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作者 何安尤 伍奇善 《水利渔业》 1999年第2期52-53,共2页
清平水库利用灯光诱网捕捞水库Can条,1996 ̄1997年共捕Can条53754kg,鲢、鳙商品鱼27788kg。除野效果显著,Can条数量得到控制。
关键词 灯光诱网 捕捞 Can条
钓鱼岛北部海域光诱敷网渔业资源调查 被引量:4
作者 马超 沈长春 +1 位作者 刘勇 徐春燕 《福建水产》 2014年第1期55-61,共7页
根据2012年7—10月在钓鱼岛北部海域开展的光诱敷网渔业调查资料,结合社会调查数据和以往在该渔场的相关调查资料,着重调查研究了该海域光诱敷网渔业的生产状况、渔获种类、主要渔获种类的生物学特性及其资源开发利用程度。结果表明,钓... 根据2012年7—10月在钓鱼岛北部海域开展的光诱敷网渔业调查资料,结合社会调查数据和以往在该渔场的相关调查资料,着重调查研究了该海域光诱敷网渔业的生产状况、渔获种类、主要渔获种类的生物学特性及其资源开发利用程度。结果表明,钓鱼岛北部海域光诱敷网作业渔场面积约3.09×105km2,7—10月旺汛期渔船生产规模可达200多艘,平均日产5.08 t,光诱敷网作业方式捕捞效果良好,几乎常年均可作业生产,生产渔船经济效益普遍较佳,单船旺汛期产值180×104元左右、单船旺汛期盈利40多万元;渔获种类共有27种,其中鱼类有23种、头足类有4种;主要渔获种类为鲐鱼(Pneumatophorus japonicus)、扁舵鲣(Auxis thazard)、蓝圆鲹(Decapterus maruadsi)和枪乌贼类,分别占总渔获产量的36.8%、27.9%、16.2%和7.8%,这些品种都属于生命周期短、生长速度快、资源补充量相对较大的经济种类,资源开发利用总体较为合理。 展开更多
关键词 钓鱼岛北部海域 渔业资源
闽东渔场光诱鱿鱼敷网渔业现状 被引量:4
作者 沈长春 苏新红 +2 位作者 洪明进 吴国风 谢庆健 《福建水产》 2008年第4期54-59,共6页
根据2004—2005年闽东渔场鱿鱼灯光敷网作业技术试验和鱿鱼资源调查项目的资料结合近年来闽东地区鱿鱼敷网生产监测资料,对闽东渔场鱿鱼敷网生产进行分析,结果表明近年来闽东地区鱿鱼敷网发展十分迅速,形成了一定的产业规模,渔场范... 根据2004—2005年闽东渔场鱿鱼灯光敷网作业技术试验和鱿鱼资源调查项目的资料结合近年来闽东地区鱿鱼敷网生产监测资料,对闽东渔场鱿鱼敷网生产进行分析,结果表明近年来闽东地区鱿鱼敷网发展十分迅速,形成了一定的产业规模,渔场范围位于北纬26°00′-28°00′,东经121°30′-125°00′海域;渔期每年的4—10月,旺汛为6~8月。主要渔获物组成为枪乌贼类、鲐鳄鱼、纯科类和扁舵鲣、其年间所占比重变化很大;本文还对其中部分主要渔获种类的生物学特性进行分析。总体来看,闽东渔场的光诱敷网具有一定的发展前景,但不宜过度发展,建议不要过早的捕捞产卵群体和过度捕捞幼体枪乌贼。 展开更多
关键词 闽东渔场 枪乌贼 现状 鱿鱼 渔业
台湾海峡中南部海域光诱敷网渔业资源监测 被引量:2
作者 张壮丽 洪明进 +1 位作者 叶孙忠 刘勇 《福建水产》 2009年第3期35-38,共4页
本文根据2007—2008年台湾海峡中南部海域光诱敷网渔业监测调查资料,分析该渔场光诱敷网渔业利用状况及主要渔获种类资源动态。监测调查结果表明:光诱敷网作业生产汛期为6—10月,旺汛期6—8月;监测调查船年总渔获产量85~88t,主捕... 本文根据2007—2008年台湾海峡中南部海域光诱敷网渔业监测调查资料,分析该渔场光诱敷网渔业利用状况及主要渔获种类资源动态。监测调查结果表明:光诱敷网作业生产汛期为6—10月,旺汛期6—8月;监测调查船年总渔获产量85~88t,主捕种类枪乌贼、鲐鱼、金色小沙丁鱼的渔获量分别约占总渔获量的35%、30%和20%。枪乌贼、鲐鱼、金色小沙丁鱼均属于生命周期短,生长快,资源补充量大的中上层种类,是多种作业的主要利用对象,目前枪乌贼、鲐鱼资源现状仍然保持相对良好,但在强大捕捞压力下,容易捕捞过度引起年间渔获量大幅度波动,因此对其资源应加以保护。 展开更多
关键词 监测调查 渔业资源 台湾海峡中南部
闽东北外海光诱敷网渔业资源监测分析 被引量:1
作者 洪明进 沈长春 +2 位作者 张壮丽 叶孙忠 刘勇 《福建水产》 2009年第4期55-57,共3页
本文根据2007-2008年闽东北外海光诱敷网渔业监测调查资料,分析该渔场光诱敷网渔业利用状况。监测调查结果表明:光诱敷网作业生产汛期一般为4-10月,旺汛期在5-7月,2008年产量260 t,比2007年增加2.5倍;主要渔获种类有扁舵鲣,占总渔获产... 本文根据2007-2008年闽东北外海光诱敷网渔业监测调查资料,分析该渔场光诱敷网渔业利用状况。监测调查结果表明:光诱敷网作业生产汛期一般为4-10月,旺汛期在5-7月,2008年产量260 t,比2007年增加2.5倍;主要渔获种类有扁舵鲣,占总渔获产量40-50%,其次枪乌贼约占40%。目前枪乌贼资源现状仍然保持相对良好,反映在光诱敷网作业枪乌贼所占比例及平均网产年间的变化很小,年产量不断上升。为更合理利用和保护枪乌贼资源,建议加强光诱敷网、拖网渔业资源监测调查工作。 展开更多
关键词 监测分析 渔业资源 闽东北外海
光诱敷网作业技术 被引量:2
作者 傅文栋 《海洋渔业》 CSCD 2002年第4期189-191,共3页
关键词 近海捕捞 作业 水产技术 衣结构 纲索 属具
石狮市光诱鱿鱼敷网作业现状及其网具设计与结构分析 被引量:4
作者 王志勇 郑良海 林坤明 《福建水产》 1992年第4期17-22,共6页
枪乌贼(俗称鱿鱼)是台湾海峡重要的水产品之一,是福建、广东、台湾渔民的传统捕捞对象。长期以来,作为捕捞鱿鱼的渔具渔法始终沿用鱿鱼手钓,该作业形式专业化程度较高,但其产量较低。六十年代初,随着灯光围网作业的迅速发展,鱿鱼手钓基... 枪乌贼(俗称鱿鱼)是台湾海峡重要的水产品之一,是福建、广东、台湾渔民的传统捕捞对象。长期以来,作为捕捞鱿鱼的渔具渔法始终沿用鱿鱼手钓,该作业形式专业化程度较高,但其产量较低。六十年代初,随着灯光围网作业的迅速发展,鱿鱼手钓基本上被淘汰,八十年代初期,头足类作为我省海洋捕捞的三个突破品种之一,又被重新提上开发生产的议事日程。这期间,各地相应采取措施,试验多种作业形式,恢复和改造魷鱼手钓,研究和创造新的捕鱿工具,以提高捕捞效果,充分开发利用鱿鱼资源。本文根据我市(原属晋江县)1984—1985年鱿鱼敷网作业的试验情况,以及1992年光诱鱿鱼敷同作业的调查资料,就我市光诱鱿鱼敷网作业的发展及现状作一简述,然后着重就光诱鱿鱼敷网网具的设计和结构进行探讨,以就正于各位。 展开更多
关键词 鱿鱼 设计 捕鱼作业
福建光诱鱿鱼敷网生产情况和渔获组成调查研究报告 被引量:7
作者 洪明进 《福建水产》 2002年第2期28-33,共6页
本文就2001年福建海区鱿鱼旺讯期间在闽狮渔2403号船和闽狮渔2565号船上进行海上生产、渔获种类组成及有关的生物学等方面的调查,报告了当年该作业的生产情况:单位平均夜产364.72kg,平均网产60.96kg。鱿鱼平均夜产233.96kg,平均网产39.1... 本文就2001年福建海区鱿鱼旺讯期间在闽狮渔2403号船和闽狮渔2565号船上进行海上生产、渔获种类组成及有关的生物学等方面的调查,报告了当年该作业的生产情况:单位平均夜产364.72kg,平均网产60.96kg。鱿鱼平均夜产233.96kg,平均网产39.1kg,最高夜产1935kg。总渔获中鱿鱼占64.15%,鱼类占35.85%;渔获种类35种,其中头足类9种、鱼类25种、甲壳类1种。样品抽样及渔捞日记中体现,主捕的枪乌贼中主要是杜氏枪乌贼、中国枪乌贼和火枪乌贼三种。兼捕的鱼类中鲐、(鱼参)鱼类占93.61%,带鱼占5.74%。 展开更多
关键词 调查研究 鱿鱼敷 生产 渔获组成 生物学 枪乌贼
福建省光诱敷网作业发展前景及管理研究 被引量:2
作者 吴永辉 《福建水产》 2007年第2期3-7,共5页
福建省的光诱鱿鱼敷网作业是福建省渔民在近十几年发展起来的一种用来专门捕捞枪乌贼的新型渔具。它具有投资少、生产费用低、劳动强度小、捕捞效率好、经济效益高等优点。目前其捕捞枪乌贼的产量已占所有作业捕捞枪乌贼产量的三分之二... 福建省的光诱鱿鱼敷网作业是福建省渔民在近十几年发展起来的一种用来专门捕捞枪乌贼的新型渔具。它具有投资少、生产费用低、劳动强度小、捕捞效率好、经济效益高等优点。目前其捕捞枪乌贼的产量已占所有作业捕捞枪乌贼产量的三分之二以上。然而,近年来,由于该作业的迅速发展,也带来了如诱集枪乌贼的灯光强度过大,渔获物中的幼鱼比例增多,渔场矛盾等问题。为了科学有效管理该作业,本文通过收集有关资料,整理分析,提出促进光诱鱿鱼敷网作业可持续发展的一些建议。 展开更多
关键词 发展前景及管理 研究 福建省
人诱挥网法与双层叠帐法监测白纹伊蚊成蚊密度效果比较 被引量:6
作者 黄春文 林灵 汪攀 《职业与健康》 CAS 2016年第20期2846-2848,共3页
目的比较人诱挥网法与双层叠帐法对白纹伊蚊成蚊密度监测的效果,为登革热媒介伊蚊监测提供方法参考。方法 2015年7—11月,用人诱挥网法和双层叠帐法监测同一个小区绿化带的白纹伊蚊成蚊密度。结果人诱挥网法测得的叮咬指数平均为32.67... 目的比较人诱挥网法与双层叠帐法对白纹伊蚊成蚊密度监测的效果,为登革热媒介伊蚊监测提供方法参考。方法 2015年7—11月,用人诱挥网法和双层叠帐法监测同一个小区绿化带的白纹伊蚊成蚊密度。结果人诱挥网法测得的叮咬指数平均为32.67只/(人·h),双层叠帐法测得的叮咬指数平均为13.07只/(帐·h),非参数检验两种方法的叮咬指数间差异有统计学意义(P=0.008);Spearman相关性分析显示,人诱挥网法叮咬指数和双层叠帐法叮咬指数具有统计学相关性(r=0.802,P=0.005)。结论双层叠帐法在诱蚊效率上不如人诱挥网法,同时,由于现有器械设计方面的不足使生物安全预期得不到保证,应该进一步完善双层叠帐法,并推广人诱挥网法。 展开更多
关键词 双层叠帐法 白纹伊蚊 密度监测
不同取样方式在稻田节肢动物采集中的效率评估 被引量:7
作者 王宇 陈杰 +2 位作者 肖敦皇 马富岗 华红霞 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期1090-1098,共9页
水稻是我国主要粮食作物,每年都会因虫害造成大量的经济损失,为了挽回害虫造成的损失,必须对害虫进行防治。田间节肢动物群落调查是评价害虫防治效果的重要依据,取样方式对节肢动物群落调查的准确性具有重要的影响。另外,对转基因作物... 水稻是我国主要粮食作物,每年都会因虫害造成大量的经济损失,为了挽回害虫造成的损失,必须对害虫进行防治。田间节肢动物群落调查是评价害虫防治效果的重要依据,取样方式对节肢动物群落调查的准确性具有重要的影响。另外,对转基因作物对稻田生物多样性安全性进行评价时,取样方式对多样性评价的准确性也具有重要的影响。本文采用吸虫器法、盆拍法和马氏网诱集法3种取样方式进行稻田节肢动物调查,并评估不同取样方式的采集效率。得到的结果有:1.采集到的节肢动物物种数:马氏网诱集法>吸虫器法>盆拍法;2.采集的节肢动物数量:盆拍法>吸虫器法>马氏网诱集法;3.吸虫器取样法在调查叶蝉科、秆蝇科、茧蜂科、姬蜂科、金小蜂科、缘腹细蜂科、蕈蚋科时,取样效率较高;4.盆拍取样法在调查叶蝉科、瘿蚊科、微蛛亚科、跳蛛科、狼蛛科、猫蛛科、弹尾虫目、飞虱科时,取样效率较高;5.马氏网诱集法在调查缟蝇科和毛蠓科时取样效率较高。马氏网诱集法善于采集具有飞行能力的节肢动物;吸虫器法对不同习性的节肢动物采集效果均较高;盆拍法适合采集活动于水稻基部的节肢动物。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 节肢动物 吸虫器法 盆拍法 马氏集法
作者 郝鹏 《中国经济和信息化》 1998年第1期55-55,共1页
纺织行业在“七五”、“八五”期间先后在计算机应用系统方面投入了大量的资金和人力,很多企业建立起了财务管理、信息管理系统,各省、市的纺织主管部门也纷纷建起了信息中心;财务管理、经营报表等工作基本上能做到“下情上达”。随着... 纺织行业在“七五”、“八五”期间先后在计算机应用系统方面投入了大量的资金和人力,很多企业建立起了财务管理、信息管理系统,各省、市的纺织主管部门也纷纷建起了信息中心;财务管理、经营报表等工作基本上能做到“下情上达”。随着信息化建设的深入,实现信息交流、资源共享,为纺织行业提供更多的真实反映市场、生产、销售全过程的信息,促使企业及时掌握市场的变化,则是纺织总会加快信息化建设的总体思路。 在“统一领导、统一规划、统一标准规范、统一软硬件平台” 展开更多
关键词 资源应用 纺织行业 快信 信息中心 经济信息 中国纺织 掌握市场 总体思路 诱网 财务管理
Improved H_∞ control for networked control systems with network-induced delay and packet dropout 被引量:8
作者 李冰 武俊峰 黄玲 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期1215-1223,共9页
The H_∞ performance analysis and controller design for linear networked control systems(NCSs) are presented.The NCSs are considered a linear continuous system with time-varying interval input delay by assuming that t... The H_∞ performance analysis and controller design for linear networked control systems(NCSs) are presented.The NCSs are considered a linear continuous system with time-varying interval input delay by assuming that the sensor is time-driven and the logic Zero-order-holder(ZOH) and controller are event-driven.Based on this model,the delay interval is divided into two equal subintervals for H_∞ performance analysis.An improved H_∞ stabilization condition is obtained in linear matrix inequalities(LMIs) framework by adequately considering the information about the bounds of the input delay to construct novel Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals(LKFs).For the purpose of reducing the conservatism of the proposed results,the bounds of the LKFs differential cross terms are properly estimated without introducing any slack matrix variables.Moreover,the H_∞ controller is reasonably designed to guarantee the robust asymptotic stability for the linear NCSs with an H_∞ performance level γ.Numerical simulation examples are included to validate the reduced conservatism and effectiveness of our proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 H performance networked control systems packet dropout network-induced delay
A Delay System Approach to Fault Detection Filter of Networked Control Systems 被引量:1
作者 马力伟 田作华 +1 位作者 施颂椒 翁正新 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期21-25,共5页
In this paper,the fault detection filter(FDF) design problem for networked control systems(NCSs) with both network-induced delay and data dropout is studied.Based on a new NCSs model proposed recently,an observer-base... In this paper,the fault detection filter(FDF) design problem for networked control systems(NCSs) with both network-induced delay and data dropout is studied.Based on a new NCSs model proposed recently,an observer-based filter is introduced to be the residual generator and formulated as an H∞-optimization problem for systems with two successive delay components.By applying Lyapunov-Krasovskii approach,a new sufficient condition on stability and H∞ performance is derived for systems with two successive delay components in the state.A solution of the optimization problem is then presented in terms of linear matrix inequality(LMI) formulation,dependently of time delay.In order to detect the fault,the residual evaluation problem is also considered.An illustrative design example is employed to demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach. 展开更多
关键词 fault detection filter (FDF) networkedcontrol systems (NCSs) H∞ -optimization delay system linear matrix inequality (LMI)
Proteasome inhibition-induces endoplasmic reticulum dysfunction and cell death of human cholangiocarcinoma cells 被引量:9
作者 Yucel Ustundag Steven F Bronk Gregory J Gores 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第6期851-857,共7页
AIM: To determine if proteasome inhibition induces apoptosis in human cholangiocarcinoma cells, and if so, to elucidate the cellular mechanisms. METHODS: Studies were performed in the human KMCH, KMBC, and Mz-ChA-1 ch... AIM: To determine if proteasome inhibition induces apoptosis in human cholangiocarcinoma cells, and if so, to elucidate the cellular mechanisms. METHODS: Studies were performed in the human KMCH, KMBC, and Mz-ChA-1 cholangiocarcinoma, and normal rat cell lines. MG132, a peptide aldehyde, which inhibits the chymotrypsin-like activity of the proteaosome was employed for this study. Apoptosis was assessed morphologically by 4'-6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) nuclear staining and fluorescence microscopy. Mitochondrial membrane potential was examined using a fluorescent unquenching assay. Ultrastructural changes during cell death were examined using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Caspase 3/7 activity was assessed using an enzymatic-based fluorescent assay. Cytosolic-free calcium concentrations were measured using Fura-2 and digitized fluorescent microscopy. RESULTS: MG132, a proteasome inhibitor, induced apoptosis in all the cholangiocarcinoma cell lines examined. In contrast, minimal cytotoxicity was observed in normal rat cholangiocytes. Apoptosis was time-and -concentration-dependent. There was no change in the mitochondrial membrane potential between treated and untreated cells. Ultrastructural examination by transmission electron microscopy displayed the classic features of apoptosis, but in addition, there was also dramatic vacuolization of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Unexpectedly, no increase in caspase 3/7 activity was observed in MG132 treated cells, nor did the pancaspase inhibitor, Q-VD-OPh prevent cell death. The protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, blocked apoptosis induced by proteosome inhibitor indicating that ER dysfunction was dependent upon the formation of new proteins. CONCLUSION: Proteosome inhibition induces ERdysfunction and caspase-independent cell death selectively in human cholangiocarcinoma cells. Proteasome inhibitors warrant evaluation as anticancer agents for the treatment of human cholangiocarcinoma. 展开更多
Understanding Chinese international college and university students' physical activity behavior 被引量:1
作者 Zi Yan Bradley J.Cardinal Alan C.Acock 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期203-210,共8页
Objective: To examine factors of the youth physical activity promotion (YPAP) model that are associated with Chinese international students' meeting PA recommendations (MPAR). Methods: A total of 649 (females ... Objective: To examine factors of the youth physical activity promotion (YPAP) model that are associated with Chinese international students' meeting PA recommendations (MPAR). Methods: A total of 649 (females = 320, males = 329) Chinese international college students participated in the study. This study was conducted in the United States (US.) between June and August in 2011. Participants completed an online survey regarding their demographic, PA, predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors. Results: Logistic nested-regression analysis suggested that being male, having a higher body mass index, perceived competence, self-efficacy, attitude, and enjoyment all increased (p 〈 0.001) the participants' odds of MPAR. Except language barriers, all of the enabling and reinforcing factors predicted MPAR indirectly through the predisposing factors (p 〈 0.001). Conclusion: Understanding factors that influence PA among Chinese international students is an important step in the process of promoting their long-term health and wellbeing. Designing program that address the identified key factors may help colleges and universities achieve this goal. 展开更多
关键词 Health behavior Health promotion Higher education Youth physical activity promotion model
Stability of Networked Control Systems Based on Free-Weighting Matrices Method
作者 袁智 王常虹 +1 位作者 李清华 闻帆 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第6期598-602,共5页
A new method of modeling discrete networked control systems with both the time-varying delay and packet loss was presented in this paper.The network-induced delay is time-varying and it can be smaller or larger than o... A new method of modeling discrete networked control systems with both the time-varying delay and packet loss was presented in this paper.The network-induced delay is time-varying and it can be smaller or larger than one sampling period.The feedback controller was designed by free-weighting matrices method and Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional to make the networked control system asymptotically stable.And sufficient conditions were derived.A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. 展开更多
关键词 netzvorked control free-weighting matrices packet loss time-varying delay
Research and Practice on the Crustal Deformation Mobile Monitoring Network Layout in the Hydropower Station Reservoir Area
作者 Shang Hong Liu Tianhai Zhang Jincheng Zhang Chengqiang Yu Haisheng Sun Baicheng Yang Huaining Du Xiaoxia 《Earthquake Research in China》 2010年第3期320-334,共15页
According to the construction project of the crustal deformation mobile monitoring network in the cascade hydropower stations built in the lower reaches of Jinsha River,this paper analyzes the design ideas and layout ... According to the construction project of the crustal deformation mobile monitoring network in the cascade hydropower stations built in the lower reaches of Jinsha River,this paper analyzes the design ideas and layout principles of crustal deformation mobile monitoring used in the monitoring of reservoir induced earthquakes. This paper introduces three types of monitoring networks used in the Xiluodu reservoir and Xiangjiaba reservoir, as well as the work already undertaken,in order to provide a kind of reference for the related engineering construction and comprehensive monitoring of reservoir induced earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 Jinsha River Hydropower station Reservoir induced earthquake Crustaldeformation monitoring
Induction of apoptosis and change of bcl-2 expression in macrophage Ana-1 cells by all-trans retinoic acid
作者 YIN DE LING XIU HAI REN +5 位作者 SHI ZHONG BU YA LAN WU LI ZHEN JIANG ZHI JIANG WU WEI HU GANG PEI (Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China)(Correspondence: Dr. G. Pei, Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology Chine 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1996年第2期137-144,共8页
Macrophage cells play an important role in the initiation and regulation of the immune response. All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and its natural and synthetic analogs (retinoids) affect a large number of biological pro... Macrophage cells play an important role in the initiation and regulation of the immune response. All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and its natural and synthetic analogs (retinoids) affect a large number of biological processes.Recently , retinoids have been shown promise in the therapy and prevention of various cancers. However, many interesting questions related to the activities of retinoids remain to be answered: (Ⅰ) Molecular mechanisms by which retinoids exert their effects; (Ⅱ) why the clinical uses of retinoids give undesirable side effects of varying severity with a higher freqllency of blood system symptoms; (Ⅲ)little is known for its impacts on macrophage cells etc. We set up this experiment, therefore, to examine the apoptosis of ATRA on macrophage Ana-1 cell line. Apoptosis of the cells was quantitated, after staining cells with propidium iodide (PI), by both accounting nuclear condensation and flow cytometry. When the cells were treated with ATRA at or higher than 1 μM for more than 24 h, significant amount of the apoptotic cells was observed. Induction of apoptosis of Ana-1 cells by ATRA was in time- and dose-dependent manners, exhibiting the similar pattern as the apoptosis induced by actinomycin D (ACTD). ATRA treatment of Ana-1 cells also caused the changes of the mRNA levels of apoptosis-associated gene bcl-2, as detected by Northern blot analysis. The temporal changes of bcl-2 expression by ATRA was also parallel to that by ACTD. In conclusion,ATRA can induce apoptosis in macrophage cells, which may be helpful in understanding of immunological functions retinoids. 展开更多
关键词 All-trans retinoic acid APOPTOSIS Ana-1 cells BCL-2
Dependence-Induced Risk: Security Metrics and Their Measurement Framework 被引量:2
作者 Liqiang Zhang Fei Yan +1 位作者 Bo Zhao Shouhuai Xu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第11期119-128,共10页
Despite the tremendous effort made by industry and academia,we are still searching for metrics that can characterize Cyberspace and system security risks. In this paper,we study the class of security risks that are in... Despite the tremendous effort made by industry and academia,we are still searching for metrics that can characterize Cyberspace and system security risks. In this paper,we study the class of security risks that are inherent to the dependence structure in software with vulnerabilities and exhibit a "cascading" effect. We present a measurement framework for evaluating these metrics,and report a preliminary case study on evaluating the dependence-induced security risks in the Apache HTTP Server. The experiment results show that our framework can not only clearly analyze the root cause of the security risks but also quantitatively evaluate the attack consequence of the risks. 展开更多
关键词 Cyberspace security security metrics exploitability surface attack conse quence risk assessment
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