励体系 知识经济条件 人才发展
地方高校教师的激励问题 被引量:1
作者 王红毅 郑玉刚 《中国农业教育》 2005年第6期10-11,共2页
关键词 教师激励 诱因性报酬 激励工作设计
略论高校人才流失的影响及对策 被引量:1
作者 王红毅 郑玉刚 《文山师范高等专科学校学报》 2005年第3期266-268,共3页
高校人才流失是学校管理当局激励不当的表症,它将给高校内部凝聚力、学科建设、品牌形象造成严重影响,从长远看对组织的危害更是不容低估,亟需引起重视。协作系统、心理契约和公平理论揭示了人才流失的成因,在对人才的激励上,诱因性报... 高校人才流失是学校管理当局激励不当的表症,它将给高校内部凝聚力、学科建设、品牌形象造成严重影响,从长远看对组织的危害更是不容低估,亟需引起重视。协作系统、心理契约和公平理论揭示了人才流失的成因,在对人才的激励上,诱因性报酬、激励性工作设计、晋升和目标考核四个方面都十分重要。 展开更多
关键词 教师激励 人才流失 诱因性报酬 激励工作设计 晋升 目标考核
Cloning and Characterization of the Na^+/H^+ Antiport Genes from Triticum aestivum 被引量:20
作者 王子宁 张劲松 +3 位作者 郭北海 何锶洁 田爱国 陈受宜 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第10期1203-1208,共6页
The Na+/H+ antiport genes namedTaNHX1andTaNHX2were cloned by screening a salt_stressed wheat cDNA library using rice Na+/H+ antiport cDNA fragment as the probe. Sequencing analysis showed thatTaNHX1was 2 029 bp in le... The Na+/H+ antiport genes namedTaNHX1andTaNHX2were cloned by screening a salt_stressed wheat cDNA library using rice Na+/H+ antiport cDNA fragment as the probe. Sequencing analysis showed thatTaNHX1was 2 029 bp in length and contained a complete ORF of 1 638 bp. TheTaNHX1encodes a polypeptide of 546 amino acids with a transmembrane domain DIFFIYLLPPI.TaNHX2was 1 693 bp in length consisting of a partial ORF followed by a 3′_UTR of 808 bp. The amino acid sequence of these two genes were about 70% identical to the known NHX genes from rice, Arabidopsis and Atriplex. A RT_PCR assay showed that the level ofTaNHX1transcripts was increased and reached a steady higher level in the seedlings after 3 h treatment with 400 mmol/L NaCl. 展开更多
关键词 wheat Na^+/H^+ antiport gene salt-inducible
作者 彭晓辉 《农村发展论丛(实用版)》 北大核心 2001年第13期11-11,共1页
当前,随着我国经济体制从传统的计划经济向市场经济转变,新旧体制在磨合过程中产生的深层次问题和矛盾也充分暴露出来。特别是在农村基层,近年来出现的各种矛盾纠纷较为复杂,给农村社会政治稳定带来了新的挑战。因此,认真研究、妥... 当前,随着我国经济体制从传统的计划经济向市场经济转变,新旧体制在磨合过程中产生的深层次问题和矛盾也充分暴露出来。特别是在农村基层,近年来出现的各种矛盾纠纷较为复杂,给农村社会政治稳定带来了新的挑战。因此,认真研究、妥善处置新时期农村各种矛盾纠纷已成为我们面临的一项十分紧迫而艰巨的任务。 展开更多
关键词 农村矛盾纠纷 体制改革 诱因性 聚众 扩大 复杂
Sequencing and Analysis of Porcine Intrleukin-18 Gene 被引量:1
作者 曹素芳 李明 +4 位作者 王岩 刘长斗 朱赞梅 唐桂芬 肖松云 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期89-92,共4页
[ Objective] To clone the porcine interleukin-18(/L-18) cDNA and explore the immunological effectiveness of porcine IL-18 as an adjuvant of genetic vaccine. [ Method] The spleen lymphccytes were isolated from Henan ... [ Objective] To clone the porcine interleukin-18(/L-18) cDNA and explore the immunological effectiveness of porcine IL-18 as an adjuvant of genetic vaccine. [ Method] The spleen lymphccytes were isolated from Henan three-way cross-breeding pigs. According to the porcine IL-18 gene in GenBank, a pair of specific primers was designed. The full length cDNA of porcine IL-18 was amplified by RT-PCR. Subsequently, porcine IL-18 cDNA was cloned into pGEM-T vector and sequenced and analyzed. [ Result] The porcine IL-18 gene demonstrated an open reading frame of 579 bp encoding an inactive precursor protein with 192 amino acids. The precursor protein had no typical hydrophobic signal peptide and cleaved by interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) converting enzyme(ICE) in caspase-1 splice site; the porcine mature protein had biological activity: After comparing with other porcine IL-18 genes, the nucleotide sequence homology was over 96% and the deduced amino acid homology was more than 98%. [ Conclusion] A full length procine IL-18 gene was gained. It lays the foundation for porcine IL-18 as an adjuvant of genetic vaccine. 展开更多
Isolation of a Genomic DNA for Gastrodia Antifungal Protein and Analyses of Its Promoter in Transgenic Tobacco 被引量:3
作者 萨其拉 王义琴 +2 位作者 李文彬 张利明 孙勇如 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第2期229-233,共5页
A genomic DNA containing 5'-upstream region and complete open reading frame of a Gastrodia antifungal protein was isolated by screening of a genomic library from Gastrodia elata B1. To investigate the promoter act... A genomic DNA containing 5'-upstream region and complete open reading frame of a Gastrodia antifungal protein was isolated by screening of a genomic library from Gastrodia elata B1. To investigate the promoter activity, the 5'-flanking region - 1 157 lip upstream from the putative transcription start site was fused to the coding sequence of beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene and transformed into Nicotiana tabacum. The strongest GUS activity was detected in the roots of transgenic tobacco, followed by stems. The leaves only showed a low GUS activity. Furthermore, the promoter established inducible expression pattern in transgenic tobacco upon fungus Trichoderma viride inoculation and jasmonic acid and salicylic acid treatments. 展开更多
关键词 Gastrodia elata Bl. PROMOTER transgenic tobacco organ-specific induced expression
网络游戏成瘾的奖赏加工缺陷及其神经机制 被引量:1
作者 周新雨 文雅童 +1 位作者 乔斯玥 李勇辉 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期1901-1909,共9页
奖赏加工异常是网络游戏成瘾(internet gaming disorder,IGD)核心特征之一,近期研究结合认知神经科学技术对IGD的神经机制进行探讨发现,IGD与药物成瘾存在相似的神经基础,但仍然存在较多争议。本文从奖赏类型、奖赏加工阶段梳理了IGD人... 奖赏加工异常是网络游戏成瘾(internet gaming disorder,IGD)核心特征之一,近期研究结合认知神经科学技术对IGD的神经机制进行探讨发现,IGD与药物成瘾存在相似的神经基础,但仍然存在较多争议。本文从奖赏类型、奖赏加工阶段梳理了IGD人群奖赏加工的研究进展。IGD人群在游戏相关线索下,奖赏预期(reward anticipation)阶段的奖赏系统激活可能与注意偏向、情绪体验和渴求感增加有关。同时,IGD人群对自然奖赏表现出较为一致的低敏感性,该特征主要出现在结果评估(outcome evaluation)阶段。未来研究可以排除共病因素、结合生动的游戏奖赏刺激,进一步探究奖赏预期和结果评估异常如何推动IGD的发展。 展开更多
关键词 网络游戏成瘾 奖赏加工 诱因显著 神经机制
Quantitative Traits of Ion Beam Induced Mutagenesis in Triticum aestivum 被引量:1
作者 房欢 焦浈 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1817-1821,共5页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to elucidate the quantitative traits of plants mutagenized by ion beam. [Method] The particular variation phenotypes, a- gronomic traits, and protein and wet gluten contents of pr... [Objective] The aim of this study was to elucidate the quantitative traits of plants mutagenized by ion beam. [Method] The particular variation phenotypes, a- gronomic traits, and protein and wet gluten contents of progenies derived from the same ion beam induced mutant were investigated. [Result] Morphological polymor- phism existed in some individuals. Plant height, spike length and protein content were significantly influenced by ion beam, and effective tiller number and wet gluten content were moderately influenced. Multiple comparisons of all the indices within groups indicated genomic instability among these groups. Coefficient of variation im- plied the differences within group were very low. [Conclusion] Ion beam irradiation displayed characteristics of multi-directivity and non-directiveness. It aroused multiple variations in the same mutant. Instability among progeny indicates cells had different fate even in the same irradiated tissue. It may take several generations for mutants to stabilize particular phenotypes. The effects of ion beam irradiation may be the in- terrelated direct irradiation damage, indirect irradiation damage and late effect, such as bystander effect and adaptive response. 展开更多
关键词 Ion beam Agronomic traits Protein and wet gluten contents
妊娠合并心力衰竭24例诊治分析 被引量:4
作者 宋岚 常亚萍 陈新 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2012年第36期97-98,共2页
目的:探讨妊娠合并心力衰竭(简称心衰)的临床诊治要点和妊娠结局。方法:收治妊娠合并心衰患者24例,回顾分析临床资料。结果:妊娠合并心衰病例中子痫前期并发心衰37.5%;先天性心脏病(先心)25%;甲状腺毒症性心脏病12.5%;误诊5例(20.83%)... 目的:探讨妊娠合并心力衰竭(简称心衰)的临床诊治要点和妊娠结局。方法:收治妊娠合并心衰患者24例,回顾分析临床资料。结果:妊娠合并心衰病例中子痫前期并发心衰37.5%;先天性心脏病(先心)25%;甲状腺毒症性心脏病12.5%;误诊5例(20.83%)。输液量过快或过多、低蛋白血症、呼吸道感染为心衰的常见诱因。未发生孕、产妇和围生儿死亡。结论:做好孕前、产前检查;及时发现并处理引起心衰的病因和诱因,分别制定相应的治疗方案,并适时终止妊娠可有效改善心功能,剖宫产为宜。 展开更多
关键词 妊娠合并心力衰竭 子痫前期 先天心脏病 甲状腺毒症心脏病诱因
Involvement of CXCR3-associated Chemokines in MHV-3 Induced Fulminant Hepatic Failure 被引量:2
作者 Yong ZOU Ge SONG +6 位作者 Lin DING Tao CHEN Hong-wu WANG Wei-ming YAN Xiao-jing WANG Xiao-ping LUO Qin NING 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期537-544,共8页
The role of chemokines in murine hepatitis virus strain 3 (MHV-3) induced fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) is not well defined. In this study, we investigated the role of the CXC chemokine receptor 3 (CXCR3)- associate... The role of chemokines in murine hepatitis virus strain 3 (MHV-3) induced fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) is not well defined. In this study, we investigated the role of the CXC chemokine receptor 3 (CXCR3)- associated chemokine [monokine induced by IFN-gamma (Mig/CXCL9) and interferon-gamma-inducible protein 10 (IP-10/CXCL10)] in the recruitment of intrahepatic lymphocytes and subsequent fulminant hepatic failure induced by MHV-3. Balb/cJ mice (6-8 weeks, female) were intraperitioneally injected with 100 PFU MHV-3.The proportions and numbers of T cells and NK cells as well as the expression of CXCR3 on T cells and NK cells in the liver, spleen and blood were analyzed by flow cytometry. The hepatic mRNA level of the CXCR3-associated chemokines (CXCL9 and CXCL10) was detected by realtime PCR. A transwell migration assay was used to assess the chemotactic effect of MHV-3-infected hepatocytes on the splenic lymphocytes. Following MHV-3 infection, the number of hepatic NK cells and T cells and the frequencies of hepatic NK cells and T cells expressing CXCR3 increased markedly; however, in the spleen and peripheral blood, they both decreased significantly. Moreover, the hepatic mRNAs levels of CXCL9 and CXCL10 were significantly elevated post infection. The transwell migration assay demonstrated that MHV-3-infected hepatocytes have the capacity to attract and recruit the splenic NK cells and T cells, and CXCL10 plays a key role in lymphocyte mobilization from the spleen. These results suggest that the CXCR3- associated chemokines (CXCL9 and CXCL10) may play animportant role in the recruitment of intrahepatic lymphocytes and subsequent necroinflammation and hepatic failure in MHV-3 infection. 展开更多
关键词 MHV-3 Liver failure CXCR3 CHEMOKINE Flow cytometry
Extensive hepatic-portal and mesenteric venous gas due to sigmoid diverticulitis 被引量:4
作者 Meral Sen Ayhan Akpinar +3 位作者 Aydin Snan Mete Sisman Cenap Dener Kayihan Akin 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第7期879-881,共3页
Hepatic portal venous gas is most often associated with extensive bowel necrosis due to mesenteric infarction.Mortality exceeds 75% with this condition.The most common precipitating factors include ischemia,intra-abdo... Hepatic portal venous gas is most often associated with extensive bowel necrosis due to mesenteric infarction.Mortality exceeds 75% with this condition.The most common precipitating factors include ischemia,intra-abdominal abscesses and inflammatory bowel disease.In this report,we present a 75-year-old woman with extensive hepatic portal and mesenteric venous gas due to colonic diverticulitis.She had a 10-year history of type diabetes mellitus and hypertension.She was treated by sigmoid resection and Hartmann's procedure and discharged from the hospital without any complications. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic portal vein GAS Sigmoid diverticulitis Computed tomography
TRAIL receptor mediates inflammatory cytokine release in an NF-κB-dependent manner 被引量:14
作者 Wanhu Tang Weimin Wang Yaxi Zhang Shilian Liu Yanxin Liu Dexian Zheng 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期758-767,共10页
In the present article, we report that DR4 or DR5 overexpression dramatically activates the release of the inflammatory cytokines IL-8, TNF-α, CCL20, MIP-2 and MIP-1β in an NF-κB-dependent manner in 293T, MDA-MB-23... In the present article, we report that DR4 or DR5 overexpression dramatically activates the release of the inflammatory cytokines IL-8, TNF-α, CCL20, MIP-2 and MIP-1β in an NF-κB-dependent manner in 293T, MDA-MB-231 and HCT-116 cells. We showed that death receptor-mediated signals were extracellular domain-independent, whereas the effect of overexpression of the DR4 intracellular domain was much less potent. The TRADD-TRAF2-NIK- IKKα/β signaling cascade, which plays an essential role in TNF-induced NF-κB activation, was found to be involved in tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptor-mediated signal transduction. The FADD-caspase signaling pathway, which has been reported to be mostly related to apoptosis, was identified as being essential for DR4 or DR5 overexpression-mediated NF-κB activation and cytokine secretion and crosstalks with the TRADD-TRAF2-NIK-IKKα/β signaling cascade. Furthermore, a DR5 agonistic antibody (AD5-10) triggered the inflammatory cytokine release. These data, together with previous reports, provide strong evidence that TRAIL and TRAIL receptors play an important role in inflammation. 展开更多
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