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白话·民间性·鲁迅──关于“五四”新文学传统的札记 被引量:1
作者 吴俊 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第3期17-20,共4页
本文主要是通过对胡适的“白话文学正宗说”的文学史意义和对政治与文学关系中的鲁迅文学姿态的阐释,强调了“五四”新文学传统中的民间性立场及其价值取向,即白话文学主流地位的确立和民间知识者个人主场的建立,不仅是重写了中国文... 本文主要是通过对胡适的“白话文学正宗说”的文学史意义和对政治与文学关系中的鲁迅文学姿态的阐释,强调了“五四”新文学传统中的民间性立场及其价值取向,即白话文学主流地位的确立和民间知识者个人主场的建立,不仅是重写了中国文学史,而且还体现了中国知识者的价值观立场的重建。这也可被视作是“五四”新文学的最重要思想传统。 展开更多
关键词 白话文学 白话文学正宗 国语文学 民间性立场
言语美策略在英文广告语中的运用 被引量:1
作者 王莉莉 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第2期327-329,共3页
广告作为一种商业手段,承载的不仅仅是信息,在社会生活多元化的今天,人们对广告的关注也不再仅停留在信息的传达上,美学价值也是重要关注点。偏离律,意义求新,语不及,说白话,反说碰撞等策略的使用可以用美的语言传达商家的销售意图,使... 广告作为一种商业手段,承载的不仅仅是信息,在社会生活多元化的今天,人们对广告的关注也不再仅停留在信息的传达上,美学价值也是重要关注点。偏离律,意义求新,语不及,说白话,反说碰撞等策略的使用可以用美的语言传达商家的销售意图,使得买家开心,卖家如意。 展开更多
关键词 语不及 说白话 碰撞 接受美学 合作原则
作者 林福益 何康源 岑稳 《农家之友》 2011年第5期49-49,共1页
在信宜市怀乡镇平花村委会河背村,有一妇女从初中一年级起就开始"沉睡",今年她已经41岁了,还在床上"睡"着。跟植物人不同的是,当需要大小便和洗澡的时候,在家人带着,她能迷糊地下床走路,但是从来不肯离开家门,迄今... 在信宜市怀乡镇平花村委会河背村,有一妇女从初中一年级起就开始"沉睡",今年她已经41岁了,还在床上"睡"着。跟植物人不同的是,当需要大小便和洗澡的时候,在家人带着,她能迷糊地下床走路,但是从来不肯离开家门,迄今也没有开口和家人说过一句话。这到底是什么原因?她是否到终老都不会"醒"来呢? 展开更多
关键词 金梅 头发 被子 说白话
Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Origin of White Jade Worship: On the Myths of the Yellow Emperor's Eating Jade and Queen Mother of the West's Presenting the White Jade Ring
作者 YE Shu-xian LIU Wan-er 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第6期579-596,共18页
The white jade worship, born in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, brought about a "Protestant Revolution" in the development history of Chinese jade mythology, which had deep influence on the nation's ideology and mate... The white jade worship, born in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, brought about a "Protestant Revolution" in the development history of Chinese jade mythology, which had deep influence on the nation's ideology and material production in the following 3,000 years. The myths of the Yellow Emperor's eating the white jade cream and the Queen Mother of the West living in Kunlun Jade Mountain, as recorded in Classic of Mountains and Seas, are mythological imaginations of the historical reality that the jades were spread from the West to the East and recreated by people living in the early state of the Central Plains. All such motifs, no matter the white jade cream that produced black jades, the Yellow Emperor's planting the jade flowers, the Kunlun Jade Mountains (the Mountain of Jades) where the Queen Mother of the West lives or the Jade Lake, clearly show Chinese indigenous worship for the white jades. Scholars like Su Xuelin and Ling Chunsheng think that Queen Mother of the West is the goddess of the moon that originated from the old West Asian civilization. However, such idea is full of contradictions and flaws after the discovery of Chinese unique worship for white jades and the holy mountain of Kunlun. The book Classic of Mountains and Seas, with records of 140 mountains that produce jades and 16 mountains that produce white jades, can be the white jade worshippers' bible to explore the holy material resources. 展开更多
关键词 jade mythology white jade worship the Yellow Emperor's eating jade cream the Queen Mother of theWest's presenting the white jade ring
The Deconstruction of American Myth in Thomas Pynchon's Fiction
作者 LIU Feng-shan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第1期5-24,共20页
Living and creating in the tumultuous decades from the 1960s through 1980s, Thomas Pynchon unfalteringly chooses the countercultural and civil rights movements in the United States of that age as the permanent topic o... Living and creating in the tumultuous decades from the 1960s through 1980s, Thomas Pynchon unfalteringly chooses the countercultural and civil rights movements in the United States of that age as the permanent topic of his fiction. It can be seen from Pynchon's dramatic, sometimes fantastic narratives about these movements that the failure of the countercultural movements lies in their illusive nature in contrast with the hypocrisy and disproportionate power of the government to destruct these movements, and that the presence of American racial problems results to a great degree from the sloth prevailing over various institutions in American society when dealing with racial inequality and from American white racists' desire to eliminate an imagined threat in the face of the minorities. This paper tries to provide a different understanding that Pynchon's writing of the marginalized or surrealistic issues in these countercultural and civil rights movements is his strategy to expose the falsehood of American myth of democracy. 展开更多
关键词 Thomas Pynchon American myth countercultural movements racial problems DECONSTRUCTION
作者 江秀玲 《学苑教育》 2013年第13期76-77,共2页
关键词 课本剧 语文游戏(白话) 朗读 巧设问题 flash动漫制作比赛
民间性的传统 被引量:1
作者 吴俊 《作家》 1999年第7期100-102,共3页
20世纪的中国现代文学是从“五四”时期的新文学开始的。新文学则滥觞于白话文学。说起白话文学,又不能不首先想到胡适的“白话文学正宗说”。1917年1月,胡适说:“以今世历史进化的眼光观之,则白话文学之为中国文学之正宗,又为将来文学... 20世纪的中国现代文学是从“五四”时期的新文学开始的。新文学则滥觞于白话文学。说起白话文学,又不能不首先想到胡适的“白话文学正宗说”。1917年1月,胡适说:“以今世历史进化的眼光观之,则白话文学之为中国文学之正宗,又为将来文学必用之利器,可断言也”。(《文学改良刍议》)从以后的历史来看,这“白话文学正宗说”可算是20世纪中国新文学的第一块理论基石。但对于白话文体(写作)的鼓吹,就本世纪(或更早的上一世纪末期)而言,并不始于胡适。简单地说,这是世纪之交维新派人士中的一种主要言论倾向和文学主张。别人不提,单举维新领袖的梁启超为例。他说:“ 展开更多
关键词 白话文学正宗 民间性 中国文学 价值立场 中国现代文学 中国新文学 文学史观念 文学革命 政治意识形态 胡适
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